The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, February 09, 1922, Image 1

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    tiHtfrow xtn.
' Jl lil !
1uIh E. llenn, Cnnillilnto for Gov
crnor (o Deliver Principal Ad-
dress K.M. Demi of Nyssn
F. M. Nortlirup and
Mrs. Itruco Kcstcr
to Speak.
At tho Mooro Hotel Monday a
Lincoln bnnauot 111 lm In. 1,1 ni
which the bunquot gliosis will liavo
nn opportunity or mootinR Louu E.
llcnn, spoakor of tho Houoo In tho
last ronulnr nnd snnHnl nnnntnnu !..
llvor tho principal address. Spoakqr
noon is ono 01 prominent candidates
for tho republican nomination for
govomor and this wilt bo his first
address 1n Kastorn Oregon, In fact It
will bo tho formal oponlng of his
Tho othor spoakors on tho pro-
' gram will bo Mrs. Ilruco Kcstor of
Vnlo, Earl M. Dean of Nyssn, Frank
M. Northrup of Orogon SIopo, and
C. F. Trow of Ontario.
Arrungoniantfl havo boon mado
for 100 guests nnd Indications aro
tho largo delegation!) wilt bo prosont
from Oregon Slopo, Vale; Nyssn,
Urognn and Jamlosou. Sovarnl up
per country republicans havo also
slgnlOod tholr Intention of bolng
couples come to ontaiuo
for wedding ceremonies
Hot. Honry Young of tho Moth
odlst Episcopal church was a busy
man yesterday afternoon flitting
from no wedding coromony to an
other. First at tho parsonngo ho
said tho words which mado Ernest
Irving Jloothlor of llalnos, Orogon,
and Mildred Pearl Illnklo of Harper,
Oregon husband nnd wlfo; then ho
wont to tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Mulllns whora ho porforraod tho
coromony by which John W. Bishop
oLShawnco, Oklahoma and Anna. K.
Fairbanks wore mnrrlod. Miss Fair
banks Is tho daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, J. M. Fairbanks who llvo on
tholr ranch botwoon hero and Vale.
Tho groom Is a nmchlnlst of Shaw
noo to which city tho young couplo
loft ou last evening's 24, to mako
tholr home.
Dora Sapp, tho .sir jetr old
daughter of Mrs. Jam on Klklno of
Huntington was brought to tho hos
pital horo Saturday morning suffer
ing from injuries rocolvod whon tho
horso on which sho rodo from school
klckd hor in tho head. Sho was
brought horo for an opomtlon in
hopo Hint thus hor llfo could bo
snvod but sho dlod shortly nftor
wards. Tho, body was taken to tho
Ontario Furnlturo Company parlors
and propnrod for shlpmont to Port
land for lntormont.
Girls or O. H. 8. Defeat Vnlo Girls
12 to 4 Wlilln Local Hoys
Swamp Visitors Under 40
to B Scoro Tuesday
Only a small crowd turned out
Tuesday evening to witness tho Intor
cjitlng baskot ball games botwoon
tho loams representing Ontario and
Vnlo high Bchools at the Loglon Hall.
Tho flrst gnmo was that playod by
the girls foams In which tho visitors
wore dofeatd by tho accurate tossing
and closo guarding of tho locals by
a 12 to 4 scoro. Tho.gamo was
marred by tho many falls of players
on both sides but was novor-tho-loss
Tho boys from tho county seat
wore unequal to tho task of holding
the locals down. Tholr floor work
was bettor than their shooting, how
vor, for though they took many
shots at tho baskets thoy could not
score. Tho flrst halt ended 22 to "2
for Ontario. Thon coach Latbrop
put a number of second string men
in and thoy continued to pile up a
one sided score so ho gave a number
of his third string men nn oppor
tunity to show their wares, Thoy
kept tho procession going until it
was only a quostlon of hqw much one
sided the total woula bo. In the
flrst half Mitch Mooro and Joe Mea
see and Hale got off to a running
start and swamped the visitors, while
. Turner and McCrelght did excellont
guarding. Sanford Scott and Irving
continued the scoring In the socond
half, and later Fortier and Shay
entered the game and all performd
in championship form. Eramett
plays hero Friday.
Although the epidemic of
small pox which has been pre
valent in a mild' form during
v the past two weeks is growing
less, still as a precaution,
City Health Officer, Dr. W. J.
Weese has rocommended that
the public library be closed so
that no books be returned from
any home where infection could
- be posslblo. Under the law all
books belonging to the library
which have been la homos
where the small pox bos been
suffered, will be burned, and
since" the library already has too.
few books it can not afford to
take tho risk of losing others.
Attor a fall and winter dur-
lng which tho hay raiichors of
f tins soctlon havo seen their
4 sumuior's crop olthor go at a
loss or havo no buyor sooklng
it, tlioro Is npparontly somo
hopo that tho unsold crop wilt
command a botlor prlco.
Last wook ono or two ranch-
org In thlB soctlon wcro offorod
as high as IG.00 per ton In tho
stnek; whllo at Nampa, accord-
lng to pross dlspatchos, dairy
in on woro paying 18 per ton,
and tho prediction was mado at
Nampa that duo to tho dairy
demand that It was bolloved
that 10 would bo tho prlco
boforo tho next crop Ib cut.
An Indication of thdjdegroo
to which tho Increased 'itumbor
of dairy cows In this section,
ospoclally oast of tho rlvor Is
counting In tho hay domand, Is
evident that ovary day sees
many loads of hay bolng hauled
across tho rlvor horo.
Handlers Doploro Elovntlon of Ken
yon to ltcnch mid Thinks Auto
Maker Could Hun Nation
on Tin Llzzlo Hails
Honry Ford, manufacturer of tin
Llzzlos, has boon suggested for tho
prosldoncy of tho Unltod States.
His nominatien: that Is tho desir
ability of his candldncy, was ox
prossod right hero In Ontario and In
Joctod a bit of humor Into tho moot
ing of tho rnnchors who aro going to
ralso potatoos horo this year. Tho
meeting was hold at tho City Hall
yesterday aftornoon.
Henry's nomination that Is, tho
doslrabltlty of putting tho Wlilto
Hoiiso on whools so to speak, camo
from W. L, Oibson pt Nyssa, during
a discussion of tho nomination of
Sonator Konyon to tho fodoral Judge
ship in tho eighth district.
Ono ranchor doclared: "Every
tlmo tho farmers dovolop a leador
somoono grabs him and they mako
him somothlng or other."
"Well wo want a ehivfrp," talrt
Mr, Oibson. "I want Honry Ford
for tho noxt Prostdont."
And tho suggestion rocolvod ap
plause whothor of approval or
amusomont was hard to dotormlno.
Anyway tho nomlnutlou was not
socondod and nothing furthor camo
of it.
Miss Lola Ilooso was takou to the
0. W. Dean home Monday to visit
whllo convalescing from nn oper
ation porformod nt tho hospital last
woo 1c
Ontario and vicinity was woll
represented at the Slick Ilros, salo
southeast of Payptto.
W. H. Mulllu of Crane was an On
tario visitor tho first of tho wook.
NIs Pattorson spout Tuesday in
Ontario calling on tho hardware
trade, and Incidentally fannlug old
timed In Lake county with Emory
Hill who was over from tho bench
that day. Paisley was "somo place"
In tho days whon NIs and Emory
cavortod on tho plains, was tho Im
pression that camo from tho yams
thoy had to toll.
Androw Robinson has purchased
the Dofoo ranch on tho hill west of
town from Sid CoinogyB, Mr. Robin
son sold tho property ho purchased
last year Just east of tho rail road
track on Idaho avonuo.
Henry Ulackwell of Portland was
In town tho flrst of tho wcok inter
viewing stockmen.
Snooker is the latest pastime In
Ontario slnco tho advent of tho big
English billiard tablo in tho gamo
room of tho Mooro hotel.
Mark Ruthorford camo down from
the Interior last Saturday and spont
the week end In Ontario.
Otto Illackaby of Homedalo was
an Ontario visitor, the flrst of the
John Drutzman returned Sunday
from Lowlston where he attended
the mooting of the managers of the
Hub, chain of storsB. Tho style of
the Arm name has been changed and
tho stores will bo operated under
tho namo of C. J. Dreler.
Tho Odd Follows and Rebekahs
hold a joint meeting last Saturday
evening and enjoyed tho social ses
sion. George II. Qllham has purchased
tho P. J. Gallagher residence on
Virtue street.
Mr. and Mrs. II. IL Tunny moved
this week Into tho Doyd residence,
and Mr. and Mrs'. Joseph Llnglo
have moved from the Rutherford
bungalow to the Clement houso
which Mr. and Mrs. Tunny vacated.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Howland have
taken the 0, A. Krata. residence on
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. W. Jones ud
children expect to leave Saturday
for Des Moines fowa where Mr
Jones, father is lit. They expect to
be gone for some time.
Deputy ShorlS Charles Glenn
came to Ontario Monday and sum
moned a number of business men
for Jury duty catching among others,
J. R. Illackaby and Harry B, Cock
rum. Mrs. Susie Morton returned Mon
day from a visit to relative at
Also Considering Plant for Market
ing CruiH-t-Many Growers need
Assistance to Sccuro Heed
Think Hankers Need
Sovonty-flvo Mnlhoiir county farm
ors who aro going to ralso potatoes
as ono at tnoir principal crops
gninorou in untario yesterday U
discuss tho probloms at securing
sood, nnd iucldontty also discussing
tho problom of mnrkatlng the crop
attor it was raised.
Early In tho discussion It dovolop
od that many of thorn would need
financial asslstanco to sccura seed,
but not as many as It wns at first
ballovod would roqulro liolp other
than thnt which thoy could personal
ly got from tholr local bankors.
Sovornl of' tho spoakors declared
that It was tholr opinion that whon
tho bankors of tho county nro hotter
Informed concornlng tho stability of
tho potato crop, and could bo shown
by Individual 'inombors and by u
committee tho profits which tho
growors could mako on notntoos.
oven if tho prlco Is far lower than
that secured Inst year, thoy would
glvo tho farniors ontltlod to crodlt
tho niotioy nocossary for sood and
tako a crop mortgago.
Tho commlttco on seed rocom
mondod that tho ranchora do npt
sign up tnoir crop with corporations
but thnt thoy markot tholr crop co
oporatlvoly, nnd askod that tho
rnnchors boforo Inking action attend
tho mooting Friday whon tho plnu
proposod for tho mnrkotlng of tho
Idaho crop will b,o discussed.
It was also dotormlnod that tho
orders for soed bo poolod and thnt
tho oxocutlvo commlttoo of tho Farm
lluroau bo Instructed to uso tho
machlnory of tho buronu for handl
ing this work.
It was roportod nt tho mooting
that upwards of 100 acres will bo
plnntod to potntocs In Mnhour couiily
this year and that on an avorago It
will roqulro 2(TJpor aero for sood.
Tho only adverse advlso on tho
mnrkotlng plan was that given by
W. L. Oibson who doclarod that a
big organization would not work. Ho
advlsod forming small community
organizations. Oco. W. Lattlg, Poto
Tonson, a. W. Dean, and 1. I., Cul
bortson nnd others who attondod tho
mooting nt Caldwoll Monday doclar
ed tholr ondorsomont of tho Idaho
plan as prosontod by tho Canyon
County Farm Uuroau and urgod tiro
men prosont to bo nt tho mooting
Handlers Who Intended Plantlnc
Lettuce Called to .Meet Hero
Friday to Hoar Marketing
Men Will Present Plan
County Agont L. It. Ilrlothaupt
ou bohalf of tho Farm lluroau Mar
kotlng Commlttoo, has Issued a cir
cular lottor calling a mooting of all
tho raon In tho county who Intend
to ralso lottuco this year, and nlso
tho ranchors from Payette and
Washington counties. Tho call for
tho mooting discusses tho matter as
Thoro will bo a vory important
mooting at Ontario, City Hall, on
noxt Friday February 10 atlO:00 a.
ra. to consider matters In connec
tion with marketing head lottuco.
This mooting Is for overyoito Inter-
osioa in uoau lottuco growing In
Mainour, Payette and Washington
"In calling this mooting I am. co
oporatlng with tho Malheur county
farm bureau, tho Canyon county
farm bureau and tho commlttoo ap
pointed at a recont head lettuco
meeting In Ontario, all acting thru
tholr responsible renresontutives. It
Is oho of threo or four meetings bo-
ing Held this week at control points
from Twin Falls westward. Thoro
will be prosont representatives of
tho lutencptod organizations which
have been working on tho market
ing problem with head lettuco and
of tho California Vogetablo Union,
Including President Thomas O'Noli
I of that company, says Mr. Hrlot
. haupt.
Present estimates Indicate that
1000 cars or more of head lettuco
will, bo grown in the Snako Rlvor
valley this year. 8uch a crop
should be worth around 11,000.000
Qeforo this can bo realized by tho
growors, however, a very great
amount of money must bo put Into
the various Reins making up "cost
of production " Certainly It wpuld
bo a stupendous blunder on tho part
of the growers It they should pro
ceed to "buy" with cash and labor,
a great and valuable crop without
taking Into consideration to whom
It can be sold and how It roust bo
gotten to the consumers. Such a
lack of foresight could have but ono
result, and that would not be to the
liking, of tho growers nor to the
general business Interests of the
Snako River valley, to say nothing
of what would happen to tho lettuce
Industry which now gives such great
promise for tho futuro. The fate of
tho producer of good lettuce do
pends upon the efficiency of the
marketing organization which must
be built.
Pole Tonson of Nssn Tolls Ranchers
That by Next Year Ranchers
New NiMH Plan Marketing
Mixed Vegetables
"If wo can soouro sufficient acro
ngo next year wo plan to bo prepared
to markot mlxod Togotablos and
ship In carload lots," said Poto
Tonson to tho raiichors asBomblod nt
.tho mooting of potato growers Wed
nesday aftornoon.
"Wo do not know how oxtonslvoly
wo can got Into tho business but wo
hopo that It can bo duno and that
others In this county will go Into tho
business so that wo can markot tho
crop economically."
Other ranchers later discussing
this proposition doclarod that It
meant tho Introduction of more
Japanese. Somo ufttho Vouchors do
clarod that It openings could bo se
cured tlioro nro COO Japs ready to
coiiio Into this soctlon. They also
report that xiprcsoutatlvos of Japs
havo sought to sccura small tracts
from many ranchers. As tho result
of theso offorts tho raiichors daclaro
that tlio movement to dovolop tho
truck gardou ldon Is Just another
oponlng wedgo for tho Introduction
of tho Nlppoiiosso Into Mnlhoiir
county, and. thoy view It with sus
hi.kjiit imuiHKS huiti:ui:i
Whon Richard, tho llvo year old
son of Mr. and Mrs, W. II. Urooku
run under tho hay wagon driven by
II. J, Thnrp, to Join n playmate who
wns riding on tho reach, ho slipped
and foil boucnth tho roar whool
which pasBud over his body at tho
shoulders. Fortunately It was a
wldo tlrod wagon nnd this porhnps
accounts for tho fact that no bones
woro hrokon. Had tho wagon struck
him a few Inchos olthor wny It Is
bollovnl thnt his nock or bnck would
have boon broken. Mr. Thnrp did
not sou tho Itttlo chap, nor did ho
ovon know tho accident. Tlio Itttlo
chap was nblo to got up and run
homo nnd Is now ublo to bo up and
On u request mado by Harney
county officials, Roy Stacoy was
ulckod up horo Monday by Marshal
II. C. Farmer and lodgod lnJnll. It
Is understood thut ho Is wanted for
u statutory offense.
Funeral for Inspected Citizen
Largest Ever Held lit Commun
Ity Moved to Settlement
In lHHt Other Otvyhco
N'vs Note
James S. Plnkstou, ngod 77, who
was ondeurlngly known to his many
neighbors ami friends In tho Owy
hoo soctlon as "Grandpa" Plnkston,
wns liurlod In tho Owyhee comotury
lost Bunday afternoon. Tho funornl
sorvlco wits held from tho Nyssa
Methodist church nnd was porhaps
tho largest sorvlco of its kind ovor
held In Nyssa. Frlouds gathered for
many miles to pay tholr final tribute
to tho esteem In whloh tho doccasod
planoor wns held In this soctlon.
Mr. PlnkHton en mo to the Owyhee
roKlon In 1884, boforo tho Owyhee
Ditch was built and was un actlvo
and Inrtuontlal citizen, taking part
In church and community affairs.
Louis Uollord was a visitor at tho
Kllngback homo Wednesday, where
ho asslstod In tho annual hog but-
Owyhee was woll roprosontod at
tho Farm lluroau meotlng and pro
gram at tbo Kolony school house
Monday ovonlng.
A Jolly party of young folks mot
at tho W. W. Smith homo Monday
ovonlng. Music ant! popcorn woro
onjoyed by those present.
The weekly choir and orchestra
practlco was hold at tho Flshor
homo Saturday ovonlng. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Oco Schwelsor and
chlldron visited relatives In Cald
woll from Tuesday to Sunday.
Carl Schwelsor made his "debut"
as cornotlst In tho Kolony H. 8. Or
chostra Monday ovonlng.
Lynn Kygar and Oral Hlte wore
Rolso visitors Friday.
Aftor a visit by Dr. Sarazln Sun
day, somo of tho Huffman chlldron
woro found to bo suffering with
scarlot fever. Dr. Sarazln advlsod
closing the school for a weok to
watch developments as theso chil
dren havo been attending school.
Tho school was glvon a thorough
The Owyhee school Joined tho
Red Cross last week. Most of tho
members were also mombers of the
Junior Kd Cross,
Miss Davis met with her sowing
class at tbo Pullen homo Saturday,
lor, Oeorgla Rust and Nova Larson
nfternoon. Tho members present
wore: Elba Pullen, Nellie and Rada
Elliot, Dorothy and Ellznboth Kay
Mrs. T. L. Dollord entertained at
dinner Friday ovonlng In honor of
tho fifteenth birthday of hor daugh
ter, Mildred. Three of tho guosts.Joo
Mendlola, Win. Walker and Deinp-
Isey Pleasant also havo February
"Tlvo Wnlskoy Gulch Gang"
wilt bunch In Juno nt Canyon
City, Orogon for throo days
to say nothing of throo nights,
to commomornto tho flndlgg of
v goiu on uniiyon urcoK, ho
runs tho invltntlon which
many Ontnrlans havo rocolvod
4 porsonnlty from frlonds ovor -
In Canyon, ami which has also
'! boon rocolvod by tho Commor
clnl, club and Mayor Doollttlo
as Vho city's oxocutlvo
Tlioro will bo a pony ox-
press raco from tho Hallos to
4 Canyon City, the dnnco hnlls
will ngnln hold sway, Wolts
Fargo will buy tho minor's dust.
4 nnd n pick nnd shovel will 'bo
4 tho scsnma for oponlng tho
hoarts of all Canyon City. Tho
4 commlttoo doclarcs tlioro will
be no speeches', parados, auto
races, baby shows, swimming
parttos, quilting pnrtlos, spell-
4- lnK hoes, or pruno centests: hut
tho gnng will havo a million
dollars to spend Just as thoy
did In tho enrly days of tho
camp an Canyon Crook whon
tho sky was tho limit and
ovoryono woro boots,
Tho colohrntloii dntos nro
Juno 8, 0 and 10. Many On-
tartans nro going to bo thoro
4 for tho road ovor tho John Day
4 Highway wilt bo passablo by
that tlmo.
4- 4-
Fred Williams Hold to Fodcrnl
Choi-no - No Finished Product
Iiurntetl Hut Paraphernalia
Is Complete Daughter
Hits on Evidence
Mnrshal II. C. Fanner and Doputy
Sheriff, Charles Glonn Unonrthod a
complete boozo mill nt tho homo of
Frod Williams on tho hilt near tho
comotory Monday aftornoon. No
finished product wns found, and Wil
liams imagined that tho officers
could not hold him on a stato charge
butthoy circumvented his Ideas and
hold him for tho fodornt authorities.
"WVyianis acted moan . whon tho
offlcors sonrchod tho ploco and was
asslstd by his family, ospoclally by
a llttlo girl whom ho had sit ou n
barrol of mash noar tho stovo. Whon
tho offlcors ordered hor to nrlso sho
rofusod and thoy had to lift hor off
tho ovldenco. Lntor thoy located tho
still nnd tho colls nnd thoso thoy nro
holding for fodoral action.
D. W. Powers wns In Rolso on
buslnoss tho first of tho wook.
Robort Currlor was horo from
Drewsey last wook, whore ho Is toach
lng sohool. Ho has loasod IiIb dairy
cows and equipment to II. F. Embroo
nnd loft Saturday with his family for
Rom. Tiiosdny, February 7, to Mr.
und Mrs. J. A. Lncknoss, a daughter.
Mrs. Frod Can Hold camo ovor from
Wolsor on Tuesday for a visit with
Mrs. Horschol nrowno.
Mrs. Ilia Dofoo was tnkon III Sun
day nnd on Monday tho attending
physician pronouncod tho case ono of
small pax. v
To Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kroosstu
was born a son on Monday of this
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. nilllngsloy ro-
turnod Monday from Portland whoro
thoy spont sovoral wooks visiting
relatives nnd frlonds.
William Jones loft Tuesday morn
ing for Juntura aftor spending tho
weok In tho lowor country.
Frank Craig took supplies and loft
Tuosday for his ranoh In tho upper
Goo. W. Lattlg, v. v. iiickox, u.
W. Dean, I. I. Culbortson, Poto Ton
son and L. R. Drolthaupt attondod
tho meeting of the lottuco growors
of Canyon county at Caldwoll Mon
day. Juden Dalton hikes loavos tins
weok for Portland for a short busl
noss trio.
II. C. Hoyer left yesterday for
Spokano und Portland and later will
go to San Frunclco and othor Cali
fornia cities.
birthdays so It was a company colo
hrntloii. L. J. Potorson who has oroctod
lambing shods on tho Huffman
ranch, roparatory to lambing thoro,
ohangod his plans and mo.vod the
outfit to tho Schwolzor ranch, whoro
ho purchased hay the lattor part of
tho woek.
Mrs- Schwolzor entertained hor
pupils at a skating party given on tho
rlvor Friday qvonlng.
Preaching services were hold at
the school houso Sunday afternoon,
immediately following Sunday school
Rev. Larson conducting tho servlcos.
Services will be hold again noxt
Mrs. LoRuy DeWItt Is a guest at
tbo Lowe homo.
Mrs. J. P. McGlnnls Is convalos,
clng attor a prolonged spell of Ill
ness, Hub Wnltors and son, David,
movod tholr owos from tholr wlntor
food grounds on tho Dollord ranoh,
to lambing quarters an the Ray
C'antrell ranch.
Goldlo Deard Is a guest of tho
Fenn boys this week.
NO., 10
How to Convert City General Fund
Warrants lno Groceries, Meat
nnd- Coal in Puzzling Of
ficials Union Oil Com
pony CoinliiK?
"When can you do so that our
warrants may bo cashed," nskod
Marshall H. C. Farmor Just as tho
City Council wns rondy to ndjourn Its
regular monthly mooting at tho city
hall Monday night.
"Wo cannot cat tho warrants, tho
banks won't cash thorn, and the
grocers and tho meat moil wnnt
cash," continued tho guardian of tho
pcaco and safoty of tho city, And
ho secured no nnswor from tho
council, furthor thnn that an effort
would bo mado to find a solution of
tho dolomn.
Whllo this discussion was on
Mayor W. II. Doollttlo announced
thnt tho city was about ono yonr
behind In Its gouornl fund account,
but thoro was so much hack duo
taxes that If somo of tho largor tax
payers who aro delinquent would pay
rolfof would bo In sight In a fow
To Investigate IIulldliiK
Tho Mayor dixdarod that sovoral
complaints had boon mado concorn
lng tho danger of nn accldont at tho
Mooro cornor whoro tho root ovor
tho excavation is propod up. Ho
nskod thnt authority bo glvon to
namo a commission to pass upon tho
matter. Authority wns glvon nnd
ho appeinted: Councilman Ivan E.
Onkos, Daulol Purcoll, Alox Lochoad
and Harry Klmo, contractors to In
vestigate. Tho Mayor nnnouncod that tho
Union Oil compnny had oddrossod
tho council to lonrn whothor or not
tho ordlnnnro oponlng a stroot and
giving thorn permission to erect a
station horo was still In forco nud
had boon Informed thnt it was.
Tho council postponod action on
tbo offer of J. II. Gordon to paint
wntor towor until warmer woathor,
and nlso had tho street commlttoo
coutlnuo its Investigation of tho
offer of It. W. Jonos and James Doty
to grado tho stroot across tho track
it tho council socurod a crossing as
On tho motion of Dr. W. J. Wocso
tho wator commlttoo will Invostlgato
the cost &f Jotting- apparatus, and
also will comddor repairs to tho sum
nt tho wator plant.
Musical OrKaiilatlous Under Direc
tion of MUs Helen Diiiistono and
AssMcd by Mrs. Hnrrlsoii
To HIiik Weilnodoy
Tho first formal program of tho
unttod atoo clubs of tho High School
will bo prosontod nt tho school
auditorium noxt Woduosday ovonlng.
Mrs. W. H. Harrison will assist tho
clubs with vocal solos and Miss
Elinor Randall will coutributo violin
selections. Miss Ruth Roberts Is tho
accompanist for tho clubs. '
A widely selected program has
boon proparod calling for various
arrangomont of voices and ansomblo
uumbors so that a popular concort
will bo prosontod. Tho clubs havs
boon hard nt work for soma tlmo In
preparation tor tho event which Is
ono of tho biggest of tho school yonr.
A son urrlvod at tho homo of Mr
and Mrs. W. II. Laxson Sunday.
Mrs. D. W, Powers was hostoss
this wook to tho Monday Bridge
Tho Tuosday Rrlggo Club met this
wook at tho homo of Mrs. O. R
Mrs. E. O. Van Potton was tho
hostoss yostorday to tho Wodnoday
Rrldgo club.
Tho Imperial club met last night
at tho homo of Mr. aud Mrs. W. F.
Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Frnsor ontor
talnod tho Carnation club Tuesday
Tho Fortnightly club mot Satur
day at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Oakos.
On uccount of tho Sontor class
play tho Valentino party plnnnod
by the Congregational young pooplo
has boon postponed. Tho date will
bo nnnouncod later.
John Golslor, only son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Golsler, of Frultland was
married New Yoars Day In Welser
to Miss Mildred Poorman, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. II. L, Poorman of
Ontario, It was loomed hero this
woek. Mrs. Golsler grnduated two
years ago from tho Ontario High
School. They havo gono to houso
koplng In Ontario whoro they will
bo at noma and whoro Mr. Golslor Is
omployod In n concrete Arm.
With tho acquittal of Arch
Nichols last Saturday by the
Jury which llstenod to his case
all last wook, and tho convic
tion of Howard Camp on a
cattle larcony chargo yesterday
ono of tho longest terms of
court ovor hold In Malheur
county ondod. Tho Nichols Jury
was out 14 hours and tbo Camp
Jury 0.
I VXJttb$lt .