WSSajsaii; IMwaBtfWBCTwawnnwwii ww m h m$tmm wothwmi mm ,iw wain iwitwimn iwyMraMHMirwwwJK i m )iw &0tnt&W99F f T5DD ONTARIO ARQUS, ONTABIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1922 ( , ' "WHEN you buy eggs ' you judge their value by freshness and the "dozen." When you buy silk you figure its worth by feel beauty ahd the "yard." But how do you arrive at the value of baking powder? You can't tell by appear ances by weight Dulk doesn't mean quality. There's only one way and that is an oven test Bythattest Calumctalways proves itself the best. sHHlllllllH a Wt E?-rrT5jfiHBl IsiySy Jsp "best by test" CALUMET BAKING POWDER It is the most economical of all lcavcncrs. Its price is moderate you save when you buy it It lias more than tlio ordin ary leavening strength you u&o less and save when you uso it It never fails. There is no loss of baking ingredient. So. don't guess at Daklng Powder vaiuo any longer. Measure It by re sult. Pound can of Calumet contains full 10 ox. Somo baklngpowdcrscome In 12ot.lnstcn'lof IQoz.cans. Uoauro you get n pound wh7n you want It. wl "BIBJJBSJBBSSUV- Calumet CriddloCaka Rcclpo 4 cups flour, 4 level teaspoons Calumet Daklng Powder, 1 tea apoon salt, 3 cups milk. Then mix In regular way. SOLDIERS LOANS ' ACCEPTED as first payment on choice low priced irrigated land free from alkali pr ncid. Good crop pro ducing stuff that has the backing of the Legion Lund Committee are the only places we handle under this plan. Excellent wafer, climate, transportation facilities, etc. Good markets. Writo now for full particulars. Redmond Land and Loanio., Inc. y In the heart of the famous Deschutes Valley McDowell Co., Inc. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Beautiful Homelike Funeral Parlors Lady Assistant f HOSPITAL AMBULANCE SERVICE No Distance Too Far OFFICE PHONE"227 RES. PHONE 227-W2 NOTICE OF THE INTENTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL TO IM- frovh a ronrioN on1 ouicoon street in the city of on taiuo, malheur cxjuntv ore aoN. Notleo is koroby given, that at tho adjourned regular mooting of tho Common Council of tho City of On tario, Oregon, hold on tho 20th day of March 1922, tho following Hesolu tlon was adopted by tho said Com mon Council. Resolution "UB IT RESOLVED: That tho Common Council of tho City of On tario, Mainour County, Oregon, do to rm In oa It oxpodlout and proposos to improvo tho following stroot in suld City, to-wlt: Oregon stroot from tho end of tho paving at tho North Bldo of Its lutdrsoctlou with Illinois Avonuo northward to whoro said Oregon Street Intersects tho ulldy on tho North sldo of Dlocks Four and FIvo in Itlvorsldo Addition to tho buIiI City of Ontario; that said stroot bo Improved In tho following mannor to-wlt; 1. Uy grading tho Btreot to tho proper subway.- 2. Uy covorlng tho Burfaco thuro ot with grnvol, for width of 10 foot, mid n depth of flvo Inches. 3. Uy laying sower plpos whore nocossury; by laying concroto hoad ora whoro nccossary. 4. Uy constructing stroot monu m out 8 whoro nocossary. C. Uy constructing street drain age whoro nocossary. 0, Uy Constructing concrete cul verts whoro nocossary. Bald lmprovomonts shall bo made In accordanco with, tho Charter and Ordnnuccs of tho City of Ontario, Orocon, and in accordanco with tho grado, plans, specifications and esti mates of tho city Englnoor horoator to bo filed In tho office of tho City llocordor ot said city. Tho cost of said Improvomont shall bo assossod upon tho property especially uonontod uy said improvo mont as. Drovldod br tho Charter of said city, oxoopt that tho city shall pay for tho cost ot nil stroot inter sections. , And bo it f UTtbor rcsolvad that tho Common Couucll ot said City shall procuro a competent englnoor to mako tho estimates, plans and specifications, for said improvomont, and'tllo tho samo in tho offlco of tho llocordor ot said olty within ton (10) days from tho adoption ot this resolution.. And bo it further IlESOLVED, that tho said City llocordor ot tho City of Ontario) bo and horoby Is, dlroctod to glvo notleo of said pro posed Improvomont, as provldod by tho Chartor ot said Olty." . Tho ostlmato at tho City Englnoor for tho proposod dotallod cost of said improvomont to bo fllod with tho City llocordor at his offlco in tho City Hall. Notleo Is horobr given to all tax payers ot tho City ot Qntarlo and partlos In Intorost that objections to nnd remonstrances against said proposod Improvomont may bo fllod In writing with tno sulci uuy uocoru or nt any tlmo within twonty days from tho dato ot tho first publica tion of thts notleo In tho Ontario Argus, which is tho 23 day ot March 1022, and that thereafter tho Com mon Council of said City will hear hall such objections and romon- strancos, if any tboro bo, at a moot ing thoroof, to bo hold In tho Council Room, at tho City Hall, in said City, on tho 17th day ot April, 1022, bo ginning at tho hour ot 7:30 o'clock p. m. pn said day. IJV OUDEIt OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ON TAUIO, onEGON. CIJIY M. BTEAIINB, (SEAL) City Recorder Dato ot first publication March 23, 1022. Dato of last publication April 0th, 1022. mmmmsssr ... STORY OFTHfe FAMOUS OLD OREGON TRAIL A Narrative of the Wilson Price Hunt Expedition in 1811-12 and the "Great Migration" Into Oregon Country, in 1852-3 By Walter E. Meachen, Pres. of Old Oregon Trail Assoc. Professional Card IlcaderB of tho Argus will' wo belluvu, bo Interested In tho history ot tho Old Oregon Trail, ono of tho famous roadB ot history which Is preserved In history by tho uamo given Oregon's great traus-stutu high way which Btarts hero at On tario. Tho history which wilt bo presented In a serial lu tho Argus, waB written by Walter E. Muuchum, prcslduut of tho Old Oregon Trail association In an oarly lssua wo -will pro s'jut, too, sections ot tho dairy ot James U. -Southwortb, ono of tho emigrants lu tho groat mi gration lu 1SG3. This dairy shows that thu party crossed tho Malholir near Ontario On their way to Uurnt rlvur.-Edl-tor. JOHN GOODMAN Buys Hides, Wool & Sheep Pelts California Avonuo' between Catholic Church & Hospital ONTARIO - OREGON Tho history of tho Old Oregon Trail Ib ono full of mystery, ' ro mance, hardship, faith and ondur- nuco. Why so many pooplo left comfort abto homes to plungo Into tho wll dornoss known us tho "Groat Amor lean Desert" full ot hardships and perils, no ono can toll. Tho history ot tho world doos not record a parallel casu ot so many peoplo traveling bo great n dlstancu as did tho plonoors ot 1852-3 over tho Old Oregon Trail. A part of tho trail was traversed by Lewis and Clark in 1805. Then camo tho Hunt oxpodltlon in 1811-12 Ton yodrs later a party of trappers found and crossed tho South Pass. Thou lu 1833 Nathaniel J, Wyuth built Fort Hull near tho present slto ot Pocatollo, Ida., near tho Junction ot tho Port Nuuft and Snako rlvors. For ton years Fort Hall was tho oxtromo outpost nud ho wagon had over ventured boyond that point. Finally In 1843 a thous and mon, women and children blazed tho trail clear through to tho Wlllametto Valley and domoltstrnt od that wagons could mako tho Jour KyT ' In 1840-7, tho Mormons made (heir colebratud pllgrlmago to tho Groat Bait Lake. In 1840 camo tho groat gold rush to California. Dut tho greatest ot all, tho migration that has gouo down In history as tho greatest-movement of pooplo to a common destination, cumo In IBM when throe hundred thousand mon, woman and children travorsod tho loncth of tho Trail from Couucll Uluffs, Iowa, through to tho Wllla motto Valloy, Oregon. Tho pathway of this groat army ot homesuokora Is marked with tho graves ot thoso who fell on tho way, victims of cholora and fatlguo. It Is conservatively ostlmatod that 0,000 nf thorn norlshod In ono year. Tho wagons strotchod for mllos, making CONDENSED IIEFOIIT OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ONTARIO, OREGON As Made to the Comptroller of Currency at the Close of Business March 10th, 1922 RESOURCES , ' Loans and Discounts .$398,638,34 Overdrafts .,.. . .... 61,79 Bonds and Warrants... 37,015.64 -Uanklng Housa and Fix tures ............-.. 39,118,86 Other Real Estate .......... 18,160.18 LIABILITIES Capital .?m.wa :..-.! 60,000.00 Surplus and Profits ........ '63,729,48 Circulation ...................... 12,600,00 CASII AvOiVfrf nW f669.269.20 Re-dlscounts . Dills 'Payable DEPOSITS .... . - NONE .. NONE ,. 548,080.72 2669,28.9,20 y THE OLD RELIABLE" OASH BESERVlf OVER 30 NO MONEY BORROWED .J2fcU a trail ono hundred feet wlao in places and ten feet (loop, tho soil ground out by tho Iron tiros of tho wagons nnd tho myriad foot ot tho cattlo and blown away by tho winds of tho desort. Tho dust was dcop and Btlfltng, tho hardships woro almost unondur- ablo but patlonco, faith and preso vornnco won nnd tho groat North west was populated. It is well thut wo pauso a moment and moditato upon tho results ot this pllgrlmago and do honor to thoso who sufforod and made history for our united Rintes. A nation which does nor presorvo Us history nnd honor tho momory of thoso who did gjrent deeds and hclpod to presorvo 'the life of that nation, soon perishes from the earth. It Is well for us as Americans nnd a thinking peoplo, to prosorvo tho history of this greaj migration nnd sotttoment of a wlldorness, by properly marking nnd permanently establishing tho namo ot the Old Oregon Trail which has attached to it tho greatest history and senti ment of any road In history. Tho fur Industry of tho North was ono of tho chlof commercial pursuits of tho United Stntos and Canada In tho early history of this country. Tho Hudson Hay Company was onp of tho largest and richest fur trading companies on tho con tinent. In 1787 tho Northwest Company was formed and grow vory rich nnd powerful. Lator on camo the Mack inaw company which also grew nnd pro'spored. The operations ot these companies took In a wide scope of country extending far west Into American territory, Tho United States government attempted to trade with the Indians and attend to supplying thorn all that tboy needed but could not compete with tho ac tivity and shrewdness of tho pri vate companies which woro not bound with government rod tape. John Jacob Astor, an ndoptcd citi zen of this country, engaged lu tho fur business on a small scalo and grudually built up u largo nud pro fltablo business. In 1800 ho formed tho American Fur Company with n capital Block of a million dollars, and bought out tho Mackinaw Company aud formed tho Southwest Company. Tho North west coast of Amorlca -bocamo a great fur gathering section aud among the ships which traded along this coast wns tho Columbia, lu com mand ot Captain Gray. In 1702 Captain Qrny discovered tho Columbia rlvor, named aftor his ship. Thou in 1806 Lowls nud Clark travorsod tho continent roachod tho headwaters 6f tho Columbia and sallod down to tho mouth ot thu rlvor. Mr. Astor concoived tho Idea ot establishing a groat trading post nt tho mouth of tho rlvor and tap nil ot tho fur bearing country ot thu Northwest. His Idea was to establish a lino ot trading posts from tho Missouri to thu Columbia and havo China as tho groat mart for tho furs obtained. Ho Intorcstod with him Aloxandor McKay' Duncan McDougal, Donnl McKonzIo nnd Wilson Prlco Hunt. Juno 23, 1810, tho Pacific Fur Com pany was formed wtfh tho above named mon as partners of Mr. As tor. Two oxpodltlons woro dovlsod aud set out on foot, ono by sea and on a by land to reach tho mouth ot tho Columbia and establish a trading post. Tho ship Tonqulu, undor command -of Captain Jonathan Thorn, "was fitted out for tho sea voyage and tho land oxpodltlon was placed undor tho command ot Mr. Hunt. Mr. Hunt proceodod to St. Louis, which was thou tho outpost ot civil ization, to fit himself out with n company to uudertako tho toilsome and perilous trip ovurland through a snvago and unknown country. Ilu was greatly harassod in his undertaking by tho Missouri Fur Company which did not rollsh tho thought ot a rival compauy coming Into tho Hold. Dut by porsovorlng, Mr, Huut finally gathered together a company ot boatmen aud hunters with which to mako tho Journey. Included lu his company woro such mou as Donald McKonzle, Jos eph Miller, Robert McLollan, John Day, Ramsay Crooks, Plorro Dorion, lntorporator, John Dradbury, scien tist, Mr. Nutull, scientist and John Reed, clork. Iu Octobor, 1810, tho party loft St. Louis and proceeded up tho Mis souri rlvor In boats, whoro a intor camp was made. , Early In tho spring ot 1811, tho start was mado from Nodawa, thoro being tw only-six In tho party. On tho trip up tho rlvor great flocks of pigeons woro encountered which at times blackened the sky, their numbers woro so groat. Frequent desertions woro made In tho ranks of tho little compauy but recruits woro also received as thoy wont along so that tho party was enlarged rather than diminished. Various tribes of Indians woro on countered on tho Jouruoy up tho rlvor. Tho Omabas woro vory friend ly and traded with tho party for such things as both desired. Uonjamln Joues and Aloxandor Curson, two great hunters, woro met aud induced to turn back and go with the party, bolug a wolcomo ad dition to tho littlo band. Tho Poncas was tho noxt trlbo met with and friendly Intercourse established with L. Tho party was next rolnforced by tbreo Kentucky hunters who wore on their way homo, but could not re sist the temptation to again defy tho wlldorness and Join such an expedition. These mon wero Edward Robin son, John Houack and Jacob Itlz nor, Robinson had been scalpod and woro a bandkerchier around his head In lieu ot hair. Tho Sioux In dians woro next encounterod but no act of violonco was received at their hands though tho company feared meeting them on account of tholr warlike disposition. Great herds xf buffalo, elk and deer woro seen and tho company did not lack for fituh meat. (Contlnuod noxt wcok) DR.G.A.POGUE Office at residence, one block west and two north of Moore hotel, Phone 57W. IVAN E. OAKES Consulting Engineer Irrigation &Drainagc work General Engineering Office City Hall, Ontario, Ore. !. J. C. IIAUTLET PHY8ICIAN & 8UnQEON Offlco In Wilson Uldg, Ovor Post Offlco ONTAUIO, OIIEOON DR. R. A. MOON Chiropractic Physicians Elcctro-Thcrnpcutlsts y Splno & Ncrvd Specialists Phono 108 Ontario, Oro. DKS WEESE & FOHTNER OFFICE HOUIIS; 9 to 12 and 2 to 6. Office over First National Dank. Telepbono No. 33 J. Ontario, Oro. DR. A. R. ROBERTS Dontist llotwcon Ontario Plinrlnncy nnd Depot. PHONE 03-F.l I)IL HARIUET BEA1W Osteopathia Physician Wilson Uldg., Over Under Phono 40 DH. C. M. TVLKIt DENTIST Office In Wilson Dldg. Offlco Hours 9 a. in. to 4 p. Phono 117 for Appointments. m, a. a.wi:lhngton Transfer aud Ktorago 4 4- Offlco at Dig 4 Illlllard Hall 4 Phono No. 79-J FOR PLUMBING CALL L. M. SEAWARD Phone 188J Ontario. Ow. Transfer Feed . Storage Wo aro prepared to give real Service Prompt Deliveries Wo sell nil kinds of feeds at Fair Prices ONTARIO TRANSFER & STORAOU Mooro lluildlng back of Frasor's Store Call us for a Trial Phone 100 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COUNT OF THE STATE OF OnEOON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY IN THE MATTEH OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN A. MOnTON, DECEAS- . ED. Notleo Is heroby givon by Rosa D. Morton, Administratrix of tho estate of John A. Morton, doceased, to tho creditors ot and all persons having claims against said estate, to present such claims with tho nocessaray vouchers according to law, within six months after tho first publication or thU notleo, to tho said Rosa D. Morton at Ontario, Oregon, or to the law offlco ot Urooko & Oallagher at Ontario. Oregon. Tho first notice heroot is published this twenty-third day ot March, 1922. ROSA D. MORTON, Administratrix of tho Estato of John A. Morton, deceased. Last publication April 20, 1922, ggggggggggggggggjg MmMmmtmiHirKmem r?r- ,,BL iA - .. tfuu