The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 11, 1922, Image 1

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    ..SKSS-U sffKKCKr-:
lU 'f ",
NO. 23
Doll eves Regular Appropriation 1
BulTIciont to Provide for Ad
equate Kiiforcoincnt of Pro
hibition IjiW and All
For Bomo tlmo pnst thoro has boon
Borao dlfforonco of opinion botwccn
rcprosontnUvca of tho W. C. T. U.
and District Attorney lloburt D.
Lytlo rolatlvo to tho boat method to
Bocuro a 100 por cent onforcomont
of tho prohibition fltatuto. Tho
dUtrlct attorney expressed his bo
llcf In a iattor to tho officials' of tho
W. C. T. U. thnt a apodal fund was
noodod but tho women of tho or
ganization apparontly do not think
This djfforonco of opinion Is sot
forth In tho following correspond
ence which passod bolwoon thorn.
Tho first lottor was written' by Mr.
Lytlo as follew: '
"Mrs. 0. B. Dlngham, Ontario,
Oregen: 7Doar Mrs. Illnghatn: I
was In Ontario yostorday and callod
your rcsldonco hoping thnt I
might havo a talk with you but was
Informed that you woro out.
"Mr. Noo and I, for the past year,
havo boon using evory effort and
facility of our officers to onforco tho
Prohibition Statuto, but, as you
no doubt know, wo aro greatly hand
icapped because we havo no funds
with which to work. In splto of
that difficulty In tho year 1921 wo
had eotao thirty-four or ilvo convic
tions for violation of tho Prohibition
Statuto, collecting somo twonty-flyu
or twonty-slx hundrod dollars In
lines and in almost evory instance
roqulred tho person, convicted to
serve a Jail sontonco. I havo on
dvavorod to prevail upon tho county
court to sot aside ft fund to be uuol
in enforcement of this statuto but
with so many unpaid taxes on thf
tax roll tho county has "boon re
luctant to spon adny monoy oxeppt
for tho usual expenses of tho county.
I am, however, convinced that it
tho county court could bo shown
thnt It Is tho will of tho taxpayers
that somo monoy bo appropriated
for this purposo tho court would, la
that event, quite willingly make tho
"Tho grand Jury, In tho January
term, recommended to tho court
that It sot usldo a thousand dollurs
to bo usod by tho District Attorney
and tho shorlft In tho enforcement of
tho Prohibition Statuto, and I
A, A. Reed and W. D. Eaton
of Drogan, who woro In Ontario
last Saturday boosting Drogan's
blossom festival, which takos
place Saturday, declaro that
conditions In tho Willow Crook
vallny aro excellent and glvo
promlBO of rocord breaking
cropB. Not only will thoro bo
a good crop, from all Indica
tions, but thoro wilt bo many
moro acres glvon over to or
chards. "At least 100 or moro acres
havo boon sot out to applo trees
and other fruit trees," snld
Mr, Ilccd, "and tho orchard
men aro very optimistic over
prospects for this fnll. Tho on
ly orchards that today do not
Indlcato rocord breaking crops
aro thoso which boro so heavily
last yoar that tho treos woro
"Wo do not havo many chances
to entertain tho rest of tho poo
plo of tho county, but right now
tho valley cortainly looks fine,
and wo folk up Willow crook
hopo that all Ontario and nil
tho foil In tho Snako rlvor val
loy will como to Drogan next
Saturday wo will ondonvor to
mnko It worth whllo," declared
both visitors.
M, 13. llnln t Represent Oregon
Tourist llurenu Work to Do
Done to Interest Visitors
In Entlro Hlnto
convinced that If you ladles, either
by -potltlon or resolution, should
signify to tho court your deslro for
tho appropriation of this monoy for
tho purposo mentioned wo could got
that sum sot asldo to aid In tho
prosecution of offenders
"Will you not tako I his up with
your associates and uscur'ilii us to
whothor or not bouio action can bo
"Assuring you of my deslro to
strictly onforco tho t'roiuultlnn as
woll as other criminal statutes in
tho stato and that I, in conjunction
with tho Sheriff's Office, lmvo used
ovory effort tondlng toward such en
forcement, I am, vory truly yours,
Robt. D. Lytlo, District Attornoy."
To this lotter a commlttoo of tho
W. C. T. U. replied as follews:
"Mr. Itobt. D. Lytlo, Vale, Ore
gen: Dear Sir: Answering your
lottor of Jan, 25, 1932, In relation
to your roquost-for a resolution or
potltlon of tho W. O. T. U. of thla
city to bo addressed to the County
Court of Mainour County, Oregon,
asking that court to appropriate
$1000.00 of tho public moneys of
this county, tho samo to bo placod
at your dUposul to bo usod In on
forcing tho prohibition laws of this
state, and having duly considered
your said letter and roquost the said
organization bollevea that the on
forcomont of theso laws should not
have precedence over othor criminal
i,uws of the stato and thut these laws
aro no moro difficult to onforco than
tho laws against horae stealing and
other crimes, andthat you havo
taken an oath to enforce, not ouly
v tho prohibition statutes, but all
criminal laws. Wo therefore think
It la your duty In conjunction with
the Sherltt of thla county, to onforce
all criminal statutes of the etate
without other compeneatlon than
you are receiving at thla tlmo und
which compensation has been In
creased since you took your oath of
office by tho addition of liberal ex
pense allowances and assistances.
TJiere is another gpod and suf
ficient reason why thla resolution
should uot be adopted by this or
ganisation and the County Court
asked to appropriate this monoy and
that Is the, one of precedent; should
the County Court approprlato $1000
for this purpose at this time, you
will be tho solo disbursing source
thereof and the duties of your offlco
would be passed to others, bo far as
dlllgeace is concerned, and the ac
cumulating effect of such a pro
ceeding, whea taken In connection
with this and other criminal stat
utes Is too great to bo considered
at this time when one-half of the
tax payers axa unablo to pay their
taxes and their homes and property
are Jeopardised and being taken
frea them. It Is little beginnings
that have placed the country .in Its
present . financial conditioa and an
s jipproprtatlea of $1000 to be used
as you propose has too great a pos
sibility for this organization to ap
prove its adoptloa and for the rea
sons stated we decline to become a
party to your suggestions, but shall
expect Out m will Justly gd ftrw
ly Mfor the prohibitum M
Hcnrch of Pi-emlne Discloses Up-to-
Unto Htlll and Much
Last Wodnosdny ovontng Sheriff
II. Loo Noo and Deputy Shorlft
Olonn paid a visit to tho L. J. Hadloy
placo near Vnlo whoro thoy had
suspicions thnt a still was botng op
erated. Upon ontortlng n cavo up
on tho prcmlsos thoy dlscovorod an
electrically oqulppod still In opera
tion nnd a .quantity of homo brow
and wino on hand, as woll na a
preparation of. mash ready for dis
tilling. Mr. Hadloy was placod undor
am arrost and brought boforo Justice
Percy Purvis of Orango District. Ho
pleaded guilty of manufacturing
liquor and was glvon a flno of $300
nnd a suspended sontonco of 30
It. W. TlllOtson Start Shearing Plant
At lluclnli--fitockjiii Optlmls-
tlo Over Improved
Conditions ft
Advice from Doulah this woek re
ports th. tho road to Burns via
Doulah and over Dan Dior mountain
are nt last In condition for travel
and that a number of cars have al
ready mado tho trip.
Another Indication of spring-like
conditions in that section la tho re
port that D. W. Tlliotson has opened
thla shearing plant for operations.
Tho plant started Its first clip on
May 0 and Is now busy separating
tho' sheep from their 35 cent wool
and Adding to the Joys of tho stock
men who aro elatod over the ad
vance In wool prices.
Aa tho culmination of a romance
which began when tho parties were
attending tho Oregon Agricultural
College In Corvallls, a pretty wed-
Ontario having bcon selcctod na
tho location of ono of tho six district
offices of tho Oregon Stato Tourist
bureau by tho directors, tho offlco
horo will bo opon on Juno 1, K, M.
Daln of this city, will bo in charge
of tho offlco.
It was first Intondod that tho of
flco bo oponod on Mny 1C, but owing
to tho lato Benson and that tho tour
ist travol has hardly started, tho
dlroctors of tho' bureau postponod
tho oponlng for two weoks and will
maintain it two weeks Intor In tho
Already thoro is a mass of stato
Iltornturo, maps and othor Interest
ing data on hand for tho opening of
'tho local offlco. Through Mr. Italn
tho tourist will bo ablo to got data,
not only on tho condition of tho high
ways in various sections ot tno stato,
hot also on practically any Industry
In tho stato. Tho sorvlco horo will
not bo for this soctlon ot tho stnto
only, but for tho ontlro stato.
Tho Commercial club has had n
number of signs prepared directing
nttontlon to tho tourist offlco horo
and directing tho tourist how to lo
cate It. Evory effort will bo mado
to facilitate travol for tho tourist,
to glvo hm a proper welcome to tho
statu and dlroctlng on tbo way ha
wants to go, so that whon .ho loaves
Orogon ho will becomo a booster for
tho Btato, and it ho deoldos to stay,
to direct him to that section of tho
commonwealth which offors tho best
advantages for tho particular field
ot activity hq deslros to ontor,
Doaldo tho offlco at Ontario the
Tourist bureau will havo offlcos at
Ashland or Medford, Klamath Kails,
Pendleton, and ot course, at Port
land. Sydney D. Vlncont, manager
of tho atato bureau la expected In
Ontario prior to tho oponlng of tho
offlco horo.
Picnic Parties From All Sections of
County Coiutoinplnlo Spending
Knliirtln)' In tho Orchnrtls
OK Willow CrCck
Tho young mnn, Ollvor Howland
who was drownod in tho waters of
tho Owyhee rlvor April 21 whllo at
tempting to cross tho river on n
horso, was found this wook fifteen
miles bolow tho placo whoro his body
was last aeon. Tho body was brot
to Ontario to tho Potorson Chanel.
and from thoro taken to Cambrldgo,
luano ror burial on Tuosdny.
Thousands or Children Will Dlo Un
less America Aids Ontario
Una lis Hlmro to Help Will
You Aid?
Thoro will bo a gonornl oxodus ot
Ontarlans for Drogan on Saturday.
With tho woathor porfect for plcnlo
parties, tho Invitation of tho Drogan
folk -has proven tho ono thing need
od to spur thoso who Just wanted an
oxciHj) to got nway from town for a
day thoy will all bo In Drogan Sat
urday. Some ot tho men will not b'o ablo
to spond all tho. day nnd ovonlng In
Drogan, for somcono must tako care
ot tho business that comes to tho
city; but Ontario will bo woll repre
sented In tho gathering at tho var
ious ovonts at Drogan, and evoryono
Is counting on a big tlmo, for thnt Is
what ovoryono has who goes to tho
festivities thoy havo had In thnt sec
tion. J. E. Pholan has bcon secured to
bnrbocuo tho beat for tho big picnic,
nnd is propnrlng to food an army,
nnd thnt Is undoubtedly tho task ho
will bo callod on to perform.
Ono of tho most onjoyablo ovonU
of tho season of parties glvon by tho
Ontario Girls club was tho hlko nnd
Wolnor roast Tuesday ovonlng. Tho
girls met at tho homo of Mrs. W. L.
Turner, aftor working hours nttlrod
In hiking clothcs'nnd equipped with
n tin cup and spoon, with tho now
comenct brldgo on. tho Orogon Trail
Highway, over tho Malheur ltlvor
as their destination. On tho groon
nnd mossy bank ot tho Malheur a
choory bon flro was soon started over
which wolnlora wcro roasted nnd
coffoo mado. Thou by tho light ot
tho moon, tho whlsporlng ot tho
wind nnd tho cracklo of tho flro, a
numbor of startling, hair-raising
nnd breath-taking tnlos woro told.
Mombors who woro not prcsont, in
docd missed a wondorful tlmo.
Efforts DcinK Mado to Bccuro With
"raw nl of Home of tho Candi
dates Fijtlit llctueon Ol
cott and Hall With Pat
terson Close Third,
To tho would bo and hns bcon bnso
ball players rosldlng on tho west
si do ot Orogon Street In tho city ot
Ontario, Oregon. Whoroas It has
been callod to our nttontlon that
certain otherwise reasonably rospon
slblo nnd montnlly competent busi
ness men conducting' various lines ot
business on tho west sldo ot Oregon
street havo Indicated that thoy
poaoaa montnl skill and physical
strongth sufficient In quantity nnd
quality to Btngo n "coma back" on
tho basohall diamond, .wo; tho buay
mnrchnhta nnd professional mon ro
sldlng on tho cast sldo of said stroot
horeby challongo you to cross bats
on any field you soloct, dnto to bo
ngrood upon, procoodB to go to tho
malntouanco of nn auto park,
losing renm to furnish rofronlimonts
nnd all bovorngos for tho winning
team. Dntter upi I
May 24th will bo Dundle Day for
Near East Rellof throughout tho
United States, Laat year America
sent 1000 tons of clothing to tho
Near Eaat. Prosldont Maosanaglan
ot tho Arroonlan Itopubllo says that
one-fifth ot tho proaent population
ot that section havo boon clothed in
cast off American garments during
tho year. New clothing wears out
fast enough, tho supply ot halt worn
garments is now completely exhaust
ed. Numberless men, women and
children aro destitute ot clothing
and thousands have no coVorlng
whatever savo the thinnest raga.
Inside tbo Near East Relief or
phanages, much of tho clothing Is
manufactured by tbo children thorn.
solves under the direction of tho re
lief workers, but tbo majority of
them, and almost the entire popula
tion ot Armenia will have to dru
hand clothes
ding waa held at the St.
Episcopal Church of Payette Sunday in American socond
April 7th, at 1 o'clock whon Miss again next yoar.
Marjorle Turner of Ontario became . wuh ,. exCBntion of food thoro
M, h.Mn nt nlnh T?nM nt Pnrtlnnrt I Yf MU IBB exception OI lOOl IIQTU
Miss Turner Is the eldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Tuner ot On
tario. She Is a high school grad-
uato and spent two years In the
Oregon Agricultural College where
sno me i jr. num. Muring me past
wlntor Miss Turner wan employed aa
bookkeeper with the Malheur Home
Telephone Co.
Ralph Reid la tho son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Reid of Portland. Ho la
S graduato of the Chemical Engineer
ing course of the O. A. C., graduat
ing la 1921 and belongs to the
Sigma Tau "National Honorary En
gineering association. Mr. Reid Is
at present connected wlth'the Long
Dell Lumber Co. ot Kelso, Washing
ton where they will make their
home until fall at which time Mr.
Rled will enter the Massachuetts
Technical School at Boston.
Mr, and Mrs. Held left Sunday
afternoon for a short visit In Port
land before going to their home In
well as all other criminal laws of
tho state, and (hereby fulfill tho ob
ligations ot your office and the
promises you made, this organisation
whea you were seeking our support
for yow lcttH.
W. O. T, U.
Is no greater need thai, thnt of
clothing", says J, J. Hnudsaker,
State Director ot Near East Ituiiuf.
who traveled extensively lu the Near
East last summer. "Thorefuro I
am asking tbo peoVIe of Oregon lo
respond to the appeal for warm
clothing and shoes that corner to us
from the Near East and Southeast,
era Russia
It is planned that the appeal fur
spare clothing, bo spread In schools,
churches, cluba aud lodgea through
spsakera, Illustrated circulars, mo
tion pictures and tba press, that
every organized group In the stato
may have opportunity to mako col
lection of clothes, and that it also
be presented to clothing concerns
whose ahelvea and store rooma may
be cleared ot shop worn garmonta
that aro too poor or out of d; to
sell and too good to throw away.
Hoys nnd flirt From Grndo School
lMrulli J. Ion's Hlmro of Points
VIo Hecoii", Only T0
Points Dehlnd Win-
Knrly Monday .Morning Flro 0m
ple'lcly Destroys Residence of
Dr. ItO. . Moon in South-
western Part of City
With woathor conditions Idoal, and
boforo a largo crowd, not ot school
boys and girls only, but many of
their paronts; Ontario was returnod
a winner in tho annual county track
moot at Val6 last Friday, Tho
margin on which Ontario won, was
only two points and this In itself In
dicates tho elbsonoss of tljo contost,
Vale was second.
Tho moot started in the morning
nnd whon noon tlmo canio tho county
seat boys and girls woro loading On
tario by ton points, The oxci fo
ment was intonso aa thls.mnrgln was
reduced and Anally Ontario passod.
It took a close chock up ot all tho
Bcoros beforo tho officials at Vale
relinquished tho sllvorwaro and let
It como to Ontario. Tho cups are
on display this wook In the Mc
Crolght Hardwaro Storo window.
Miss Viola Hustcd loft Tuesday for
Corvallls for a two weeka' visit and
will attend Junior woek ond at the
O, A. C, while thoro,
Mrs. Frank Rader has been quite
111 the past wook with the "flu".
Mr. Donald McKenslo of Duloah
is spending a few days visiting in
Curtis Smith has gone to Jnralo
aon where he has work.
Frank Scott of Westfall la visit
ing In Ontario thla week.
Mrs. Paul Van Petten has been
quite 111 tho past week.
Calvin Keller and Howard Grif
fin ot Payette, were business visitors
In Ontario last Tuesday,
Mrs. M. J. Noece Is visiting In
Wendell, Idaho, tbo guest ot her
sister. .
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Orlfflu spent
the first of the week In Dolae.
Mr. and Mrs. Scbrum and Miss
Evelyn Schrum accompanied by Miss
Gladys Franklin, motored tb Era
melt Sunday.
Mrs. Paul Cayou ot Emmott, visit
ed friends In Ontario Sunday,
Mrs. A. W. Courtney returned
last Tuesday from an extended visit
in Dakor City.
Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Oakley of
Dolse, were guests of Mrs, N. O.
Miss Mary Dorvln returned home '"" .
this week tnm Doulah where she ,0 aUe7noon t the
Uaght school the past winter. bomQ ot Mr8f P, j, Gallagher.
A blozo which waa causod by tho
fnllltig ot thq Btovo plpo nftor n flro
had boon mado In tho kitchen range,
completely dostroyod tho homo of
Dr. R. O. Moon early Tuesday morn
ing whon Mr. Moon laid tho lire nnd
went out to milk. Mrs. Moon nnd
llttlo son wcro still In bod, whon the
amoko enmo pouring Into tho bod
room. Mrs. Moon ran out ot tho
houso and callod her husband, In hor
axcltomont lonvlng tho boy In bod,
and had Bcnrcoly timo to got tho
child out ot tho burning homo thru
a sldowludow.
Whon tho flro mon roacliod tho
bcoiio, which was only a matter of
ton minutes from tho tlmo tho alarm
went out, tho ontlro Insldo of tho
houso and tho roof was lu flainos,
und nothing could bo saved. Tho
houso was InBurod for $1C00, hut
tho furniture was an ontlro loss, und
only n faw garments woro saved.
Mr. Moon oxpoefs to orect a small
garago on tho back ot tho lot, In
which they will Ilvo until nrrnngo-
monts cun bo mado to build n now
Territory Districted nnd Flection of
Directors Het for May 20th 180
Members in Ontario DUtrlct
Tho organization commlttoo and
incorporators ot tho Idaho Produc
ers Union, tho now cooporatlvo or
ganization which la bolng formed to
markot head lettuco and potatoes,
have dlstrlctod tho torrltory and sot
tho date ot May 20th for tho election
ot ono director for each district by
tho mombors residing In each. The
districts which woro decided upon
aro eight in number, bolng tho Up
per Snako River district with head
quarters at Idaho Falls, tho South
cast Idaho district with headquarters
at Preston, Twin Falls district with
headquarters at Twin Falls, tho
Nampa district with headquarters
at Nampa, tho Wlldor district with
headquartors at Wlldor, tho Ontario
district (comprising all of Malheur
county and Washington county in
Idaho) with headquarters at Ontar
io, tho Ada county district with
headquarters at Eagle, and tho
Owyhee district with headquarters
at Homedale.
Tho meeting to elect a dlroctor to
represent the members of tbo Ontar
io dUtrlct will bo held at 2:30 p. m.,
Saturday, 'May 20th at Ontario, All
lettuco and potato growers who have
signed marketing agreements or
will havo dono so prior to tho hour
of election will be entltlod to one
voto each. As there aro about 160
mombors of tbo Union In tho Ontario
district, considerable interost will
no doubt be taken in the selection of
a representative, Tho conduct of
tho election will bo in tbo hands ot
the following persons who havo
been electod community chairmen
in tbo different loc&lsj On lettuco,
O, W. Lnttig, O. E. Carman, M. L.
Parsons, Qw. W. Dean, and Welsor
W. Clagfitt" W. L. Sshafor, Jake Rus
sell, J. L. Drown and Wolsor repre
sentatives. L. R, Dreathaupt, County Agent.
Portland, May 10 In contrast
with tho apathy which oxlsts In Mal
eour county, for axamplo, tho
political situation In Portlnnd la
fairly sizzling. Horo tho fight la a
ronl bnttlo, but tho turning point has
apparontly boon reached nnd every
thing will bo anti-climax from now
Right now tho Ku Klux Klnn Is
making a laat valiant effort to ward
off dofcat, which is now apparently
upon thorn. Their hopo is to snvo
a rout.
Tho chango lu tho situation has
como In tho past few days with tho
realization ot a numbor of tho can
didates that thoy cannot win, tholr
followors aro now acoklng now
favorites and tho Indications aro
plain that tho trond Is strong now
for Olcott. Tho governor's forcos
aro bolng incroasod from ovary
camp, savo that ot Hall, whoso
strongth coming from tho Ku Klux
ers In of course unknown, duo to tho
chnractor of tho organization. Dut
It Is sufficiently strong that tho
nntt-Ku Ktuxors woro worrlod badly
early In tho wook and as tho result
havo secured nn amalgamation of
somo of tho previously nntl-Olcott
forcos, and thus contorod the fight
botwoon Hall and Olcott, This
practically moans tho nomination ot
tho Oovornor.
It must bo understood that much
of tho now strongth which tho
Oovornor hns rocolvod was not
originally for him, but tho Ku Klux
dobacla nt Los Angoloa lino nwnkon
od tho public to tho danger ot Ku
Klux nnd tho monnco it would bo
to Oregon to hnvo tho invlslblo
"omplto" ruling tho dostlnloa ot
the Stato. For thnt ronson baaod
on tho principle ot froo govornmont
Otcott's election Is doomed lmpora
ttvo. Whntuvor porsonnl opinions
ono mny havo of tho man his plat
form of "Amorlcanlsm" Is winning
support from thoso who under othor
circumstances would havo boon for
othor candidates.
Efforts aro now cryBtaltzIng to
Bocuro tho withdrawal of ono or two
of thu candidates who aro admittedly
now out of tho race. Among thoso
aro Senator Louis E. Dcnu. Ills
friends horo rentlzo that with tbo
linos drnwn as thoy nro that ho can
not win and aro going to ask him
to rolonso his friends from tholr
plodgos ot aupport. It this is dono
Mr. Iloau will probably not bo asked
to Indlcato whom ha would be
queath his voto. All that Is asked
la that ho roloaso thorn, and lot
thum inuko tholr cholco, Tho bo
Hot Is howovor thnt this support will
go by a largo majority to Olcott.
Senator Pattoraon'a friends lmvo
not yet glvon up hopo, but tholr
protestation of strongtlr Is fathered
by tholr hopo for victory, Un
doubtedly with tho fight untrnmmoll
od by tho monaco of tho Ku Kluxers
8onator Patterson would If In tho
Hold nlono against tho Oovornor, bo
tbo favorlto ot many horo who aro
now espousing tho Olcott causo. Ono
ot these loadora said to tho odltor
of tho Argus teday: "Wo know 01
ctott, wo don't know what to oxpoct
of Hall, and Pattorson has no
chanco now. Thoreforo wo aro for
Tho Olcott sltuaton demonstrates
anow tho old Baying: "politics makoa
strango bed follows." Thoro aro
oomo ot tho strongest mon In power
ful nnd well known Protestant
organizations, united with promlnont
Catholics to dofoat Hall and his Ku
Klux Klan. To Oregon's shame it
must bo candidly admitted that this
issuo Is a religious one and tho big
men ot tho stato, doplorlng that fact
aro united In au effort to toach the
mon who Introduced It Into the stato
n lesson that thoy will not forget.
All thla means Olcott.
Fithlan Portland Favorlto
In splto ot tho endorsement of
Williams for tho National Commit
teeman, It appears that O. L. Fithlan
is tho Portland favorlto for tho
position, especially with thoso who
aro not actlvoly connected with any
of tho cAmpalgn headquarters.
Ftlhlans fight for n now deal In
Oreeon Dolltlcos is making Its anDeal.
and that altogothor with tho oft
repeated story mat Williams as
committeeman was not entbustistlo
Jn aupport ot R. A. Dooth In his fight
for tho Senate, Is adding to Flthlan'a
strongth overy day. This fight, In
many waya la overshadowing tho
governorship scrap and offers thu
possibility of marking a real crisis
in party politics. At the present
timo, from thla viewpoint, It looks
aa though Fithlan will be tho winner.
On Thursday, May 18 Mrs, Har
rison's pupils -will glvo the final
recital of tho season at tho resi
dence of Judgo Dalton Dlggs, Each
student will bo asked to fling and
an elaborate program is bolng ar
ranged. This recital la to be soml
public, each student being allowed
to Invito two guests. A comploto
program will bo published later.
Miss Florence Dach of Kingman
Colony, vlsltod Wednesday at tho
Franklin homo, stopping off on her
way to Emmett,
. !
C .
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ivJSSMs&iSifc. j. .Juwut,,