THE ONTABIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1922 I? GDnttuin Kvqixb County Official 1'apcr An Independent Newspaper Publlnhed Thurday at Ontario, Oregon, and cntored at the Ontario post ojflco for distribution aa 2nd class matter. U. K. AUen, Managing Editor SUBSCIUPTION Ono Year, $2.00 THE ENTKUTAININd TWINS To Corvallls and Newport must Ijo extended the honor of being Oro gon'a most entertaining twins. The exhibition of co-operation, of bound less hospitality, of wholo-heartod fellowship which these enterprising communities afforded to the mem- bora of tho Oregon Editorial associ ation will furnish tho inspiration for more laudatory comments upon tho civic He of these remarkablo towns than has been the good for tune of any similar communities in many years. For genuine good fun and a de lightful chango In cllmato and scenes tho Argus does not hesltato a moment to recommend the Ya quina bay resort and the city which is tho gateway to it. There Indeed will bo found plenty to Interest, in spire and choor tho visitor. Tho beautiful beach, the boundless ocean rlmmod by tho rugged fir clad mountains unlto to mako an alluring vacation region. Nothing which na ture can provide is missing, while tho enterprising spirit of the peoplo has added to thoso other attrac tions which some must have to mako tholr sojourn away from home a do light. Yaqulna bay Is ono of Oregon's groat watorways. Nye beach and tho Jagged cliffs along the shore combine to mako a play ground par oxcollont . Whether It Is fishing or tramping that tho summer visitor on Joys most; either may bo had under -ldoal conditions. Beautiful mer maids brighten tho plcturo, If bright ness be noedod, whilo ovonlngs of dancing, roller skating and swim ming in tho ndoquato plunge sorve to whilo away pleasant hours for thoso who scok variety of oxerclso. To others tho roar of tho surf, tho grandeur of tho great ocean Is tho sourco of ronowed strength. Tho contrast which unfolds itsolf on the ocoan shore to that which Is our dally vlow is most appoallng, and whilo other portions of tho Oregon coast aro greatly blcssod, nono havo moro to appoal to tho roBt or ro croatlon sookor that has Newport. Thoso -who havo not yet taken their vncntlon should not overlook tho possibilities of tho Yaqulna bay region. O. A. C, tho dark picture drawn by tho California wizard loses much of its terrors. Through the applica tion of scientific knowledge gained within tho collego walla, students from 0. A. 0. have Increased the productivity of the soil. Thoy havo literally reached the stage of tho blessed who havo "made two blades growwhere ono grew before." The statement is mado on author ity of high officials of the collego that tho poultry department of O. A. C. has through selective breeding so improved the strains of the poul try of Oregon that $5,000,000 an nually-is added to the income of tho commonwealth It was O. A. C. that devoloped the scientific spray ing of fruit trees, thus saving year after year millions of dollars for tho fruit men of Oregon, and at tho same time increasing the available fruit supply of the nation. What this great school has done for these two allied departments of agriculture Is true to a degree at least of the others, and through the oxtonston system It haB carried lta message out to tho people. It was for tho reason that the representa tives of tho peoplo In Congress who realized that unless science came to tho aid of agriculture, wo as a peo plo were doomed to suffer, that fedoral aid was given for tho pur pose of stimulating the diffusion of information through the extension system. Whilo taxpayers may complain 'of tho cost of sucli an Institution they forget when they do so tho servlco that Is rendered. Few of them know how much they as Individuals are saved by the added productivity of tho soil; they do not take into account the mission of the school In training men to so use the soil that 11 fo may be made endurable for tho peoplo. If we as a people aro to contlnuo to grow and prosper we must bo wllllngto meet this growing cost of agricultural education. Up on its continuance rests the founda tion of our prosperity; yes oven of our very existence, If Mr. Burbank's statement Is at all Justified. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. OFFERS SCHOLARSHIP PRIZE liojs and GUIs Who Jlunk 75 Per Cont in Club AVork and 25 Per Cent in Activity Will ltecoho Scholarship TJI13 PHIl)n OF OUEfiON Oregon Agrlcultuial College la truly ono of tho stato's groatost as sets. With a practical Ideal of com bining useful knowlodgo and cul tural advantages which will pormlt its graduntos not nlono to solve for thomsolvos tho increasing complex ities of llfo's problems but to onjoy tho nrtB which mankind has devel oped through yonrs of civilisation; it also has dovotod a largo measure of its tlmo to assist lu solving thoso community problems which are con. Btantly multiplying. Luther Durbank has recently Raid that unlosa tho agrlculturo of tho United States Is not improved there will not be sufflclont food to feed tho pooplo. This may bo a possi mlstla prophecy. It comos from ono of tho world's groatost scientists, ono of tho moil, who moro than nny other ltnows tho possibilities of tho soil and tho mystorlos of plant Hfo. It la worthy of tho consldor ntlon of ovoryono. Yot as ono thinks of tho groat aehloTomonts of such institutions as A scholarship paying tho -expenses 6t tho winner of tho contest of tho contest to tho summor session for mombershlp of boys & glr,sl clubs at tho Oregon Agricultural college next summer has boon offored by tho Union Pacific railway company to tho Malheur county boy or girl making the best showing in club work at the county Fair hold at On tario this fall, announces H. Sey mour, .stnto leader of boys and girls clubs. The winner will be solocted on the following basis: 75 per' cent on rank in club work considering re cords and exhibits, 25 per cent on tho activity of the club member in community affairs. The Judges will be Mrs. E. M Crall, county superintendent of schools; II. C. Seymour, state leader of boys and girls clubs, and a third person to bo 'selected by these two. In tho corn club under Edwin Wilson of Parma, Idaho, local lead er, those ellgable are, Chester Wil son, Lawrence White, Verdls W"l'e, Helen White, Helen Fleetwood, Lola E. Wilson, Ilex Wicklnnd and J. F. Barrett. Corn club members under Vern Eachus of Parma, Idaho, are, Wesley Itoberts, Gerrlt Muntzqn werif, Ira Brumbacb, Dale Robin son, Dean Grant, Henry Hatch, Ar chio Parker, Dyer Roberts, Homer Hatch, Clyde Scholes, Wilbur Ito berts, Elmer Parker and Carl Par ker. Poultrygjub members ellgable to enter the contest are: as follows Under Mrs. Saxon Humphrey of Vale as local leader, members are, Henry L. Lumpeo, Byron Boston, Leslie Bland, Harry Propst, Harold Hadley, Wesloy Vines, Ray T. Moe Panton Humphrey, LoRoy Beach, Harry Smith, Earl Raeborn, Leon ard Hart, Leslie Lawrence, Allen Muthard and Elton Griffin. Under Mrs. Hans Oft, local leader are, Francis Griffin, Homer Oft, Be atrice Griffin, Eggert Ort, Harold Albee, Leslio Albee, Lawrence Al- bee, David Griffin, Carl Sundqulst, William Pettet, Byron Dean, Jlmmio Wllllama and William Pettet. Un der Ralph Draine of Ontario, as lo cal leader, are, Ike Theyer, John Sanford, Edward Poorman, Roy Wfornow, Robert Howe, Harry An dersos, Estel Sayers, Rodney Thomp son, Toddy Keole, Claudia Chrls tianson, Fred Bradberry, Lester Turner, Earl Richardson and Earl Secoy. Tig club members are as follews: Under the leadership Orvllle Green of Welser, Rex Guilford, Wllford Weber, JUva Van Buren, Wayne Guilford, Grant Weber. Under W. Warsham of Malheur, aa local lead er, members are, Arthur Bronson, Fred Rutherford, Lealie Robinson, Wallace Robinson, Marvol Williams, Harlln Robinson anr .Robeit Mor fitt. Under Robert S. Overstreet of Nyssa, local leader, aro, Eddie Powell, Dolbevt Zlerlum, Cora El liot, Morrltt Groollng, Floyd Elliot, Dorothy Parsons, Lloyd Elliot and Harlln Robinson and Robert Mor- A. Smith of Brogan, are, Gene Lock ett, Harold Grabner, Elwln Smith, Dick- Davis, Jack England, Charlie Smith, Eldrod Lockett, Erwin Smith Joo Davia, Noil England, Charles Rettlg. Under Local deader Ralph Turner of Welser, are, Elwin Turner Charles Braun, Harold Waugh. James Attorbury of Payette, Is lead or for club composed of Kenneth Frost, Otto Miller, Jr., Merle Van Natta, John Connor, Gerald Frost, Curtis Carko, Edgar Tomlln, Archie Tomlln, George Davis, Clifford Put man and Ralph Lauer. Harold Grabner is also entitled to enter tho contest as an individual. This same offer will be made to members of clubs organized In .the fall and winter of 1922 and 1923, the winner to enter tho 1924 sum mer school, says Mr. Seymour. big powrari on the HILLS SACKS SACKS Potato Sacks Re cleaned 22x36 . 8975 PER HUNDRED Payette Equity Exchange PAYETTE, IDAHO PHONE 31 Aimer Smith and family, who havo been visiting for some time at tho Jim Bonall home, started for their homo at Logan, Utah Wednes day. D. Dearborn of Ontario, spent last week with Ed. and Vernon Butler. Mr. and Mra. Lloyd Oris, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Long and Teddle Dul lard loft Monday for a two weeks' vacation in the mountains. ' Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Butler, Jr., daughter and little son, accompan ied by Miss Ruth Roberts of Ontar io, are spending a couple of weeks at Payette Lakes. Misses Mary and Lillian t)ail gave a delightful slumber party on tho lawn at their home Wednesday night. Mrs. Chester Lackey is tho proud posaessor of a new electric range. Mr. and Mra. Chas. Gassett woro vlsltfhg at Jim Bonall's Wednesday evening. Chas. Thompson and family and R. A. Thompson and family spent Sunday at Ira Dail's. . Rupert Ambros and wife, of Twin Falls, aro visiting relatives in this neighborhood. Little Misses Evelyn and Helen Lackey of St. Anthony, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Long. Little Jean Braswell of Fruit land, Is spending a week with her little cousin, Betty Jane Lackey. The grain In this vicinity is Just about all cut. The second crop of hay looks well considering tho chance It has had. Corn and po tatoes are looking fine, and - frulta hnd vegetables are plentyful. (ft- Qhe Gasoline ofQuality Make a fresh start get a clean tankful of "Red Crown" and then watch how your erigine performs. Watch it on the hills. Every drop of "Red Crown" vaporizes rdpidly and uniformly in the car buretor and "is consumed com pletely in the cylinders. You get a continuous stream of power more mileage at lower cost. "Red Crown"is uniform in qual ity you won'tneed to bother with carburetor adjustments if you fill your tank with "Red Crown" and nothing else. Fill at the Red Crown sign at Service Stations, garages and other dealers. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (GdifornU) COME IN AND SEE THE WORLD BEATER Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord AT FORD GARAGE V. B. STAPLES ff MR. FARMER Have You a Telephone? Harvest time is here. Potato and other crops will be marketed directly from the field. A telephone will bring- you in constant and instant touch with the market. It will bring the buyer and seller to gether as in no other 'way. Order a telephone installed today.- The cost is practically nothing compared to the value of the service. You can't afford to be without one. r XK f) & '"'fiEj jy "'le nety Qdyear USt V g&?l Cross-Rib Tread Cord A Popular-Priced Cord Tire Without a Rival The new Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord Tire is built with genuine high-grade long-staple cotton as a foundation. It is liberally oversize -the 4,2-inch tire, for example, measuring nearly 5 inches. The deep, clean-cut, cog-like pattern of its 'tread affords excellent traction even in snow and mud, engaging the road like a.cogwheel. The scientific distribution of rubber in this tread-hewide center rib and the semi-flat contour-gives a thick, broad surface that is exceedingly slow to wear. ' , This new tire is a genuine Goodyear through and through " in design, in material, in construction. It costs less to buy than the net price you are asked to pay for many "long discount" tires of unknown reputation and value. Why be satisfied with less than this efficient tire can rive why take a chance on an unknown make? You can get this new Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord now as well as the famous AH-Weather Tread Cord, from any of the Goodyear Service Station Dealers listed here. Compare these prices with NETpricesyou ore asked to pay for "long discount" tires 30 x iyi Clincher $13.50 32x4 StraiehtSiJe 2? 4.K it a,, , . 30x3KStr.!ghtS,dc 15.85 33,4 L, sld 26.80 SxSSSfiK""!?! 32 x3tf Straight Side . 19.75 34x4 Straight S,de . 27.35 331 " f" Zl'95 3ix4 Stride.. 23.50 32xSi,sL:. g $ Jjg JJ ; ; 39-10 . ..... -...rj re-ijuf mumijaciurcrs exast tax Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord Tires are also made in 6, 7 and 8 inch sites for trucks t-r 3 MALHEUR NONE TELEPHONE CO. GOO