THE ONTARIO ARGUS. ONTARIO, i .j OREGON, THURSDAY MAY 11, 1922. Seven New Vactor Dance Records Fourteen fresh new numbers, played by organizations that put new life and spring into lagging feet. Mostly fox trots, with u waltz or two for variety's sake, to keep your summer daneo list up-to-date. 18881 Cuddlo Up Illuos Fox Trot Tlio Virginians My Honoy's Lovln' ArniB Fox Trot Tho Virginians 18882 Swnnuo Itlvor Moon Mcdloy Wnltz International Novolty Orchestra Do It Again! Fox Trot Whltoman's Orchestra 1888S Every Day Med. Fox Trot , Smith's Orchestra Iloso of-8tnmboul Mod. Waltz Smith's Orchestra 18888 No Uso Crying Fox Trot All Star Trio-Orchostrn Toasln' Fox Trot All Star Trio-Orchestra 18889 You Can llavo Kv'ry Light on Uroadwny Fox Trot International Novolty (Jrchostra " Lovoy Dovo Fox Trot Club Hoyal Orchestra 18890 California Fox Trot Club Hoyal Orchestra Who Ucllovcd in You? Fox Trot All Star Trio-Orchestra 18891 Somo Sunny Day Fox Trot Whltoman's Orchestra Itosy Posy Fox Trot Club Iloyal Orchestra ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescriptions our Specialty REXALL EASTMAN VICTOR CLUB NOTES Dairy JIcrd llccortl Keeping Club At Vnlo Finished Work Thlrtoon members of tho Dairy Hord Record Keeping club at Vale have fllod tbelr final reports with tho county club agont. Fred Nltzol local leader, mot with tho boys ovory two wooks and assisted them with tho testing and records. Tho work consists In scoring two dairy barns and four dairy cows and keeping tho buttorfat and feed records of two cows for tho months of December to April Inclusive Through tho co operation of Mr. Choster, tho weight nnd a samplo of milk from eight caws' wero secured ovory two weeks. Tho boyB tested tho milk and from tho wolght of tho milk and tho per cent of buttorfat found In tho milk lirnffl nt.ln In nnmnlllii U n .nlnl Hllm9 bcr of pounds of buttorfat produced by each cow. Tho production of tho cow for tho poriod from Decem ber to April, Incluslvo Is n fairly good Indox on which to baso the valuo of tho cow, and togothor with tho focd record dotormlnes whether or not sho Is n valuablo animal. Tho raombors completing tho pro ject aro Elton Griffin, ftyron Bos ton, Lesllo Lawronco, Hoy Ucach, Era n Davis, Danton Humphrey, Harry I'ropst, Everett Ilutton, Ban nlo Clem, Allen Tovobaugh, Itnlph Flfor, Ted Knowlos and Cecil Math ows. tho girls at Dontta decided to tako up tho sowing club project. Violet Loes, who was stato wlnnor In Dlv. I Sowing two years ago will be local leador. Two Lowollon girls who aro now attondlng Bchool In Vale, and Doris, Mnblo nml Violet Loes will mako up tho club. Ilonltn to llnvo Hewing Club At a recent farm buroau mooting REPUBLICANS! Shall Oregon continuo to hold tho pro-ominonco that is now hors? Shall sho forge ahoad as a leador in tho Republican party? Answer "Yes" Vote X1 3 for Ralph E. Williams for Republican National Committeeman In tho presidential election of 1916 'when there was dissension and division everywhere, Oregon was tho only stato west of tho Missouri river to go Republican. Harmony. m Progressives and Republicans united in giving credit for this remark able achievement to Ralph E. Williams national com mitteeman since 1908. In recognition of this and other services "Ralph Williams was elected vice-chairman, tho second highest honor within tho power of the Republican Nation al Committco to bestow. It is a position of influence to be reached only by years of faithful and intelligent sorvico. Ralph Williams is tho first committeeman rep rcsen tati ve from any western stato to bo elected to tho vice-chairmanship. Ralph Williams is a veteran of tho national organization. TIo stands at tho head with the lead ers. A now man would, of cus tom and necessity, stand at tho foot with tho followers. Republican leaders, in Con gress ond out, are Ralph Wil lioms' friends. This friendship means much to Oregon ond the Northwest. Without ostentation Ralph Williams enlists tho aid of tlicso leaders for the things tho Northwest needs from the national government. Keep Oregon to the front Don't let her slump Vote for RALPH E. WILLIAMS For Republican National Committeeman Keep Oregona leader Vote X1 3 for Ralph L Williams (Paid Advertisement by W. B. Ayer) CONDENSED REPOHT OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ONTARIO. OREGON At Mails to the Comptroller of Currency at the Close of Business May 5th, 1922 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $411,503.99 Overdrafts 1,451,87 Ilonils and Warrants 40,040.07 Honking IIouso and Fix tures . 39,118,98 Other Ileal Estate .......... 18,160,18 CASH .. 170,740.87 1893,016.14 LHJILlTIEfl Capital .'. $ 60,000.00 Surplus and Profits 50,740.95 Circulation 12,500.00 Re-dlscounts NONE Bute Payable NONE DEPOSITS ... . B7D,774.1U 1693,015.14' "THE OLD RELIABLE" CASH RESERVE OVER 30 NO BORROWED MONEY Mnlhcuc riff Club Holds Meeting Tho Malheur Pig Club mot with tho county club agont last Tuesday to discuss tho kooplng of rocords, and tho foodlng, mnnngoruont and housing, of pigs. Sovornl of tho boys havo tholr pigs and tho rest of tho mombors will probably got tholr pigs within tho nest tow days. Mr. Worshnm Incut Inmlnr nt Mm nli,l. has worked out "a Tory- Interesting program. Sovoral picnics and a dnnco aro bolng plannod. not yet secured their pigs, but they will bo satisfied with nono but tho best. Tho farm boys and girls, of today aro tho farmors of tho next gener ation. Tho wolfaro of our country demands that tho farm bo mado a mora doslrablo placo In which to live. Doys and girls clubs nro rank ing tho farm llfo Interesting to thorn now; tho knowlodgo and ox porlenco youth of tho land nro ac quiring thru clubs will mako them moro offlolont farmers In tho futuro, tho farm moro profltablo, your com munity moro prosperous and the country saner nnd safer. for. bale 1 a.1 B. slngld phaso 1 h p motor. 1 Q. E. slnglo phaso 1 h p motor with no voltago roloase. Priced to soil. Jack Dlllard, at Eioctno or- vlco nnd Battory Co. Members Got Puro llrwl 1'Jgs Tho majority of tho Die club mom bors In Malheur county aro gottlng puro bred pigs for their club work. In farming as In business tho com petition Is kcon and tho llvo-awaka club raombors aro not going to start unaor n sorlous handicap. Ho is out after tho largest financial train nnd tho profit In hogs Is not In rais ing scrubs, but In raising good puro-brods. Clifford Putman, Gerald and Kon- noth Frost of tho Oregon Slopo pig club sccurod rcglstofcd Polnnd China Gilts from Mr. Croon. Cur tis Carlco has six purobroU Poland China pigs and Is ontorlng both tho brooding and hinrkotlnc divisions. Tho other mombors of this club havo C A T T?f FIRST SALE of oAJLjIthe season on all Millinery-Hats of Milan Hemp, HorsehaiKSport Hats and the new "Garden" Hats in all shades and colors. Prices $4.50, $8,50 Palmyre Waists, sizes 34 to 44 Georgette, Canton, Crepe de Chene 20 Per Cent Reduction MORRIS MILLINERY & NOVELTY SHOP CONDENSED REPORT OP ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK AS REPORTED TO TUB COMPTROLLER MAY 8, 1023 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts ......1494,491.17 Ovordarfts 814.06 Honda and Securities ...... 34,978.00 U. 8. Donds .................... 02,250.00 Stock In Fod. Ros. Dank 3,000.00 Reality and Flxtrucs .... 44,034,15 OABU 8I.0U8.4U 3725,395.87 LIABILITIES Capital Stock .$ 60,000.00 Surplus and Profits . .. 31,118.47 Mills Pnyoblo 20,000.00 ' Fodoral Rosorvo Dank .... 121,388.02 Circulation 60,000.00 DEPOSITS 482,880.88 1725,396.87 Wo aro loaning moro monoy to farmors nnd business mqn than any othor bank In Malheur County, and aro endoavorlngto assist In nil pos sible ways to bring prosperity to our county. Oldest Bank in Southeastern Oregon SAVE MONEY KEEP OUT of JAIL IT IS COSTLY TO BREAK THE CIGARETTE LAW- LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING: 1. It is unlawful to sell, offer for sale, keep for sale or give away to any minor any cigarettes, cigarette papers, or any substitute thereof in Oregon. (A minor is .any boy under twenty-one years of age and any girl under eighteen years of age.) o i:f. PENALTY First offense not more than 8100.00 flno. Second offenso not over 3500.00 nor less than 125,00 fine, or imprisonment In tho county Jail not ovor thirty days, or both flno and. Imprison ment. Third offenso, a Jail sen tence must be Imposed In addition to the flno. i k .ii V i J. It is unlawful for any minor to smoke, uso, or be In possession of . any 'cigarettes, And It Is unlaw ful for any proprietor or employe to permit minora to use cigarettes on tholr promises. PENALTY 15.00 for each offense. 3. Minors using cigarettes '' must tell from whom they were ob tained when asked by 'parent, teacher or officer of the law. PENALTY $5.00 for refusal to give Information. 4, Any officer falling to perform his duty in connection with the cigarette law shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. PENALTY A fine of not more than? $60,00 nor less than $10,00, 5. It Is unlawful for any person to purcbaso cigarettes for minors." PENALTY A fine of not moro Oian, $100.00 nor less than $25,00 For the text of the law 'seo" chap' tor 244, General Laws of Oregon. The above was originated by the Citizens' Welfare Committee of Milton and Freewater and used as a poster by them ' i W