The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 26, 1922, Image 1

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    !htiti& Timm.
Entries AIiuOnI ns Numerous ai Pre
vious Years hut Qunllty Con
siderably Itcttcr -Poultry-men
Henr Speakers ot
It took but a fow days and littlo
preliminary work for tho poultry
commlttoo ot tho Farm Bureau, with
tho asslBtanco of Secretary Doollttlo
of tho Coramorclnl club to socuro a
i largo number of aristocratic poultry
togothor for tho annual show which
was hold tills wook In tho building
south of tho Argus.
In nil thoro woro 30 exhibitors
who In tho various classos displayed
275 entries, which while not as
tnnny as woro shown last year,
roprosontod generally speaking a
hlgbor typo of tho various Btralns
Poultryiuen Meet
This afternoon nt tho city ha)l
Arcbto Larson tho woll known
poultryraan from Wolser Is address
ing n largo nudluiico ot, various
phases of tho chlckon business.
Judga Wherry, who has for four
years picked tho winners nt.tho
poultry show and county affair, so-
loctod tho following In various class-
llhodo Island Reds
N. S. Folthouso, Now Plymouth,
Idahe: 1st cock; 1st and 2nd hon;
1st, old hon; 3rd young pon. Oraham
Park, Ontario; 2nd, cock; 2nd, Aid
pon; 3rd, hon; 3rd, cockerel, 3rd,
young pon; Mrs. Goo. Bullous, Pay
otto Idahe: 3rd, cock; 2nd, cockorol.
W. A. Touts, Payette, Idaho, 1st,
cockorol; 1st and 2nd pullet; 1st,
young pon.
Iloso Oomb llhodo Island lied
0. 8. Johnson, Ontarie: 1st, cock;
2nd, hen; 1st, 2nd and 3rd pullot;
1st, 2nd and 3rd cockorol.
Dark Barred Plymouth Rock
C. E. Dibble, Payette, Idaho, 1st;
cock; 1st, 2nd and 3rd ben; 2nd
and 3rd cockorol; 2nd and 3rd
pullet; 2n pon. Wllbor Clayton,
Now. Plymouth, 2nd .cockorol; 1st,
pullot; 1st pen.
Dark Barred Plymouth IlockN
0. K. Dlbblo, Pnyetto; 1st cock; 1
cockorol; 1st old pen; 1st, 2nd and
3rd pullets; 1st, young pen; 1st, 2nd
and 3rd hon. Wilbur Clayton, 2nd,
Sliver Jncel Wyandotte
II. D. Thornton, Payotte: 1st,
cockorol; 1st and 3rd pullot; 1st
pen; A. E. Flock, Now Plymeuth:
2nd, cockerol: 2nd, pullot; 2nd pon;
3rd cockorol.
White Wyandotto
Lllllo Lodd, Ontarie: 2nd, cock
erel; 2nd pullot; J. L. Dakar, Pay Pay Pay
oteo: lst"old pon; 1st, 2nd and 3rd
hon; 1st cock; 1st young pon; 1st
cockerel; 1st and 3rd pullot.
Duff Orpingtons
Mrs. D. A. Hurtlo.TJow Plymeuth:
3rd, co'ckorel; 1st, 2nd and 3rd,
hen; 2nd pen; Hans Oft, Ontario,
1st and 2nd cockorel; 3rd pullot;
1st pen; W. T. Parker. OntArlorlst
and 2nd pullot.
Geo. Fonnor, Welser: 1st, cock;
1st and 2nd hon; 1st old pon; 1st
and 2nd pullet; Mrs. D. A. Hurrlo,
New Plymouth; 2nd cock; 3rd hou;
2nd old pen; 1st cockerel; 1st young
pen; 3rd pullot.
lUack Leghorns
Mark Christiansen, Ontario; lt,
cockorol; 1st, 2nd and 3rd pullet;
1st pen; 1st and 2nd, hen.
Black Minorca
Wilbur Clayton Payotte: 1st, and
2nd cockerel; 1st sock; 1st, 2nd and
3rd pullet; 1st young pon; 1st and
2nd and 3rd, hen; 1st old pen.
Huff leghorns
. O. II. Flock, Ontario; 2nd cock
orel; 1st, 2nd and 3rd pullet; 1st
Crowley Gentry, Ontario; 1st
cockerel, 1st ben.
Golden Oamplnea
Mrs. Geo. Sullens Payette, Idaho.
1st cockerel; 1st pullot
Golda Scbrelght Bantams'
' Len Christiansen, Ontarie: 1st
cock, 1st hen. Hogau Moure, On
tario, 2nd cock, 3rd cock; 1st pul
lot; 2nd hea.
Single Oomb White Leghorns
Sarah L. Cain, Ontario; 2nd cock;
2nd and. 3rd hen; 3rd young pent
1st old pen. Wilbur Clayton, New
Plymouth; '1st cock; 1st hen; J. D.
Deal Payette: 1st and 2nd cockerel;
1st 2nd and 3rd pullet; 1st pon.
Leo Klmm, Ontarie: 3rd cockerel;
2nd pen.
Silver Spangled Hawberg
Llllle Ladd, Ontario; 2nd cock;
1st pullet
White rekla Ducks
Eggart Oft; 1st, old pair; Homer
Announcement wns mado this
wook that tho bank nt Jordan Vol
toy which voluntarily closed Its
doore In Decombor' would opon for
business Friday of this wook. Fred
Palmor, president of tho bank an
nounced that no chango in tho per
sonnel of tho ofllcors would bo inn do.
Tho closing ot tho bank was only a
tomporary ono whllo waiting for tho
approval ot npmo rcdlscountod
papor with tho Fodorul Ilcsorvo
State I In Kin (xt Gives List of Applica
tions in County Harper Want
Domcstlo Bupply Two
Owyhee Application
Balom, Oregon, Jan, 24, 1022: In
Malheur County, pormlts havo boon
granted to tho follewing:
To tho Hnrpor Dovplopmont Co.,
of Harper, covering tho appropria
tion ot wntor from Hnrpor Springs
for domostlo supplies, Including tho
watorlng of lnwns, otc, at an os
tlmntod cost 6t MOO. 00 for tho
construction ot 2,35 miles of plpo
To J. A. Lackoy of Ontario cover
ing tho appropriation of wator from
Snnko Illvor for Irrigation ot soventy
acros In, Mainour County, at an
ostlmatod cost ot f2C00.00. ,
To Mrs. Ida Klblor, ot Jtronsldo,
covering tho appropriation of wntor
front Cottonwood Crook and two un
namod springs for Irrigation ot thirty
acros nt a coat of 200.00.
Ta W. H. Crlpo, ot Hnrpor, cover
ing tho appropriation ot water from
tho South Fork of Cottonwood Crook
for Irrigation ot twenty flvo acros.
This dovolopmont will Includo tho
construction of 1H miles ot canal
To Wm. Shator, ot Itockvlllo,
covorlng tho appropriation of wator
from Owyhee lltvor fo Irrigation
ot C3 acros, which will Includo tho
construction' ot about ono inllo ot
canal lino at a cost of2000.00.
To F. W. Porkins, of Homodalo,
covering tho appropriation of wator
from Owyhee Rlvor for Irrigation of
thirty sovon acres, Including tho con
struction ot ono and a half miles of
canal at an estimated cost ot $3000.
To E. Donsll, of Watson, covorlng
tho appropriation of wator from tho
Owybeo Illvor for Irrigation of forty
ono acros, nt a cost of approximate
ly 3000.00 for tho construction ot
a mtlo and three-fourths ot canal
Tho mooting of the W. C. T. U.
bold Tuesday afternoon at tho home
ot Mrs.. II. E. Young, which was giv
en over almost ontlroly to buslnoss
matters, was Yory Interesting. Mrs.'
Wobster, superintendent of the Flow
or and Rollet department, reported
tho number of visits to tho sick to
whom sho bad distributed flowers
and Jolly. Thero were thirteen bo
quots of flowers glvon at Christmas
tlmo to women over 75 years ot ago.
Tho chief questions discussed were
tho coming of Mrs. Maude B. Por
kins, National Secretary of the
Young Peoples Branch; the Essay
Contest for Public schools; the or
ganization ot a Regiment of Pro
hibition National Ouards; and Wo
man's Duty on the Jury.
Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. C. R. 80-
gulne assisted Mra. Young In serving I
delicious refreshments.
Oft, 1st young pair; A. R. Purvis;
2nd young"palr; O.. II. Flock, 3rd
young pair.
Tolouta Geese
Mrs. D. A. Hurrle, New Plymeuth:
1st pair.
Bronze Turkeys
J. D. .Deal, Payette, 1st Tom; 1st
old hen.
Pearl Giuneya
Sarah L. Cain Ontario; 1st roost
er; 1st and and ben.
New Zealand lied Itabblta
LIUlo Ladd, Ontarie: 1st senior
buck; 1st litter; 1st junior doe; 1st
junior buck.
Belglaa Rabbits
Auston Cain, 1st buck; Hlmlllan
Giant. Q, H. Fleck: 1st senior buck.
1st senior doe; 1st junior buck; 1st
junior doe; 1st black buck.
Payette High Uoys nnd Girls Basket
Hall Tennis Unexpectedly Easy
For liocalu Hoys Win Ot
to II); Girls 18 to 2
Tho Idaho applo plckors ifrom
Payette high proved unexpectedly
oasy for Ontalro last Friday night
In tho doubloheador which Coaches
Lathrop and Leo's proteges won in
a romp.
Tho glrU from tho Idaho oldo
woro unnblo to solvo tho myBtory ot
basket shooting nnd scored but ono
field goal, which was all tho score
anywny, whllo Ontario rolled a total
ot 18 points.
For tho boyB Joo Mossoo was tho
scoring star and wns a considerable
factor In tho 54 to 18 victory which
tho boys won. Whothor It was tho
Bllck floor or tho lights 0r not Uiat
bofuddtod tho visitors, tho localB
woro surprisod that tho conquorors
of Caldwoll high did not provo a
harder too to handlo. Uoforo tho
gamp tho locals bollovod that thoy
had only n fighting chanco to win. '
Up-to-Dnlo Methods Needed to Pr
tect Property Interest "Farm
11I(k) Endorsed Other HIopo
Tho first ot a sorlos of Farm Uur
cau mootlngs to bo hold In tho coun
ty this wlutor, was Initiated by tho
Orogon BIppo Farm Durcau at Park
school houso Friday ovonlng, Jan
uary 20th.
Tho main ovont of tho ovonlng
and ono which tha county ugent
plans each community to feature,
was tho holding ot a "Kangaroo
Kort." "Old .Undoslrablo Agricul
tural Condltlona'was on trial for
Orand Larceny. Examination ot
many.wltnosBOs rovenlod that "Old
Undoslrablo" had stolon thousands
of dollars from tho community In
tho past year. It was brot out that
tho majority of tho farmors had lost
propor rotation ot crops resulting In
tho loss of thousands. Some, of tho
othor Horns found stolon woro pro
per marketing of produce, planting
cloan sood, carotul cultivation und
irrigation ot crops, soveral hords of
dairy cowo, two or threo hundred
brood sows and several thousand
Tho witnossos furthor toatlfkd
that in tholr opinion, "Old Undoslr
ablo Agricultural Conditions" could
be taken caro ot by up-to-date
farm mothods, propor marketing, do
volopomont ot tho dairy Industry,. and
tho raising of moro hogs and chlck-
ons. On cross examination by tho
county club agont Wollman, witness
os readily admlttod that tho boys
aud girls club work woro ossentlal.
Tho "Farmors Bloo" In Congross was
heartily commendod and longor
time loans with lower rotes ot Inter
est were emphasized.
Tho attorneys In tho case were
County Agont Brletknupt and P. M,
Doals for the prosecution,, and L, L.
Culbertson and E. D. Conklln for tho
dofonso. Ono of tho many humor
ous situations which arose during
tho trial was when the attorneys
for tho dofenso attempted to have
Mr, Karst's testimony thrown out
by proving perjury. Howover Mrs,
Karst came to tho rescue ot her
husband, and by vigorous testimony
proved him innocent.
Frank M. Northrop, acting as
Judge, 'duly sworo In the following
Jurers: E. E, Record and Ed.
Patch from Riverside Uurcau; Mr.
Cain and Mr. Dean of Cairo; Mr.
Clagget ot Ontario and Russell Max-
field ot Lower Dead Ox Flat. Pro
ceeding tho trial the audience was
entertained with humorous readings
by Mrs. A. C. Miller and Farm Bur
eau songs by the school children.
Following the trial a short talk
was mado by E. D, Conklln ot Cairo,
explaining tha work of the Farm
Bureau. Excellent music was fur
nished during the evening by CK O,
Wilcox Mrs. Bezolor and Miss Ran
dall on saxaphone and violin, with
Mrs. Brlothaupt at the piano.
If the Interest shown at this meet
ing Is a barometer ot feeling over
tho county, wo predict a
year for "Old Undesirable,"
Dave Logan of Brogan, was a bust
neas visitor in Ontario Thursday,
Lonis E. llcnn Speaker of tho State
AsHcmbly Will ho Principal
Speaker General Invita
tion Extended to Public.
Speaker LouIb E. Bean, of tho
Orogon assembly who Is a caudldato
for tho republican nomination for
govornor will bo tho principal spoak
or at they Lincoln day banquet Ib to bo hold boro on Monday
Fobruary 13.
Thin Is tho first tlmo In yenrs that
tho birthday of Lincoln has been
thus .obsorvod In Mainour county
The last such banquet was hold In
Vale In 101C. However tho com
mlttoo In cbargo ot tho colobratlon
this yoar Is counting on approxi
mately 100 of tho faithful gathering
to hear tho Speaker, and othor men
who nro down for tho program. I
uuiu win uibu uu a numuor 01
musical oftorlngB and tho usual
musical offorlngs and tho usual ban
quot foaturos.
P. J. Qallaghor Ib chairman ot tho
county commlttoo which Is arrang
ing tho program and has rocolved
nssurnnco frpm'mon In dlfforont
sections of tho county that tholr
soct'onB would bo represented nt tho
I .via probablo that slnco Speaker
Dean is n candldnto for tho gubor-
naturnl chair and Is running on an
Incomo tax plank, that attendants nt
tho banquot will havo an opportunity
tp learn bis plans and thus bo
among tho first cltlzons ot Orogon
to havo an opportunity ot Judging
Its merits, of domorlts, nB tho case
may be.
Son of .Mrs. L." A. Madden Called
After Many Years of HIiii-h
leaves Wlfo mid Two
Aftor a llngorlug tllnoss ot soveral
years, during which tlmo ho travolod
a great doal In tho hopo of recover
ing his honlth, John Madden a fonn
or resldont ot Ontario passod away
at his homo In Cascade Idaho last
Wodnosday ovonlng, and tho' body
was brought to Ontario for Intor-
mont Funeral services woro hold
Saturday afternoon from tho Con
gregational Church, with Ilov. ail
landora officiating,
John Madden was but forty years
ot nga at tho tlmo ot his doath, and
loavos to mourn him, his wlfo, who
Is a daughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Purcoll ot Ontario, a daughter,
Mablo, agod 18, and a son, Carl,
agod 12; his mothor Mrs. L, A. Mad
don ot Ontario, his brothers Joo Mad
don and Pote Madden ot Ontario,
Robert Maddon "of Juntura and
Charloy Madden of Anacortos, Wash
ington. Also two sisters In Wash
Tho deceased was a rosldent ot
Ontario for many years and la knowq.
to many or tho peopio ot Mainour
County, Soveral years ago, with
his family ho moved to Cascade,
whero ho bad slnco boen engaged In
the mercantile buBlnoss,
Having eaten tome home-
canned spinach prepared by 14
year old Harriet Tuttlo, In
whoso honor a dinner was glvon
at tho Charles Tuttle homo In
Cambridge, Idaho, Sunday, six
members of tho family have
died, ot what the doctors have
dlaguosod as botullnous poison-
ing. At the fatal dinner party
thero were eight present;all but
two ot whom are now doad.
Tbo two survivors, howover,
show no Indications of tho
dread disease, Tbo dead Intho
Tuttle family Include: Charlos
Tuttlo, the 'father; Hazel, a
school teacher, Harriet, 14;
Bryan, age 26, an overseas vet-
eran; Russell and Randall Tut-
tie. Ono son, Edward and Bob
fr sle Claro age 15 are the sur-
vjvora of tho fatal party.
Spraguo Adam of St, Anthony,
Idaho was visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L, Adam last week,
Irving Hazeltlne, the Deputy Game
Warden spent Saturday In Ontario.
Ben Stewart of Nam pa mado a
business trip to Ontario this week.
A spoakor and roprosontntlvo of
tho National Bookoopors association
wns schodulod for Ontario last Mon
day but ho did not nrrlvo, nor did
no oxplaln why not. Anyway tho
3C boomon of Mnlhour county who
enmo to Ontario woro disappointed
at not hearing hlnr, but enjoyed tho
tnlkfl of othor beo authorities who
did mako tholr appearanco at tho
Stnto Engineer' Office Predicts Act
ivo Season of Irrigation Develop
ment During 1023 Moro
Tlinn Two Million Spent
In 1021.
Snlom, Oregon, January 24, 1022
During 1021, 432 pormlts to ap
propriate wafer woro Issuod by
Porcy A. Cuppor, 8tato Engineer,
undor which it Is proposed to Ir
rigate 25,204 acros ot land, dovelop
7740 horsepower, nnd supply tho
dtios of Lakovlow, Wnrronton, Craw
ford Point, Myrtlo Crook, Myrtlo
Point, nnd Elk City, with uiuiilclpal
wntor supply. Tho pormlts also
Includo tho appropriation of wntor
for domestic, stock, mining, flumlng
lumbor, log ponds, otc, and tho
Btorngo of 11,344 aero foot ot wator
in 28 dlfforont rcsorvolrs. Tho
estimated cost for construction work
nmounted to 2,080,000.00.
During tho past yoar 2,000,000
woro oxpondod by Orogon Irrigation
districts In construction work, nnd
work Is now under way on four
Irrigation districts which will In-
volvo tho oxpondlluro ot additional
funds amounting to 700,000.00.
Irrigation district bonds In tho
nmount ot 2,347,000.00 woro cort-
inod during 1021, nnd contracts
woro entorod Into for tho pnymout
of Interest by tho Stato on Irrigation
district bonds In nmount ot 4,375,
000.00.' Th U. S. Reclamation Sorvlco Is
doflnltoly committed to tho con
struction of tho Lower Powdor Val
loy projoct for tho Irrigation ot soino
00,000 acros of land, and during
1021 oxpondod consldorablo monoy
on tho various units ot tho Klamath
and Umatilla projects.
Thoro Is ovory Indication that a
largo amount of construction work,
Involving Irrigation dovolopmont will
bo urtdorlakon In Oregon during tho
ensuing yoar,
County Judgo E. II. Tent Declares
0iHsltlon to Further Bend It
sui'8 Until Peopio Havo Op
portunity to CnU'h
Their Breath.
In a statement glvon to the Port
land papers last weok Highway
Commissioner John B. Yeon presents
a statement showing tho possibility
ot county bond Issues within tho ulx
per cent limitation. Undor this pro
vision Malheur county could issue
somo 058,795.60, according to Mr.
Yeon'B stntoment, whllo all tho
counties of Oregon combined could
Issue another forty million of bonds,
Howover, Malheur county Is not apt
to oxerclso Its privileges under this
Speaking about thla statement,
County Judgo E. H. Test said!
"Malheur county todny has moro un
paid taxes than any county In tho
state, and I, for one do not caro to
see any bond Issues attemptod until
tho pooplo havo an opportunity to
catch their breath. Thero is no uso
of talking about more bond Isbuos
whllo tho people can not pay taxes
on tho present basis," said the
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kennedy ot
Brogan wero Ontario visitors tho
first ot tho week. "
Allen W. Davis of Portland, was
In Ontario today urging tho repre
sentatives of the churches to send
representatives to the Oregon-Idaho
Y. M. C. A. convention at Boise next
Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
Harry Morrow of Welser, spent
ono day in Ontario this weok.
M. W. Scott of Buleah, Is visiting
in Ontario this wek,
1 JM.UJ1 L -L-
NO. 8
. . ' -J. a 'iL
Outnrlo'H Quota jn Ku t Assured
Only n Fow Buslnosa Men
Decline to Ixinn Credit
To Rancher for Tlmo
Whon tho commlttco which had
cbargo of raising Ontario's quota ot
stock for tho Farmor Loan Company,
ceasod tholr efforts Tuesday aftor
noon, tho total subscription wnB
2250, of tho nccossary 3,000, but
not all tho men on tho list ot pros
poctlvo Rubscrlbors had boon soon.
So comploto had boon tho ro
sponso tbnt tho commlttoo felt as
sured that Ontario's quota was
raised, for with tho subscription ot
tho Orogon Western Colonization
Co. oqualllng that ot tho banks It
.would mako tho list at least 2,500
now, so that tho balanco of tho list
can bo secured readily.
Tho commlttco which called on tha
buslnoss men Included: II. C. Bor
er, C. R. Emlson, W. H. Doollttlo
nnd uoorgo K. Alkon.
Tho commlttoo found that tho
buslnoas nion woro united In tholr
bollof that tho dnlry Industry Is
most dslrablo, but that tho opinion
prevailed that mon who woro not
prepared to kj through with tbo
todlouB work ot milking cows reg
ularly ought not to bo urgod to en
tor It.
Tha commlttoo encountered only
only two or threo buslnoss mon who
docllnod to contrlbuto anything to
tho stock ot tho company. Tho
largost subscription on tbo list Is
Unit originally mado by E. C. Van
Potton, ot 100, whllo tho smallost
Is 2C, which Is tho quota sot tor
for most of tho professional mon and
mil nil or buitlnon housos. Thoro
woro mnny of thoso so that tho In
terest in tho company Is wldo-sproad
throughout tho city.
Pnrcnt-Tcnrhera Association Adopt
Oonntltutlott nnd Bylaw Japs
Sending Children to School
Other Arcadia Items
A mooting of tho Paront-tenchors
association was hold at tho school
houso Friday afternoon. Tho to
pic ot this mooting was tho adoption
ot a constitution nnd by-laws. Tho
subjoct for tho noxt mooting will ba
how to cooperate with tho teachers,
giving thorn all tho asslstanco pos
sible to bring tho school to tho high
est standard. Tbo meetings will bo
held on tho third Friday ovonlng ot
oaeh month.
Thoro will bo a Farm Bureau
mooting at tho school houso lu a
shoreline at which a program ot
singing, music, recltatloim and a
Kangaroo Kort will bo glvon. Tho
purpoHo ot this mooting Is to organ
Izo a local farm bureau association
hero. Chostor Lackoy has the
managomont ot tho mooting In
Luclo, tbo small 'daughter of Mr.
and Mra. Ira Ball returned to her
homo Sunday from tho Holy Rosary
hospital at Ontario, whero sho was
operated on for appendicitis.
Tho sorlos ot mootlngs being con
ducted hero by Rov. Cbas. Blom ot
Ontario, havo boen postponod for
awhllo on account of the cold
A littlo Jap boy who lives with his
parents on tho Poto Tensen ranch,
started to school last wook,
Tho teachers, Miss Dearborn and
Miss Poolo, nro boarding with 'Mrs.
J. T. Long until Mrs. Binall returns
from her visit to Ogden, Utah.
Nino of tbo Ontario firemen and
Mrs. Joo Llnglo, Mrs. A. E. Ruther
ford and Mrs, C. A, Powell, at
tended tho Flremon's ball held at
Payette on Tuesday ovonlng. The
Ontario folks wero guests ot honor,
and aro high In their praises ot tbo
good tlmo accordod them. At mid
night a banquot was held at the
Bluo Bird Cafe, which Is a new cafo
In Payette operated by Mrs. Cora
Plnnoy of Ontario, Tbo dance was
given for the purpose ot socurlng
funds for moro equipment for the
Payette station, and about 125 was
realized, which mado It a financial
as well as a social success.
The piano pupils ot MIbs Luella
Callln will glvo a publlo recital Sat
urday oventng at 8 o'clock at tha
Masonio Hall. Thoy will be assist
ed by Mra. Harrison Miss Elinor.
Randall and Miss Ruth Cabeen.
District Attorney Robert Lytlo ot
Vale, was a business visitor lu On
tario on Wednesday.
Miss Ella Brosnan of Welser,
visited ia Ontario Wednesday.
ii. rii&iV-