-t? & t? THE ONTimiOGUaONTAItlO, OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL 27 4922 CLUB NOTES Dairy Record Keepers rinlsli AVork Tho tnombors ot tho Dairy Hord Rocord Keoplng Clubs at Jefferson, -Whlto Sottlomont and Dig Bend havo iiiiiouuu muir jirujuct ami mauo tnoir final report. Each boy kept milk nnd food recorda on two cowb for n porlod of -six months. During tho first two or threo months tho tests wero not vory nccurato ns nono of tho boys woro oxporioncod tostors. At tho Drcsont tlmo howovor, nonrly ovory "toy cannot only mnko nn nccurnto teat, but cun weigh tho feed nnd tnko tho sninplo of milk properly and can mnko tho noccsBary record showing tho profits or loss mnilo by tho cow" during tho month. This training Is cssontlal for tho successful dairyman and fortunate h the boy who can socuro this train ing that will onablo htm to proporly carry on tho business sldo of dairy ing. Poultry Club nt Moore's Hollow Thru tho olTorts ot Mrs. E. M. Boiuson a Poultry Club has boon or ganized at Moorcs' Hollow. Clair Davis Is prcBldont of tho plub, and Mnrguorito Adam Is vlco-presldont, and Doris 'Donson, secretary. Tho tnombors of this club lack many of tho advantages which club mombors fa other parts of tho county havo, but thoy havo tho enthusiasm and doslro to learn how to ralso bettor pouttry. Eaah membor will start with from &0 to 30 standard bred chlckons and undor tho direc tion of Mr. DavlB will food and also manago tho chicks for n porlod of four months. Threo Now Clulw nt Kingman Kotony A canning club, sowing club nnd pig club havo recently boon organiz ed at Kingman Kolony. Many of tho. club mombors nro taking tholr second and third year of club work. Mrs. Conrad Martin, local loader of tho canning club and Itobort Over- street, local lender ot tho pig club woro local lcndors of tholr respective clubs last year and brought thorn thru a 100 por cont. Mrs. II. Q. Johnson. Is local loador of tho sow ing club. Corn Club nt Upper Hlg llcnd Eight boys and girls hnvo enrolled In tho corn club project In District 47, At the meeting on April 10, thoy oloctod tho following efficers: l'fcsldont, Chcstor Wilson; vice president. Rex Wlcklnndj and secre tary, Holon Fleetwood. i DANTE'S INFERNO OUTDOHEIN ARMENIA Walls of Starving Children As sail tho Ears of Rollof Workors at Erivan. WITHOUT STREET ADDRESS YQUR MAIL IS DELAYED AT OFFICE OF DELIVERY v V 4 BUSINESS IS GOOD With nearly 2000 WESTINGHOUSE SERVICE STATIONS Not only "because they represent tho acmo of perfect tion in the Storage Battery field, not only because they have linked their names with that of; a concern that has held the confidence of a nation for more than' half a century Nor, even becauso under tho guarantco covering tho product ' they handlo (they nro selling n year and n half of assured battery satisfaction to their customers) rather than merely n storage battery. But, 'becauso tho advantageous circum- stances surrounding their connection gives them greater "opportunities nnd manifold benefits than other battery Bcrvlco stations enjoy - Becauso, Wcstinghouso, welding its scrvlco stations into ono great service organization is ablo to Htand squarely behind each individual momber, cooperate with him In tho develop ment of his business nnd carry him to tho success which must como, when identified with so powerful an organization. Tlitre it a wonderful opportunity for tome aggrtttive dealer in 'thit territory to enjoy the benefits of the Westinghouse franchises write, wire or phone at our expense for information. Jackson-Bischoff, inc. Northwest Distributors for Westinghouse Batteries 88 Tenth Street, Portland, Oregon S1jSBIJHb) jmammmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Directory of Ontario9 s Business Firms , . nTT rehisen & iivan rader bros. DR. J. A. MO FALL Dependable Merchandise Eyesight Specialist Th8 HomTe of .oi Eats Bnd "Not the Cheapest, But the Deaf Bye Glasses and Spectacle. PhoneTs and'lSl "' Signs ONTARIO NATIONAL DANK PURITY BAKERY IlYItON TURNER The Oldest Bank in Malheur Ernest Barcus, Prop. ' County "Service that Serves" AIl Ktnda of Dreads, Cakes w. L. IIAZEIHNE Capital and Surplus 1100.000. .d Pastry , Watchmaker, jewelry - ' ' ' All Work Guaranteed HOTEL WILSON . OSBORN MILLINERY ' The "Homey" Hotel of Malheur Nell O. Bedford. Prop. BLACKABY JEWELRY 8TORE County. Oood Meals 40c The Only Exclusive Millinery Store Home of TnI s'de ot-Salt Lake "Gifts that Last" TROXELL IMPLEMENT CO. M0RRI3 MILLINERY & THE SUGAR BOWL Farm Operating Equipment NOVELTY SHOP -,,.- T McComlck. Deertng and P. & O. PMynir0 WaitsWoraea'a Dresse . We MaV? 0ur 0wn Ica Cream . ABd 8p0rt Cl0thM - ONTARIO PHARMACY " , ONTARIO REAL B8TATE CO. O. M. Castleman. Prop. v idCitv Pronertv ..yH,B 8?YI ?0P . Prescription Specialist-Victor tarn Land city l roperty Distinction la Clothing And Phonographs Roxall Remedies IB,uraHco & Rental Milliner Is the Mark of Those Eastman Kodaks , Who Patronize - H. R. UDICK VARIETY STORE Numbing and Heating More than a thousand Articles - B. A. FRASER Domwtlfl Water Systems for -the home Hardware and Groceries TAGGART HARDWARE CO. . . Malheur County's Largest THE INDEPENDENT MARKET ' Hardware Store THE HUB Phoneo 6 and 136 J. O. McCREJQMT HARDWARE If Its Good To Bat We Have It One of 0 Stores If It's Farm Produce We Buy It Will Rave Yon Real Money Satisfaction Guaranteed The tragic progression ot famlno conditions In Armenia Is strikingly bIiowii In the personal reports brought buck by Btato Director J. J. Hand sakor of tho Noar East Uollet whou ho visited Hint section last August, mid In tho lottern that havo boon received at Intervals since. "When t whb there. In the Into sum mer," said Mr. Handsnkor, "The con ditions weru truly appalling, dcsplto tho fnut that tho orplianagOB nurd till oil to their utmost capacity ami every thing 'posslblo was being done. 1 my self solcctod n little naked girl with nineteen othors (rum nmong hundreds of starving children to fill tho only poBslblo vncanclos In tho orphanage at Erlvnn nt that tlmo. However, tho woatlier was warm, and the rofugccB could miuiaga In some wny to keep allvo. Reports flom Erlvnn In lato September told of tho coming ot tho cold wcutlior, and how tho reserves worn drawn upon for tho opening of nddltlonnl soupkltchous, Starving mou women and children from all sec tloriB wiro flocking doBporatoly to the Noar Hast Relief stations In tho hope of getting work, food and clothing. Two months Inter, under dato ot Nov. 20, wo have news of tho frightful situ ation that followed. This uows amo to Dr. Esther Lovojoy, of Portland, Oregon, who Is national chairman of tho American Women's Hospitals, from Dr. .Mabel Elliott, In chargo of tllO Amnrlrnn Women's Hospitals In tho Near Eust section. This organ ization Is cooperating with tho Nour East Itcllof, and Is handling tho med ical work of tho latter at Erivan. no low Is an excerpt from Dr. Mubol Elliott's letter to Dr. Lovcjey: ,"I cannot begin lo tell you, doctor, of tho mlsory hero In spite of tho onor inous amount of work being done. Since I havo bcon lioro 8E2 Is tho low est number at cases wo havo had In our hospitals at any ono tlmo, and yet they are dying on all oornors of tho city. Last Sunday wo wont out on hursohack to seo how things wero beyond tho town; we passod a dond linrso by tho sldo of tho road, and thrco wretched human beings worn sitting beside It, taking tho flesh off with their hands. It was a most re pulslvo sight. ' "All day long you can hoar tho groans and wnlls ot little clllldrou out sldo our building In hopes we can and will pick them up. It tho sun saints for a llttlo while thoy quiet down, and then when It ruins tbay begin again. Ono day tho rain turned Into snow and It was awful to listen to them. Tho noto of terror (hat camo Into the genoral wall was distinctly perceptible, although my room wan upstairs and tho window was closod. They well know what a single night out lu tho snow would mean to them. Wo nro picking them up as fast as posslblo. "You can see by my report how many more patients wo havo than beds, and the same holds good In tho orph anages. There Is no use crowding them In so that thoy will all dlo." PRETTY OREGON BRIDE MOTHERS 2000 ORPHANS Mrs. Ethel Long. Newman, Oregon Agricultural College, 1920, who Is now In charge of a Near East Relief or phanage In Armenia, 8he mothers her family of 2,000 little war victims while her husband runs a 20,000- ore farm which Is a part of the constructive work being done In Russian Armenia by the Near East Relief. Tho Dead Letter Ofllco has been In cxlstenco over slnco Ben Franklin started our postal scrvlco. Even then peoplo addressed mall to Mr. Ezcklcl Smlthcrs, "Atlnntlc Coast," nnd ex pected Ben to know Just where Zeko lived. Perhaps they had Zcko's'nddress In letters up In tho gnrrct, maybe n chest full of 'cm, but then It was easier to let Ben hunt Zeko. Today peoplo nro addressing letters, to John Smith, Now York, N. Y., or Chicago, III., thinking undo Snm can locnto him, which is Just ns lncomplcto ns was Zckc's ad dress of yore. The Postefflce Depart ment asks you to put the number and street In the address. It helps you. JU4UlX. & How do you expect tho Postal Clerk to know whether you mean Trinidad, California, or Trinidad, Colorado? ALWAYS SPELL OUT THE NAME OF -THE STATE IN FULL IN THE ADDRESS. "MORE BU8INEQ8 IN GOVERNMENT" This apt phrnso was used In Presi dent Harding's first messngo to Oon gross and applies particularly In postal management whoro postmasters are being Impressed with tho fact that they aro managers of local branches of tho biggest business In tho world. HERE COMES A STRANGER! Lot's- make our post omco look neat, Mr. Postmaster. Straighten up the rural lotter box Mr. Farmer. Tidy up soruo, Mr. Rural carrier. First Impressions nro lasting. Mnybo Mr. Stranger, taking notice of these Im provements, will como bock, bringing you benefits. Stnrt theso with "POS TAL IMPROVEMENT WEEK" May 1-0. JUNTMMS Mrs. A. Murphy, passed through town Tuosdny on hor way to On tario whoro sho will undergo medical treatment. The first 1ml I garao ot tho soasqn was played lioro Sunday, Juntura vs. Drewsey which rosultcd In a victory for Juntura ot 2D to 8. Mr. G. W. Upson returned Friday from Denver Colorado whoro ho wns summoned by tho doath ot his slstor. Tho danco which was given hero Saturday night by Shorty's Jazz Trio from Homodnlo wna largely uttonded and thoroughly onjoyod. Mrs. L. P. Dolsolo roturnod Satur day from Rupert Idaho whoro sho haa boon vlsttlng relatives tor the pnBt week. Mrs. W. E. Hodges was hostoss at n delightful party Saturday after noon In honor ot MIbs Juanlta Upson whoso engagement to Owon J. Caw Hold of Portland was announced. A bdnutlful color schomo ot yellow and whlto was artistically carried out, and tho romnnco ot tho ocens slon which was poetically arranged by tho hostess, deserves special nion tlon, Tho nftcrnoon was spent In hemming articles for tho brides linen chest, nftor which n dollclous throo courso luncheon wns sorvod. A. II. Altnow transacted buslnoss In town Thursday. Tho work ot roflnlshlng tho insldo ot tho Catholic Church wns complet ed InBt week by V. J. Hopkln. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J. Kauphusmnn motorod to Boulnli Sundny evening nccompanlod by Mrs. D. F. Murphy who roturnod homo after visiting two wcoks with frlonds and rolnttves lioro. Mrs. James Genrlionrl ot Drawsey wns tho guest ot hor slstor, Mrs. D. !. Mastorson this wook. WANTED TO BUY a Ford car In good condition. Inquire Flsor Houso. Invite John McCormick to Dwell by your fireside One of the sweetest singers that ever lived is John i McCormick Exclusive Victor Artist ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescriptions our Specialty REXALL EASTMAN VICTOR Banking Service Wo hnvo three officers who hnvo lived in this county for nt lenst FORTY years, Our other officors havo lived hero sovoral years, and wo think our oxporionco can ho of valuo to citizens of this community. "Wo aro to ho Df sorvico wherever possible, and will ho glad to talk over any business or any financial problems with you. Ontario National Bank Oldest Bank in Southeastern Oregon lllljliillllllll i l iinjtyrysji km' rrjfs,'.