The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, March 16, 1922, Image 1

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    .. '4h- v it "t'siUJIilf WSV
NO. 15
' IUI1
"(iViT-T !- K"
Active Ware fare Being Waged for Lettuce
At Least Three Firms in Field Seeking
HcprcKcntutlicfi Declare Honn l'i'V
Contractu now on Hand fur
180,000 Crates Would
Hcnd Experienced Man
Into Tills Field
Declaring that .thoy liaro already
contracts (or ICO, 000 crates of
Idaho and Eastern Oregon lattuco to
bo markolod uudor tho Choorylnno
brand, rcprcsantatlrcs ot tho famous
Lowlston orgaulntlon which was
Lowlston organization which was
pioneer luttuco growor of Idaho,
cams to Ontario last Thursday and
woro horo again yostorday to Interest
groVcrs In tho contruct which thoy
havo to odor.
Tho representatives of tho Arm
who visited tho city worot J. D.
Chanoy of Lowlston, C. II. Treacy
ot IJolso an( W. K. McUco, of Nampa
who Is n lottucb grower hlmsolf.
"Wo aro horo," said Mr. Chanoy,
"to securo co-oporatlou among tho
growors, and to domonstrnto tho
efficiency of co-oporattvo markotlng
just as It lifts been shown In tho
.cranberry business? In 1907 tho
cranborry growers woro getting only
76 conts per barrel for their crop
Last year throughout tho operation
of tho Amorlcan Craubory Exchange
they received as high as $14.00 por
"Wo havo formed tho Inland Em
pire LotLuco Growers Association for
which tho Chorrylanca company Is
tho selling ngent, by which all tho
lottuco will bo markotod undor tho
Chcorylanes brand, which has al
ready established a markot for It
Bolt, and Is recognized as tho load
ing head lettuce In tho big hotels
and exclusive trade In tho East and
Middle wont. It Is from theso hotels,
steamship linos nnd railroad dining
car departments that tho contracts
hero aro made. Wo do not sell to
commission mon, but dlroct to tho
consumers. Wo havo contracts with
such hotels as tho Waldorf Astoria,
tho big Dupont hotels, Tho Daven
port In Bpokano and many others.
"Wo plan to holp tho growor from
tho tine tho grouud la prepared un
til tho crop Is harvested. Wo will
havo a man trained In tho Choory
lnno service hero, but tho biggest
foaturo of our odor, asldo from tho
fact that wo get a smaller controls
. slou than tho other agencies ask; Is
that wo glvo tho grower tho bonoflt
ot tho Choorylano trado mark, I
would like to call tho attontlon of
tho growers In this section to tho
following tologram from tho Packor,
tho biggest publication In tho fruit
and Yogotablo trado showing that
Choorylano doos socuro a premium
over other lettuce duo to tho known
quality ot tho brand. Tho message
Is as follews:
Chicago, III., Jan. Cth, 1922
W. 8. Shearer, Caldwoll Idaho.
"Chicago Investigation shows Chlca
go buyers paid throo eovonty five
per crate f, o. b, for Cheorylnnos
lettuco and that other purchases at
samo tlmo woro made at following
pricea: California, Two dollars;
Washington, dollar Atty to dollar
seventy Ave; Idaho otbor than
Cheorylanos, throo to throe . and
nuartor. Dos Moines. Iowa buyers
paid three fifty for Choerylanes
during October, and at samo tlmo
bought Washington lettuce at two
to two fifty. Iu November paid four
dollars, f. o. b. for Cheorylanes,
. , throo dollars for lettuce out ot
1 1 -Tfampa and dollar twonty flvo to
dollar soventy flvo for Los Angolos
lottuco, Indianapolis reports pre
mium for Cborrylanes In October
and November ot from eovonty cents
, to dollar and half.
"(Signed) Tho Chicago Packor".
'Mr, MoOee, representing tho
Cheorylano company was present at
the meeting ot tho directors of tho
cOmpany'a contract and told ot their
plan ot operation, which Includes tho
establishment ot packing facilities
I" hero la 45 to 60 acres ot lettuce Is
contracted In this Hold. Tho direct
ors took no action on tho matter.
Tho Union Oil company of Cal
ifornia has started work on tho con
struction of a distributing station
here.Tho plant will bo located just
south of the present plant ot the
Standard Oil company.. A spur track
Is being laid and tho company nas
been seeking Information concerning
contractors and It la understood It
is to go ahead with the building ot
thn plant at once.
During tho rain storm Wed
nesday a high tension wire
somewhere on tho East side or
on the Frultland bench came
Into contact with the telephone
wire ot 'the Malheur Home
- Telephone company and also ot
the Farmer's Telephone com
pany and as the result both
phase systems wee badly out
of order, Tho trouble, waa
r deflnately located at the freight
- deiKt where the cable waa
burned. It a now cable U re
quired It may be several day
before aervlco. to that aeeUoa of
the city la normal.
4 Already thero has boon slgnod
up a total acreage ot moro than
200 ncros of lottuco, and It Is
bollovod that tho total ncrcago
undertaken by membors ot tho
Idaho Producers Union which
will market through tho Calif-
ornla Vogetabla Union will ox-
' coud 300 acres In Malhuur coun-
ty, and possibly tho total will
bo moro than 400 ncrcs. Do- 4-
sjda this U. F. Powoll and Co.
havo nearly 100 ncrcs.
George F, Prlnco of Crop Production
Ih'nmiK'iit of California Vegct-
able Union VJhUm Field
Issues Statement on
George v. Prlnco of tho crop pro
duction department ot tho California
Vogetablo Union was In Ontario Wed
ncsday to get ncqualntod with local
conditions nnd with County Agent
L. It. llrelthaupt niado a trip thru
tho valley. Tho visit o tMr. Prlnco
at this tlmo was for the purpose ot
familiarizing himself with local con
ditions whero lator ho will bo callod
upon to suoorvlio thu work ot assist-
Ing tho growors In plnnllng nnd
caring for their lottuco crop.
"I wish to correct oonio ot tho
mlstateihonts that aro bolng made
concerning our organization nnd to
show also tho growth In tho domand
ror lottuco," suia Mr. rrinco to tno
"In tho first placo wo will markot
only tho products of tho Idaho Pro
ducers Union, and will not bur any
lottuco from Individual growors.
Second, wo will ,not bring In Japj
or Moxlcnn labor to grow or harvest
tho crop. Wo bollovo that with tho
profit that can bo mado In lettuco
growing thut wages sufficient to
socuro white labor in this territory
can bo made and tha tho labor will
bo available.
"Wo would llko to cull attontlon
to tho loss which tho potato grow
ors ot his section sufforod last year
through tho lack of markotlng facil
ities, whereby tho cash buyurs
bought before the rlso In tho markot
and when tho prlco was up, refused
to take any ot tho crops ot farmers
who did not sell to thorn when tho
prlco was low. To atop such an
occurence In tho lettuce game this
year Is our purpose and what we
will do.
"Wo are 'publishing a book on
lottuco culture and the motboda
which havo boon proven most of
foctive In Cellforla. A copy Ot this
iiook will bo In tho hands ot all our
groworc ud with Held men, will
ussuro tho grower overy possible
advantage In securing a goqd crop.
To Meet Willi Grower
At Oregon Slope, Iu tho Park
School house next Monday ovoulng
at 8 p. in. thuro will bo held a moot
ing of tho lottuco growers ot that
suction, and on thu following after
noon, Tuesday at 1; SO a mooting will
be hold at tho Qraugo Hall at Cairo.
Members of Firo Fighting Force
Need ttjulpmuut Which Do
pletod City Funds Can Not
Provluc Public Co
operation Bought
4 Next Tuesday ovenlng at the
Opera House, tho Ontario Fire De
partment la to present Its first an
nual bull. In preparation for the
event the boya are w6"rklug hard to
furnish overy feature for a dancing
program such as will long bo rem
bored by those who are fortunate
enough, to be present.
An annual ball is am Innovation
for the Ontario Flro Department, but
the boys, with their public spirit
and pride in their organization, de
sire to improve their efficiency and
ability to protect the property of all
the citizens. Yet they also realize
that in the present depleted condi
tion ot tho city treasury they can
hot look to tho usual source for
The Firemen's ball Is thus In re
ality a dance given for the public
benefit. Tho funds secured will be
used for equipment that the prop
erty owners otberwtae would be
called upon to supply. In going to
the work they have to arrange this
event the committee, Louis Hurtle
and Irving Harris are doing a pub
lic work, and eo too are all those
assisting them. Tho public's part
Is the easiest ot all? la reality. It
consists ot buying tickets. Notice
the 9liral, ticket. There la bo
Growers Contracts
Selling Privileges
U. P. Pom ell Pot4 9100 to Hack hla
"Version of Lettuce Contract
ControvciKj' Wants Mc-
Cull to do tho Sumo
Declaring that County Agent Mc-
Call's YorBlon ot the controversy ovor
tho action ot tho Canyon County
committee Is Incorrect, U. F. Powoll
of Uolso has Issuod n challcngo to
Mr. McCall to prove his statoment or
forfolt 1100 to Bomo Ontario cbnrlt-
able Institution. Tho cballongo was
rocolvod by tho Argus In following
lottor from Mr. Powoll, and tho
chock la now In tho Argua office
Mr. Powoll says:
"Wo nolo In your Ibsuo of March
2nd n lottor from Mr. W. T. McCall,
ot thu Canyon County Farm Uuronu,
in which ho contradicts a statement
ot tho wrltor, vlx, that tho Marketing-
Committee ot tho abovo Farm
Uuroau did not hear a proposition
from us to markot tho lottuco crop
ot their mombors.
"Whtlo wo do not caro to ontor
Into any controversy with Mr. Mc.
Call, wo know whoruof wo speak and
now reitornto tno itaiomont mauo
you In tho following tenus:
"Tho Marketing Commitiuo ot mo
Canyon County Farm Uuroau nover
heard any proposition mado by our-
nolvos or woro wo given an oppor
tunity to make such proposition.
"Wo aro enclosing you our check
to your order far $100.00 (to bo
covered by a llko amount from Mr,
McCall) to bo given to some charit
able institution In Ontario It wo aro
Incorrect In abovo statoment. Or
If Mr. McCall is Incorrect his hun
drod Is to bo forfoltod to a llko
bonoAclary. You nro to bo tho
"An tin explanation or oxacwy
what did happen In this connection;
Moss, Suxtou and Meyers (membera
ot this committee) on a number ot
occasions atatod to us thut thoy
wished tho cotnmlttoo to hoar our
proposition and thoy would cortaluly
soo that wo woro callod upon to pro
sent it. Previous to a certain dato
(wo do not recall tho exact tlmo)
Mr. Saxton personally Invited us to
bu urosout at tho next (Thursday)
mooting of tho committee to proaout
our uronoaltlon. ho stating that it
had been arranged to hoar us. Wo
went to Caldwell at tho tlmo appoint
ed, but woro told by Mr. McCall that
tho cotnmlttoo bad no tlmo to hear
us; that thuy woro awaiting tho
arrival of tho California people who
wuro momentarily expected. Wo thon
loft to go home and Mr. McCall
camo down tho street on his way to
meet tho train on which tho Calif
ornia people wore uxpocted. Ho
stopped and told us ho had soon tho
committee lu tho Interim and thoy
would hour us for few momotnB or
until thu Callforuta pooplo arrived,
when wo would have to glvo way to
tho latter. Wo then wont before
tho cotnmlttoo and told them that
our proposition would tuko up some
time and wo did npt caro to go Into
It all uutll wo could havo such length
of tlmo. Thoro woro ono or two
gontlomou of tho commltteo (whllo
It was lu sosslon and we woro
presont) who acted ns spokemon
for tho committee, who told us they
would sot tho tlmo for us to appear
botoro tho commltteo and present our
proplsltlon. This thoy nover did.
Mr. McCall was not present at
any tlmo wo woro beforo the com
mltteo una tneroioro uoes uui uu
wlinronf ho SDOakS.
"Regarding our abllly to handle
n minntltv of Dorlshablo products,
both from oxporlenco aud finances,
the man In our company who has
charge of sales haa handled from
sixty to eovonty flvo car loads of per
ishable a day aim uus puou ucuvui?
engagod for tho past quartor of a
century In selling and distributing
car lota bt perishables all over the
United States. Tho firm ot U. F.
Powell and Co., havo been In busi
ness horo for a nvrabor ot years nnd
their record Is clean. Last aoaoon
during three months wo handled a
quarter million dollars worth of
fruits and produco, paying cash for
samo, and whereas tho quantity of
lettuco we handled did not run up
Into hundreds of cars, wo handlod
and sold something over 25 per cent
ot all the lettuce shipped put of
ladho. Wo might also remark that
the California people did not handlo
n car of Idaho lettuce.
"Yours very truly, U. V. Powoll
Co., by U. F. Powell."
x. i laio.l amnni. tho 93 victims
of threo Uolsa "loan brokers"
was tho name ot Hon Thomas,
who la also credited with being
ono or tno largesi iuoavu
In tho phony paper or tno irio. -r
x. iMn,H nr in tno Biaieumuu, t
j. r TiinmtiH Invested $2260,
a. nff'iMnia nf Ada county are con-
tomplatlng legal action, but so
far no asaoats havo been found
to secure tho loans mado by
tho trusting Investors.
A 4. V
limit In the number ono business
man or home owner may by. The
public's appreciation of tho work of
the department will be measured by
tho cheerfulness manifested In see
ing that the tickets aro all taken
Mlstnko Mado in Reporting LltiKn-
tlon -Against Senator Staitllcld
WclNur Notional, Not
Fit-Nt National of Wcls-
. , ...
or Complainant,
Along with many othor paporB In
Oregon, and other states which
coptod tho uowb story Bont out from
Pendleton concerning tho coramonco
mont ot an action against Sonator
R, N, Stanflold nnd tho R. N. Stan
field company, tho Argua of last
week najned tho complainant ns tho
First National Rank of Wolsor. This
wus an error. Tho complainant was
tho Wolsor National Rank.
In a lottor to tho Argus rocolvod
this wcok M. A. Ross, vlco president
ot tho First National Rank calls
attention to this mistake and de
clares. "Wo wish to advlso you that this
bank lias not suod Mr. Stanflold for
this or an othor amount, and (hat
wo havo novor had any dealings with
him or aiiy ot his companies."
As in nny cubo whero an error lu
reporting an event Is mado tho Argus
gladly makafl this correction, giving
It tho samo proralncnco as tho orlgv
Inal statement.
William Hnnloy, president of tho
Oregon Stato Chamber ot Commerce
was In Ontario last Saturday on his
way out to Portland. Mr. Hanloy
doclares thqt an tho result of tho ox
changQ bill which will permit tho
transfer ot timber holdings In tho
Malheur forest for similar acroago
on tho bordor, that lumborlng will
bo ono ot Hornoy'a Industries. Thuy
aro expecting n mill at Hums and
thut with tho Irrigation dovolopmont
ponding proonges prosperity for that
section nnd great aid for this region,
Wide Difference In Opinion Con
corning Tax Reduction PInim
Evident Hear VIowh on
lucouio Plan aud Id
eational Taxes
County Judge E. II. Test, Com
missioner Frank M. Vines, and Q.
W. Doan; District Attorney Robt.
D.Lytlo, County Assessor Andrew
Graham, County Clerk Harry Sack
ott, W. F. Homan and Lloyd Rlchos
woro tho Mainour county citizens
and officials present at tho mooting
ot tho tax Investigation commission
which met at Uakor Monday.
Whllo tho delegation enjoyed tho
trip thoro woro no definite reaulta
according to tho vlowa expressed by
some ot thorn. Various cltlzona aud
officials woro placod upon tho stand
und tholr 'testimony Indicated that
thoro Is a wldo dlrruronco In tho
valuations placod on various classes
ot proporty by tho different county
assessors. For example whllo Mai
nour -county assessod sheep ono
your at 1 9 por head, Wallowa coun
ty assessod them at $0 and ovor In
tho Wllfamotto Valley some of tho
counties assessed them at S4. Tho
samo thing Is also true ot all other
clasBos ot proporty.
To right this situation tho com
mittee suggested tho formation ot a
tax commission or tho naming ot a
tax commissioner with powor to dl
roct the county commissioners to as
sess all classes ot property tho samo
In each county. Anothor sugges
tion waa mado that the state asses
sor namo the assessors for each
I. N. Day outlined his proposal
for a flat Income fax as opposed to a
graduated tax, which was advocated
among others by W. F. Homan.
Andrew Graham In presenting his
Ideas on how taxes might bo re
duced urged that In tho institutions
of higher dearnlng tuition bo charg
ed; which found opposition from
Walter M. Plorco ot the commission.
At a luncheon given at Dakor I.
N, Day declared that the trouble In
Oregon la duo to to the fact that tho
various candidates for state and
countyofflces and for tho loglsla
turo run on economy programs ot
their own making and then forget
them. ilo urged a return to tho
convention system with responsible
political parties nominating tho
The public library Is again open
nnd thoso -who havo kept books
out which are overdue aro urged to
bring them In at onco. The demand
for books is depleting tho Bhelves
and many books being called for are
over due,
Dr. A. Q. Mooro today ro-
calved tho roport from tho stato
board of health on tho ox- 4
amlnatlon of tho hoad ot tho
dog which on March 7th, bit
4 Jotto Watanabo nnd his Uttlo
daughtor and also a Jap who
4 whb visiting at tho Watanabo
4 ranch. Tho roport declared 4
4 that Nogrl bodies wuro found 4
4 In tho dogs brain, proving con-
4 cluslvoly that It was suffering 4
from rabies. Tho dog, n fox-
4 torrlor belonged to tho Jap who
4 was visiting Mr Wntunabo and
4 brought horo from Pocatcllo. 4-
So far no othor cobos of rabies
4 havo boon reported horo.
Highway Commission to Receive bid
For Grnvellnit From Malheur
Lino to NrlHon Engineer
Go to View Route
To Jordan
Division Engineer, R. 11. Ualdock
of tho Highway Commission forco
was In Ontario Tuesday and Joft
Wednesday with Euglneor J. F.
Joyco and his crow to vlow tho now
routo solected for tho construction
of tho Nyssa-Jordan Valloy markot
road. Tho work on this road to bo
done this year will go a long wuy to
ward tho construction ot a good road
nll'thu way from Jordan Valley to
tho stato lino opposlto Homcdalo. It
Is also planned to Improvo tho grado
on tho hill approuch to tho, Owyhee
river, aud with tho grading from
thoro to Adrian will practically com
plete tho rond through tho county.
Mr. llaldock also announced that
thu bids will bo rocolvod for tho
grading and graveling ot tho Old
Oregon Trail from tho Mainour
lino to Huntington as' well as tho
graveling ot the roud from Hunting
ton to Nelson, so thut this highway
from Ontario to Nelson will bo com
pleted during tho summon
Word was rocolvod horo this wook
ot tho death, in California ot L. Q.
Willis, ono tho prominent and won
known orchardlsts ot tho Jlrogan
region. Mr. Willis wont to Cal
ifornia last toll to spend thn wlntor.
Tho body will bo brought to Portland
for lutormout. w. u, Katon oi
RroRan wont to Portland to bo
preauut at thu funorul sorvlco. In
tho death ot Mr. Willis, Malhuur
county loses ono ot lis most success
ful fruit raisers and progressiva
D. D. JokIjii ot Jordan Vulley
Thrown JJnea Out of Kilter
and CuuNett Hours of Work
fur Linemen and Rill
for Conipuny
How tho carelosucBs, uninten
tional ot courso, ot one tolephono
usor offects not only tho entlro pub-
llo lu somu casos, but causes heavy
costs to tho company which in turn
must chargo it to operations and
thus Indirectly affects tho entlro
publlo was told this wook by Gen
eral Munagor J. A. Laknosa of the
Mainour Home Tolephono Company.
One day In February D. D. Job
lyn ot Jordan Valley, was using hla
tolephono lu his offlco lu Jordan
and forgot to hang up tho rocolvor.
Soon afterwards ho left tor his
rauch several inllos from town.
SInco tho service down there Is on
ono circuit that recervor ott tho
hook broko tho entlro lino and Jor
dan Valley was cut off from tho
Soon tho company know that
somothlng was wrong and applied
tho Wheatstono brldgo, an instru
ment used to locato trouble. This
Indicated that tho oreak was soven
miles from Jordan Valloy, right on
tho top. of tho divide, so a lino
man and hla holpor started from
Rolse to locato tho troublo. They
wont equlppod with snow shoes and
after leaving tho stage hiked ovor
tho hills wjth these. For miles they
walked and found no troublo. After
35 hours thoy reached Jordan Val
ley, and there they found Mr. Jos
lyn'a phono receiver oft tho hook,
put It back on and tho lino waa O. K.
Tho trip cost tho company ?C1, or
about tho gross return for an entlro
month at tho Jordan Valloy ox
change. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Paul an
nounce the arrival of a baby boy ut
their homo last Friday.
Mrs. George Schweitzer ot Nyssa
spent last week end visiting In Ontario.
Root Show Ever, Is Verdict of Oregon
Club Men nnd GucstH Itcforco
Only Knock-out Victim
Goro nnd Comedy
Action and lots ot It was arfordod
tho Oregon Club mon and tholr
guests at tho Btnokor etagod last
Tuosday ovoulng. Punchos with
powor bohtnd thorn, good amateur
fair nnd les than that Intormlnglod
with a tow burlosquo acts In tho ring
comblnod to mako tho smoker a sldo
splitter. It was a scream.
Tho only knock-out of tno ovoning
was that of Roforoo Pat Qaltaghor,
whon ho attempted to break a clinch
botwoon Sam Taylor nnd Alox Mc
Phorson, tho former took n punch at
tho official and mlsjudgod his aim,
hit Pat In tho solar ploxus and put
him down for tho count, but Pat
was up aud performing Boon after-
'ward. Tho crowd howlod.
Tho only knock down camo In tho
battle botwoon Rob Smith and Jack
Taylor whon tho lattor connoctod
with Rob's Jaw whon ho was oft bal
nnco. No damages was dono how
over. Tho hardest struggle ot tho ovon
ing was prosontod In tho Tubby Donn
Ant Mnddux affray In which Maddux
ussayod tho role ot a roal whlto hopo
and spilled some goro whon ho con
noctod with Tubby'a chook bono and
Carl Flold furnlsbod tho mauling
championship by fighting two mon In
tho samo ring. After his first op
ponent Dee Tyler spralnod ono ot his
knucklos, Fluids took on Ray Uoyor
tor a round ot fast action.
Rob Loos nnd Ralph Doroy pro
sontod tho most finished performance
In tholr throo rounds which tho
roforoo awarded to Loos on his show
ing In tho oponlng round. Tho last
two woro ovon.
John TnttorBon aud Young DoNIco
openod tho Btnokor with n rattling
fast bout In which thoy stood too to
too and exchanged punchos In lively
fashion. What thoy lackod In sclonco
thoy mado up In action. This bout
put (ho spectators In good humor for
tho ovoning whllo tho burlosquo
ovont staged by Clumo and Chambers
was a fitting Annlo. Joy ltustau anu
Larry Oramso furnlflhod a atow caru
In their sparring expedition. They
rofusod to bo Jollied Into beating
each othor up, though tho crowd
wnntod goro all tho way.
Attor tho regular show Announcor
Jimmy Smith who dropped In from
Caldwoll to sco his old club matos,
announcod that for a small purse
Young Ponso of Pnyotto nnd Young
Monco of Ontario would put on n six
round oxhlbltlon. A sllvor showor
Into tho rlue rosultod In a 114 purso
which Pence won on tho decision ot
tho Judgos.
Attor tho Bhow tho club sorvod ro
freshmonts and tho crowd was
unanimous In tho decision that tho
card waa tho biggest hit ot tho your
Othor smokers nro planned for tho
On Tuosday ono D. M. Hart of
Rolse was callod beforo Judgo
Stearns, for soiling auto accessories
without a license Tho Judgo found
tho man down town nnd aBkod to
boo hs license which was not lorm-
coming. Not only am no nui uuiu
a lIcetiBO which ho did, but promised
nno. nnd usod somo very lorcoiui
language whon rotuBlng. Accord
ingly Marshall farmer naaeu mm
in nrnrnnd to the City Hall, and got
a ltconso which did, but ho promlsod
tho Judgo that no wouia auvomsu
Ontario, bo that It would bo ayoldod
by all travollng mon In tho tuturo.
Tho Judgo doos not Boom to bo very
Harry Jonoa haa sold blB ranch
ono half rallo woat of Cairo to Al
bort Butler, Sr. Possession ot the
proporty will be transferred follow
ing a Balo of Mr. Jonos' personal
property which will bo nnnounced
soon. It la nineteen yoara since
Mr, Jonoa socurod possession ot tho
farm which was thon practically all
raw land.'whlle no'w it Is ono ot tho
best ranches In tho valley.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jonos havo no dof
Inato plana for tho Iraraodlato, but
they expect to tako a trip to tho
coast cities for a visit, and will
probably mako tholr home In this
section whero they havo lived so
With sovon and ono half foot
measurement tho basla and
$0.00 por ton tho prlco, D. P.
Dearborn sold a stack ot hay
during tho past weok, which Is
tho highest price recorded In
this section for some time.
Cards wero received this weok an
nouncing the birth of a 10 pound
boy to Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hughes
In Missouri.
riBy- V- raii&w'Wa