The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 23, 1922, Image 1

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Idaho's Commissioner of Agriculture
Culls on Members ui Upper
Houso Kxplnln Actions
Dcclnrcs Handlers
Await Pay
Ulttor attackg upon United Stotos
senator it. N. Btaiiflold ot Oregon
nnd his collonguo Trunk Ooodtng ot
Idaho havo tnnrkod tho past wook
jffl tho part ot Miles Canson, com
iiilsslonor of ngrlculturo for Idaho.
Tho oponlng gun of tho commis
sioner's nttuck-whlch has boon fol
lowod with Jntorost by pooplo In
r.aBiorn Oregon was tho publication
oi nn opon tologratn In tho States
man to tho Junior Sonator from
Oregon domandlng that ho explain
why Idaho ranchers havo not boon
paid for hay purchased by companlos
which tho commissioner alleged
woro controlled by Sonator Btanllold.
To this, no far no roply has been
Following on tho heels of tho Am
attack caino anothor In which tho
commissioner doclaros that thoro
exist an apparont conspliacy on tho
part of big shoop mon to socuro all
of tho public rango In Southorn
Idnho through tho results of tho
passogo of II. It. No. 77, which will
permit of tho bxchango of tltlo to
land In Southorn Idaho for land now
hold within forost boundaries from
tho Salmon rlvor to Wallace Iduho.
It Is In this attack that tho com
missioner links Trod Uoodlng, J. 12,
Clinton nnd through his brother
names Bonaltor Gooding as bolng a
party to tho effort to thus control
tho rango. IIo also makos repeated
statemonU that slnco through his
various shoop companies, Senator
Sthnfiold has of lato socurod posses
Dion of vast numbers of shsop, which
total ho gtvos a Portland papor as
authority for numbering botwoon
000,000 and 800,000 nu doclaros
that It theso can be bought an? paid
for the food which keeps thorn, can
also bo paid.
Commissioner Cannon als0 glvon
It as his opinion that tho operations
of all tho big shoop mon Is In reality
tho uctlvlty of tho puckers who thru
thorn nro securing control of tho
shoop rango of Idaho.
Iloro In Mainour county it has long
boon bollovod that tho Columbia
1-1. 4.
Through tho activity of W.
J. Plnnoy tho Harbord Com-
mission Arm of Idaho Falls has
offered to furnish potato grow-
ors In this section seod potn-
toes on a basis of throo to ono.
Already growors whoso total
acroago will bo ovor 400 ncros
havo slgnod up to rocelvo tholr
flood through tho linn under
tho contract which boaldo call-
Ing for tho dollvorv n Min 4.
commission mon, thrco sacks of
potntoos for ovory sack of socd,
also calls for tho dollvory to
f mo commission Arm for salo
through thorn with tho usual
ton por cont commission. Tho
action of this Arm has "solved
tho seod Droblom which n
numbor of tho ranchors woro
wrostllng with.
U. !'. Powell & Company of Itoiso
HuVo Contract for 100 Acres
Of Juttuco lu Njniu, Cairo
an" Ontario Ht'ctlon
This Hcuson.
V. F. Powell of tho commission
Arm which boars his namo and
whoso hoadQUartors Is In Dolso. was
In Ontario today signing up lottuco
growors for this season.
Mr. rowoll lias already secured
contracts with growors whoso total
acroago of lottuco will bo moro than
100 ncros and t0 pack and ship tholr
crop will havo a wurohouso horo In
Ontario this fall. Tho growors ul
roady contracted with aro In tho
Nyssa, Cairo and Ontario torrltory.
Later ho oxpocts to add t0 theso a
Frank W. Itrown, Secretary to Gov
"rnor of r'alio Planning nig
Development on Ills Itniicli
on Oreujon Slopo This
NO. 12
Frank W. Drown socrotnry to Oov
ornor D. W. Davis, of Idaho, and
socrotary of tho Western Statos Re
clamation association, was In Ontar
io last Friday, and whllo horo told
of tho ambitious plans ho has In
vlow for tho dcvolopmont of a ranch
on Doad Ox Flat.
Among othor things. Mr. llrown
has sont to Italy for enough sood to
plant 20 ncros ot Laaino clovor, a
gigantic typo of whtto clovor which
Clover Fiirco to bo Presented by
Class of "2a nt Majestic Thcntro
Next Tliur"ny
IS a natlVO Of thO Itiniintnltt rnnlnn.
number of growors In tho Frultland of ,10lhorn Holy. So far this crop
Dasln Woolwarjohoubo and othor
companlos Indirectly connoctod with
tho packing Industry or tho so called
Swift Interosts havo had control or
tho various Stanflold companlos, and
that tho sonator ouly rocently had
socurod a groator lutorest In tho
managomont of tho companlos which
boar his namo. -Thq many confer
ences hero, and tho attitude assumed
whllo the Stanfleld offices woro horo
confirmed In tho belief that tho Sen
ator was only nominally tho direct
ing hoad ot tho concerns.
The revolutions ot Commissioner
Cannon In Idaho relatlvo to attempt
to tlo up tho rauga may bo but an
other phaso of tho effort tq transfer
tho management ot tho publlo range
from tho department of agriculture
through the forest sorvlce, to the
iMrepnrtment of tho Interior's land of
fice departmont. Tho offlcors ot the
land office aro appointed by the
sopators, and slnco Idaho, Wyoming
as well as Orogon Is represented In
the senato by a big sueepman, tho
small stockmen and tho publlo Is
,. mightily interested In the outcome
ot the fight In Idaho.
A. number ot the memhors ot tho
Odd. Fellows Lodge went to Nyssa
Tuesday night whero they attended
a banquet held In their honor.
Tho sonlor class of tho Ontnlro
High School will prosont A. E. W,
Mason's clovor comedy, "Oroou
Stockings," at tho Majestic Thontro
Thursday ovonlng March 2 at eight
Tho play abounds In Interesting
situations, clovor dlaloguo and sub
tlo humor. Tho plot contors nround
tho old custom which roqulros on
oldor sister to woor groon stockings
nt tho wedding of hor youngor sister,
if tho youngor slstor had canturod
a husband first. Colla Faraday has
had to woar groon stockings at tho
weddings of each of hor two young
or slslors and when tho youngost
announces her ongagomont. Miss
Faraday, form a plan whoroby,. s';nj
wm oscnpo wearing groon stockings
nt a third woddlng.
Tho cast Is ns follews:
Admlal Orlco (Uottred) A touty old
Soa dog .............. Homor Maddux
William Faraday, father of four
doubters; fashlonablo and thoro
ughly selfish ... Dick Adam
Itobort Tarvor (Dbbby) An empty
hoadod young swoll-Wllllara Loos
llonry Stoolo, a superficial young
Englishman .. . Frnncls Illedor
Jamos Itnllegh, Anothor .
.......................... Lawronco Itowo
Martin, A dlgnlflod old family ser
vant Wobstor Jones
Col. J. N. 8mlth-Vnvas80ur, D. 8. O.
A dryly humorous military man
- Hugh Hlggs
Madgo (Mrs. nocklngham) Fash
lonablo and solflsh..aortrudo Skow
Evelyn (Lady Troncnurd) A fllrta-
tlonus young widow
........................... Evolyn Stewart
Phyllis, youngest sister charming
but thougbtless....Mlldrod natcllff
Mrs. Chlsolm Faraday (Aunt Ida)
Quick tomperod but warm hearted
Clara Inei Wood
Colla Faraday, a dear delightful
young woman still under 30
Lola Everett
Duslnoss Manager ....Frank Clomont
Proporty Man Eldon Fortler
Stage Manager, Leonard Zimmerman
district nnd possibly ns far west as
lift. i. .
mo omy purposo of our con
tract Is to ascertain approximately
now much lottuco wo can dopond
upon and Is not tho Iron bound con
tract somo ot tho growors havo boon
askod to sign.
'Wo bollovo that thoro Is so neces
sity of Introducing an outsldo Arm
to handle tho crop of thls'Boctlon.
Wo woro tho plonoors In shipping
lottuco from this district. Two years
ago wo uhlppod 1C cars; last year
wo shipped OS cars, or ono fourth ot
all tho lottuco shlDDod from tho
vnlloy. Wo havo paid cash to tho
growors as high us $4,25 por crato.
and wo will bo In position to pay
cash for tho lottuco of tho growors
If thoy so doslro.
"Wo aro not particularly Intorost
odln takln tho farmer's crop on n
consignment basis. Wo would soon
er pay cash f. o. b tho cars and
tho farmor thus has no doubt con
cerning hfs returns. Wo soil In ox
actly tho samo markets and to tho
sanio pooplo that tho California
"yocuUfelo Union does, nnd wo do
not bind tho ranch undor any such
contracts as Hint which tho farm
ers havo boon askod to sign.
It appears strnugo to us that wo
and othor Idaho Arms who havo
boon In tho shipping gamo for years
woro not glvon an opportunity to
prosont our proposition for consid
eration boforo tho markotlng com-
mlttoo of tho Canyon county farm
buroau and tho othor buroaus In
this soctlon. Howovor we nra going
to bo in tho market and will havo
a plant horo In Ontario this tall,
and will havo flold mon ready to
'naslst tho growor, provldo him, with
sood and othorwlso assist him In
gottng his crop in condition for tho
"Thoro is no doubt concerning tho
ability of this soctlon to produco
hoad lottuco ot tho hlghost quality,
and in groat quantity. Nolthor Is
thoro any uncertainty concerning tho
market, but wo do not ndvlso a
beglhuer In tho gamo to plant moro
than Ave acres tho first year."
has boon oxporlmoutod with In sov-
oral soctlons of tho wost during tho
post tow years with varying succoss.
Among thoso who havo oxporlmouto'1
with It nro F. C. Fry of Nyssa, and
County Agont L. It. Drolthaupt.
Mr. Drown Is to .oxporlmont with
tho now crop for tho purposo ot rnls
Ing sood. Ho als0 s going to put In
uuu uuu ui iouuco ror soou pur
poses. Thoso, howovor nro but a fow of
tho foaturos which tho rnnchor soc
rotnry of tho Idaho exocutlvo has
worked out for tho dovolopmont of
tholr ranch which ho plans on bolng
an Idoal oxamplo of wha. dlvorslty
will do for tho promotion of agricul
tural prosporlty In tho Snnko rlvor
vnlloy. Ho plans on havlug not loss
than flvo, and possibly as many as
twonty dairy cows on tho ranch; nnd
to fowl them to rotoln 20 ncros of al
falfa,, as woll as planting 20 ucros to
corn for ousllago. Ho will havo
somo whoat, somo oats, nnd 20 acros
of potntoos too. In othor words It
will tako a calamity to tho world
agricultural Industry ot this soctlon
oro tills farm would bo donlod sov
oral crops which nro profitable.
Whllo In Ontario Mr. Drown o
ourod tho names of sovorol farmers
who hnvo wrltton to Socrotnry W. II.
Doollttlo sooklng a placo to 'rent In
this section, and slnco Mr. Drown Is
to provldo tho seed for his farm plan
ho doos not antlclpato difficulty in
socurlng a rontor to follow his plan
of action.
When C. M. Parr who drives
tho big truck batwnmi Ilnl.n jl
and Wolsor ran out of gasollno
on tho Old Orogon Trail bo-
twocn hero nnd Wolsor last
Tuesday night ho ondoavorod
to roflll tho tank from n sup-
t vir Bocurou nt n ranch houso.
Whllo ho was pouring tho gas-
ollno Into tho tank somo of It
spilled ovor onto tho hot manl-'
fold nnd It oxplodod. Tho truck
wob burnod, nnd so wns Mr.
Parr. Ho was bo badly burned
that ho wns rushed to tho Holy
Hosary hospital whoro ho Is
still sufforlng badly but Is now
out of daniror. j.
Verdict Olvt Itnnchcr l,U2a.lO
Which Includes tflOO Attorney's
IVes Bought 910,000
County Offered $3,n00
-Wns Ultfor lhitUo
ik for Consideration by Public Her
vlio CoiiiiiiInhIoii on Hn'cs nnd
Bervlcoj IncfcnNo ThouKUt
Unfair mid Pimer nota
tion ItulnoiiH
Tho Music Club will hold Its next
regular meeting at tho homo of Mrs.
D. F. drahara on Saturday February
Judgo W. W. Wood loft Monday
tor Hepner, Oregon whoro ho or
pectod to romaln for sevoral days
this wook,
Tho W. C. T. U. will moot next
Tuesday afternoon at the homo of
Mrs. A. Jaqulsh,
Former President of U. 8. National
At Vale Lists Liabilities at
s)aW!,-M-lr Aascta Only "
Sll'O.IO Many Illg
Creditors Named
Herd of Registered Jerseys Making
Records Proving Value of Quality
When Dr. E. B. Fortner sold a
portion of his nno herd of registered
Jerseys a tow -years ago be retained
somo ot the best stock as the founda
tion ot a now herd which ho has
been building up .during tho past
two years, and which Is now making
records Justifying hU Judgment and
.also proving that In his combination
of the Golden Glow and Saint strains
ho has the makings ot ono of the
finest purebred Jersey herds In
Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho.
At the present time he hia fourj
cows under tho test prescribed by
the Jersey association of America,
and two of his cowa have recently
completed the test. One ot these, a
tea year old cow, after a bad start
duo to changes in tho man in charge
made a record of 412H pounds of
butter fat of which 63 pounds was
made In Docomber after she had
been fresh a month. The four cows
now on test made records so far
which indicate that they will sur
pass this record ,and that among
them will be gold modal cows.
All ot the cows In tho Fortner
hord are registered - and with the
crossing of the Oolden Glow strain
with tho Saint Mawes strain, Dr.
Fortner believes that ho has tho
basis for a record'eetaUlahlng herd.
The sire ot the hord U a brother of
the famous Viva La France, the
world's record Jersey.
Publlo Servlco Ooininlmlon to IKur
Application of IlnilroaUs for
Cut In Hervico on March
i mil a p, m.
On March 1 and 2 p. in, the Pub
llo Servlco Commission of Oregon,
at tho city hall hero In Ontario, will
hold a hearing on tho application of
tho O, S. L. Ry. Co. to cut its service
to the branch line towns in two.
Notice of this hearing was re
ceived this week by City Attorney
P. J. Gallaghor, who on behalf ot the
City ot Ontario, the Commercial club
nnd also on bobalf of the branch
lines filed a protost against tho
Under tho proposed schedule there
would bo only one train every other
day on tho Oregon Eastern to Crane,
and the samo to Drogan and Home-
The commission will bo In Ontario
on Fobruary 28 to hold a hearing on
the application of the Idaho Power
company to file Its schedule ot val
uations for rate making purposos
and apparently la making the one
trip servo tho double purpose.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. 0. Smith of
Caldwell arrived Tuesday afternoon
for a visit with Mrs. Smith's paronts
Mr, and Mrs. Jameg Lackey
Portland papors ot Saturday con
tained mo story of tiio riling of n
petition in bankruptcy by O. F.
Wlldhabor, president of tho dofunct
U. S. National bank at Vale and ono
ot the stockholders of tho First Na
tional bank which failed at the same
tlmo tho U. S. National went undor.
Mr. Wlldhabor Is now In Nebraska,
It Is understood.
Tho Orogonlan story Is as follows;
0. F. Wlldhaber of Vale, Ore,,
filed as a bankrupt a list ot liabili
ties aggroagatlng 363,H4 in tho
fodoral court Thursday. It Is ono ot
tho largest Individual bankruptcy
petitions filed In soveral months.
Mr. Wlldhabor was a stockholder In
tho First National bank of Vale, and
tho Unltod Statos National bank ot
Vale, both ot which closod tholr
doors last year. In tho formor
bank Mr. Wlldhabor had 129 shares
and In the latter 276 shares. In tho
list ot assets those shares aro sched
uled a of no value.
Among tho unsecurnd creditors
are tho First National bank of Vale,
118,000; United States National
bank of Vale, 27,500; It. N. Btan
Stanfleld, -40,000; Q. E. and It. N.
Stanflold, 110,000; J. L. Hand, Sa
lorn, S1200; Portland Cattle Loan Co
$6,000; American Surety Co. and
Utah Fire Clay Co, 116.000; George
McLaughlin, Vale, $2668; J. L, Soule
Daker, $1000; Jensen & Holman,
Salt Lake, $900; Davis & Kestor,
Vale, $500. Other liabilities includo
notes duo tljo American National
bank, Pendleton; Western Bend &
Mortgage Company; Fldollty Na
tional bank, Spokane.
Mr. Wlldhabor Hats his assets at
$11,950 and claims evemptlon for
At n mooting ot Irrigation powor
users roDrosontinir Hovmi nt iln ini..
vbu irrigation companies nnd dis
tricts nfflllatod, hold In Ontnrlo last
Saturday aftonoon,, It wns tho un
nulmous opinion thnt thoro should
bo no furthor Incronsos In tho ohargo
mado by tho Idaho Powor Company
for oloctrlcnl onorgy for pumplnK pur
posos. It was furthor docldod that
tho ton por cont surcharge which tho
Publlo Borvlco Coinmlsalmi linn i.
iuwou mo company ror tho past two
yoars ponding determination of tho
valuation of tho company's propor-
nvo. id uiijiioiiiiou nnu siiouia not
bo contlnuod In 1022. Also that
tho company's proposal to rotate
power botwoon tho dlfforent Irriga
tion districts would bo ruinous to tho
rarmors, nnd thorotoro must bo vig
orously protostod. Chnlrmnn Clng
ott was Instructod to procood with
nocossary proparntlons for tho pre
sentation of tho UBOrs caso boforo tho
Publlo Servlco Commission.
Just what formal action tho usors
Will tako Ifia "Uol boon disposed, but
It was docldod to loud nsklstunco to
tho farm buroau organisation In com
plotlng a farm survey to show tim rn.
turns Bocurou by tho farmers In
1921 which will supplomont similar
records takon for 1919 nnd 1920 ami
iiibko up n nnauclul showing for tho
farmors. Which Will onabln tliniii in
pui tno iruo condition of tholr busl
ness boforo tho commission In do-
iinito ro nn. Tho asslstanco ot It.
V. Ounn, extonsluu specialist ot tho
Orogon Agricultural Collogo has boon
eocurod through tho comity ngont,
and tho work of taking reports nnd
compiling tho returns is now undor
way at tho farm buroau otflco In On.
tarlo nnd all rarmors who wish to
lond tholr support to tho movo aro
bolng urged to olthor mall a ronort
or call In person.
wuotber tho powor usors will
start action at tho hearing which Is
to bo held at Ontario on tho 28h
win aoponu, it is understood, upon
tno attltudo of (ho Publlo Sorvlco
commission. As announced, this
hearing will bo for tho purposo ot
establishing valuations ot tho powor
company proporty. If tho farmoru
uro donlod tho prlvllogo ot bolng
hoard at this tlmo, anothor hoarlng
will probably bo petitioned for in
sottlo tho matter ot ratos as tho
usors aro not incllnod to allow tho
ratos to bo Increased on thorn or tho
Bur-charge t0 bo contlnuod without
naving a fair opportunity to bo
hoard In tho matter. Tho idoa of
allowing tho powor company to ro-
tatu tuo powor botwoon tno old uaoru
so as to stretch It out to take on now
business at tuo uiroct oxpenso and
dotrlmont ot tho establishment users
doos not soem to sot woll olthor.
Tho soalod verdict which wns ro
turnod in tho district court ntDakor
this morning In tho condemnation
caso of Mainour county vs. Joseph
for right-of-way for tho Old Orogon
Trail across tho Joseph ranch on
Iowor Doad Ox Flat gnvo Joseph
Of this sum according to tolo
phono advises rocolvod by attorneys
In tho caso, $000 wns domonstratod
nfl nttornoy's foes tho .balanco for tho
land and datnngos. In' his action
Joseph damages In tho sum ot $10,
000 whllo In tho attompt t0 com
promlso and sottlo without suit tho
county offorod $3300, and .Joseph
wanted $3,750.
Tho caso was ono of tho hardoet
fought condemnation suits In tho
records of Eastojrn O;ogon, sov'on
days woro roqutrod to try tho caso
boforo Judgo Qustnvo Andorson and
n Jury which Includod four womon.
In nil noarly 30 witness woro
callotf and n mass of technical tost!
money by Irrigation engineers oc
cupied tho attention ot tho court for
Joseph was roprosontod by H.
W. Swaglor of Ontario nnd Nichols
& Hnllock ot Dakor whllo District
Attornoy ltobort D. Lytlo nnd P. J.
Gallaghor roprosontod tho county.
Among tho wltnonsos summonod
from Ontario wore: E. M. Grolg,
Ivan E. Oakos, J. F. Joyco, Judgo
E. II. Tost, Frod Tost, C. F. Cox,
A. V. Wilson, aoorgo W. Lattlg,
P. M. Doals, Guy Qraham and others.
, Tho 'Sa.ClnhXjtf.the followers ot
Truth ontortalnod in royal style at
tho Odd Follows' Hall In honor ot
Undo Dick Ituthorford who cola-
bratod his eighty-second birthday.
Nino mombors woro prosont of tho
twolvo whoso birthdays fall upon
tho birthday of tho "Father ot'IIls
Country.". Thoso prosont worotUncle
Dlok Ituthorford, Mrs. John Weaver,
Mrs, C. E. Ingraham, Claronito Poor
man, Mrs. W. 8. Maxon, Miss Elsie
Cox, Miss Eula' Oramso, Claronco
Dowoll and Mrs. Irving Harris.
Undo Dick was prosontod with a
largo cako which was mado by Mrs.
Adrian Ituthorford and grandsos
John Ituthorford, also a beautifully
carved cano, nnd later In tho day
an honorary uiomborsblp for Ufa in
tho Pythian Blstors. A numbor of
plonoor families nnd friends ot tho
club mombors wero Invitod guosts to
dlnnor which was presided over by
Cbarllo Oarvln as tho chef of the
day. Tho guosts to tho numbor ot
76 wished Undo Dick many mora
birthdays and votod him a very on
tertalnlng host.
Tho regular mooting ot tho On
tario Womons' club will bo held
Thursday March 2 at tho homo of
Mrs. J. II. Anderson.
Mrs, Frod CanAeld roturned to
hor homo In Wolsor Thursday uftor
visiting for soveral days In Ontario.
Tom Jonoa of Vale spout Thursday onjpyable evening.
in Ontario.
Tho first rehearsal for tho plar
which tho girls plan on presenting
somotlmo noxt month was hold At
tho homo Mrs. E, M. Grolg Monday
A vory euccossful baskot social
was hold Wodnosday ovonlng in tho
Congrogatlonol Church. Tho church
wasbeautlfully decorated in the
patriotic colors and many various
games wero prosontod for entortaln
mont. Tho persons who woro lucky
enough to havo had a birthday In
tho past thrco months woro called
upon to entortaln tho romalndor ot
tho crowd and the rosult was a vory
Moro than one
hundrod were prosont.
Breeder of Registered Polands China's
Comes to make Home in Malheur County
Among a numbor of now resldonts
which Malheur county has secured
ot lato Is Arthur R. Karr of Orogon
Slope, who for sovoral years, past
wns numbered among tho prize win
ning brooders of large typo Poland
China bogs, Mr. Karr has some of
his ribbon winners on tho aodell
ranch on Orogon Slopo now.
Mr. Karr camo to Ontario from
Harney county where ho wont last
spring from Iowa to manago a big
stock ranch, and had hardly settled
there when the owners of the ranch
dissolved partnership and ho was out
of a Job. He camo here and brot
with him somo of tho finest hoes
which won ribbons at tho Iowa state
fair, and whoso pedigrees contain
the names of the biggest prlte win
ners In the Poland China reglstor,
among thorn Tyo's Liberator, Am
bassador and othor bluobloods of tho
Poland China arlstocraoy.
Mr. Karr Is a graduate ot Amos,
lowa'a famous agricultural college,
where ho was one ot tho members
of the stock Judging team for several
years, and Is a fratornlty brother of
tho Wallace boys, sons of Secretary
of Agriculture, Wallace. He bolloves
thero Is a future in tho purobrod
stock business of this soctlon and Is
planning on making his homo In this
thl county has ever seen, bogs (section permanently,
-ri .'' . -.,
. XT!''' """