MALHEUR COUNTY FAIR, ONTARIO, OREGON, SEPT. 20, 21 AND 22, 1922 -FUN 3 DAYS-1000 WAYS (Mart H? & VOL. XXVI THE .ONTARIO AEGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, -THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1922 NO. 36 wbe &VWX. I DAIRYMEN OF .NATION VISIT VALLEY Thiough Courtesy or Idaho's Gov ernor Dairy Party Visita Mal heur County Look to Tills Section as Coming Dairy Country Malheur county entertained the party of dairy specialists, leaders In the dairy industry of America Mon day. This opportunity came as the result of the courtesy of Govornor D. W. Davis, whose guests the vlsi ora were on this trip. The special car in which the party travoled lauded at Payette on No. 17 and the cars from Ontario, Payette and Welser met them, and drove w them to Weiser where a sumptous trout breakfast was served to 62 people On the trip across Dead Ox Flat onroute to Welser the party stopped at the Otto Miller place and at the A. A. Gutterldge ranch where the soy bean crop and pasture lots were seen. From Welser the party wont by car up Mann's creek for 12 miles and back down Monroe creek to the Inter Mountain Institute where the herd of prize cows was inspected, From Weiser the return trip was made on the Idaho side to Payette and thonce to the, C. H. Sargeant ranch near Frultland where lunch eon was served by the Jersey club and the business men of Payette. The party went to New Plymouth, and then came to Ontario where a short rest was taken before leaving for the trip to Parma via Nyssa. The first night stop was made at Parma, going from there to Boise, spending the seventh and eighth there, leaving Boise on the ninth for Shoshone, spending the day on the Twin Falls North Side, and the night of the ninth at Buhl. Leav ing Buhl on the tenth, they will motor to Burley, stopping at Twin Falls for lunch, and spending the night at Rupert. Leaving Rupert by train Jthoy will go to Pocatello, .stopping there the night of the L eleventh, going north through Idaho Falls and Rexburg to Ashton on tho twelfth. This excursion brought what Is said to be one of the greates't oppor tunities offered to the people of a western stato, the party of eastern dairy exneits and representatives of big eastern agricultural publica tions invited to Idaho by Governor Davis, have arrived to investigate the region for possible development as a center of the country's rapidly growing dairy products industry. With Wisconsin, the present cen ter of dairy farming7 unable to ex pand further. New York decreasing in production, Minnesota with very little increase In development pos sible, and the consumption of dairy products increasing rapidly, these big producers and experts are look ing to soiithern Idaho and Malheur county, Oregon as tho ideal region into which the dairy Industry can expand. Tho vlsit-of the eastern experts is expected ?o have a two-fold object, one being tho showing of Snake River "Valley the possibilities of its own territory and the oppqrtunlty, ' intelligently grasped, of tremen dous development" In business, pop ulation and importance. In fact It Is hinted that as a "direct result of this trip and that of J. L. Kraft, noted dairy products distributor, Borne months ago, the establishment of a chain of some thirty cheese fac tories in Idaho Is a possibility for the near future. Mr. Kraft is also a member of tho present party. The second object which Is of equal Im portance is the gaining of direct In formation by the dairy experts and agricultural Journals for use In eastern dairy districts for tho guid ance of dairymen there in expanding their activities into the Idaho re gion which It Is pointed out can sup port 30 times as many cows on a given acreage as tho richest "Wis consin land. ' Tremendous publicity for the southorn ' Idaho region is, expected as a direct result of the visits of eastern exports. One member of the party J. H. Frandson, who was formerly professor of dairying at tho University of Idaho is dairy editor of the Capper Farm Press, represent ing the Nebraska Farm Journal, Kansas Farmer, Cappers Farmer. Missouri Rurallst Oklahoma Farmer, Ohio Farmer. Pennsylvania Fanner and Michigan Farmer, all Capper (Continued on last page) REFUND- SCHOOL BONDS AT ONE JIALF PER CENT LOWER RATE The directors of School District No. 8 havo completed arrangements for the refunding of tho district's bonded debt at a reduction In Inter est of one-half of one per cent, or a saving of J230 per year in interest charges. The bonds to tho amount of $46,00Q have carried 6 por cent but are now to bo replaced by 54 per cent londs which wero pur chased by Johnston & Haltrem of Portland. Under tho terms of the contract the bonds are to bo run for 20 years with the privilege" of re tirement at any interest paying date. Tho bonds were originally issued for tho erection of school buildings and during only a few years has there been any provision made for the re tirement of any portion of them. ONE FOURTH Of PUPILS' IN RURAL SCHOOLS IN CLUBS In Urban Schools Much Smaller Per Cent Takes Up Club AVoik Distribution of Club Work In County Shown By ' Report "- s In the monthly report of the coun ty club leader there was given this month a study of tho distribution of club memberships In the t county which is interesting. It shows that while Ontario for example, has two Clubs, Nyssa one, Vale has four and Oregon Slope three. Malheur county boys and 'girls are In the following numbers study ing thes subjects: Canning C, sewing 117, cooklng19, corn grow ing 21, dairy record keeping ,45, home making 17, pig raising 42, poultry raising 31. In discussing tho work of the clubs Harry R. Wellman, county club leader, in his report says: The success of Club work Is Judged on what it does for the Individual bov or girl, what it does for the community and what it does for tho county. This in turn depends upon the ouality of work that is turned out, tho financial success of the pro ject, the benefit toward Improving the agricultural and home-making practices, and tho number of boys and girls that it roaches. At this time we can only consider the latter or in other words the number of boys and girls that aro in the club vork. For nurposes of comparison we will conslderonly those pupils who are iu the third to eighth grades In clusive, because we have very few I club members, outside of Vale, either below the third, grade or above the eighth grade. This year 297 boys and girls ac tually started work on ono of the club projects. 200 of this number living outside of Vale, Ontario, Nys sa or Jordan Vaalley. (Up to the nresent time club work has not been carried on in Jordan Valley.) There are 1518 pupils between the 3rd and RHi irrndes inclusive. 747attendlng school In four towns and 771 attend ing school In the rural districts. In figuring up tho percentages we find that 19 per cent of the total number of boys and girls In the above grades are In club work and that 25 per cent of the Tural boys and girls are in club work. STREET IMPROVEMENT ORDINANCE PASSED Street ami Sidewalk Improvement? Ordeicd Enforcement of Antl Clgnretto Law Discussed At a meeting of tho City Council last Monday evening steps were tak- nn. to ImDrove two sections of the city. An ordlnanco was passed for the Improvement of streets In Dis trict No. ,1, which, embraces Virtue street and Tennesseo avenue, by grading them to the proper subway and surfacing them with gravel. . Notice was ordered to be given to the owners of property In block 24 to build a sidewalk on Richardson street. A commltte consisting of W. F Roman, A. L. Cockrum, T. II. Moore. E. C. Van Petten, H. C. Boyer and E. A. Fraser was appointed to act as a budget committee to make up the annual city budget. The matter of moro strict en forcement of tho antl-clgarotte law was presented to the council by Mes dames C,. E. Bingham, W. J. Roberta ana A. O. Moore1. Assurance was glvon the committee that more rigid enforcement of this law would bo brought about. OREGON PEOPLE WANT RAILWAY ACROSS STATE Enilsnrles From Central Develop' ment Lcaguo Encouraged by Interest Manifested by Peo ple of Columbia and WIN anictto Vnllcjs "Tho people of Oregon want to seo a railroad constructed across tho state, and not all of the people In tho Wllamotte Valley havo been stampded by the Southorn Pacific propaganda." This was tho mes sage which. J. W. McCulloch and Mayor Doollttle brought, back with them following their trip through tho Wllamette Valley and In north eastern Oregon for tho purpose of sotting before the peoplo of those Rectlons tho views of tho Central Oregon Development League con cerning the railroad situation in the central portion of the state. "We held meetings at Baker, La Grande, Tho Dalles and Hood Riven, and these meetings wero well at tended. Though we did not ask for resolutions, endorsements wore giv en us and resolutions wero adopted at Hood River and several of the other points," said Mr. McCulloch. "Over In tho vajley we held meet ings at Salem, Eugene and Corvallls and stopped for a timo at Albany. Wo weit to Astoria and Seaside and held meetings at tho former and had our position endorsod there. "The Southern Pacific had repre sentatives following us during our entire trip and at Salem an effort was made to take tho meeting from us entirely, but was defeated by the fairness of the presiding officer. "It was our position that wo wero not Interested in what railroad Is extended from Crane to Odell, that wo are interested solely in getting, 'a railroad' and that we object to tho argument that this central and southeastern Oregon territory be made tributary to the Central Paci fic through branches run up from Nevada, when in fact it is farther from the Central Pacific than it is across from Crane to Bend for ex ample. "The Southern Pacific has been very active In arousing public senti ment in every community over there, and we found that though resolu tions have been passed favoring the Southern Pacific contention, that 90 per cent of tho people with whom wo came In contact .desire a, rail road to bo built across Central Ore gon and should public sentiment bo consulted we will have many friends In that territory." SPIDERS HIT PRUNES . HOPPERS EAT PRUNES Ranchers Life Ono of Trouble These Dnjs Sprnjers nnd Poison nro "Needed to Control Emeinlcs of Crops Betwpen red spiders with their depredations on the prune orchards and the -attacks being made on the young lettuce by tho grasshoppers the life of tho rancher growing either of these crops Is a busy one theso days. The spider mites which got under way with their flank attack upon the prunes before tho orchardlsts were aware of what was, happening, have made serious Inroads upon tho yields, according to many of the prune raisers. Thoy have reduced the crops (n tho Boise and Snake river valleys by nearly 50 per cent, according to soma estimates, and ranchers who had ordered their suit cases In which to ship their crop are cutting down their orders by noarly that amount. It is belloved that jthe efforts of tho grasshoppers to get fat on let tuce salad was detected in time so that the rancher who secures poison nnd spreads it about his field will not suffer any loss at all.' The de tails of the' poison formula which Is being sent out by County Agent L. R. Brlethaupt can be obtained frpro the farm 'bureau office, and with It Instructions as to how it should be used. Ranchers whose crops have not yet been touched should watch the fields and when tho hoppers bo gin to gather take stops to protect tho fender plants for the amount which the hoppers can eat In a short time Is asthonisblng. SCHOOL SESSION WILL START SEPTEMBER 4 Definite Date Sot for Opening of Ontario Schools New Members Added to Teaching Foico .' ! Ann6uncement was made this week by authorities on tho school board that September 4 is the date set for, the opening day of Ontario schoolsJfJ.VUh the opening at this early dlp It is believed It will bo of greatcjt.'udvantage to the students In tho respect that school will close earllervln the spring and few will be compelled to drop oct on account of early farm" work. No definite arrangements hae been mado regarding school during Fair week, but It is believed part time will be taken off to attend, but not the entire week. Sovoral of last year's teachers are back in tho High school and grades with only a few new addi tions In the faculty of all thieo schools. Following is the corps of teachers for the coming tormr East Side Miss Hazel Smith, principal and wllHtbach tho 5th A, Gth and 7th grades"? Mrs, E. B. Couklin, 1st and 2nd gtades; Mrs. Gertrude Mooro, 3rd, 4th and 5th B. West Side Mrs. Poarl Jamleson, 1st; Mrs. W. F. Homan, 1st; Miss Ada Lee, 2nd; Miss Ruth Lackey, 2nd and 3rd; Miss Laura Wherry, 3rd; Miss Etta McCrelght, 4th; Miss Vera Neeb, 4th and 5th; Mrs. Henry Cas Iday, Blh; Miss Mae Piatt, googra phy Gth, 7th and ffth; Mrs. W. J. Roberts, language and grammar, 0th 7th and 8th; Mr. W. J.-Roborts, principal, and will teach hlstoiy and physiology, 6th, 7th and 8th. High School Miss Catherine Conway, English; Miss Carrie Baloy, commercial and gymnasium; J. A. .Turnbull, sclenco and military drill; Miss Ruth Cabeen English and Latin; C. A. Lathrop. Principal, and will teach mathema tics; Sgt. Abendroth, R. O. T. C; O. E. Paulson, vocal ngrlcultuio; J. Ml McDonald superintendent, teach ers training class; L. L. Culbertson, hlstory;Mlss Helen Dunstone, music. T Pionilso Mado by Commission While Heio Lust Month is Kept Lo ral Man to Guai d Fish, Bit (Is, and Big Game Hens nio Scarce Larry Gramso of this city was ap pointed deputy state game warden for Malheur county last Week by the Fish and Gamo commission, thus keeping tho commissioner's piomlso mado to the sportsmen of tho coun ty last month when tho commission ers wero here. Mr. Gramso has. assumed tho du ties of his office and Is now In tho field gottlng acquainted with the situation. SInco he has lived In this section for years and has traversed every section of the county ho Is thoroughly familiar with Its topo graphy. Ho has also hunted and fished over tho torrltory ho will pa trol and knows tho sportsmen of the valley. . Hunters report that tho sago lion Is almost an extinct specie this year but that ducks aro plentiful. Tho lakes of the Jordan Valley section aro covered with thorn and even In the lower valley they aro beginning to mako their appearance much earlier than usual. WHO WANTS AN AMBITIOUS BOY TO WORK DURING TERM? Tho Argus has a letter fiom a woman In the Interior concerning a 17 year-old boy who wants to cpme to Ontario to go to school. He would like to get c placo to work tor his board during tho school year, so It anyone In town seeks Hint, kind of help, or could arrange to uo a boy's ability, call at The Argus of fice and secure this loUer. Mrs. J. W. McCulloch who accom panied Mr, McCulloch on his trip to tho Wllamette Valley, roraalned over thore for a visit with relatives. II. C. Boyer wan delayed on start ing his trip to the East, and did not get away until Friday ntg,bt. He will be gone for several weeks. ADVENTUROUS YOUTHS APT TO SUFFER PUNISHMENT Attention has been called to tho fact that several young boys have lately boon seeking thrills' by climb ing to the heights of tho city water tank, and unless this is stopped the participants will como to grief. This pastime is likely to result in a serious injury or death In caso some ono should fall, and authorities are determined to put a stop to it Im mediately. BOYS AND GIRLS TO HAVE AT THE FAIR ltioCTn, Kingman Kolony, Oregon Slope, Jefferson and Rherdale Piopailng Tennis to Enter Judging Contests An application of the educational advantages of holding an annual county Fair Is given in tho Judging contests which aro to be hold under tho direction of tho county club leader, H. R. Wellman, wherein tho boys and girls who hao been study ing tho various branches of agricul tural production, livestock and poul try raising will compete for honors. Already five teams of boys and girls havo started work in prepar ation for tho contest and will havo representatives who will show Just why thoy think this or that specimen is tho best entitled to consideration for the blue ribbon. The teams which havo already signified their intention of entorlng the contest como from Brogan, King man Kolony, Oregon Slope, Jeffer son and Rlverdale. That tho boys and girls are work ing on this project Is evident from their activities during tho past month during which four meetings wero held by pig clubs for the pur pose of work In livestock Judging. Tho pig clubs at Oregon Slope, Jef ferson nnd Rlvordalo met with Mr. Allen, assistant stato club leader, at the Intormountaln Institute and took up the score card method of Judging dairy cows and pigs. Mr. Allen also met with tho Brogan pig club. DISTRICT CONVENTION OF REBEKAHS HELD HERE Tho 10th annual convention of District No. 25 convened In I. O. O. F. hall at Ontario August 2, at 1:30 p. m., with Mrs. Mildred McMahon, president of Robekah Assembly of Oregon, In attendance Tho follow- Robakah lodges wore represented: Beatrice No. 82 Ontario, and Yellow Rose No. 202 of Nyssa. Tho morning sosslon was post poned on account of a funeral In tho city. Tho aftornoon session was called to order by tiro chairman, Emily Poguo, with 29 members from tho two lodgos in attendance. Tho session was devoted to business and Instruction In tho lodge work, by tho president. Roports. wore read from tho fol lowing lodgos of tho social activi ties as woll as rogular business: Sylvia No, 43 of Burns; Beohtvo No. 135 of Joidan Valley; Yellow Robo No. 202 of Nyssa, and Bcatrlco No. 82 of Ontario. Beatrice No. 82 ex- empllffed balloting for momborshlp In a very crodltoblo manner. Yel low Roso N. 202 exemplified tho In troduction of visitors from another Jurisdiction. Tho following officers were elected Leah Elliott, Yellow Roso No. 202; vice chairman, Wlnnlo Dlven, Be atrice No. 82; secrotary, Vornena Beam. Yellow Roso No. 202; mar shal, Phoebo Hunter, Yollow Rose No, 202; R. S, chairman, Emily Pogue, Beatrice No., 82; L. S. chair man, Ida Walters, Yollow Roso No. 202; O. S. guardian, MInnio Louck, Yollow Roso No. 202; I. 8. guardian Oertrudo Boswell, Boatrlco No. 82. Tho ovenlng session was called at 8 p. m. and was dovoted to business and Installation of officers by Presi dent Mildred McMahon. Tho initiatory dogree was exem plified by Yellow Roso No. 202, and the Robekah degree was confored upon Gertrudo Skow and Anna Carl son. Pres. Mildred McMahon gave an address to tho lodgo after which she Instructed tho members In' tho secret work. Meeting closed with tho next an nual convention to meet at Nyssa. Miss Lucy Miller of Caldwell who has a class of violin students" here, was In Ontario Saturday on which day sliee meets her pupils, and will continue to do so throughout tho summer. POTATOES ON MARQUIS "Potato" Smith Declares That Nev er In Forty Years' Experience Has IIo Scon Such Ylolds 250 Sucks Per Aero Now Sovonty acres of potatoes, so thick that you cannat tell In which direction the rows go for the vines aro so heavy that thoy roach to tho waist of an avorago man, aro being dug now by C. F. (Potato) Smith, from the Rex Marquis ranch on tho John Day highway botwoon here and Vale. Tho crop so far indicates that tho yield will break all records for spud production. "Not in forty years of potato growing havo I ever aeon such a field of potatoes," said Mr. Smith. "Wo havo dug four acres and they haVo run ovor 250 sacks to tho acre, and tho porcentago of culls has boen very small. Tho later potatoes will go oven more than 250, and should, I believe, reach fully 300 sackspor acre. "Sovoral times I havo soen patch es of potatoes, say flvo to 20 acres, go 300 sacks to the aero, but I havo never seen a field as largo as this do so. Hero thero aro 70 acres and thoy aro all uniform. While wo are getting 250 sacks por aero from theso Irish Coblers, I bellovo we will get-fully 300 sacks of rurals. "This Is due of courso to sovoral things. Tho soil is exceptionally fine, It was properly cared for alnco it was turned from sago brush, and wo plowod under a crop of alfalfa. But thero Is moro land like this In this section which should produce equally largo crops if rightly farmed." Mr. Smith who Is perhaps tho best known potato raiser in the Snake River valley, camo to tho Idaho country from Orooly, Colorado, , whore ho settled 40 yoars ago and started to raise potatoes. After 27 years In tho Greoloy district Mr. Smith moved to Idaho, settling first in tho Idaho Falls torrltory and a few yoars ago movod, to Door Flat near Caldwell, whoro ho now makes his home. His son Is oporatlng the Marquis ranch which Mr. Smith tented last fall and hd comos horo now and then to look after tho crop. "Raising potatoes is Just llko mining," says Mr. Smith, who Is somowhat of a philosopher as woll as ranchor, "for whon a man gets to raising thorn ho seldom can get away from It. Thoy aro a gamblo, but year In and yoar out thoy wilt pay at loast that Is how I havo found It. I havo mado big money and taken Bomo big Iobsbs, too. But thore aro years when I have cloanod up $20,000, and tho chanco to clean up that much Is an alluromont that keops mo In tho gamo. I don't care If I never keep tho monoy, for I Jujt want to mako It so I can spend It, and travol. Why, ono yoar I travoled 17,000 miles In our old car and wo enjoyed life." On tho crop which ho Is gottlng from tho Marquis Hold Mr. Smith roughly estimates tho cost of pro ducing each sack of spuds to bo about as follows; for ront of land seed 10 cents, picking 9 ContB (ho Is paying 7 cents and boarding the, men) hauling to tho cars 7 cents; sacks 10 cents, preparation of tho ground, supervision eto. 10 conts, total GO conts. Somo of tho Items may run a little moro than this but tho total cost of all othor olemonts will not mako tho total oxcood 65 cents. Tho first three carloads which Mr. Smith sold wont for 95 conts Whllo Mr. Smith has succeeded In gottlng a romarkablo crop his re cord Is exceptional. Right across tho road a Jap is farming a ranch with land practically tho samo as that on tho Marquis place and Is getting only 50 sacks por acre. And yet thero are tboso who declare that tho Jap Is a hotter farmer than tho whlto man. NEW ORAIN COMPANY OPENS OFFICE HERE Andrews Grain Co. Is tho firm name adopted by Ontario's newest business houso, A. N. Andrews of this city, Is proprietor and started operation's this week In tho old Boyer building across tho street on tho corner from the postofflco. Ho Is operating a complete feed, grain and seed store. .- '! J H )-. i. to nvt m 1, I, wfc r mriiriw&rMwr3iwuiiuZzrzz wiW8,wMfcwa-Wsistt,rXg - m- i Wfft?tMUr3Mri'vM. ""