MP WPUMUMLH THE ONTARIO ABGU8, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922 l .J. ' ' 'I I'. hi 'i ii r ii i '"-MM IN "SCRAP IRON" CHARLES RAY GIVES YOU THE GREATEST FIGHT YOU'VE EVER SEEN MAJESTIC SUNDAY & MONDAY ? i 3f N 5S Hi! . , ti ', tei h tfceietu Tho Monday Urldgo club ontor tnlnod tho muni burs of tho Wodnos duy Urldgo club nt n lunchoou nnd hrldgo party on Monday ot this wook at tho homo ot Mrs. Lulluo Ulackuhy. Valontlnos and hearts wore used tor docoratlons. Tho Tuosduy Urldgo club mut tills wook at tho homo ot Mrs. John Uuniphoy. Mrs. J. It. Rnsmusson was hostess yostorday to. tho WodnoBday Urldgo club. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. UlllIngHloy on tortalnoil tho Carnation club Tuos day ovonlug. Mrs. J. It. Fortlor has cards out tor u urldgo party tor Saturday attr noon.. Tho Muslo club Is ontortnlnlng this oruulng nt tho homo ot Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Wooso. A musical pro gram wilt bo glvon. Tho Imporlal club will moot to morrow ovonlug at tho homo ot Mr, and Mrs. D. W. Powers. Tho Ontario Girls' club had a Valoutlno party Tuesday ovonlug nt tho homo ot Ms. U. II. Ollhnm. A play wrltton by Mrs. Ina DoKoo was onactod by somo ot tho mombors and thoroughly enjoyed by tho others. Tho mooting next Tuesday evening will bo at tho homo ot E, M. drolg. P. J, Oallaghor wun host Sunday ovonlug nt a stag dliinor, tho guests bolng Louis 0. Dean ot Eugene, Lloyd Itlchos ot Vnlo, Jim Domont ot Nyssa and W. II. llrooko ot this city. ADRIAN NEWS Dun Holly motorod to I'nrina on buslnoss Saturday. ; A valuable hurso holonglng to Qeo. Hood wus severely cut In tho Imrli uliA mm ilnv limt u-onlc. nflil flf tor lingering along tor some time It Lllnit Wit.. Hlivl .l1 n.Klllll.a. Im.JA UIUU. A IIU MUAfc lit, IlllUtllVI IIUIRU linrna t-nl a foot badly cut but thero ) iro hopes for Its recovery. llnli nrlHenll nuido IL trio to On- tnrln Mnnilnv. rdtllrnlllir WodllOgdaV. A largo baud of shcop belonging " to Mr. Petersen passuil through here I this wook. Thoy camo trout ltonu f ,- Valley and nro on tho wuy to tho ! . Dwyhuo. V i Miss Myrtle Uoswoll ot Vale, Is tho guest of her aunt, Mrs. John Jlolly. " iA Dale Ashcruft has accepted u purt In tho High school pluy ul Koloiiy ichool. Thoy woro shy one boy, and Dale was culled upon to till tho va- :ancy. Tho play will bu given ut tho Kolony school house 'on Fob. 24th. Holly Uros. have boon doing a , rushing business soiling valeutlues ' ;ho past wook, V Tho Still tumlly who have boon K .tvlng In l'otor Christiansen's houso lurlug tho winter, havo roturnod to f ;bolr homo In Nam pa. Qeo. Hood wudo u huslnoss trip to N'yssa Tuesday. Word was received- by Mrs. Clark Gnos from hor sister, who Is III In a Pnrtinnii hosnltal. Hor sister Is uch Improved" lu hoalth. A carload of cattlo woro shipped Jrom various farmers hero to Port and murkots. t wrvrinu TO DOO OWNKlW ; Owners ot uogs wiuun mo tuiym- Ma limits of Ontario aro uereoy !'..... ... iimnoii ti. Mm knnnlnir lOllUUU IUUV Il.v..v w .-- - - tsald animals may now bo obtalnod it tho oOlco ot tho City Recorder. tho eamo time HceuBO tags for tho wlty aro obtalnod those required inder tho state laws cau be socured iiud tho rccordor will romlt state's Iconso to tho proper authorities. C. M. BTfcAlirB, 1 - I FIFTEKN City Recorder iS DOLLAR REWARD Iw tha recovery ot Whito and Tan SngHsh Terrier dog that answors to jamo of Doggie. Escapod trom jjnloa Pacific Express botwoon pbcatollo, Idaho and Huntington, -Oregon. Address N. W. Cowhord, Circulation Manager. ' Baker Oregou Herald. V j NOTICE , V.'l MRS. UEkUft. yvuu, mi.. .. v ' ... ' ....; in hnr natrons a iVlSnOB 0 mill""'' w " " . . Li." f mention from the Stylo . .IVUHUhV w --"--- .... tni)L1 fPIhoo 4 DLOOKH KUUTli """ Brt,nN RIQHT HAND SIDE OK .w- AnM STREET, rnouo. 5. KI'ISCOPAL SERVICES I ... .. vnl.,na1 urn-vires In ... '..! avmnlo. Sunday ovenlug Vobruary 10 at 7:80. Tho Rov. 3, w. DuDols will preach. Soed potatoes tor salo. Alfrod Uodlno, Ontario, Jl Pd- MANY SPEAKERS SCHEDULED FORFARHERSWEEK'FEB. 22-25 Meeting to bo Rotated Rctu-t'cn On tario, N'jhsu n ml Vnl" Every una Isvltcd 10 n. in. to -1 p. III. Tho socond "Fqrmer's Wook" to bo hold In tho county under tho auspices of tho county farm bureau and tho Oregon extension Borvlco will begin on next Wodncsdny, Feb ruary 22 nt which tlmo thero will bu a mooting at Vale with Dairying as tho main topic. E. U. Kltts, oxtonston dairyman, sponklng. Tho other spoakors who aro oxpoctod to appear on tho program at Vale on Wednes day nro It. V. Ounn, farm manage ment spoclnllstt and II. A. Ltngren, livestock specialist, who will discuss swlno manugoment on Irrigated lands. On tho samo day, a program will bo given at Ontario with livestock management as tho chlof feature. Tho spcakors will bo Prof. E. L. Poter ot tho Department of' Animal Husbandry, A. 0. C, who will speak on tho rosults ot feeding experi ments at tho Union Experiment Station; II. A. Llngron, livestock specialist, who will discuss swlno management on Irrigated lands; Mr. Dutlon, District Supervisor of forest grazing, who will tnlk on rango management; nnd Mr. McAllstor ot tho Union Stock Yards Company. On Thursday a program will bo given at Nyssa with crops and marketing as tho chlof foaturos, I). E. Stephens, suporlntondant of tho Moro, Orogon, oxporlmont . station and E. L. Ludwlck of tho Orogon Grain Urowors Cooperative Associa tion, spoaklng. Othor spoakors who nro oxpoctod to nppear on tho pro gram aro E. U. Pitts, 11. A. Llngron nnd R. V. Ounn. On Friday this program will bo put on ut Ontario. On Saturday a mooting will bo hold at Vale with dralnago as tho chlof subject. W. L. Powers will handlo tho work on this subjoct, as sisted by othor spoakors familiar with local conditions. In addition, livestock and' crop subjocts will probably bo prosouted by somo ot tho spoakors who appear at Ontario on Friday. Thoro will bo no charge tor admit, tnuco to thoso meetings and evory ouo Is welcome. In arranging tho schodulu, an effort ban been made to get as much of tho benefits within tho roach ot as man farmers as pos sible without tho necessity ot thoso attending coming long distances. Much Information ot valuo will bo mndo available to all who attend. Tho meotlngs will begin at 10 a. m. ad adjoruus ut 4 p. m. CLUB LEADERS TO HOLD CONFERENCE NEXT SATURDAY II. C. riojmoiir, J. J, AM'Mi and MUs llcli'u L'omkIH to bo Speakers Work lor Yeur to Ito Outlined. Thero will bo a boys' and girls' club coufereuca tor local club lead ers and persons lutoVestod In tho club work nt tho City Hull, Onturlo, Saturduy, February 25. Tho pur pose ot this coutoronco Is to discuss tho organization and methods of conducting tho club work. H. C. Soymour, State Club Leader, L. J. Alton, Stato Livestock Club Loader and Miss Helen' Cowglll, Assistant Stato Club Leader will bo prosont. Tho conforonce will bogln prompt ly at 10:30 a. m. Mr. Soymour will talk on tho rclutlon ot tho local loader to club work, followed by an open dUcusslou. In tho afternoon Mr. Alton will speak on the results ot club work In Oregon, and group conferences will bo held. Thoso persons intorstod In sewing, cooking nud canning will moot with Miss Cowglll. Mr.AUen will handlo tho livestock and Mr. Soymour the poul try and crops. It is hoped that every local loader and as many of tho parents and per sons Intorosted In the boys and girls as possible will attend. Tho boys and girls of Malheur County are ono ot the most Important crops that wo ralso and wo are missing one ot our most fertllo fields In rural develop ment If we negloct their training. This conforenco Is hold In connec tion with tho Farmers Weok pro gram. Judge O. L. King and wlfo, Rov. P, J. 8tack, Mrs. Paul Sellgman Mrs; IL L. Petorsou, Mrs. K. Troxoll, Miss Roso Kroeasln and Miss Luolla Callln woro among those from Ontor 0 who were lu Boise Monday to hear Maduino Schumann Holnk sing at tho Plnney Theatre, BLUE SLIPPERS j Dy MILDRED WHITE jj CapyriKii . ulrn Mii'pr Union J. Carlton Suuudcrs cuiue to him self with a start, as Elizabeth spoke bis name. He know from tho tune of his sister's voice that she had spolteu before, nnd had been Ignored. "You asked, my deur " ho ques tioned. "When you ore going away," Elis abeth retorted, "Isn't It about lime v'or one of your trips)" "Yes." Cnrltou answered, "i ought to be In New York this week." Ho frowned; It was diplomacy to pretend thexo business -trips a bore nnd a bother. Otherwise, the two el derly uud dominating sisters who were his housekeepers uud companions, would frel themselves cheated of the participation of n pleasure. As a matter of fact, Carlton Saun ders, In the prosy regime of his small town home, looked forwurd to tlie rucapes Into an outer world with se cret anticipation and enjoyment. Elizabeth and Knthcrlno were good sisters, nnnoylilily uuxlous concerning his welfare. J. Carlton appreciated their solid titdo, while ho fretted under the con stant surveillance. There were thdsn who Insisted that tho kindly inn might long ago have rejoiced lu a homo of his own with u wlfo to shsre II, had It not been for Elizabeth's and Knthcrlne's rale. Hut tho brother In his heart rcfutrd this. Wcro his sisters not bringing before him constantly possible applicant) for matrimony! "Yes," ho answered Elizabeth sgaln, "1 must bo In Now York this week." "Wo will pack your valise," Katherlne ssld, "and don't forget to wear your rubbers." Hut when he walked Into the New York hotel a few days later, ho had left, unconsciously, his habitual dim dence nt home. Ills namo on tho resis tor was signed merely Jnck Saunders. Tho clerk bowed In greeting. "Can't gtvo you your usual room," he explained apologetically, "we are filled up." The room the bellboy ushered him Into wus comfortable enough. Hut as he turned to place coat nnd hat on tho hanger, J. Saunders stared; a lllmy bluo cloud of something had forestalled him there. While nil iiliout the small room was the Indefinable fragrance ot thnt mystlcul romance, which he hnd missed. Llluc, or Illy of tho valley or just sweet springtime what was th alluding odor which enchanted his senses? A tap on the xloor. Curltou turned guiltily. A woman's face wus rulsed to his her eyes wero as blue as the filmy cloud on the hnnger, hut they wero not the eyes of a young girl not yet the calm gazing eyes thnt Eliz abeth would have recommended. "I am nfrnld I left some of my be longings Ini this room," the sweet faced woman suld. "I hud decided to occupy It when the clerk discovered that the one I prefer was vncated. Bo they carried my grip In there. 1 am sorry " she paused, and then at his bow ot permission, gathered up her apparel nnd went on her wny Hut the breath of springtime remnlned. When J. Curlton went Into the dining hull ut evening, he saw the young wom an seated ulono at a secluded tuble. ne liked the plainness of her blue serge dress, which was such u different plainness from Julia. Well's, or his sis ters; nud he liked the plquunt hat that she becomingly wore. As ho passed down the corridor to his room, It gsve hhn nn uuaccountuble feeling of relief, to hear the woman at the hall desk address the lady of the blue cloud us "Miss Darby" Miss, then tho was not married. He speculated about her, as he bent over his writing. The usually ranttcr-of-fuct John Carl ton could not write ; he could not take hold of his work ; he decided to retire. And there on the floor at hts feet, lay a pair ot small blue slippers, quilted satin slippers with ridiculous fluffy pompouB upon either toe. So, she had forgotten these. They were the sort of slippers u Cinderella of past dream log might have chosen to slip on In the firelight. The following mornlni he sank Into a chair In an ad Joining "coffee house" and opened hts paper. Springtime floated provoc atively around hlra, lilac and llly-of-the-valloy springtime. Two very blue eyes smiled over a coffee cup, oppo site. "flood morning," greeted the lady of the blue cloud, "thank you for return ing my slippers." "I travel," she told him upon their third chance breakfast together, "for a linen company. Imported linens. My knowledge In that line was my one chance for self-support after my father died. It's a good business, but It leaves me homeless. Thut's the drawback." "I have a home" Carlton said musingly, "nn old plaee, with bushes around it- -riot." asked the woman eagerly, "not Illnc buMicsr Cnrlton nodded. "How t would lovo It," sho ex rlutmcd. "I am old," ho nnswered her Irrele vantly. "1 was mourning over my bold head this morning." "So much" asked the lady oppo site, "thnt you quite missed the e'ear youth of your eyosl" When Ellznbeth nnd (Catherine re ceived a telegram some duys Inter, they stnred at each other In speechless nmnzement. "Married,'' rend tho brief message from their brother, 'bringing mj wife home with me." . DEFINES RIQHT OF CARRIERS Long Litigation Ovar 8tmlngly Slight Mattsr Really Was Matter of High Importanoe. , Long litigation over possession of a loaf of bread at last has confirmed the claim ot a commix, carrier to posses sion of articles lft behind by forget ful passengers says tho New York Telegraph. Ilj such seemlngly'trlfllng Incidents are established principles of taw and equity often brought to the attention of tho public. The Issue grew out of the arrest ot n man who picked up a package left by another passenger, on n sent of a New York subway train. The trainmaster demanded the package under the com pany's rule requiring all such estruys to be turned Hi at the o(llce, subject to claim by tho owners. Although It then was discovered that the pneknge con tained nothing more vuluablo than a 5-cent loaf ot bread Uio mutter went to litigation. Through all tho devjous ways thnt such seemingly petty cases get up to tho highest court, tho caso reached the Court of Appeals of the state. There, after as solemn deliberation as Is given to Issues Involving largo amounts of money and more momentous principles, tho court held thnt tho rule of tho com pany was bnscd on a well-established principle of law. The flndcr could have no claim to the artlclu us having been lost. It merely had been left by tho owner on the property ot the currier, who at once bucamo bulleo for the owner. The other person, Instead of acquiring any right to It as Under under the, law, technically became u thief If he re tained It, notwithstanding his ex pressed Intention to ndvcrtlso for tho owner. Pearls From Herrings. "French pearls" were very popular before the war. To make theso arti ficial pearls, the French craftsmen ob tained flsh scales from the Russian bleak fisheries, and used these sheeny scales to give glass beads the luster ot H-arls. The war stopped tho Russian tUhcrmcn, and consequently French penrl-mskers could no longer work. Therefore great efforts wore made to And a substitute for the Russian flsh scales. Now t has been found that the scales of certain sea herring and shad possess a delicate luster slmltni t oriental pearls. The. silvery coat ing Is removed and from It "essence d'Orlent" or pearl essence Is made. The essence adheres like cement; and a glass bead which has been coated with It bears n passable rescmblanco to a genuine peart. New "Landtd Qsntry" In England. The advent of a new "landed gentry" In England since tho war Is made plain by "Hurke'a," an annual work of refer ence on that subject which has reap peared after a break of seven years. Over 100 names of old landowners have disappeared since the last edition, und their places have been taken by double thnt number of newcomers. In the preface, Uie editor remarks; "Much as tho passing of old families from the land, or the diminution of their bold lugs. Is to be regretted, the rise of a new class of landed gentry, possessed ot means enabling them to develop es tates which had become Impoverished through the misfortunes of their pre vlous owners, cannot be without bene fit to the country." Alarm for Banka. An electric siren alarm has beeu tried In the Hank of Hamilton. The Interior of tho bank using this alarm Is wired and a number of electric buttons placed In secret places. On the wall outside a siren alarm la attached. If a robbery Is attempted the staff push their buttons and the alarm automatically shrieks a warn ing on the street. A test was made In one of the branches In Toronto and when the siren called four police men rushed luto the bank prepared to fight bandits. i :enubs won lime tiw.w, . land In the last few months believe the land has soured. The growth of trees and vegetation has been so rapid and dense as to exhaust the humus In the soil. Another theory Ms that the soil rests on a rock base and tho rootlets of the plunta have come Into contact with the brine of Vuget sound to such an extent that the salt has turned out the plant life. FINK REMITTED On n complaint mndo by Mrs. J. F. Joyco charging Mrs. J. Oregg with assault Judgo C. M. Stearns last Sat urday afternoon nftor llstonlng to tho testimony fined tho later $G nnd thon romtttod tho lino, warning all concorncd that' blckorlngs must coaBO. Among thoso who wont to Uolso Monday to hear Schumann Holnk sing woro Miss Luolla Callln, Mrs. II. It. Peterson, Miss 'Rosa ICroossIn and Miss Kathorlno Troxoll. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Qrolg wont to Dnkor Monday whoro Mr. Qrolg will bo a witness In court. x C. F. Cox roturnod todny from a trip to Uakor. Two full blooded Jorsoy Hull calves, roglstorcd for solo. Boo Tho Argus for Information. it pd FOR SALE Rhodo Island Hod Cockerels, nono hotter, fl.GO each. Hooking orders for -hatching eggs at $1.00 n sotting of 1C. Also wheat anil clovor soed for sain. JOHN MOLENAAR Two miles straight wont ot town. Loavo ordors at Ontario Meat and Qrocory Co. 81 pd TIRE CHAINS 10 OFF Genuine Weed nnd Tire Clmins in all sizes, regular and extra heavy, in both passenger, car and truck types. i One Set of Spring Adjmten FREE with Each Set Until Adjusters arc Gone. AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY CO. ONTARIO, OREGON ;,!:!j;;;iii!::.iii;i:ift;a! SALE ON TAILORED SKIRTS COMMENCING SATURDAY, PCB. 18 For ten days we will make you a skirt to your individaul measure for S 1 2.00. Fine selection of material to select from. LADIES' AND MEN'S SUITS MADE TO MEASURE 5p4fJO up We do all kinds of Repairingr Dry Cleaning and and Remodeling W. A. Moms TAILOR ONTARIO, OREGON HOGS POULTRY Do you know that you can get more money for your pro duce in Portland than you can at home? Write us for prices PAGE & SON ti im l Ik Buimss Portland, Ore. mm THEATRE ATTRACTIONS THURSDAY THE LABT PAYMENT Pola N"cgrl VAUDEVILLE MOVIES FRIDAY DANDER VALLEY Nonl Hart WINNERS OF THE WEST SATURDAY THE PENALTY Lon Chnnoy GREAT SCOTT Sonnott Comedy SUNDAY and MONDAY . ' SCRAP IRON ...;. Charlos Rny THE FALL QUY Larry Somon TOPICS OF THE DAY TUESDAY SHATTERED DREAMS Miss Dupont SCREEN BNAPSIIOT8 WEDNESDAY nnd THURSDAY ULAC1C UEAUTY - Spoclol INTERNATIONAL NEWS iiiiiiiiii i with iTiiiriiiiiiiiirirrnni i VEAL -