' h tttotJ0 tfttt! MKMWWta r - ,1- "W.J.- VOL. XXVI THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1922 NO. 33 CENTRAL OREGON DEVELOPMENT LEAGUE INAUGURATED AT MEETING PURPOSE OP ORGANIZATION TO PRESENT CENTRAL AND SOUTHEASTERN VIEWS ON RAILROAD PROBLEM BEFORE PEOPLE ' I. W. H'CULLOCK PRESIDENT Ex-Governor Oswald West Addresses Meeting Communities Make Initial Subscriptions to Fund Is Crucial Problem is Leaders Opiiiiiion At Burns last Saturday the com munities represented nt the meeting called at thelnstance of the Ontar io Commercial club formed the Cen tral Oregon Development League. J. W. McCulloch and W. H. Doo llttle, both of this city, were elected president and secrotary, respective ly. The purpose of the league Is to make a unitod fight for transporta tion facilities for Central and Southeastern Oregon. At the Burns meeting Malheur county was represented by Mr. Mc Culloch, Mr. Doolittle, E. A. Fraser P. J. Gallagher, Ivan E. Oakes, Judge Dalton Blgga and George K. Alkon of Ontario, and Lloyd Riches of .Vale. Burns, Crane and other Harney county communities were represent ed by a large number of men, while Ex-Governor Oswald West and J. G. Potter were present from Deschutes county. ' I. S. Geer of Burns, was the tem porary chairman of the meeting and appointed the following committees; permanent organizatien: P. J. Gal lagher, A. R. Olson, Sam Mothers head, W. H. Doolittle and M. R. Brown. Resolutiens: R. M, Dun can, William Hanley, J. W. McCul loch, Senator W. Ellis and Lloyd Riches. A. detailed discussion of the sit uation and-the possible effects on Central and Southeastern Oregon oc cupied the morning session and lri the afternoon folldwing a further discussion and an address "by 'Mr? West, the following resolutions were adepted: To the Cities and Towns in Oregon enjoying rail transportatien: We appeal toou for assistance and co-operation to obtain railroad development in Eastern, Central and Southeastern Oregon. From you and your Intervening and related . communities, who are more fortu natoly situated than the scattered settlements in Central and South eastern Oregon, wo obtain our In spiration and our confidence. You will not benefit as directly nor to tho extent, that our ls61ated sections will benefit, but as Oregon benefits so will all of us benefit. If Western Oregon, is so fortunate as to obtain the entry of the Union Pacific, with resulting joint oper ation between Portland and San Francisco, and at the same time se cures a direct route thru Central .and Eastern Oregon, it will profit more than we can estimate, and at the same time wo will be afforded a commercial, social and political re lationship with her. Let us show the state that while Eastern, Central and Southeastern Oregon has a vast domain, for settle ment, It has no room for strife or sectional dissension; that real spirit of unity and comradeship abides with us and that in this union lies a strength that deserves and must re celvo recognition. Wo place our fortunes and our future in your hands and pledge our Vt efforts to work with you In an honorable and. determined effort to obtain recognition and support of Western Oregon In our endeavors for a state development that will re cognize and consider Eastern, Cen tral and Southeastern Oregon. Resolution Whereas; the recent decision of the Supreme Court divorcing cer tain lines from the Southern Paci fic is resulting in many differences of opinion as to the ultimate hold ing of the divorced lines; And, Whereas; the-ownershlp of tho divorced lines is of vital impor tance to the entire Pacific Coast and the Northwest, and especially to the State of Oregon; Therefore; we as representatives of the people of Central, and Eastern Oregon, set forth our views In the premises In the following points of argument: The Union Pacific should control the Central Paclflo from. Ogdeir to San Francisco and have trackage rights over lines between Portland and San Frariclsco, because of the following effects which such an ar rangement wHl bring abeut: The mere building of the Natron cut-oft from Ntaron to Klamath Falls will bring no relief to Central Oregon; such a construction merely meaning that traffic from Willam ette Valley to California could bo carried over easier grades; and tho Southern Pacific railroad would not have the Incentive to make the rail road Investment in Central Oregon that the Union Pacific would, and even though It did the betterment of transportation In Oregon depends upon reasonable competition. That It would be unreasonable to expect the Southern Pacific to build feeders Into Central and Eastern Oregon, or to connect with some competing Una, while on the otber EXTREME TECHNICALITIES OF IDAHO LAWS ENFORCED That tho game wardens of Idaho overlook no technicalities was prov en to a' party of Ontario folk Sunday afternoon on Mann's creek as the result of which they contributed $35 to swell the coffers of tho Gem state. It happened thus: Larue Blackaby who properly equipped with a license, was found to have six trout which measured only flvo and three-quarters Inches after they were out or the water awhile and had shrunken, so ho was told to ap pear at Weisor Monday and con tribute for the- missing quarter of an Inch on tho tails of the fish. He did, and tho Judge named $32 as the proper value of the missing portions Then little Miss Katherine Kohout yho was in the party, was holding a pole, but caught no fish. She is 13 years old, and in Idaho girls over 12 must have a license. She had none, so was Informed to appear al so. The" Judge took tho matter up and In Ills wisdom Just had her pro cure the necessary permit. The other members of the party man aged to be within the law and were not subjected to Its technical inter pretations. ' PETERSON TO DIRECT EAIR COMMITTEE WORK Organization Completed nt Meeting Alonuay -Sub Committee Ap pointed and All Activities Now Under Way Diver sified Program Planned ' At a meeting of the -Commercial club's Fair committee Monday night the committee organized ax electing H. L. Peterson gener.al chairman, and the appointment of some of the sub committees. The other com mittees were taken undorvadvise ment and will be named later. A major portion of the time of the meotlngwasdovoted -to the consid eration of various plans for enter tainment on the grounds, up town, on "The Sage Brush Trail." The Trail Is to be the big up-town feature, and efforts are to be di rected to make It a most unique at traction with something decidedly different in tho way of feature stunts. For tho program before the grand stand each day is to have special attractions that will be unlike those of past years, with some racing and other western events to supply tho appetite of those who enjoy that variety of sport. In other words, the directors want something to please everyone and make the Fair a joyful occasion for all who como. LATHROP WINS TENNIS TITLE FOR SECOND TIME University of Oregon, Eugene, July 19. Carlton Lathrop, prin cipal of tho High school at Ontario, Ore., for the second year In succes sion won the tennis championship of the University of Oregon summer session, when he defeated Dr. Ben H. Williams, professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvania, and a former University of Oregon athlete, In straight sets, 6-1, 6-1. Dr. Williams was the sole survivor of the field of twenty-nine. Lath rop, who Is a graduate of LInflefd College at McMInnville, was college champion there during his Under graduate days. hand the Union Pacific has every incentive to develop these sections as part of its trans-continental line. -The Union Pacific has agreed, If It is allowed to purchase of secure pperating -control of tho Central pacific, to complete the Natron cut off, thus making Inevitable the con structionist the Trans-state lino tnrougu central uregon connecting with, Its present Ontario-Crane line. Such a program of railroad develop ment would be of Immense value to the State of Oregon and to the en.- tire Pacific Coast states. This promised system would open for development 40,000 square miles of agricultural, mineral and timber territory now without adequato rail road facilities, and most of it with out rail transportation of any kind, It would shorten the haul from Wllamette Valley points to Eastern markets by 46 miles, minimize grades and put the vast porlshable products of Western Oregon Into Eastern markets-at a great saving of time and- money. It will make tributary to Oregon ports the products of Central-, and Southeastern Oregon and Southern Idaho by direct routes and easy grades. It will connect the entire Inland Empire, consisting of Eastern Wash ington and Oregon and Idaho, with California by the shortest route. , This system when constructed and operated under a common users clause will provide -the entire West with the railroad service long need ed for Us fullest development. We respocttoUy Invite the atten tion of the Interstate Commerce Commission and of the People of Oregon to the necessity for the con struction of this promised railroad system. , NATRON LINE HELD ' KEY SITUATION Arthur. C. Spencer Outlines Peril to Central Oregon Should, South ern 'Pacific's Views Pre vail in Controversy It the Southern Pacific should gain control of the Central Pacific lines, the Natron cut-off will not be built to a connection with the Union Pacific lines at Crane; there will be no sustaining lino In Central Ore gon and railroad development In that section will be stifled for many years In the future, according to Arthur C. Spencer, general attorney for the Union Pacific system in Ore gon, In a talk on the recent decision of the United States supreme court in the railroad controversy today bo- fore tho members forum of the Chamber of Commerce, says the Portland Telegram. "This railroad question is the most vital question which has con fronted Oregon In many years," he said. S He reviewed the history of tho Union Pacific, Central Pacific and Southern Pacific since 1862, when congress passed the grant permit ting the Union Pacific and the Cen tral Pacific to build a line "to the Pacific Coast. He contended that the Southern Pacific, in gaining control of the Central Pacific, had diverted traffic for the benefit of its southern line and that it would cohtinuo to do the same thing in the future. He further said that all develop ment of Southern Pacific lines in Oregon had taken place during Union Pacific control of the former and that the Union Pacific had in mind the construction of the Natron cut-off to a connection with the Union Pacific line at Crane when In 1914. the supreme court decision stopped such work and took away control from the company. He accused the San Francisco chamber of commerce of attempting to align Oregon in support of the Southern Pacific, for no other rea son than that all Southern Pacific lines lead to San Francisco. Joint ownership and operation of the Union Pacific lino from Oregon to Tehama is entirely practicable, he said. Such a plan would reduce capi talization and operating costs and overhead and at the same time make for evldenee, he said. He said that Instead of reducing shops in Oregon towns, reducing purchase of lumber and other pro ducts by the railroads, joint owner ship and operation would mean more shops, more purchases of lum ber and wpuld release many mil lions In money In new construction work In Oregon, as It would result In construction of tho Natron cut off to Crane with branch lines to Klamath Falls, Bend and Lakovlew. "Construction ot the Natron cut off will mean that Eugene will be come a big commercial city and that the entire central part ot the state will be greatly developed. "It will mean that the products of Oregon will be shipped through Oregon, on a sustaining line, Instead ot having these products diverted south over the lines of the .Southern Pacific and be of no great benefit to the stato," he added. Ben C. Dey, attorney for the Southern Pacific, will answer Spen cer from the standpoint of his com pany two weeks hence. : GOVERNOR GREETS PIANIST IN MARY GARDEN FASHION When Mrs. Herschel Browne ap peared at the banquet tendered to Governor Olcott. and tho Highway commission Tuesday evening, the state's executive -naked to he. intro duced to the performers. When ho greeted them In a conventional way. rsomeone nearby remarked, "Why, Governor, that is not the way you greeted Mary Garden. His Honor could not be bluffed, so Ontario has one pianist who received the Mary Garden salutation on the cheek from his Honor Governor Bon W. Olcott ot Oregon. BUSINESS IS LOOKING UP IN CALIFORNIA SAYS MARTIN W. P. Martin, president of the Eastern Oregon Land company, ar rived In Ontario yesterday to look after his many Interests here. Mr. Martin says that "business In Cali fornia is showing a wonderful re turn to normalcy. KX-COVERNOR ALEXANDER MAKES BUSINESS TRIP HERE M, Alexander of Boise, ex-gover nor of Idaho, was an Ontario visitor between trains Monday. He went to Vale too while In Oregon. Ad. Simon, formerly manager of tho local Alexander storo, was here at tho same time, .accompanied by his son, George Simon ot Emraott. Mr, Simon is considering making On tario his homo. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Howard re turned Mondag from a trip to Eagle Valley, While they were absent Herschel Browne bad charge of the Pressary. J. W. Mculloch and P. J. Gal- lagber returned Tuesday from Burns where they attended both the ses sions ot the Central Oregon Devel opment League, and the special term ot tho District court. R. W. Swagler was a tor on Tuesday, Boise vial- SIGNS ALONG ROADS HELD REAL MENACE Highway Engineers Figuro Car Speed and Show Possibilities of Danger Through Diversion of Drivers Attention For the purpose of erasing the glaring signs which now mar the beauty Oregon scenery in many places, the Stato Highway commis sion has inaugurated a campaign for their removal. The commission has absolute power to remove these, signs from the right-of-way, but can' only secure their removal from pri vate property by the co-operation of tho laud owner. Tho business firms which erect these signs havo never taken Into account the added menace to life which they thus 'creato, or they would- not erect them, nor would many property owners permit their construction on their property. The nature of this danger is fully set forth In the following communi cation from tho Highway depart ment which discusses the ontlre question as follews: As you are probably awnro, the Stato Highway commission has au thority to remove all signs within the highway right-of-way. How over, we find In many Instances the signs have been erected within a short distance of the right-of-way fences on private property. In addition to marring' the scenic beautv of the highways the signs create a hazard which is ordinarily overlooked, but investigation has disclosed the fact that they have been tho cause of many serious ac: cldents. Most of the signs are erected In a manner to attract tho eve: tho driver's attention Is dl- rected to the sign, and during the Interval he is reading the sign he Is not watching the road, and there Is danger of an accident, especially If traffic Is at all congested. For your Information will state that a car traveling at. the legal speed' of thirty miles an hour Is traveling at the rate of 44 feet per second or 2640 feet per minute. Tho average roader reads only about 180 words per minute, or three words per second. It will readily be seon that a sign contain ing nine words will noia tne anv er's attention while he travels a dls tancd of 132 feet, or more than eight times tho width of tho driveway. There is most assuredly a chance tor an accident to happen during tho Interval ot time the driver's at tention is directed to tho sign. There is no question but these slgn3 are a menace to the traveling pub lic. We have authority to remove signs which have been orected on property adjacent to tho right-of-way without tho' owner's consent, and we Intend to take advantage ot tho law in this respect, but In those cases where the property owner has glvfln his consent It will be neces sary for him to reclud this permis sion, and I would appreciate your efforts towards advising the public of the danger attendant upon signs placed within sight of the high ways, with special reference to those property owners who havo given their consent for the erection of signs. itfrH. V. V; Beler. formerly ot this Mtv Imt irtnrn rnnnntlv a resident of Wonsocket, Wash., arrived In On tario Monday for an oxtenaea siay to look after her property hero. f.n DnloK wna n fpnmnfl nlPfl llV llGT sister, Mrs. A. E. Scholtz of Oroo vllle, Wash. Miss Esther Claypool ot Vale, Is the guest of her aunt and uncle.TMr. and Mrs. Fred uiemo, iniB woo. Mr. and Mrs. H. u. urane anu r.miiv loft Wnlnnsflnv evenlnc for a trip throug California. Dr. Tyler, U. w. J ones anu duiu Taylor will leave this week for a ,nnTr'a lmntlni- nml flshlne expedi tion In tho Steins Mountain country. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gallaghor and Mrs. Gallagher's sister Miss irniiniiiiHRRn of Juntura. came to Ontario last Thursday for a short visit. Mr. Gallagner reiurneu Sat urday morning while Mrs. Gal laclier and her sister remained over the week end. The W. C. T. U. will meet noxi Tuesday afternoon at tho homo of Miss Lillian Doty. H. C. Boyer, W. H. Doolittle nnd D. W. Powers -wont to Boise Wed nesday to get a lino on attractions for tho coming county Fair. Mr. and Mrs. R. W, Swaglor will leavo Sunday on an automobllo trip through Oregon and uaiiiornia Amna ir JnlinHnn was called to Medford, Oregon Sunday on account of the serious Illness ot his son, Frank Johnson, who was operated upon for appendicitis. H. C. Smith formerly ot this city, for whom the young man workod, wired Mr. John son that Frank's condition was sar- Frank Rader roturned Monday from Payette Lakes where he spent the two weeks previous with his family. John Oakes spent mo wees ena the guest of Charles Burrow at Vale. Miss Margaret Blackaby and Miss Katherine Kohout left Wednesday for Jordan Valley to Join T. T. Ko- l.nnt nml n nnrfv'nf frlondB On a fishing trip to tho Steins Mountains country. T V Tnvra rntnrnnil Rlindav from Jordan Valley where he spout tho last week combining business and fishing as the means ot occupying hli time. NO ADDITIONAL BONDS RE TO COMPLETE PAYETTE MAN SHOT IN AN ATTEMPT TO EVADE ARREST Walter Hamby of Payette, a fruit buyer for Denny & Co. Is at tho hos pital hero sufforlng from wounds received when he was shot by an Adams county, Idaho deputy sheriff who was trying to arrest him Sun day. The bullets from tho officers shotgun toro away n portion of the victim's face. He lost ono eye nnd was terribly disfigured. Fears are yet held for his recovery, though htf was reported resting easily today. Hamby, with a companion, was alleged to have shot grouse out of season and Forest .Ranger Wolker attempted to -arrest them, but they fled In their car. Other officers wore notified and severnl attompts wore made to catch tho men. Ac counts which reached hero differ ns to the details of the final meeting which rosultcd in the shooting. Following the shooting Hamby was brought here and was operated un on. His wife who was visiting i Council Sunday, was brought to his bedside. Hamby came to tho val ley last spring from Chicago. MAKE TRAVEL SAFE WITHIN OUR STATE Secretary of State Issues nn Appeal For Greater Cnro on tho Port Of Motorists Thought on Driver's Part Needed To make travel In Oregon safe, Is the motto adopted by tho traffic de partment of the secretary of state's office, as well as that ot the High way department. Whllo Herbert tfunn, chief engineer Is directing attention to tho danger caused by glaring road signs, Sam Kozer, socretary of stato Is appoallng for greater care on the part of drivors. In n letter to the Argus this week, Mr. Kozer says: "In view ot tho fact thnt during tho months of July and August, travel on tho highways ot Oregon is the heaviest, and as a conscquonce liability of accident from tho opera tion of motor vehicles is greatly. In creased, I deem it an opportune- tlmo to direct attention to this condition and earnestly urge upon car drivors In your locality greater care In tho operation ot their cars. Caution on their part In this rospoct will Lalp in a large measure In making tho highways reasonably safe for travol, and continued attention to a few simple rules of the road will ulti mately make travel comparatively safe at all tlme3 ot the year. "Thero Is no time in the year when careful driving Is not Imper ative. During the summer months congestion of traffic, which Is great ly augumonted by thousands of tour 1st cars from other states, necessi tates closest 'attention to the oborv ance of road laws, whllo winter months demand In addition, extromo caution on tho part of drivers on account of slippery pavomonts, ob scured vision, otc. A Httlo thought on tho part ot oporatofs will mini mize tho danger and roduco tho number of accidonts, of which it Is said tho greator per centage Is duo to carelessness," EASTERNERS ON TOUR PRAISE CLIMATE SNAKE RIVER VALLEY Judge and Mrs. Robert L. Mason and son, Konnoth, of Groonflold, Ind., and Dr. and Mrs, A. II. Sears of Anderson, Ind., who havo been touring tho wost since Juno ICth, spent a week wltl tho J. A. Walter and John Lolnhardt famllios who reside on the Boulevard. Dr. Sears Is one of a company owning 1800 acres of orchard at Tho Dalles'. Both gentlemon wore ingn In their, praise of tho Snako Rlvor Valley, Us cool nights and good water. Mrs. Soars Is a sistor of Mrs. wai ter, and left tyoro thirty years ago. Judge Mason Is a cousin and bad never been horo bofor, and had not soon Mr, Walter for 42 years. Tlioy left Tuesday for homo via Salt i-ako and Denvor. NEW MEN TO HOLD JOBS OLD MEN MUST HIRE OVER In a bullotln Issued to all tho newspapers and posted In all the Short Lino offices, Presidont Carl Gray of tho Union Pacific Bystom notifies tho mon who went on strlku that all seniority rights havo been lost to them, and that tho, only way in which tnoy can ro-ontor mo ser vice is by being employed ns now mon. He also announces that tho now mon employod will ha've per manent positions. Tho officials take tho position that tho strlko Is not one against the railroad company, but against the fedoral labor board. QUIRED STATE GOVERNOR OLCOTT AND COM MISSIONERS BOOTH, YEON AND BARRATT DISCUSS SITUATION AT DINNER GIVEN BY COMMER CIAL CLUB GOVERNOR LAUDS COMMISSION Intorstato Bridge is Viewed uud Need for New Construction Noted Orcgouiun? do Not Realize Wonders of Magnitude of Commonwealth ' . Ontario had the honor of enter taining on Tuesday evening, Gover nor Olcott and Highway Commission era R. A. Booth, John B. Yeon and William B. Barratt, and from them learned tho administration's view of the road problem of Oregon as now developed. Tho visiting party mado the trip from Mt. Voriion to Ontario in ono day over tho John Day Highway. It was a hard trip and ns tho result they did not reach tho city until 9 o'clock. In tho meantime tho mem bers of tho Commercial club had eaten their dinner and discussed Fair and other mattors whllo await ing the visitors, who after erasing the ovidonces of travol sat down to a chicken dinner provldod by tho club, following which short talks wero made. Governor Olcott was tho first speaker introduced by Vlco Presi dent W. F. Homun, mid tho gover nor did two things in his speech. Ho told ot tho long trip of the com mission and of tho many wonderful natural beauties of Oregon they had soon, and second ho lauded tho work of tho commission. "Oregon could not afford, nor could It receive such service as wo havo socurod " from thoso commissioners at any salary we might name, yet thoy did this groat work aud have given their timo without remuneration," ho said. Tho Govornor also took occasion to lay tho ghost furnished by tho ru mor that Commissioners Booth and Barratt were "to 'fiJslgn, saying: "I havo no resignations for them, nor hopo I will novor recolvo them." Chairman Booth of tho commis sion, tho next spoaker, said: "Wo havorenchod a place In tho road building program which requires tho serious consideration ot the peo ple The program Is not coinplofo, but it can bo completed In the next flvo years. This will roqulro soino constitutional changes, hut not an additional dlroct tax, nor additional bond lssjos. If wo can continue to match with the fedoral aid for the timo mentioned tlio work can bo dono. Wo urge you all, ovory ono of you to glvo this mnttor your best judgmont and consideration. "Wo aro gratlflod at flio recop tion you havo tendered us. You have voiced your appreciation of our efforts. Wo feel that you hero aro most fortunate. No othor com munity In Oregon is so placed at tho apex of throe highways. Many other sections havo not had their sharo. Somo counties have not bondod one cent. Something must bo dono to oven up tho burdon. To close the gaps, and to make the sys tem truly stato-wldo and continuous further work Is uocossury. "This road system moans mora than most pooplo realize, aud Is now tho means which Is taking pro. spectlvo sottlers Into thoso sections which beforo they did not soo aud could not reach." Commissioner Yeon said: "Asldo from tho direct benofit ot tho Her- vlco now furulshod by tho roads tho capital lnvostmout hns been justi fied by tho very fact that ot tho vast number of tourists coming hero In search of homos. Tho records show that 40 per cout ot tho peoplo from their states who call at tho tourist bureau offices aro scoklug now locations. With our highways comploto, I havo uch faith In Ore gon's resources and Its possibilities that I am willing to tako a chanco on securing our sharo after thoy havo viewed our stato and traveled our roads," v Commissioner Barratt said: "If tho wonders of Orogon wero locatod In other states thousands would bo visiting thorn ovory day, and the stato would be reaping Its hnrvest from, tho tourist crop. Wo pooplo in Oregon do no know our state. It has been Inaccessible, hut now the highway system Is reaching out und giving a direct bonofit to nil soc soctlons. It Is true that somo ot the counties whoso roads havo boon built aro'now trying to lie back and stop tho program boforo tho remote soctlons, tho rim ot mo Btato is cared for. Over horo I know from your expressions that you havo not that spirit aud It is encouraging to us to know that you mon will con tinue as you have In tho past, to stay by the good roads program un til Oregon's systom Is comploto. Short talks wero also mado by P. J, Oallnghor, whom Governor Olcott described as ono of the most active and efficient mombors ot tho legis lature In the nast two sessions, made u short talk and urgod tho comple tion of tho road to Vale and tho con struction of a new brldgo ovor hore, Gcorgo K. Alkeu also addressed the commission jcyexpress tho npprccl- (Continued qn last page) HIGHWAYS 9 5i 1 -i