HKflHJ!IWWPi rrimq&w twBHSf" jj(tt5p!WlflRSafW8PB'WPWi Y-v (" i THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OKEQON, THURSDAY MAY 18, 1922. ma IS HE STANDS FOR TAX REDUCTION Cut Out Useless State Commissions m 1 Development of Owyhee Project. .Loyalty to Mal heur County. HE HAS- Secured State Aid for Ir rigation Bonds. Funds I for complete investiga tion and survey of the Owyhee Project. GOOD ROADS FOR MALHEUR COUNTY We need a live man in Salem Gallagher has made good let's send him back. n isiniiiiiui IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIB wr' .mry'svxts Jm. m lfljP jjl ?K . -Ar MBHHlMiMK Hil Ml l 1 iifci i mhii iii ' A m SCHOOL NOTES VOTE 36X P. J. GALLAGHER REPRESENTATIVE 17th DISTRICT em Tlio O. H. S. band nttondofl tha Blossom Festival nt Brognn Inst Sat urday, tlio guests of tlio Ontario Commercial club. Ontario Is very proud ot tlio band and tlio showing it has mnd a this year. " Oortrudo Skow attondod tlio Junior wook-ond ovonts nt tlio Oro gon Agricultural College last wook. Many students ot tlio Oiitarld High School woro prosont at tlio llrognn BIoBsom Festival last Satur day. Tlio boy's and girl's chorus Is busy practicing music for tlio com moncomant oxorclsoi). " Mnrgnrot Dlnckaby, a beginning student in typing, has recently won tlio Ilomlngton corttflcata ot of focloncy, for writing 3 not words por mtnuto, for 10 minutes with only ono orror. For this slio will rocolvo a leather card cuso, and cortlllcato. Margarot Blncknby has also won tlio Underwood cortlllcato of pro flcloucy for writing 1G mluutos with a net rato ot 50.1 words por tnlnuto with oniyi orror. For this sho will rccotvo a bronzo modal. Tho O. II. S. basoball tonm played tlio Kmmott High School tonm hero last Friday afternoon, ending with a Bcoro ot 3 to 1 In favor of Kmmott. Miss Ada Loo and Miss Iluth Cnbcon nttundod tho Founder's Day oxorclscs of tho Collogo of Idaho, at Cnldwoll last wook-ond. Last Tuesday tho girl's glco club ontortalnod tho assombly with a couplo ot their latest plocos, "Moon light Song," and "Tho Swing Song.' Last Friday morning during tho assombly period, tho Junior class on tortalnod with a short Bhake spornn drama ontltled "Pyrnmus nnd Thlsbo." Othor fonturos ot tho program woro tho Junior class Jazz orchestra nnd a demonstration of a Bausago mill, an Invention of tho Junior class. This wook tho Seniors nro pro pnrlnK a program with which to on- tnrtnlti llifi naannlliltf nnlt FrldflV. This ends tho sorios of programs wnicn uavo uoen given uy iuo members ot tho faculty and different classes. Tho following studonts havo ro contly won certificates of proficiency nwnrdod by tho Underwood Type writer uompnny lor writing mo ioi lowing not words por minute; Iluth Human -11.0, Earl 8kow 38.1, FrnnclB Fnliror 3G. Mnrlo Fahv 34.0 Honry Johnson 33.7. HON. WILL H. HAYS KX-CIIAntMAN UKPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE Telegraphs Ralph E. Williams ssssssssssssssssstsr''sssssssfl liiiiiiiiiBr' M.1 H RK' UMh iiiiHiHL; &. ? . H iiiiiiHtt ' PHp iiiiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiA fKi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH UALPII 13. WILLIAM8 Vlco-Chalrman Itupubllcun National Commlttoemnn Vote x 13 Western Union Telegram Fl Now York N.Y. 1201' May 6, 22 Italph 10. Williams, Hepubltcau Nat'J. Coiumlttoomnn, Portland, Oregon, Mutual friends havo told mu that you aro a candidate for re-oIoctlonH ns Ilopubltcun National Coin nil tt bo, mau this year, and I am constrained to send you Just this word of ap preciation for your splondld sorvlco ou tho commlttoo all tho tlmo that I was chairman. Your election as vice-chairman of tho nutlonal com mittee was tho fullest posslblo ovl denca ot tho cotnmlttoo's gratltudo to you and their confidence In your futuro usefulness to tho commlttoo nnd to tho party. In this I Join most hoarlly. Kindest regards and best wishes always, WILL II. 1IAY8. i:ill'IX)ltI.I I'ltO.M TIM .till, WILI.IAMH VOll COMM1TTIJI V MAN Will II. Hays, who but lately ro tlrod as chairman of tho llepubllcan national commlttoo, pays tribute in a telegram to tho service performed to tho republican party by tho com mltteo for Oregon, Italph K. Wil liams. Mr. Hays should know. Ills testimony may bo accepted as something mora than a more polite and formal .expression ot approval, to bo oxpectod from ono member of tho organization for nnothor; for It Is supportod by tlio entire com mittee, which, not many months ago, by unanimous voto of tho- repre sentatives of forty-eight states elect ed Mr. Williams vice-chairman. Ho is tho oldest membor in point ot sorvlco, and it Is not denlod by any ono that his standing with tho hoads ot tho republican party in very Igtir The national committeeship Is a party Job, It pays nothing In salary 3 MOKNINO OIUXJONIAN but It curries many responsibilities, nnd calls for work. Its rewards are, of courso, recognition ot leader ship and tlio prostlgo and Influence that go with it. Mr. Williams has boon tho committeeman tor fourteen years, and Is a candldnto for re oloctlon. Thero Is no good reason why ha should not bo ro-oloctod; thorn aro good reasons why ho should bo, tho most obvious and un nusworablo ot which Is that ho has a high placo with tho committee, Is on terms ot Intimacy and confidence with tho national loaders of the republican party, Is In line for tho national chairmanship, and can, and doubtless will, porform service which no new man, whatever his qualities, can possibly perform. Tho Orogoiilan Is reluctant to lu terfero In the contest for national committeeman; but tho advantages to the republican party In Oregon of Mr. Williams' olectlon aro so plain that It fools point thorn out. that It should (Paid Adr, by Com. ot Itopubllcans, G. L. Starr, Trndo Hldg., Portland, Ore. Soo'y. 617' Board ot U. l CHUIICII Sabbath school 10:00, Morning worship, 11:00. F. E. Sprlngor, Pastor. FOIt SALE BO-Oallon capacity Iron barrels 3.00 each. (Hebo Service Station. BOTH 1AHTU1UJ Llta Of wator, 3 miles from Ontario on Washoo bottoms. Anyono who wants a bargain for 30 hoad or loss Invcstlgato this. Prlco fixod ac cording to numbor ot stock. Cal A. I). Mullen on O. F. Drapor ranch, Phono 340, R C, Payette. 3tpd. SENATOR THOS. F. RYAN FOR STATE TREASURER WHAT (miHllS SAY: With Judgo Ilyan ns state treasurer tho people would bo assured that tho affairs of tho offlco would bo administered honest ly nnd economically, that ovory dollar would bo protoctcd and that tho disgrace put upon tho stato by Mr. Holt would bo wjpod out. Mr. Ityan's record Is absolutely clean. Portland Telegram. Nolther Investor, nor guardian of public funds, nor as economist nor ns administrator has Mr. Hoff earned re-election. Ills opponent, Thomas F. Ilyan, ot Oregon City, was for eight years assistant stato treasurer and his qualifications for office seem superior to thoso ot Mr. Hoff's. Tho Capital Journal, Salem. Dear Mr. Ityan: "Tho result ot my Investigation ot the offlco ot Stato Treasur er Is so eminently satisfactory that I wish to express my apprecia tion ot finding an office where such a magnitude ot business is transacted, conducted In tho mnnnor you are now and havo been handling tho offlco ot Treasurer of tho stato ot Orogon tor the time you havo acted as deputy. No man I know of In Oregon Is bottor fitted to till the position of Treasurer than yourself and I bellovo tho voters will show tholr, faith in you by electing you to tho position." R. E. Plnnoy, Auditor and Adjuster ot Official Ilonds of State Troasurer. Competency in tho offlco of Stato Treasurer Is too grave a matter to bo set asldo in tho interests of party or class. The Oregonlan believes strongly that Mr. Hoff, whatever his other at tributes, may be, is not sufficiently versod In business matters to bo continued In his prosont trust and that Mr. Ityan should be nominated. Tho Oregonlan. Judgo Thomas F. Ityan and O. P. Hoff, present stato treasurer, aro the two candidates for the Republican nomination to this office, and Hofr'a administration Is tho principal Issue Ryan Is making tho race on his rocord as assistant stato treasurer under Former Stato Treasurer Thomas I). Kay, and a platform ot con structive policies, Hoff's administration was subjected to a spoclal grand Jury Investigation In the spring ot 1020 resulting in tho Jury severely condemning hts policy ot purchasing bonds from Morris Drothers with stato funda at stuffed premium prices. It enabled tho bonding Arm to realize nearly $100,000 In excess profits Portland Telegram. A sum ot $160,000 ot state funds Is on deposit with the State bank 'that closed its doors today. The Stato Dank ot Portland Is carrytug a larger amount ot state funds on deposit than any other bank In the city. Tho state treasurer has a son employed lu this Institution. Let us retire Mr, Hoff and have a thorough Investigation of this Important offlco in all matters as well as the work connected with investments made of trust funds. Cbas. Coopey, Secretary Oregon Scenic Association. (Paid Adv. Ryan for Treasurer Club, Hal E. Hoss, Secy., Oregon City, Oregon.) FOUHALK CIIHAP ."Colnola"oloctrlo Piano with, fit toon rolls. Instrument In fine con dition. Terms to rospoiiBlblo party. lnstrumeut In lino condition. Wrjto for particulars to Consolidated Mus ic Co., 48-50 Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah. 2t. GOOD PASTURE AT TUB OLD IlLANTON IIANC1IK8 THREE AND HALF MILKS WEST AND ONE MILE SOUTH OF ONTARIO. tf. FOR 8ALE-Two now scrron doors, slxo C-2xO-0. f 1.50 each. nt Argus Offlco, Inqulro Still tho original process. Body and flavor, not alcoholic content made Budweiser the favorite. And body and flavor are the same today. B ph'tst. jay Wmm -M29 "fev udweiser Everywhere . A.NHEU3En.-IlUSCH. INC, ST. LOUIS Blumauer & Hoch Boyer Bros. & Co. wnoiciaic uuirtoutort Portland, Oregon X Local Dlitrtbutor$ Ontario, Oregon REMEMBERtozsk your grocer for Cal umet Baking Powder and be sure that you get it the In diaohead on theorangelabeL Then forget about bake day failures. For you wilt never have any. Calumet always produces the sweet est and most palatable food. And tiow remctnber, you always use less than of most other brands because it pos sesses greater leavening .strength. ffffHMf s&5 Now Remember- Always Use L" 1 1 1 'i 1 9 There is no waste. If a recipe calls for one egg two cupa of flour half a cup of mflk thaf a all you use. You never have to re-bake. Contains only such ingre dienta as have been officially approved by U. & Food Authorities, M tho product of the largest, most modem and sanitary Baking Pow. dr Factories in existence. Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 0. Some baking powders come in 12 oz. Instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. Ctkatt CkuaU MuHu, R.df). 4 cups eito4. flour, 4 level tea. bpogm Calumet Baking Powder, 1 tablespoon su gar, 1 teacpooa ealt, 2 eggs, 3 cups of sweet tnuje. Tbeamlx in the regular ? VOTE X 13 9