The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 16, 1922, Image 4

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QH dhttarta Anjua
County Official Paper
An Independent Newspaper
Published Tliurtdoyi at Ontario,
Oregon, and entered at tha Ontario
post offlco for distribution as 2nd
class mattor.
Q. K, Alkan, Managing Editor
SUUBCllIPTION Ono Year, 12.00
Thoro Is no escaping tbo laws of
imturo. Thoso laws apply to tbo
activity of mankind as well as to tlio
luanlranto plrasos of nature Ono
of tho most certain untl well found
ed of tbo ascertained laws Is tbat:
"action and reaction tiro oaunl."
Somotlmes nion forgot that bust
HOBS Is subject to such laws and tboy
attompt to avado tliom. At otbor
times men, witnessing a depression
In business, loso hope. Tboy do not
renlrlo that an day follows tbo night,
bo prosporlty comes after adversity.
It has ulways been so, and nlwuys
will be.
During tho past year business con
ditions In Amorlca, and in ull tho
world liavo experienced tbo dark
hours of depression; this In Itself
manlfostod tho Immutable law, for it
was but tho reaction from tho In
flation and unoxampled expansion
and prosporlty of tho war period.
Kvldoncos of tho return to busi
ness normalcy ara to bo found in
overy day's uows. For example the
reports of building portnl(s in cities
of 100,000 or moro for February
show tho largost volume In several
years. Tbo light of a now business
day Is dawning.
On tbo Pacific Coast lumbering
Is Increasing, mills nro resuming
operation nud tha domain! for mill
products Is assuming tho pro-war
Hero In tho interior tho products
of tho raugo nro commanding bettor
prices. Tho sheop and cnttlemon
nlromiy seo bettor times ahoad, In
fact tho shoopmeu aro well ouTfio
road toward n completo rocovery of
prosperity. Theso aro but a fow of
tho signs of tbo tlmos. With their
comlni; thor Is departing the spirit
of posslmlsm which bus been all pro
vailing Men aro taking courage
and nro going forward, business
onterprlsos long contemplated nro
being undertaken, and ero wo nro
awuro of tbo change wo will And
that tho pendulum of business act
ivity has swung forward.
brilliant one, Is not without merit.
It hns been colorless, It Is truo, tor
no big questions of stato craft havo
boon up for consideration. Ho has
been lucky. Thcro Is no knowing
what ho would do in a crisis.
Thoro is however, a goncral ba
llot hero In Kaotern Orogon that Mr.
Olcott considers irrigation a falturo,
and siuco tho wholo futuro of many
Hastern Oregon communities is de
pendant upon Irrigation, It Is to bo
regretted that tho head of tho stato
government entertains such ideas.
Ho can not bo In sympathy with tho
aspirations of this section.
Whllo Eastern Oregon has not
had ono ot Its citizens chosen for tho
gubernatorial chair sluco tho lato
nineties, when Governor Moody was
elected; and now has no candldato
of Its own, it might bo fitting to
oxnmlno tbo rocords ot tho vnrlous
'candidates to seo how tboy stand
upon tbo questions peculiar to this
section of tbo stato.
Bo far as tbo Argus is aware,
Louis E. Uean, who though born
and rnlBcd in tho Willamette Valley
has a longor rcsldonca in Eastorn
Oregon, and a groater familiarity
and sympathy with tbo alma and
aspirations ot this section than any
ot tho candidates mentioned. Mr.
Uean rodo tho raugo In Eastern
Oicgou for noven years during tho
Impressionable years of his young
manhood. Tho knowlcdgo ho then
Kalnod. tho sympathy which ho
matured at tbat tlruo for Eastorn
Oregon has bcon reflected in seven
sessions of tho loglslatura. Ho has
been with Eastern Oregon In Its
strugglo for recognition at tho hands
of tbo lawmakers at Salem. lloforo
determining upon a favorlto candl
dato wo suggest that tho votors of
this section oxamlno Mr. Bonn's
t ! -
Till! 10Vi:it.OHHII!l' HCUAMHI.K
Evoryday witnesses tho ontry of a
now gubernatorial caudldnto Into
tho arena. Tho political ring Is
cluttered with political hats, many
ot which nro already battered beyond
hope. Soma ot tho boys In their
Itch for office have thrown their
good judgmont In with their som
boros. As tho rosult ot tho crowding ot
tho candidates It appears that Gov
ernor Olcott will havo but llttlo
troublo lu lauding tho prlzo. This
Is to bo rogrotted, over hero In
Eastorn Oregon at lenst: hut unloss
all political signs fall that Is to bo
tho result. Tho Argus doos not
mean In this observation to imply
that Oovornor Olcott is unworthy ot
support. Ills record, whllo not a
Alumni nvirv linn.n In Hiln tinlirh
borhood has boon visited by tho flu
miring mo last two or inroo weens.
O. II. Moollor has boon confined
in lil Imil for noarlv two weeks
with tho tlu and It will be sorao tlmo
buforo ho will bo ablo to carry on
his work.
Tho attondanco at school has bcon
vory smalt for tho past two weeks.
A tow returned Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wyllo Frnkcs and
chlldron visited Mr. and Mrs. W. O.
Armstrong last Thursday.
Tho O. W. Doan family havo nearly
all boon sick with tho flu. All havo
recovered and ara ablo to bo out ox
copt Mrs. Dean who Is just ablo to
sit up u llttlo.
Miss Lois Halstoad was sick two
days last wook and Mrs. W. J. Shaf
for substituted for her.
Mrs. W. It. Flock and daughter
Madolluo vlsltod for a taw days at
tha drlflu homo last wook.
Wyllo Frakes hns purchasod ton
turkoy hens and a gobbler aud given
tlumi to (laorgo Stewart to ralso
jilrds on shares.
Minn Mnrirnrnt ftrlffln was Uliablo to
tench ou account of sickness tho first
part ot tho wook. Airs. i-iock, nor
iitinr aiiliHlltiitml for her Monday
and Tuesday, nnd Mrs. W. J. Shaffer
on Wednesday.
On account ot extra nuiies causou
liv an mlipll alrkting 111 town IlOV.
Young was unablo to preach at tho
school houso last Sunday.
Mrs. nans uu una iwo uoys uro
quite 111 with tho flu.
Itor. Snow ot tbo Sunday School
Union will preach at tho school houso
Ciimlnv Aii tin una nn his way to
Ontario last Sunday ho callod at tho
A, F. Hurr homo.
Tho boll for tho now scuooi uouso
has arrived nnd judging by Its stzo
timrn nnml lin nn oxcuso for tnrdnl-
ness whon It rings to tho call tho
chlldron to school.
A visit to our storo will reward, you
with n study of tho most distinctive nnd
alluring of nowest millinory creations.
This display includos tho nowest do-,
signs and tho richest mntorinls in Pat
torn Hats and Tailored.
Yqt tho prices aro extraordinarily
roasonablo. .
You nro cordially invited to seo this
display of hats.
Osborn Millinery
MmmmnmiiM a
i ZT r 1 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi
m - raa
Sfe. I
1 ,. (-.
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Old Timer, 'r "' ' -' ' ' .
Ontario, Oregon, 1 -
Dear Old Thing:
Now that, the Dicky birds are with ub again
and the juioy worm is making dates with the early
ones and the sheep are -looking upper and the calves
are looking fatter, now is the time that you are going
to order that new Spring Suit. And if, (Oh you little
"if") and if you order it from us, you will get a
late style, a perfect fit, a new pattern in an all-wool
piece of goods and fine workmanship. You will not
meet your 'twin' ' on tho street a few weeks later, as
we sell only one suit to each Bample. That's the right
way, isn't it? We purchase the goods from one house
and have the suits made by another firm, so we are
sure that they are made to measure. We know how to
take a measure that's a big help. Drop in tomorrow
or the next day and seo our new Spring samples you' 11
be surprised. Yours truly,
l , -Jl
, W V
i ,
vH '
v. V" :- -
I '
"Soo McFall and f -o Dettor"
Dr. J. A. M FALL
Eyesight Specialist, Ontario, Oro.
oun own
Phono 118W
-ML i.'3tm
and all farm supplies
Half Mile West pi Cairo
Amos Miller, Auctioneer C. R. Emison, Clerk
Come get equipment at your own price
-Tlie llpme of
SsSssv . v."q s
csdJyX L AFREE , Jtt i
1 Service i " ,' JPf JJ-
Good Lumber Plus Right Prices
Plus FREE Building Plans
Tho service of the Boise Payette Lumber Company Is
noto confined to cutting, milling and delivering lumber to
builders. We have extended tha value of our servlco be
yond tba mere selling ot lumber by creating a "builder's ser
vice dopartmenf'whlch provides free plans and specifications
that visualise your own ideas as well as those ot mon with
years of ezperlenco In building construction.
This service moans Intelligence In planning and conser
vation and economy In tho USB of lumber, whether It Is for a.
small building or a handsomo homo. Tbo service of tho
Dolse Payette Lumber Company starts before you hava
bought a dollar's worth of material and ends only whon your
building problems are completely solvod.
Put your building problems up to the
manager of the nearest D. P, Yard.
Boise Payette Lumber Co.
Ontario Yard, Geo. McClain, Mgr.