The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 22, 1922, Image 2

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U. H. Department of Agriculture
Ibbu,1V) Booklet Telling of the
Experiments Performed W
.The Forest Service
Washington, D. C, Juno 21
"Only 30 per cent of the wpod In a
forest now gets Into tho form of
seasoned, unplaned lumber. Of this
an additional 10 to 25 per cent Is
lost In the process of manufacture.
In oxtrome cases as little as three
per cent of tho -wood In the forest
may reach the finished product."
This statement is made in a booklet
Just issued by tho Department of
Agriculture, entitled Forest Pro
ducts Laboratory, describing the
work and alms of the experimental
laboratory maintained by the For
est 'Service in cooperation with the
University of Wisconsin at Madi
son, Wis.
Tho booklet outlines how, thru
investigation and experiment, the
laboratory is devising and broad
casting practical commercial meth
ods by which this enormous waste
of the country's timber supply can
bo reduced. By reducing this
waste, it Is pointed outy the'llfo of
our present forests will bo pro
longed and the problem; of growing
now forosts mado simpler, because
by preventing tho waste of timber
less timber will have to be grown.
Among the various methods
studied at tho laboratory for de
creasing wasto of forest products is
tho treatment of woods to preser
vatives, resisting decay Through
such treatment an annual saving of
1 1-2 billion board feet is estimated
to bo possible In the case of rail
road ties alone, and tho preserva
tion of other classes of timber would
in tho aggregate greatly relieve tho
drain on our forests.
The Forost Products Laboratory
is a government Institution; its ad
vice and suggestions are to be had
for tho asking. It presents, ac
cording to the booklet, an oppor
tunity for many manufacturers,
wood users and timber growers to
supplement tho information ob
tained by experlonco and hard
knocks with technical data ob
talned thru scientific research.
. Tni8 Jinmphletw tontalnlns( forty
seven pages and twenty-four illus
trations may be had frco of charge
by writing to tho United States De
partment of Agriculture, Washing
ton, D. C.
.Stophon A. Hawks et ux to Rlver
Bldo Homestead Co., lot G, block 2,
Outlook. 42922. $1.00.
W. W. Lotson qt ux to E. W.
Howland-Und, half Interest In par.t
of block 3, Ontario. r,3122. $1,00.
C. V. Latham t,o C. O. Roberts,
NBNWV4SW See. 9-18-47. 1
1322. $500.
Barbara Plummer ot vlr to James
Harvoy, lots 44 nnd 45, block 3,
Rlvorsldo Add. to Ontnrio, 11321.
Conova O. McClouaglll to K. A.
Allen, lots 19 and 20, block 334,
Ontario, 10120. $1500.
R. E. Conley ot ux to Win, Read,
NNWNWV4 See. 20-19-47. 10
1021. $2750.
Honry S. Eldrodgo ot ux to Goo.
Vandorhoof ot ux, NEHNEtf. N
SEUNEU Sec. 20,18-45; also lots
1 and 2, block 1; lots 1, 2, 7 and 8,
block 2; lot 4, block 4; lot 2, block
17; lots 3 and" 4, block 21. El
rdadgo Add. to Vale; nlso lots 1 to
10, Inc., block 1; lots 1 to 16, inc.,
and NtJ lot 17, block 2 , Smiths
Add. to Vale. 61422. $10,000.
C. O, Heslug et ux to Gertrudo
A. Hoslup, SHNWtf Sec. 35-1C-47.
51222. $18,000.
J. W. Galloway ot ux to First Na
tional Dank ot Wolser, SEU. NEK
NEU and part ot SWUNEH Soo.
24; StfSEU Sec. 13-10-47. 515
22. $10.
O. F. Priest to Suo Friosz, WW
Sec. 10-21-37. G1422. $10,
Suo Frlosx ct vlr to Deanb Good
man, NWU soc. 21; all Sec. 16-21-37.
61422. $10.
Sue Frlesx ot vlr to Deano Good
man. WHSEU. SEHSWtt Soc. 21-20-37.
G1422. $10.
O. F. Frlesx ot ux to Deano Oood-
man, NEW, EHSBVi Sec. 21; W
SWU 8cc. 22, range 37. 61422.
Elizabeth Reed co Harry C. Rcod
NHSH. and StfNW Sec. 8-15-41.
6419. For value received.
O. M. Ozlas' et al to A. J. Whlto,
" NSH. and SttNtf Soc. 8-16-41.
4222I. $1.00.
Sheriff H. Leo Noe to Payette
National Dank and assigned to R.
Inslnsor, SEtfSEU Sec. 9j SWU
Soo. 15-15-44. (Certificate ot sale)
II. M. Malcaoyand Helen A. Mc-j
Malheur County vs. R. H. Lock
ett and R. N. Stanfleld. 01622.
Recovery of personal property tax
Saturday night there was planned
a farewell surprise for Mr. and
Mrs. R. S. Kutch and Robert be
fore their departure Sunday for
Potrland. There were fifty to en
Joy the last evening with them.
Cake and ice cream "were served and
an enjoyable evening spent.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Btrdsall enter
tained a number of friends at din
ner Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Zehner are
the parents of a baby boy, born on
Sunday, Juno 18th.
Oliver Latham, who accidently
shot himself with a 22 rifle, will be
brought home from the Holy Ros
ary hospital Tuesday.
Word has been received In Fruit
land that B. E. Haag, formerly of
this place, was married on June 18
to Miss Bertha Lautenhlser at North
Manchester, Indiana.
Wednesday and Thursday of this
week will bo Jersey week for en
thusiasts In the Boiso and Payette
valleys. Wednesday will bo de
voted to visiting Jersey herds in tho
Boise valley and on Thursday tho
Payette valley itinerary will be be
gun nt'the Sam High ranch near
Now Plymouth, then to the Joiner
B. Whealdon, George Eldrodgo, F.
Davis and Hed Apple ranches near
Frultland. Clyde B. Asgroth of
New York, and Mr. Atkinson of
Moscow, will be present to lecturo
along Jersey lines. In tho evening
It Is proposed to have slide pictures
shown by Mr. Astroth on "Jersey
Achlevonment" ,at the High school
auditorium. Tho Farmers Co-operative
Co. of Payette will furnish Ice
cream for the picnic, and a good
crowd Is expected.
Miss Wnito To bo Married
Miss Marguerite Waite, only child
of Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Waito has
announced her nppoachlng mar
riage to Mr. Elvin Rands, youngest
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Rnnds, on
June 25, 1922.
FOR RENT Modern House, for 3
..months or one year. Furnished
and electrically equipped. Box 516
or,, phono 42W 2t pd.
Explorer Sfefansson Tells of Year
Fish Diet Without Salt.
That we place too high u value on a
great variety of food as necessary to
nealth and good digestion Is the opin
ion of Stcfnusson, the eminent ex
plorer, who lectures nt Chautauqua on
the second night, based on his experi
ence In the Arctic, and tho experience
of those who Here with him on his his
toric expeditions. '
"I lived on fish, both raw and
cooked, for a whole year, and without
salt," Mr. Stefnustion says, "and
weighed ten pounds more at the end
of the yeur than at the beginning. I
was not troubled with Indigestion, or
any other bad effects. In fact, I can
Kay that I never felt better In my life.
Taking up any new system of diet Is
largely a psychological matter," said
.Mr. 8tefnnsMn. "Ve have prejudices
which It Is a difficult matter to over
come. If the animals that arc used for
food were placed In ono group and
those that nni not considered good for
food were placed In another group, and
a thoroughly unbiased pel-son were
asked for an opinion, he would say
there Is little or no difference between,
Some Excellent Reasons Advanced
Why Head of the House Should
Know How to Prepare Food.
Cooking has becu added to the cur
riculum of male students at Pennsyl
vania State college. Cooking Is some
thing that all men should know some
thing about.
Some men should know all about It
Particularly should married men
have the necessary knowledge so that
In the pinch they can escallop a pan
of potatoes or stir up a mess ot fluffy
There Is no telling when the good
wife may b absent from home at meal
As. time goes on the legitimate rea
sons tor this are growing.
And what Is more pleasing to the. av
erage wife than to return from the
bridge varty or the polling place, a.
tritlu late, perhaps, and worried for
fear that she'll not be able to have
dinner on the dot what Is more pleas
ing than to be greeted at the door by
the man ot the house, all uniformed
up In a long overall apron, a dab of
flour on his beaming countenance, stir
ring for dear life at a bowl of embryo
drop biscuits
And the teakettle steaming lta heart
And the smell oX burning beefsteak
permeating the otherwise hopeful at
moipheret v
Man should know how toScookl St
JeMDh Oactr-v
(. HJl. by McClurt Newspaper Syndicate )
"Seel Seel .Monsieur, .10,000 francs
for me; njon Dleu, do you hear, for
met The little Marie will shed no
more tears, no more shall she hunger,
no more shall she stand at the wns-h
tub till she drops, with the little ones
screaming around her. Yes, monsieur!
the Grand Prix lottery. I took the
money she had put aside for food,
and she, the little Marie, thought It
lost. Ahl how she cried, the petite.
But no more shall she weep. The
doctor said she must have rest, good
food, change of air, or she will die.
So I took the money nnd bought a
share In a lottery ticket, nnd see what
fortune Is mine I Fifty thousand
francs 1"
The little mat. rushed nbout Im
parting his good news to all and
sundry, for everyone was willing to
listen to his tale of good luck, most
of them with envy, but some well
pleased that It was great. For Jean
Berrler was one of the unfortunates
with a sick, n rising wife, who had
struggled and slaveJTto put bread Into
the mouths of her husband nnd three
small children ever since he. Jean, fell
from the scaffolding of a building on
which he was working and .broke his
leg. six montlM ago struggled and
worked till the little body had suc
cumbed -to the strain, and for weeks
she had lain without the strength to
craw" across the floor to the now
empty pantry.
And to crown her misfortune, the
little hoard of francs she hnd saved
against such a time hnd mysteriously
No bread had passed her lips for
two das now, and the little ones
were whimpering with cold and
hunger, while Jean where was he?
Had anything happened to him?
Never before hnd he left for so longl
And she was, oh, so 'tired
of waiting for him. It was getting
dark and ccjd so cold! She would
sleep nnd forget the cold.
There was a stumbling noise as of a
drunken man coming up the stairs,
then a rush of stronger, swifter foot
steps, nnd the crippled Jenn burst Into
the room, Intoxicated wth Joy, fol
lowed by rejoicing nsd sympathetic
neighbors and even strangers, brought
by the little man's enthusiasm.
"Tlens! little one! Hero are silks
and sntlns, horses nnd cnrrluges, ser
vants and mansions, for you! What!
nsleep, little" one?" nnd In spite of his
elntlon he tiptoed across the room to
the pale, still figure on- the rude couch
so 'still one could almow fnncy ah.
no! not that! Merciful heavens, not
that! . . .
Dropped unheeded was the bag ol
gold. Forgotten nil the Joy of riches
Silent the rejoicing neighbors for the
little Marie had passed to the House
kof Many Mansions, through the Gates
of Jasper the Streets of Gold.
Awestruck and abashed the crowd
passed slowly from the room, leavlnft
the stricken husband three starving,
whimpering children plteously crying
for Just a crut of bread and n floor
strewn with glittering gold coins.
Croquet Made Its Way From That
Country to Ennland, and From
Thence to America.
The first treatise on croquet that
came to our little vlllago was by
Mayne Reld. The book was first pub
llshed In London In 1803; thPre was
a New York edition In 18G5 ; a Boston
edition In 1800. Some of the boys,
disdaining the mallets on sale, had
them made of fancy but heavy woods
The first stakes were tall, thick, with
gorgeously colorca rings to match the
balls. The game encouraged fllrtatlou
among thfc older players. Young worn
en were coquettish In putting a foot
on the hall and saw to It that they
were handsomely shod.
Was croquet a development of the
Dutch game, closh, or did It pass from
Brittany Into Ireland? It certainly was
played In Ireland before It wai popu
lar In England, writes Philip Hale In
the Boston Herald. It has been stated
that It was played near Dublin under
this name In 1834-5. The game nnd
name were Introduced Into England In
1852. In 1853 n writer In Field said
croquet came Into the north of Ireland
some twelvo years before from a
French convent. Trollopefs Mr.
Crosble played croquet in 18tV2. In
1877 an ivory turner of London, one
Dickson, remembered having made a
set of croquet Implements for Ireland
forty years before.
The game went out of fashion In the
country when lawn tennis became the
rage. The men that persisted in cro
quet were suspected of being passion
ately addicted to soda lemonade. There
was at least a revival, with grand
tournaments and strutting champions.
Herkimer Johnson tells us that sum
mer cottagers at Clamport play as
siduously even when It rains and the
whacking of the wooden Wis often
distracts htm-from the Investigation
of sociological problems.
Famous Qreek Letter Society.
Ttie'flrst Greek letter society wa
Phi Beta Kappa, the letters standing
for a Greek motto which Is translated
"philosophy, the guide of life." It wai
organized at William and Mary col
lege December 5. 1770, as a secret so
cial club and literary society. It has
become an hononiry fraternity to
which men und women are elected oj
a oU of scholarship.
Oregon Trail
The Island of a Thousand Lights,
is well equipped to accomodate an
immense crowd in perfecFcomfort
Free admission until 6 P.JM.
Good Shade Good Water-
Plenty ot Chairs and. Tables
No admission will b"e charged during entire day.
After 6 p. m. usual charge for evening program
Ball Game and Horse Racing
Wai'ca mil! rrnnoroincir flnrnrin ah 2?30 n. m. at Round-tin prniinHs. These
I IT&iabl f,v fa" "-
teams are leaders in their
will also be some good
Beginning at 9 a. in. and lasting until noon, the Washington County
nod and Quit Club will hold a trap shoot at the club grounds. -No
cbargo for -spectators. . s
Weiser Feeds 'Em
15,000 "Hot Dog" Sandwiches Free;
also Hot Coffee will be served.
A splendid forenoon Program of
Speaking and Music. ,
w.. .. f -
respective leagues and the
horse racing between fast local
Will Furnish Music all Day and Evening
now Pogo Stick races between both professional and amateur contest
ants. Sports will begin at 4:30.
The best display ever seen in Weiser-
mm ' ' ' ' ! ii i """" " ' '""" "' " " ' " ii !
Special Rates on all Railroads
-I- o -----
game will be last. There
Do was. l.