The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 06, 1922, Image 3

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Bnbson, tho Stntlstlcan Advises the
Merchants to Adopt
Nw Method
Wollosloy Hills, July 1, 1922. In
an Interview today Roger W. Bab
eon appealed to merchants to study
the "self help" stores. He believes
that tho small merchant has great
opportunity If he will only adopt
modern methods and advertise
more. He Insists that the public
does not demand tho Chain stores,
but rather demands economical and
convenient service. People buy
from tho chain stores because that
is the only place in their community
that they can get such service, he
"Chain stores are having- tre
mendous run today. They are
Bprlngk-i' up In every community.
Local merchants are beginning to
become panic stricken. They (ear
that the chain store is to swallow
-up everything. Grocers, druggists
and clothing dealers are. especially
troubled. Considering tho tremen
dous number of small merchants
this is a problem in which everyone
should be Interested. There are for
IbsUUco over 800,000 Independent
grocers in this country. To have
their business wiped out would re
sult in a tremendous economic ap
peal. All together there are over1
1,000,000 small merchants in Amer
ica wlio are vitally Interested in
this program,' as they will be wiped
out If the chain store proves to be
the legitimate method of merchan
chandtslng. "Personally I feel that this change
is duo to the fact that tho chain
store comes nearer to giving the
public what it wants and prospers
for that reason. It the local mer
chants will adopt the same up-to-date
methods of economical mer
chandising he need have nothing to
fear from chain store competition.
These newer and especially these
self help Establishments are doing
a splendid business because their
plan is practical and because they
are being operated by young men
with initiative and enthusiasm. The
railroads did a fine business when
they were so operated 20 or 30
years ago. Chain stores, however,
will have their troubles Just as the
railroads have had theirs. Clerks,
truck drivers and buyers will some
day be organized and as saucy and
Independent as the typical plumber
is today. Then the chain stores
sales 'will drop off and operating
expenses will Increase and they will
have to adopt a more modern form
of merchandising or give way to a
new order. The "self help" system
eliminates labor difficulty to a con
siderable extent and presents a
most Interesting study both as to
service and to cost.
"I appeal particularly to mer
chants of the older school and urge
them to study very careuflly these
"self help" stores, with their "self
-We have three officers who have lived
in this county for at least FORTY
years. Our other officers have lived
here several years, and we think our
experience can be of value to citizens
of this community. We are to be of
service wherever possible, and will be
glad to talk over any business or any
financial problems with you. ,
Ontario National Bank
Oldest Bank in Southeastern Oregon
help" service. It is truo that the
avorage merchant cannot get the
advantage of collective buying un
less he himself Joins a chain. Any
merchant, however, can install a
"self help" system of selling inde
pendently. Of coursef this 'means
more than reorganizing the fixtures
of his store. He must change his
entire attitude. The "self help"
stores for Instance are very depen
dent up oil advertising, much more
so than are the chain stores and lo
cal merchants. The latter must
advertise more than ever if he is to
adopt the "self help" system. I
am not a merchant, merely a statis
tical S.tatltiscs, however clearfy
Indicate that if tho local merchant
continues as at present he will be
eliminated from American industry
to make way for more modern ma
chinery of distribution.
"In regard to chain store secur
ities. Most of- these merchandising
companies should do well for tho
next fow years. Mall order con
cerns will also prosper, but I pre
dict that even stores like tho A &
P will some day change over to a
"self help" system. They will be
forced to in order to survive. When
the change is made their securities,
will become "self help" securities.
It Is not my purpose," concluded
Mr. Babson, "to recommend them as
securities, but rather to try to awake
tho local merchants before it Is too
late, and to get them to adopt the
methods of more economical distri
bution which are winning out to
day.' General business according to the
Index figure of the Babsonchart,
stands at 17 per cent below normal.
This is encouraging Indeed when
you realize that Iis holding up in
face of tho threatened rail strike on
top of the usual summer dullness.
f .
The rteht fuel for
warm weather
Pearl Oil, burned in a good oD cook
stove, saves' the housewife a lot of un
necessary drudgery.
No coal or wood to carry no ashes to
shovel out. A clean, cool kitchen, with
all the heat concentrated directly un
der the utensils, where it is needed.
No trouble to operate an oil cookstove,
if you buy only Pearl Oil the clean,
economical kerosene that is refined
and re-refined by a special process..
Sold by dealers everywhere. Order by
name Pearl Oil.
HEAT HfflSM company
AMD LIGHT Tjgjj fSufi
Farmers In this section are get
ting their machinery ready to start
haying, and crops are looking fine.
The ironside ball team crossed
bats with Malheur team Sunday.
Tho score was 3 to 7 in favor of
Ray Wise takes the stage lino
from Brogan to Bonita and Iron
side, and we hope to get as good
service in the next four years as we
have had "in the past.
Walter Anderson and family, en
route from Prairie City to Jamie-
son, made a short visit at Ironside
Arthur Nickles and son, Orval,
and Earl Van Buran drove to Ontar
io Saturday on business.
Ralph Pope and Mr. Hutton of
Vale, were visitors here Saturday,
on a fishing trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Hankins of West
fall, returned home Wednesday
from a fishing trip on Malheur riv
er and upper Willow.
Pat Gallagher and John Dunphy
of Ontario, were in this vicinity Sat
urday fishing.
Hub Walters moved a bunch of
cattle from Cow Valley to the pas
tures on Camp creek Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Homeward
made a short visit here last week
They were motoring from Eugene
to Iowa, where they will spend the
summer with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs, H. Elms of Unity
and Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh VanBur-
and of IronBlde, motored to Vale
Thursday, returning the same day.
Jess Sympson returned home
from Huntington Thursday. He is
recovering from a selge of spotted
Mrs. F. O. White and daughter,
Norma, spent a. few days at Ironsldo
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Malthan re
turned home from Ontario Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith of Brogan
were Ironside visitors Wednesday.
From here they went to Unity for
a visit at the Morfitt home.
Mr. Hinton of Bonita was an Iron
side visitor Wednesday. While here
ho purchased a Ford car from A. E.
John Weaver of Bonita was a
business visitor here Wednesday.
E, P. and and Francis Rose re
turned Friday from Baker, whore
they went to purchaser machine re
Chas. 8eaton returned Thursday
from Baker with a now hay stacker
and mowing machinery.
Harol Guernsey of Frultland, Is
spending the week at the Locey
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Tureman ar
rived here Wednesday from Burns.
S, Smith returned Thursday from
Brogan where Be has been haying.
Mrs. Ray Duncan and family and
Miss Ruth Lackey and niece, Eva
line left on Thursday's stage for
Ontario where they will spend the
Ralph Duncan brought a load of
haying implements 'from Brogan
Floyd R. Sprague ot ux to Pierre
Sec. 2:41:45. 61922. $10.
LaVerne J. McGco to Miranda
Watson, part of NWNEVi Sec.
2:21:46. 6622. $1.00.
Alexander McPherson, Sr. ot ux
to Bankors Discount Corporation,
EESWJ,4, WSE Sec. 8:9:
47. 5922. $1.00.
Wm H. Wiggins to Mrs. Mar
guerite Weis, Undivided Halt istor
est in NWSE Sec. 3:33:39.
53122. $10.
State ot Oregon to Daniel F.
Murphy, NWNE Sec. 36:18:37.
82820. $140.
State of Oregon to Anglo Murphy
SSE Sec. 36:18:37. 21722.
U. S. A. to Wm. Murphy, E&SE
'Sec. 18., ENE Sec 19; NW
Sec. 29-19-38. 61222.
U. S. A. to Wm. A. Murphy, W
SWU Sec. 17; 3WK. and WNW
Sec. 20:19:38. 61222.
U. S. A. to Walsy Q. McEwcn, W
Sec. 22:26:37. 122721.
U. S. A. to Walsy G. McEwen, E
Sec. 22:25:37. 122721.
O. B. Konyon ot ux to Welser
Loan and Trust Co., SWUNWU,
and lot 3, Sec. 4:16:47. 62422.
A. E. Grandjean to Wm. J. Lach
ner, sections 14, 15 and 17; and N
5iNM, SEUNWtf Sec. 16:20:44.
62722. $1.00.
Sheriff H. "Leo Nod to Molinc
Farms Co., lots 116 and 133 ot
Jamlcson Acreage Tracts. 62922.
E. J. Burrough to Walter Rich
ardson, N and NS ot lots 1
to 8 Inclusive, In block 2 Taylor's
Add. to Nyssa. 61922, a $1000.
Van Slckltn Land & Livestock Co.
to Arthur Van Slcklln, lot 4, NE&
SH Sec. 13:16:47. Lots 1 and 2
SWSWU Sec. 18; lot 1 and NW
UNWU Sec. 19:16:48. 62422.
Bert L. Miller and Emma Bert
well, C2722.
Harlle Daytol Jenne and Vloln
M. Bingham C2822.
Alva Springer vs. O. B. King.
62622. Injunction. (
Wm. Jones vs. Theron R. Beers
ot als. 62822 To set aside deed.
Joel Looper et al vs K. S. & D.
Fruit Land Co. et al. 62922, To
quiet title.
Ontario National Bank vs. J. H.
Seawenrd ot ux. 63022. Fore
closure of Mortgage. $16,036.24.
J. It. Blackaby vs. J. II. Seawcard
et als. C3022. To set aside deed.
J. R. Blackaby vs E. F. Soaweard
et als. G3022. Recovery on note.
Wm. E. Lees vs T. M. Seaweard
et als. 63022. Recovery on note.
A. L. Longworth vs Wlllard Han
son, et als. 63022. Foreclosure
Of mortgage. $3336.70.
Mi wYi
miiiM 1 hi sms "
The new Qoodyear
Cross-Rib Tread Cord
A New Tread a Lower Price
Reliable Goodyear Quality
Here is a new Goodyear Cord Tire a big, sturdy, long
wearing tire that sells at a price lower than you are asked
to pay for many "long discount" tires of unknown value.
It has a different tread from the famous Goodyear All
Weather Tread Cord a new tread with a deep, clean-cut,
cog-like pattern and it sells for from 20 to 25 less.
It has in it the same high-grade long-staple cotton, the same
Goodyear patented group-ply construction, the same liber
ally oversize dimensions.
When you buy the 4Vfe-inch size, for example, you get a lire
whose actual measurement is nearly 5 inches.
Don't confuse this Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord with
other popular-price cords which sell at the same price or for
slightly more.
In many cases, th'ese other cords are made of inferior mate
rials, with short-staple cotton as a foundation.
Get the tire that is good enough to carry the Goodyear name,
that is built to safeguard the world-wide Goodyear reputation.
All of the Goodyear Service Station Dealers listed here
have the Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord, as well as the
famous All-Weather Tread Cord, ready for you now.
Compare thes prices with NET prices you are asked to pay for "long discount" tires
30 x3tf Clincher $13.50 32x4 Straight Side. $25.45 33 x4tf Straight Side, .$32.15
30 x 3K Straight Side . . 15.85 33x4 Straight Side . . 26.80 34 x 4tf Straight Side . . 32.95
32 x 3 Straight Side . . 19.75 34x4 Straight Side . . 27.35 33x5 Straight Side . . 39.10
31x4 Straight Side . . 23.50 32 x 4 Straight Side . . 31.45 35 x S Straight Side . . 41.05
These prices include manufacturer's excise lax
Goodyear Cross-Rib Tread Cord Tires are also made in 6, 7 and 8 inch sizes for trucks
Directory of Ontario9 s Business Firms
Eyesight Specialist
Eye Glasses and Spectacles
The Oldest Bank In Malheur
County "Service that Serves"
Capital and Surplus $100,000.
The Home of Good Eats and
Low Prices
Phones 3 and 131
Ernest Barcus, Prop.
All Kinds of Breads, Cakes
and Pastry
Dependable Merchandise.
"Not the Cheapest, But tho Best"
The "Homey" Hotel of Malheur
County. Good Meals 40o
Farm Operating Equipment
McCormlck, Deerlng and P. & O.
Phones. 8 and 135
If Its Good To Eat We Hav It
If It's Farm Produce Wo Buy It
Phone 34 W2
Service day and night. Tuber
cular tested cows. Clean and sanl
tar equipment.
Palymre Waists Women's Dresses;
And Sport Clothes
Ono ot 40 Stores
Will Rave You Real Money
Watchmaker, Jewelry
All Work Guaranteed
Home of
"QltU that Last"
O. M. Castleman, Prop.
Prescription Specialist Victor
Phonographs Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
Plumbing and Heating
Domestio Water Systems
Malheur County's Largest
Hardware Store
Satisfaction Guaranteed