The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 22, 1922, Image 7

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If Plan Succeeds on Tres AVliy Nol
on tho Woovil Might Ask De
piirtiiiont of Agriculture to
Try It Out Here
I i 1 II I I II III I m kiM M H i
9 A. M. WED., JUNE 28
i Liu 'wg A. s yLt-cb vy -i Wr
TIlA r ' ijflli
.7 1 Ounce Funnel
WaZ SugarSliaker
Wa3 E&Separator
Wa4 Measuring Cijp
Wo.5 TbothPichHolder
at 1 Will Buy
Wo.9 ChilMCup NallTeaSrainer
Walt) OctatonSaUPepperWalS Grater
Wall Doikhnut Cutter Wal9-CldthesSprw)er
jvuv rurutxifiuc
Wh2I PanCakeTurncr
m 13 roup strainer
Wa6 "Mmitun!M-PemxrWall CuvStrainer Mx22fkimminf Ladle
No.7 PuddinfMrnM WalS CoTfee-TeaStralner M.23 Shimmer
JValo Pocket Uomo jvaMMctMeafurmgipoons
ai i i '
ssil r !L-iX ""t5! rzrt.uippcr
What 59cWHlBity
Wo. 1 2qtPuddMPan Wo.6 lqtPanRmStramer Wa II TubedCatePan
M2 yqLPraavMKcUle M. 7 hnkStramer Wa. 1Z CombmatwnJUnnd
M3 Set cf 2 Pie Platet WaS lHqt. Covered- Watt mtStew Pan
Wa4 Set of 2 Jelly- LippedfaucePan WaH CaMnglWc
Cake Pant Wa 9 6 OipT-luffinPan Wo. 15 2qLl4pvedSwePan
.WW uuw.w.M -.- -. 'rif-jToZ.tnjMj-Bn,.Q
JVu.ll itifini-iuiiuiiuuim
i Bn , -
Y T!!! K
m'o iks-jL tW jStr ft mi -" r
m jut iwnnwr w " Tar-
ft' W"lP ffl1
Of C 77r JJrfi Prn
lMMccPcrcolaler Wa 6 6 ql Colonial Kettle Wal3 9inchCb
What 11 'Will Buy
Ji riitlnv frt
JVal lMQUecmtOUW JVao oqLUHOnWD&UC jvauvuiaiuiuuwcr rw "XVWci . .
WaZ5qMWBoWl Wa7 5qtip&Sautonal4LCoMalWtU (tarvm$We) heidvWBOiS&Si
Wa3 IfripMm12)Wa8 lhqLOctajon WalS 4qt(MmialSawPan JBKadMfe) xW$WZ2ltPE2
1fo4SetoarA,2qt DoubleBoiler WalS 6qL0ctafon M203Jiqt7eamk IT Mtv'm
Sett Bastini Roaster
tafonCbffee- Stroma 'Kettle WaZZSeifBastM Roaster
JVajt tqLUJverea - jw.o uqurn
OctaianPraenMMk Kettle
m t "
' '
Probably Never again will it be posssible for us to offer you such sensational values 'as you
will find at this'speciaPsale of aluminum wear. An early attendance is urged so you will not
be disappointed. ...'
No telephone or .ail orders OlHIltitipS RPSlriftPfl SSSiST1
No 0 0 D Orders. l(IMIIIU IIC3 WOU ItlCU No packages wrapped
ino louowing euitorial on pes
control takn from tho Salt 'Lain
Tribune appears to havo posslbl
application to tho fight against th'i
alfalfa weovll. It mtgtit bo wel
for the ranchers of tho county to lin
torest tho department of agricul
turo1 In providing the necessary ma
chine and attachments to carry oi
tho battle.
This Is tho account as wrltton m
tho Tribune:
Several Interesting and successful
oxporlmonts havo recently beeJ
niado In Ohio airplanes as sprayer
of trees when attacked by caterpll
lars of other Insects Inimical to tro
life. II. A. Gdssard, Ohio state an
tomologlst, thinks that one alrplan
can dust a strip of forest or of pecai
orcnara in less time man twenty o
tho most powerful liquid sprayini
machines can cover the area. Th
problem Is to perfect dusting mater
ials so they will give results com
parable to those obtained with 11
quid sprays.
"Mrs Qossard says that In Franc
alrpanes are being used, as scou
machines to discover tho Iocatloi
of grasshopper swarms and then t(
scatter poisoned bait tor the des
traction of tho Insects. Severa
months ago the city entomologist o
Cleveland, after experiencing groa
difficulty In spraying some clesel:
planted largo trees in ono .of th
suburban parks, conceived the ldet
that such a tract could be dustei
from an airplane. Ho communlcat
ed tho Idea to tho Ohio ozperlmenl
station and solicited help.
A hopper was designed by a spe
dally detailed mechanic to carri
about zoo pounds of arsenate ol
lead powder which could bo emptied
Into tho air by moans of a series ol
revolving spoons operated with
hand crank. Tho hopper was atl
tachod to the side of tho plana
somewhat lower and behind tbJ
occupants of the cockpit, so thai
they would not breathe any of thl
dust. Besldos tho pilot anothe
man was needed to turn tho crank
Tho propeller and current created
by the movomont of tho machine
assisted by gravitation, distributed
tho dust, which was caught by thl
wind and carried through tho topi
of tho trees.
"Mr. Qossard also montlons th
success met with by an alrplano li
destroying a caterpillar post whlcl
was defoliating a grove of catalpi
trees, six acres In extent; at Troy
Ohio. Tho airplane passod abou
titty foot out from one sldo of th
crovo and. twenty-five feet abov
tho tops of tho trees. A atroni
wind carrlod tho dust over tho en
tiro grove, nearly 400 feet wide, am
It could bo found in easily porcoptll
bio quantities on woods and grasl
for 150 feet In tho pasturo on thl
distant sldo of tho grovo. Bffoctivl
dusting, thoreforo, was done over
width of about COO feet, or at thl
rato of about ton acres per mlnutd
Perfected apparatus Is oxpoctod tl
lncroaso this sorvlco to thirty acre
per mlnuto. Within throe dajrl
after tho application, 99 por cent
tho caterpillars In tho Troy grovl
woro dead and strown on thl
Tho editor of tho Argus Iibb heel
asked to announce that tho truatol
of Gooding College have awarded
fifty dollar scholarship to tho homl
graduate of tho local High schod
fnr tho vear beginning Sopt. 1J
In addition to being a good atil
doht. tho applicant must have tl
unqualified endorsement of the sui
erlntendent or principal under whoi
ho did his work and submit a con
ploto rocord of his studies und sti
dent activities. In order to hold tt
scholarship, ho must llv doaiT
maintain his rocord as a student ar
uDhold tho Ideals of tho college.
Though organized loss than tlv
voara ago. Gooding Collego had
onrollment ot 173 this past yoaj
took first Place In tho lnter-con
gloato track meet and In tho oril
nrir-ni rnntost of Southern Idald
and Graduated six studontB with tt
liacholor's degree. In addition to
full liberal arts course, it offoi
frosbman and aohpmoro work, Hi
samo as glvon In the best colleg
and state univorsltles, to those Iil
tending to major In engineering
medicine, law, agriculture and olnl
liar subjects.
FOIl BALE Puro bred Tolas
China Sow. IJred for fall farrov
Den nose, II. F. D. U pd.