v-. s) Vim wwi ipaawawjiw mmvmmmnm taMMMMMlaMMlBl . TOteta rom. . , K VOL. XXVI MAYOR URGES EXHIBIT Of COMMUNITY PRIDE Improvement of Park by Planting Trees nn Sclirubs and Better Coro For Oomctary Objects To Imj Obtained Unit ed Kffort Asked ONTARIO, AIALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1922 11USINEB8 WILL PAUSE WHILE MEMORIAL pAY 18 OltSKHVKI) In on effort to nrouso a grontcr dogrco of civic prldo, Mayor W. II. Doolttlo this week Issued tho follow Ing npponl for that worthy purpose Tho Mayor's request Is ns follows; Sovprnl acres of tho City and Tourist Park at tho north end of Oregon streot is now bolng put In shapo for socdlng to grass and sliado trees. Tills work is bolng dono through donations by tho Com mercial Club and a numbor of our public splrltod citizens. This Is only the beginning of a work to beautify bur city that wo hopo to soo continued year by yoar until Ontario hnt n real boauty spot, "which will bo a playground for our children and a sourco of prldo to orory ono who has contributed some effort to rnako it Into a real park. Thoro Is now an opportunity for us pcoplo of Ontario to allow what can bo dono with Tory llttlo monoy. bui by good will and cooporatlon among oureolvtos. Dollovlng that Tory ono of us nro intorcstod in building up and bcautlfllng tho com munity lu which wo llro I nm going to doslgnato Friday, May 1 2th as a troo planting day for Ontario. I should llko to soo .ovcry family In Ontario start tho day by planting somo trees, shrubs and flowors In their own yard and then something in this line in tho now City Park. Thoro Till b a man thoro with tho necessary tools who will bo ready to holp. I should also llko to doslgnnto anothor day to bo spont in beautify ing tho comotory. Tho city has Tory llttlo monoy to spend this ywir and nil of that will bo noodod to pay our share of tho dralnngta work that must bo dono this season. This will inako it necessary for us to And ( some way of fixing up tho grounds without funds, but I bollovo that tho pooplo of Ontario will bo willing to holp in this tnattor and that it can bo donq by cooperation of tho pooplo and tho help of all tho or ganizations of tho city, such as tho churchos, lodgos, and clubs. Thorn is so much to bo dono In .tho fixing up of tho comotory grounds that It will roqulro mn with teams, plows, scrapors, boos and other tools to do this -work, Men dnd women to contrlbuto troos, shrubs and grass soed. Wo noed ovorsoora and work ors of all kinds. Ono good days work would work wonders in tho appoaranco of tho comotary. Many of the people In Ontario and vicinity have rolatlvos and frlonds burlod thoro and many moro of us will bo 'thoro somo day. Let us try and make it a place of boauty, a credit to our city and a fit place for our loved one. I also want to call the attontlon of tbo people to the cleaning tip of tholr promlsos. Many have done this, but thoro are still a numbor that have paid no attontlon to the . notice published In tho paper. The city has appointed a new garbage man who Is also a sanitary officer. Ho has tho necessary authority to force pooplo to clean up and the city authorities aro going to back him and Insist on It bolng dono. If you bavo not cleaned up yot, do so, and sail his attention to thoso who do not. Before closing this artlclo I would like to maku another sugges tion. Can we not organlzo a Clvlo Improvement Club In Ontario. With a good live organization of this kind In this city wo could work-wondors in the way of improving and beaut ifying oar homes and town. Fre quently yoa will notice somo vacant Iota, adjoining somo well kept homo, that are covered with cans, refuse or sage brush, which one hours work would entirely remove, tha owner of the lots probably residing away from Ontario. With a good strong Improvement club of 200 or 300 members, who would each agree to give a couple of hours each week, after dinner, during these leg summer evenings. We send nut 25 to SO people each night to cleaa ap sowe bad spot around the city or la the streets. One clean up will do bo 'good ual it la kept up and our cemetaiy parka and city need constant attention. The iBMBbers of this club doing this At tho Commercial club Tues day ovontng a commlttoo from tho Amorqlan Legion hendod by Dwlght 1'iorco, commandor nnd Ray Uoyor opponrod to nsk that tho business men closo whllo tho oxcrclscs of Memorial Pay tako place It was tho opinion of tho business mon prosont that it would bo bettor to closo for tho ontlro day thnn for a portion only, nnd thoso prosont slgnlflod tholr wllllng noss so to do. Doflnlto nctlon was not token, but so roprosontntlvo was tho gathering prosont of business mon that in all probnbllltythls will bo dono. Tho Legion mon aro arranging for a fitting momc-Vlnl program Including an nddroes nt tho park by Judgo Dnltou Olggs, a paradb and tho usual ccrmonlos at tho come-tory. TO BLOSSOM IFESTIVAL ricturraquu Valley Will bo Fairy. land of lllo8so8 Saturday May iR nnd llrognn Folks Want Everyone to Enjoy It. NO. 22 NEARLY HALE MILLION POUNDS Of WOOL SOLD MUSIC CLUB TO GIVE Otorus Will Sing Lmly of Hhalot Willi Mrs. W. II. Harrison as Soloist and Symposium Tea Will In trod uco Local Artists To start n fund with which tp furnish tho roceptlon room rocontly complotod In tho publlo library, tho Music club has In preparation a pro gram which will bo glvou at tbo Ma lotto theatre Monday ovenlng, May IB. Tho first portion of tho progrnm will bo tho cantata, "Tho Lady of All tho uppor Willow Crook valloy will bo a Bhower of blossoms next wook and to this fairy land of tho beautiful tho pooplo of Brogan nnd Jnmleson Invito tho ontlro county for tho first annual Brogan Blossom Fostlvnl which will bo hold on Sat urday May 13. This was tho message tho Argus rocolvod from W. B. Eaton of Brogan today nnd on bohalf of tho pcoplo of Brogan is cxtondlng It to all tlio Argus readers. But this is not nil that Brogan has to offer for this occasion, though It is onaugh for all thoso' who lovo tho most beautiful eight In this soctlon for tho Brogan folks havo arranged n bnraocuo for that tiny and aro going to bo tho kind of hosts thnt havo mado tho west famous. Thoro will bo a real open houso In Brogan nnd Jnmleson for tho folks of tho valloy. Thoro will brf a program arranged by tho Farm Buroau following tho barbecuo, which by tho way is schodulod to start at 11 a. in., and contlnuo until 1:30 p. ni so thnt all may bo fed. Thoro will bo a number, of speak ers proflont nnd thoro will ho good muslo too. In fact thoro will bo nothing loft undono by tho Brogan folk to mnko tho day ono that will bo romomborcd by all who attond. Tho muslo will bo furnishod by nn orchctra from Huntington. Two dances nro llstod on tho pro grnm to ndd to tho dlvorslty of Ontario SWccn for Wool During Week Onp Peel For 0 ContH Oilier Jia nnd 03 Lowest OO Host Priced in Years. Buyers Sold for COUNTY FIELD MEET TO HE HELD AT VALE ON FRIDAY Bhalot," by Bondall, a three part arrongoraont for womon's voices. nmusomont nnd tho hosplllty of tho Mrs. W. II. Hnrrlson will bo tho'dnncos of thnt section is something soloist nnd Mrs. S. D, Dormnn tho accompanist. Tho second portion of tho progrnm will bo a "Symposium Ton," Intro ducing familiar' songs sung by woll known local artists and readings by Miss Hutu Caboon and Miss Ada Loo. In this soctlon Miss Holon Dunstono will prealdo at tho piano, whllo Msa Elinor Ilandall and Mrs. C. F. Cox will prosont violin numbors. Tho other soloists will be: Mrs. E. S. Fortner, Mrs. D. F. Qrahara, Miss Roslna Olomont, Miss Myrtle Ste wart. Miss Clara Inoz Wood, Mrs. Androw Iloblnsou, Miss Loulso Wood, Mrs. F. J. Clomo, Miss Roso KroeBsIn, Mrs, O. H. Blom, Herschol Browno, Dick Adam and Hugh Allen, Thoro will also bo a number of duota with mlxod voices nnd sovoral quartotto numbors rounding out a popular program, to romombor, But host of all Is tho spirit which prompts tho Brogan colobrntlon, for In it Is oxtondod a cordlnl Invltntlon nnd tho declaration of tho Brogan folks Is: "Como spond tho day and enjoy tho blossoms nnd Ood's great out of doors, wo will wolcomo you, nnd will bo happy to moot you." That many will go Is undoubtod for tho John Day Highway from Vale to Brogan Is In oxcollont con dition. It will be a happy day nnd n general gathering of friends from all soctlons of tho county in ono of tho-county'a most favoVod spots. Nearly a half million pounds of Malheur county wool was sold dur ing tho past week nt prices varying from 30 to 3G cents per pound. This brought glco to tho hearts not only of tho sheepmen dlroctly Intorcstod, but to buslnoss mon nnd ranchors gonornlly. it means a big stop back on tho path to normnlcy. All woek Ontario has been tho contor of n wool buying movomont with representatives of numorous Boston nnd Portland wool firms In cluding Johnlo Johuson, Ernost May nnd Joo Plalstod of Bolso who ropro sont Boston firms; V. P. McKlnna nnd Isador Koshlund of Portlnnd. Loroy Davis was also horo buying lambs. " Tho top prlco rocordod In Bales horo was thnt scored b tho poot of Frank, McKnlghfs, It. J. Ward nnd McConnsll Brother's which totaled 10C.000 pounds and sold at 36 conta and was bought for Hallowoll-Jonos ft Donald of Boston by Johnlo John son. Hub Wnltors sold his clip to Mr. McKonna for tho Portland Wool Warohouso cempany: Koshlund bought tho Boawonrd ft Scnwoard and Bcnrden clip nnd nlso tho Far West Qlioop company's clip nt 32 conts according to reports. Ontario's schools will closo tomorrow, Friday, whllo nil tho host of chlldron forogathor at Vale to bo prosont and tnko part in tho annual Hold moot of tho county schools. A great deal of lntorost has boon mani fested in tho gathorlng this year nnd many youthful record breakers havo boon training for tho contost. MERCHANTS DISCUSS PLANS FOK OUED1T ASSOCIATION At n mooting of tho morchants of tho city with Mr. Maxwell of Cold well on Wodnosday ovonlng, plans woro discussod for tho formation of n credit rating bureau. No doflnato action was taken and tho morchants nro to Investigate tho workings of tho Caldwell Institution boforo pro coodlng. At this meeting too tho following commlttoo was appointed to meet tho Fair board to cousldor plans for tho fair this tallf A. L. Cockrum, Frank Itndor, II. U Potorson, C. F. 8kow( A. Iloblnson, II. O. Uoyor nnd C. It. Emlson. SEASON OPENS WITH VICTORY FOR VALE Nyssn Scores Shut Out in Opener With Huntington For Ontario Illll Lyclls Pitches Grtxit Halt for Sit Innings Slllc Wild Hut Effcctivo JOY RIDERS NEAR DEATH WHEN CAR HURDLES DITCH CLUB DIRECTORS HEAR OREGON TRAIL PLANS W. E. Mcacliam, of Itakor,-Prcsldeiit Of Association Tells of Effort To Direct Tourists Over Historic Itouto Six Ontario Young Men uud Women Suffer Injuries Oar laterally Torn to Pieces In Smash Up Between Payette And Wclser. UEOEPTION TO MAIUC OPENING ROOM IN LlIHtAIlY HASEMENT With an appropriate program the handsomo now roceptlon room In the basement of tbo library which w completed through tho Initial gift of J. It. Dlackaby and contributions from tho Womon's Club, tho Qirl'a Club and a number of Individuals. will bo dedicated to the public uso on Friday evening May 13, Just what tho program will be has not boon doflnately determined, but will bo announced later, Tho room which will bo Ideal for tho gathering of many bodies, has not been finished. Whon the work already completed was finished the funds of tho Women's club which sponsored it were depleted. There were Just 74 conts loft In treasuary and efforts will now ho mado to Bocuro additional funds for this purpose. The Initial effort will be mado through tho-concort to bo given at tbo Majestic Theatre Mon day May 15 when tho Music Club wjll present tho Lady of Bhalot. I. L. PATTERSON TO BE IN CITY. FRIDAY Interest In National Committee man's Fight Surpassed That for Offices Unusual Confidence Gives Way to Un- certainty Six Ontnrlans In somo mysterious manner oscapod doath about two o'clock last Friday morning when tho car In which thoy woro driving from Payette to Wolsor ran straight off tbo road, hurdled a dralnago ditch and smathod Itiolf completely W. E. Meacham, president of tho Old Oregon Trail association wan tho guest of tho directors of tho commorient club at n dlnnor at tho Mporo cafo Tuesday ovonlng and thoro told of tho progress which tho association is making in Its publicity work to direct tourists to tho historic routo across tho contlnont. Mr. Meacham declared, that tho spirit of co-operation manifested by LaQrando, Pendleton, Tho Dnllos nnd othor towns along tho lino, nnd especially Portland and tho atato tourist bureau hoadod by S. D, Vin cent was nlroady so markod that this year would soo a vast Incronso lu tho stream of tourists using tho Old Orogou Trail. linker to Celebrate As an opoulng ovont lu this pro gram Baker has taken tho load In this effort aud is to hold a colobra Tho Eastorn Oregon Ulg Four boBobolt lcaguo opened Its season Sunday with games at Ontario nnd Nyssn. At tho fair grounds horo Vnlo colobratod tho opening with n 0 to 4 victory ovor Ontario In n gamo that furnishod all kinds of baseball, and which for six innings was a mighty interesting contest botwoon Bill Lyolls for Ontario nnd Stiles for Vale. Both pltohors furnishod tho features of tho gamo, with tbo ox coptlon of John Huston's shoestring catch of Art Mooro's lino drivo. That catch robbod Mooro of n throo baggor tor it was tlckotod for a long trip. Huston nlso complotod a doublo on tho play and mado tho socond two-ply out scorod by Vale nnd each cut off soomlngly euro scores. Porhnps It might bo added tho gnmo was played without wrangling nnd that tho umpiring was not bad. Lyllos nnd Stiles then took Jho contor of tho stago and whlffod out batter aftor battor, Each scorod six strlko outs in two Innings. Un til Lyoll, who had boon shooting thorn ovor, woakonod In tho fifth, It was a protty gamo. Vale tied tho scoro in tho fifth with two scores nnd won in tho sovonth with throo. Thon to ninko It snfo took throo moro in tho ninth off Wolls and Caslday. Ouornsoy hurt his nuklo and had to rotlro in tho olghth, Bill Blnckaby going to contor field. Tho following is what tho box scoro ahowed: A It . C 2 i C . . 3 . 1 ONTAMO Hustod, 3 b.. Caslday, a a. Ouornsoy, cf Blackaby cf.. flardnor, o ...... 3 Smith, It . 4 Btepbons 1 b.. 3 Leonard, 2 b.... 4 Mooro, rf ........ ' 4 Lyllos, p.... 2 Wolls, p . on tho lowor sldo of tho road, jtlon on July 4th featuring a pagont kind of work would be a great In fluence on others, with tho result cleanliness would soon come to bp a habit with us all and Ontario would be known far and wide as a model to pattern after and Its people as the best In the land, I would llko to ask every man and woman interested in the formation of a Civic Improvement Club to meet at tbo Commercial Club rooms Id the City Hall Building on Tues day evening Hay ,9th at 9 p. m. and see what can be dono to effect this kind of an organization. I hope there will be a big turn out, it would only take 'two hours of your time a week, and think what we could do this 8ttaimr,r4r Ontario, W. H. DOOLITTLB, Mayor With only two weeks remaining In tho primary campaign, Interest In tho outcome still is very far from bolng intense. Tho apathy Is tho biggest handicap to tho candidates. Tomorrow, (Friday) Ontario will havo as its guests ono of tho many candidates for tho republican nom ination, Senator I. L. Patterson of Polk county. Senator Patterson will call on friends here, tor thoro nro many who know him well, and .....i ..... tho W,H so lo Vft,e ounng tno day. Strango as It may seem the big. gest nght of the campaign Is that bolng wage d for tho republican national committeeman from Ore gon. Tho entry of O, It. Flthlan backed by a strong organization has for the first tlmo challenged the place so long held by Italph E. Williams, and thore aro many who declare that Mr. Fithian will win, though during tho past week Mr. Williams' friends bavo begun to make- an active fight In his behalf. In place of the usual assurance and certainly that ono candidate will win in the governorship fight the thing that is noted la that few will predict the outcome. Tho fooling that Governor Olcott is sure to win has been waning and the best guessers and it Is. only a guoss are now conceding that tbo tight Is between him, Speaker Bean and Senator .1'attcrsoa. According to tbo roost lucid account obtainable, two of tho occupants of tho car wont through tho wind shield, two wont through tho roof, and tho other two modo tholr hurrlod oxlt by a routo unknown. Tho accldont occurod about tour miles north ot Payette on tho stato highway whoro tbo road turns to ward tho west at tho top ot tho bill to cross tho track, Evorott Staples who was driving tho car, which be longed to Richard Hlckey, who was also In tho party, did not soo tho turn at all; which was tuck, porhaps, had bo attompted to turn quickly tho car would havo turned turtle, it Is bellovnd. As it was, tho car wont straight off tho grado, over tho ditch which Is wldo and hit on tho north bank. Tho euglno wob torn from ita framo and casting twisted In a wolrd manner. Whon tho victims came to and in ventoried their condition It was found that Mr. Staples was minus sovoral front teeth, Richard Hlckey had bis knoe cap torn and was other wlso Injured, Cecil "Embody and Pete Madden were brulsod and shaken, while Mrs. Edna Barclay and Mrs. Dorothy Woodward wero cut and brulsod about tho body. Mrs. Barclay was severely cut on the thlgb. Tho least Injured of tho party "succeeded In reaching a farm bouse, callod Ontario, for a car and reached hero early In the morning. Hlckey la still in bed and tho young womon have not boen able to get about since the accident. ropresontativo ot tbo early days ot tho Trot), with all tho faithfulness. possible JUNIOR-SENIOH RECEPTION FEtST FAREWELL TO SENIORS Frank and George W. McKnlght of Vale spent Wednesday la Ontario oa buIaM. L. R. Broitbaupt has boen 111 for sovoral days with a severe attack of the flu. Mrs. J. H. Loggan of Burns came to Ontario this week from an ex tended visit with her daughter, Mrs. D. B. Clay. MUs Irene Rowo has been quite sick with tbo flu this weok. O. II. Graham spent the week in Boise oa business. Mrs. Chappell, Mrs. Hugh Allen's mother Is quite rick this week. Mr. and Mrs, S. B. TerwiUlgar and family lcavo today going over- wad to California. A dollghtful reception was given by tho Junior class ot tho Ontario High School lu honor ot tbo out going Sonlora nt tho Oregon Club Rooms, Friday night April 28. Be sides tho Sonlor class the mombors of tho board and faculty woro present! Tho first part ot tho ovenlng was glvou over to a vory ontortalnlng program, consisting of sovoral num bors as follews: Music by tho orchostra; sllont motion picture, a melodramo on titled "Throe Screams From tho Kitchen or Seven Buckets of Blood" Vocal solo, Mrs. Harrison; Reading, Miss Loo, At the closo ot tho lunchoou tho toasts woro given, Paul Peterson acting as toastmastor. Tho toasts as thoy woro glvon spoiled out the word "Seniors." Wendoll Thayor gavo tho first toast, "Sonlors," in which ho compllmonted that class on Its charactor, et cetora. Clara Inez Wood responded with "Et, tu Jun iors." Reba Reed toasted "Nothln Much." Supt. J. M. McDonald gavo a very truo description of tbo On- .tario .High School students In his toaBt "Innoconts". W. "W. Wood, chairman of tbo school board, re plied to tho toast "Ontario," Hugh Biggs answered to "Reputation," In which ho told of the good reputation of the Junior class. Donald Parker closed tho list ot toasts by respond ing to "Such is Life," in whlcK he gave a humorous description of school life. VALE Nooly, If lloso, 2 b... Parrott, ss , Stiles, p..., Vandovor, 3 CrandSll, 1 Huston, cf .... Olonn, cf .... Moudy, o ..... Roblnotto, rt Randolp, rf , Vale Ontario .. .. Summary- b.. b- 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 R 1 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 O 2 0 1 0 1C 0 7 1 0 0 0 10 .27 11 O 0 1 3 0 0 3 1 0 17 0 1 926 0 3 0 0 10 A 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 8 A 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 2 30 A 3 6 5 4 6 5 4 1 4 2 2 40 10 0 2 0 0 -Earnod runs, Vale 2, Ontario 2; two baso hits, Roblnotto, Gardnor; throo baso hits, Guernsey; buso on balls off Stiles 1; Lyllo 3; Wolls 1; struck out by Stlloa 14, Lyllo 11, Wolls 1, Caslday 1; loft on basos, Ontario C; Vale 7; doublo plays, Rose to Parrott to Crandall; Huston to Roso. Wild Pitch, Lyle; first baso on orrors, Ontario 1; Vale S, hit by pltcbor by Stiles, Caslday twlco, Stephens and Gardnor. Um pires, Loatbora and Tamblyn. Tlmo 2:30 minutes. Caslday out on in field fly. Standing of tho Clubs W L Vale , I Nyssa 1 1 Ontario ... 0 Huntington 0 E 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 E 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 9 4 pet 1000 1000 000 000 Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Escuo loft last weok for their old homo in Illinois w,hero Mr. Escuo is going to go Into buslnoss. His place in tho Ontario National Bank has boen taken by William Blackaby who camo In from tho engincor crow at work on tho Jordan V,alley road, to start work Monday, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Bowman and son of Bolso wero visiting In On tario this week. Mr. and Mrs. Josso Adrian ot Bolso spent sovoral days vis(tlng In Ontario. Vincent P. McKonna ot Portland formerly ot Ontario was a business visitor in Ontario this weok. Walter Glonn camo to Ontario this wook from Seattlo for a short Tlslt. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Doubrava, Mrs. Iseman and Mrs. James Coleman of Brogan spent tbo weok end in On tario Mrs. John Brutzman loft tho first for a month's vacation which sho will spend visiting relatives in Clarkston, Lowiston and Spoknno. During her absonce Lawrcnco Rowe will work in tho Hub storo. Rutus Dinwiddle ot Jordan Valley visited in Ontario this week. ! FtrmKriWim,iniyMiiriinnimi-irWit,i.t,rA nwimi iiiMawrairi rtiv.r-mt t --rt7K,z773maaxmnim mmmummemmmmmmmSTTX? .