iWMwwmmm, VOL. XXVI L BOARD FACES CONFLICIGPROBLEM Handlers lo Went of City Hold tlmt liudgct Item ror Transportation of Puplla bo not Dropped Other IUnchci-H Wnnt Moro Trnnsportn- tlOH. Tho dlroclors of school district No. 8 nro faco to fnco with a dolomn U thoy ndhor to tbo request of the v comralttoo rocontly'namod by Presi dent E. a Van I'otten of tho Com mercial club, In which thoro wore two representatives of tho farming community, and ellmlnato tho Item of $1600 for transportation of pupils to tho schools, thoy thon faco tho possibility of n law suit onjotnlng them brought by a numbor of ranch ers of tho wostorn boundary of tho district. A third nnglo of tho problem Is also facod slnco othor ranchors In tho wostorn soctlon of tho district doclaro that unless tho school tax Is roducod, thon thoy will movo to rocod from tho district and thus reduco tho valuation of property In tho district by sevoral hundrod thousand dollars. A fourth question for consideration Is that prosontcd by tho roquont on tho part of rcsldonts of tho lower Doad Ox Plat, opposlto Wolsor, that tho board assist thorn In carrying their boya and girls to tbo local high school. Thoso ranchors do not ask that tho board pay tbo ontlro amount but that It giro thorn aid,- and thoy will do the rest. This proposition has not boon of ficially placed boforo (ho board but will bo soon, slnco tho paoplo oC that region pay tho general county High school tax and rocclro ro benefit at all thorofrom. Thoy tits now send Ilb their boys and Iris to Woldor and havo to pay tuition to tho Wols or district, thus gottlng two Uxea to pay Instead of one. ' Some of the merchants of tbo city favor tho transportation Him Lb ono of tho means of bringing tho city closer to tbo pooplo of tho outlying districts, croatlng ft harmony of in- torosL Others do not favor lbs proposition at all. Tho question from a legal aspect Is undotormlnod. Slnco tho (tern U la tho budgot, and thn budgot ban boon approved, and no protost was mado at Its Inclusion wlwa thu bud get hearing was hold, these whe nra threatening to suo the board tako tho position that tho hoard cannot ellmlnato It. Others hold that tho budget is not Intondod to bo u hard and fast contract, that whllo tbo board can not oxceod It, they can re duce it and ollmlnato Items If thoy choose. Howevor,, since there aro v) ninny contending forces and so many con flicting desires oxpressod by people of tho district, It appears that tho school board has troubles sufficient to give It causo to ponder deeply up on Us problems. ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON; THURSDAY, APRIL 13, XV. XV. HOWARD SUCCESSFUL BIDDER ON MARKET ItOAl) Bight bids woro mado for tho excavation of tho big cut on tho south, side of tho Owyhee rivor on tho Nyssa-Jordan Val loy road whon tho county court considered this matter Monday. XV. XV. Howard of this city was tho successful blddor with an offor of $3405.00 for Uio work. Tho highest bid was raoro than twico that of Mr. Howard's, bolng for $7200. Among thoso who mado proposals for tho work wnre: Ward Drothora and J. M. Duncan of Nyssa; L. A. Walker, of this city and Morri son & Knudson and Allsop Dros. of Dolso, nnd two other outsldo Arms. TAX PROBLEMS WILL FEATURE ELECTION Tax Rcuuctlon Leaguo linn Several Droposnlfl; Would put nil Prop. cny on 100 per cent Dnsl's Snvo Farm Lands, Also Incotno Tax Wanted UNION OIL COMPANY PLANT NOW. HEARING COMPLETION Regular Oil Town Riling In Itlvcr iddo Xtldlllon l'Jnni linn Capa city for Bovcrnl Hundrc" Thousand Otillonw Rig Gnrago Going U In Illvorsldo Addition tho Union Oil company Is building its distri buting station Tho work Is almost flnlshod nnd It demonstrates that tho now company Is coming hero with tho Intention of going nftor tho oil buslnoss. rivo big tanks havo boon oroctod ijnd nro now bolng con nected with tho pumping system. Dosldo thoso tho company has built a big gnrngo big onbunh to houso n floot of nuto trucks ' with wjnch thoy aro to dlstrlbuto their product In this soctlon. Thon thoro is an offlco building, a warehouse and a pumping houso. All thoso aro within a high wlro fonco which en closes tho grounds which havo boon loroled and proparod for soodlng In to a lawn, making tho plant a hand somo ono Indood. . Taxation will bo tho big Issue In tho oloctlon which will bo hold in this Btato on May 19. Tho Tax Iloductlon leaguo which through a sub-commlttoo has boon working at Salem! for somo tlmo on a program looking toward a rafnrm In nrn. (codura has, according to tho dally papors, practlclally roachod Ita do- lslons and is whipping tho nocosBarJ' bills into ehapo for submission to tho people Among othor things tho longuo proposes tho follewing: Tho assessment of all proporty on a full 100 por cent basis, oxcopt farm lands which aro to bo assossed on n 30 por cont basts. That tho assessor may havo tho power to compel tho production of Inventories nnd nil Information necessary to arriving nt n full cash valuo tho law provldos that tho district nttornoy start procoodlngs against nil who rofuso to coopornto with tho assossor. Annthor fcaturo of tho plan Is for tho abolition of tbo 1.2 mill levy for hlghor education. It Is bollovcd that this will not reduco tho monoy nvallablo to tbo schools for tho now basts of valuation will ralso tho monoy on n ono milt basis, whllo tho lncomo tax foaturo will add to tho J. M. KYLE COMES TO BOOST DEVELOPMENT Adequate and Concentrated Plan for Wringing Settlers to Irrigated Sections Held Need of Ore Bon Plana nro Hclng Developed NO. 19 ONLV HALF OF FIRST HALF OF TAXES PAID WHEN DUE WATER RIGHTS TAKEN FOR DEVELOPEMENT IN COUNTY State Engineer JUrorta Five Appll. ..cations for Irrigation of Lands In THU Sections Ono Pump- IiiK Plant on tho Nnako lUvor rosourcos of tho statoln such a manner that tho mlllago for othor stato purposes can decroasod. bo materially TENNIS PLAYERS TO FOltM PEIUIANUNT ORGANIZATION At tho city hall Friday ovonlng at 7 o'clock n mooting of tho tennis playors will bo hold for tho purposo of perfecting a permanent organiza tion. An 'invitation is extended to evoryono who plays tho gamo, whothor mombors of tho club In tho past or not. Owing to tho fact that many of thoso who will bo at this mooting will also bo callod on to attend tbo basoball mooting nt 8 o'clock on tho sumo ovonlng nlf who attond (bo tonnjs mooting nro I urged to bo thero on tlmo to got tho organization corapjetod within ono hour. LECTURE ON POWER PROBLEM PROFITABLE Hundreds of Fanner and Ilulms Mea Lcara Many Practical Leesona in Efficient Manage- meet of Machines If tho farmers and business men of this section do not know exactly how-to handle the power machines oo their farms or the cars they op erate on the roads, It Is not the fault of the lecturers who discussed these matters at tho Ford Oarage this week representing the Ford Motor Company, Standard Oil company, O. A. 0., the American Seed Machine company and the Oliver Chilled JJIowb Works. The lectures were largely attend ed, despite the bad weather of tho first night, and each night the crowd grew, manifesting the good word which, the audience of tho first night spread. Beside explaining In detail tho cleatltle principles Involved In the oporatlona of the machine from the source of power to Its application la the jrartou practical ways from tilling the soil to thq harvesting of the wop, the experts gave partic ular attention to the proper care and operation of the machines them selves. The course of lectures was la reality a short eourso In mechan ical engineering and the audlcvfea manlfeated the efficient wanner In which the various subjects were preeeated by the etoeeet attention! and making many questions. Btato Engineor Porcy Cupper ro- rtfrta tbo following permits Issuod from bis office for wntor rights in Malheur ceunty: To Kathorlno David of Ontario, covering the appropriation of wator from Snako rivor for Irrigation of eighty acres at an estlmatod cost of $1,000.00. To W. C. Hancock, of Huntington. covorlng tho appropriation of wntor from Ulrch Creok and tributaries! for Irrigation of thirty acres. To 8. S. Janogo of Fancollano. covering tho construction of Jano go resorvolnr for tho storage of 23 acre feet of water, and the appro priation of the stored water and water from an unnamed stream for Irrigation of twenty acres. E. F. Soawoard of Denlo, covering the appropriation of water from Llttlo and Dig White Horse Creeks, Dry Qulch and Fish Crook, for Irri gation of 293 acres. The proposod Irrigation system consists of the con struction of throo ratios of ditch or canal, at an estimated expenditure of $1000.00. To Lida IC McNeil of Houston, Idaho, covering tho appropriation of water from Owyhee river for Irriga tion of 98.08 acres. This approprl- ator contemplates the construction of one and a fourth miles of ditch at an estimated cost of $750.00. LEAGUE WILL HOLD DANCE TO INAUGURATE SEASON J. M. Kylo, better known to nil Orogon as Jim Kylo, of Stnnfiold, was in Mainour county Friday nnd Saturday of last wook. On Friday ho was at Vale nnd Saturday ho spent horo nnd nt Nyssa. Mr. Kylo, who is chairman of tho executivo committoo of tho Orogon Irrigation congress and n mombor of tho Oregon Dovolopmont Hoard, enmo to study tho situation In this section with a vlow of learning tho nood for Bottlore. Tho dovolopmont board Is study ing tho California plan of concen trated offort In Bocurlng settlors and aftor a comploto investigation, plans to put It In oporatlon. Under this plan nil tho districts desiring Bot tlers will unlto on a campaign, each district soloctlng that soctlon of tho East or Mlddlo West whoro Bottlers oqulppod to moot tho problom of a BOCtlon Of OrOSOn Will hn rnnxnn. traced upon, and othor Orogon dis tricts will not compote for thorn. "What Oregon nooils Is pooplo," said Mr. Kylo to a group of buslnoss raon wno gavo a luncheon for him horo Saturday. "Wo, want tho poo plo back oast to hoar tho truth and nbt bo mado tho victims of n lot of falso promises. Wo must concon- trnto our efforts, and now that wo havo nsauranco of tho backing of Portland buslnoss mon In this offort results will come. "Tho most encouraging thing I havo loarned o,n this trip Is tho man ner In which tho farm ore of this soctlon aro going Into diversified crops. I know this country, for 25 yoars ago I bought fruit In this val ley, boforo Ontario was tho city It Is nb,w All Ontario was thon was a stopping place. Now It Is'startod on Its way to bo n roal city. Llko tho rost of this soctlon, Ontario has only startod, and whon wo got tho Owyhee projoct, nnd that Is bound to como, and other projects, too. Orogon III bo on Its road to roal prosperity." That tho taxing districts of Malheur county nro facing a roal problom In handling tholr affairs may bo gnlned by tho roport of taxes bo far pnld which bo far totals only a little moro than half of tho total sum duo on April Cth. Tho most discouraging feat ure of this situation Is that whllo half of tho taxes havo boon paid, this aloes not mean that half of tho taxpayers havo paid their contribution to tho cost of govornmont. Tho ro turns so far mado Includo that of tho railroad and utilities companies, tho two big land companlos and tho larger prop erty owners. County offlcnls ostlmto that not over 30 por cont of tho taxpayers havo paid tholr taxes. PLANS FORMED FOR MARKETING POTATOES Canyon County Fnrm Durcau Ex ecutive Committee Asked o Form Organization nnd to Contract Willi Cnllf ornln Vegetable Union MCNARY BILL SUPPORT IS BEING ASKED OF BUSINESS Local Merchant Writing to Manu facturer nnd Jobber of East and Mlddlo West Asking Thom to Urge Itcpro oenlatlvcs to Voto For Dill. Hundrods of lottors will loavo On tario this wook addrossod to eastern and mlddlo wostorn manufacturers, Jobbers and agoncles handling tho products which may bo found In tho Ontario atoros. Thoso lottors written by local merchants nro asking that thoso custom nnd mlddlo wostorn buslnoss mon write tholr congressmen nnd Bonators to support tho Smlth-Mc-Nary reclamation bill. Accompany ing tho lotto to thoso mon Is n comploto Btntomcnt of tho purposo nnd tho rfcopo'of the moasuro, set ting forth tho possibilities of do volopmont which It holds and tho Improvement in tho market for their products In this portion of tho country. At a meotlng In Caldwoll last Saturday nt which Malheur county rarmors woro represented by County Agont L. It. Drolthaupt, C.T. Lackoy, " Jake nussoll, and O. W. Dean, the roport of tho committoo of potato growora of that soctlon namod last August, was prcsontod. This report covored tho oxperlonco of last year whon tho ranchers lost so heavily by reason of tho activity of Borne of tho outsldo cash buyers urgod that tho farmers organlzo and market co-oporntlvoly. It also rocommondod tlio signing of n contract with tho California Vogetablo Union for tho mnrkotlng of tbo crop. Work to that ond has alrondy been started and plans are bolng mndo for taking care of tho big crop which will bo ralsod In tho vatloy. "ALICE IN HUNGERLAND" WILL BE PICTURED HERE FATHER AND SON BELIEVED TO- BE LOST IN MOUNTAINS BASE BALL TEAM TO GIVE DANCE TO START SEASON Locnl Aggrrgn&an In Need of Funds to Inaugurate Campaign Dual w Men Pledge Aid Good Season Looked Forward to, llonlln Man Left Home-Mead In No. member for Mountains Abovo Lockhnrt IUncli, Hoy Fol- Ion a lat'r, Neither lion . Itoen Heard From,. , Harmony to ltclgn in Eatcrn Oro gon Hlg 4 Vole, Nyssa and Huntington Folks Coming to Dance Horo Prospect Season llrlght CRANE mail SCHOOL BOY BURNS TO DEATH Word was received InOntarlo yes terday of a fire in Crane Tuesday, tho dormitory occupied by High school students, was burnod, and burned to death Leland Weltten- hlller aged 16 years. Tho flro Is supposed to hayo been started from a gas stove In Welttonhlller'a room. Ho was suffocated and his body .burned In the building. Robert Currier of Drewsey, was a business visitor in Ontario Wednes day. Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Crandall of Vftlo w,ere the guests of Mrs. W. B, Lea last Friday; . The W, 0, T. U. will meet with To -Inaugurate, under auspicious circumstances, tho Eastorn Oregon Dig 4 league, a dance will bo held at the Old Opora Houso next Thurs day evening. April 20. The date was set originally for Friday, tho twenty-first, but had to bo changed on account of conflicting engage ments. Tho baseball enthusiasts at Vule, Nyssa and Huntington are golug to come to this danco to manltost their dcslro to promote that degreo of community Interest which the pro motors of the league bellove will bo enhanced by tho organization. In fact, It Is bocauso of the boosting of the outside towns that tho league has been formed and they are most enthusiastic In promoting the spirit of good sportsmanship. With all ot tbo towns close to gether It Is the confident hope that tho attendance this year will be larger than ever, When Vale plays Ontario at either city tho home town fans can easily get to the game, and the samo Is true of the Ontarlo-Nysea contests; while Hunt ington Is always a good ball town, land the railroad boya go long dls- tansee to root for their team. With this spirit prevailing and the purpose manifested by the officers and directors of the leaguo to pro mote harmony during the season this should be the beat season's sport for many years pant. Graphic Story of Condlctions iu na Eof to bo Depleted on Screen Story of Itellcf Work To bo Told. J Mrs. C. B. Becoy Tuesday, April 25. relative. Mrs. M. J. Neece spent Saturday visiting In Vale. Mrs. Wm. Wells and daughter Miss Helen returned last week from Doonevllle Mo., where they have been the past winter On Tuesday tho 18th, thoro will bo two froo exhibitions of the motion pictures "Allco In Hungorland" nt ono of thu Ontario thoatroe, a matlnoo at tho closo of tho school day tor children nnd ono for the general public at 8 p. m. Tho pictures will bo shown Friday of this weok at Nyssa, Wodnesday tho 19th at Yale. "Allco In Hungerland" Is tho story of a little girl who accompanies her father through the Near East and sees what ho saw as ono of a party of which J. J. Handsaker, Orogon dlroctor of Noar East Relief was a momber. These aro tbo first and only motion pictures to bo made In South ern Russia since the war showing tremendous relief work now carried on by America in the land of the Soviets. Six thousand orphan child ren are seen In one group as they are drawn up on tho parade ground of the great Russian barracks at Alexandropal. Ethel Long Newman of Mlddlo ton, Idaho, Is shown as she, with Mr, HandsakeSr, takes starving children from the street In Armenia. The pictures are bolng shown over the state as part ot the Near East Rollef state campaign by J. J, Handsaker, who recently visited Constantinople, Turkey and the Caucasus Including the Soviet govern ments of Oeorgla, Azerbaijan and Armenia. Mrs. R. E. Wheelon and daughter Miss Eleanor, of Pocatello, wore guests of Mrs. Wheelon'a sister, Mrs. J. R. Rasmusson several days last week, returning home on Saturday. Mrs. Dan Gallagher of Juntura, was the guest this week ot Mrs, P, vWtlBglJ. Gallagher, returning to her home lea Wednesday, Has another tragody ot tho hills been eunctod, and two lives taken In a fleht against tbo olomonUT Or has a young woman and hor mothor loss brothors and sisters spent hours of needless anxloty bocauso ot tho carolossenss and lack of thoughtful ness on tho part of hor father and brotherT Thoso questions may bo answorod soon, or thoy may not bo answered for many weeks. In any event Miss Clara Bhultx, living with hor broth ers and Bistort on a homostoad near Uonlta ueed tho kindly aid of friends in her effort to locate hor father and hor brother who woro last seon by tbo llttlo family last Novombor. The story ot tho missing man roachod tho offlco of tho Eastern Oregon land company of this city from Cy Dlngbam, supervisor ot tho Malheur Forest. It camo as a copy ot tho letter Miss Shultz wrote to him seeking bis aid. The pathos of tho torso seutencoa la the most elo quent appeal, She said: "My father Mr. Shultz left home about the first of Novomher to go trapping on the Llttlo Malheur abovo the Lockhart ranch. My brothor, who Is eighteen, started out to his camp later on snow shoes, They don't write and no one has soon them since. If you havo any man over there who has soon them please let me know, My mother Is dead and we have been alone all winter on tho homestead." This letter was written on March 30, and tho copy reached Ontario this woek. Mr. Dlngham asked that It bo given publicity In order that If anyone In this section knows aught concerning these men he will com munlcato with the officials of tho Forest Servlco or get word to Miss Shultz. So far as tho Argus knows, no organized effort has been mado to hunt for the men, Hut undoubt edly when knowledge of the anxiety of tho young woman and her mother less brothers and sisters reaches the 1 ordor that tho Ontario basoball toam may bo ablo to start tho soason proporly oqulppod, tho boys In charge ot tho movomont to havo Ontario roprosontod In tho Southeastern Orogon Loaguo nro going to glvo n danco hero tonight. Tho suits which tho toam usod,las yoar havo boon scnttorod so that It will bo nocossary to socuro a now. outfit all around, and that Is tho purposo ot the danco. Ot course tho danco will not furnish all tho funds noodod, so a subscription list has boon startod as woll. Togotbor It appears that thoso will prove sufficient to round up tho nocossary capital for putting tho toam tn shape. Rooeo Jenkins who has undorlakon tho preliminary work of getting tho toam started has callod a meotlng ot a.11 thoso who deslro to boo a toam ot Ontario, whothor thoy aro ball play ors or not, for Friday ovonlng of this wo.ok nt 8 o'clock nt tho city hall. At thnt tlmo a captain for tho season and roanagor and othor necossary of ficers will bo soloctod by tho play era and supportors. It Is Imperative that a roprosenta tlvo gathering assomble nt that tlmo so that a thorough understanding of tho situation will bo socurod. On tario must deposit $76 with tho of ficials ot tho leaguo to assure Its participation in tho schedule. Prospocts are bright for a good toam this year. Already several playors of oxporlonco have signified tholr deslro to try for places. With Chot Lackoy at first, Harry Chapman at short, Joy Hustod at third, tho nucleus of the tnnold ot last year is on hand. Oliver who caught part of tho season is at Frultland and may bo the recolver, while mil Lyells formorly ot tho Nyssa team, hut In reality one of Ontario's old stars Is here and will complete tho luflold dofonse. Dill Is a third baseman, but ho may bo usod at socond, or Hustod may be awltchod to second and let Dill tako tho hot corner. In tho outfield there are a numbor ot candidates and fly cbasors who can hit, will bo solected from tho avallablo candidates. The ono weak spot -Is the firing lino. No first class heaver Is on tho string, as yet, It It la possible an effort will bo made to get Dill Dlackaby to como to Ontario from the Owyhee to mix them up for tho boys. Then when Charllo Newblll finishes his year at the University, he may bo secured to aid In the battory work. With these two depondablo twlrlors Ontario will bo as woll supplied with moundsmen as any of the teams. POWELL COMPANY TO SELL PRODUCTS OF OOO ACRICfl U, F. Powell of Dolso, was In On tario today looking for a location for a vegetable packing plant. Mr. Powoll has contracts for the sale of the products of 600 acres In this section, that Is from Nyssa to On- torlo. Ot this acreage 100 Is let- settlera In the Llttlo Malheur valley tuce, 20 celery, 80 onions and 420 mey wm ao meir part. J potatoes. t I r nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnMMBM v-' -$&'&& ., ?MlMtfmfcKMmiMillara slsllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll - M"' ut,IMJI,"g,wwWswsW bIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIhbiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII V'lwfzsdMstfstabjfiziii. SLl, bIIIIIIIIIIIibIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -'