The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 01, 1922, Image 6

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iMiMMMi l
Dr. and Mrs. II. 0. 1'ayno and Mr.
and Mrs. W. H Brooke motored to
Boiso Saturday to attond tbo ses
sions of the Shrine and visit with
Boise friends. They returned lust
I. J. Gallagher left Saturday to
. attond the sessions of the federal
court, at Portland.
Otto Phllabaum has completed
his term of school In the Skull
Springs district. Ho returned to
Ontario Friday lu time to attend the
comincncomout exercises und the
alumni banquet.
Miss Bessie Uutherford enter
tained Sunday evening with a Ave
o'clock dinner in honor of her 19th
birthday. The out of town guests
present were, Miss Ellon Carson,
Miss Lola Gorton of Payette; Miss
Ila Lockett of Boiso, Paul McKee of
Portland, Clyde Scott of Nampa,
Fruult Browning of Krultlaud and
Dewey Domaray of Payette.
Miss Muttie Leo and Mrs. Oscar
Jacokes left Sunday for Harper,
Oregon for a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allen are
( moving into their old homo on the
1 hill which has been occupied by M.
1). Thomas.
Mrs. ClarenceWood roturned to
her homo In Numpa Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Biggs and
family have moved to thoir ranch
above Vale for tho summer.
Miss Ila Lockett of Boiso, is visit
ing her cousin, Miss Bessie Ruthor
ford. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cavinoss of
Emmett, uro visiting In Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Qoo. Howo spent
tho week-end visiting in Boise.
Word was receivod this week by
Frank Ityan of tho death of Wm.
V. Sliimick, who died nt Weuutcheo,
Washington on May 22 of acuto
Brlght's disease. Mr. Suimick was
onco a resident of Ontario. Ho
leaves u wlfo and six mouths old
Miss Winifred Knowlton of Itos
well Is visiting her sistor Miss Ber
nico Knowlton, this weok.
Mrs. Chestor Fnrnell of Nampa,
is visiting in Ontario this weok tho
guost of her brother J. B. Athorton.
H. L. Walker of Unity, Oregon,
camu to Ontario Friday to accom
pany his daughtor homo. Sho has
been attending High school hero tho
past winter.
Undo Dick Uutherford last weok
turnod tho popcorn stand ovor to
his two graudsonB.Iohn and Blllio
Ruthorford. Tho boys mo getting
tho stnnd in shape and will open it
Mr. and Mrs. L. Adam, Richard
Adam, llnlph Emlson, Miss Loulso
Wood, nnd Miss Ituth Caboon left
Sunday for a short outing at Pay
ettu Lakos.
Mr. and Mrs. Aubroy Howard
and Cluronco Croutor motored to
Baker City Sunday for n short visit.
Miss Ituth Lackey entortaiuod
Monday ovonlng at her homo in
honor of Dorothy Gtllandors who
loaves Ontario Thursday for her
now homo In Loxlngton, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Jones of Jun
tura, spont tho week-end visiting in
Mr. and Mia. Henry Quast of
Caldwoll, woro Sunday visitors nt
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Mr. and Mrs, P. M. Quast nnd Mr.
ami Mrs. Henry Quast woro Mem
orial day guests at tho homo of Mr.
nnd Mis. A. Qunst of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Senium mo
tored to Weisor Sunday.
' Mr. and Mrs. Oono McCoy and
Mrs. Holon Strothor motored to
Boiso Sunday where thoy visited
Mrs. Strothor's mothor.
Mr. and Mrs. It. It. Dinpoiof Ynlo
visltod in Ontario n short tlmo Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gwllllum of
AVoUor visltod Tuesday afternoon
with Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Stioup.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mooro of
Pnrma, spoilt Momorlnl day with
Mr. Moore's father, Major Mooro.
Paul Evans, George and Homer
Maddux and M. D. Thomas wont to
Lake Lowell abovo Caldwoll, on a
fishing trip Momorlal day.
Sale Extraordinary
Bankrupt sale of
Style Shop
Ontario, Oregon
Sale commences
Friday, June 9th
Everything goes. Doors
open at 8 o'clock A. M.
Friday, June 9th.
Due to an oversight on tho part
of the Arguo a recital that was
worthy of much praise on the part of
their teacher was presented in the
Masonic Hall, Saturday, May 20th,
by the pupils of Stella Mason Cox.
A program of 43 numbers was given
Including piano solos, duets and
trios, also violin solos, duets and
quartottes. The closing number un
dor the direction of Mrs. Cox, was
Papa Haydn's Toy Symphony given
by a 20 piece orchestra, tho smaller
children playing toy instrument s.
This number proved to bo very en
tertaining as well as ' Instructive
from a musical standpoint.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Howq, havo
tented thoir homo to Sergeant Aben
drowth of Boise. They expect to
leave Ontario soon.
Word as received this weok of tho
birth of a baby daughter to Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Hust of this city, who are
spending tho season In California.
Mrs. Wllmer Boyer returned to
day from a two week's visit with
relatives In Baker.
Clarence Crouter was a Baker
visitor on Memorial day. Ho re
ports that Baker Is preparing for the
biggest Fourth of July colobartlon
over hold In Eastern Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Blackaby were
Memorial day visitors hero.
(Continued from pago one)
womnnhod, three died Infancy.
'During their early married llfo thoy
movod to Kansas, and later, 41 years
ago thoy crossed the plains to Ore'
gon, settling on a ranch west of On
tario on the Malheur river, this side
of the Butto. Twenty years ago
thoy moved to town and havo lived
horo ovor slnco.
Funeral services woro held yester
day morning at the Masonic hall con
ducted by tho Eastern Star, of -which
tho doconBod was a member. Rev.
D. D. Reoso delivered tho funeral
eulogy und Mrs. II. L. Peterson
sang. Hundreds of friends, includ
ing many of tho best known pioneers
came to pay their last respects. At
tho grave tho beautiful rltuallstc
sorvlco of tho order was performed.
Tho seven members of tho family
who with thoir father survlvo her
are: W. F. Shawnee, Kansas; J. M.
J. W. and G. W. Blanton of Ontario;
nnd Mrs. Sarah Loavitt, Mrs. Emma
Smith and Mrs. Belle Redsull of this
city. Tho two daughters who grew
to womanhood and whoso death
proceeded that of their mother were:
Mrs. Ida Hulery and Mrs. Dora
Had Many l)esccndunls
Perhups no woman in Eastern
Oregon is survived by a greater
number of descendants, and few
nnywhoro In Amoricn will surpass
tho record horo presented. Mrs.
Blanton is survived by 33 grand
children; and 38 great grand child
ren and ono great, great grand
daughter. Thoro being all 80 direct
descendants, now living.
Tho grand children most of whom
nro known horo are: Mrs. Stella
Glllosplo, G. G. L. F., J. R. and
Edith and Florence Blanton of
Shnwnoo, Knnsns. Sons and daugh
ters of W. F. Blanton; George W.,
Charles L Elinor W., Edwin A.,
Waltor n William B., Frank J.
Lcavitt, all of Ontario and Lydla G.
Iladloy, Baldwin, Knnsas; Sadlo G.
Crump, Phoenix, Arizona; and
Finncls McGregor of Ontario, sons
nnd daughtos of Mrs. Sarah Leavitt;
Joo and Wosloy Blanton, Mrs. Loora
Davis, EITlo E. Downs, Bosslo M.
Parsons, Pnullno J. Ross, and Ida
Lucllo Blanton, children of John
Blanton; Manuol Smith and Flor
onco Smith, children of Mrs. Emmn
Smith; Ellory F Bert Horon, Mrs.
Florence Grnhnm, chldren of Mrs.
Dora Herron; William, Cnrl and
Mabel Blanton, chlldron of George
W. Blanton, jr.; Ruby and Sarah
Rodsull, daughters of Mrs. Bollo
Rodsull of Ontario.
Tho groat grand chlldron nre:
Roy, Lostor, Arthur, Robert, and
Mary Glllosplo; Waltor H., Qettio
L., 'and Chostor F. Blanton of
Shnwnoo, Kansas; Marie and Loo
Hndley; Arlington and Myrtle
Loavitt; Lucllo Ross, Jack Downs,
Joo Mnrjorlo and Holon Parsons;
Delbort. Evolynand Crystal Smith;
Evolyu Lyman; Earl Blnuton; Maude
Cammnnn nnd Mnna Cammann,
Browning; Ed. C, Florence, Orvlllo
A., Lester, Bert B., Clnudo M and
Noia E. Braswell: and tho great,
gront grajid child Is Ethel Maxlno
Notice Is horoby given that, In
pursuanco of Ordlnanco No. 236, of
tho City of Ontario, I havo taken up
and impounded tho following dos
scrlbod animals found running at
Invgo within tho corporate limits of
tho City of Ontalro, in Malheur
County, Stnto of Oregon, to-wlt:
Ono Sorrel horso, whlto stripe In
faco, about 7 yr. old, weight about
1000 lbs., brandod J with bar be
neath on right shouldor, new brand
III with bar abovo on loft shoulder,
Groy horso, about 7 "yr. old.
weight about 1000 lbs., brandod
J with bar benoath on right shoulder
now brand, III with bar abovo on
left shouldor.
Grey Horso, braudod with lazy S
on. loft shoulder and 10 ou right
shoulder. Ago not known,
nnd I -will on tho 8th day of Juuo,
1922, at tho hour of threo o'clock
P. m. of said day offer for sola and
Will soil above described animals at
public auction to tho highest bidder,
for cash In hand at tho city pound
In said city of Ontario.
Taken up this 27th day of May
Postod this 3lBt day of May,
f City Marshal
Mrs. John Wood and Mrs. E. Ht
Test entertained last Friday at and
afternoon Auction. Nine tables
were played and refreshments were
Next Wednesday afternoon, Juno
7th tho Congregational Ladles Aid
will meet at tho home of. Mrs.
Flack of Fruitland. All wishing to
attend will meet at the Church at
2 o'clock where there will be cars
to take them to Fruitland,
Mrs. John Brutzman returned
Tuesday from Lewlston and Spokane
whore sho has visited the past
Rev. Henry Young left Saturday
for Quebec where he will visit his
mother and spend six weeks with
frionds and relatives In lower Can
ada. On his return he will go via
tho Canadian -railways to Prince
A farewell reception will bo given
for Rev. and Mrs. Cochran and
daughters Monday evening June 5th
at 7:30 at the United Presbyterian
Church, to which all friends are
cordially invited. Rev. Cochran Is
moving to Gooding where he was
recently Installed as pastor of the
Presbyterian Church of that City.
This reception is being given that all
friends may unite In wishing them
jQod speed in the now field and the
invitation is to all who care to show
their appreciation and good wishes
In this way.
Summary of weather and crop
conditions in Eastern Oregon for
weok ending May 23, 1922. While
warmer weather stimulated the'
growth of all vegetation, It Is back
ward In practically all districts, and
farm work as a rule, Is still behind
tho average for the season. All
seeding Is complete In Malheur
county except lettuce, and grains
making flno growth. Alfalfa In
most sections making fine growth.
In Kingman section alfalfa two to
two and a half feet high, no notice
able damage from alfalfa weevil.
Berries and gardens coming into
bearing. Early potatoes making
excellent growth. Late potato plant
ing completed.
Tho Sunday school Is preparing a
Children's Day program for Sunday,
Juno 4th.
Litg of water, 3 miles from Ontario
on AVashoo bottoms. Anyono who
wants n bargain for 30 head or less
Investigate ths. Price fixed ac
cording to number of stock. Call
A. B. Mullon on C. F. Draper ranch,
Phone 340, R 5, Payette. 3tpd.
FOR RENT Section of good pasturo
horses $2.00 per month for
short tlmo. If loft for ontlro season
$1.75. Yearlings $1.50. 3 mlle3
straight west of Ontario. No stock
removed uiftll settled for. C. W.
Gnrrott. tf
FOR SALE: Puro bred Poland
China Sow. Bred for fall farrow.
Ben Roso, R. F. D. 4t pd.
Bring us your starter and gener
ator work, wo guarantee satisfaction.
Ford Garage.
FOR SALE five acres on hill 3-4
mllo from High School under ad
vancement Co. ditch with water
right. Flno place for chlckeni or
garden. -AH good soil. Price $600.
Inquire W. II. Doollttle Trustee.
FOll SALE 50'Gollon capacity iron
barrels $3.00 each. Globe Service
A spoclalty startor and generator
man at tho Ford garage .
WANTED Stock to pasturo. Call
F. A. Ratcltff, phone 203M, Ontario.
HELP WANTED Man and wlfo on
Irrigated ranch, must havo ex
perience. Inquire Argus Office.
1 G. E, single phase 1 h p motor,
1 G. E. stnglo pbaso 1 h p motor
with no voltago release. Priced to
soil. Jack DUlard, at Electric Ser
vice and Battery Co.
Taken from Tunnoy ranch, iron
oorrlgntor belonging to McPherson
Please return to owner or
notify them.
FOR SALE Refrigerator and Sep
nrator. Box 459.
Sunday evening there will bo a
Children's Missionary program at
tho Nazarono Church nt 8 o'clock.
All aro welcome
Sabbath School, 10:00.
Morning Worship, 11:00.
Subject for next Sabbath, "The
Prodigal Son."
You are Invltod to attend these
By virtue of an execution In fore
closure duly issued by the Clerk of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Malheur,
dated the 24th day of May, 1922, in
a certain suit in the said Circuit
Court for said State and County,
wherein Albert Hlnsch, as plaintiff,
and George L. Goodrich nnd Rose
Goodrich, his wlfo, and the Idaho
Power Company, d corporation, as
defendants, a judgment was ren
dered in favor of tho above named
plaintiff, and against the above
named defendants George L. Good
rich and Rose- Goodrich, for the
sum of $3,000.00, with Interest
thereon at the rate of ten per cent
per annum from the 8th' day of
August, 1921; and for the further
sum of $50.20, with interest thereon
at the rate of ten per cent per an
num from the 3rd day of March,
1922; and for the further sum of
$7.53 with Interest thereon at tho
rato of ten per cent per annum from
March 20th, 1922, and tho further
sum of $300.00 as attorney's fees;
and for the further sum of $21.25
for costs and disbursements of this
suit, which judgment was enrolled
and docketed in tho Clerk's office
of said Court in said County on the
20th day of May, 1922.
BY GIVEN, That I will oil Satur
day the 1st day of July, 1922, at the
hour of 11 o clock In the forenoon
of said day, nt the north main en
trance door of tho County Court
House at Vale, said county and state,
sell at public auction to the high
est bidder or bidders, for cash in
hand, all the right, title and Interest
of tho above named defendants, in
and to tho following described real
property, tewit:
The East Half of the Southwest
Quarter and West Half of Southeast
Quarter of Section' 11, in Township
19 South, Range 4G E. W. M.; also
an casement orrlght of way for
road purposes over a strip of land
twenty feet wide, and extending in
an easterly and westerly direction
along the entire south boundary
line of tho SWH of NW of Sec
tion 21, in Township 19 South,
Range 47 E. W. M.; also Lot No. 2
of Section 21, in TowiiBhip 19, South,
Range 47 E. W. M containing
25.88 acres, and being a fractional
part of the SE',4 of NW54 of said
Section 21, reserving, however, an
easement or right of way for road
purposesover a strip 2o ft. wide and
extending In an easterly and
westerly direction along the en
tire south boundary line of said
tract, with sufficient space on tho
bank of the Snake River to turn
around with a team and wagon; to
gether with all ditches, water rights,
tonoments, heridltaments and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging;
all of the aforesaid property, being
situated in Malheur County, Oregon.
Tho above real property taken and
levied upon as the property of the
said above named defendants George
L. Goodrich and Rose Goodrich, his
wife, and the Idaho Power Company,
a corporation, or so much thereof
as may be necessary to satisfy said
judgment in favor of Albert Hinsch,
and against tho above named de
fendants, with Interest thereon, nnd
attorney's fees, together with all
costs and disbursements that havo
or may accrue.
Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 29th
day of May, 1922.
H. LEE NOE, Sheriff,
By C. W. Glenn, Deputy.
Date of first publication June 1,
Date of last publication, June 29,
Dato of sale, July 1st, 1922 , at
11.00 A. M.
FOJl RENT CHEAP Small house,
electricity, comont basement, well
garden planted, all kinds of berries
in abundance; half acre alfalfa, 21
apple trees. Wator paid. Inquire
Mrs. Ralph Richardson, Bex: 43. It
FOR SALE G2 acres under
Warm Spring Project three miles
wost of Ontario, known as Springer
ranch, $600.00. Write Geo. II.
Foster Co. Baker, Oregon.
May 25 Aug 31 pd.
Excellent Mechanics, Ample Storage
Woman's Rest Room, All Conveniences
Oregon Trail Garage
Ben Jones, Prop.
Quality, Service, Oils, Gas; Supplies, Accessories
Matinee 2:30
Nite 7:30
rden Hose
Same as the noted Cord Tire
This hose you can tie in a
knot and never harm it.
We have the only genuine
in town, and ' while our
price is as low as others
are asking for the ordinary
kind, we feel that you
should investigate the qual
ity before buying. Let us .
show you.
Mat. Sunday 2:30 Conlinuous
Jttte LtaiVv IWnts J
' VProduchoh
'The Great-
With James Kiripootf
CI yammounlfficlum
. J
I - &