THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, O.TIURSDAY. MAY 4,1922 GHp (JDntunn Anjua County Official I'pcr An Independent Nowspnpcr j0MAMai Publlshod Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon, and ontorod at tho Ontario post oMlco for dlitrlbutlon as 2nd class matter. eMMMMMMMM0M0MMa)MM Q. K. Alkon, Managing Editor BUB8C11IPTION Ono Year, $2.00 TIIIJ GOVKHNOlWHir With so many candidates nsplrlng for tho nominations of both parttos and tho fact that thoro la, ftp parontly, but slight lntorost In tho primary, It Is hard to forecast tho results. Judgod by tholr past records thoro nro only throo formldablo caudldatos for tho republican selection; Govern or Olcott, Spoakar Uoan and Sena tor I'attorson. Tho last two named llt would nppoar aro tho only ones who linvo a chanco to dofoat tho present Incumbent. Olcott'B dotcat would bo easier It tho Impression did not provall that ho will win. Of lato, howovor, thoro Is an Indication that his friends aro not so sangulno, and thoro Ib a growing Impression that ho may bo dofoatcd. This Is especially trua whon tho rotors stop to think that had ho usod tho gubernatorial voto qowor mora oxtonslroly during tho Inflation period, taxes would not bo an high an they aro today. This Is tho must potent argument that tho governor's opponontn havo, and nono of them seem to bo over looking it. Aside from this thoro Is not a great doal In tho governor's record to attack. Ho has beon particularly fortunato In having had faw real problems to faco. So far as knowlodgo of tho machinery of stato and broadth of oxporlonca goes, Spcakor Ilenn ap pears to bo tho bOBt Qualified of tho candidates, and has In tho past shown a greater degreo of sympathy for Kastorn- Oregon than any of them. On that ground nlono Mr. Dean Is ontttlod to tho hearty con sideration of tho Kastorn Oregon votors. Sonator I'attorson, too, has had long oxporlonco In tho luglslatlvo halls, and Is wldoly known. Tho offlco would bo well cared for by him. Of coumo with all tho others ho is plodgod to nn oconomlcal pro gram, ns Ih Speaker Dean. Hoth mou nro strong enough so that thoy would accomplish n great deal In that respect. So far as Olcott Is concorned thoro Is nothing In his rocord to show that ho could ac complish n great deal In thnt regard. Tho manner In which ho called tho spoclat fair session and tho failure to deliver ono way or nnothor, Is llkowUo not making much of n lilt for tho gayornor. and as ho has becomo a lcador In tho stato proesv association, so too wilt ho bocomo a loader In tho legis lative halls; It ho is olectod and wo bollovo ho will bo olocted. A 0II1I 0.'J-' Till OI.I) III.OCK ' Ovor In Lauo county n peculiarly Interesting situation has nrftion. Itecontly a numbor of cltlioim ot.tlio county's metropolis, Eugene, motor od to Cottago Orovo to urgo Elbort IK'do, editor of tho Cottago Orovo Bontluol to run for tho legislature. Tho rumnrkablu thing nhout this Is that Eugene Itsolf has moro candl-J datos than tho district can oloct, and yot mauy of Eugono'a leading cltl 'cons nro roquentlng tjio odltor of an outsldo papor to represont thorn In tho stato lawmaking body. This unusual situation would not havo arlsou without a reason, and that reason Is to bo found in Mr. Dodo hlmsolt and his constructlvo rocord as a citizen and a publlshor. Not only is Mr. Dedo an ablo nowspapor man, but ho is a con structive, ouerKOtle, capahlo and Bticcossful business man, IIo knows his business from tho typo-stlck to tho editorial sanctum. Thoro Is no bettor prlntor lu Oregon than Elbort Ilodo, and thoro nro fow mou In tho utnto bettor ncquatntcd with tho probloms of tho public than Is he. Having known Mr. Dodo for moro than 20 years, having worked with him at tho caso, wo know that tho pooplo of Lane county will honor thomaelvos in his oloctlon. Thoro Is nothing half hoartod In tho way Dodo dooa things. Ho Is a slncoro, though Bomotlmoa cnustto critic; but ho is always constructive In his orltlclsma, for ho Is a chip off tho old block. Llko hla fnthor, tho famous Con gressman from Minnesota, Dodo has a keon sonso of humor, Ho has tho faculty of soelng tho Incongruous, tho ridiculous, and of prosentlug the truth In a piquant and Illuminating light. Elbort Dedo will novor boro tho lawmakers with ponderous eloquence but with pungent paragraphs ho will toar tho mask of sophistry and puncturo tho bubblo of ldlo oratory. Judging by tho manner In wbtch he has ondoared hlmsolt to tho fellow mombors of tho profession of this stato, ho will likewise win abundant friendship in tho legislative body; ASK YOUll MILK MAN Ask your milk man If ho has had his cows tcstod to dotormlno whothor or not thoy nro froo from tuber culosis? You owo this to your family, to yoursotf and to tho public gcnornlly Dy doing this you will Impress upon your milk man tho tact that tho pooplo aro allvo to tho nocd for puro clean milk and that it will pay him to hoed tho warning. Dut your action should not ond thoro. If your milk man says ho has had his cows tostod, nak him to show you his certificate of that fact. Thoro need bo no troublo for him to carry that certificate with him for n fow days until alt of his customers havo soon It. ' Thon contlnuo your campaign. If ho docs not nnswor "yes," and li not ready to show his cortlflcato, stop taking milk from him. That Is tho only snfa thing to do. A mnu who cares so llttlo for tho health and Bafoty ot hlmsolt, his family and his customers that ho wilt not tako this nocossary and roasonablo precaution Is, not worthy of your buslnoss, ho ts not a aafo man to bo IntriiBtcd with tho purveying of food. You do not nood to tako milk thai comes from n sourco 'which Is not clean and has not been oxamlncd. Thoro nro dnlrymon nhout Ontario whoso hords havo boon Inspected, and thoy nro entltlod to consideration and to patronage for they nro doing that which Is ossontlnt to your wel fare protecting tho clonullncss ot tho food you nro tootling yourself and family. It would seem that ovory mothor would ask that question of tho milk man from whom sho gots milk to fcod hor chlldron. To toed gonn Infoctod milk Is but giving slow poison. No woman with an ounco of mothor lovo knowingly would poison hor child, why thon should sho let tho milk mnn plant In tho chllifs systom tho gonna of tho droad dlseaso. ts the contention of tho vnlloy papers which onco woro tho'' ardont sup porters ot tho primary idea, KINGMAN KOLONY hah it ui:agiii:i Tim i:.n? Notablo among tho dovolopmonts of tho fpaturoloss campaign which Is now in progress in Orogon Is tho nttacks bolng mndo upon tho Orogon Primary system by thoso who woro Its ardont champions n decado ago; tho Eugene Ounrd and tho Capitol Journal of Snlom. Thoso two publications rightly aro Inmontllng tho quality offorod tho pooplo from which to mako a choice for a numbor ot tho stato offlcos. Thoro (i no objoctlon bolng mado to tho quantity ah, no, thoro Is too much quantity, aud too llttlo quality, Nor Is that nil tho systom Is oxtromoly oxponslvo. Whoro ns years ago thoro was but ono election, now thoro nro two, each ot which cost tho pooplo approx imately $100,000. Tho cost is not tho big oloinont, Important though It ho; but tho roaults aro uot worth It. Orogon is liko tho llttlo boy of whom Franklin teld: "ho paid too much for his whlstlo," Evory ono knows, who knows any thing about politics, that half ot tho men who nro running for office today would not stand a ghost ot a show undor a system whoro a dozen or moro men gathored to consider thorn for public ofllcoT Think of tho ludicrous situation Orogon places mon who coultf rcaly bo ot service to her In stato affairs? What man who haB a sonso ot fltnoss of things wants to nominate him self for a Job? Nono but tho most concoltod would try It in a lodgo, or in a publlo gathoring anywhoro to thus attempt to put onosolf ovor, would at onco condomn tho officious yot this Is what tho Oregon Bystom makos mandatory. And the result Is fow mon of real merit attompt tho Job. Gradually thoro Is apparently, a realization in Oregon that tho pri mary system is not tho panacoa that Its champions thought it would bo, and that it is a useless expense to tho state. Tho notablo thing about the change ot Bentlmout Is that it is coming, not from the pollttcans, but from many peoplo who havo hitherto taken but alight lntorost in politics, but who aro' realizing that the prosont rlso In the cost ot govern ment has come largely because ot tho desire of tho solt-nomlnated-prl-mary-seloctod officeholder to pander to ovory lam and clique which wanted to dtp into tho public treasury. Perhaps it Is right to say that it is not the fault ot tho primary idea or baslo princlplo that has caused tho troublo of which tho Eugene Guard and tho Salem Statosinan complain, but tho abuse ot tho principle as It Is applied In practice; but this abuso Is so easily accomplished that it nullftes the good which the primary was de signed to obtain. That It appears Official summary of crop and weather conditions In Eastorn Oro gon, covortng tho past flvo months, wook ondlng April 20, 1D22, from tho U. S. Weather Station on tho A. O. Kingman ranch on Snnko river: Tomporaturo below normal, lmpro Ing at tho ond ot tho torm. Seed ing finished and grain gormlnntlng. Pastures and meadows backward. Potatoes and gardens In process ot ptnutlng, and In warmor locations potatoes up. A largo dolcgatlon from Kingman Kolony, pupllB, teachers nnd patents plan attondanco at tho Flold Meet In Vnlo, Friday, April 28. Oscar Shafor was quite badly brulsod, his kneo being Borlously spralnod, nnd at first It was thought hie leg was broken whon n team ho was driving became unmanngcablo ono day tho past week. Mlas Dornlco Martin, Miss Flor ence Bach, Arcbjo Cantrolt nnd Hay Elliott nnd E. W. Evorott wore guests nt n party at tho S.D. Dtgo low homo on tho Owyhee last Satur day ovonlng. Tho occasion being tho joint colobrntlon of tho birthday annlvorsarlcs ot Miss Jaunlta Ulgo low and Mrs, Fred Kllngback. Miss Straub, Stato Tuberculosis Nurso, will visit tho Kolony this wook consulting with., tho paronts and teachers and making examin ations In tho lntorost of tho health of tho chlldron ot tho district. Kolony clubs aro orgnnlzod'or'ln process of organization for tho Boason's worfy Tho canning club with Mrs. Conrad Martin as loador. Tho Sowing club with Mrs. H. John ston tender, with throo members, hopes to ndd to tholr members Uolun Powell, Violet PJnktton, 1st yenr sowing, Jcanotto Martin, 2nd year work. Joanotto Martin recolved 1st prlzo at tho Orogon Stato Fair last year on hor first year sowlug. Tho Pig club was also organized with Itobt Ovorstrcet as loador. F. T. Morgan and family, Mr. and Mrs. It. It. Ovorstrcot, Miss Oladys Johnson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Maurlco U. Judd and Itobert Overstreet mado up a party motoring to Wolsor last Sunday. Thoy enjoyed tholr lunch nt tho boautlfut Island park on tho Bnako river, and visited with 'two Kolony boys, Everett Hlckox and Morrltt Oroellng, who nro students nt tho Welser Institute. You aro cordially Invited to Hie P. T. A. regular mooting Saturday ovjmlng, Muy Otli. Election ot of ficers will tako place as woll ns re ports from tho County 1'nront-Te.nch ors mooting at Nyssa last Saturday, and nn Interesting musical program. Dologatos from tho Clrclo attending tho county mooting at, Nyssa woro Mrs. F. L. DoDord, Mrs. Waltor Nichols, Miss GladysJohnson, Mrs. Conrad Martin, Mrs.'E . Edwards. Mrs. Dach, Mrs, H. Johnston, Mrs. M. Qrcollng and Airs. Ovorstrcot woro alao In nttondnnco, Community Day, May 31, jjlanncd by tho P. T, A. school grounds com mittee nnd tho school board ot di rectors bids fair to bo a busy day in Kingman Kolony. A largo number nro planning to spond tho day at tho grounds. Wnltor Nichols Is In chargo of tho lovollng, C. M. Beau mont tho sotting of trees and shrub bery, nnd M. Parsons has chargo ot setting tho fonco. Prof. Evorott nnd tho pupils aro preparing an np proprlato program, nnd tho Jndlcs will provldo their usual good dlnnor, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. O. Collon motored to Nnmpa Inst Saturday, whoro thoy mot Mrs. Colon's daughter, Suslo, who has boon attending school thoro, but has been obliged to glvo up hor studies on account ot cyo troublo. Pupils who wcro neither absent or tardy during April In Miss Gladys Johnson's grades nre: Dolbort Zlerloln, Margaret Morgan, Harold Elliot, Lloyd McEwen, Helen Powell Qlonn McGlnnla, Jcanotto Martin, James McEwen, Cora Elliot. FOIl ItENT Soctlon of good pasturo horses $2.00 por month for Bhort timo. It loft for ontlro season U.75. Yearlings $1.G0. 3& mllon straight west of Ontario. No stock romovod until settled tot. C. W. Oarrott. tf WANTED TO DUY a Fprd car In good condition. Inquire Flsor Houso. pvvyai liH . Z3 ravoriTeificipe or Washington Croam Pio Here it an economical dainty that xcill add pleat' ing variety to your detterlti 1 cup Bugar, lj cups flour, 3 tbsp. Carnation Milk, J cup butter oraubtUtute, 2 tgg yolks, 3 gg Whites, 0 tbsp. water, 2 tap. baking powder. Cream the butter, add sugar gradually, and yolks of eggs well beaten. Mix nnd sift flour and buklng powder, add alter nately with milk to first mix ture. Add 'veil beaten whites of cngs, Dake In two layers. Put cream filling between lay ers and sprinkle top with pow dered sugar. Writ lor baaltUt of 100 Ltttil Carnation Milk Prod uct Co, SIO South Dili St, Uohe, Ua. FOR SALE Household furniture, practically .new. Must sell at once, as am leaving town See M. D. Thomas or phono 90M from 8:30 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. other times 223J. "- II - f .m Our sorvico and facilities for serving you aro just as modern and as helpful as present day business requires. You havo no banking need that wo will not fill to tho limit of sound banking sense. You will profit through a banking connec tion with us. 'JMbs&l m MiM frill nil I i tg-l ' i I WWII' IptH me fiist d IMS nation's ice r over nan a century udweiser Everywhere WSf I $ ! ANHEUaEtVDUSCH. INC.. ST. LCfolS Blumauer & Hoch Boyer Bros. & Co. Wholesale DUtrlbutort Portland, Oregon Local DUtrlbutort Ontario, Oregon YOU don't use as much of Calumet as you do of most other Baking Powders. It has more than ordinary leavening strength: You save about half. You don't pay a big price for Calumet It's sold at a moderate price that rep resents another saving. You don't feel uncertain as to results. Bakings never faS because Calumet never falls below th Korea standard ot TJert byTeet" bbbbI WtWW'W'1 MM m h possesses the highest qual ky ever put Into a Baking Powder. Contains only such ingredients as have been offi- daily endorsed by United States Foal Author! tie. For weeks, for months, it keeps as fresh and full of strength m the day it left the Calumet Factories, tho World's Large!, moat Sanitary tad Modem Baking Powder plants. , Pound can of Calumet contains full 10 oi. Some baking powdcracomc in I2oa.intead o(16oi.cana. Heture you get a pound when you wantlt y m wmmmmmmw Calumet CoUOdta Recipe Yolka of S egge, 1H cup ot gran ulated sugar, H cup of water, cup ot butter, 2V4 cupe paatry flour, 3 level tea spoons Calumet Uaking Powder. 1 tablespoon of vanilla. Thea mix in tho ragu lax way. one- eleven cigarette iH AM in IfV OaMtaaiM TURKISH VKCQOA BURIJtY y ifrriFTEm In a new package that Jit the f aotat - u pnie muf jiu me poatet-book' The same unmatched blend of TVRKlSIhVlRGINIA tmd DUKLKrTobacCOS frffl'sraucF Cm z5rje "iamBamimmmmamr?-y&mmtmmmmiiM A. vh?ejc r 'See McFall and See Better" DR. J. A. HTML Ejtaleht Specialist, Ontario, Ore. WB GKIXD OUKOHN ZiKNSJW .- Phone 147J c-y