p- THE.0NTABI0ARGU8, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1922 ti u el it CI l1 y s r o I n d d I t I v ' o t C P f a t C t a a n t t L J Ii a b t n j i A i, E I E v I P r u t 1 C li t I. f P P a b B a I y lj B H il t V t R31 m 1 I I n E K It t t d R ti U P o t' 1 OREGON SLOPE H. V. Conklln visited his Blstor Mrs. Chas. Smtth of Payette Sunday. Prod Van Patten spent sovornl days last weok with friends nt Halt Way, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Chnpinan enter tained at n GOO party at tholr homo In l'nyotto Saturday ovonlng. At n lato hour rolreshmouts woro sorvod Mr. Harrison had tlio mlsfortuno Inst week of having Ills right thumb badly cut In a corn shroddor. Nlcktos, tlio smnll son of 1. Qrnco, narrowly oscnped serious injury Thursday whon tlio horso ho was riding slipped and fell, catching him bonoath. Tho ncctdeut occurod at tlio Park BChool house. Dr. McDon- aid of l'nyotto, was lmmadlutoly Bummonud, and nltho tho child ro mnlncd unconscious for somo tlnio, ho Is recovering nlcoly, Complimenting Mrs. Campbell, who loft Saturday for Albany, Oro whoro tho Campbell family will mako tholr homo, Mrs. V. M. Iloals ontor tnlncd nt a dinner nt hor homo l'rl day. Covers woro laid for twolvo. Mr. and Mrs. Orn Wllklns of Pay ott,o, woro guests Monday of A. A. Outtorldgo and wlfo. Clauson Andrtis and family moved this wouk to tho houso on (ho f. I. Culbortson rnuch, Krnnk Konn and wlfo of l'nyotto, nro moving Into tho houso vacated by th oAudrus family. Etliolyn Cornlolson of l'nyotto spent Wednesday ovonlng with Oor- trudo lloali. Ilaymond Outtorldgo Is n flu vic tim this wook. Mr. und Mrs. J. L. Drown and son Max, woro Ontario visitors Saturday. Mrs. O. 0. Miller and chlldrou woro dinner guosts of Mrs. W. F, Vlncont Sunday. Miss lluby Chnnuor wns tho guest of hor sister Mrs. 11. I'lerro of Pay- otto Sunday. A. Shny Is spomllng a fov wcoks with his nophow, C. Walshor and wlfo, nftor having spent tho winter In llolso. Mrs. S. J. Simpson nnd daughter, Janet, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Mason Clough. Mr. nnd Mrs. Amor Oorton nnd datightor, Audroy, spent tho wook pud with Arthur Miller and wlfo. Lola ltouco of Ontario, wns tho Ituost of Lola Ilartscho Thursday and Krldny. Mrs. Harry IC. Lattlg ontortalnod nt dlnnor Friday ovonlng In honor of Mm. Campbell nnd sous. Covors woru-ylnld for Mr. nndMrs. J. L. Hrown, Mrs. Campbell nnd Loron, Lloyd nnd Orvnl Campbell. C. 0. Wilcox and Mrs. Henry Ho xolor woro ontortalnod nt tho Frod Moss homo In l'nyotto Sunduy ovon lng, tho occasion being tho blrthduy anniversary of Mr Mobs. Music whb onjoyod, following which dainty re freshments woro sorvod. ('. N. Johnson und wlfo of l'ny otto, visited relatives ou tho Slopo Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Johnson of Lower Head Ox moved this woek from tho Slouokor ranch to tho Short ranch near l'nyotto. Miss Stolla Newton, dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Newton, nnd Ho hurt nolunp woro unltod In mnrrlago Sunday at 2 p. m. at tho Church nf Ooil parsonago. Only tho Immodl nto rolntlves of tho young couplo worq prosent. Following tho coro mony an olaborato wedding dinner wns sorvod nt tho now homo of tho brldo and groom. Doth of tho young ponplo nro well known oi tho Slopo, nnd their, many friends wish thoin llfo loug happiness. Mrs. Chas. llolton of l'nyotto vlslt od Mrs. 1. M. Iloulfi Snturday. A mooting of prospoctlvo lottuco growors wns hold at tho I'ark school houso Monday night, with n largo nt tendnnco from Payette, Wolsor aud Dead Ox Flat. County Agonts Mc Call of Canyon county, Harry Soulor Easter Display Never before have we displayed such a beautiful lot of hats Taffetas, "Slippery Satin" Braid Hair Hats, in all the new colors and shades. A beautiful assortment of Palmyre Waists, Neckwear and Novelties. Our Prices are Right Morris Millinery & Novelty Shop of Washington county and L. II. Urlethuupt of Mnlhour county, wera prcsout and gavo snort talks ou the Importance of tho lottuco growing industry, and especially along tho lino of cooporntlvo marketing. As surauco was gIvou that a packing plant would bo installed In Wolsor, Ontnrlo aud l'nyotto, providing on acreage of fifty or moro acres could bo assured. Uoorgo Lattlg, chair lii un of tho meeting, urged that as many ns woro ublo plant ouo or moro acres of lottuco, und stated that it was his bollof that this would bo a way out of tho tluuuclul difficulties, with which many ranchers nro con fronted. A largo number of those present signed contracts and wilt prepare their ground for lottuco cul turo. Tho dlrestors of tho Payette Oregon Slopo Irrigation District promlsod that Irrigation wator would be supplied whenever needed, which Is a vory important factor In tho growing of lettuco. CLUB NEWS NOTES If you nro going to do anything pormnnout for tho nvorago man, you must begin before ho Is a man. Tho chnnco far success lies in working with tho boy, aud not tliu man. Theodore Itoosovolt. Tho sewing club at Malheur hold tholr regular mooting on March Cth. Tho club was organized only a short lima ago but thoy have all (lulshod the! second lesson. Tho boys In tho Dairy Herd Record Keeping Club nt Vnlo visited tho Chester Dairy Farm at their regular mooting on Monday .after noon. Several of tho cows Woro compared with tho idoal scoro card to give tho boys n hotter understand ing of tho dcslrod Information iu n dairy cow. Tho barn was consider ed aud scored on tho points of ouulp mont, sanitation, and gouural ser viceability. Six application cards for member ship in tho Pig Club Project have boon rocolvod from Malheur City. Tho following boys wish to Join tho club: Hnrllti Iloblnsou, Arthur Ilrusuan, Lesllo Koblnson, Marvel Williams, Wnllaco lloblnson aud Robert Morlltt. Mr. W. II. Warshnm is to bo tho local ioador. Houhitf Club nt Ontnrlo A sowing club of olovon girls hus boon organized Iu Ontario, by Mrs. W. L. Turner, who Isnlso acting as local loader. Tho ages of tho girls aro from 7 to 13. Although com paratively young thoy nro very' on thuslagtlo and aro putting out a brand of work that will havo a good chance of winning u placo at tho county fair. Dorothy Lnxon Is prosldont of tho club, narbara Castlomau, vlco-prosl-dout aud lluth Huntor Is socrotury. Tho othor members of tho club aro; Mlldrod Townsend, Ellon Mario Doo llttlo, Mnrgarot Laxon, Eloanor Audrows, Juno Udlck, Helen Doo llttlo, Dlotha Allison and Elva Cur pontor. iluuo cluh oirra out its SECOND ISSUE OF "Q. IU M." Tho Ontnrlo Itndlo club has Just finlshod putting out tho second Is- buo of Its official organ. It Is called tho "Q. It. M. Magazlno". This la conic tttlo was suggestod by tho Prosldont Leonard Zimmerman. U mooiiB "local Intorforonco" or in othor words that tho club has a lot of pop and Is stirring up tho othor In tho vicinity of Ontario. Tho papor Is 0 1-1 by 8 1-4 Inches In bIzo with 8 pages of snappy nr ticlos on Raldo subjects.,!! was inlmoogrnphod by tho raombors of tho club on tho machine used In tho Commorco dopartmont of tho Ontar io High school. Thoy woro assisted by Miss Uayloy, tho commorco tenchor, nnd various members of tho advanco class In typewriting. It has a cover design drawn by Cecil Million, two pages of editor ials and thrro pages of miscellan eous articles and Jokes. Tho editor Is Wobstor A. Jones; assistant edi tor Fred C. Holghtsmcn; business manngor Leonard F. Zlmmormnn. Coplos will bo mailed to nmntours and radio clubs In Wolsor, Dolso, Caldwell, Nnmpa nnd Crane. Altho this Is only tlio first Issuo tho coming Issues nro planned to bo mado larger nnd bettor. Tlio paper will bo put out overy month during tho remaining months of this school year. It will ho resumed when school commoncos In tho fall. SCHOOL NOTES Miss lluth Cabcon Is HI nnd has for tho past week bcon unable to mcot hor classes. Mrs. Leo Cockrum Is substituting tor hor. Supt. J. M. McDonnld has roturncd to school nftor nn attack of tho flu. Last Friday a numbor of graders nnd High school students witnessed a lively basobnlt gamo In which tho eighth grado dofcated tho freshmen by n scoro of 1G to 10. Otto Phlllabaum, a momhor of tho class of '21, who Is now teaching in tho Interior, spoilt soma of his spring i vacation visiting his friends In tho Ontnrlo High. Tho studonts of tho civics class woro ngrcenbly surprlcod last Friday morning when thoy discov ered that Mr. Culbortson had Invited Dr.' Wocso to speak to thorn on pullc health, a subject which thoy havo re cently studied. Dr. Weoso ompha elzod tho fact that tho "Prevention of Dlscaso" would bo tho watchword of tho coming gonoratlon. On tho ovonlng of March 18, tho Sophmoros staged a St. Patrick's party in tho gym. Appropriate gamas woro plnycd and Into in tho evening refreshments woro sorvod. Snturday nftornoon tho Malheur Athletic Association mot horo and mado plana for n county track moot to bo hold at Vale, Friday, May C. Miss lluth McCulloch, n graduato of tho class of '21, vlsltod tho High school last Thursday. lluth Is study lug music nnd dramatics nt tho El- llson-Whlto consorvntory at Port land. Tho Junior and Sanlor clnssos havo docldod to put on n big carnival to rnlso mo n oy to pay for tho stago cur tnlns which thoy recently bought. Frldny ovonlng, tho gymnasium was tho scono of much festivity whon tho boys' nnd girls' basket ball tonins colobrntod tholr vlctorlos. Onmosi nnd dancing occupied tho ovonlng nnd about ton thirty lunch was sorvod. All report a good tlnio. Undorwood cortlflcntea of pro ficiency woro awarded to tho follow ing beginning students: AIIcq IJor-, vln, Mnrgarot Illackaby, Hopo Coch-i ran, Allco Dormnn, Ula OrninBo nnd lluby Unties. Tlio first two programs put on by' tho Junior clnsscs woro vory success ful. Tho following aro tho pregrams: Morning Clusn Loador, Tluth Honinn Subject O 'Honry 1, Illographlcal Talk ... Knrl Luohrs 2. "Tho Coming Out of Mngglo".... Marcolla DoaRborn Criticism of O'Honry'fl Works.... Paul Poterson Character Skotches lluth Homnn A Lottor to O'Honry Mario Faby "Springtime a la Cnrto" a sttfry 3. 4, 5. 0. Allco Dorvln Afternoon CIiibi Loador, Francos Folgor Subject Kipling 1. Biographical Talk Eva Everett 2. "Ilallad of East and West" Read ing Eva Poolo 3. "A Frlend'8 a Friend" story.... Culver Marshall 4, "Tho Courting of Diana Shadd" rondlng Miss Conway 6. "Itocesslonal" "England's Flag' "Whon Earth's Last Picturo Is Painted" reading Lillian Struthors 6. "Tlio King's Ankus" story. . .. Vornon Russell 7. Appreciation .. . . Frances Folger LOCAL PERSONALS Paul Sellgmau went to Vale last Thursday whore he is taking a courso of treatments In tho Sanitarium. Mrs, C. L. Cook was called to Wilder this week, on account of tho Illness of her husband. Tho Mlsso83 Morris accompanied by Miss Tholma Richardson spont Sunday at tholr homo in Welser. Miss Helen Dunbar returned Sat urday from O. A. 0. for a week's vacation. Miss Ruth Cabeon Is on the sick list this weok, Mrs. Loe D. Cockrum Is substituting for hor on the High School faculty. Owon Turner has been quite sick B SETTING THE Style with the Spirit of Youth, styles with the dignity of a General, styles for all types and all ages. Every suit we show for spring will be A VIRGIN ALL WOOL SUIT No room here for any other kind or sort. You don't have to ask if a suit is all wool. You can't see any thing else here. Our showing now practically complete. FANCY MODELS SPORT MODELS Made with the new French Facing and all reams tastefully tapfcd. Priced from $25 to $30 and -$35 with style and cuts for all particular builds and sizes ALEXANDER ONE PRICE CLOTHIER Get Your New- Hoover Before Spring House Cleaning Time Why turn tbo houso upsldo down twlco a year whon houwt cleaning time comes around? Why spend a wook boating rugs, cleaning nnd dusting whon n good suction swoopor would koep your homo clean and dustless at nil times and with llttlo work? This Is opportunity month for ovory housewlfo who will take advantage of this remarkuble offer- fRL Ii wllsBllbfc. DGUIS WBW$8mLL&&& Wm . A,'g.tf.'Bwirrgr'Vic, m fcx asJt fflfflhft. Sweeps asif Cleans For Spring 1922 Uie famous HOOVER Jheffaa Jkrepei' Special Offer for the month fffltirch Only Tho Hoover Suction Sweeper Is tho only thorough rug cleaner It Is the only machlno that BEATS, as it SWEEPS, as it CLEANS. It lifts tho rug from the floor and by Its strong air suction and effective sweeping and beating process, loosens and carries away every bit of dust, Hut aud litter and deeply embedded grit fiom your rugs. ONE DOLLAR will place one of these wondortul machines in your, home this month. A email monthly payment will keep it there. CALL FOR A DEMONSTRATION. Electric Shop IDAHO POWER COMPANY m Ontario and ValeOregon J5s m a -jim uv of d for several days with tho flu. uS