"fT &i?r$WT'"f :&SSyttaWSm.y.3feLcr j-ic- v r-w " J T - WrMHlnPWMfllVM 2itfJjlt& : tttei0 4 U 5J'fi!! h VOL. XXVI L TO OPEN HERE ON SUNDAY Vnlo to Gunia to Ontario nnd Hunt ington Will Itnttlo nt Nyssn Ijocnls Jlnvo Ilml Two 1'rno llco Sessions Hcgulnr Ceremonies With tho usual fonturoa or a city j J official heaving tho first ball nnd a pnrado nnd all tlint sort of thing tho EaBtorn Oregon Dig Four baaoball lcaguo will open Its season on Sun day. Nyssa and Ontario draw tho open ing gnmes according to tho schedule adoptod at a mooting of tho man agers nnd officers hold at 1'. J. dal lnghor's offlco Monday ovenlng. Vno will bo Ontario's opponent and Huntington will Journoy to Nyssa. Ontario so tar la tho leant proparod for tho opening, though Ross Jen kins has a hunch of tossors out for sovoral workouts during tho wook. A hcavor Is tho troublosomo factor. Ontario nnd Nyssa both nro trying to land Charllo Nowblll wlib was with tho locals last year, and who now Is making .a record for himself at tho O. A. 0. whoru ono day last week, pitching for tho freshman ton in ho shut tho regular vnrslty out with ono scratch lilt. Nyssa hns mado moro progress than nny of tho Malheur county teams and will start tho season with nt loast two prncttco games bobjnd thorn. Vnlo, too, has had ono prac tlco gamo nnd n vetornn team; whllo Huntington has Its last year's toam almost Intact. 'Ontario has but throo of Inst yonr'o roon, but has a largo number of now players whoso ability Is un certain. Tho following Is tho loaguo schodulo for tho year: Aprlf 30: Huntington at Nyisa. Vnlo at Ontario. . May 7: Nyssa at Vnlo. Ontario at Huntington. . May 14: Ontario at Nyssa. Vale at Huntington. May 1: Huntington at Ontario. Vale at Nysaa, May 28: Nyssa at Ontario. ( Huntington at Vale. Juno 4: Nyssa at Huntington. Ontario at Vale. Juno 11: Vale at Nyssa. Huntington at Ontario. Juno 18: Nyssa' at Vale. Ontario at Huntington. Tho ninth gamo to bo playod at tho two towns showing tho boat record for goto receipts during tho season, and to bo playod botwoon tho two hlghost teams and tho two lowest loams, and It tho managers aro will Ins, a post season gamo may 1gjo playod betweon tho two highest teams, It their standing Is alterod by tho ninth gamo. Tho ninth gamo receipts to be dlvldod 60-40, and tho post season game, If played, tho same. YOUNG MAN 1H DROWNED IN WATERS OF.OWYHEE RIVER Tho 17 year old brother of Harry lllowland was drowned In tho Owyhee rlwr, up near the Derrick nnd Lowe ronch Friday while attempting to ford to an Island In the rivor. Ho was riding a horse, but apparently became frightened attor getting Into deep water and left his horso. Whllo swimming to his brother's boat near by, bo was caught in a whirlpool and carried out of sight. The young man eamo hero a tow days ago from Cambridge for a visit with his brother who has been trapping at Mitchell Dutte. After giving up hope of saving his brother, Mr. Howland grief stricken, wont overland In a rr to break tho sad news to their mother and other member's of thej family nt Cambridge idauo. ai present the river Is at the highest ' point of high water for tho season, and making an attempt to rocover the body would be very difficult as well as practically useless. Miss Emma Johnson who has been visiting relatives' and friends In On tario this spring will return to her homo in Spokane, Friday. Paul Sellgman Is having the Studio' remodeled this spring. A new coat ot paint and a new French window are among tho Improvements. The old skylight has been removed and the addition ot the French window makes tho studio much moro home like and modern. Mr. und Mrs. Glen Mustard re turned Friday from Portland where they have been tho past few months. pave Logan and Mrs. Oladys Pugh of Brogaa drovo to Ontario Friday and returned home Saturday, ONTARIO, NYSSA filRL ONE OK SEVEN TO WIN HONORS AT WHITMAN Miss Marlon Lowo, daugh tor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lowo of tho Owyhee country, wi.t. ono of tho sovon members of tho grnduntlng class of Whit mnn collogo at Walla Wnlla, Washington, to nchlovo n schol atlo Btandlng during tho pnst four years which morltcd elec tion to tho honorary fraternity of Phi Ilotn Kappa, X. Election to this frntornlty" which long hns hold tho flotd as tho coveted fraternity of studonts In tho lib eral arts, Is sought by studonts nil ovor America and member ship In its ranks Is a mnrk of ' scholnstlo attainment. So fnr as tffo Argus Is nwaro, Miss Lowo Is tho first Malheur coun ty student to securo this honor. HIGH SCHOOL TOSSERS TAKE OPENING GAME WITH NYSSA Van Pcttrn I'lfchci Blmt Out Hnll Hut Errori) and Pauses Glvo Visitant B Score Whllo Onlnrlo Garner H Lnthrop's ball tossors of tho O. II. S. won their first dlnmond victory last Friday afternoon in n Ilstloss gamo with Nyssa on tho homo grounds. Tho scoro was 8 to C. Tho visitors howovor did not earn tbolr runs, for Frank Van Potion pitching his first High School game, let them down with ono hit, but er rors bohlnd him nnd his own goner oslty with passes pormlttod tho Nys sa boys to splko tho pan flvo times. Ontario took tho lead In tho eoc ond Inning and scored twlco, nftdr Nyssn had ono across In Its half of tho Inning. In tho third tho locals mado tho gamn ouro by'hnmmorlng lu four runs. Dut this margin was sadly reduced when Nyssa all but nvenod tho count In tho fourth by duplicating tho stunt. It was In tills session that Van mixed two passes with two errors by his team mates. From thon on ho pltchod shut-out ball, and though Nyssa had tho bases populated In sovoral ot tho succeeding stanxim could not dovolop tlio punch to put them across, whllo Ontario addod ono In tho fourth and another in tho sovonth. Ontario's llno-up was: Van Potton, pj Llnxy, o; nakor, lb; McCullough. 2b; lilggs, ss; Sanford, 3b; Weaver, It; Chadwlck, cf and Morton, rf. Dill Lyolls and Dud Young did tho umpiring. HNGAGiatENT 18 ANNOUNCED AT OIUW CLUH PARTY Tho Ontario airls Club was on tortalncd "Tuesday ovonlng at tho homo of Mrs. W. L. Turner. Two small Impromptu playlots were pro sontod nnd sovoral Sconorlos wrltton, Miss Nellie Morris winning tho prize for tho most clovorJy wrltton plot. Miss Mnrjorlo Turner tooK mis occasslon to announco hor engage ment and coming marriage to Italph Rold ot Kelso, Washington. Dainty rofroshmonta wore servod. Mrs. E. M. drolg proaontod an Invitation to tho merabors, inviting thorn to hor homo noxt Monday, to n May day Dreakfast. Tho Invitation was ac cepted. The hlko planned for noxi Tuesday afternoon bus beon postpon ed for a week, and the mooting will bo held at tho McNulty homo. Tha W. a. T. U. mot at tho homo of Mrs. C. E. Secoy Tuosdny April 25th with 43 prcsont. At tho closo of the regular sosslon the following program was given: Mrs. L. Delle Lees talked on the primary election of May 19th. Mrs. nnnren Howe read a papor on "Publicity"; Mrs, C. E. Dlnghara talked of the Importance ot electing a "Dono Dry" man for the legislature Miss Myorl Dlngham sang two selec tions accorapanlod by Mrs. Walter Oramae on the violin. Lator, re freshments were served. Mrs. Mal lott, State President of tho W. 0. T. U. will be In Ontario on May 2nd and will glvo a lecturo at the Con gregational Church In the nftornoon, to which tho public Is cordially In vited, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Gregg and family left Monday evening for Portland where they will visit for a few weeks. Rev. J. D. Glllanders-loaves today for Lexington, Oregon where ho will preach Sunday. In tho absence of Rev. (inlanders Sunday, Rev. D. p, Reese will occupy the pulpit both in tho morning and In tho evening. Services will be held at the usual hour. MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, ApRIL W.C.TI CONTEST Evelyn Gallagher Tnkes First in Seventh mid Eighth Grndo Con lout AVhllo Freddlo Lees Wins In Sixth Grndo Contest. At tho High School auditorium tho throo winning essays selected by the Judges ns tho best In tho two divi sions of tho W. C. T. U. contents woro read nnd tho wlunors'nnnounc ed. In tho sovonth nnd eighth grndo division, Evolyn Gallaghor was first; Naomi Clay, s6cond and Eleanor Wood, third. Their essays woro dn tho subjoct; "Tho Evils ot tho To tm ceo Habit.". Tho prizes awardod woro first $4, second $3 and third II. In tho sixth grado division tho wrltors wroto on tho subject: "Hnbtts Which Affect tho Health." First placo was won by Froddlo Loos, second by Leqnoro Jones, nnd third by Jntncs Graham. Tholr prizes being 3, 12 and fl, roipoctfully, Tho winning papers In each dlsl- slon will bo ontored In tho stato wldo contest. Tho Judges wore: Mrs. J. M. McDonnld, Mrs, L. Hollo Lees and Gcorgo K Alkon. CIVIL WAR VETERAN ANSWERS LAST CALL Harney L. Hull Die nt California Soldier Home, Spent Summer Hero Octo .Gennrvnii A messngo has boon received by relatives from Orln Dull announcing tho tloath ot his brother, Darnoy L. Hull nt tho Old Soldlors Home at Saovtetto, California. Mr. Dull left In rcsponso to n mossago ot his brother's sorlous lllnoas nnd was with him when ho pasaod away, Thursday ovonlng, April 20th. Darnoy L. Dull was n vetoran of tho Civil War and was 80 years, 10 months and 10 days old. Slnco tho death ot hta wlfo four years ago ho spent tho summers at Ontario to bo near his brothor, making his homo with his nloco, Mrs. O. A, Keofo nnd tho winters In California. Mr. Orln Dull will accompany tho body to Yakima, Washington whoro In terment will bo mado. JONES-PLESSMANN Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. 'Jones wlah to announco tho marrlago ot tholr son, Fred to Elizabeth L-. Flossmnnn ot Portland, Oregon. Tho ceremony was porformod by tho Rov. Horbort T. Jonos at (he futuro rosldonco ot tho brldo and brldogroom, 327 West Park Stroet, Portland, Oregon, on April 20 at 10 a. in,. Luncheon was sorvod at 11 a. m. attor which tho young couplo left for their honoymoon trip. ' Marschanolle roses, oxqujaltely ar ranged woro tho solo docoratlous. Miss Hazel McCulloch has return ed to her homo hero after teaching the Whlto Sottloment school tho past winter. In place ot tho regular business session, tho Royal Nolghbors and Modern Woodmen will have a social evening and entertainment noxt Monday ovenlng May 1st. A short play will be staged. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan leave Saturday to attend the Stato Con yentlonf Knight's of Columbus to be hold in Portland. Mr. Ryan will return In n week and Mrs. Ryan will visit for throo weeks. Tho Music Club aro preparing to glvo the Cantata, "Tho Lady of Chalot" some time during May. The exact dato will bo announced later. William Weaver is the name given to the son born to Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Howard Wednesday. Mrs. A. Murphy of Deulah came to Ontario this week whero she will visit friend and also be under the doctor's caro for a time. Mr, and Mrs. Den Jones of Juntura drovo to Ontario Friday and aro Visiting relatives here. MT-. and Mrs. II. O. Whltworth of Welser visiting In Ontario Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Carllle came down from Drogan Friday on a short business trip. Miss Mildred Hansen has entered the Western Union Telegragh offiot as a student. L1ARY BASEMENT IS READY EOR RECEPTION l'MncUon to bo Held to Mnrk Com pletion of Lower Floor of Dullil lug Ideal PIuco for tlio Meetings of Clubs To Do Furnished Tho necessary funds for tho com pletion ot tho library basement woro all secured nnd tho rooms nro now finished nnd plans aro under way for an oponlng roccptlon to tho public. Thn largo room makes an Ideal auditorium for many purposes, nnd whou furnished will bo a ploasant homo for sovoral womon's organiza tions which havo Interested them slices In Its completion, notably tho Wnons' club and tho Girls' club. Tlio Mu8lo Club will glvo early In May a concert for tho purposo of raising monoy to help furnish tho room. Tho Library Droad again wish to publicly express their tJianks to Mr. J. It. Dlackahly whoso gonorous off or gnvo thorn tho ompotUB and' embold ened thorn to begin tho work. Thanks aro nlso duo tho contractors, Mossors H. C Secoy, Plant, F. nnd N. Has smuss'on, who not only Intorostod thoniBclvcs In doing n flno plcco ot work, but gave a wbolo days tlmo froo of chargo as woll as sonm material, as tholr domatlon to tho library. NURSE TO SPEND MONTH ON HEALTH MISSION IN COUNTY School Children to ho Examined for Minor Defer In Health Talks to Do Given in nil Sections Of County Miss Donota Stroud, public health demonstrator working undor tho direction ot tho Orogon Stato Antl Tuborculosls socloty arrived In On tnr;o this wcolc nnd Is now ongngod In a campaign ot education In tho schools of tho city. Miss Stroud Is at prcsont examin ing tho children of tho schools for minor physical dofects and deliver ing tnlks on hyglono and hoalth. Later aho will visit othor aoctlons of tho county doing tho saino typo ot work. Miss Stroud Is horo bocauso Mal eour county folks havo year aftor year bought Christmas sonls, tho funds from which aro used in such oducatlonal work. It has boon found that It minor dofocts aro carod for tho hoalth ot tho chlldron Is vastly Improved. ONTARIO FOK FARM HAS ITS FIRST MATERIAL INCREASE Eight New. Silver Fox Ooino to Add Value to IlnniUomo Dund Eucli Of Young Arrivals Valued lit From $000 to $000 II. D. Croady and J. K. Hatch, owbors of tho only fox farm In this section ot tho country, which farm Is on tho Mooro ranch Just west ot the fair grund, aro tho proud pos sessors ot eight tiny foxos which woro born In the konnols during tho past week, Tho llttlo animals, four In each litter nro podlgreod representatives of tholr specie, tho silver fox, tho raising of which Is becoming n national Industry. There nro now 270 fox farms In tho United States, Land sovoral ot theso aro In Orogon. In all these farms navo iisiou soma 48CS fox. The parents ot the bandsomo llttlo animals born hero aro registered and pedigreed and arp ot tho sixth generation In capacity. Mr. Cready who has been engaged in tho fox businoss now for a year past declares that the llttlo pups In tho kennel nro worth from 600 to $900 each, and they aro doing woll. GET LICENSE DUT CHANGE MINDS? DON'T GET MARRIED Youthful Ontario got excited lat week when they learned that at Pay ette there had been Issued a marrlago llcenso which named as principals, Jack Peterson and Helen Drecount, both of Ontario. However, tho wed ding did not take place for thoy chaueed tholr minds; then their par ents learned ot the fact and thor oughly discussed the matter with them. 27,1922 l'KOMOTOK CliAIMS RAILROAD WILL REACH 1IUKNS THIS YEAR E. W. Dames, who 1ms beon romatlng tho consolidation ot tlmbor claims in tho Malheur forest and tho bill which pro vides for tho oxchnngo of, lauds within tho resorvo tor similar lands outBldo. was lu Ontario Wodncsdny on his wny back to Hums, from Washington. Mr. Dames would not say whom ho Wns representing In tho big timber deal, hut declared that tho appreciation of tho pcoplo ought to manifest to tho Oregon delegation, particularity Repre sentative Slnnott fo rtho pnssago ot this ball. "Wo will bo oporatlng In Hor noy county this year," said Mr. Dnrnes. "Wo will build n rnll rond from Crnno to Durns nnd to tho head of Dear Valley, n dlBtnnco of 102 miles, nnd Durns will linvo n pnyroll this year," ho said. CALIFORNIANS COME TO VIEW RANCH PROPERTY A. W. Hcmlrlck, Vlco-Fri'sldciit of California Joint Stock Innl Dank HlKhly IMensed Willi Appcnrnnco of This Territory. For tho purposo of vlowlng tho ranches In this soctlon whoso owners hnvo applied for loans from tho California Joint Stock Land Dank, A. W. Hendrlck, lco prcslcdnt of tho company nnd his apprMsor, J. E. Montgomery spont sovoral days last wook horo. During tholr stay thoy vlowod ranchos from tho torrltory oppoalto Wolaor as far south ns tho Owyhee country nnd ns far west as Ironaldo. Soma tlmo ago n numbor ot local ranchors nppllod for loans and on tho first roport or tho company's nppralsors tho loans woro donlod, but on reconsideration. Mr. Hond rick nnd Mr. Montgomory en mo to vlow thoio aamo rnnchos again, and whllo thoy did not doclnro tho result of tho socond inspection, tho fact that a second inspection wnu mado Indi cated to many tho probability of favorablo action. Mr. Hendrlck who yoars ago was prostdont ot tho Unlvorslty ot Novnda and onco was n profoasor nt Whitman collogo, la thoroughly con vorvant with conditions nil ovor tho wost. Ho exprossod hlmsolt as high ly ploasod with conditions horo nnd prodlcted Improved buslnoas con ditions this fall. WOMEN'S CLUD TO HOLD ITS ANNUAL SIEirriNG ON MAY 1th Tho annual mooting of tho On tarlo .Women's Club will bo hold nt 2:30 p. m. Thursday May 4th, at tho Commercial club rooms In tho city hall. At this mooting officers for tho now yoar will bo chosen nnd othor Important bualnkas transacted. All tnombors nro urged to bo prcsont. Miss Elslo Poolo nnd Miss Dorco Dearborn havo roturnod to tholr homes horo, their school at Arcadia being ovor. Tho Congregational Ladlos Aid will moot noxt Wodncsduy May 3rd with Mrs. Frank Caslday who Uvea In Rlvorsldo addition. Tho Ontario Oddfollowa ontortnlu od ono hundred visitors at their mooting hold last Friday ovenlng. Tho Payette, WoUor nnd Nyssa lodges woro nil presont. Five candi dates received tho Inltatory Dogroo, which Is tho Dogroo of Friendship. G, W. Haw, Noblo Orand was host for tho Danquot at tho closo of tho session. I. O. Prout who has boon connect ed with tho Purity Dakory hero for tho past yoar, loft last week to onter tho Government Hospital in Dolso. Ills health has beon bad for somo tlmo and ho was obliged to glvo up the baking huslnes for a tlmo, at least. Mrs, Prout will stay for tho present with bor parents. Mrs. Walter Cohlck hns as n guost this week Mrs. Frod Btploton of Colfax Washington. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Cohlck nnd Mrs. Stapleton visited In Welaor, Mrs. Stapleton's former home. Mr, and Irs. Oeorgo Gltlnm re turned from Portland Monday bring ing with them Miss Mlldrod Ollham who has been so seriously 111, Mrs. C. A. Ollham, tho mother nlo ac companied then homo and will ro matn until Miss atlham's health is Improved, NO. 21 OIL DEPOSITS CAN BE LOCATED 8Y MACHINE A. I Doycr tins Invention Which Ik Application of Magnetic Theory Trials Mado lu Cullfomln Successful. Mystorles ot tho earth no longor aro so to A. F. Doyer who after yoars of work has perfectod n machlno by which ho can dotermlno tho prcsonco of oil and othor mlnornl substances dcop In tho bowols of tho earth's crust. Tho machlno la so sltnplo, says Mr. Doyer thnt ho has not had It pntontod, but Is using It on a royalty basis. Tho operation of tho machlno or Instrument Is based on n now thoory of cosmic chomlstry which Mr. Doyor hlmsolt workod out; nnmoly that whero minerals In largo bodies nro doposltod ovon nt n distance under tho surface theso mlnorals throw off a peculiar magnetism or radio activity which penatratos al most to tha surface Dy taking samples ot soli from sovoral foot boncath tha Biirfaco nnd placing it In a rosort for treatmmont undor tho formula which Mr. Doyor has de veloped tho prcsonco or nbsonco ot mineral mnttqr can bo shown. Mr. Doyor has during tho pnst two yonrs, whllo a rosldont ot California tcstod tho machlno In practically ovory Hold In tho goldon stato with most romarkahlo results. Ho bo llovos In It ns doopty ns did thous ands ot old bollovo In tho roystorlos of tho dlvlulilg rod for tho locnton ot water. Ho has usod tho machlno for tostlnc fields in this soctlon nnd declares that thoro Is oil nnd gas horo in quautltos so that ono day this Hold will bo an acttvo flold. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER CARS ARE NOW DEINO CONTROLLED J, II. Oordon ot this city, formerly night policeman roturnod from Snlom this wook whoro ho went to bo aworn Into tho sorvlco of tho Public Sorvlco commission as in spector ot automotive transportation for tho district of oastorn Orogon. His torrltory oxteuds from tho Col umbia rlvor to tho Novadn lino and from tho Cascades to tho Idaho lino. Whllo tho Inspectors ot tho publla sorvlco commission glvo particular attonton to tho llconslng ot cars nnd trucks usod commercially thoy nlso co-opornta with tho authorities ot tho Socrotary ot Stato'n offlco whoso duty It is to rogulato spued and soo thnt tho gonoral car license laws aro onforcod. "On this first trip ovor tho torrl tory a warning is botng given to car owners who havo boon using tholr cars for hlro without taking out a surety bond and filing tholr schodulo of rates. In overy town vlsltod so far complaints havo beon rocordod ot such practices and tho propotrat ora will bo arrested It thoy contlnuo tho prnctlco," ho said. Mr. Oordon Is also checking up on tho wolghts and car capacity ot bus lines and soourlng othor data for tho coininls slon. HELP I HELP I In bohalf ot tho many who are sufforlng In tho Near East for want ot food and clothing tho Nonr East commltteo sends out tho following nppoal to tho pcoplo ot Ontario and vicinity. Anyono having clothing that can bo spared such as coats, pants, shirts, ovoralls, undorwear, dresses etc., In fact any artlclo thnt might bo ot sorvlco to somo sufferer In tho Noar EaBt, ploaao leavo at tho McCrolght Hardwaro storo. Cash gifts or any artlclo that can bo converted. Into ' cash will bo welcornod and approclut ed. Remombor others are sufforlng for tho things wo havo and aro not using. Lot us soarch our ward robos thinking all tho while of othor.. NEAR EAST RELIEF COMMITTEE, Dr. R. A. Moon, Soc'y. ' Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Chapman have moved to Ontario from Payette and aro living temporarily at tho A. L. McDowell homo. Mr. Chapman has chargo of the Western Union offlco, Herbert Lackoy of St. Antony, Idaho drovo thru to Ontario Satur day to mako a short visit with his parents Mr. and Mm. A. M. Lackoy. Miss Marjorlo Turner has resign ed her position with tho Malheur Home Tolophono Co, and Mrs. Jack Landls has taken ber place. The M. E. Ladles Aid will hold a cooked food and apron salo May f 3 at McDowell's Storo. i i f immrmmmnmii'iijnrinnini imWiinmiinMWitWiMCTimwi!Wi "W ' r MdHpsmir i mi tamnMmm ' mutmMMmmmto