JgSB's.'isfc.-ijMfew,..' i;: jyecgj-.a. v THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1922 rs ' """ "i ' " -'''" -i - ZT. r t: MM Charter No 9348 Reserve District No. REPOItT OF CONDITION OP THE ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK AT ONTARIO IN THE STATE OP OREGON, AT TUB CliOSE OP 1HJSINK8S JUNE 3(1, 1022 RESOURCES l.a Loans and discounts, Including .rediscounts acceptances of other banks, and foreign bills of oxchango or drafts sold with lndorso ment of this bank (except those shown In i b and c) J $470,727.98 12 2. 5. C. 7. 8. 10. 11. 13. .1) 16. 16. Total loans Overdrafts unsecured S114.30 U. 8. Government securities ewned: i Doposlted to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) 00,000.00 i) All other Unltad States Government Secur ities, Including premiums If any 3,005.00 Total Other bonds, stoclcs, sccurlUc, clc.: Banking House, J37.200.00; Furniture and fixtures, $6284.15; Real estate owned other than banking house Lawful rosorvo with Federal Itesorve Bank Cash In vault and amount duo from national banks Amount duo from state banks, bankers, and trust companies In the United States (other than Included in Itoms 8, 3, or 10 Checks on other banks In tho same city or juwn as reporting uaiiK (other tlinu Item 12) Total of Items 0, 10. 11, 12 and 13. . Miscellaneous cash Items , Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer Other assets, if any 34.CC0.99 1,002.35 J47C.727.98 114.30 03,005. 00 38,787.40 42,484.15 2,775.00 25,020.15 31,08i.-C8 2,015.11 1,507.20 1,002.35 3,000.00 580.58 TOTAL 17, 18 20, 23, 25, 26. 27. 32. 34. 35. 39. 40. 44. LIABILITIES . Capital stock paid in Surplus fund c Loss current exponsos, lntorest and taxes paid Circulating notes outstanding Amount duo to Stato banks, bankers and trust companies in tho United States and foreign countries (other than included In Items 21 or 22) Cashier's . checks outstanding Total of Items 21,22,23,24,25 $21,178.22 21,178.22 Demand deposits (other tllnn bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payablo within 30 days): Individual doposits subject to check Certificates of deposit duo in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) .... Total of demand deposits (other than bank doposits) subject to Reserve, Items 2G, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 248,055.29 Timo deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings) : Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) Other tlmo deposits Postal savings deposits Total of tlmo deposits subject to Re serve, Items 32, 33, 34 and 35 141,584;50 Bills payable, (Including all obligations re presenting money borrowed othor than re discounts) Notes and bills rodlscounted, including ac ceptances of othor banks and foreign bills of oxchango or drafts sold with indorse ment of this bank : Liabilities other than thoso above stated.... $088,829.90 00.000.00 30,000.00 ,045.53 00,000.00 19,304.42 1,873.80 232,238.84 10,410.45 100,509.19 40,575.31 500.00 10,000.00 110.713.42 53.00 TOTAL $088,829.90 STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF MALHEUR, ss I, W. F. Homan, CaBhler of tho above-named bank, do solemnly awoar that the abovo statement is true to tho best of my knowledge and bellex W. F. HOMAN, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before mo this Sth day of July, 1922. W. L .TURNER, Notary Public. My commission oxplres March 18, 1925. CORRECT Attest: v rr J. R. BLACKABY C. R. EMISON EARL BLACKABY Directors. (SEAL) Mrs. M. M. Maxwell and Miss Corlnno Maxwell recently returned from southern California, where they spent a delightful winter and spring. They contemplate motoring back to California for the winter. Mrs. Maxwell is now visiting In New Plymouth. Miss Bertha Schafer of Nez Perce, Idaho, has been visiting the past two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Schafer, while in the' Kolony. Miss Schafer was enter tained In the Martin and Otis homes. Mrs. Harrison McAdams of Wels- er, and Miss Elsie Robjnson, who Is on her way east to the Sigma Kappa convention, were guests of Mrs. Maurice Judd part of the week. Tho past week Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Nichols entertained Mrs. Nlch ol's mother, Mrs. Patterson of Em mett, Mr. and Mrs. Pollard of Cali fornia, and Mr. McLaln of Port land. Tho guests departed tho last of tho week for their homes. While hero Mrs. Patterson also visited her daughter, Mrs. Nick Bach. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Edwards were dlnnor guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrsj. Preston in Homedale. Mr. and MrB. C. C. Cotton and daughters Susan and Madeline cele brated tho latter's return from school In Twin Falls, by a trip to Arrow Rock Dam one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Overstreet and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Judd and Robert S. Overstreet were shopping In Bolso Friday. Miss Bernlce Martin Is spending the week with Mrs. P. B. Anderson at Big Bend, nnd Mrs. Goo. Mac- Lafferty and Miss Florence Bach are thinning appleh at the Steele orchard in Roswoll. Mrs. Embry Maxwell leaves soon with her little son and daughter for a visit at tlie old home In Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Casad from New Plymouth motored over to spend a day this week with tho Ed wards family. F. Leo Johnston, H. C.'Balbrldge S. G. Tucker and others from Par ma were looking at the potato fields here this week. Messrs. Brlethaupt and Wellman are coming here Thursday to make a test of the demonstration wheat planted In tho Kolony. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crouch of Wild er visited at tho A. D. Moses home this week. Two car loads or Pig club boys and their leader went to Nyssa Fri day and gave the club boys there a run for the high score In a baseball game, which was a tlo until the last half of tho ninth inning, when Nys sa run in two score which resulted in a score of 4 to 2 in favor of the latter. The school board held a meeting at tho Edwards home Thursday evening. Mrs. Charles Schwelzer, who has taught several successful terms In Owyhee, has been engaged as prin cipal of the Kolony school for tlfc ensuing year. Miss Alma Homan of Ontario will teach the lower grades. The contract for grading and graveling the highway through the Kolony has been let to Lem Walker of Arcadia, and work will be com menced at an early date. Gravel from the Beaumont pit will bo used. Men from tho Owyhee and from this community, Monday, did tho grading for a COO foot switch Just north of Overstreet crossing In. Kingman Kolony. Railroad men advise that the siding will be put in at once. This Is an improvement of much signlftgance, for a large and highly productive district will be served by this switch. -r , i iir -r- Smssszii 4HEJILS0 KNEW TENNYSON Poetic Business Man Clot Something of a "Jolt" When He Tackled Little Waitress. The man with -the superior olr was t poetic business man. He generally fintronlzed a small lunchroom near his oilice. When he was noNsellliig eggs at wholesale or something, lie liked to read verse. His favorite was Tenny son's "Idylls of the King." And be cause he felt that lie knew so much about it, he '.bought he would have a little fun with the lunchroom wait resses, In a superior sort of wny. It began by naming the girls after the heroines In the poem. Ills reguini waitress was a tall, gaunt person, but somewhat .queenly as rtie bore down on him with a plate of hash. Her mal name was Sadie. "Sadie," he announced one night, 'hereafter I'm going to call you (luinevere. Mind?" "I should worry," said the wait ress, shifting her gum, "but who's she?" "The. bride of King Arthur," was the reirly. "Awrl, but I hope she's respectable. I ain't seen that flllum." So It went. All the girls were prop, erly renamed. And then one day new waitress wns on the Job. She was small and dark. Exceedingly pretty, lie thought. "I haven't named you yet," ho told ner after a couple of nights. Then he explained his little Indoor sport. "I'll let you be Elaine," he said. "How ridiculous," she answered. "I inn't be Elaine." "Why not?" "Tennyson says she was fair. I'm a brunette. Elaine the fair, Elaine the beautiful, Elaine the Illy maid of Asto lat' Evidently you don't remember how the lines went." The superior bookworm called for his check. New York Sun. MOSTMILES ptr DOLLAR Tf leisure, w enslon. restotie GUM-DIPPED CORDS -ami ThiirighMileage, Records Tho high mllesgo records of Firestone Cords continue to em phaslze the fact that Firestone methods are different and better. These records, steadily increasing in number and in mileage totals, justify tho Firestone contention that there is one belt way to bulla tires. Among the primary sources o; louble gum-dlpplng the saturatli FOR SALE 35 shares of Nevada Ditch stock. H. A. Arneson. tf. August Records Are Here! New Solo Releases by TheoKarle Richard BonelU Virgin! Rea Mixed Quartet with Marie Tiffany Elizabeth Lennox Theo Karto Richard BonelU Dane Hits of the Minute Carl Fentoa's Rudy Wledoeffs Bennle Krueger'a and Oriole Terrace Orchestras Margaret Young with Orchestra New Brunswick Violinist, Fredric Fradkln The World's Clearest Phonograph Records BRUNSWICK RECORDS PLAY ON ANY PHONOGRAPH Art it Oriole Terrace. Orchestra. ... Popular Dance Hits Bennle Kruecers Orchestra Carl Fraton's Orchestra..., Body Wledoeff CaUfornlans. . . . Sslectten Soothlnc Fox Tret Lovable Kjee Fox Trot Fro m "Make It Snappy".. Swanee Mneblrd Fox Trot.. Sweet Indiana Home Fox Trot flAn a PAHlfti-Vm Tros.... Parade of the Wooden Sol dier Fox Trot From "La Chauve Sourlr Where the VoUa Flowi Trot- fines Fox Trotr, Na, Six MM tt0 10 .7 t From I i" lows Fox I SCSI Id ztss i .is At M Artist Songs Concert and Ballad Selection ( Within the Garden of Mr unrt Tenor Non ver ('Tie Not True) Tenor Good Nlrht Quartet From "Martha" Mixed Quartet. Madrigal From "The Mikado" Mixed Quartet... , Grpey Lore Bone From "The ( Fortune Teller" Baritone Bedouin Lore Sons Baritone J Theo Karle The Mnstc Art Hlncera Ttffany-Lennox-Karle-BonelU Richard Bonelll. Virginia Bea. Serenade (Sine. Smile, Slum ber) Soprano; Flute Obbll gato The Swallow Soprano 13050 10 1.SS - 130S1 10 US 5141 10 1.00 S1U 10 1.00 Instrumental Seltctlon George Green. JoaeBh Green. Fredrie Fradkta. A Bnnch of Bases (Bl Punso de Roaaa) Spanish March Xylophone with Orchestra. Intermexxo (Introduction to Act III) From "Jewels of the Madonna" Xylophone with Orchestra Kiss Me Again From "Mile. Mediate" Violin Solo Botes of Plcardy Violin Solo J M78 1 .TI Popular Songs Margaret Tenng with Bennle Krueger's Orchestra. Ernest nnra. Charles ITart and KUlott Shaw.... BUly Jones Selection R tumbling- Comedienne. . j9. nooooy scores nfl comedienne. Jost a Little Lore. Baritone. Only a Smile Baritone. Indiana Lullaby Tenor and Baritone j I Certainly Must Be In Lore Tenor edlenne..j9. . i le Now L u- J re. Song 1 K7 1 MM 10 22S5 10 10 .78 .18 .7 .n Ontario Furniture Co. M. L. PETERSON LOOK FOR i- i. t Firestone extra mllcago Is i .. r. s w aouplfl ffum-oipplna; toe saturation ox the cord piles In a vat of liquid gum thut coating each cord and virtually eliminating Internal heat and friction. 1b Fire hlch pi aces every co ig curing, rd accura with its 300 pound accurately and equalizes tha By blending tho rubbers of different plantations and types. Jftrestone men add still and by tempering It before mixing, more mileage Many cord tires are good say ona is best few are better Firestone usexa Thoso who have already experienced Firestone mileaj with Firestone Cords and buy your next tiro accordingly. ahoso who uave already experienced tires tone mileage, bava topped shopping and experimenting they havo made these cords standard equipment. Investigate your friends' success . Come in and get your share of extra FABRIC K.l,8iioalJ.'m'' CORD Meacre. nik UK m tax.. I !(. mw w - - fcMO M SERVICE TIRE & BATTERY CO. O.NT.UUO, OHKGUN t- " w. A V t 1 . The Baking Powder that Gives . the Best Service in Your Kitchen CALUMET The Economy BAKING PO WDER GUARANTEES Pure and Wholesome Foods No Failures When a "Big and Cheap" can of baking powder is offered you LOOK OUT. Every can of Calumet is the same keeping Qual ity Perfect last spoon ful good as the first. awaBwFB& EST BY TEST No Waste The moderate cost of Calumet combined with the highest merit estab lishes the greatest of bakingpowdereconomy. You save when you buy it You save when you use it The World's Greatest Baking Powder ".. Z:l -: