PPBI WlHWjWW " wl TH3SONTAHIOARGU8, ONTARIO; OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1922 SCHOOL NOTES Guy Socoy Is back In school nttor a sorlouB attack of blood polson- ' lng r Wodnosday morning, Fob. 1, Mr. Young, boys' socrotary of tho Y. M. C. A., spoka In assembly and Invited tho boys of tho O. II. S. to tho con foronco which Is bolng held In Dolso. Clnss group pictures woro takon Thursday during nssombly. Tho boys' second baokot ball tonm accompanied by Mr. Thomns, wont to Payette last Friday night and woro defeated by tho I'ayotto toam "with a scoro of 27 to 4. Thursday morning a Btudont bo dy mooting wob hold during assem bly with Jnmos McCrolglit student body prosldont, presiding. At this tlmo a primary oloctlon for Queen of hoarts for tho valontlno party was hold, Ethol Couwny, Allco Dor man Lola Evorott and Iloba ltood rocolvlng tho highest number of votos. Tho following morning tho student body cast votes again; tho ballots resulting In tho oloctlon of lloba ltood. Itoba Is busy thoso days selecting hor king and court. With such a gracious quoon rolgnlng over tho fostlvltlos tho party Is an nssurcd succoss. Thursday night, March 2, Is tho dato sot for tho presentation of tho Sonlar play, "Ureen Stockings". Each nlghUtho cast Is busily at work practicing. Tho piny is a vory clover comedy, ono of tho most popular of tho Samuol Fronch pro ductions. Friday night tho boys' gloo club ontortalnod tho Btudont body with two woll rondorod selections. Tho boys' and girls' baskot ball teams with coaches Lathrop and Leo plnyod Wolsor High school nt Wolsor Friday night. Tho girls' gamo resulted In a tlo, which whou playod out, gavo Wolsor ono point ovor Ontario, tho scoro bolng 10 to 17. Tho boys woro also dofoatod. . Miss Ounstono sang for tho stu dont body during asBombly TuoBday "Lnk a lloso," was thoroughly np prucolatod and rocolvod a hoarty on- coro. ilaft Wodnosday ovonlng, Fob. lb, at 8 o'clock, Miss Holon Dunstono, ns alstod by Mrs. W. II. Harrison, solo ist will prosont tho Hoys' and Girls' Oloo Clubs with n muslcnlo In tho High BChool assembly hall. Tuesday night tho Ontario baskot ball tossors, both bqys and girls, do foatod teams from tho Vnlo High. Tho boys' scoro stood 30 to 8, and tho girls' 12 to 4. llttlo nloco, Edith Drown, returned from Portland last Saturday whoro they have boon visiting for flvo wooks. A. F. Ilurr and family spent Sun day wltlv Josso Drown and family. Irono Pough, Edith and deorgo Goodwator of Ontario woro also din nor guosts at tho Drown homo. Tho Sunday School was woll at tended Sunday. Tlfo (lospol Toam from Ontalro Daptlst church con ducted tho service In nbsonco of Hov. Hlom. This was their (lrst attonlpt uiul tlioy nro to bo commended on tho oxcollont sorvlco they bo ably conducted. Tho quartotto from' tho Daptlst church also Bang. ADRIAN NEWS Hay Elliot motored to Parma ono day this week, returning with a loan of supplies for Holly Dros. storo. Mrs. Dolllo McCreary has been very 111, but Is roportod nomo bettor at present. Uud McPhorson wns In tho city on business Friday, Pofcr Chrlstonson Is stepping out In a now conveyance Having tradod throe lots In Adrian to William Ashcrnft for ft whlto horso. So Mr. OhrlBtcnsen rides to town now In n buggy. Llttlo Dorothy Holly is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Frank Mlllor. Mr. Cooloy was visiting rolattvos In Adrian ono day this wook. Mrs. William Ashcratt returned on the Homodalo train from Nyssa Monday, sho and son hns bcon visit Ine hor daughtor. Mrs. Zlnk and Mr. S. Ashcratt. Sho took sick whllo thoro and roturnod to hor homo near Adrian. Morlt aroollng'roturnod to Wolsor Monday whoro ho will tako up his school duties at tho Intormountaln Instltuto. Mrs, drooling accompani ed him to l'arma, returning tho samo evening. Potor Glasscock from Owyhco was shopping In tho city Monday. lint Connolly was an Adrian visit or Tuesday. VALLEY VIEW Mtsa Una Armstrong, who has ' boon unablo to attend, High School tho past wook on nccount of slcknoss was ablo to roturn this wook. Tho Farm lluroau hold a vory In torotlng mooting at tho Valloy Vlow ochool houno last Thursday ovonlng which was woll attoudad and result od tn tho addition of sovoral now mombors, Tho program opened by singing u number of popular aongs lod by Prof. Conklln; a reading, "Smlloy'B Frog," by Mr. T. W. Clng got; ulnglug of pnrodlos on Old Dlnck Joo and Amorlca lod by tho school chlldron; reading by Mrs. Gray Klnuoy followed by tho Kane nroo Kort. A. u. aiuco acton as Judgo, a oo. K. Alkcn, Clerk; Messrs. llrolthaupt and 0. W. Dean At torneys tor tho prosocutton; Messrs. Claggott and Conklln, Attorneys for tho dofonso; Jury Messrs Ashahor, Armstrong and 8hnffor Mosdumns I)oan, Konuoy and Ilurr. A. F. Ilurr was tho first witness for tho pro Hocutlon. Ills crops consisted of Jack rabbits nnd hides, but nttor consldorablo cross examination ho acknowledged ho was In the, dairy buslnesss In a small way, also raised aomo young stock and grain and potatoes. Mr. Frod Bundqulst wlt noss for tho dofonso was bo confused tn his atntomonta that his testimony was rulod out. W S. Roos, A. Drown and Chnrlos Amldon furthor proved that tho old inothods of farming woro Inadequate nnd tho Jury decldod for the acqultnl of "Old Undoslrnblo". Tho dofonso uukod for a rotrlal of tho caso In Lackoy'u Kort nt Arcadia tho follow ing night. Following the dismissal of tho Kort, Professor Conklln ox plalnod tho plans of tho Farm lluroau nnd Bovornl now mombors Jolnod. Miss Lola Ilees, who was oporatcd on for nppondlcltls last woek Is ro portod to bo doing as woll as could ho oxpoctoa. Miss Edith Goodwator and hor FRUITLAND BENCH BONDS FOR NEW SCHOOL HOUSE AGAIN VOTED DOWN Frulllnnd Voters Dccllno to Author Ivo Issunnco of IndcbtAlne to Care for Schools Other Frultlnnd News Anothor tlmo tho board for a now high achool building for Frultland has failed to carry by a small mar gin. Had twolvo of thoso voting against tho proposition votod for It, It would hnvo carrloa and iy rail Frultland would liavo had a billdlnK to tuko caro of tho chlldron. The conditions nro pitiful nnd tho Roafd does not know what It can or will do to mnko room. Tho voto was roportod 320 for and 178 against. An Unusual P. T. A. Meeting Friday nftornoon tho P. T. A. mot In tho auditorium of tho High School Mrs. Andors tho olghth grado toachor on "Hoys nnd supervision ot nay" which was unusually good and thon a vory good round tablo discussion ot that papor was takon port In by Mrs. Hnrry T. Lowls, and Hor. Geo. Todd and others. Hov. Todd gnvo a splendid talk on his oxporlonco with boys In tho Y. M. 0, A. and Scout work. On Fobruury 17th Child Wol fare. Day will bo observed and n spoclal program has boon prepared1 and tho program will bo given in tho nftornoon nt 2:30 nt tho achool houso. On Friday ovonlng, March 10th, Miss Thompson ot Dolso, tho Supervisor of Principals, will bo horo to glvo a roost Interesting ad dross. Every patron ot tho school should como out to hoar hor. Last Wodnosday ovonlng tho large auditorium of tho Daptlst church propor was filled to hoar a vory In teresting talk by Hor. Frank Manly, ot Nolloro, India. Hov. Ford Ilurtch and bis Gospol Toam of 25 mombors camo down from Now Plymouth to glvo spoclnl musical numbors. Frult land furnlshod music also. After tho mooting tho Lndlos Aid sorved sandwltchos, plckloa and coffco nnd n Boclal hour was epont. In Case of SICKNESS You must liavo Perscrtptlous dispensed oxactly as tho physi cian ordors. Everything pos sibles for proper care and com fort ot tho patient. Your Roxnll Storo glvos you patlcular attention to this Sor vlco and has In stock evory thing nocossary for tho care nnd comfort of Individuals. ONTARIO PHARMACY Porscrtpttons our Specialty noxall Eastman Victor i i FOR SALE 80 tons hay, will sell all or small amounts. 1 mile oast ot town. Ed Long. It MAJESTIC THEATRE-SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY Charles (Chic) Sale Playing seven distinct roles V BBSs! I T A" I U t IllrilP I ' Oh iw k Thpn flprirlpri hpttw kribum an Hfc M'w manager of e Slippery Elm Picture Palace" where Wallu Craw aoes to see - ihemovies 'and listen to .. Dessie Teed, village organist,) accompany me singing or Theke Gear. Jk wit of i ir 2 '.'l. ...L.'L community, wnur m ilk ,rV 1rtwal?1 UUV II in ilillii'Il 3 BwpiBsy- HAFtOL f ,, rr Elmh.Benden moves the scenery and watches HisM'bsput on v JkeBnuin'rle Fooled 'Em AIH a thrilino fijht for fortune and a akl,which tJ a vl H mJ 1 1 J i. 1 vv2PJ wMm ai: Jdr. Varcifer Editor at 7he Weekly Bee" comes to revievt EVERY CHARACTER PORTRAYED BY MR.SALE AN EXCEPTIONAL PICTURE, l'rr- D Lloyd NEVER WEAKEN It's n groat llfo If you "Novor Woakon" It'a a grcator laugh If you "Novor Weaken" It'a n grcnt thrill of you "Novor Weaken" If tho doctor Bays "Heart O.K." It your bettor halt says "you haven't laughed lately." ' THE SKVB THE LIMIT IT LEAVKS YOU LIMP FROM LAUGHTER SEE "NEVER WEAKEN" MALlinUK COUNTY HIUL ICS- TATIJ THANSKintK lti:COUD IC1) JAN 20 to FKIi. I U. S. A. to Von A. Frnnshlor. SEU SWU: SWSEU Soc. IB; NEU nnd NE14NWW Soc. 22-H-41. 10111121 Ooo. Collott ot ux to Arthur C, Holly NEUSWU Soc. 20-21-40 0117121. $1.00. P. M. Dlnkloy tn Mlnnlo E. Illnk- ley, lot 7, Mock 21t Nyssa. 128 22. Jordan Valloy Farms to D. I). Joslyn SHSEU Soc. 1-31-42. $1.00. First National Dank of Eugene to Jos. W. Elng, WHNWH. NWWBW U, Soc. 25; SWUSWU Sec. 24110 47. 1127122. $10. U. s; A. to Hlrnm Hamilton, NEW NWH Soo 13; 8EU8BU See. 14-20-30. 11822. Hlrnm Hamilton to Martin Joyco. NEUNWfc Sec. 13; SEViSBVi Soe. 14-20-38. 120 22. $10. Oraa R. Meadows ot vlr to Rnlph L. Haworth, lot 3, Soc. 30-21-47. 1 30 22. $10,000. block 78, Ontario. 7171019. J. F. Doty ot ux to Cornelius ny an, lota 10, 17, and 18, block 78, Ontario. 1020J20. $1.00. U. 8. A. to Oscar P Jacokcs lota Ll nad 2, Soc. 33; NNWU Sec. 34 20-41. 110121. Freoman W. Klrwln to Mrs, Grnco D. Dickey, lota 3, 4, 6, NEUSWU. BHSWV4NE and part ot lot 0, Seo C-10-44. 112021. $10. Huntington snoop anu Land Co., to Pando Shoep and Land do,,' SH 8WV4 Boo. 7; NtfNWtt Soc. 18-16-.44. 1127122. $10. R. N, Wolllngton ot ux to O. A. Molton, NWUBEU See. 3-33-39. 12 10 21. $10. 0. A. Melton to Wm. II. Wiggins Und., H Int. In NAV SBU Soc. 3- 33-3U. 12 21 121. S10. t I I Julia Klesol, ot nl to K. S. & D. Fruit Innd Co., Right of wuy for plpo lino. 12022. $1.00. K. B. & D. Fruit Iind Co. to Julia Klesol ot nl., right-of-way for plpo lino, 12022. Kobort S. Mlnton to John II. For bos, NtfSBU.NEttSWU, Soc. 19-19-47. 122021. $1.00. First National Dank of Hastings, Nob., to L. D. Stluor. EHSEU Sec. 10-17-44. 7721.v $600. ' Wm. B. Loos otx to J. F. Doty, Iota 11, 12, 13, 14, 10 17 and 18; T. A. Shormnn ot ux to Suslo Fow oll ot vlr, lots 4 and 6 block 04, 1 3122. $382.32. Q. II. Lawrenco ot ux to Suslo Fow all ot vlr, lots 4 nnd 6, block 04, On tario; 110122. $1,000. Andrew Hanson to Anna Thomas on. EHB14NEU Sec. 32-20-40. 0321. $10. M. Tounsond ot ux to Frank J. Zollor ot ux. lot 6. block 0, Torrnco Holghts Add. to Ontario. 2420. $10. MARRIAGE LICE.NHKH IHHUEI) Alonzo F. Hodrlck nnd Mlla Lof lln. 216122. David M. John and Ruth E. Macomb. 212. 22. COMI'LVINTH 1'ILKI) C, A. Carter vs. Olgn Korcher ot nl. 131H2. Foroclosuro of wort' gago. $076.00. TWO TEAMS OF MULES Oood ones; for salo or trado. Rex Marquis, phono ZOO 113. OARAGE FOR RENT First houso south of High School. FOR SALE Rhodo Island Rod Cockorols, none bettor, $1,60 oach Hooking orders for hatching ogga at $1,00 a sotting of 16, Also wheat nnd clovor sood for salo. JOHN MOLENAAR Two tnlloa straight weat ot town. Lonvo ordora at Ontario Moat and Grocory Co. 8t pd NOTICE OF 110X1) BALK SOUTHEAST UNIT DRAINAGE DISTRICT Sealed proposals will bo rocolvod by tho Hoard of Supervisors of tho Southeast Unit Dralnago District at tholr offlco In Ontario, Malheur County, Orogon, until tho hour, ot 2 o'clock p. m. of Tuosdny, the 14th day of March, 1922, and Immedi ately thereafter publicly oponod, for the purchase ot bonds ot said Dls. trlct in tho sum ot $20,000,00, dated Novombor 16, 1921, In denomin ations ot $500,00 oach and matur ing serially na follows, to-wlt: Maturity Numbors Interest Principal Intorost 1920 1 $1200.00 $ 600.00 $1700.00 1027 2 1170.00 600.00 1070.00 1928 3 4 1140.00 1000.00 2140.00 1929 5 6 1080.00 1000.00 2080.00 1930 7 8 1020.00 1000.00 2020.00 1931 9 10 11 900.00 1600.00 2460.00 1932 12 13 14 870.00 1600.00 2370.00 1933 16 16 17 780.00 1600.00 2280.00 1934 18 19 20 690.00 1600.00 2190.00 1935 21 23 23 600.00 1500.00 2100.00 1936 24 25 20 610.00 1500.00 2010.00 1937 27 28 29 420.00 1600.00 1920.00 1938 30 31 32 330,00 1600.00 1830.00 1939 33 34 35 36 240.00 2000.00 2240.00 1940 37 38 39 40 120.00 2000.00 2120.00 ' Said bonds to bear Intorost at 0 per nnnum, payable semi-annually on tho 15th day of May and Novombor, principal and Interest payable In United States Gold Coin at tho office ot tho Secretary ot said District at Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon, or nt tho Fiscal Now York City, at tho option of the Now York City, at the Option ot the holdor. Said bids must be accompanied by a certified chock for 10 ot the amount thereof, same to bo forfeited to the District as llq&ldate'd dam ages In the event the successful, bid- dor falls to take up nnd pay for said bonds within ten days after tho nward. Said bonds to be certified by the Irrigation Securities Commission ot tho Stato of Oregon, nnd said salo to bo subject to such certification. Tho Doard reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dy order ot the Doard of Super visors ot Southeast Unit Drainage District. Dated the 4th day ot February, 1922. O. E. CARMAN, Secretary. First publication Feb. 9. 1922. Last publication March 9, 1922. pEMEMBERtoask your grocer for Cal umet Daking Powder and be sure that you get It the In dianheadontheorangelabcL Then forget about bake day failures. For you will never have any. Calumet always produces the sweet est and most palatable foods. And now remember, you always use less than of most other brand:? because if pos sesses greater leavening strength. Now Remember- Always Use 4L I 4 1 1 jj There is no waste. If a recipe calls for one egg two cups of flour half a cup of milk that's all you use. You never have to re-bake. Contains only such ingre dients as have been officially approved by U, & Food Authorities, I the product of the Ufge moat Biodere tad sanitary Bakteg JPow dr Factories In exieteBce. Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 or. Some baking powders come in 12 ojc instead of 16 oz. cans. De aura you get a pound whf n you want it. Calusut CKiU Moffis fUdp 4 cups sifted Sour, 4 level tea spoeaft CaluHwt Baking Powder, 1 tablespoon su gar, 1 teaspoon salt. 2,R 3 cubs of sweet mttk. Then mix ia the regular way. THEATRE AnRACTHMS Friday JIM. TDK I'RNMAN LINONKL MARRYMORE WInnors of tho West Saturday RII)i:it OF Till: KING LOG ALL STAR You Wouldcn't Dollovo It, Comedy Sunday Monday and Tuesday HIS MRS CHICK BALK Novor Weaken Harold Lloyd Topics ot tho Day Wodnosday TKOI'JOAh IX)VI3 International News Thursday T1IIJ LAST I'AYMKNT PALA NEGRI Screon Snapshots ' i !- ! m - ivaMSSi Ma jestic Saturday TIIH SORRRN'8 ORRATDflT OUTDOOR .MASTKIU'IKCE .yt IffoImmDay - Special ProducUM King $ MEET THEM FACE TO FACE "XK". "The Ride of the Kln I.nc" mn,. ous In spirit, powerful In body, tend- or ui ntjari; no ruiea me lumber land with an Iron hand, "XK.'a" DAUGHTER A chip ot tho old block tor whom a. n, rougnt ana sacnacod. "XKV niVAr. Son of a Lumber Klnir hn triaA buy X, K. but only succeeded la marrying u. SEE THIS CLASSIC 'fr J o m 4 -"$! s