THE ONTABIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THTmSDAY JUNE 8, 1922. Preferred Stock COfPE Packed in 1 lb., 2 1-2 lb. and 5 lb. Vacuum Tight Cans. . We have carried this coffee for two years and never have had a single complaint on the quality. Every can guaranteed, or your money back. You are absolutely protected in buying this coffee, and we know it will please you. If you are not familiar with this coffee, please order a trial can and we know you will like it. E. A. FRASER OBIME Mrs. II. B. Grlnstead and daugh ter, Mrs. Dora Baker and her little boy, of Ridgway, Mo., visited at the A. A. Outtorldge home over the week end. Mr. Karr of DesMolnes, Iowa ar rived at the home of his brother. Arthur, and expects to spend the summer on the Slope. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Holloway motored to Parma Sunday for a visit with their daughter, Lois. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miller are the proud parents of a baby daughter, born Friday, June 2nd. On Friday evening at Park school house at 8 o'clock, a meeting of prospective lettuce growers will be held, presided over by Chairman Geo. Lattlg. Mr. Dean of Nyssa, will be present and plans will be laid for providing a packing houso to take care of the season's crop of lettuce. Mr. and Mrs. Phlpps were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Sullens Sunday afternoon. Park Improvement club held a picnic Wednesday, May 31, at the Woisor park. Those attending re ported a delightful time. A weevil spraying demonstration was held at the George Lattfg place alst Thursday. L. R. Brlethaupt county agent, Introduced the speak ers representing the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture Extension Ser vice. The large crowd of ranchers present listened attentively and learned the newest and best meth od of control over this pest. Meet ings of this nature are always well attended and are very much appre ciated by the local farmers. Our ball team journeyed to Pay ette River Sunday afternoon and succeeded in defeating the team at that place by a score of 11 to 5.. Every one of the -boys played the game in. good form, Oscar Grace making a spectacular catch of a fly ball that would do credit to a big leaguer. Batteries: Culbertson and Tattersen: Veagor and Woodward. Several ranchers are starting tholr mowing machines and a num ber of orchardlsts are putting on the cover-spray for apples. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Craven, Sunday, June 4th, a son. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Van Natta and family spent Sunday with the former's parents at Payette. Miss Ruby Channer left for Sa Iom, Ore., for an extended visit with her brother, John Channer. F. B. Wilcox, and C. C. Wilcox and family were guests at a musical at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moss of Payette. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wilcox enter tained at a luncheon Sunday even ing. The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Miller and Mr. and Mrs.Arner Gorton. Rhena Tomlln and Jean Bartshe, who havo been attending nurses training school at Baker, are enjoy ing a two weeks vacation with their parents. jr The Mourning After 0 ... IYi. m. P!, w Ml (TOM'PODV SAIP HE : m&& was twno ro tear & - The Modern Way of Cooking The Electric Way Just at our mothers nnd grandmothers discarded the candle and the keroseno lamp in favor of electric lights, so will tho housewives of to day gradually roplaco tho hot, dirty coal range with tho clean, cool, convenient; officiant and oonomlcal ELECTRIC RANGE. Hl'KOIAL TKIUIS OF $10 DOWN During Ik" Month of Juno .UAliANOi: IX EASY MONTHLY TKIIMS It is really difficult to appreciatewhat a bless ing: an Electric Range is in the home until you've had an opportunity, to try one to cook a meal on one. So simple to operate just snap the switch and you have a quick, clean heat confined directly un derneath the food to be cooked. No wasted heat whatever, and your kitchen is always cool and clean. Call at the Electric Shop for a demonstration. ELECTRIC SHOP IDAHO POWER CO. THERE were 5,250 similar accidents during the year 1020 In the United States, killing 1,273 and Injuring 3,077 persons, and an Increased number during 1021. When statistics arc nvallnblo for November 1021 it will show that month as being one of the worst In history. Isn't It about time automoblllsts were coming to a realization of tho necessity for stopping before proceeding over railroad grado crossings, not only for the safety of themselves, but also occupants of their cars whose lives they have In their hands, as well as persons on trains. The great number of, ac cidents occurring would Indicate that travelers on public highways misjudge the .speed of trains and do not look for them in both directions. Many accidents occur by reason of the fact that automobiles proceed over crossings afteB train passes without knowing whether or not another train Is coming In the opposite direction. i, STOP. LOOK AND LISTEN for trains c- all tracks before attempting to cross. OWYHEE Mrs. Joe Wallace and Mrs. Doc. Pullen were ill last week. Owing to attendance at a funeral Rev. Blom did not hold his usual service which occurs on the fourth Sunday of each month. Guy Wallace has hired out to S. Bigelow for .he summer. Owing to dissatisfaction of Ontar io over the grading ot their final examination arithmentc papers, a re-grading was requested. Mrs. Chas. Schweizer was chosen to do the work, going to Vale last week for thatpurpose. The Warren Fenn and Geo. Glas cock families plcnlced on tho river Sunday. Mrs. Chas . Schweizer, accom panied by Mrs. Otto Schweizer and Mrs. Ruth Share, who are visiting at Oco Schwelzer's, attended tho Memorial services in Nyssa Tuesday, and decorated graves there and at Owyhee. Littlo Margaret KUngback has been ill severa days. Her parents took her to Dr. Sarazin Tuesday for advice. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy DeWltt have rented the John Rust ranch and moved on tho -last of the -week. Chas. Schweizer and family are now occupying the place vacated by the DoWitt family, as Mr. Schweizer is to be employed on the Tlust ranch' this summer. Mr. and Mrs. John Rust, who have boon spending soma time on the farm, leave this week for Boise. Kygar's, Rippey's, Elliot's Skln nor's, Louis DoBord and several others are cutting hay this week on account of Infection by alfalfa weev il, which seems to bo quite a bit worse in this community this year. Many farmers have Dlowed ud tior- llons of their alfalfa which is bad ly Infected, and are putting in other crops. Miss Bernlce Fenn is visiting relatives in Nyssa until Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisher spent Saturday night with their daughter at Vale. A groat number of people visited tho cemetery with flowers Decor ation day. Messrs. John Reeco and J. P, Dunaway and Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Patterson called at tho Fisher home Monday. J. H. Brown and family visited his brothor Emmanuel, at Nyssa Monday. Miss Edna Gruver, who has Just completed a successful term of school at Emmett, visited her sister, Mrs. Robt. Elliot, last week after which she roturned to her homo at Los Ammas, Colo, for the summer vacation. She will teach in Eugene next year. Orvlllo Bigelow and Guy Glenn passod tho eighth grade final exam inations with flying colors. Konnoth Green is a guest of Rol lo Fenn this week, Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Pouta and sons attended tho Barnes circus at Wols er Thursday, also calling on rela tives In Payette. Mrs. Chas. Schweizer and daugh ter, Lois, and Mrs, LoRok DoWUt and sister, Mrs. Orvlllo Smith, vlslt eo at the Lowe homo Friday. A drainage meeting was held at tho school houso Wednesday even ing. It la almost time for some de cisive acliuu to be taken In regard to drainage. So much of the Owy hee land Is "going to alkali" ot late that It Is a common matter ot com ment by passers by, that so many formerly fine farm are becoming non-productive. A number of farm era unable to secure concerted ac tion, aro doing their best to drain their land with hand dug ditches. O. R. Hite and son, Omar left Tuesday for Long1 Valley where Mr. Hlto has taken a contract to haul railroad ties this summer. Mr. and Mm. 8. D. Bigelow and family went to the circus at Welser Thursday. Choir practice will be held at Blgelow's this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. yNnpton of visited Thursday at the Lowe home. Mrs. Napton will be remembered as principal in the Owyhee school 2 years ago. Andy Hansen who has spent tho past winter in Yuma, Ariz., passed thru Nyssa Friday enrouto to Alas ka where he will spend the summer. Wm. Peutz called on him at Nyssa. Mrs. Kelley and a number of lady friends from Wilder, with camping equipment for. overnight, spent the night at the Hot Springs Thursday, and ascended Mitchell Butte Friday. NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution in fore closure duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of tho State of Ore gon, for the County of Malheur, dated the 24th day of May, 1922, in a certain suit in the said Circuit Court for said State and County, wherein Albert Hinsch, as plaintiff, and George L. Goodrich and Rose Goodrich, his wife, and the Idaho Power Company, a corporation, as defendants, a Judgment was ren dered in favor of the above named plaintiff, and against tho above named defendants George L. Good rich and Rose Goodrich, for the sum of $3,000.00, with interest thereon at the rate ot ten per cent per annum from the 8th day of August, 1921; and for the further sum of $5G.20, with Interest thereon at the rate ot ten per cent per an num from tho 3rd day of March, 1922; and for tho further sum of $57.53 with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from March 20th, 1922, and the further sum ot $300.00 as attorney's fees; and for the further sum of $21.25 for costs and disbursements of-this suit, which judgment was enrolled and docketed in tho Clerk's office of said Court in said County on tho autn day or May, 1922. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HERE BY GIVEN, That I will on Satur day the 1st day of July, 1922, at the nour or li odocK in tho forenoon of said day, at the north main en trance door of tho County Court House at Vale, said county and state. sell at publlo auction to the high est bidder or bidders, for cash in hand, all the right, title and Interest ot the above named defendants, in nnd to the following described real property, tewlt: The East Half of the Southwest Quarter and West Half of Southeast Quarter ot Section 11, in Township 19 South, Range 46 E. W. M.: also an easement or right of way tor road purposes over a strip ot land twenty feet wide, -nnd extending In an easterly' and westerly direction along the entire south boundary line of tho SW ot NWJi of Sec tion 21, in Township 19 South, Range 47 E. W. M.; also Lot No. 2 of Section 21, in Township 19, South, Range 47 E. W. M containing 25.88 acres, and' being a fractional part ot tho SE of NW ot said Section. 21, reserving, however, an easement or right ot way for road purposes over a strip 2o ft. wide and extending in an easterly and westerly direction along the en tire south boundary line of said tract, with sufficient space on the bank of the Snake River to turn around with a team and wagon; to gether with all ditches, water rights, tenements, heriditaments and ap purtenances thereunto, belonging; all of the aforesaid property being situated in Malheur County, Oregon. The above real property taken and levied upon as the property of the said above named defendants George L. Goodrich and Rose Goodrich, his . wife, and the Idaho Power Company, V a corporation, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Judgment in favor ot Albert Hinsch, and against the above' named de fendants, with interest thereon, and attorney's fees, together with all' costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 39th day of May, 1922. H. LEE NOB, Sheriff, By C. W. Glenn, Deputy. Date of first publication June 1, . 1922. Date of last publication, June 29, 192J. , Date of sale, July 1st, 1923 , at 11.00 A. M. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR MALHEUR COUNTY E3- IN THE MATTER OF THE TATE OF P. J. CONROY, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given by John F. Conroy administrator of the es tate ot P.. J. Conroy, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against said estate, to present such claims with the neces sary vouchers according to law within six months, after the first publication ot this notice, to John F. Conroy, administrator ot the Estato of P. J. Conroy, deceased at the law office of W. H. Brooke and P. J. Gallagher, in Ontario, Oregon. The first notice hereof is pub lished this 25th day ot May 1922. John F. Conroy, ADMINISTRATOR of the EntaU pf P. J. Conroy, Deceased. Get Your Milk From TESTED COWS THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO BE SAFE IN BUYING MILK FOR THE FAMILY USE GET IT FROM A DAIRY WHOSE COWS ARE TEST ED. THE HERD OF THE STAR DAIRY HAS BEEN TESTED AND FOUND CLEAN AND HEALTHY AND FREE FROM CONTAMINAT ING GERM8. WE WANT OUR CUSTOMERS TO KNOW THIS-rAND THE PUB LIC TOO. THOSE WHO APPRE CIATE PROTECTION FOR THEM SELVES AND FAMILY USE STAR DAIRY MILK. STAR DAIRY H. F. EMBREE, Proprietor