3eI2i IMis 'MWIll1,lll!lll"lls" "linn kwww. . .to, m...v,. . W.,JJ. , ., ,.. . . , ... - . - -"IjHEBIH 'ill - THE.ONTARIO ARGIQ3, QNTABIQ, 0KEX30N, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1921 H; w I If? ODntann Arrjiw County Official Paper An Independent Newspaper Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon, and onterod at tho Ontario post otflco for distribution ai 2nd class matter. Q. K. Alkon, Managing Editor SUBSCRIPTION Ono Year, 2.00 XllUltU JH A ItUYL DU'TKKIONOK "Thoro Is a big dltluruncu butwaou gutting 10 pur cunt Interest and pay ing ton por cunt Interest," said a banker "to tho wrltor, ono day a low years ugo. Everyono will agroa that tbo banker was right. Uut whllo wo aro agroolug with tho banker on his statoniont of tho principle what do wo do toward adopting as a guldo (or action In public affairs? At tho presont tlmo ono of tho greatest burdens tho, taxpayers haroH to carry Is tho burdou of public debt in tho shapo ot Interest ch&rgos. It is tho ouo form of governmental oxpouso that cau not bo cut. Tho bond holder has an advautago over ovuryono else, his earnings aro fixed, ho dous not roduco his prlco Just be cause thero Is a public domand, This same bond holdor, and tho bunker, both of whom aro receivers of Interests usually aro tho ones who opposo public bond Issues. This may soom strango, but Is Is al most uniformly truo. l'orhaps tho reason for It Is that having bo long beun ou tho receiving end of the In vestment gatno they do not llku to play tho othor sldo by having to pay taxes with which to pay Interest to some outside bond holder. , .Suroly tho banker aud tho monoy lender In this caso Is ono whoso opinion is entitled to cousldoratlou. It would pay tho public to consider this view, for it is largely through their ability to avoid paying inter est that they hava accumulated funds so that they could loan rathor than borrow. Thero will bo no dis puting tho fuel that it pays better to loan than to borrow and pay in torest. Municipal corporations aro not different from individuals, In that they bavo to pay what they borrow, aud therefore ought never to bor row for running expenses. Tho ouly timu a municipality ought to borrow Is when some capltul improvement such as a school house, u water sys tem or similar entorprlso is under taken. I'or tho ordinary public ac commodations it Is hotter for a city or state to pay as they go aloug. To constantly pllo up bond Issues is absolutely wrong when vlowod in tho Interest of posterity. Wo living today bavo no right to puss tho pay utlou, unless that for which tho bonds aro Issued will likewise bo hero to bo of benefit to them. How few of tho public Improvements aro of this character. Years ago James J. Hill, charac terized tho public fashion of bond issues for everything as immoral In that It was stealing tho birth-right of tho coming guuurutlous, And Jim was right. Whllo it cau .not bo doiio this yeur, perhaps, but certainly It cau soon" bo started, tho people of Ore gon aud of all Its subdivisions should with tho return to normal condi tions start a geuerul movumont to puy off tho bonded Indebtedness of tho various units. Then to follow that up, provisions should bo mudo so that it would bo mandatory upon nuy taxing body that wheu u debt Is created that simultaneously thoru bo created a sinking fund through which tho debt would ho liquidated. Uood business aud good public mor ula duiuaud it. .. TUH ONUS IN HON US "Who is going to tako tho ouns out of bonus" querrlcs a wit iu ouo of tho funny columns, Thut la tho question nllrlqht, ono which a great many men havo beeu strivlug to answer. To tho soldier it sooms that it tho government through its adjustment commissions cau pay to tho war con tractor tho dlfforeuco botweou what thoy actually delivered prior to tho armistice and tho amount of orders contracted for, and thus savo tha contractor from any loss what ever duo to tho sudden ondlug of the war, then thero is no roasou why tho soldier should not got an adjustment in tho wage that ho might havo re ceived bad ho not outered tho sor vlco and what he got whllo wearing tho uniform. Tho soldier also de clares that whllo tho shipyard work er and tho spruco gang wero draw ing down fat salaries for shore days ho was drawing short pay for long hours of labor in the trenchos, fac ing death and all that goos with it. From tho soldier's viewpoint thero is no mistake of logic, and in seek but what is duo him. On tho othor hand, will tho ro BUlt bo what tho uoldtor anticipates? That is another question, an eco nomic question on which thoro Is a wldo dlvorslty of opinion. Thoso who oppose tho cash bonus plan doclaro that It Is putting patri otic sorvlco on a monotary basis, that It Is degrading tho soldlgr to placo n monoy valuo on his sorvlco. That If compollod to pay this vast sum that it will roqulro tho floating capital of tho nation In such a way that no additional capital will bo ablo to ontor Industry and that tho natlon.s industries must grow nor mally or thero is a scarcity of Jobs tor tho mon of tbo nation, hundreds of ox-soldlors will bo thrown out of work. This thoy doclaro will mora than sot off any Ubnoflt that the mon as a wholo might rocclvo from tho bonus. As wo said boforo this Is a moot question and tlmo olono will find Its answor. On tbo other hand it Is proposod that a homo sottloment plan bo workod out so that tha soldlor may bo ablo to establish himself in a homo or on a farm through tho com bined agoncy of tho aid tho govern ment would glvo him and his own labor. It was thus that tho nation has rewarded its soldiers lu past wars. Uut tho nation no lougor has tho wldo open public domain it had fol lowing tho war of Indepondoco and tho Civil war. If it could 'thus solvo Its problom It must aid In prepar In tho homes in tho arid lands of tho west or tho swamp lands In tho south, or possibly in tno cut-over lands of tho north and south aud wosU fluch dovclopmont would so aid business, would so assist in tho so lution of tho unemployment prob lom, so assist In bringing about a dltusslon of population and- so aid In providing additional markets for tho products of tho manufacturing soctlons that it would to a marked dogroo tako tho onus out of tho bonus problom. It is such a plan as that' favorod bytho President, but which docs not appoar to havo tho approval of tho congressmen who havo to bo r oloctod this fall and who fear tho "soldlor voto" that thoro is llltlo llklthood of lt bolng onactod Into law at this session. what aiu: wu living foh? Attor a man has roachod mlddlo llfo and has oxporloncod his share of tho ploasuros and tho adversities of llfo, what docs bo livo fort Is It not for his cblldron that bo con tinues tho struggle and In whoso progross bo secures his greatost ploasuro? Tor tho avorago man, wo bollovo this is so. For nnos thoro has boon a con flict botwoon two schools of thought. Ono class of people always proached that conditions as thoy woro whon meut of our bills to tbo noxt gener-Uhoy wero young woro tho best, and that tho present and tuturo genora tlons should not Book changes. On tho othor hand thoro aro thoso who aro constantly seeking chango, who aro happy only whon soino now in novation is bolng tried boforo thorn. Doth thoso may bo wrong. Just becauso conditions suited a past generation Is no criterion that thoy will fit tho present; neither can It bo said that ovorytblng that is now Is perfect. This ago-old conflict Is tho essence of tho conflict that Is waging over tho course applicable to tho school chlldron of today, Fundamentally this Is tbo problom; one Bide would havo tbo schools return to tbo old classical and mathematical course and eschow tho vocational courses now in vogue. To answer tho question and do termlno which course is the best to porsue, wo must first dotermlno how much tho peoplo of this generation caro for tho advancement of their boys and girls. We must And out whether or not thoy aro willing to forego somo of tho pleasures they are enjoying for tho benefit of the generation that is coming forward. Wo need not be In bondage to tho Ideas of the past, nor yet slaves to tho doslro for change. In this it would seem advlsablo to follow the advise of Pope who said: . 'Bo not tho first by whom the new is tried Nor yot tho last to cast the old aside." MALHEUR COUNT! 1UJAL ES TATE TKAN8FEKS RECORD APRIL 1 TO AriUL 8 rroa uasiro ov u 10 juiuu , ley Merc. Co., Metos & Bounds in Sec. 11-30-40. 12S3. 1760. F. O. Carman et ux to Arthur'E. Kimball et ux, NHBBUNBU Sec. 30-19-47. 31122. flO. Chas. O, Howard et ux to Benja min Jones, WH Sec. 8-16-40. 1 2822. $1.00. Stanley Van Buron et ux to A. E. Nlcholst SHUSWtt Sec. 38-16-17. 4332. 4000. et ux 10 a. u. O. E. Carman In adjustment ha lj getting nothing Phelps, 22 acres In SEtf SacJS-l? 46. 8421. 10. Potor C. ChrlstonBon to W. T. Ash craft, lots 6, 7 and 8 In block 'fl, Adrian. 214122. 140. - Itoubon McCrcary ot ux to Lowell T. Ashcraft, lot 10, block 8 Adrian. 121221. $1.00. Wm. H. Monroe ot nl to James Edson Rose, BNEV48WViSEV Sec. 17-17-47. 43020. $1.00. James M. Burlor ot ux to E. B. Conklln, BNEHSWViSB.Vi Sec. 17-17-47. 41020. $260. ' Chas. W. Wolf to Jacob Harsh man, SBVi Soc. 18-10-47. 11820. $1200. D. A. Eastorday ot ux to A. Lind say Craig ot ux, NHNW Sec. 12-10-44. 4422. $1.00. J N. Sawyors ot ux to Nottlo E. natchford, BEViNWU Soc. 14, 20, 44. 32821. $4,000.00. Vest llland ot ux to O. M. Lucas, SEUSWKNEH Sec. 6-18-47. 4122 $10.00. .; U. S. A. to Henry J. Capo, Lots 3 and 4, StfNWU and 8WU Sec. 2-10-37. 3J23J21. U. S. A. to Henry J. Capo, Lots 1 and 2, 8HNWK, and BEU Sec. 2-10-37. 32321. Irvln M. nockofollor ot al to Pnyotto' Oregon Slopo Irrlg. Dlst., EBEtf, NWUBEK Soc. 3-17-47. 3222. $26.00. Mnrrlnga Licences Issued. Harry H. Mutr and Ida Beckor. 4022. Complaints Filed in Court Ooo. It. Ilolhson ot al vs. H. II. Tunny. 4422 Damages, $1,800. Wm. E. Loos vs. T. II. Mooro, ot al 4422, Foreclosure to Tax Lion. Wm. E. Loos vs -T. II. Moors. 4422. Forcclouso of Tax Lion. Wm. E, Locs vs. T. H. Mooro et al. 4422 Foreclosure of Mortals. $3,113.73. City ot Ontario vs. J. W. C. Johnsox 4C22. Condemnation. City ot Ontario vs. W. B. Lees et al. 4J622. Condemnation. Davidson Grocery Co. It. II. Tunny ot nl. 4022. Rocovory pa acc't. $6,076.16. Horman Knolko vs. A. A. Mo Donald ot als. 4722. Foreclosure ot Lion. $379.10. First National Bank ot Ontario vs. Horbort H. Tunny ot als. 481I. Foroclosuro ot Cbattol Mortgage. $6,869.08. L. D. King vs. Goo. Turoman ot als. 4822. Foroclosuro ot Mort gage, $6,997.00. J. B. Mosslck tb. Mlnnlo J. Glas cock. 4822. Rocovory. of money, $80.00. Payette National Bank vs. James 8. 8tark ot als. 4822. Foreclosuro ot Mortgage $0,100.00. DEALERS HELLING STOCK AS CERTIFIED SEED Tbo Bureau ot Markota thru Its market news sorvlco is authority for a warning issued to farmors re garding tho purohaso ot takle stock grade potatoes, under .representa tion that certificates issued when potatoes havo boon Inspected and passod as U. S. No, 1 or U. 8. No. 2 as tho case may bo, aro certltlod for seod purposes. A paragraph from a notice rocently aond out by the Bureau ot Markets Is as follews: "Food products inspection sor vlco does not certify seod potatoes. Thero aro no U. 8. SEED QRADES. Anyono offering for solo seod stock which Is claimed to have been U. S. Certified is misrepresenting what ho offers. Such stock may have been inspocted and passed as U. 8 .No. 1 grade, but this isonly a table stock grade. Potatoes may bo good U, 8. No. 1 grade but be absolutely worth less for soed. No one can Judge the quality ot Boed stock by examina tion ot tho tubers and so the in spection service certificates grade only for table use." fe.RlaJVs FaVoriteBciJo I Scalloped Potatoes This economical way of preparing potatoes remove them from the "tide dhh" clan and makei of them a dish of dit Unction; 1 tbsp. salt, 4 medium elsed potatoes, J cup water, cup Carnation Milk, tbep. butter. Wash, rare and cut potatoes In thin alke. Put a layer la buttered baking dlih, sprinkle with salt and dredge with a small amount of flour. Add milk and butter and bake until poutoee are soft. This recipe serves six people. If you havu't ou, Bliutrattd bookUt of 100 ttd raclpM, writ fr top, to Caraatloa Milk Prod uct Co., 810 South SU. St, BU, Idaho. Fresh Stock of PREMIUM I A 11 I I $& HAMS and BACON EVERY WEEK OF THE YEAR e We specialize in Swift Premium line, and you can always depend upon ' getting afresh goods here. ' i E. A. FRASER DIRECTORY OF ONTARIO'S BUSINESS FIRMS These Men and Finns will serve your very needs promptly. Call upon or writa to any of those who are listed below when in need of anything in their respective lines. They are reliable: HANKS ONTARIO NATIONAL RANK The Oldest Dauk in Malheur County "Servlco that Serves" Capital and Surplus 1100,000. DnUGfl AND SUNDRIES ONTARIO PHARMACY O. M. Castleman, Prop. Prescription Specialist Victor Phonographs Rexall Romedles Eastman Kodaks Morcland Dairy Phone 203 M TUB SUGAR DOWL, We Make Our Own Ice Cream HOTKL8 HOTEL WILSON. The "Homey" Hotel of Malheur . County. Qood Meals t0o OlTOMi?lIM8T DR. J, A. MC FALL Eyesight Specialist Eye Glasses and Spectacles MlLUNKilX Distinction' la Clothing And MUllnsry is the Mark ot Those Who Patronise TUB BTYLB SHOP MORRIS MILLINERY NOVELTY SHOP Palymre Waists Women's Drewix' And Sport Clothes ELECTRIC SUPPLIES ONTARIO ELECTRIC CO. Electrical appliance and Wlrlag HARDWARE J. O. McCRKiaHT HARDWARE lAtlsfaetloB Qaaraatee TAQQART HARDWARE CO. Malheur County's Largest Hardware Store U H. R. UDICK Plttablng aad Heatlag Domestic Water Systeaas OSBORN MILLINERY Nell O. Bedford, Prop. The Only BirJuilve Millinery store This Side of 8aU Lake ailOCEKIHg THE INDEPENDENT MARKET Phones and IIS It Its Oood To Eat We Have It I It It's Farm Produce We Buy It ONTARIO MEAT ft QROCKRY COS The Home of Oood Eats all Low Prices l Phones J and 111 DKPAUTMleNT HTOXST Dependable Merchandise "Net the Cheapest, Bat the Best'l RADER BROS. THE HUB Oae et 41 Stores Will Have You Real Meaef ' BAatkHM" PURITY BAKERY Eraeat Bareus, Prof. All Kind et Breads, Cake and Pastry 7KMUWr VARIETY STORE More taaa a Uessaad Articles for Ui hone ONTARIO REAL BgTATK'CO. Kama Laada aty PrefMrty taemnuiee A ReavUl TROXELL IMPLEMENT 00. Farm Operatise Egaljaaat ' MeCo'ialek, Deertsur; aa4 P. ft O. B. A. FRASEK arawa'r aad recedes BLACKABY JEWELEY STOKE Home ef "Gifts Uat Last" V. L. Watchmaker, Jewelry All Work QuaraaUea BYROK TUBJTBK