The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 18, 1922, Image 1

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,. v
V I July of Hlinloft Plea HJ'iii)Ihmi
Ten Vehicle for Presenting
Jinny New Singers to On
tario Public llomitl
fully Staged. -
With ovory Boat In Uio Iioubo
occtfplod Tuesday ifVonlng', tho
Majestic thentro presented a protty
ptcturo for tho program presented
by tho Music club aBslslod by Mm.
W. H. Harrison and hor pupils.
Tho stago Bettings woro hand
somely comploto nnd furnished a
ground of Imposing dignity and
v graco, all in kcoplug with tho pro
gram prcsontod. Tho ovonlng fun
nlshed somo surprises to ninny of
tho nudlonco and Introduced n
number of now singers of whom
llttlo hnd been heard boforo, whllo
tho favorites ot othtf" programs woro
rocolvod wltl a warm welcome All
In nil tho ovontngn ontortnlnmont
was Indaod n worthy ono reflecting
credit on tho club nnd Mrs. Harri
son, tho teachor. Ono criticism
.which may fairly bo mado was this:
ho program wns top long for n
warm sum in or evening. Howovcr
Hint served to manifest tho ability
ot tho singers who until tho closo of
tho program woro given hearty cn
corfs. It Is Impossible to glvo an ad
oqunto description ot each number,
yet mention must bo tnndo ot tho
first section, tho Lndy ot Bhalntt,
sung by Mrs. Harrison and chorus,
which was Indeed well dono In ovory
way, both by tho soloist and tho
chorus, which mnnlfostod tho rosult
of caroful training.
Tho Bocond wns n serins ot or
choitrn numbers by tho High School
orchestra dlroctod by Miss Holon
Dunstono, In this tho yuungful
musicians did themselves proud.
Tho third section, tho Symposium
Ton, n novel mothod ot presenting
a musclal program, Introduced u
long lilt ot local singers In now as
well as favorlto songs ot long ago.
Spaca prohibits an account of each
number. Tho rending or Miss Adn
Leo nnd Miss Iluth Cnboon added
variety and appealed to tho nud
lonco; As tho rosult of tho enter
tainment a start was mado for tho
fund to furnish tho club rooms at
tho publlo library.
Mrs. Mliiulo O. Li'tnon of Onlnrlu
Make Official Visit to I-ul
Chapter Past Matrons
Prepare Dinner.
At n spoctal communication of
Star ChaDtor No. 09. O. K. 8. Friday
evening May 4, Mrs. Mlnnlo C. Lot
son, Worthy Grand Matron of Oro-
gon mado nor oniciai visit.
A dollRhttul dlnnor prepared tin
dor tho direction of I'nst Matrons,
Clomont, Aduui, Purcell nnd Van
Patten was sorvod at 0:30 In tho
.bnnquet hall which had boon vory
beautifully docorntod In the colors
of tho order.
Frank Wenvor, Worthy Patron of
Stnr Chapter Introduced W. F. Ho-
man as toast mastor. Among thoso
responding with tonsts woro Mrs..
Mlnnlo C. Lotson Worthy Orand
Mntron nnd two othor grand of
flcors of tho (Jrund Chapter of Ore
gon, Mrs. Lois Young, of Vale,
Grand Adah and Mrs. Myrtlo Potor
son of Ontario, Orand Esther.
Sonator Patterson ot Salem. Past
Matron, Dunbnr, Poguo and FrnBer
and past patrons McCulloch nnd
Allen also responded.
After tho bnnquet all j-opairod to
tho chapter room where tho work
ot the chapter was exemplified nnd
candidates Inltlntod. At this tlmo
it.n wnrthv flrnnd Matron Installed
Mrs. Mnmlo Springer In the office t of
Worthy Matron At Star Chapter No.
ArtT"" Letson gavo a most Interest
njand Instructive talk to the
raombors ot tho Ordor Impressing
upon thorn what the Eastern Star
tnonaa and how far reaching Its In
Huonce when the mombera oboy Its
teachings. , , ,
. Star Chapter la vory proud to Up
honor chaptor of Oregon this yelr
and particularly so under such on
able representative bb Mrs. Mlnnlo
C. Letson Worthy Orand Matron.
not nnnrnv Hcod 32. a well known
rosldent ot Juntura, dlod at the hos
.pltal Tuesday after a -short Illness.
,ur rnnmv was' unmarried ana
Heaves besides his brother, John F
Conroy of Juntura, a numuor o. i
attvea In the east. He was a mem
ber ot Snake lUver Council of
Knights of Columbus and ,had lived
In Malheur county for 12 years.
Fuuerat services will be held today
,frnm hn flhurcll Of the BleSSOd
Sacrament and Interment will
' made la the Catholic cemetery.
The many friends of J. A. Ken
nedy of Brown,- will regret to learn
'tht he la very low at the hospital
here and feara are entertained for
. ,hta recovory. Mr. Kennedy under
went an operation two weeks ago
and complications se In from which
'he has not been able to rally,
'Mhw Grtrne 8kow atieade
Junior wek In CorrallU Ust week.
W. I Davidson, president of
tho Oregon "Western Colonlza-
Hon company who was In On-
4 tarlo this wcok on business hi
connoctlon with his company Is
optimistic ovor tho prospects
for a big Increnso In tno vol
4 umo of business for this sec-
Hon this year.
"I hayo just roturnod from
a trip to Washington. D. 0.,"
snld Mr. Davidson, "from nor-
sonnl observation I krtbw that
tho fruit crops ot Vlrglnlu,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Tcnnossco
and Michigan aro gone That
moans good prlcos for tho fruit
raised hero.
"Thon too, tho prices your
shcop men aro getting for tholr
4- wool and tho largo volume ot
other produce that Is being
raised In this valley this year
will bring thousands ot dollars
4 to this section. In fact you aro
enjoying n greater return to
4- proBporlty In this section than
In otlior parts ot tho country,
and It Is coining faster than
4 tho business men horo appear
4 to reollzo."
4' 4' 4'4'4' 4'4' 4
Whllo Blossoms were not I'rolllllc,
Tim Wlco"o wni Barbecue
Ifnl Buccos Baces nil
Other Events Kilter
tnln Crowds.
A moro prefect day for an out
ing could not bo Imnglnod; so hun
dreds of folks from tho lowor valley
who ncudod but an oxcuso drove to
Itrognn last Saturday to enjoy tho
,dny at tho Blossom Festival, nnd
thoy onjoyod thomsolvos.
While In truth It must bo nd
mlttod that the blossoms did not
prosont thomsolvos In myriads, yot
thoro woro imough ot them, nnd
thon tho pilgrims from "down bo
low" woro interested In tho barbecue
which J. F. Pholnn and his assistants
W. II. Eaton, A. A. Hood, J. E. Until
stroot, Vndo Logan et al had pre
pared, with tho real asststanco of
a host ot tholr neighbors and of
course tho women of Ilrogan who
woro real workors.
In tho afternoon thoro wns n pro
gram of races, foot and horso sportH
of various' kinds ami n general gei
togother gathering whera nolghbors
from all section ot tho county
vlsltod, and n tow politicians worked
for tho oluslvo vote.
Ontaro wont to tho picnic somo
200 strong nnd took tho High School
band' along to aid In tho merriment
of tho day. Tho band mado n roal
hit. Tho boys woro gouorous nnd
playod a Ilboral program. Tholr
work wns most npproclntod by tho
Urogan committoo which nsked
especially that tho Argus oxpross
tbnnks to tho boys nnd to tho officers
ot tho Commorclnl club who arranged
for the exnonsos of tho boys.
During tho nftornooii tho Ilrogan
Farm llureau hold n mooting nt
which nddrosaos woro dollvorod nnd
In tho ovonlng thoro was n dnnco to
properly wind up tho day, which was
crammod full of entertainment.
This bit of nows. ot Interost to
Ontario folks, was tnkon from tho
Charlotto Obsorvor. Charlotte, N. C;
Mr. and Mrs. Blchard I Young an
nounce tho birth of a son Ulchnrd
Loonldas Jr.. at St. Peters hospital,
Friday, April 28th. Mrs. Young,
prior to her marriage, was Miss Jean
Conklln ot pntarlo.
Mrs. O. F. Cox music pupils will
hold a recital In the Masonlo Hall
Rntuninv nftomoon. Mny 20th at 3
o'clock p. ra., to which tho publlo Is
Invited, A, m, ,
The members ot tho Monday
Drldgo club-woro entertained nt tho
homo of Mrs. J. A. McFall this wcok.
The Wednesday Bridge club mot
at tho homo of Mrs. J. It. BaBinus
sen. At Jho home of Mrs. W. W. Wood
Saturday, May 20th, tho Music club
will entertain at luncheon.
The Woman's club nro entertain
ing today at noon with a lunchoon
t ti, Moore Hotel.- This Is the
final event of tho season.
Tho Tuesday ovonlng Bridge club
were entertained last week at the
homo ot Mr. and Mrs. Loo B. Cock
ruin, nnd this week met with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred J.
Mrs. W. JMchols ot Kingman Kol
ony .visited Mrs. O. U. Franklin last
Monday. ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Glenn Evans motored
over from Caldwell Saturday for a
short yUlt. ,3 .
Miss Blancno wcuonam ieiu
Sunday visiting In Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. H. n. Anderson
spent Sunday visiting Mrs, Ander
son's mother. In New Plymouth.
Mrs. M. Ev Osborn left Tuesday
for Twin Falls to visit her sous, Har
ry and Clinton Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fiser; Mrs, Suo
Weaver and children and Mrs. N.
O. Bedford and son, Allan mptonod
to Wolser Sunday where they en
Joyed a plcnlo dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cavlnesa of
Emmett, aro visiting Mr. Cavlness'
mother. Mrs. Wm. Jones, this week.
The W. C.T. U. will meet at tho
home ot Mrs.. J, A. Thompson, Tues
day, May 23
Mrs. MD. Thomas left last week
for Columbia. Mo her former
betas. Mr, The-awa expects to fol
low ber as soon as school is out.
Interest In Primary Kloctlon Grow
ing iih Tlmo to m to Polls Ap
proaches Fight on for
Bcpre.scntnt.lvo Innl.
Shots Hot Ones
Tomorrow Oregon voters will go
to tho polls to solect cnndldntcs to
represent tho parties nt tho -November
oluctlons. Tho last wcok ot tho
campnlgn has seen tho tompornturo
of tho contest rlso materially, es
pecially In tho gubernatorial fight
and that ot tho republican national
Governor Olcott took tho contcr of
tho stngo with Ills nutl-Ku Klux
Klan proclamation and In opon right
against tho "lnvlslblo otnplro." -This
with tho open lotter to tho vnrlous
candidates by thu Orogonlnn has
sorved to clear tho ntmosphora nnd
polttlcnl obsorvors nro united In tho
belief that tho voters wilt roturn
Locally an Increnso ot Interest In
tho contest between P. J. Gnllnghor
nnd O. M. Crnndall for representative
from tho 17th district has boon
manifest. Both candidates havo
boon making a aulot campaign on
tholr comparative records. -Since
they onco ran n clnso rnco, four
yours ngo, nnothor clono contest Is
I looked forwnrd to.
In tliu liglii tor nnuonni com
mlttoomou tho fur tins been flying
botwoon O. II. Flthlnn nnd Ilnlph E.
Williams. Tho men who wnnt to
soo n now doul In party politics nro
backing Flthlnn ngalnst thu old
gunrd with nppnront Indications of
Thoro Is apparently llttlo sontl
mont In' favor of tho recall of tho
public Borvlco commissioners nnd
thoy will probably not bo recallod.
Political obsorvors point to Thomas
F. Ilynn to defeat Olo Hoff for tho
statu treasurer's nomination nnd
Gram to defeat Dalzoll for Inbor
commissioner. For tho later thero
Is a possibility ot an unset for thero
is apparently llttlo Interest In this
On the democratic ticket tho
nrliicliinl fisht Is that between
Wnltor M. Plorco nnd Harvey Stark
wonther for the honor ot heading tho
ticket. Plerco Is bolloved to bo tho
loading cnndldnto becauso ho Is
securing thu support of tho Cliumbor
Intn-Wost faction of tho party.
In his letter to the Orogonlnn
aiiRWorlng Its quostlonalrro on tho
KU ltlUX llinil. iOUin n. uomi uuu ui
tho ropubltcan candldntos Indicated
a split in tno party u.uicoii is
nominated nnd prodlctod tho election
of tho tlomocrntlo nominee xnis
mnkes tho rnco for tho democratic
nomination moro Interesting pre
saging as it doos n fight tor tno
election In Novombor.
In splto ot thu vnllnnt efforts of
Pendleton frlonds In behalf ot
Jamos II. Owlnn, It Is concedod thnt
Nick Slnnott will again bo tho
rapublcan nominee for congress.
BlOlcilln Claims of WoultMlo-LeiiKilo
Stars and Asserts Wllllngneits to
Mct Tlit'm ut I'luochlo or
Clivckfra PlaJ" on Slciu-
t orlnl Day
"Your on" Is Uio answer which
tho bnseball talent on tho west slda
of Oregon street hurls back to tho
challongo Issued through last week's
Argus by tho near-stars who llvo on
tho eastsido ot tno main inorouKii
fare. Tho acceptance ot the challongo
has been madu known to tho aBt
slders, who In an effort to got every
advnntago havo been practicing
nightly for somo tlmo--how long no
ono knows anyway they need lots
of practlco say tho wostslders and
tho gamo will bo playod on Memorial
Day, according to present plans.
The formal accoptanco of tho chal
longo was bauded to tho Argus this
wook nnd hero It Is:
Coiuo On
"Wo, the business men located on
tho west side of Oregon stroot,
known, recognized and catered to as
The Best sldo ot tho street, fool that
nur standing In tho realm ot sport
In Ontario has beon subjected to tho
nofarlous work of a naseuaii wenvii,
yet wo will not bow down In humili
ation and submit to the outrngo.
"Wo deem tho challongo ot urn
onstsldera an ovldonco ot unmlgltat
od nerve, In that It questions oar
ability to play such masterly games
of In and out door sports, such as
checkors, plnochlo or baseball; nnd
wo thoroby defy satd eastslders to
mh forth. If they are sincere in
their challongo and we will play
their best aggregations In auy of
said sports at any time or place mu
tually agreed upon.
"Wo aro rar'ln to go?" llko seven
barrels of dynamite, so come East
slder name the placo and dato.
Tho Best Side ot tho Street.
Paul Evans ot thd Automotive shoo, attended tho Junior
Senior Prom in Caldwell Friday
Honoring Bev. and Mrs. Beeao,
nnv (inlanders and family, and airs,
r v Pnphmnn and family, a dinner
was glvon last evening at the Con
gregational church In which tho Pres
byterlan ami Congregational church
members united to bid the honored
guests farewell since they leave On
tario 1000,
Forty-two Diplomas Won by Seniors
Commencement Week Act
ivities to Start With line
cnlnliCrnto serrlco Hun
' Evening.
Commoncomout wcok activities
for tho clnss of 1922 O. II. S. with
thu holding of tho bflccnlaurcato Bor
vlco nt tho High School auditorium
Sunday ovonlng. Ilov. D. J. Gtlland
ors will deliver tho sermon and tho
pastors of tho othor churches of tho
olty will tako part.
All next wook tho clnss will bo
busily ongagod with a variety ot
programs Including tho band con
cert, tho Mny Day Foto, In which
nil tho pupils ot nil tho schools tnko
part, tho annual Gold Medal Bpcak
lnif contests, clnss day uxorclsos,
oxulbltlon drills ot tho cadets, tho
finnl basoball gnmo of tho season
nnd lastly tho big ovent In tho
school life of tho graduates, com
mencement exorcises Frldny evening
May 20.
Thu clnss of this yenr Is the
largest In. tho school's history. There
nro 42 mombers who havo earned
tholr dlplomnB. To thoso William
G. Hale, dean of tho Lnw School ot
tho University of Oregon will de
liver tho comm'uncomont address.
Tho mombers ot tho clnss nre:
Lnwrouco Milton llowo, Frank M
Cloncut, Francis L. Illcdur, Earl S.
Sccoy, Thomas O. Amldoii, Lou E.
Weaver, Ifnlpli E. Drano, Eldnn J
Fortlor, Homer W. Mnddux, James
A. McCrotght, William C. Vlornow,
Henry C. Johnson, Lconnrd F. Xltn-
mermnn, Chestor L. Irving, Webster
A. Jones. Jamos M. Broiinan, Illcli
nrd.L. C. Adam, Hugh L. Biggs,
Hubert W. Llny, William E. Lees,
Samuel Dwlght Snnford, Clnrn Inez
Wood, Dorothy M. Dean, Lola I'
Itces. Holon Fowlor, Gortrudo I.
Skow, Dnlsy E. Sccoy, Uliv Grnmsu,
Altna M. Ilonmn, Mlldrod M. copo
lnnd. Mlldrod C. HatcllITo. Elsln F,
Cox, Krina L, Kline, Kiitlo E. Klmo,
Lola Opnl Everett, Gladys Evelyn
Stuwnrt, Iohi Ilnrtshe, Gladys E
Ilopso. Ida I. Johnson, Mabel II
Ilreckou, Mnrgnrutto Potter, Hazel
E. Curroy.
Woman's "Chili Sees Work fllaitod
Year Ago Flnlnhctf Muxl Now
B FuriiUlied to bo of Ileal
' " Horvlcu to Publlo
Tho hnndsomo uuwclub rooniB In
tho basoinout of tho Cnrnoglo Pub
lic library, which were recently lln
Ishud through tho genoroslly of J.
It. Blackaby, tho Woman's club, tho
airls club nnd othors, woro opened
to tho publlo last Friday ovonlng
with a rocoptlou glvon by tho Li
brary board and tho Woman's club.
Tho visitors found tho rooms
beautifully finished mid so arranged
that sovornl meetings may bo hold
nt tho samo tlmo, thoro being n
number ot small committoo rooms
ns well as thu largo assembly room.
But tho rooms nro ontlroly without
furnishings, and tho reception wns
nindo tho occasion for an appeal to
tho publlo splrltodnoss of tho gather
ing to assist lu completing this es
sential work.
J. W. McCulloch was chairman of
tho ovonlng nnd presented tho vnr
lous participants after accepting tho
work dono In behalf pt tho mem
bers of the Woman's club. Ho
called on J. It. Blackaby, tho prin
cipal donor to tho fund which fln-
Uhod tho rooniB, and Mr. uincKuuy
outlined the growth ot tho library
mid crodltod Ita oxlstonco to tho loy
al onthualasm nnd wol directed of-
forts ot tho womon of tho club
Mrs. E. M. arolg also mado a short
talk n ud urged tho cooperation of
all In completely furnishing tho
rooms. Miss Holon Dunstono pre
souted two piano .numbers, Miss
Catherine Conway and Mrs. David
Graham sang vocal solos and Miss
Conway and Miss Loulso Wood snug
a duet. Miss Iluth Cabeon gave two
readings. J'unch was sorvod by n
group ot High school girls.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Byron and
Mrs. Larson- of Payette, wero visit
ing Sunday nt tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Johnson and Mr. ' and
Mrs. Jacob Stroup.
Mrs. 0. B. Smith of Milton, Iowa,
arrived hero recently to spend tho
summer with her brother, J. It.
Mrs. M. A. McDonald ot Parma,
accompanied by her llttlo duughter,
Freda, stoppod off In Ontario last
wcok to visit her daughters Miss
Blanche McDonald and Mrs. A. A.
Qunst. Mrs. McDonald as ou hor
way to visit In Portland.
Couloy Davis of Jordan Valloy Is
visiting his father, Frank Davis this
J. A. Draper left last veok for
Santa Ilosa, Cult., for a visit with
his sons John and Bert Draper.
Miss Alva Arnold spent the wook
ond visiting In Baker.
Mr aud Mrs, Jack Landls attend
ed the ball game In Payette Sunday
Miss Elinor Ilandall left Monday
morning for hor home In Providence
B. L, whore she will visit this sum
mer. Mr. and Mrs. Joo Llugle motored
to BoUo Tuesday for a short pleas
ure trip.
Mri and Mr. K. It. Draper of
Vale, were Ontario visitors Monday.
Mrs. JL 0. Whltwprth was visit
ing la Outnrlo this week.
18, 1922.
4- 4-4-4-444-4444 4-
111(111 SCHOOL
Sunday, Mny 12 , 8. p. in.
4 Daccalaurcuto sorvtces. Ser-4-
mon by ltov. D. JT aillandors.
4 In tho High School Auditorium.
Monday, May 'i'i, 8 p. m.
4 Annual Band Concert. CI. A.
4 Lathrop, director, ou tho High
4 School lawn.
4 Tue8"ny, Mny IK!, 8 p. in
4- Anuunl Gold Mudnl Sponklng
4- lug contest. In tho High School 4
Auditorium. 4-
4 Wednesdny, Mny UI .'I p. m.
Annual May Foto. Uoglu- 4
ulng with parado thru Orogon 4
Strcat. Usual exorcises ou
High School lawn beginning at
4 p. m.
WednewlnJ', May 21, 8 p. m.
Senior Clnss Day Exercises.
In tho High School Auditor
ium. Tliur"ny, May -", 10 a. in.
Exhibition Drill It. O. T. c
lJnttnJIIoii. On tho High School 4
Grounds. 4
TlitirMdny, Mny 'Si, St p. in.
Bnsobnll game. 4
IVldaV, .May 2, 8 p. in. 4-
Commencement Exercises.
Address by William O. Halo, 4
Doau School ot Law, Unlvorslty 4
of Orogon. In tho High School 4-
Most of Present Crops to Itcturn
Bergenia Abeudrolli AsslKui'd
by Wat Department to Per
manent Duty With tli"
Loral Cadet Corps
Tho school board tins completed
making arrangements for tho teach
ers for next yenr, nnd tho majority
ot tho prosont teaching crops will
be horo for nnothor term. Thoso
who havo acceptod contracts for the
coming your nre: High Bchool, J. M.
MoDounld, Superintendent; C. A.
Lnthrop, principal; L. L. Culbortsou,
Misses Cnthorlno Conway; Iluth
Cubcon; Loulso Wood; Cnrrio Bay
ley; Helen DuiiBtouo. Jamos L.
Turnbutl principal ot tho East Sldo
school tho past year will also bu on
tho high school stair next year
toachlng science, as woll as Milton
E. 'Miller who wns rocommoiidod by
Prof. Elliot Stato Director Ot Voca
tional Agriculture to teach that
course. M. D. Thomas expects to
return to his former homo In
Missouri as doos S. M. Boucher.
In tho grado schools tho tenchers
who aro to return nro Mrs. Poarlo E.
Jamlouon; Mrs. W. F. Humnii; Miss
Mao Piatt; Mrs. Will J. Boborts;
W. J. Boborts; Misses Hnzol Smith;
Vorn Nebb; Etta McCrolght; Iluth
Lackey; Mr. AG. Mooro;Mlss Laura
Whorry nnd Mis. Estollo Conklln.
Miss Ada Loo, Mrs. W. L. Springer
nnd Mrs. Frank Cnslday hnvu beon
oloctod but hnu not as yot accepted.
Miss Cora McNulty will probably not
accopt nnothor term.
Sergeant Abendroth, who was con
nected with tho B. 0. T. C. in Bolso
tho past yenr, has boon asslgnod to
Ontario by Gon. Pershing and will
mnko Ontario his homo, moving his
family horo soon.
Tho ladles ot Park Improvement
club gavo a shower fnr Mrs. Slovens
Thursday nftornooii ut tho Wilcox
homo. Many bonutlful presents
woro rocolvod. After nn nftornooii
spout lu n social way delicious ro
froshmonta woro served by tho Indies.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Moss of Payette
woro delightfully ontortnluod at the
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. C. Wilcox
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry nozloer and
small daughter loft for their homo
lu Minneapolis, Friday morning.
Miss Maudo Culp eutortaiiud nt
dinner Saturduy evening In honor of
tho birthday anniversary ot her
brother, Geo. Culp.
Mrs. Scott and son or Leon, town
visited tho formers brother, Claude
Andrus nnd wife Monday and Tues
day. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. It. Brelthnupt of
Ontario visited friends on tho Slope
Soveral from the Slopo attended
tho Senior class play, "Tho Dream
That Camo True" at tho Payette
High School auditorium last Friday
evening. ,
'Iris Coats Is on tho slok list.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnuson Andrus and
sou WUllard wero guests of tho
termor's sister. Mrp.Frank Woodford
of Nam pa Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Wilcox entor
tnlnod Wednosday evening with
cards and music. After a pleasant
evening dainty refreshments woro
V. M. Bonis motored to Brogan
Saturday and attended tho Blossom
Festival hold at that placo. Ho re
ports a fino tlmo.
0, A. Karst and family woro din
ner guests Sunday ot Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Davis,
The boys club planned a delight
ful surprlso for Junior Miller Tues
day evening ou the occasion qt his
twoltth birthday.
Tho evening passed pleasantly In
games after which delicious eats
were enjoyed by the boys.
Mr. a,nd Mrs. Otto 0. Mlllor en
tortalned'at dlnnor Tuesday evening,
tho occasion bolng the twelfth birth
day of their son Otto, 3r. and the
sixth anniversary ot their daughter
Maxlno, The guests wero Mr. and
Mra. W. F. Vincent.
NO. 24
Guernsey's ilomo Bun nnd Ills Lour
Throw Keniuro of Game Lyplls
and Cnssldny Given Good
Support Boy Smith
Gets Tlireo Bagger
Standing of tho Tenuis
Won Lost
Nyssa 2 1
Huntington . ... 2 1
Ontnrlo 1 2
Vale .: 1 2
With thu dust blowing across tho
field making work for tho floldors
difficult, Ontnrlo won Its first victory
ot tho longuo season nt Nyssn, Sun
dny nftomoon by tho score ot 8 to G.
Tho result was a surprlso to tho
Nysoa boys who woro confident thnt
tho compnratlvo showings of tho two
tennis ngalnst Vnlo nnd Huntington
indicated that Ontario would bo
onBlly beaten.
Ontario won because Woodruff had
nn off dny, and tho further fact that
Ontnrlo's hits woro proporly mixed
with Nyssn's errors at cltlcal periods,
whllo except for ono Inning, tho
third, Nyssa was uuablo to do any
thing with Bill Lycll's npocd bnll,
especially when n hit would havo
Nyssa scored In only two Innings,
tho third nnd thu sovonth. In tho
I third thoy got four hits oft Lyells
nnd theso with an orror by Blackaby
nottcd thorn four scores. Again In
tho sovonth thoy got tlireo hits nnd
ono scoro. Toutsch wns thu hitting
star for Nyssn, getting throo hits,
ono of them n double nnd n base
on balls. Quernsoy and Boy Smith
woro Ontnrlo's heavy cloutors. Guer
nsey furnished thu fenturo drlvo, n
horaorun In tho ninth. Ho also got
a single Boy Smith startod Nyssa
on tho downward rond with his throo
ply smnsh on tho first ball Wood
ruff pitched. Ho wns tollowod by
Hunted who singled sending tho first
run across. Hinted nlso gnthorod
two lilts during tho nftornooii.
Tho other outstanding fenturo ot
tho gamo wnn Guernsey's bonutlful
throw from deep center by which ho
caught SlmoiiB nt tho pinto by four
foot. Bill Blackaby at socond hnd
n busy nftomoon gottlng flvo put
outs nnd two nssltts with only ono
bobblo. lu fact Ontnrlo pluyod a
high grado dofonslvo gnmo tho only
errors being dno ot Caslday's and
ono by Stephens.
Chot lackey succumbed to tho
luro ot tho gamo and hold down the
Initial sack In nlr tight fashion,
whllo tho addition of Blackaby to
tho Infield strengthened a weak
Vnlo Lorn to Huntington
At Huntington tho railroad boys
hnd llttlo difficulty lu nnnoxng tho
gamu with Vnlo by n one sldod scoro.
Tho rnllroad men had their batting
clothes on and poundod out enough
runs to win two games, and thus put
thoniBolves Into a tto with Nyssa for
longuo championship.
Noxt Sunday Huntington comes to
Ontario whllo Vale plnys tit Nyssa.
Tho following Is what tho box
scoro of tho Outnrlo-Nyasa gamo
.. 4
2 2
Smith If
Ilustod 3 b ...
Gnrdnor o ........ 4
Lnckoy lb 4
Guornsoy cf ...
Stephens rf
Blackaby 2b ...
Lyolls, p, bs ...
Caslday, bs, p...
Totals 28
9 27 15
F. Duncan cf lb....
Young 3b C
Toutsch 2t ...... 4
D. IIoxlo It . 4
Wilkinson rf.,.. 3
Dlvons o 4
Simons bs 4
L. Hoxlo lb 1
Long cf 3
Woodruff p 4
J Duncan rf .... 1 .
B II 0 A
C 1 7 0
1 3
3- 4
1 0
Totals 38
Kcoro by Inning
Ontario 104 00 1101 8
Nyssa 004000100 &
Summnry: Earned runs; Ontario
4 Nyssa 4; Two baso hits, Toutsch;
throo bnso hits. Smith: homo run,
Quornsey; bnso on balls off Lyells,
1; Woodruff 3; strucK out uy iyoiis
7, Casldny 1; Woodruff 8. Hit by
pitcher by Woodruff throo. Doublo
plays; Toutsch to Duncan, YounK to
Toutsch to Duncan. Umpires; Tyler
nnd Gibson. Tlmo 2 hours.
Tho dato of tho colobratlon at
tho now school house In District 30
has boon changed jo Friday, May 19.
The dinner arrangements havo not
been completed but somo ot the la
dles havo it In chargo. Thero will
be somo tlmo spent In tho mprnlng
setting out treos and moving thu
furniture from the old school house.
Anyono who can holp with toams or
single handed meet at tho old school
bouse at 8:00 o'clock. Aftor dinner
thero will bo music and a short pro
gram, and Prof. J. M. McDonald ot
Ontario, has promised to glvo an ad
dress, Everybody come and make
Valfey Vlow day one long to bo re
membered. Tho contractors will
have tho new building completed
this week and turn It ovor to the
board of directors for approval.
Mrs. L. Adam was hostess for tho
Tuesday Bridge club.