ifc (Staff V .4 r VOL. XXVI TRIBUTE PAID TO L lioulfi K, lU'nn Delivers Eloquent Tribute to Ohnracter of Mnrtynxl President -Mirny Coino From Vnlo -Judgo Hlgg Called On Honoring tho maraory of Abra ham Lincoln) a gathering of Mainour county cltlxonB assembled at tho Mooro hotel dining room Monday ovonlng. Louis 3. Bonn, of Eugene, ,$poakor of tho Houso and candldato for govornor, was tho principal spcakor and with Frank M. North rup and Judgo Dalton OlggB, paid an oloquont trlbuto to tho martyred prosldont. In his scholarly addross Mr. Dean skotchod tho llfo of Lincoln from his humblo Wthplnco In Kentucky to his rlso to tho prosldoncy. Ho ptcturod tho trials of tho prosldoncy during tho awful carnagn of tho Civil war. of his Inflnlto patlonco, his unfailing courago his unmatched charactor and loadorshlp throughout tho war and until tho and catno and poaco was again attalnod. Iluggod honosty and broad sym pathy with tho avorago man togeth er with faith In tho sustaining pow er of Ood was tho secrot of Lincoln's powor, said tho spoakor. Mr. Northrup" too, prosontod a plcturo of tho antocedonts of Lin coln and of his strugglo upward In llfo, declaring his bollot that It was Lincoln's groat spcoch at tho Coopor Union In Now York which rosultod In his nomination to tho prosldoncy. Llko Mr. Dean, Mr. Northrup called attention to tho fact that Lincoln was not an agitator for tho abolition of slavory, and that It was his pur poso to savo tho Union first above nil things. Ilo OsTeful of your Politic Mrs. Mabel Judd Kester of VaIo, who dlscuMiod, "Tho Woman In Pol itics" warned the mon that tho on franchlsemnt pt women was nothing, moro than tho issuanca to tho wtf mon of tholr chock book to pay thnlr political bills, "Womou havo always boon In' politics," sbo doc I a rod, "but now sho Is In them on, a parity with mon. Sho doos not Intond to form now partlos, or do anything rash or radical, but, womon are discriminat ing. Thoy do most of the buying for tho Amorlcan family. Thoy nro tho shoppers of tho nation, and I ad vlio you men to bo carotin of tho kind of politics you try to sell tho woman In politics." Armament Conferonco lauded B. M. Dean of Nyssa, discussing tho accomplishments of tho prosont administrations dwolt at longth upon tho romarkablo attainment of tho dopartmont of state In securing tho accossjon of nations of tho far oast to thu recent treaty returning Shantung to China, together with tho other great result, tho limitation of naval armament, and tho fifteen yoar naval holiday. This with the adoption of Iho budget measures of Oenoral Dawes wore dscrlbod as tho out standing featuros of thb presont ad ministration. C. P. Trow speaking on the sub ject, "Tho American Loglon", gave siQ gathering n brief outline of Its history and purposos as well as rur nlshtng o glimpse of Its mothods of procooduro. Mr. TroW declared that In tho passage of the Soldiers and Sailors Educational bill, and tho Soldier bonus bill that Oregon had recognized Its duty to " oxservlco mon, and therein could bo seen tho reason for apparent lack of In terest In the national adjusted com pensation act. Following tho regular program. Judgo Daltoa Biggs who was pres ent -was called upon and responded with an eloquent tribute to "Lincoln the Lawyer." As a lawyer Lincoln's great power camo from his insfght into human nature, and his graphic and plcturosque presentation of a caso to a Jury. Furthermore ho was alwavs at the service of those -who could not afford counsel and many of his greatest trials were those for which he never received a fee. An examination of the Illlnlos reports of Llacolyn's day, the speaker de clared, will show that ho was prom inent la the trial of many of the largest civil as well as criminal eases of that time. Net only did the banqueters en Jey an excellent series of addresses but many flne musical numbers as well. J. W. McCulloeh as toast master Introduced Herschel Browne. who accompanied by Miss Dolly Rol lins led a "community sing," ana gave two vocal soles as well in his ir ONTARIO, MALIIEUIl COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922 OITV WATER PERFECTLY SAFE ACCORDING TO LAST REPORT Alt tho roccut reports of analysis ct samples sont to tho stato bactor lollglst from Iho city wator systom havo boon oxcollont. Whllo tho public haB of lato noted tho prcnonco of chlorlno tho roportB bIiow that thoro aro no colon baclll and tho bacteria count In wol within tbo safety zono, being practically nil. CHILDREN DELIGHT IN u, Llttlo Tots Picturesquely Itcjircncnt . .Chitrncfm of Mother Goose, Allco in Wonderland, mid nnd Many Other Chil dren's 1'lnyn Boforo two audloucoa at tho Ma jestic Thoatro last Thursday tor tho bonoflt of tho Library Fund of tho Woman's club, "A School Boy's Droam" was prosontod by a largo number of public school children. Tho cast Of tho little play was ably coachod by Miss Adah Loo, whlla Miss Helen Dunstono sang tho "Moth or Oooso" songs delightfully. Tho llttlo play was woll stagod, plcturosquoly costumed and tho boys and girls all did tholr parts woll, so that tho ontortalnmont was worth whllo. Tho muslo for the play was prosontod by tho High school orchestra. Thoso who took port'wero: Cnst of Character Tom, tho school boy ......ltobort Tost Tom's mother .......... Dorothy Laxson Fairy Queen .... Gornldlno Henderson Boy Blua Max Taggart Brownlo Billy Uuthorford Old Mother Hubbard .... ... Mada Dearborn Clndorolln - Mildred Townsond I'rlnco ...............'..... ltobort Laxson Two Sisters ................. .......... Loltha'Atllsou, Gladys Haw Tom, Tom, tho Plpor's Son Bllllo Emison Mothor Gooio.. Miss Holon Dunstono Jack Itolph Walker Jill ... :. Holun Payne Jackr"Spratt........Harvoy Uamusaet ma Wire noun uoso Llttlo Miss Mutfot Marguorlto Cox Spider Duvld Powers Llttlo Bo l'ooj Zena llawllngs Old King Colo ................ l'aul Biggs l'ago . Harry Cockrum Throo Flddlors ...........-........-........ Carlton Howe, Elglo Thompson, Clydo Huffman. Mary Contrary Juno Udlck F lowers Lena Christiansen, Holen Dlvln, Moll, XfoP.Mhw Pnrrln LciuIro Molba McCarthy, Carrlo Louiso AltAn I Alkon. Humpty Dumpty Harvoy Flold rotor, Potor, Pumpkin Eater John Oakos His Wlfo - Helen Flfer Jack Horner Cloyd.Cockrura Jack bo Nimble ........ Harold Towns Tommy Tuckor . ..Calvin McCrolght Milk Maid ........ Ella Mario Doollttlo Llttlo Sir Holmes Bhockloy Allco In Wonderland..Wllma Boswoll Tho Hattor ............ltobort Bradbury Llttlo Eva ................ Lorraluo Escuo Topsy ..... Hazel Johnson Tom Sawyor -. George Poorman Tom Sawyer's Aunt .... Lenoro Jones Hiawatha ....... . .. Joe Staples Minnehaha ................. - Jean Alkon Hip Van Winkle......Horbert Luehrs Kink Arthur John Itoed Jack Mlnot (Mica Alcott's Jack an d Jack Mlnot Dan Dlvln Janoy Poaquo Katherlno Tunny Btueboard ................. Jack Franklin Tho King of tho Golden nivor "...... Froddlo Lees Gluck Eramett Huffman Robinson Crusoo ........Donald Wood Mr, Harry Marsh nnd Mlsa Dora- tha Llttlo of Boise wero In Ontario yestorday on tholr way to Vole where they were united In marriage and re turned to Ontario on tho afternoon train. Mr. Marsh Is a distributing clerk In the Boise postoffice. They roturnod to their homo In Boise this morning, Frank Itader was in Boise on business yesterday. Mrs. Paul Cayou was visiting in Boise tho first of tbo week. Graham delighted the gathering with two Scotch folk songs, nnd she also added another by request be for the program closed. Miss Ethol Conway presented pleasantly two piano solos. The program opened with the adulonco singing America and closed with the Star Spangled Banner, for the program throughout was patriotic first and only Incident ally political. There were no political booms sprung, though after the gathering there was some political gossip, vague, and indefinite. Following Judge Biggs eulogy of Llncolyn In which he expressed his appreciation of the opportunity of being present. Judge George W. Mc Knight of Vale was called upon for extemporaneous remarks and he re galed the gathering with. sallies at tha exeense ttf the vrevlou speaker JOSEPH CASES BEING HEARD IN BAKER CITY Many Mnlhour CoiintyCIUzciM Culled As Witnesses in Suit For Con demnation of Land for Right-of-way for Old Oregon Trull. Moro than a scoro of cltlnons loft Mnlhour county from Sunday to Monday night to bo prosont this weok nt tho trial of tho caso of Mainour County vs. Sadlo Joseph for the condemnation of land for tho rlght-of-wny for tho Old Oregon Trail across tho Joseph ranch on lowor Dead Ox about 12 mtloa north of Ontario. In advanco of tho county's con tingent lead by County Judgo B. H. Tost, I. K. Oakcs, E. M. Orolg. P. M. Boats and others wont It. W. Swaglor who Is ouo of tho attorneys for Joseph, whllo on Monday night, P. J. Gallaghor nnd District Attornoy ltobort D. Lytto who hnvo tho County's caso In chnrgo followod. In all It wan antlclpatod Hint thoro would bo 2G wltnossos summoned. According to tho Baker papers throo womon, tho first cnllod for nctual duty woro acceptod on tho Jury to pass upon tho quostlon. LEGION TO INITIATE ANTI-JAPANESE BILL Most DrasUo Measure for Protection Against Invasion f Orientals lining Considered by lix-Scr- vice Men Nft'lonnl taw Too Portland, Oro Fob. 14. Thru tho omploymont of tho Inttlattvu noxt Novombor, tho Oregon Dopart merit of tho Amorlcan Loglon will placo upon tho ballot, tho most drastic moasuro ovor drawn up to combat tho Japunoso Evil which menaces thb Pacific Coast states, ac- jrordfiig to nnnouncomout from Do partmont nouuquariors. uuo to wia fact that Washington and California havo Jaws which partially handlo tho situation, tho Influx of tho-Jap-anoso Is Increasing In Orogon and oarly action Is nocossary. Tho Antl-Japanoso bill prosontod by tho American Loglon during tho spoclal sosslon of 1020 was dofoatod through tho efforts of tho Portland Chamber of Commerco ana otuors. All WCSlorn Bioios will prcnuiu u fr(mt m Ma vUa quogtl(m at . . . j i .s . tho National Lesion convention to bo held in Now Orleans noxt October, and got action of the National Lo glon organltation, in order to bring tho Japaneso quostlon through tho National Loglslatlvo Commlttoo of, tho Amorlcan Legion to thoso who sit In Congross. VKIlTEItAN OF KAIILY 1NI1IAN WARS IN MIDDLE WEST DIES At tho homo of hla daughter, Mrs. Nova Caslday of this city, on Feb ruary 2, Henry 8. Foulk died. Feneral sevlcos woro hold from tho Congregational church Friday Feb ruary 3, nov. D. J. aillanders proach lng tho sormon, and Interment was made In tho Ontario cemotry. Mr. Foulk was 73 yoars, sovon months and 14 days old when ho died and ho Is survived by his wlfo, Mrs. Anna Foulk, his daughter Mrs. Cns Id'oy and ono son, Chester Foulk of Portland, nnd sovon grand children and three groat grand chlldron. The doceasod was a native of Ohio having been born in Warren county June 19, 1848. At flvo years of age he went with his parents to Iowa where bo grew, to manhood and where, when he was 21 ho enlisted In the U. 8., Army for service In the Indian wars of that day. no was wounded In action and following hla recovery received an honorable dis charge from tho service On Juno 10th, 1870 ho married Miss Anna Bumgarner. who with two of the three children born to this union survives him. For a numbor of years the decoasod has made his home wltl Ws daughter, Mrs. Caalday here In Ontario. tt J.J.AAJ.J.J. Ranchers Have You Land You Don't Want The Ontario Commercial Club have recently sont tlternturo to over 3000 dairymen Jn Western Oregon and Western Washington Up to date 77 replies have been received from men who wish, to rent land, buy or to trade places In the Willamette Valley for land here,. All of theso men are experienced dairymen and should do well In this country. Many of the places they offer aro well 1m- proved, The Ontario Commercial Club Is anxious to fill this country with men in tho dairy lines and would like to have anybody who has good land for rent to list it with W. H. Doollttle, Secretary of the Club, who will be glad to advise men about IU ONTARIO TO DEBATE BOTH VALE AND NYSSA Girls' Team to Uphold Afflrnintlto Hero Tuesday AKnlnst Vale, Whllo Boys Travel to Nyssn to Hustnln Negative of Question. "Ilosolvod, that tho nations of tho world should roduco tholr arma ments to a mlmlmum nocossary for pollco duty," Is tho question which two Ontario high school teaniB will dobato noxt Tuesday ovonlng. Ono toam, tbo nftlrmatlvo, which Is composed of Miss Iloba Hood and MIbs Margarot Blackaby, with Miss Myrna Socoy as attornato, will moot tho Vale High School debating team hero at tho High School auditorium. Tho Judges for tho dobato hero will bo Attorneys George Donnort and J. Galloway of Wolsor and Suporintondont Tdtllor of tho Fruit laud schools. At Nyssn on tho an mo ovonlng tho nogatlvo toam, Hugh Biggs and Wondoll Thayor will moot tho Nyssa toam. As yet, Prof. L. L. Culbort son, who a coaching tho toams has not boon ndvlsod who will Judgo tho Nyssa dobato. A small admlsalon too will bo chargod tor tho local dobato to moot tho oxponse of bringing tho Judges from a dlstanco to sorvo in that capacity. POWER RATE HEARING WILL BE HELD HERE Publlo Hcrvlco Commission to Con ttnuo Hearing of Idaho Power Company's Application for Filing 1U Inventory for . . lUto Making Purposed On Tuosdoy FobVuary 28, tho Public-Service Commission of Qro gon wilt hold a hoaring horo In On tario upon tho quostlon of valuation of tho Idaho Powor company prop erty schodulo as filed for rato mak ing purposos. Just what tho scopo of tho hoaring will bo Is not Indlcatod In tho notlco Issuod by Thos. W. Clagott, socrotary I of tho powor users association, but tho power usors nro going to mako an ofTort to havo up-to-dato data to show tho earnings of ranchers under pumping plants during the past yoar, In tholr argumont to sustain tholr contention that tho farmers cannot afford to pay tho ton por cont In crcaao allowod by tho commission two years ago and continued last yoar. Mr. Clagott has Issuod a call to a number of farmers to bring accurato records of tholr oarnlngs or lack of thorn lor tho past yoar for presenta tion to the commission. Ho will bo at tho Farm Buroau offlco In the city hall on Friday nnd Saturday of this weok to compllo tho statistics available.- NO EXCUSE FOIl NOT HAVING lOita AUTO LICENSE NOW Marshall H. C. Farmer this wook rocolvod notlco from Sam A. Kosor, secretary of state doclarlng that tho automobllo division has caught up with tho demand for auto llconsos and Is Bonding thorn forth on tho samo day on which tho applications nm received, unless thero Is some thing wrong with tho application The local officers have boon noti fied to pick up all curs running without their 1922 license plates, Tho state officers are expected hero soon to enforco this statute Mary Jano was tho name glvon to the little 'daughter who arrived last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Pearson. To Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Oordon was bora last Thursday, a seven pound son. Any NO FINKS WHILE LIBRARY IS TEMPORARILY CLOSED Whllo tho library Ib closed on account of tho smalt pox epidemic which 1b abating, but which tho health authorities bollovo still Justl lfloa caution, no books will bo ro- colved nt tho public library. Also no flnos will bo charged for books ovor duo. NEW COMPANY TAKES OVER INTERIOR LINES Tlireo Principal Creditors Buy In IntcrntountAlit Telephone Com pany nnd Organized Cen tral Oregon Tclcpliono Company Tolophono lines nnd Borvlco to tho Interior of Mnlhour and Hnrnoy counties, Including tho central sta tions at Junturn, Crnno and BurnB will bo Improved, nnd ovory otfort will bo mndo to bettor tho accommo dation of patrons, according to a statomont Issued this wook by J. A. LaknoBS, gonornl managor of tho now company, tho Contral Orogon Tolo phono company which has lakon ovor tho linos. 0. It. Potorson of Ontario and Crane Is president of tho now com pany, for ho with John Jenkins, nnd P. O. Smltli, bid In tho proporty of tho old company known ns tho In tormountaln Tolophono company at tho rccolvor'e sale, and then pro ceeded to organlzo the now concern, Thoy socurod Mr. Laknoss' servlco as gonornl mnnagor nnd ho Is now In chnrgo of tho oporatlon of tho linos and oxchangos. In announcing tho chango Mr. Laknoss Issuod tho fol lowing statoment: "Tho tolophono systoms covorlng Hnrnoy, parts ot Mnlhour and Grant counties, formorly known as tho In tor Mountain Tolophono company has boon sold at a rocolvor's said. It Was bid In by tho throo principal creditors, Charlos It. Potorson, John Jenkins wd G. ,V,. Smith, all woll known stockmon of Hnrnoy county. "Tho eyatom was built sovon or olght yoars ago by tho pooplo of tho territory It covors, and Block was sold, principally on tho Idoa that tho stockholders could thus socuro sor- yico t0 tholr BCattorod rauchoB. Ab thoso familiar with tho territory know, tho linos travorso tho most parsoly sottlod region In tho unltou States. Tho miles ana muos or unos built nro onttroly out of proportion to tho numbor of phonos In ubo, and tho rovonuo avallablo. For those manltost roasonB tho systom has mndo no profit, but as a mattor of fact, haa novor paid operating oxpon sos. "Tho prosont plan ot oporatlon was nroposod with tho ond In vlow of moro economical management nnd oporatlon by consolidating gonoral supervision with that of tho Malheur Home Tolophono company under ono hoad. "In taking ovor tho mnnagoraont of tho now company I fool that we can Improve tho servlco, and that will bo tjio first consideration. Wo will proceod upon plans to bettor tho connoctlonB with Interior points to tho ond that rosults, bonoflclnl both to them nnd tho business mon of tho lower valloy wilt rosult. This will bo dono wo hopo whllo wo aro ablo to practlco ovory method of economy of oporatlon. When this Is dono wo bollovo that tho publlo which uses the servlco will bo willing to pay such rates as will pormlt of the Im provements being maintained." Mr. and Mrs, Fred Platt of Pnrma camo to Ontario Tuosday with tholr vouneest child who undorwont an emergency operation nt the Holy Ilosary Hospital, and .1b now report od to bo making- progress toward re covery. Dr. W. J. Wooso was callod to Parma Tuesday aftornoon to vlow tho llttlo patlont. Sheriff Loo Noo, asslstod by J. II. Oordon, took Howard Camp and othor prUonera sentenced at tho last terra of court, to Salem. Miss Agnes Morton nnd her broth er Fred entortalned a numbor of tholr young friends at n Valentine party Tuos'day ovonlng. Lawrence Stowoll has raxod his house on his property on tho east side and will erect a neat bungalow In place ot it in the spring. ' Fred Tost and Bill Plnney woro In Boise the first of the wek. Llttlo Miss Laura Grogg entor talned her classmates at a Valentine party Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Annie McEndree was horo from Weisor visiting with relatives, and friends the first of the -wook, NO.-11 HIS HAT INTO RING Kugeno Man Ilcforo Coming to On tario for Lincoln Day AddrcsH, Makes Formal Announce ment of Candidacy Onco Lived in East ern Oregon. Louis E. Bean, of Eugene, Sponk or of tho Houso In tho last rogular and spoclal sessions ot tho logls laturo, formally announcod his can didacy for tho republican nomina tion for governor Just boforo ho loft. Portland for Ontario Sunday. Mr. Boan who is n natlvo son ot Orogon, nnd who has for tho past 14 yoars boon a mombor ot tho logls laturo told tho audtonco which hoard htm Monday night that for 7 yoars, from tho ttmo ho was 17 until ho wns 24 ho lived In Enntorn Oregon riding tho rango as a buckaroo, "Thon I toarned to know that thoro Is a groat Oregon oast of tho Cas cades. Thon I loarnod tho language of Eastorn Oregon, and I hnvo not forgotton It." Mr. Bonn dccllnod to submit his political tuturo to tho dictation of tho Fodoratod Patriotic SoclotloB ot Portland, whatovor that organization Ib which Is notoriously attempting to docldo for tho people ot Orogon who shall nnd shall not be can didates tor offlco and procoedod to ontor tho raco by Issuing tho follow ing atatoment: "If, by tho Boverotgn -will of the otoctornto I shall bocomo govornor of Orogon I will no govornor of Ore gon In fact as woll as In nnmo. I havo mado no pro-oloctton promlsos and Intond mnk'fng nono othor than to tho wholo pooplo. No mnn Ib made ovor bocauso ho Is mado govornor. It tho record ot his provlous lite doos not rovoal his quallMcrittons for of flco, no promlsos or declarations for campaign urposos will qualify him. Itcrortl Is Submitted "For 14 yoarB I have taken an ac tivo pn'rt In tfufclv llfo aa n wt'liber of tho stato legislature. During this porlod I havo sorvod ns a momber ot both tho sonato and tho lower house, and as spoakor ot tho house during tho two provlous sessions. "Evory voto that I havo over cast upon tho thousands ot moasuro that woro up for consideration by tho leg islature during that porlod Is In delibly wrltton Into tho rocords so that ovory votor who will may road. My record Is an open book. Thoso moasuros havo probably Includod al most ovory phnso of principle and publlo policy. It is upon this record that I submit my candidacy. "If I should bo honored by being otoctod to tho office ot govornor, tho' hlghost offlco In tho gift of Its pooplo, it would bo my slncro am bition to prove mysolf worthy and to work uncoaslngly for tho upbuilding and gonoral wolfaro of tbo stato; for tho happlnosB and prosperity of its pooplo and particularly at this tlmo for tholr early rotoaso from tho crushing burdons of taxation, largely brought about by a dollrlum ot pub llo wasto and extravagance. Juitlco for All "Slnco I would ontor office free from promlso or commitment to spe cial lnterost, I would bo In posttslon to glvo ovoryone tho full moasuro ot Justlco and equality duo to thorn undOr our American form ot govorn mont." OHEGON OIATH'B HAPPY CANYON PAHTY PICTUltEfiQUK ntOaHAM Cow girls and cow boys In the most fantastic ot coatumes nover stagod a moro colorful social ovont In movloland or In reality, than that which tho Oregon Club presontod at Its annual Happy Canyon party Mon day ovonlng. Owing to many con flicting events the crowd was not as large, as usual, but tho stage monoy and tho old time "bar" played Im portant roles In tbo merriment. OEOUGE HOWE SUItPIUSED Whon George Howo wont home last night tor dinner he received a real surprise, for Mro. Howe bad prepared a birthday dinner and In vited Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Howe and Paul Howe to Join in celebrating Mr. Howe'o 68 birthday which was dono approximately Including a big birthday cake laden with 68 lighted candles. FIREMAN'S BALL POSTPONED . Owing to the fact that there were too many conflicting eventa during February and oarly March the annual ball ot the Ontario Flro Department has been postponod until March 11. i Inimitable style, Mrs. DftVid F, and bis party,