""ft" -t,qj0mmu mmm ww.agioii'ii --r'wrwiir "j " .t-- '" 'j",fatH',S f THE ONTAEIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY JUNE 22,.1922. wltg real thftl ig cho ancf wlll alts plo and harH H noa Sta Announcing the Opening of the SIMONS VARIETY STORE ONTARIO SATURDAY, JUNE 24 A Variety Store operated in a real Variety way. Quick sales and Variety prices. As a member of the Variety Stores Association with a buying power for over 700 stores throughout the country. We offer you for our opening week beginning SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 24, these wonderful specials: Good Quality white Cups and Saucers Set of six - s GLASSWARE SPECIALS 34 Piece T.nrffn Tlorrv TilaTi fi TiViiHa White Dinner Set I Covered Sugar, Creamer, Sy- m run PltMmr nf nn I Tim Cn fQQ I UL H IIIC JCl yj.JJ I OGZS-. T?l, White Dinner Plates 10 1uart Galvanized 2 H RltCUOt Set of six 90c I A 1 to cacli customer ALUMINUM WARE SPECIALS AT 1 5c Each " I' liffv Infant Ruhfier Panic 23c I . KLUC ENAMEL WAKE a noc Amic,,: Tea Kettles, Dish Pans, Convex Kettles, Milk Cans, Etc. All large sizes, at - : ' 50C Salted Peanuts 1-2 lb. for - - 10c Aluminum Percolaters, roasters crow lfoffloa rlnnhlo n ii r m r a """ "'w.j, . Daming WPS 1 SIC boilers and sauce - puns 89c JAP PAROSOLS ' For theTKids 25c Summary of weather and crop con dltlona in Eastern Oregtyr for -week ending Juno 13, 1922. High tem perature prevailing with consider able high wind. Harvesting of al falfa is general. Drains heading early on account of unusual temper ature. Corn doing well. Mrs. M. M. Maxwell, and daughter Miss Corlnnlo, who have been spend ing the past winter in Southern California, returned to their home in Kingman Kolony last week. Bob Peck and Joe Brum of Big Bend, are helping wfth the haying on the Overstreet and Judd ranches this week. There was an excellent atten dance Monday night at the annual school metitng when the budget prepared by the board of directors and budget committee, was accepted by an unanimous vote. It. It. Over street was elected director to fill the place vacated by M. L. Parsons. Mrs. Herbert Hlckox was elected cler.Jc for the ensuing year, Final surveys have been made and plans laid for the Nyssa-Jordan Valley Market Road, and running south to the Homedale railroad, running south on the east side of tho railroad to "Adrian. This gives a water 'grade for tho large tonnage of produce that' must at present pass over this road. Work 1b ex pected to start on this stretch in the next" three weeks. The county court also granted a road south of tho Owyhee grade running east one fourth milo to the railroad crossing. NO FEAR OP HOLDUPS Ontario should rest perfectly easy on Tuesday night, and bo able to enjoy ono night's sleep without fear of burglars or holdup men bother ing them, for on that night we will have tho famous Northwest Mounted Police with us, and with their abil ity to "get their man" no self re specting criminal would take a chance on operating tho night they are in town. You will hear in de tail how the "Mountles" work. You will be taken on a 10,000 mile travelog thru -Canada, Alaska and the Artie circle with the Mounted Police. The "Mountles" will bo at tho Majestic theatre on Tuesday night only. ' Burt Venable of Payette was a business visitor In Ontario today. PAID LOCAL ADS MARY PIOKFORD STARS IN "MTTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY" Mary Plckford as "Little Lord Fauntleroy" and also as 'Dearest' hi3 mother! Can you imagine it? You know Mary Pickford. You know the story. Our Mary has done a fine thing in this, her newest picture all dono with the glint of gaydom, and the tug of pathos about it a sym pathetic retelling of a story you've loved, and that yours after you, will love. Each characteristic ps Clean cut, intelligent and throb bing with human "interest. "Little Lord Fauntleroy" at the Dreamland Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. CARD OF THANKS . Wo wish to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude for the kindness shown us by our friends In Ontario during tho period of grief by the death of our twins. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Robinson. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii ( Grand Opening Dreamland Theatre f Friday and Saturday ADMISSION 10c, 30c in Fox m$w& wiuia si tMEsQ&Si f i uesenls ' m !H F?VvABBI jftt . "ww,"''"."" '""''R'l-.t.i I....... i. ..iu . n ,ix nn I .fjr-."MJHmii(tffMiS.JSsi2!iS : m I - ' IB -.VK.'VM . nKtr4HH"T- Myr-J...i" - - . S t V 1 IkfHKBM KK V-T5 - " i IfcW &s f ;,: Ivjr nm S mi2f" ' - """"-i' . MramtPsrB a m$ d" l4 ,w.vilal: t 1 A VIIMIIkl PARADISE A f&orv ct die Jmgle and Crviuzed Hypocrisy w jKram Item Maxim SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY Admission 10c, 30c la there a tense drama of untainted love? Ask "Dearest." Ask the "little Lord." M Ask "Grandfather Earl." PICKFORD rV LITTLE LORm FAUNTLEROY from FRANCES UODGSON DUI2NCTTS famous story 9CCNARO Dfr' DCRNARD MCONVILLC PUOIDGOAPUV CfrCUADLE?; ROSUCR DIRECTION DY AUT2CD C CRCCN S. JACK DICKTOOD Once more Miss Pickford proves herself the greatest of all stars, big enough to play the Mother' nearl and tiny enough to play the child in a dual role in comparable. f Si $i ifWi . rr.fi H m i.MdXtU l HHlllwMllllllllw I Zinctedty J.SEARLE DAVLEY WITH Harold Lloyd In "I Do" One of His Latest Laughter Specials With a Piece Orchestra Sunday Only Rj FOR SALE CHEAP Practically new Electric Grill with oven. Phone 125W 29tf., FOR RENT to responsible parties, 5 room completely furnished house, 4 blocks from Moore Hotel. Call 76W .' - 29-2t WANTED Stock to .pasture. Call F. A. Ratcllff, phone 203M, Ontario. FOR SALE: Refrigerator and Sep arator, Box 459. GOOD PASTURE AT THE OLD BLANTON RANCHES THREE AND UALF MILES WEST AND ONE MILE SOUTH OF ONTARIO. tfi WANTED Man for general farm work. Married man preferred. Houso, garden plot and good wages. Steady Job for right man. Box 98, Jamleson, Oregon. FOR RENT Until Aug. 15th, five room furnished modern house, electric range, washer and sweepor, shade. Will rent to responsible people only. $25 per month in ad vance. Dr. J. A. McFall f. FOR SALE: 35 shares of Nevada Ditch stock. H. A. Arneson. tt. FOR SALE OR TRADE--Qood hous1' with garage and deep well. .Will tako car in trade, Ford preferred. Box 641, Ontario. tf. FOR. RENT Two room apartment, fur'mished. Call 60W. FOR SALE 50-Oallon capacity iron barrels $3.0 each. (Hebo Service Station. Taken from Tunney ranch, iron corrlgator belonging to McPherson Bros. Please return to owner or notify them. HEMSTITCHING Neat Hemstitch ing is our line. Send your wark, ono yard a dime. Blanche C. Anderson and Mamie S. Carlton, Phone 42W. .28 4t pd. ZOE3E ao PALM BEACH SUITS CONSERVATIVE MODELS FOR MEN ABOUT TOWN Sport and Fomnrn Fit 50 FOR.THE YOUNG FELLOWS $15 00 AND $16 o PALM BEACH TROUSERS .ALL COLORS 50 $4P o WHITE ELANNEL TROUSERS PLAIN WHITE AND STRIPED r50 $5" AND $7 GENUINE PONGEE Silk Shirts $3.50 and $5.00 Tan, White and Striped MADRAS SHIRTS $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 SAILOR AND PANAMA HATS $2.00 $3.00 $4.00 $5.00 2 Canvas Shoes and Oxfords 2 ALL COLORS $195 ALEXANDER II ONE PRICE CLOTHIER OE XOEZIE ONTARIO OREGON f WO MAJESTIC TUESDAY JUNE 27 LOOK OUT! THE'RE COMING The World Famous Man-tracker The Northwest Mounted Police Real Red-blooded Men Not a Movintr Picture The Only Show of its Kind in the World The Northwest Mounted Police Positively guarantee to give your money's worth or your money back -1. F'J l W i f Ms illllllilillliiit