K . r In? GDntann Attjitu County Offlclnl Paper TE ONTABIO ARGUS, QNTABIO, OREGON, THOIiSDAY, MARCH 9, 1922 An Independent Nowspiipor Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon, and ontorod at tho Ontario post otflco (or distribution as 2nd class mattor. 0. K. Alkon, Managing Editor SUBSCRIPTION Ono Year,. $2.00 KUTAllLISHINU A PRINCIPAL In hla roiiuost to 1'rualdont Hard ing that bo veto tho bill through which Homor 13. Konn, Frod W. Qoodlug and J. E. Clinton plannod to socuro tho distribution of 200, 000 acros of rango land In South ern Idaho, Clovornor Davis of our sister stato has establlshod a most valuablo and .Important procodeut. In principal tho policy of consoli dating tho national forest for tho purposo of raforostatlon und for bettor control of flro and other haz xard Is corroct; but It was tho mothod of' distribution which con domued tho Foim-Ooodlng-Clliiton plan. This Is not a matter of Im portance to Idaho nlonu. It Is equally Importaut to avory public domain stato, Oregon In particular Is Interested for wo undoratand that n bill of similar Import has bcon Introduced lu Congrosa already for tho distribution and exchango of lands lu prlvato ownorshlp for lands lu tho public domain In this stato. If ouo Just stops to think of tho possibilities of such a bill when takoii'Iu connection with tho vast ucroago controlled by big land ownora already It la almost staggor lug. By Judlcloua soloctlona of land with wutor holes It would not bo hard for no mo big outfit to socuro a monopoly on tho public rango nnd run practically ovory smalt Btockman out of business. It by his action Clovornor Davis has sot In motion forcos which will establish tho principle- of having tho publto Intorcst consdorod In such deals a dobt of gratltudo la duo him, not from hla own stato nlono but by nil tho rosldonts of'lho public land ntatCB of tho west. tho Portland papers will have to admit that,!! $179 por aero can ho spent ndvantagcously for Irrigation thon projects which cost less havo oven greater morlt. If any ovont It la worthy of nolo that tho Idea of Bottling tho "back country" Is gain ing circulation In Portland, Not to bo outdone by tho Journal, tho Orcgonlan aUo of Sunday had a full pago wrlto up of Pine Valloy In Dakor county. That Is gottlng down this way In Eastorn Orogon. Also It would bo well to obsorvo that nt tho recent mooting of tho Dakor County Chambor of Commorco all of tho Portland dailies wora ropro sontod with their foremost wrltors. Special omplmsla might bo placed on tho fact that Edgar B. Piper, managing editor of tho Orcgonlan for tho first tlino In many years of sorvlco with tho Orcgonlan, vlsltod Halter county. Somo day, It la pos Blblo that ho may bo Induced to travel n fow miles' turthor from tldo wator and view Malheur county. On his Initial visit to South Eastorn Oregon tho Orcgonlan odltor deliver ed what Ontario visitors declared wttB tho notablo spooch of tho mooting. . Over horo Eastorn Orogonlnns feol that It thoy could hut bo In duced to como and soo tho possibili ties, Portland cltlzons would bocomo Eastorn Oregon boosters, and realize that It will not alwaya pay to trado off Irrigation dovolopmont for rlvora and harbor appropriations. Instructions for paint mixing for n terlor and oxtorloT work. Mrs. lloror's ltttlo book on Home Candy Making Is tho result of years of touching beglnnors how to make palctablo candy. Tho Introduction to tho roclpes la two pagos of prac tical rulos for candy making In general. MORE ABOUT LETTUCE DEAL MAD WITH CAUF0RN1A FIRM tiooi'Ko W. Lattlg Wcllknotra Jtudi cr of Oregon Hlopo Present Ills VIowh of Proposition Mndo by California KAHTKHN OREGON DIHCOVKHKD Thoro Is ground for hopo for Eastoru Orogon. During tho past fow wooka tho Portland papora havo dtscovorod that thoro la aomotblng bostdo tho Columbia river which might contribute- to tho matorlal prosperity of tho stato'a metropolis. In proof of this tho Oregon Journal ot Sunday contnlnod a load odltorlal on tho bonofUs of Irriga tion dovolopmont In tho Columbia basin. Of courso this might bo takou, ub n boost for tho Columbia Basin project tho construction of which would probably doploto tho roclamatlou funds ot tho United States for years to como, and delay for gonorntlons tho construction bf tho Owyhee nnd other projocts In Eastern Orogon. Yot tho Ilkllhood ot tho Columbia Daslu securing this hold ou tho fodoral pocket book Is remoto, and You can't help dancing to tins breezy South Sen fox trot Ty-Tee ami just as good is Stealing on the other side. No. 2lto-.Ty-Tci-FoK Trot (nlbo) Carl Penton' Orclxitra SlMllim-HoxTrottSuUlvao) Crl Fcnton'f Orchedra Call for your record Wehaveltnowl Ontario Furniture Company PENALIZED FOR OTHERS Aftor listening to tho stntomont by Jcsso llawloy nt tho Idaho Power hoarlnga, horo last weok to tho offoct thnt 03 por cont of tho dollnquonclos In payment for service nro from Ir rigation companies, power usors on tho Oregon sldo nro wondering what proportion ot total Is that of tho Gom district. Mr. llawloy said that thoro Is duo tho company n total of f020,000. Ouly n fow thousand Is duo from Orogon powor users, and arrango monta oro being mado to pay Uioso dollnquonclos boforo powor la turn ed on In 'April. It Is tho understanding ot many power uiors horo that tho Oom Dis trict la tho biggest dobtor to tho company and that n largo portion of tho total dollnquoncy la to bo found lu lta account. It this 1b truo uvoryono regrotB It; no ouo sympa thizes with tho pooplo In tho Qom district inoro than thoso who llvo undor pumping systems In thlo sec tion. Yot It la hard, undor tho difficulties which local users aro ox- porlonclug, to accopt tho situation In which tho aom dollnquoncy 1b plac ing tho balanco ot tho country. Tho question tho local powor usors aro asking Is: "Aro wo to be ponaltzod for tho falluro ot tho Oom District to pay Its blllsT" That In how tho proposition appeals to local rauchors, and' It must bo grantad thnt thoro Is apparent Justice for tholr vlow point. Evor sluco It was built tho Oom district hue been In difficulties. In tho diadem ot Irrlgaton projocts which aro spreading their lustro through tho Snuk Illvor vulloy, It may bo n sparkling gom from tho viewpoint of soil fertility, but It Is a brilliant falluro financially. It Is not tho pooplo of tho districts' fault, now. Tho trouble Is that It Is an attempt to do tho Impossible, undor tho conditions found thoro. Tho namo la a mlsuomor. Tho only posstblo relief tor tho peoplo of tho Oom district nnd ot all tho pumping systems which havo a lift ot over fifty foot Is to socuro tho construction ot tho Owyhee pro" Joct. It tho possibility of cutting off ot powor will hasten that day whon tho Owyhee stall bo built, thon tho Iduho Powor company will havo dono tho country a real sorvlco In Its warning. Portland might ponder on the fact that settlors on Irrlgatod lands aro not like ship owers, thoy ask for no subsidy. LIBRARY NOTES J Tho library la open dally except Friday and Sunday from 2:30 to 5:30 and 7:00 to 9:00. In responso to tho widespread Interest and bollot In tho communi cation with the departed spirits as manifested In Sir Oliver Lodgo's "Raymond", Mr. Edward Clodd, tho well known English wrltor on evolu tion, tolkloro and roltglon, has writ ten tho book, "Tho questtou; If a man die shall ho llvo again!" The subject of hla book Is "an examin ation ot tho ovldenco on which thoso baso that belief" and Is a record ot tho origin and early history ot Spiritualism, together with an ex posure of practlonera. A now technical book recently added to tho library la A. A. Kelley's Export Paint Mixer. It describes tho bases, pigments and liquids dally telographlo market employed in preparing paints, with during tho market season, Too Into for publication last weok tho Argus received tho follow ing communication which was In nnswor to an Intorvlow which was carried lu tho February 23rd Issuo, In which Mr. U. F. Powell ot Bolgo, discussed tho mattor from tho com mission man's vlowpolnt. Tho Argus with hundreds of uthors, bollovos In cooperative mar keting nnd In tho offoYt which tho farmors aro mnklng to solvo tholr probloniB, and also bollovos that both sldou of any controversy should bo hbard and for that roasou gavo Mr. l'owoll's Intorvlow promlnonco, nnd llkowlso tho communication of County Agont McCall of Canyon county, and llkowlso wo aro ploasod to prcsont Mr. Lattlg's vlows ,and thoso ot any other rancher or busi ness man. Tho Argus columns aro open at all tltnoa for tho discussion ot publlo questions. Tho Argua is lu thlB sonso "your popor" roady to carry your message to lta roadora. In discussing tho lottuco contract Mr. Lattlg aaya: Tfioro bolng ccnsldornblo discus sion about tho now homo markotlng association organlzod and Incorpor ated at Caldwell undor tho numo ot Idaho Producors Union for tho pur poso of growing and marketing lot tuco and other farm products and having boon appolntod by tho Farm lluroau of Malheur county chairman ot tho Lottuco growing campaign I doslro to stato my vlowa In rogard to tho matter. At a mass mooting ot growers In Caldwell a commlttoo was appolntod to porfoct tho growers organization and to Investigate und roport back to tho mombora tho best method ot soiling tho products ol tho associ ation. This commlttoo was composed of plckod men, many ot whom having had oxporlonco in growing and mar keting lottuco, and wo must bollovo that tholr soloctlon whoro thoy woro so woll known was a wise ono and fully representative In organizing this Union tho com mlttoo had constantly In mlud all ot tho foaturots ot cooperative market ing aa laid down by tho American Farm Uuroau Fodoratlon, bollovlng that only through thoso principals they could bo successful. Thoy hold that tho soiling, agency who proposed to markot tholr pro ducts should havo tho following re quirements: F'nt, that thoy should bo fully flnancod. Socond, that tholr busi ness should bo ot largo volume. Third, that thoy should bo fully equipped and oxerloncod In this class of soiling nnd havo largo ox cIubIvo Belling connections. Hearing In mind thoso conditions tho largo markotlng concerns ot the northwest woro invited to appear and frankly submit tbolr selling propositions. Each of tho selling organizations that appeared and presented their soiling plans had oqual chanco and aftor fully and carefully Investigat ing tho dltferont plana and agencies It was doclded to contract for three years with tho California Vegetable Union ot Los Angeles as bolng the agency best fitted to handle our products, but had the privilege ot cancelling out at end ot any one year. w Tho growers marketing agreemont that wo are askod to sign to become a member of. thbj union Is neither harsh nor unusual in its provisions. It la to bind tho grower to deliver his head lettuce to the Union tor a period ot threo years, and without such an agreement no cooperative union could possibly do any busi ness. This agency has had 20 years ot successful experience In marketing farm producta in U. S. and Canada, and la highly recommended by large banka in California aa being mor ally and financially roponslble and also by largo cooperative markotlng concerus whoso producta they have been handling. Thoy are not buyers but soil only on commission based on tho selling price at shipping) point, not on the price at destination. They propose to furnish without cost an oxperlencod field man to advise, with the growers throughout tho entire season and to furnish reports Tho Union growers will havo their own packing houso In ovory community whoro thoro Is sufficient acreage, and now machinery will bo on tho markot for planting, corrugat lng nnd cultivating tho crop, so that tho most of tho work may bo por formod by horses. Tho Idaho Producers Union Is a homo community organization and should bo supported by us in Mal eour county as wo aro invitod to Join and oporato with thorn on oqual terms. Tho growors will at a meeting called for that purposo oloct ot their mombora nlno directors who will cdn duct nil of tho business of tho Union In nccordanco with tho Dy-laws of the Union. In ordor to) sccuro first class Cali fornia lottcco seed It will bo neces sary for tho growors to. sign up con tracts at onco with tho Idaho Pro ducors Union. It appears to tho wrltor that tho posslbllltloB ot vqgotablo growing as a business In tills torrltory has boon overlooked and tho coming year may provo that this Industry, proporly conductod, will bo tho ono thing to bring prosperity to us all. O. W. LATTIQ. pEMEMBERtoask your grocer for Cal umet Baking Powder and be sure that you get itthe In dianhead on thcorangclabcL Then forget about bake day failures. For you will never have any. Calumet always produces the sweet est and most palatable foods. And now remember, you always use less than or most other brands because it pos sesses greater leavening strength. Have YOU Tried It? WHAT? ' LEADER FLOUR The complete satisfac tion. The absolute guar antee. The homefirm be hind the goods. Order a sack today from your grocer. You will be greatly surprised. Ontario Roller Mills Now Remember- Always Use lUllllllllIllilllllll There is no waste. If a redpo calls for ono egg two cups of flour half a cup of muk that's all you use. You never have to re-bake. Contains only such ingre dients as have been officially approved by U. S. Food Authorities. I the product of the Unetl, most modem and aanltary Baking Pow der Factories In existence. Pound can ot Calumet contains full 16 os. Some baking powders come in 12oa.lnteadofl6oi.cant.Ue sure you get pound when you want IL CllHt CtumU Mttffla Recipe 4 cups sifted flour, 4 level tea poems Calumet Baking Powder, 1 Ublenpoon su gar, 1 teaspoon alt, 2 egg, 2 cups of sweet milk. Then mis in the regulw wiy. HOGS VEAL POULTRY Do you know that you can get mor money for your pro duce in Portland than you can athome7 Writo us for prices PAGE & SON 40 Yurs In (Ik Bbshkss Portland, Ore. EARLY SEED POTATOES for sale. Raised from Dry Land Seed. Writo or call A. P. Scritch field & Co. 2Q7 W Main, Weiser, or Melba, Idaho DIRECTORY OF ONTARIO'S BUSINESS FIRMS These Men and Firms will serve your very needs promptly. Call upon or write to any of those who are listed below when in. need of anything in their respective lines. They aro reliable: 1IANK9 HOTELS GROCERIES ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK Tho Oldest Bank In Malheur County "Sorvlco that Sorves" Capital nnd Surplus 1100,000. nilUGH AND SUNDRIES ONTABIO PHAnMACY O. M. Castleman, Prop. Prescription Specialist Victor Phonographs Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks HOTEL WILSON Tho "Homey" Hotel of Malheur County Qood Meals 40c - OPTOMETHIST Morelund Dairy .Phono 203 M THE SUOAn BOWL . We Make Our Own Ice Cream DR.- J. A. MO TALL Eyesight Specialist Eye Olassos and Spectacles MILLINERY Distinction In Clothing And Millinery Is the Mark ot Thoso Who Patronlie THE 8TYLB 8HOP THE INDEPENDENT MARKET Phones 6 and 136' If lta Good To Eat We Have It It It'a Farm Produce Wo Buy It ONTAIHO MEAT & OROCERY CO. The Home ot Oood Eats and Low Prices Phones 3 and 131 DEPARTMENT STORES Dependable Merchandise "Not the Cheapest, But tht Best" RADER BROS. MORRIS MILLINERY & NOVELTY SHOP Pslmyre Waists Women's Sutta And Sport Clothes ELECTRIC SUPPLIES ONTARIO ELECTRIC CO. Electrical Appliances and Wiring HARDWARE MO NULTT -HARDWARE CO, Satisfaction Guaranteed TAOOART HARDWARE CO. Malheur County's Largest Hardware Store H. R. UDICK Plumbing and Heating Domestto Water Systems OQBORN MILLINERY Nell O. Bedtord, Prop. The Only Exclusive Millinery Store This Side ot Salt Lake THE HUB One ot 40 Stores Will Rave You Real Money 1IAKE1UBS PURITY BAKERY Ernest Barcus, Prop, Alt Kinds ot Breads, Caky and Pastry NOTIONS" VARIETY STORK More than a thousand Articles for the home ONTARIO HEAL ESTATE CO. ' Farm Lands City Property iBiuraace A Rests! E. A. FRASER Hardware and Oroecrlsa JEWELERS BLACKABY JEWELRY STORH Home of "'Olfta that Last" TROXELL IMPLEMENT CO. Farm Operating Equipment McCormick, Deerlng ad P. & O. W. L. HAZEIVX1NK Watchmaker, Jewelry All Work Guaranteed BYRON TURNER SJgas 3 i i J