BBBHill(ijj VIHMIWWm sV - r: i VOL. XXVI GARAGE MOST COMPLY WITH AGREEMENT MADE Council I"stmcta Attorney to Tnku Steps to Compel Ooiniillnnco Willi Building Permit Pinna fur Mooro Build lK Approved At tlio regular session of tha Common Council at tbo City Hall Monday owning liiBtructlona woro glron to City Attorney P. J, Oal Ingbor to take tbu uocossary Bteps to Bocuro tho couipllanco with tlio ugroomont made with Polo Duford whon permission was given him to construct his garago within tho lira llmlU. . It Is tha position ot tho council tbnt tho building was to, bavo boon hilllt with a stuol and glow (rout, tba offlcu to bavo a stuol lath -and plaster wall, whllo in reality It has a front mora than half wood aud boavcr hoard for tbo walls of tbo oftlco. This matter camo beforo tho council following tho consideration of tho plans and specifications sub mitted by T, II. Mooro for tho build Ing to bo built on tho Mooro Hotel cornor. Tho council by resolution amended tho building requirements no that horoaftcr a copy ot all build ing plans within tbo flro limits will havo to ha filed with tho city re corder and remain In tbo oltlco. Tho Mayor reported that through personal letters and statomonU notice to dollnquont taxpayers had boon again sent out and that those had to a dogroo boon succoBaful. Thoro Is dollnquont moro than J6,000 in local Improvement as sessments which If paid would allow tho city to go on a caah basis. Tho council adjourned to moot on March 20 to act upon tho matter of improving Oregon street to Join tho Old Oregon Trail north ot tbo city. onnooN Bimvicu men now HKCKIVINQ THEIH BONUSES The first chocks from tho Oregon bonus fund loft the office ot tho bonus commission last wook and soon all tboso who asked tor cash will bo recoiling their awards. In Malheur county moat ot tho men sought loans and H. J, Ward. I. M. Hopo and 0. It, Kmlson appraisers for the bonus commission In this county mot in Ontario yestorday In connection with this work. As tho result ot tbo bonus loans, the officers ot tbo American Legion lforo officers ot tho Abortcan Legion hero bellova that a number of the mon will build homos and othora will purchaso farms. i.'im.'vnu rjfii.M.n,' MI IS. II. DOTY On'heU NINT1BTH HUITHDAY I On Saturday afternoon, March 4th a number ot ladles mot at tho homo of Mrs, D. Doty to surprlso her on bor mlntloth birthday. As ooch guost grootod tho hostoss sho was gtvon a glfU Tho prosontn woto many and various. Aftor a social hour refreshments woro sorvod. Tbo center ploco was ninety Individual cakoa with a candle In each. ' The color scherao was pink and whlto. Tho ladle departed wishing Mrs. Doty many moro hap py birthdays. HAW TUB OLD OltEGON Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Aldrodgo who returnod recontly from an extended visit at nremorton, Washington, en joyed while there a visit to the battloshlp Oregon which was in dry dock at tho navy yard being nttod out for tho service assigned hero In tho consideration of tho treaties nt tho recont Washington conferonce. Although tha soa dog which made tho trip from tho Pacific to Santiago In tlmo to got in lino when Covora . attomptod to run tho blockado fs now obsoleto in the fighting senso, '.(,. ia tut tha nride of Oregonlans who want her assigned to this state permanently. obuifri' muMlTTED GIVES McNAHY, HILL TO SENATE Press dlspathces from Washing ton dated Tuesday ot this week con tain the" account of the favorabe action ort tha part of the Senate reclamation committee relative to the SmJth-McNary reclamation bill. Slnco this bill contains features granting ex-service mon special con cessions which nro most benefilcal. in -,. omini in many respects to tha beneflta ot tha bonus legisla tion, tha Ontario Post of the Amorl can Legion in conjunction with the Commercial club plans to call the attnetlon ot the Western posts of tho Legion to the bill and urge them to endorse it. Mrs. O. K. Carlow ot Taooma was the guest last week of Mrs. A. B. Breeount. . , , iZL no- a nklev of Bolsa Is .wtmir Mr. N. O. Bedford this. week. " ' Tha Morris girls spent Sunday in Welser visiting their parents. A. B. Breeount Is In Seattle on a niw.' nBiniJ of Vale la visit ing with bla parents In Ontario this W The Music club will meet Satur day Marea 11 at the home of Mrs. Fred J. Clesao. O. B. Carman was down from Vale on business Monday. Dletlct Attorney R. D.,Lytle was in Ontario Monday enroute home from Baker where Mrs. Lytle under went an operation Jast Saturday, from which sha la reported to be waking satisfactory recovery. ONTABIO, JAPANESE LAHOHBIl THIMH OTHEIl JAPS 11Y CHECK HOUTK Ichltnro Ito, a Japanoso laboror omployod for a tlmo in thin section broko Into a boarding car on tho Bldo track lioro and took a chock book bolonglng to another Jap and procoodod to. sign his cuinpnt- riots namo to chocks of various bIiub. Ho then went to Wolsor 'and did tho snmo stunt, Whon ho broko Into tbo car ho also took a pair ot shoos , and a wan ant for bis arrest was. so- cured. V. W. Cbambors act- Ing marshal wont to Wolsor and brought him hack to On- tarlo. Ho was arrnlgnod bo- foro Judgo C. M, Stearns and 4 hold to tho grand Jury. SEVEN BOUTS LISTED TOR CLUB CARNIVAL MiiiiItm of Club to Sling Mitts nt liirh Other Next TiWny Evening WWo Variety of Talent Offrcd for IroKrnui It variety Is tho nplco ot llfo you'll havo to hand tho paprika to tho Oregon club as tho hotcst or ganization in tho Bnako river valloy. After presenting dancing programs of all kinds, billiard, pool and pin ochlo tournaments, tho club has now ontored tho athlottc field and noxt Tuesday wlllprcsout for club mom bora only, a boxing program that will bo i boar. Tbo club mon havo candidates tor ovory fistic honor from tho shifty bantams to tbo pondorous haavlcs. Mitt nllngora from Johnlo Kllhano to John Harrison Dompsoy had bottor koop tholr oyo on tho club card which includoa tho following oxponouts of manly ar of punch exchanging: heavy weights, Clomo vs. Chambors; light hoavlcs, Fred Test vs. Tubby Dean; woltorwotghts, McPhorson vs. Bam Taylor; - light wolghts; O. Smith vs. Jack Taylor; Carl Flold vs. Dee Tylor; Hustod vs. Larry Qramso; bantams, Dob Loos vs. Doroy. P. J. Gallagher will bo tho third man. In tho ring. ' Frultlnivl Selects Superintendent of Hchools At a mooting ot tho board ot edu cation Monday ovonlng, March Oth, O. C. Wlao. ot Frultland, was eloctod suorlntondont of schools at Fruit- land m n salary of f 2,000. Ho hat boon principal 5f schools ot Kremm ling, Colorado, but nt prosont. la liv ing ono mile north of Frultland. Two years ago ho taught lif tho Frultland High school. Miss Elsie Schmld was In Boise Saturday nd Sunday, Mrs. Mary Boor nrrlvod homo Friday from n wlntor In Boone, Neb. Frank Eldrldgo rontodtho A. B. Kldrodgo ranch and moved thoro last week. Miss Huby Kauffman,. tcachor of tbo tblru grado, Is confined to her homo with Influenza. Mrs. Ooorgo Todd Is suplyjng In ho place, Mrs. AnUurs, eighth grado tcachor, went to Baker for tbo week and and remained to look after ber husband who Is 111. MrB. Geo. Todd substi tuted as toucher for her Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Pnbst, who have' boon spondlng tho winter In Detroit, Michigan with tholr son, Frank, camo to Twin Falls last week to visit their daughtor, Mrs. Petor man. Both aro confined to tho bed with Illness but will return hero to their home as soon as able. Mrs. Polloy, a daughtor ot Mr. and Mrs. Pobst here, has received word that Mrs. Pobst's father fa very 111 In Baker. - Tra Dalzoll And M. 11. Sherman were In Caldwell Thursday nt tho i.httncii Growers' meeting. A nieel tng lfl schedulod for Frultlnnd Fri day evening, H. F. Walto, who recently pur chasedvtho Fruttland Service- Station with Alvin Hands, has Just purchas ed an acrd and fourth in the north- west part of Frultland from F. M. Qardner. Ha will erect n garage whero ho will temporarily resiae until a residence can bo erected Work on tba remodeling ot tho M. B. Bungalow to be used as a parsonage was started Monday morning, The excavation under tha building is being made, a room on the north Is to ne added, petltons constructed and otherwise Improved so a to be inhabitable, Wednesday of this week brick will be hauled and the erection of tha now Ford Garage next to the Frultland Drug store, also the new post office building will bo started H. B. Cready who last spring bought the fifteen bctcs ot Boy Manor- on Riverside Avenue this week sold the fifteen acres to W, W, nudd. Most ot tha tract ts in orchard. "Sho Stoops to Conquer" the English play put on by tha Junior English department of tho Frultland High School was given before a ful house atvthe auaMtorum Friday night. It ts said that the play la ono ot the wost difficult ever staged by the school here and many de servo credit for Its splendid sueeew, 1 fMIIMND BENCJTf MALHEUR COUNTY, OftEQON, THURSDAY, MARCH 9; 1922 TOOK DAY AND NICHT EROM BURNS TO CRANE Homey County Cntight In Severe Htornt Hlockiucn Feel K (Tec's of Itolntod Winter Storm Hlngo Passenger Suiter From Col". J. A. Lnkucss, manager of tho Malheur Home Tolophono company and tho Central Oregon Telephone company waB a pnssongor on tho train which nrrlvod from Crane Tuosday aftornoon. Mr. Laknoss was a passonger on ono ot tho two stages 'which loft Burns to catch Monday's train but wns caught in tho Btorm nnd did "Hot roach Crane In tlmo. So sovoro was tho storm that It took 24 hqura to mako tho 28 miles trip. In 18 hours tho car was atdo to nogotlato but 14 mllos and as tho tomporaturo droppod to away bolow zero tho passengers sutforod ltonsoly from tbo cold. Prior to tho drop In tomporaturo n heavy snow fell and tho road was blocked over tho ontlro rauto. Although no doflnlto reports havo boon received It Is bollovod that tho stockman will sudor as tho result ot tho bolatod storm. Feed In soma soctions Is scarco, or ratbor Is hard to got to tho stock on nccount ot tho hard crushed snow. STANEIELD COMPANY NAMED IN BIG SUITS First National Hnnk of Wcier Wnnta Deed to Umatilla Prop erty Hot Aside, 1'torsiintlon of Company Questioned Hen ntor to Sue Cnnnou Tho tanglo Into which tho affairs of tho It. N. SUinflold company and of Senator 11. N. Stnntlold havo boon Involvod tncroasod during tha past wook whon tho First National Bank at Wolsor fllod a suit In Um atilla county asking that tho doed undo by Senator H. N. Stantlold to tho It. N. Stantlold company bo tot usldo. Tbo complaint nllogos that tho H. N. Stanfold company wns formed tho purposo ot delaying und hinder ing his creditors, Tho complaint al so says that tho bank holds 176,000 at tho senator's notes for money loanod in the past two yoars. Whllo tho sonator Is thus being suod, ho hlrasolt Is taklng about do ing somo suing himself. According to press dispatches from Washington ho la said to havo ordered his attor neys to start tlbel actions against Commissioner Mllos Cannon ot Idaho for (atomonts published uy tuai oi frclal. Further press dispatches ro tate tbo senator Is coming west noxi wook to lnvostlgato tho possibility of having tho war flnuuco corpor ation loan wheat growers 5 por aero foe seed whoat. SOCIETY ITEMS Two of tho laruost parties of tho sonsou wero thoso given on Monday and Wednesday evenings of this week at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs, B. O. Van Pottcn at which thoy woro Inlnod with Mr. and Mrs. H .0 Drain as hosts. At each elevon tables of Auction was played. On . Monday nveuine Mrs. David Qraham uddod to tuo ovoniags ouienumuiuui mm a serlos ot vocnl selections. Honors on Mondny ovonlng wore won by Dr. and Mrs. B. O. Payne, whllo on Wednesday evening Mrs. u. u. i.unhra and Qooree K. Aiken re colved the high ocoros. Tho out ot town guests wero Mr. and Mrs. Goo. B, Kellogg ot Payette. Tho women of the Episcopal Gulr' spent last Thursday afternoon spw lng at tho Bed Cross rooms. Noit Trwsday tho Oulld will moot nt the homo of Mrs. V. B. Staples. Sovontyflvo youngsters had n Joy ous time at tho annual children's nnriv iHven bv Star Chanter O. B. S. at tho MaBonlo hall last Saturday evening. The boya nnd girls, how ovor wer0 not nlono In tho , enjoyment ot tho ovonlng for In the Kamea as well as In the retresnmont session their fathers nnd momres played n prominent part. The ear ly portion of the evening was devotod to an Interesting program most of which was glvon by the little guests thomsolves. , . Mrs. P. J. Oallagher entertained tho Monday Bridge club this week. The Tuesday Bridge club met this week with Mrs. O. H. Test. Mr nnd Mm. 'J. M. McDonald will bo tho hosts for the Imperial club this evening, y II. C. Boyer who returned last week from n business trip to the coist nnd told on his return how se vens the flu Is In the coest cities, tak In as high as 40 per cent oi me em ployees in many establishments at one time, is now experiencing Its ravages himself. To take his word for It the feeling resulting while the flu has one la decidedly had. Judge Daltou B'.ggs spent Wednes day holding an equity session at tho City Hall hearing the arguments of attorneys In the case of Bobrer vs Bradshaw et al. J. W. McCulloch ot this city, and James Nichols of Baker argued the case, ANTI-JAPANESE BILL DRAWN UP BY LEGION I'xocutlvo Committee Meeting of Htnto ieRlon Held in Portland Data ot Annual Meeting to Bo Determined Upon Portland, Ore., Mar. C A moot ing ot tho stato oxocuttvo commlttoo ot tho Amorlcan Loglon will bo hold In Portland on March 4th. Selection ot dates for tho 1022 convention at Tho Dalles; approval of tho Antl Japanoso BUI drawn up by a spoclal rvmmlttco of tho legion which will bj placed upon tho ballot through jtho tnltlntlvo noxt Novombor; n re port or mo sinio logisiaiivo cnair man on commlttoo activities and many other mnttors ot Importanco will como botoro tho body. Tho mooting will call In George A. Codd ing ot Medford, vlco-chntrman, a national oxocut,lvo committeeman, George A. Whlto of Salem; B. F. Pound, Fred 10. Klddlo ot LaOrnndo, Ocorgo It. Wilbur ot Hood lltvor, Oliver B. Huston of Portland, ox ocutivo commlttoomon and Ilov. Frank James of Dallas, Chaplain nnd Prescott W. Cooklngham ot Portland, Dopartmont Flnanco Of flcor. CLASS OF '22 SCORES IN GREENSTOGIilNGS" l'lonnliif; Fnrco Oomcly nnd Cimt's PreseiKiition Heartily Approve" By Capacity Audleuco at Mnjcstlo Attendants at tho Majestic thontro liuntod up tho S 11. O. sign and dust- od It off, figuratively speaking, and hung It out last Thursday ovonlng, for thoro wan not a vacant scat In tho houso. Tho cnuso of tho congestion was tha prosontatlou ot "Green Stockings" tha nnnual production ot tho Senior class ot O. U.S. which was coachod by Miss Cathorlno Con way of tho English doartmont. Tho play, an Kngllsh productun, whllo offering somo British mannor slms, a hit forolgn to tho local color ot tho Wont, as not n weighty vehi cle nnd tho boys and girls woro moro than nhlo to ncblovo tlio trans formation nnd In tholr concoction ot tho linos and characters gavo n ploaslng production. Tho ability of tho cam as demonstrated In tho amusing situations prosonted by tho plot, and tba class of '22 moro than sustalnod tho reputation ostabllshod by tholr prodecossora In llioir annual class plays. As a result of tho capa city crowd u substantial sum was socurod for tno class treasury. (MRYLMS COMPANY TO ENTjRJHIS FIELD ItopresonUthcu of W. 8, Shearer's Company to Hold Meeting At City Hall Tunlgrt Want At Leukt 100 Arret Burton Cbanoy ot Lawlston, Idaho will address n mooting ot rnnchors and business mon at tbo City Hall tonight on tho sdbject ot lottuco growing nnd tho plans and contract of tbo Choorylanes Company of Lowlston which Is tho company founded by W. S. Shoarer, tho plon oo r lottuco grower ot Idaho. W. B. McOoo of Nampa It. F. D. No. 4, arrived In Ontario yesterday from Nyssa, whero bo mot tho lottuco growers ot that section nnd today Is visiting with mon Inturostod In Iqt tuco growing. "Wo oxpect to locato ton paoklng nlanta In tho Hnako rlvor valley with acreage adjacent to each of thorn of at least 100 acros nnd among other locations linvo selocted Ontario, Frultland. Nyssa. 'llomeaaie, yam- well. Namoa nnd other polnta for thoo Dlants". said Mr. WcGco. 'Mnr contract wo bollevo. la tho best offered the grower and in view of tho success the company has achieved wo bollevo that It morlts tho Investigation of thoso who pro pose to plant lettuco, Wo havo tho verified statements of tho accounts ot rnnchors for their first year ot lottuco growing to.provo that suc cess can be achieved by tho growers In this soctton undor our plan ot as sisting the grower from the time the soil is being prepared until tho crop Is harvested aid sold." On Friday ofeulng Mr. Chanoy will address a mooting at Frultland whnrn hn will DrOBOnt tho possibili ties ot lettuco growing to the ranch ers on tbo boncn. FIRST SHIPMENT OF PEACK DOLLAHH COMES TO ONTAIUO Tha handsome now "peace dollar" the coin designed to commemorate the ending of tho great world war nnd tho nchteveraents of the Wnsh lngton conference made Its first np pearanco in Ontario this week, when tho First National Bank received two shipments from SanFranclsco nnd Portland totaling $700. The new coin la boautlful In design, one side bearing tho head of a woman, on the. other Is nn eagle perched on a mountain teak carrying in bis talons nllvo branches signifying peace. The coins havo been bard to secure, so great has boon the demand, but they are now being circulated around Ontario to limited degree. SPUING IS HKUK AND TIMH HAS AUH1VKD TO CLEAN-UP With tho arrival ot spring, tho tlmo hns arrived for n gon oral clean-up of tho promises of tho rcsldonts ot tho city, as woll as tbo alloywayB and vacnnt property. By tho ordor of tho Common Council, notlco Is thoroforo glvon to all prop- orty ownors to procood to re movo rofuso ot ovory naturo from tholr .proporty. Unices this notlco Is observed tho city ordinances and stntutos ot tbo stato of Oregon governing tho samo will bo enforced. W. lit DOOLITTLB, Mayor TAX INVESTIGATORS WILL BE AT BAKER Mnlheur County Clllzeim Urged to Attend Sesslo Mondny Ileal LVnto Nort' Carrying Bur den of Taxation Tho tnx Investigation commlttoo, appolntod by Govornor Olcott In compliance with nn net ot tho logls laturo of 1021, will hold public moottngs at Baker, La Grando, Pondoton, Tho Dallon and Astoria, for tho purposo ot obtaining sug gestions nnd Information which will aid tbo commlttoo In tho prepara tion of Its report and recommenda tions to tho Govornor, to bo tho noxt loglslatuo for consideration. It Is tho doslro ot tho commission that, nt thoso public honrlngs, thoro bo n full oxprosslon ot ldoas from local and Individual vlownolnts as to ways and minus ot llgTitonlng tho ovor growing load of taxation In tho stato and Its political subdivisions. Tho membership ot tho commlttto Is I. N. Day, chairman; Honry B. Head, C. A. McKuuna and C. S. Chap man of Portland; Waltor M, Plarco, LaOrando; B. H. Smith, Lakavlow, und Chnrlos A. Brand of llosoburg. As oxprcssod In tho act ot tho lo glslnluro tho duty of tho commlttoo Is "to gathor Information, formulate rocommondatlons, propnru proposed loglslatlcn nnd report to tbo govor nor upou tho quostlon ot whotbor or not It Is foaslblo to ralso from othor sources n substantial portion ot tbo public rovonuo." In discharging tho duty Imposod by tho (oglslaturo tho commlttoo has mado n study of tax economics nnd lnvostlgatod "tha systems ot othor statos. It Is now gathering statis tics on assessment In Orogon nnd mnklng n critlcnl oxnmlnatlon of them. Tho preliminary study of tho com mission has thus far disclosed that undor prosont conditions real prop erty scorns to bo bqarlng tho groator part ot tbo tax load. Intanglblo proporty roprosuntod by money, notes, accounts, bonds nnd sharos of stock carry but a small por cent. Tho shifting of tho burdon from tho porsonul proporty to roal proporty, aud tho gradual docllno ot Intangl blo proporty on assossmont rolls ap pears to bo n progressiva movomont. It hns nlso occurred to tho commlt too that thoro Is unduo undervalua tion In assosument. resulting In In equality. To roach tho Intanglblo woalth, which Is now avoiding taxation tbo commlttoo has under consideration tho Imposition ot a tnx on porsonnl Incomes ns a now sourco ot rovonuo from which to dorlvo a sufficient sum to carry a portion ot the oxponsa of stato administration, thereby re Moving general property of a corrcs Dondlng nmount. It Is realized by tho commlttto that oxoorlonce has shown mat tho ton doucy following tho Increaso ot ro vonuo Is towards legislative oxtrava Banco. To forestall this, It Is sug gested that thero bo enforced con Btltutlonal limitations on taxing bo dies In ordor that tho slack produced by shitting tho burden from gonorai proporty to personal incomes ro mains permanent, and that addition al sources ot stato. Income lead not to Increased oxpondlturo. Othor phases of tho problora Doing investigated Include tho raising of the schodules ot specltlo or privilege taxes, such as foos und licenses, nnd tho reduction ot tho cost ot stato, county, city and district administra tion, The commlttoo has not yet reacbod any flxod opinions and. Is very do Blrolta beforo doing so of obtaining, ns fnr ns posslblo, concreto sugges tions from taxpayors which will nld In reaching final decision. Tho dates on which tbo hearings will bo are: Baker March 13 th LaOrando March 14th Pendleton March 16th The Dalles March 16th Astoria March 18th As It would be impossible for tho commltteo to visit nil county seats, the abovo has been selected m tno view that tho surrounding commun ities would have an opportunity to meet nt n central point with tho com mltteo. W. II. Mullln.camo down from Crane to spend the week end with his family here. P. J. Gallagher returned Saturday from Boise whero he attended the session of tho foderal court appear ing the First National Bank ot Pay eteo vs. Judd case. J. W. McCulloch returned Satur day from Caldwell where he spent the week on legal business. NO. 14 COUNTY LEADS LIST IN STATE TAX RISE In Ten Vcnrs Mnlheur County' Con tribution to Cost of Stato Gov ernment line Increased 1018.0 per cent Snys Commission Tnxes paid by Malheur county cltlzons tor tho cobI ot state govern ment bnvo Increased In tho past ten years 101 8. D por cont, according to showings mado at a rocont mooting of tho commission which Is Investi gating taxes In this stnto. In fact this roport shows that whllo stnto taxes bavo lncroasod C21 por cont, Malheur county's sharo has lncroasod twlca as much as tho total lncroaso, Its lncroaso bolug groator by far than that shown for any othor county. Whnt tho cnuso for this apparent disparity In sproad ot stato taxes Is none ot tho locnl nuthorltloo is pre pared to say. It Is posslblo that It Is In part duo to tho fact that within this ton year period thoro was nddod to tho tnxnblo woalth ot tho county, tho Orogon Bastorn ltnllroad; the Ontarlo-Nyssa ditch and tbo lnnds undor It; tho Payotto-Orogon Slope Irrigation district lauds and tbo Slldo Irrigation district, and also tho Warmsprlngs lands. However, so startling aro the ravolnttons ot tho commission that It Is oxpoctod that a delegation ot Malheur county citizens will go to Baker noxt Monday to attond tho mooting ot tbo tax commission which will ho thoro for a hoarlng. Education largest Item Ot tho ontlro sum ralsod for state purposos which totaled 141,117,307 In 1021: oducatlon raquirou iiu,- 703,477 or 40 por cont; whllo roads, Including uiarkot roads was socond with 10,080,200. As tbo roduit of tho uoanngs which tho commission ts holding nnd tho study It hns mado a roport to tho loglslaturo will bo mod which may havo an Important bearing on taxation In Orogon in tbo future, and slnco Malheur county Is ono o tho countys which . has a huge de linquent tax account, tbla is a mat tor ot supromo importance to thw taxpayor. M. W. A. AND IU N. A. HAVK ANOTHEll SOCIAL SESSION Tho Iloyal Neighbors and Modern Woodmon onjoyod another ot their good times Monday evening. After tho Woodmen bad Initiated some nuw mombors, tbo lloynl Neighbors guvo tho candidates tho last dogroo, and also camo to tholr aid with pie and coffee. Aftor rofroshmonts, a program ot comical readings, songs and table talks tor tho good ot tho ordora was glvon. At tho noxt mooting which will bo held March 20, tho Iloyal Neighbors wll glvo; woll, mombors it you want to know what they ara going to do, Just como nnd see, Is tho mossago ot tho oftlcora, BAD CHECK AIIT1HT GET A FEW WOUTHLEHS CHECKS 1IEHU Two followers of Jim tlio Ponman workod In Ontario and Payette this wook. Thoy registered nt tho Moore as O. C. Howard and C. O. Smith aud passod two ton dollar checks drawn on a Caldwell bank. Thoy also got ono for $3 by at tho Sugar Bowl. Ovor at Payette they passed one $10 chock. Whllo they were horo at tbo Mooro thoy woro told thnt tho chocks wore no good, but beforo tbo nfflcors could land them they mado their get away. IIAItlllNGEU OF HPIUNO SEEN IN HAHE HALL DISCUSSIONS Ono ot tho surest signs ot spring mado Itself manifest this week when from various towns camo stories ot proposed baso ball loaguos. From Wolser came the suggestion of an olght team aggregation composod of Huntington, Welsor, Payette, Ontar io, Emmett, Parma Caldwell, Nampa nnd Boise. Tho Wolser folks wnnt tho leaguo to bo n strictly "home toam" leaguo with no outsldo play ors. So far Ontario fans -havo tak on no stops toward gotting Into the gamo. Sovoral ot tho Nyssa teachers hik ed to Arcadia and back Saturday. O. W, Mohr, roprosentlng the Coast Culvert& Flumo company ar rived In Ontario Monday to make a oxtondod stay In this territory. Nls Patterson ot Welser was In Ontario calling on tho hardware trade. Mr. Patteson brought word that Andrew Hanham, who years ago used to bo a bakor hero for Jim Conner, dlod two weeks ago In Port land of the flu. John Wood camo down from River side Monday. He reports that the snow Is deep in the Interior and that on Sunday thore was an additional fall of snow in Harney valley. So much snow fell that It took a ear from Burns IB nourr to make the trip to Crane, whilo two othor cars which started did not rcb te '1 road. 1 , '.SAtmn ,. xn't Ji