isewMWrt" THE ONTARIO ARGgg, ONTARIO, flKEQQN, THURSDAY MAY 11, 1922. LOCAL .PERSONALS Miss Noll Cnrtor returned Mon day from Portland, linving been fn nttondanco at an Oregon Stato Teachers' Association Commlttco mooting hold at tho Portland Hotel on Saturday, May 5. Thoro wcro sovoral committees at tho confor onco, having bcon called by Prcs. 0. A. Howard of Marshflold of 0. S T. A. to consider different phases of oducatlonal work over tho stato. Miss Ollvo M. Pctrashok of Wols or, formor'ly Supt, ot Schools of Washington county, was tho wcok end guost of Mario FIsor. Miss Martha Plckons returned this wcok from Etigciio, whoro shu attended tho University this winter. Mrs. Goo. Swoltzcr nud Mrs. Ar thur Qlonn of Wilder, spent Satur day In Ontario. Miss Hazol McCullough spent tho week ond Visiting friends In Vale. Tho dato ot tho Musical Cantata, "Tho Lady of Sholott", which wub glvon In last wuoks papor as May 1G has boon changod to Tuesday, May 10 th. Tho last Ibsuo ot tho Argus car rlod tho announcomont that Dr. Van Waters would preach In Ontario on Sunday avonlng, May 14 th, hut later Information was recelvod that It will bo Impossible for him to bo hero nt that tlmo. Mrs. R. D. Lytlo nnd Mrs. 0. Pur rows of Vain, spent Saturday and Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Oakcs. $ctieti( Mr. and Mrs. J. It llasmusscn enter tained tho Fortnightly club at tliolr homo Saturday nvcnlug. Mrs. P. J. Gnllughur was hostoss this .wuuk to tlio Monday Bridge club. Tho Tuesday club was entertained at tho homo of Mrs. C. It. Emlson. Tho hostess this weok to tho Wed nesday club was Mrs. It. O. Payno. Tho Catholic Altar Society hold n tea Saturday afternoon at tho homo ot Mrs. P. J. Gallagher. Music wan furnlshod by Miss Helen DuiiHtono, Miss Kathryn Conway, Miss C. I, Wood, Mrs. D. O. Oralmm and Mrs. Harrison. z Tho girls of tho Domestic science dopartmont ot tho schools, under Miss Loulso Wood, wuro nt homo In tho practlco house Wodnusday aftor roan to members ot tho Womnus club. Friday 'avonlng thoro will bo n public reception nt tho library to colebrnto tho completion of tho baso-mont. futuro when tho public will havo nn opportunity to enjoy It. Tho proccods will bo glvon to tho Near East Hellet fund. AOEI) MAN HAH BROKEN HIP ALIKKS LONO TRIP TO HOSPITAL Oco. Hlggonbottom, a man 77 years of ago was brought to tho Holy Itosary hospital last Tuesday with n brokon hip. Mr . Hlggenbottom's homo Is 18 miles nbovo Wolsor, and tho trip to Ontario was niado In tho Ontario Furniture- Co's. ambulance which wns mado comfortabto tor tho long trip by tho now amhulanco cot. that has just boon auaod to tno company's already high grade equip mont. This nmbulanco cot Is tho most comfortabto and convenient bod or cot that can possibly bo ob tained (or tho uso of a Blck porson'. A paltonl enn bo placod In almost any position and tho cot Is easily bandied, and tho patlont rides In comfort. SUMMONS IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MALHEUR WOODMEN ENJOY PROGRAM A vary onjoynblo tlmo wns spoilt last Monday ovonlng nt thu Hall of tho Modorn Woodmen of Amnrcla, whon tho comedy "That Rascal Put" was prcsontod In n very nccoptablo mnnnor by members of tho Wood men and Royal Nolghbors. Tho largo tiudtoncu wns nlso dnlUhtnd with songs, music and monologues. Tho Royal Neighbors nud Modorn Woodmon proposo to ropent this program adding to It tho comedy! t n rifc lliintt Vnn Attmnti" lit tlm nnnr' HANK OP JORDAN VALLEY, a corporaton, Plaintiff vs. RQI1ERT 0. QUIQLEY, Defendant To Robert O. Qulgloy, tho abovo natnod Dofendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREdON: You nro horoby roqulred to appear and answer tho complaint filed ngalnst you In tho nbovo onttlod suit on or boforo tho expiration of six weeks from tho dato of tho first publication ot this summons, tho ftnmo being tho Inst day of tho tlmo prescribed by ordor ot tho court dlroctlng sorvlco of summons n said unit to bo mado upon you by publi cation; nnd It you fall so to nnswor, for want tlioreor, tlio planum win npply to tho court for tho rollof do mandod In tho said complaint, to-wit: For Judgment ngalnst you tor $1400. 00 with Intorcst thereon from May 17, 1021 ut tho rato ot ten per cent per nnnum, and for tho furthor sum of I248.7G with interest inoro on nt tho rata of ton pur cent nor nnnum from Sept. IS, 1021, and for 1 176.00 attorney's fees, and for tho costs of said suit; also for n decroo foreclosing that certain chattel mortgago glvon by you to plaintiff on May 17. 1021, to securo tho pay- mont of u 11400.00 noto, on certain liny, grain, cnttlo and horses on your ranch near Jordan Valley In Mal heur County, Orogon, which said mortgage Is recordod In Hook "X", pages CC4-G, of tho Chattel Mortgago Records of Mainour County, Oregon, nnd directing tho sale of said mort gaged property, toRothor with tho Increase ot said livestock, and tho application ot tlio proceeds of said nalo toward tho pnymout ot said judgment, nnd for all other rollof demanded In said complaint. , You aro further notified that this summons Is served upon you by pub lication under and by vlrtuo ot nn order of- Hon. E. H. Tost, County Judgo ot Mnlheur County, Orogon, which order was mado and entered In said causo on May. 10, 1022, and directed that this summons bo pub lished onco each weok for six sue cesslvo weoks In tho Ontnrlo Argus. Tho dato ot tho first publication ot thin summons Is on May 11, 1023, nnd tho last publication Is on Juno nit J0 WELLS W. WOOD, Attornoy for Plaintiff My rosldouco and post otflco ad dross Is nt Ontario, Orogon. NOTICE OF BOND BALE NOTICE Is hereby glvon that scaled bids will bo received by tho Board of Directors of tho "FAIR MORE IRRIGATION DISTRICT" at their otflco in Ontario, Oregon, for tho purcbaso of 120,000.00 ot tho 6 coupon, ton year, bonds of tho said district up to two o'clock P. M. of Juno 10, 1022, Bids to bo sub mitted to tho Secretary ot said Dis trict at Ontario, Oregon. WIO W. WHITE, Socrotary of "FAIRMORB IRRIGA TION DISTRICT." First publication May 4, 1022. Last publication Juno 8, 1922. MIL FARMER! Does It pay you to ship your cream? Wo don't think It does. Come In and lot us show you how you can got moro monoy for your cream. Remember our Interests nro mutual MUTUAL CREAM STATION LOST English bull dog, brown In color, whlto strlpo In forohoad. Has on Stato LIcoiibo collar. C. S. Johnson. FOR BALK OR RENT Ontnrlo-Nyssn Irrigation Company ditch stock; R. W. SWAOLKR, Ontario, Oregon BOYERS BOYERS' w WHITE SHOES Ladies Ivory Welt Sea Island Cot ton Oxfords, Military Heels $3.00 Ladies Canvas Low Heel Oxfords Special $2.40 Children's Canvas Straps & Pumps $1.25, $1.45 and $1.65 Children's, Misses and Girls Patent Straps $1.75, $2.10 and $2.85 Humming Bird Silk Hosiery Black, Brown, White, and Sand, $1.50 $1 50 $1.50 $1.50 The Pair Co (gates Soaps, Talc Powders, Perfumes, Pace Creams, Tooth Pastes BOYER BROS. CO. Onturio, Oregon NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE A TALK WITH GOPHER JOHN. I WILL TRAP BY THE DAY OR BY MONTH. JOHN BAGUMAN ONTARIO, OREGON . 110X 12 FOR 8ALU..10 head puro bred Hampshire owes, with 35 laptbs on sldo. Ewes nt $10, lalnbs 5. Q. P.. HENGGELER, Frultland, Ida. Phono 2014 j 2tpd FOR SALE Two now screen doors, slxo 0-2x0-0. $1.C0 each. Inqulro nt Argus Oftlco. Drlng us your starter and gener ator work, wo guarantoo satisfaction. Ford Oarago. Majestic Theatre Saturday i a I WET GOLD I ! i A thrilling hunt for L I 11 I treasure nt tho hot- fl A jjl tom "f Hio son. 1 3 J SATURDAY Jlljl Matlnco 230 J I Night 7:30 COMEDY PJiAYlNO POSSUM m .... -.- Sunday and Monday Carl Laemmlcvcatv. .eff X'POfii fjpjwi i Leading Utoman In tno miWon doiUrproductioafCOLISH WIVL jjiSW pidtufe of now nw kind 6choms gr tanalaasom an cient temptations The CONCERT Given Undor tho Ausplcos of tho J Music Cluilb ) ' Assisted by MRS. HARRISON ANI HER PUPILS MAJESTIC THEATRE j TUESDAY, JtLYY 10th 1 i (Part Ono) , "LADY UF BHALOTT" Cantata by Bondnll A ' Thrco pnrt Ladles Ohorus with solo volco sung by t Mrs. Harrison (Pnrt Two) Selections by High School Orchestra ' (PnrtThroo) ' Sympaslum Tea of Familiar Bongs nnd Readings Miss Luella Callln, Hostess - 1. "Home to Our Mountains" ..... Vordl I Clara Inez Wood, Rlchnrd Adam 2. "Spring Will Roturn With You" O'Hnra Mrs. A. Robinson nud Quartetto Chorus 3. "By tho Wntors of Mlnnotonkn" Lawrence Roslna Clemont with Violin Obllgato i 4. Rending '. Solcptod i Miss Ruth Caboon G. "Slnvo Bong' if..... Thorcsn Dol Rlogo Mrs. uugar former 6. "Merry nirds of Spring" Coombs Miss Kathryn Conway, Miss Loulso Wood 7. "rt Prnmlnn Mn" DllKoVon Mrs. Albort Christiansen ' 8. "1 Dreamt I Dwelt In Marblo Halls" Ualfo Mrs. Frank Ryan 0. "Thoh You'll Romorabor Mo" '. - Bnlfo I Richard Adam ' 10. Reading Scloctod Miss Ada Loo I 11. "Primrose Song" from Faust Gounod ' Mrs. C. 11. Illom, Hugh Alton 12. "Joy" Holona Bingham Mamlo Stownrt 13. "Last Hose ot Summer" v .... Flotow Mrs. David Graham 14. "Dawn" Pearl Curran Etta McCrcIght " 15. "Friend O, Mine" ,. Sanderson Horschcl Urowno 16. "A Pastoral"-. ... Vornclnl Clara Inoz Wood 17. "Beronndo" Schubort Mrs. II. L. Potorson with Violin Obllgato 18. "llrldat Chorus" from Roso Maiden : Mrs. Edgar Fortnor, Mrs. David Qraham, Richard 'Adam, Horschcl llrowno Accompanists Mrs. 8, t). Dorman, Mies Helen Dunstono. , Violinist Stella Mason Cox , Director of Cantata and Orchestra Miss Holen Dunstono. flTHIAN FOR NATIONAL COMMITTEEMAN HIIY HFMON IN THE SAW MILL A SALE OE SUITS. A real sale of Women's high grade suits. Twill cord, Trico tine, Velour, Serge, Tweed. Group 1 Group 2 $24.50 $19.75 RADERS FITHIAN HfB . WILL F. B LOYAL A'V ' yfl the HHBl JQmm TICKET HHKHHH Ontario Mothers Pro tect your Baby's health. All our cows havo beon tested. Their milk, is freo from nil contamination. "Wo uso tho most sanitary cotton strainers ob tainable and handlo all milk as it should bo. v For babies wo will supply milk from ono cow only if you desiro. Wells Dairy Call 34W2 Ask Satisfied Customers FITHIAN WILL GET OOMM'TTEE HUSTLING FOR OREGON O. II. FITHIAN Republican Candidate Williams a Joke as Vice Chairman Flthlan's opponent, Ralph E. Williams, has been sidetracked by the National Coraralttoo to a harmless vlco-chalrmanshlp and Is useloss. to Oro gon. Carrying kid gloves In ono hand nnd a cano In tho other, his hands nro full nnd ho has not been able to do a single thing for Oregon during tho 14 years he has bean on tho Committee. If tho hours spent by Williams nt Portland's swollest club had been dovoted to working for Oregon, ho might have accomplished something for our peoplo. What is Wrong With Williams? Williams has no chanco of bocomlng National Chairman nnd running the presidential campaign In 1924 or even tho Westorn end of It. Tho reason Is that tho National Committee seems extremely un willing to trust Williams with tho management ot even tho Pacific Coast part of the national campaigns. For lnstanco, In 1918, when a Regional Dlroctor for tho Coast was selected, the Committee) turnod Williams down In favor of Raymond Benjamin of San Francisco. Then, In 1920, wlm Harding was running, Williams was strain lennred nmi Rim r? n. ... Tacoma wns choson to conduct tho Campaign on tho Coast. What Is wrong with WHllnmsT Is Williams loyal to Nominees? All over Oregon Republicans are discussing Williams' connection with tho campaigns ot. certain Republican nominees for United Statos senator and nro asking tho question, DID WILLIAMS DO HIS FULL DUTY BY miwur -ijys question is oeing nsuea by friends of the late Senator Fulton In Astoria. It is being asked in Eugene by friends of Senator ri: A. Dooth, iu 8alem by friends ot Senator McNary and in Portland by ' friends of Senator Stanflcld. VOTE FOR FITHIAN FITHIAN I a successful businessman, a live wire, a lifelong Republl. cau who WILL BE LOYAL TO THE REPUBLICAN NOMINEES FITHIAN WILL OET THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE AND THE NATIONAL GOV ERNMENT TO HUSTLE FOR OREGON. FITHIAN CLUB By Chaa. T. Early, Pretdet Robt. O. McNary, Secretary, Chas. W. Eberleln, TresurV Poland China mala pigs. Weight IAow in. Armiir iv. tvarr, uregon Slope. Payette. it Will sell or trade m 7 passenger Stadebaker car la good eoadlUM, Ave cord tires, for good work horse. Inquire Argaa Offtee, .u lff