LiSJ '' "n wtft.V ,-W . .'..-,w"w",7-' J-3 tckts; 'Lr-v5E3cr v 5Z!T.r ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, ONTARIO; OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 2, 1922 th th to M 1 o T it b c n r f i I 1 ( ," 5 - - ' $ceieti( Mrs. John Urosnnn has as . hor guest Mrs.'M. M. Williams and little daughter, Jauo, of Portland. Mrs. Williams was rormorly Miss Olga Cllno, a slstor of Mrs. lirosninn, and Hvod in Ontario a number of yoars Howard Kollar of Drewsey, Ore., Is epondlng tho weak In Ontario. II. L. Potorson Is on tho sick list this wcok. Tho Monday Urldgo Club mot this wcok with Mrs. 11. II. Graham. Mrs. E. M. Orolg was hoBtoss to tho Tuoday Urldgo Club. Tho Wednosduy llrldgo Club was ontortnlnod at tho homo of Mrs C. It. Potorson this week. Mr. and Mrs. 11. O. 1'ayuo ontor talnod tho Carnation Clubon Taos day ovolng. On Monday ovoulng Mr. and Mrs. Loo Cockrum ontortolnod with flvo tables at bridge. Tho Fortnightly club was ontor talnod last Saturday ovoulng at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Orolg. Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Swagior gavo n dinner and brldgo party Friday ovonlng. Mr. and Mrs. 13. C. Van 1'ottcn and Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Drauo havo cards out this wcok for two parties on Monday and Wodnosday ovonlhgs of noxt woek. Wallace lipid, QloriaSwansori Oluott Dexter antld Don't Tell Everything!" Majestic, Sunday Monday DEATH CLAIMS BEULAtl MAN Alfred Morton Dk'a After Short 111- "s Lcntcs Wlfo nnl Two Siimll Children llody Is Drought Hero For Interment John Alfred Morton, aged 34, died at Uoulnh Tuesday, Fobruary 28 af ter an Illness of two woeks. Pnou- monla was tho dlroct causo of doath. Tho young man Is surrlvod by his wlfo who was Hoso Lamborson prior to their marriage olght yoars ago, and two BUintl daughtors agod G and 2 respectively. Ho la also survlvod by his father Kd. 12, Morton of Uolso, two brothrcs Uryan and James Morton and thrco slators, Mrs. Magglo Oould and Mrs. Kattlo Warren of Now I'lymouth, and Mrs. Mamto Host of Dolso. Mr. Morton was born of a plouoor family of tho Payette Valley botweon Now Plymouth and Folk's storo, but camo to Mathour county when 16 yoars of ago and lived horo slncor Tho body was brought to Ontario today from Uoulah and funeral sor vlco will bo held Friday from tho I'otorsou chapel, Itov. Chas. Dloin officiating. Iutormont will bo made In tho Ontario cemotory. II. L. Potorson has been under the woather for several days this wook. Judgo 0. L. KInK Is this wook movltiK his ofllco which has been 'located for 21 ycnV's In tho old On- tarlo Ntalonal Dank Uldg., to tho oftlco In tho Wllsoi Uldg., directly back of tuo Post Office Tho Ontario high school military companlos aro continuing targot practlco In preparation for n contest to bo hold with Uolso, April tho first. Somo tlmo ago, Miss Ada Leo physical training teacher was olected faculty sponsor and Miss Iloba Reed bocamo bnttallon sponsor. Tho bat tallon la composod of two companlos A and 11. Miss Ella moso Is sponsor of company A, whllo Miss Alice Dorman (Ills this position In U Company. Tho activities of tho four lady mombers aro chlofly conflnod to social ocasslons, but aro also com potlng with sponsors In othor sohools In target practlco. A COIllinOTIO.V In last week's Argus tho story was told of a commission company offorlng seed potatoes on n ono to throo basis. Instoad of bolng tho Harbor Commission company tho stntomont should havo road tho M. Plownty & Sons commission com pany of Chicago of which Mr. Har bor is tho Idaho roprosontatlvo with hoadquartors at Twin Falls. Slnco flint Btory wns published othor ranch ors havo takon advnntago of tho offer and thus solved thor sood problom. Attornoy F. L. Loyon Cf Payette, was a buslnoss visitor In Ontario this wook. notion Notlco Is horoby glvon to tho per sons who ontorod tho rooms ndjacont to tho Opora Housa and took t here from tho roller skates a to rod thoro, that they aro known to tho offlcors, and that unloss tho proporty takon Is returned to tho city marshal's offlco Immediately prosecutions will bo started undor a charga of larcony of a building not a dwelling. 11. C. Marshal, City Marshal. !i!llliWiimilIlilllfl!lllllllli, Spring Opening You are cordially in vited to attend the spring opening of the Morris Millinery & Novelty Shop, Satur day, MARCH 4, 1922. Visit our shop spring styles and see all the SAY IT WITH FLOWERS IMIMlllllllliMllMlWfliillJliifflii They speak the unspoken word We have them in pots and cut flowers. Come and see them. We are already booking orders for Mothers' Day and Memorial Day. Owirig to an evident shortage of carnations with all florists this season, we are asking our patrons to order early to enable us to fill your orders. . B. B; FLORISTS ONTARIO, OREO ON Just Prom The FASHION CENTERS, Fresh, new, Springlike SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, SKIRTS and BLOUSES DHI'AItTMr.NT STORK .aBiff IKPART.UKNT HTOHIJ DEPARTMENT STOW! DKPARTMHNT BTOHK Surprising to find so For SUNNY SPRING Smart, new Dresses New Tweed Suits . . NEW SKIRTS NEW BLOUSES many of good wanted merchandise at such astonishingly low prices Boys Special SUITS $7.85 Sturdy well made suits with hand tailored collars, full cut kickers, with taped seams. All sizes 6 to 16. PUMPS and OXFORDS $3.50 to $5.85 These a re all new arrivals and while not only new, they are excep tional values for the price asked. $1.25 SPECIAL Men's heavy 9 oz. best made, rivet ed Waist OVER ALLS, for one week- $1.25 a pair one hundred doz. in this lot, but they will not last long at this price. Hill THEATRE ATTRACTIONS Friday 11IUDKS PLAY MARION DAVIE3 Winners of tho Wont riiOWicu or Tim north Curwoo;l Btory starring HENRY WALTHALL Two Reel Comody Sunday and Monday DON'T TKMj KVKRYTHINO WALLACE HEID, C1LOIUA BWAN- SON AND ELLIOT DEXTER Tho Hick Larry Somon Coraody Topics ot tho Day Tuesday across tiik deadline frank mayo International Nows Wodnosday and Thursday ' THH SON OF WALLTNGFOHD ALL STAR SPECIAL In tho Rlvor Two rool Northwoods ptcturo SUBJECTS ANNOUNCED FOR W. C. T. U. ESSAY CONTEST Children of County Hnvo Opportunjty to Win I'rlzrg In Miy Clnshi'n lli'altli nml Liquor Qura tloug Variously Divided Announcomont was mado by tho W. C. T. U. this woek ot tho annual ossay cotost for children ot various grades as follews: TvnclHTM Contest Subject: Methods of Teaching Health and Temporanco, National prlzo $50. High School Contett 1, What two Yoars ot Prohibition has Meant to Our Country. 2, Alcohol as a Monaco; Physical ly, Socially and Morally. 3, Tho Economically or Physical Aspoct of tho Tobacco Habit. Stato prlzo, senior, Junior, f 10. Sophomore Freshman $10. National prize. Sonlor-Junlor. $30 Sophomore-Freshman, $20. County, Any school pupil, $5 Markings, Three-fourths on sub ject matter and ono-fourth on stylo and grammatical oxcollenco. Number of words, Maximum 1,200 minimum 1,000. Seventh and Eighth Grades 1, What is the Harm In Deer, Wlno and "Home Drew"! 3. The Physical Effects of Al cohol. ' 3. Tro Physical Etfocta ot To bacco. State prize; $10. National $25. County prizes; 1st prize $4; 2nd prlzo $3; 3rd prize $1. Sixth Grado and Under 1. Health Habits. 3, Habits that Injure Health. 3. Why has Oregon Made a Law Forbidding tho use ot (Jlgaretta by Roys Uunder Twenty-oneT Stato Prlzo, $5. National prlzo, $10.00. County Prlze: 1st, $3; 2nd, $2; 3rd, $1. Markings: Tbree-tourtns on sub ject matter and ono fourth on Essays must be sont to Mrs. Will J. Roberts, Supt. Essay Oontost, On tario, OroKon, t o roach nor not Intor than April 20th. Toachors should boo no names aro signed to ossnys but each ossay should glvo grndo and bo nmborod as teacher ehoosos, corresponding numbors with namos sont In soparato onvolopo markod. Namo of contest ants from school (glvo namo or numbor of school.) Namo ot school should bo wrltton on wrapper Inclosing assays. " Roforonco matorlal may bo ob tained from tho county librarian; Llfo Extension Institute Now York City; W. O. T. U. Publishing House, Eronstono, III. Wo would micrirnat Hint n mnnilm. bo arrangod at which tho ossays bo Id, tvuu UQIUIU lliu IJUIUIUB. 'Mammoth Polfln Duck eggs $1.50 por setting ot 12. Also Duff Or pington okks. $1.00 por sotting. Hans Oft, R. F. D. Ontario tf Calvin Keller of Payette, was an Ontario visitor Wodnosday. WANTED TO TRADE 3 business lots In Cambrldgo Idaho for roil denco lots In Ontario. Phono 221w. '10 tt Two full bloodod Jorsoy calvos, registered for salo. Tho Argus for Information. Dull Boo tt pd TO SELL OR TRADE Ono 200 ogg Incubator will take smallor slzo. Soo Don Roso. Ontario R. F. 2U pd. 1917 touring Ford Will' trade for good milch cows. Doz 343, Vale Orogon. 3 t pd. FOR 8ALE Eggs from brod to lay Duff Orpington's $1.C0 por IB. Won 1st and 2nd at Ontario Poultry Show. Whlto Leghorn oggs, $1,00 por IE, Also 1 Duff Orpington cockrol $2.00 each. W. F. Parker, Ontario. 4t pd. DICKLOW SEED WHEAT; at $2.25 per hundred as long as supply lasts. Inqulro Nyssa Oraln & Seod C., Nyssa, Orogon 13-4t QUAST BROTIM SALE OE WOMEN'S SHOES ' BEGINS FRIDAY MARCH 4 Entire stock of V High Top Shoes at 25 0 0 OFF our regularf. low prices WE HAVE NO OLD STOCK EVERY PAIR IS GOOD, SEASONABLE & STYLISH Choice of low heels. and Louis heels, round, dium and toes. me- narrow Every style is in eluded. Your kind and size are here. All $5.00 Shoes at $3.75 Ail $6.50 Shoes at $4.85 All $7.50 Shoes at $5.60 All $10 Shoes at $7.50 All $6.00 Shoes at $4.50 All $7.00 Shoes at $5.25 All $8.00 Shoes at $6.00 Remember, this is a sale of laced Boots, no Ox fords, Pumps or Low Shoes included. 1 nt w A& grammatical corrections and ap- poaraucos. fun