,i: ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1922 .f I r A hm,M frit" S f.e l wl A" if KINGMAN KOLONY you give us your Spring Suit Business THIS MONTH? If in exchange we repay you with the most liberal new clothes proposition a man ever carried home? Will vou in other w buy your favorite magazine for April in February if we jive you a Value that will )e as scarce as hens teeth ater. . Our Sprine Suits are here quite naturally we are immediatly. We can and will save you monoy if you'll spend some of yours in February for a suit that you will have to buy before Easter anyway. $29.75 It's a special price not a sale understand but a whale of an early rising value. Toggery Bill FARM CONDITION AIRED AT WELL ATTENDED MEETING Intellljnt Kffrt ..Needed ( Boho ProlileiiiH 1. T. A. Meeting Con Meiers "Children', welfnro" Kolon)- News Nots Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Sclinfcr visit ed Sunday with Mrs. Leo Schnfor, of NysMi, who Is seriously 111. Miss Ituby Moros who In nttond Hlch school In Ontario, spont tho wook end with homo folks. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mnrtln en- tcrtnlnod a numbor of friends nt dinner last Sunday. tttmi I v. onuniHBiuiicr icaii nna n. u. win you crive us conk,n woro bucsu nt th " iu UTumuuui iiuiiiu itiuiiuu uvuiiing. Tho 1. T, A. moating wns excep tionally well nttcndod Friday after noon, and about ton now mouthers added. After n short business sos slon, a Child Wolfnro program was Klven. As a pnrt of tho program Win. Jurrlcs of Parma, played sov- oral solcctlonB on a Hrunswlck. Tho I. T. A. Is considering tho pur- clmso of so mo such Instrument for tho school nnd community, nnd ap preciated Mr. Jurrlcs demonstra tion. . I II1U UdllUUI JUIIIk kUIUUIUtlUII Ul I Will yOU in Other WOrdS, to blrthdnys of Mr. C. E. Peck, stroot, occurod Sunday when Mrs. It. It. Ovcrstrcot and Mrs. Mntirlco Judd ontnrtalncd nt dinner. Music nnd visiting consumed tho nftor noon. Cororn wero laid for olght. A numbor of friends called during tho nttornoon to congrntulato tho colobrants. A largo attondtneo from tho Kol- onk, as welt ns from Dig Horn! nnd Owyhee Indicated tho Interest In this section In matters concerning rnnchors, when tho Farm Ilureau placed on trlnl "Old UndcHlrnblo Agricultural Conditions" In Judgo Oak's court In tho Klngmnn Kolony school hotiso Monday ovonlng. Mr 12. 11. Conklln and Thoa. Clngett, at torneys for tho prosecution nnd Mr, I It. llrlothnunt and 1 T Morgan, nttornoyH for tho defenso, nnd It. II. Overstreet acting ns rlork of court. A very fair and roprosontntlvo Jury returned n verdict of guilty. If wo mny judgo by tho Interest shown In tho oronlng'n proceedings In mom bars added to tho Farm Ilureau, and from tho gonurnl fooling that co operation and Intolllgont working of tho farmers' problems Is tho only thing that will snvo tho fnrmor; thon wo may look for n dlfforont vordlct for "Old Mnn Agrlculturo" In this section, In tho noxt fow years. At tho closo of tho session tho ro turns showed closo to 100 por cent momborshlp for tho Farm Ilureau. H. I). Conklln gavo nn Intorostlng lllustratod comparison of values of dlfforont farm crops. Two musical numbers woro rondored by Mrs. 15. M. Karst, Mrs. Urlothaupt accom panying. A story by Mr. Claggot nnd Orchestra nurabors by tho High school orchestra addod to tho ploasuro of tho ovonlng. OREGON SLOPE LOSERS ENTERTAIN WINNERS OFPIONEERffllOL DISTRICT Tru lllii Cooking club Ihitrtnlns Jinny Finally Parties Held on Slope Other Oregon Hlopo New. Items Fnrmor Hums, who hns Imon conducting sorvlcos nt Park school houso, for tho past week, will con tinue tno sorvlcos throughout this weok until Sunday ovonlng. Every body wolcomo. Tho pupils of tho Pioneer school wero dollghtfully cntortnlnod nt tho Tomlln homo Friday evening by tho losora In n contest which was hold tho paBt fow wcoks by tho pu pils. Tho ovonlng was plcasnntly spont In playing various games nf tor which dainty refreshments woro served. A gonoral good tlmo Is re ported by thoso present. Goo. Sklpnon nnd wlfo woro suostn Tuosdny ovonlng of Fred Van Pat ten and wiro. J. L. Drown nnd family and L. Jt. Drlothnupt of Ontnrlo, wero dlnnor guests Sunday of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Frost. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dly nnd daugh ter aro guests this wook of Mr. nnd Mrs, Mason Clough. Loonn Follows of Wolsor, Is tho guest of Mary Council this wook. Sovornl from tho SIopo nttonded tno saio nt tho Slick ranch on Dlrd- ings Island Friday. Mrs. Dodsall, Ernest Assmusscn nnd Maxlno Mlllor nro alt roportcd on tho sick list. Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. Connpr of Wols or spont Sunday at tho J, D. Connor homo. Mosdnmes E, Frost, M. Clough, P. M. Donls and J, l. Drown woro pleasantly cntortnlnod Thursday nt tornoon by Mrs. S. M. Cntnpboll. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Wolchor nttondod tho fnrowoll roccptlon glvon Mr. nnd Mrs. Slick nt tholr homo Saturday evening. Mrs. E. Frost gavo tho Tru Dlu Cooking Club girls tho uso of bor kitchen Thursday nttornoon. After tho short business sons I on Lou I no Davis nnd Mnry Itaboy demonstrated tho making of n fruit snlad, which was sorvod with dainty wnforo. Miss (lortrudo iloslup of Mlnno- npollSf Minn., Is tho guest of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. a. Iloslup. Oco. Culp nnd liny Hutchinson nro spending tho wook nt tho form er's homestead on Uppor Dead Ox Flat. Mr. and Mrs. E. Frost spont Wed nosday with tholr daughter, Mrs. Stanley Drown of Ontnrlo. h. It. Urlothaupt of Ontnrlo, nnd Mr. Asbur of Portland, woro dlnnor guests Friday nt tho P. M. Doals homo. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vlncont nnd Mrs. C. A. Karst woro ontortnlnod nt dinner Thursday evening by Mr. nnd Mrsr L. Jt. Drlcthaupt of Ontnr lo. P. M. Donls and Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Karst attended tho farm bureau mooting at Ontario Wodnosday ovonlng. Airs, j, u. mown ontortalncd n numbor of frlonds nt dlnnor last Thursday. Mr. Mcuordon Is vory 111 with tonsllltls this weok. Kay Christiansen moved tho houso from his homestead near Hunting, to, to Payette, a dlstanco of forty miles, last wook. Loora Hauntz vlsttod frlonds In Ontnrlo Thursday night. Mosdnmes W. F. Vlncont, A. C. Miller, Harry K. Lnttlg nnd C. A. Karst woro guests last Wodnosday at tho homo of Mrs. Goo. Sklppon. Mrs. Clausen Andrus nnd son spont last weok with her parents nt myotic Miss Jean Dartsho. wlm Is tnklnir n nurso's training courso nt Dnkor City, Is spondlng a fow days -with her parcntB hero. Tho Doys Club ontortalncd tlm girls of tho Tru Dlu Conking Club nt tho Otto Mlllor homo Friday ovo nlng. Tho boys decided to ontor tnln tho girls with n hard tlmos party, and tho girls especially dressod tho part. Mr. Llndsoy wns promptly fined by tho boys whon ho nrrlvcd on tho Hcono drossod In his "Sunday host." Tho ovonlng pnssod all too quickly for tho youngstors ns ono gamo nftor another was on Joyed, At tho closo of nn onjoyablo ovonlng, delicious rofroshiuonta, proparod by tho (boys?) woro sorvod. CO.VOUKOATIONAIj CHUIIOII D. J. QILLANDEltS, Pastor Sunday School, 10:00 n. m. Pronchlng, 11:00 n. m. Subjoct, "Four Kinds of Pcoplo." Christian Endeavor, 0:30 p. ni. Preaching, 7:30 p. ni. Subjoct, "Ono Lost." lUltNIHHEI) ItOOMH FOK KENT First houso south of High School NOTICE Up to Mnrch first scaled bids will bo rocolvod by tho Hoard of Directors of tho Pnyotto-Orogon SIopo Irrlgn tlon District for tho position of dltcll ridor for tho Irrigation season of 1022. P, M. DOALS, Secretary, Payette, Idaho WANTED TO TOADE 3 buslnoss lots In Cumbrldgo Idaho for rosl-l uonco lots In Ontario, Phono 22lw, 10 tt i c g& i 'tea m FREE WITH EACH MON ARCH PUR CHASED NOW $10.00 SET OF ALUMINUM WARE t&nafcctv tIIIIJ.I.TIJ lUf M -JV " - ..- . . . , . TW'Sfey S at i s Factory" Rang e Payment of $10 down de livers you a Monarch and a set of Aluminum Ware. Pay balance in ten equal pay ments. No interest OYSTERS What could be better than a good Oyster Stew on these cold winter days? Then of course there are a dozen other ways to fix 'em so they are just right. We have them in all size and .' grades. Preferr ed Stock Oysters, every oyster as big as a dollar. I A. FRASER FREE WITH EACH MONARCH PURCHASED NOW $10.00 SET OF ALUMINUM WARE rsi ca o. eua NUUAilS u " . We are displaying the beautiful new 1922 Model MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGE. The Monarch Ranges embody many newly developed, practical and exclusive features which are in keeping with the constant effort to manufacture ranges that will render efficient, eco nomical service and stay satisfactory. We believe the New Monarch is as distinguished' and desirable now on the score of fine appearance, as it has always been from the standpoint of durable and economical performance. There is a touch of refinement in the concealed smoke pipe, the exclusive warming closet, the raised panels in all doors, and the myriads of of unspeakable little details of finer finish and design. You will be proud to own a IVfONARCH-America's most reasonable priced High Grade Range. Your old range taken in as first payment. nwinff PIiIVlTliTm n1 i iTfti r a wj l- ini li n KTi Kirn'iai4 $10.00 set of ALUMINUM WARE free with each Monarch Mal leable Range. gte Ontario Furniture Co. ONTARIO, OREGON Pay $10 down and balance in E5 ten equal in stallments. No interest. yEHZUjHTW kBltaHlHMMBBK.Tl vm!WrtTiX vb jt i ii n wi U7lk'lll'E Q $