.- ..vrur - Tf " IPte f Bf VOL.XXYI COMMISSION FiRM CONTRACTS ARE BELIEVED TO CONTAIN JOKER COMMISSION FIRMS ATTEMPT ING TO "TIE-UP" FARMERS WITH IKON HOUND CON TRACT WHICH WIIjL prove ruinous it ih relieved COMMISSION MEN SURE WINNERS Commission Men Would Profit by Need of Ranchers For Capital nnil Folt Manifestly Unfair Contract Upon Them V. Commission firms nro already In tho flold attompllng to Bocuro con trol of tho crop of potatoes (o bo raised In tills section by ranchers through tho moans of n crop mort gage contract; and also by an ultor nato plan of a partnorBhtp agroomont both of which aro "rotten to tho . coro." " Under olthor of thoso contracts -tho commission firm Is playing tho farmer an a "suro thing." It Is a bunco gamo right nnd In splta of all tho warnings of recant years. In splto of past oxporloncos with similar commission firms' nctMtlw. fcomo farmers nro "falling for tho commls . slon men's gamo." Sovoral of theso contracts havo fnllon Into tho hands of tho County Farin Bureau, nnd tho County agont nnd business men who havo studlod tho contract uio united In thu opin ion that It is most ono-Mldod and un fair. , , "It tho fnrmors who aro approached by any ono of tho sovoral represen tatives of dlffcront concerns offer ing tboso contracts will only read thum, and befora signing thorn got ndvlco, or oven stop to study thorn, thoy will novor commit thomslvcs to such a Uoal. says County Agout L. n. Drletbaupt: ' "Tho Canyon County Farm Bur eau koops In closo touch . has bad a commltteo at work for months on plans for tho organization of a co operative marketing association to handle tho early potatoos, and this commltteo has spont n largo amount of ttmo and money investigating various California organizations as woll as sales and distributing agon cJRW" continued Mr. Brloibnc.. "This commlttoo Is now drawing up sultablo documonts proltmlnury to undertaking tho organization for actlvo work. Tho plan contem plates a largo organization to do .. busluoss In Bouthorn Idaho and Mai- hour county. Oregon on a strictly cooporotlvo basis under tho dlroct -. managomont of tho growers, somg what on tho ordor of tho cbr markotlng association and sood ' markotlng association. "It Is unfortunate both, for tho farmora and tho genoral buslnoss in terests of tho county, that financial conditions aro such that fnrmors aro almost compelled to accopt any 'proposition offorod thorn Js ordor to socuro seed, ovon though by s0 doing thoy destroy their power to orgunlzo for ordorly mnrkotliiK of their crop in a way to bring back tho groatost roturn to tho grower and help to establish a fair balanco of trado In tho county." x CARTER' HOUSE SOU) Mrs. Amos Roothlor sold tho Car tor Hotel this wook to Mrs, S. L. Loch and hor son, 0. O. nodd from Thompson Falls. Montana. Mrs. Loch and Mr. Rodd woro formerly In tho hotel business. In Colorado. Mrs. Iloothler will remain 1b Ontar io until school Is out. PIANO PUPILS ASSISTED RY . VOCALIST AND READER PLEASE A dollshtful recital was presented by tho pupils of Miss Luolla Callln, boforo a largo trowd at tho Masonic Tomplo last Saturday ovonlng. Tho BQventepn pupils furnished a progres sive Btudy In musical development for thoro woro numbers from the beginners to tho morq advanced. Assisting in tho presentation of tho program were. Mrs. W. H. Harri son, vocalist; Miss Elinor Itandall. violinist, and Mlsa Ruth Cabeen, reader; all of whom dollghted tho audlenco with their numbers. The students who took part in the pro gram were: Ruth Hunter Hardls n..niiiuii nnhert Laxson. Margar- niaMrnhv. AIIcq Dorman, Max Taggart. Ruth Cabeon, Teresa Young Catherine Powers, florothy Laxson, Ethel Conway, Margaret Drane. Ruth Roberts, Crlssle Qraham and Cecelia ualiagner. I . ' SUOHT OPERATION Harry Kennard came down from Vale Saturday accompanied by Dr. C. 0. Durrows. Here they met Dr. Carl Bartlett ot Baker who por fdrmod a slight operation upon Mr. Kennard, from which he Is now con valeclng. The Monday Rrldgo met this week with Mrs. J. A. McFall. Mrs. Ivan Oakes was hostess to tho Tuesday brtdgo ctub. The Wednesday Bridge Club met ,im um n. O. Pavue. m- pnH Mrs. Frank Rader enter tained the Carnation Club Tu.osdayJ ovealag. ' ' r ',..' ..,, Mr. and Mrs. J. " J"," ntrtnin thB IaiDertel Club this pAn Imb Robert Oraham the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar uranam, is with pa.umoula. 'L. ,-lJWr"-'"f .ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1922 FIREMAN TO INAUGURATE HALL AS ONI3 OK ONTARIO'S EVENTS Ontario will havo an Annual Fire man's Hall, boglnnlng this yenr, ac cording to tho momburs of tho Flro Dopartmont, when nt their rogular mooting Tuosday night thoy voted to this offect. Tho boys havo had sovoral requests that thoy glvo a danco oncli year, and tho first ono of this sorlos will bo hold nt tho Lo gton Hall, March 17th, and will be ono of tho big ovonts of tho season, nnd thoy want nit Ontario and sur rounding torrltory to got ready for a big tlmo. Tho rocolpts will go for tho purchasing of now cquipmont for tho dopartmont. NO CHANGE IN TRAIN SERVICE IMMEDIATELY Public Scrvlco OoiiiiiiIanIoh Inform I. J. Gallagher that Curtail ment on itrnncli Lines Wilt Ndt bo Maria Pending In vestigation II. H. Corey of tho Public Sorvloo Cornmlsston on Wodncsday wlrod P. J, Oallaghor that tho Orogon Short Lino would not mnko tho pro posed trl-wookly sorvlco on tho t'rano branch and tho Hrognn and Ilomcdnlu branches until after an Investigation was made. Tho proposed chango has roused tho pooplo of Darns, Crane,- Vnlo, Drogan nnd Ontario to action, and tho city officials and officers of tho Commercial bodlos havo protested tho chango ns detrimental to tholr Intoresto. Undor tho proposed chango It would cut tho proaont sorvlco in two, nnd glvo theso brnnchos a train ovory other day, nnd would bo so ar ranged that thoro would ( bo ono train each way to Valrf. THY TO REACH AGUEEMENT County Commissioner Frank M. Vinos and District Attornoy Kobt. D. Lytlo camo down from Vale last Saturday morning nnd met hero wtyjos(on Transcript WM, Pngo fur County Judgo E. 11. Tost and Counfy i , t 11iun(lifty amflmiH Prc- Comralsslonor a. W. Doan tor tho purposo ot going ovor with Paul Joseph a proposition to compromise tho suit ovor tho right-of-way for tho Old Orogon Trail through tho Jos oph ranch on tho lowor Doad Ox. No agrooinont was roachod though tho contending forcos cnmo'wltliln 500 ot an agreomont, so it is said. Jonas Drown nnd C. E. Frost of Orogon Slopo were Ontalo visitors yosterday. Mrs. C. A. Karat of Orogon Slopo spont Monday with Mrs. L. .11. Urlot-' haupt. Randall Sago ot Nyssa was un On tario visitor on Monday morning. From Nyssa on Monday camo Pete Tonson. Mr. Touson Js one of tho Nyssa ranchors who has rented a fiortlon ot his land to a Jap garden or for the (Joining year, but doclares that ho agroos witn tno Argus mat tho Introduction of tho Orlontal Into this soctlon Is not a good thing for tho country. It Is a case ot neces sity at this tlmo,- avers Mr. Tonson H. C. Van Potton was a Uolse visitor last Saturday. Mr. Hamstreet ot Drogan was an Ontario visitor laBt Saturday aftor noon. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Hnlo who live southwest ot tho city aro tho proud parents ot n baby daughter who ar rlvod at tholr homo on January 23. A sou arrived at the ranch ot Mr and Mrs. Calvin Taylor southwest of tho city Sunday morning. W. B. Lees returned Monday from Salt Lake City whore ho wont on buslnoss and to consult a specialist. Mr and Mr. E. A. Fruser. Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Eralson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Adam, Mrs, Jacob Stroup and Mrs. fa.. ia KTnnnrthv mtmiilnil the funeral sorvlces ot Peter Pence ot Payette, Bunday afternoon. Mr. Pence was n nlnnnnr nf Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Pearson moved last week, froa the P. J. Gallagher house, where they have been living slnco coming to Ontario, to tho L. L. Daus residence. Estls Morton ot Harper spent Sunday and Monday In Ontario. Duncan Mcltao or uiversiuo was business visitor In Ontario on Monday- . .. . M, D. Fleming, eye specialist iroiu Boise, wilt bo at the Moore Hotel on Friday February 10. D. M. Taggart was In Boise on business Tueday. J.A. Lackness is In Burns on tele phono business. T. H. Moore was In Boise on busi ness the first of tho week. Carl Morton and wife o( Welser were visiting relatives In Ontario this week. E. H. Darcus was In Boise the first ot the wek, ' Hugh Allea le oa a business trip to Barns.? Mrs. W. L. Wyroan was hostess for a party stTea la honor of Mrs. t a i niyno nt th Iackness home Wednesday whlchwas attended by two a number Of frienas -oi iae ladles, LOCAL PERSONALS JaaHaBBMMMSSMMMSMMSBWMIsUM j DEEM CHANGE IN HANDLING PUBLIC RANGE DANGEROUS Af'cp Forest Scrwco Has Improve! Itango Opponent of Change Heo Effort to Control Stock HiinIiichh Would bo De triment to Malheur Oounty Kumora of an effort on tho part of someano to tako tho administra tion of tho forest rosorvo rnngo rights from tho department of agri culture In which thoy nro now vest ed and transfer them to tho dopart mont of tho Interior readied this section during tho past woek, Tho possibility nnd tho danger to tho small stockmen of Mnlhour county contained In such n chango Is patent for tho appointees In tho land offices aro political offlco hold ers, and not regulated by tho civil sorvlco as aro won In tho forest sor vlco. Think what It might mean to tho stockmen of this county If control of tho public range nnd rosorvo rights passed Into tho hands of tho land offices of Vnlo and Burns after tho mon who socurcd offlco undor United States Sonator Btnntlcld nro In poworT Of cotirso thoy might bo absolute ly Impartial, but It would bo hard to mako tho public bollovo this would bo truo, and anyway tho danger that such a chango hns for tho Bmall stockmon makes It mighty bad busl noss as woll as politics, It nothing else.. If this chango Is mado It places in politically controlled mon tho con trol of tho cntlro stock business Qf this section. With tho advent of tho 040 aero bomostoad act tho froo rango ot a fow years ngo has disap peared. Practically tho only opon rnngo loft Is that within tho j-osorvo, nnd upon tholr tonuro ot grnzlng rlghtajho llto ot many small stock men doponds. Hoforo tho chnngo proposed can bo rondo n bill will havo to bo passed In Congress nnd small stockmon nro already taking nolo of tho proposed Innovation and aro to opposo Its pnssago. BIG PRlSCERTAlN FOR 1922 WOOL CLIP iMHt Thursday tIoiim Statements Showing Shortage of Wool Stock Mainour county wool mon havo ovory reason to bo Joyful ovor tho prospects of good prlcos for tholr 1923 wool clip. Harry II. Cockrum who has boon following tho wool market carofully for woofcs is vory optlmlstlo over tho prospocts ot high prlcos In this soctlon, and doclares that tho Doston roports contlnuo to show a docroaso In tho stock of wool on hand In tho United States and that thus, statistically wool Is on a firm basis. Tho only danger soon now Is that ot too early contracting on tho part ot growors. Wbllo no buyors havo appoarod In this soctlon to buy wool on tho Bhoep's backs, still with tho buyers now completing tho purchase ot tho Nevada and Utah flocks, In nil probability wool buyors will soon bo In ovldonco In this territory. Transcript Statement Speaking of tho wool situation as rotlectod In roports to Doston wool buyers, tho Transcript of January 20 says: Contracting Indicates Oonfldcnco That tho wool trado Is far from down hearted Is shown by a, suddon expansion ot contracting In tho West This has developed largely during tho paBt wook, considerable wool having beon placod undor contract. Practically Ml of this wool is in Utah and Nevada. Beginning, recent ly, at 19 and 21 cents in Nevada, as noted a weok ago. the movement spread rapidly to Utah, whore a big vnlumo of wool has boen Becurod by r Eastern dealors, mainly from Bos ton. Top prices for tne oesi.nno and fine medium clips hawi been 26 to 27 ceuts, It Is claimed, tho clean rnst for lota landed la Boston bolng sestlmated at 90 to 9a cents, uomo leaders In tho movoraents claim to have withdrawn after securing a good bit of wool. They say that tjio growero havo become excited by the operations and are advancing prices faster than buyers care to iouuw. Thn radical costrast with tho situation ot las,t year may be gather ad from a comparison of prices. When tho Jericho wools wore offer ed at a seal-bid sale at me enu ui April, tho beat bid obtained was 16 7-8 cents, Now these or similar woftla aro being contracted, months ahead of shearing, at 25 to 27 cents. This movement makes It plain that tho wool trade Is in an exceedingly .sensitive position. In spite of tho experiences of the past two youm, the speculative spirit still is strong, as shown by recent trading between dealers In this market and emphaslz n.i v the contracts mentioned above. Those who have been thinking they had taken away a good slice ot tho Boston wool trade, may find that the fight has. Just bosun. T. M. Qough. publisher of the parma Review, was a business visit 'tor la Ontario last Monday I'lL-i'-mni'ii. .1111 j FEDERAL AND STATE HEN AGREE ON MALHEUR LAKE Ioiift Pending Dcxputo Which Threat encri Irrigation Development In Harney Valley lias Ap parently Dccn Settled Amicably. Tho following statoment of tho Mnlhour Lake controvorsy fronl tho Burns Times-Herald will bo ot In tercet to many Mnlhour county citizens who havo lands In tho Harney Valtoy. Concerning tho ad justment ot tho Malheur controvorsy tho Tlraos-Herald Bays: Morrs. Sam Mothorsheadi Judgo Hughes and A.R. Olson arrived homo Monday from Portland and Salem, whoro thoy Joined William Hanloy In conferring with tho stnto officials and a reprcsontnttvo of tho uio loclcal Survey ot tho government In discussing compromlso plans for tho HOttloment of n posslblo controvorsy over conflicting rights connected with tho storing of tho water f tho streams flowing Into Malheur lako and thus Injure tho bird .rosorvo. Theso mon expressed satisfaction as n rosult ot tho conforonco nnd feel confident tho controvorsy will bo sottlod doflnltoly, thtiB allowing tho Irrigation projects to procood without Interference and still p ro sorvo tho bird rotugo. This dlfforenco threatened to do- lay matters In tho dovolopmont ot this big country and It was confident ly bollovod that It could bo adjusted whon tho Importanco of thu projects was onco understood. Pooplo nnvo no dcslro to dostroy tho bird refuge; thoy bollovo In It, but It is also im porntlvo that this big agricultural section bo not rotardod bocauso of It. thoroforo it was duslrod to havo tho matter adjusted Immediately In ordor that nothing como up In tho futuro that would lead to dolay FROZEN IN DEATH KOY IS FOUND BY BROTHER Klovcn Year-old Skull Spring School Hoy Evidently Lum Way and Dies of Exposure Monday Night HrotlU'r lAKn.Ua Ills Ilody Passongors on tho train arriving today from tho Intorlor brought tho story ot tbo death ot Qoorgo Ouglo, 11 years old, who was frozon to doath near tho Skull Springs school house south of Harper on Cotton wood Monday night. Although tho details ot tho story as It roachod horo woro varlod and c'ould not bo confirmed accurately, It nppoars that tho llttlo chap loft school Monday night boforo tho teachor with whom ho was staying at tho Skull Springs ranch. Ho lost his way, and aftor a two days search tho body was found by his brother, who, whon the report that ho was missing, startod a search. Whoro tho body was found thoro was a circlo In tho snow, with a stick at Its contor showing that tho llttlo chap had mado a bravo strug gle to koop .warm until morning. SHRINE CLUIl OIVES PKI7TrY PARTY AT VALE ON TUESDAY At Vale Tuesday ovonlng tho members of the Malheur county Shrine Club hold a dollghtful gath ering. It was a bridge party held at tho Masonic Lodgo rooms which woro handsomely decoratod. Dur ing tho ovulng vocal solos woro sung by Mrs. II. L. Peterson and Mrs. Ed gar 8. Fortnor of Ontario, and Mrs. II. E. Young nnd M's. A. W. Reed of Vale. Honors at brldgo woro divided between Ontnrlo nnd Vale with Mrs. W. H. Brooko, and Dr. 0. C. Burrows returned high point winners. CHARIVARIES POPULAR WITH YOUNG FOLKS ON OWYHEE Two Couples of Nivtly Wt'ri "Proper ly" Receive! by Friends Fnko Hold-ups Giro One Couple Dellghtul Scnre-rOther Owjliea lv Mr. and Mrs. Lu DeQoede retumod Bunday from a two weeks nonejf moon, spent in uaicor uiiy. iney were met In Nysna by Oral Hlto. On their way home they were held up by a couple of masked men. for a raomont terror rolgned aupremo, when a laugh from one of tho bandits revealed his Identity. Lynn Kyger and his aeeomDlIco. O. R. Hlto. Mr. bnd Mrs. DeQoede were hilariously charlvarlod by the young people or the community. They will be at home to their friends o nthe Jack McConner ranch which they havo rented In partnership with J. W. and Lynn Kygor. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Schweitzer ar rived home from Ontario Friday. Thn young folks of the neighborhood tondered thorn a charivari on the night of their return. Andy Hansen returned home from Emmett Saturday and loaves Wed nesday for Yuma, Arizona, whore he will have charge ot a mlpe. 8, D. Rlgelow and daughter, Junlta were Ontario visitors Tues BITTER LEGAL BALTLE BEING STAGED IN TRIAL OP NICHOLS EOR MURKER FIFTY CHILDREN TO PRESENT PLAY. FOR LIIIKAKY DENEF1T Fifty chlldron from tho Ontario schools will tako part In a costumo play, to bo given next Thursday ovo nlng at tho Majestic Theatre. Tho Womnn's Club aro the sponsors, nnd tho rocolptB will bo used for tho Li brary Bcnotlt fund. Miss Ada Loo has boon training tho chlldron for soma tlmo; and much Interest Is bo Ing takon In tho ovont. Book char acters and Mothor (looso tnlos so donr to tho hearts ot tho chlldron, aro to bo presented. Tho entertain tnont will begin directly after tho first sorlal. NEW DRY CLEANING PLANT OPERATES FOR FIRST TIME Modern Equipment In New RulMlng at Ontario laundry fllen On tario InntltuMoti Not Excelled In West so Far an Detail is Concerned Tho first consignment ot flno fa brics as woll as hoavor wearing hp parol to bo dry-cleaned at tho now dry cloanlng plant ot tho Ontario Pressor which Is now a branch of tho Ontario Laundry and Dry Clean ing Works, was finished Monday at tornoon, and thus nnothcr forward stop In nn Ontario concorn was ro cordod. R. W. Jones, who purchased tho l'rossary and at onco started to modornlzo tho sorvlco and put It on a pnr with tho laundry sorvlco which ho established, now has a plant In which tho city can tako roal prtdo. It Is thoroughly oqulppod and locat ed In a modern flro proof building. No longor will It bo nocossnry for any Ontnrlo folk to send out ot town tor fancy dry cloanlng, for thnt sor vlco can bo dona as woll at homo. What a trado at homo campaign can do for tho milling Industry was recently demonstrated In tho caso ot tho Ontario Flour Mill and It can bo duplicated In tho dry cleaning flold, and In others too. As the pur chuso of Ontario flour makes labor for Ontario pooplo ot tho patronage of tho Ontnrlo dry cloanlng works employes Ontnrlo men nnd women, and at tho dry cloanlng works a start has boon mado for an Institu tion which ultimately will employ n number of pooplo, Incroaso tho pay roll of tho city and othorwlso holp In tho buslnoss battle. Miss Barbara Castloman has beon III with brochlal pneumonia. Mr. Leland Ready Is visiting with hor paronta at Long Boach, Cnl. John Mothows loft Wodnosday for Med ford Orogon whore hu expects to locate L. D. Fryo and fnmlty ot Emmott wero wook ond visitors at tho T. B. Flsor homo. Mr. and Mrs, E. K. Englo and Mrs. Beta Athorton visited nt tho Ed Berry home Friday aftornoon. Ted Kltisoy and Bort Potorsou woro Ontario visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pntton and Mrs. Wnltor Kollor ot Payette visited at tho Harry Howo homo Wodnosday. Mrs, J. A. Walters was an On- torlo visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Q. W. Doan motorod to Doad Ox Flat Friday evening to tho meeting of tho Farm llurouu. Mrs. Rao Parson nnd chlldron re turned to hor homo In Mho after a fow wooks visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs. John lllauton. Mrs. T. B. Flser roturnod from EuBono Monday morning. Robort Odell and sou John woro In from tho ranch near Vnlo Thurs day. Mrs. Ben Roso spent Tuosday In Ontario as tho guest of Mrs. Altco Smith. Mr- and Mr. E. K. Englo spent Wednesday with L. M. Capron and wlfo. Tbo Ontario Qlrls Club met Tuos day at tho homo ot Mrs, J. R. Black aby and woro entertaluod by Miss Mue Piatt and Mrs. M. D. Thomas. Cards wore enjoyed nftor which ro froshments wero served. A very ploasant evening was spent by about 35 ot the mombors. Tho mooting noxt Tuesday ovonlng will be hold at tho homo of Mrs. D. M. Taggart. R. C. Town who has beon for tho past two years connected with the F6rd Oarage hero, resigned his posi tion and this woek has takon a posi tion with tho Universal Motor Co. ot Frultland, which Is a now firm for tho agency ot Ford Cars, A now garage Is being orocted In Frultland for their uso. John Shamborgor of Washoo visit ed tho Jacob Stroup homo hero on Wdnesday. Mr. Shambrger recently camo to this country from tho oil fields In Kentucky where he was in business. Fred Sheets of Nyssa, was an Ontario visitor last Wodnesday. Acel Wltbeck will leave this wook tor Eugene to look for a location. M- Spauldlng ot Oregon Slope was a business visitor In Ontario Wednesday. LOCAL PERSONALS Ii iL JJ5"A'iH HO. 9 . i!L-!UHU LJJ11H1WJ.! ALii DAY SUlRMISH STAOICD OVER ADMISSION OF CON FESSION SECURED flT JORDAN VALLEY FOLLOWING SHOOTING ARMS SPECIALIST UNDER FIRE Court Iioom Practically Filled With Jordan Vnllej' Resident and Few From Other Sections Touching Scenes En acted at Trial Ono ot tro hardest fought criminal trials In tho annnls ot Malheur county Is In progress nt Vale and probably will not bo complotcd until Friday or Saturday,- whon tho Jury will docldo whether or not Arch Nichols Is guilty ot niunlorlng Bill Hicks In tho drunken row In n shack at Jordan Valley Docombor 0. Assisting District Attornoy Rob ort D. Lytlo In tho prosecution ot the case Is Judgo Ooorgo E. Davis of Vale; whllo J. W. McCulloch ot On tario and Judgo K. I. Porky ot Bolso aro dofondlug Nichols. Tho trial started Mondny aftor noon, tho Jury being quickly socurod Tho contest betwoon the nttornoys startod early ovor tho admission ot an alleged i Confession socurod by District AKornoy from Nichols. Tho dotonso counsol submitted Mr. Lytlo to a most rigorous cross examination Aftor an all day battlo, followed by an ovonlng sosslon Wodnosday, Judgo Dalton Biggs presiding, ad mitted tho confession, Nichols Repudiates ConfeasloB On tho stand lato today whon the dofonso started Its caso, Nichols re pudiated tho confosslon nnd doclar od It was given undor duress. TotichliiK Scene Enacted. Among tho wltnososs ot tho trial uro four women, two each ot whom nro rolallvos of tho doad man and tho accused. At noon today whon tho court adjourned, Mrs. Jeaato Hicks Van Plcklln and his sister, Mrs. Parks, crossed tho court room whoro thoy greotod tho gray haired Mrs. Nichols, mothor ot tho accused and hor daughtor. Mrs. Van Blcklln embraced Mrs. Nichols and kissed hor. This proved too much for tho grlot stricken wo man. Sho broko down nnd sobbod on tho shoulder ot the roungor woman, wnoso uroinor nor son is uccusou ot murdering. Nichols, tho dofondnnt, la plainly undor groat atross and emotion. Nervously ho Is watching tho courso of thu trial upon which his life is hold In tho balanco. Expert Undo Vita Today tho first flroworks came when tho 8tato Introduced J. C. Bollors, genoral suporlntondont of the Rovolaro International Bocrot Sor vlco, of Pocatello, Idaho, Mr. Boilers who claims to havo boon connocted with tho unravelling ot ovldonco against tho Contralla I. W. W., and other famous cases, was on tho stand boforo and aftor dinner tho last hour bolng grilled by Attorney Mc Culloch. Mr. Boilers was Introduced as an oxport ou flro arms and kind rod matters. . Tho battlo centerd over the de claration ot tho witness that tho bullet allegod -to havo boon found In tho lining ot tho coat Hicks wore whon ho was shot bad tho impress ot tho matorlal ot tho lining of on Its noso and that It was ot tho oxact character as tho bullets found In the chambers of Nichols' gun, and could not havo boon fired from Hicks' gun. Ho also tostlflod that thoro was no powdor marks, nor further testi mony that tho stato will Introduce to show that the bullet which klllod Hicks was flrad at a dlstanco. Tho theory that tho dotonso In the oponlng statoment ot Mr. McCulloch, Indicated It would advanco, is that Hicks was klllel by a bullot from his own gun during tho struggle. Tho stato apparently was advancing a defence of this lino ot reasoning through Mr, Sellers, testimony con cerning tbo absonco ot powder marks and burn, ns well as tho difference in tho slzo ot tbo bullets. Titters Como From Crowd Many times during tho trial the sallies of counsol have brought tit tors from tho crowd In tho court room and thoso have brought raps for order from the bailiff. After learning that tbo stato bad a firearms export the defense coun tord and sont for R. E. Herrlck, prosldont ot tho rlflo association ot Boise, who will probably follow Mr. Sellers on tho stand. Tho Jury Tho Jury which Is to dotormlne the caso Is composed of, L. Adam, Ontar io; Ouy Johnston, Ontario; J. 0. Vines,' Vale; E. T. Aker. Ontario; John McConnoll, Nyssa; S. D. Oos- liert. Nyssa; J. w. westfati vaie; C. 0. Bradley, Nyssa; x L. Farber, Harper; Charlos A. Johnson Ontar io, and E. C. Slzemore, Buelah, Mrs. E. W. Howard has gone to Vale to stay at tho Sanitarium tor a time. Llttlo Bort Emlson fell during a game on tho school ground, Wednes day and broko bis collar bone. J. . Down and family are moving to' Wlldor this weok, where Mr. Brown has secured a ranch for the noxt year. a-.. ifr.fr hfrt