The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 16, 1922, Image 7

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- " T&ximmvmmilt&r-
Jountv AGitiouiyruitAii agent
iFor Period Fob. G to Mar. , 19J12,
y During tho four wooks covered" 'hy
this report tho ngont was occupied
with activities In connection with
Ibttuco marketlnc orimiilinlJnii.fArin
records, farmor'a wcokji extennjoj
uvuuiu u V....U UUMUIUU-IUIU 1111 1?
llnory and cooporatlvo work'wlth
tho farm bureau on potato sood and
organization. Field demonstrations
(if Fodorallon ftprlng wheat Band
coppor carbonalitrcatmont ferrsmut
Woro arranged anchthVpsual amount
Of personal sorvica and routing
Work attondod to7 "
Tho growors commlttoo appointed
lit tho Caldwell mass, .mooting, as
reported In tho January tnpnthlyo
port, called a moctlng'ln' Cdtilwoll
on Fob. 0 to glvo tho result of Its
! ladings to a limited fiUmWjof dole
gates from tho differ Bocjlods,
particularly lnvltlnir tho bankers In
malicturthc ionnnli conforonco.j nl-l
for tho conferonco. This mooting
was attondod by tho commltteo
which had boon appolntod by tho
growors at tho mooting hold In On
tario, tho agont accompanying tho
rrJmmlttoo, but bolng unablp to ro-
though mooting representatives of
tho i California VogoCnblo Union,
wklcli , organization tho Canyoit
cduntyrcbmmlttoo had aolcctod as
tho most dcslrablo itgont to handlo
tho mdrkotlng end In caso n coop
oratlvo organization should bo
formed,-and also having opportuni
ty tcTroh'd T mass of corrospondonco
colcctod 'by 'County Agont McCall
front 'largo banking Institutions and
cooperative markotlng organizations
of California bearing an tho propos
al as outlined. Tho conforonco re
sulted In on, endorsement of tho com
mtttcVk 'findings by thono In attond
nnco hnd-lt "was decided to proccod
tto (jail a mass mooting of tho grow
lira iu prvtsuiifc iuu piuu miu iuvuiu;
rnondatlQifsof tho commlttoo. This
mooting was attondod by tho agent!
Uitf jlatMbolnr iptnuary 0,
woro approximately 1000 porsbns In
attondanca mostly growors or pros
pocttvo growors. Some opposition
devolopod to tho plan during tho
day, most of -which was tracoablo to
tho doslro on tho part of "Other com
mission housos and markotlng con
cerns to hoad off a prospective Iobs
of tho business thru cooporatlvo or
ganlzatlon of tho growors. In tho
end tho commltto's report was
adopted by nearly an unanimous
voto. Following tho mooting, a
largo number of signatures wero
taken on memborshlp agreamonts In
tho now organization to bo known
nB tho Idaho Producers Union. Tho
following day, a meeting of tho
growors, which had boon called by
tho agent In cooporatlon with tho
farm bureau for tho purposo of con
sidering tho plan outllnod, was hold
at Ontario. This mooting was at
tended by about 12G growors, tho
speakers being Mr. Moody of tho
Canyon County farm bureau lottuce
growors commlttoo, and two repre
sentatives of tho California Vega
hmm Sale!
I. in i.ii u i. I,.; I hi I ii M ii mi in. i fin i
Diamonds Watches Jewelry
Ri Qf Hifcf foin
e1udlass China
v - "Vj! .
.wt ji'inri' T''ivi' ' i" i"'"'1 ' " hTwy i 7
ma i' i ,i i' ' i
j;"nr, 'i '; i iy, i' ' f " ',
(MS. A.
1 r-S 35N
I ':
jV w ft
nAt 2:00 P.M.
. 8, .. 1 v
n price! i lEadiesVkce ospeci'a
r.iareljarice to buy, at your.
ispei'allyf in vkedtb;iattend
Don't niiss this "safe yAj
own price; f filadieat
this salerhree-elegant .presents-giVen.away-iiTSJES
"" -' ,
at eachfs&lle.
fi '.
r. i
"aI MM!
.ill hr ' C
Chas. A. Braun, kMkt
Nothing but tlio best
goods' n're ' foeb ' kepi;
i , 1
,1 t
Eliminate the Dodgery; of Gleaning
Hero Is your 'opportunity tU'bllmtnato tho babVhroaklng, dwst .rtji'
Ing broom and roplaco it with a time and labor-saving electric suc
tion sweeper.
..(.,. r
THe famous
i. i . c
- t"
cial Offer
1 j
VHHHwim.h AmA
bDHV It' "
rewwy .Uti .'
iu um iu '"k,.i ,'j i cr ' t i
With this small cash payment of 1.00 down and the balance In' easy
fpaVmentaYffyKfomii may knowlth Joy of cIon,rues and a"
hofco evwy, day ;ta Ue year1, ' Calliforla dmnstratioa-' f hoi S
etion Swaenor that trets 'ALL. tha dirt tha 'Hoove'r. ' '
Electric ShopIdaho Power Co.
tablo Union. President Illckox of
tho Malheur county farm bureau
prosldod, Tho proposed plan of or
ganization was explained In detail
by tho spoakors and commontod on
by mombors of tho Mainour lottuca
growors commlttoo and othors. At
tho conclusion of tho meeting a mo
tion provalled endorsing tho plan
and signatures on membership con
tracts woro taken. This has boon
followed up with membership work
by tho mombors of tho farm buroau
wlht tho result that a largo part of
tho prospective lottuco growors havo
allied thomsolvos with tho now
markotlng organization and a con
sldorablo numbor of othors Intend to
do so.
FAItM IlECOUM. Following up
tho work begun In 1020 and con
tinued In 1021, a financial survoy
of tho farniB undor Irrigation in
that part of tho county adjacont to
tho Snako river and approvlmatoly
10 miles north and 23 miles Bouth
of Ontario, was undertaken In co
oporatlon with tho farm bureau and
II. V. Qunn, farm managemont dem
onstrator of tho Extension Borvlco.
Approximately fifty reports had
been taken at tho closo of tho por
lod covorod by this foport. Thoso
records show a largo loss by tho
farmors in 1021. Thoso furmOrs
who continued to producd hay only
suffered far grcator losses than
thoso who turnod to diversified
crops. Dairymen camo out hotter
financially than thoso who did not
koop cows, with tho exception of or
chardlsts and possibly poultrymon.
A nioro detailed statomont of thoso
Honing 'Club
fei Malheur
Six girls In Mainour havo organ
ized a sowing club. Mrs. J. I).
Woodcock, who is teaching In that
district, will bo tho local leader.
This Is tho first sowing club to bo
organized in that community, aU
though thoro was a poultry club and
pig club last year. Vera Uronson
Is prcBldont of tho club, Qrcota
Doan Is vlco prosldont and Dorothea
Morfltt Is sccrotary. Tho other
mombors aro Helen I'orecz, Nina
Dean and Pansy Dorrlck.
Juntiirn to Havo Hcnlug Club
Tho first club In tho Doys and
Girls department of tho Extension
Work of Oregon to bo organized In
Juntura Is a sowlug club of nlna
mombors. This club was mado pos
slblo largoly thru tho otforts of Miss
Juanlta Upson, who Is teaching tho
upper grades In tho school. Miss
Upson Is aUo tho loador of tho club.
Tho mombors of tho club aro lluby
McQotrlck, Nelllo Btanton, Mlnnlo
Ztnk, lluby Donaldson, Shlrloy Ba
uer, Mary Loo, Jowol Cartor, Inoz
Italston and Poarl Loo.
According to tho roport sent In by
tho Bacrotary of tho Oregon Blopo
Dairy Herd Itocord Club tho mom
bors not only tostod out two cows at
tholr mcotlng on March 2, but wont
outsldo tho domain of tho project
to soma oxtent and tested out a
samplo of maro'a milk. Tho report
results will bo avallablo lator, bring- did not stato Just what porcentago
Ing out mattors of interest and val- or buttor fat tho milk Contalnod,
uo ravealcd by tho data, atlor mo
survoy Is complotod.
I'AIIMEU'S WEEK. In coopora
tlon with tho Extonslon sorvlco of
tho Agricultural collcgo,a farmor's
week program was arranged with
moolngs at Ontario, Vale and Nyssa.
Tho total attondanco m tlvo moot
InftufVyas approximately 1C0 porsons.
H.MHJ J'ltlB, dairy spoclallst, and It.
V. Ounn, farm manogomont domon-
Mrator, H. A. Ltndgren, livestock.
specialist nna w. u. rowors, proies
sor ot lolls, IdiMlfltod as representa
tives of tho collcgo and E. L. Lud
Wick, MitiHdty uMlie Orogon Grain
arow)rji'; Cocoratlyo association,
nnd Sir, Dunton pt iho.Forost Bor
vlcoa also spoka at sdtao of tho
moetlngs. Muoli worth whllo lnfor
hWti6nV4! mado avallablo to tho
armors who nttendod thoso moot
Inksi ulll-owing 10 roau cunuiuuuu
and alckuoss, tho attendance ,wafl
not largo. Tha county club agont
nsiUtod, n. ,Uil work by naport
Ing tha pdiikbr til pari ot thuioot
Ings and by making local arrange
monts at Vale. f
schools in child nutrition ;and threo
In inlllinory woro arrangou ior vj
tho agont for tho bonoflt ot rural
womon In iravorat communities whoro
Intorost Itt'thoao mattors 'had boon
manifested! Tho Child Nutrition
BpoclallstYoftho Extonslon Bervlco,
Miss Margory, Smith, had supervi
sion oftho child nutrition schools.
About ,88woraon took ndyantago of
thoso meetingsand tho Information
mailo avallablo to thorn in' tuo inisr
ostsot tholr children. Tho millin
ery schools aro undor supervision ot
Miss Esther Cooloy, clothing apodal
tat ot the ExUnslon sorvlco. Two
days woro spent on this project In
tch ot thrcu" bommunltlos. Ap
Vroxlmatoly 57, womon rpcolvod In
struction In mllllnory, about halt ot
whom madoTmts. This wbrk provod
vory popular with thoso in atton
danco 'anil too rosults vjoro quite
satisfactory. .Tito county club agont
assisted In theso schools by trans
porting tho, specialists tq a part ot
tho uiottHigftj,
agont cooporatod with tho form
buroau organization In calling tt
tosipieotlnK. pt potato fgrowors to
consider tho matter of sopurlng suit
able soed stocks and methods ot pro
cooduro' as woll as such problems as
markotlng, getting sultablo machin
ery, otc. This mooting Jvas attond
od by a largo numbor cjt growors
and rosultod in action roquestlnj;
tho farm buroau oxocuttvo commit
too to assist tho groworq in pooling
ordors for sood, machinery, etc., as
woll as appointment of commlttoea
to cooperate In these matters. ,-Thlf
wnrir has nrocooded under tho 'man
ogomont of Secrotary CJagott and
rnnslilnralllo tirOKrOSS llOS) beon OlftdO.
Tho ngont also assisted with tha
farm bureau In eonnoctlon with Us
reorganization work. Field dquion-f
otmiinna nt Pederatlon soring whoot
and of tho copper carbonate memou
ot groin seod treatment for imut
wero arranged for in soyorni com
munities. A consldoraplo araouni
of squirrel poison was distributed
by solo to individuals 4n'nB the
month. ..
at. rruvice. Dunne tno ncnoa
of this report approximately 11 days
were spent in the item ana in nays
in tho office; 104 oinco cauers
wero recorded In 11 day,8, tho total
being estimated ot ouow iwu "
personal letters and 6 ircuiar jes
ters ot BB0 copies worn wrmgui
..,i.1a tnr (hn Inrnl cross WO TO
prepared; 9 farm visits, 8 ot hlch
wero tno iirsi oi iuu 3fo, i"n
mado; 13 project meetings with a
total attondanco of 778 persons wore
held and 7 other moetlngs with a to
tal attendance ot 126E nttedodf
nnpiniistH from tho college devoted
a total of 20 days to wOrk In thy
county, and farm oureau unu n"
men's organization cotamtttsemen
JiToro(18'dy8 time: 8 field dn-
pnstroUpns- ware arranged for.
Hi! , i fcaunty Agricultural Agent.
but It Is hoped that It is enough to
keop tho colt In a good hoalthy con
Tho four boys lu tho Dairy Ilord
Record Kooplng Club at Jefferson
do not havo a local leader. Thoy
aro progressing along qulto rapidly
however. Ilalph Turner holpod
thorn with tholr testing at tho last
mooting. Tho socrotary, Harold
Waugh roportod that all of tho mom
bors woro prosont and that thoy so
cured qulto nccuroto tests.
Only two mombors woro prosont
nt tho last mooting ot tho Bunshlno
Sowing Club at Mallot. Undor tho
supervision of Miss McCullough
thoy spont tho tlmo sowing on a
hand bag. Thoro aro only throo
mombors in this club but thoso aro
determined to mnko It a 100 club.
Tho boys In Ulg Dead aro already
thjuklng Corn club. Dut It Is not
to bo wondered at bncauso of tho
corn c)ub Jn tho community which
last year wpn thq first four places
at tho statu Fair, nnd first throo
uncus in yuuuw uviH- Ul'ifiiou ni iuu
Pacific International. 11 ut that is
hardly, tho main tlrn,wlng card, as
Vorn Eachus will bo local loador
again, this year and that, moans n
bnsoboll team. Thq club mombors
Ik Ingman Kplony aro also going
to ho,vo a basoball team this year.
TJmy claim they aro going to boat
Ulg Uond, and Ulg Uond says thoy
aro wrong. Quoas we'll havo to
wait and boo.
Poultry clubs should bo organized
in March. It tho boys and girls in
your community want a poultry club
bettor get' in tbuoh with tho County
Clbb' Agent.
What about Valei Nyssa and On
tarloT Do tho boya from ulno yoars
old and up havo organized work and
drganltod play, so that you will
know whoro toitlud. them, and at tho
aamo tlmo glvo thorn an intorost and
an Uncontlvo In staying at hoinoT
A first class llvo club organization
woud do a groat deal to simplify
this problom.
HP r
D. J. Qlllanders, Pastor
Sunday school 10 a. m.j
Preaching 11 a. m, ;
Subject, 'Tha way of the Cross."
Christian -Endeavor. jfi:3D p. in.
Preaching 7:30 p. m.
Subject 'Divinely Quidod."
Tho enowatorn and heavy wind
storm Monday night nnd Tuosday
was ono ot tho worst storms poople
hero havo experienced for years: It
was almost Impotslbla to got toed
out to tho stock. Tho roads wero
nearly ImpaBsablo.
Ell Illce returnod homo, from
Vale Friday whoro ho has spent tho
past month.
Mr. Carpontor of Vale, Vas an
Ironsldo visitor tho tho first ot tho
Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Jluthorford ot
Mulheur, spont Sunday, and Monday
with frlonds hero.
Arthnr Beam and Lafo Hill wont
to Drogan Tuosday for a load of
lumber for tho community hall that
U being built Ot Ironsldo.
Davo Lawronco was an 'outgoing
pausenger on Tuesdays stago to
Ironsldo 'visitors this eok from Unity;
visiting' Mr. Lawrence's parents,
Mr. anil Mrs, Z. Ih Lawrunco,
Ous Lnwrenco was an Ironside
visitor from Unity this week.
Mr,,ahd Mrs, James Holloa and
A line-up of good
new things for
youfthis weevil
Good Shirts not two weeks
away from the button hole
Good Underwear that will
fit you wear you and
bring you back a friend.
Good Hats in shapes and
colors you'll become most
becoming in.
Good Suits tho saino
sprightly ideas you'd see if
you were in New York tliis
Everyone of theso articles
as well as every other ar-
ticloj in tho store pneod to
make you a booster for our
Values and a friend for our
Hats $2:50 to $6.50
Unions ...$1.00 to $2.00
Shoes ...$2.50 to $10.00
Suits . . $18.60 to $45.00
Toggery -Bill
Mr. Foster wont td' Ontario Monday
on business.
Ilalpu Dftnm roturued homo from
Uaker whoro. ho has boon -working;
tho past month.
Horman lloso mado a buslnoss
trip to tho John Woodcock place
u oar Malheur City, Friday.
Mr, una Mrs, Archlo Myers woro
Ironsldo visitors Friday from tho
Bouthpark ranch.
Ulhlo school 10 a, m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Junior D. V. P. W. 0:15 p. m.
Oospol survlca 7:30 p. in.
Prayer meeting Wod. 7:30 p. m.
Thursday. Itov. W. U. Hlnson
I). of Portland, will speak In tho in
terests ot "Worlds Conditions and
their llomody." Dr. Hlnson is
known from coast' to coast and, the
opportunity to hoar htm, in Ontario
s unusual, '
Itov. H. A. Ilunderup tho evan
gelist, yill begin a mooting Sunday,
the 20th. Cba, H, pioux.
S. O. WHITE LEaHOItN Day old
chlckii. 118.00 per 100: hatching
Mr. ana Mrs. Kiraor Lawrence arycegs $8.00 per 100; or H0 per
1Mb i nw inn inn Air rrnm iinirvi' '.'. .''' v. . ' i . '..
A. D,
Cain, dntarlo Phone
First house south ot High School,
i 1 j.
Our New Directory will be ready to
j go to prss about March' 25th
",,iJt;If'.rtotprdera telephpno tpday, It
. .COW'but fi fvy cents per day to Jiaye
ht this1 greatest of modern conveniences
Report all change in listing prpmptly
Mallieur Home Telephone Co.
J. A. Lftknss; V. P. and General Manager
Come and hear the uospoi -nfiHU.
niii.i.,iii a, 1. 1 ,i iu..i.i..i,ii
i it