rwwmt wwwv i, ." -J".' djjfi '- f'? tfi ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1322 McDowell Co., Inc. FUNERAL DIRECTORS t .. Beautiful Homelike , Funeral Parlors Lady Assistant HOSPITAL AMBULANCE SERVICE No Distance Too Far OFFICE PHONE 227 RES. PHONE 227-W2 u I CALIFORNIA Mid- Winter Excursion TO LOS ANGELES JANUAUY nist, LIMIT APRIL lit UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Old Umo ItocnJ Trip Faro of - , 8(ltbo From Ontario No -War Ux Proportionately loiv fare8 from other ,, stations .Ask hcnl Agent' Union Pacific' System for further dotalls. ft r8"! MAKING THE START Notliing over arrived without starting, and fow things succeed without effort You make tho start for success when you open an account with tho Ontario National Bank. 6 Interest Paid on Savings Accounts .ONmiJflwiOMlBMK cfia OLDEST BANK IN. GRANT, IIARNEYiSSS MALHEUR COUNTIES AUTO TOP WORK FORD TOPS & BACK CURTAINS . COMPLETE FOR $7.50 SEGUINE AUTO COMPANY Established 1910 I ' IRONSIDE NEWS I M, Crows mndo final proof on his homestead tho first of tho wook, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Turner of Drldgoport spent tho wook ond with his mother. Mrs. Chns. Soaton. Chns. Soaton returned homo from Vale Friday whoro ho had hoon on business. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lawronco wont to Unity Wcdnosday whoro thoy wilt visit with rotatlvos for n fow days. Don Iluthorford cama up from Drogan Sunday and will stny at J. P. Smith's this wlntor. QUI Capo went to Vnlo Monday to food cattlo for Hlckor & Smith. Fred Simpson hauled a load of lumber to tho Copany ranch for Ar chlo Moyors. Frank Anderson was an IronsldoJ visitor from Malheur district last wook. .Mrs. Frod Lawronco Is on tho sick list this wook with a cold. Mr. and Mrs. Lafo Hill aro tho happy pnrontB of a 7 pound boy. born January 8th. Mothor and ba by aro Rotting along nicely. Dr. HulscoUlor of Malheur, was tho at tending physician. Mrs. It. C. Elms went to Unity Friday whoro sho will visit relatives and friends. MAIjIIHUII COUNTY REAL ES TATE TRANSFERS RECORD KD JAN. 7tli TO JAN. 1-1 WORK l)ONK 1JV MALLETT COM MUNITY POISONING UAI1II1TH Tho jack rabbits aro bolng Bovcro ly dealt with by tho farmers of tho Mallett district through an organ ized campaign going on- thero undor tho direction, of Committeeman Folios In cooperation with tho coun ty farm buroau. Itabblts aro bolng polsonod by tho hundreds nnd these loading tho battlo hopo to put the post (o routo In such a manner as to cut tho loss of crop noxt Buramor as well as tho loss of hay in stack this wlntor to a minimum. Alroady tho community has pooled orders to pur chaso strychnlno from ' tho county agont at special prices mado possl bio through tho rodent control re volving fund, and thoy havo securod an equal quantity of poison without from tho Dlologlcnl Survey dona tion to tho farm buroau to assist communities which mako clean-up campaigns. This work Is also In progress In sovornl othor communi ties and n number of In dividuals aro poisoning rabbits In various parts of tho county with strychnlno securod from tho county agont. Although tho now Incomo tnx law Increases from 12,000 to 2C00 tho exemption of n marrlod porson whoso not Incomo for 1021 aggregated $2,000 and did not oxcood $5,000, ovory marrlod porson mutt Jfllo an Incomo tax return it his not Incomo was only $2000. It tho not Incomo of a married porson last year was in oxcoss of $6,000, ho Is allowod an ox omptlon of only $2,000. March 16, 1022 Is tho last day for tiling theso ponaltlos for thoso who fait to f lib by that ttnio. Evory Individual who had a net Incomo of $1000 or moro during 1021, If slnglo, or If marrlod nnd not living with husband or wlfo, must tllo an Incomo tax not lator than March IS 1022. Attention Ex-Service Men I have ten forty-acre tracts, .well improved to let you have under the Bonus Bill. Can take second mort gage and give you five years at a small rate of interest. Easy terms on balance. T. A. Sherman Will E. Drown ot ux to Evan A. Dron-Und. Int. lri EHSHNE Sec. 32 and 8WMNWW Sec. 33-18-47. 1722. $10.00. Evan A. Drown to Will E. Drown Und. U Int. In NEViSE'i nnd 7 acres In NWSBV4 Sec. 32-18-47. 1722. $10.00. U. S. A. to Myrtlo Daley-NSEtf Soe. 32; SWU and NSEH Soo. sa-4-43 11 18 20. U. 8. A. to Chas. O. Daloy-SW NWU, BVJNWU, NJ48W, nnd 8WV4 Soc. 4; SHNEM, Sec. G-2G-43. 2420. w. A. Gossott ot ux to James M. McOreovy 70 acres In 8WV4 Soc. 1G 1G-17. 12I2SJ21. $1.00. Martha M. Thorn el vlr to James M McQreovy-70 acres In SWU Soc. 1G1G47. 3117)20. $1.00. O. W. Laud ot ux to Stephen O. Dranlff et ux, Lot 20, Dlock 3, Rlvor sldo Add. to Ontario. 1118 21. ftfVViUV. U. 8. A. to Jos. Almor Edwards BHStt, NBEU Soc. 2G-1C-38; Lot 4, Sec. 30; Lot 1, Soc, 31-10-30. 12127121. u. S. A. to Jos. Almor Edwards, NHSEtt. and 8Ntf, s. 3G-1C-38 122721. Kudgor Kicks to Itohert Erlckson 8NW Sec. 28; BSE Soo. 20; NHNBVi Soc. 32; NNWVi Soc. 33-1G-40. 111018. $1.00. Itoy Martin ot al to Itobert Erlck son, 8HNWVi, NHBW Soc. 28; SNEVi, NHSEU Bee. 20-16-40. 0110121. $600.00. It. M. Carlllo ot al to Andorson, NWUSWU Sec. 1112121. $226.00. "A. W. Ward ot nx to J. ortson, Lots 3, 4, nnd G. Emlsons Add. to Nyssa. W. M. Ilunsakor ot al to John II. Page Lots 1, 2, and 3, Sec. 3-21-40. 122821. $2.00. John II I'ago to L. T, Larson, Lots 1, 2, and 3 Soc. 3-21-40. 1110122. $3,800.00. Dcrt Loo Inghnm to Jonnlo Dllgh WU8J3U Soc. 22; NI3V&NAVU N WHNEU Sec. 27-20-43. 116122. $400.00. J. L, Lovltt ot ux to Katkryn F. Decker. SliBWMSWU Sec. 16-33 30. 102421. $1.00. Frank Q. Qloon ct ux to Win. J. Altnow ot ux, BHBWi; Sec. 20; WNW HOC. 20-18-37. 1 11 22. $600.00. Francis O'.Nolll ot ux to Lllllo M. Qlonn, 1 aero In 8WU8EU Soc. 20- 18-46. 12 141008. $100.00. Ktra Rodgors ot ux to Mlnnlo Hod gcrs Dlalock, Lots 1, 2, and 3 NU'Vi NEW Sec. 18; Lots 0, 7, 10,11 and 12 Soc. 12-24-37. 1422. $1.00. James O.Drnndon to Edna E. Drandon, Lot 2, Soc. 27; Lots 3 and 4, Sec. 20; Lot 1, 2, 5 0 and 0 Soc. 34-26-44; 8EU8EU Soc. 6; NEK NEVi Soc. 8-26-42; HHSHH Soc. 30 26 40; Lots 12 3 EBWU, BWU8WU and 8EU Sec. 1-20-40. 1U22. $1.00 C. A. Molton to Honry Thompson Und. V, Int. In NWUBBVi Soc. 3-33-30. 12121121 $10.00. Miirrlngo licenses IhniioiI Ilollln F. Crsby nnd Mary Hubboll. named defendants, Q. II. Lawronco and Lilly .Lawronco, or so much thoroof ub may bo necessary to satisfy said Judgment In favor of A. E. Nichols and against said abovo namod defendants, with interest thorcon, toKetlior with said at- tornoy's fcos, costs and dlsburso- menu, and accruing costs upon said salo. Datod at Vnlo, Oregon, thU 3rd day of Jnsuary, 1022. II. LEE NOE, Sheriff Dy C. W. QLENN, Deputy Dato of first publication. January Gth, 1022. Dato of last publication, Fobruary suu, lyzz. Dato of salo, Fobruary 4th, 1022, at 11:30 A. M. SUMMONS IN THE CinCUIT COUIIT OF THE STATE OF OIlEdON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is heroby given that tho undersigned has boon appointed by tho County Court ot tho State of Oregon, for Malheur County, as ad ministrator ot tho estate ot Oscar Merrill, docoaBOd. All persons hav ing claims against tho estate of said docoaBOd, aro horoby required to present tho samo to tho undorslgned at tho law office ot C. McOonagill, in Ontario, Oregon, duly varlfled as re quired by law, within six months from tho dato ot tho first Dubllcatlon ot this notice ItOY A. KELLEY, Administrator of tho ostate ot Oscar Merrill, deceased. Dato ot first publlcnt'on, Docembor 22, 1021. Dato ot last publication, January 20,1022. Jas. P. 3-33-40. M. Hob Dlock 2 E. NOTICE TO CREDITOR!) IN THE COUNTY COUIIT OF THE STATE OF OREOON FOH THE COUNTY OF MALHEUlt Transfer feed Storage We are prepared to give real Service Prompt Deliveries We sell all kinds of feeds at Fair Prices ONTAIUO TRANSFER & STORAGE Moore Iluihllng back of Fraser'a Store Gall as for a Trial l'hone 190 f MEND THAT RADIATOR Don't endanger your engine by having a leaking radiator. We are experts in the radiator line. All kinds of soldering, and work on stationary gas engines done on your ranch. Call on us. Prices right, service prompt. BOOR & KIRK ONTARIO, OREGON IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES W, MALLET, Do cousod. Tho undoralgnod, Mary W. Mal eott, having boon appolntod by tho County Court of tho State 6f Oregon, for Malheur County, administratrix of tho Estato ot Oharlos W. Mallett, doceased, and having quallflod, NOTICE IB HEREDY OIVEN to tho creditors of, and all porsona having claims against said deceased, to present thorn, vorlflod as re aulrod by law, within six months aftor tho first publication of this Notlco, to said administratrix at her resldonro in said county, or with Crandall & Crandall, her attornoys, at tholr office In tho City ot Vale, Malheur County, Oregon. Tho dato ot tho first publication ot this Notlco Is January 19th, A. D. 1022. MARY W. MALLETT, Administratrix ot said Estato, Last publication Fob. 10, 1022. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION Dy virtuo ot an Exocutlon, duly Is- suod by the Clerk of tho circuit Court of tho Stato ot Orogou. for tho County of Malheur, datod tho 10th day ot December, 1921, In a certain action In tho said Circuit Court for tho said Stato and County, wherein A. B. Nichols, as plaintiff, recovered Judgment against Q. H, Lawrence and Lilly Lawrence, as defendants, for tho sum ot One Hun dred Sixty-nine & 861100 Dollars ($169.86), with Interest thereon at. tne rato ot eigut por cent per annum from tho 1st day of August, 1912, (less a credit thoroon In the. sum of $8.00), and tho further sum of Twonty-flvo & No100 Dollars ($26.00) as attorney's fees, and tho further sum ot Eight & 40100 Dollars ($8.40), costs and disburse ments, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed in tho Clork's offlco ot said Court Is Malheur County, on the 7th day of February. 1919. THEREFORE, NOTICE IB HERE DY OIVEN, That I will on tho 4th day ot February, 1922, at tho hour ot 11:30 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, at the north main entrance door of the County Court Houso at Vale. in Bald County and State, sell at public auction to the highest bid der of bidders for casn, tno roiiow Ing described real property, to-wlt: The North Half or tho North west Quarter (NNW) of Section Twelve (12), in Town ship Fifteen (16) South, Range Thirty-eight (38), East ot the Willamette Meridian, In Mal heur County, Oregon. The abovo real property with Its appurtenances taken and levied up CRYSTAL DISTRICT IM- POVEMENT COMPANY, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. J. W. OALLOWAY, A. J. HAUNTZ, JOHN DOURER, DETWEED NORTHWEST ERN AND PACIFIC HYPOT HEEK DANK, a corporation, and MALHEUR COUNTY, a corporation, Defendants. To J. W. Galloway and John Dohror, of tho abovo named do fondants: IN THE NAME OF THE 8TATE OF OREQON, you nnd oaoh ot you aro horoby commanded to bo and appear In tho abovo ontltlod Court nnd causo within six wooka utter tho first publication ot this summons, which dato ot first publication la Docombor 20, 1021, then and thoro to answer or othorwlso plead to tho complaint fllod horoln. And If you ran so to do, tor want thoroot plain tiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief domandod In said complaint, to-wlt: - For tho foroclosuro ot assossmont lions of Crystal District Improve ment company against lands des cribed as tho 88Ei of Soo 13. and tho EHNBUNBU Soo. 24, In Towniulp 10 S., lUngo 47 E., W. M., in tho following Bums and ameunts: (1) On tho first caUBO of suit In tho sum of $226.00 with intorost at iu per cent per annum rrom uctouor 1, 1914 until paid, and tho furthor sums of $22.60 as ponalty and $22.60 as attorney's fooo. (2) On tho soond causo of suit In tho sum of $260.00 with lntorcst at 10 por cent por annum from Octdbor 1, 1016 until paid nndtho furthor sums ot $26.00 as ponalty and $26.00 as attorney's foos. (3) On tho third causo ot suit In tho sum ot $260.00 with Intorost at 10 por cont por annum from October 1, 1916 until paid, and tho furthor cums ot $26,00 as ponalty and $26.00 as attorney's foos. (4) On tho fourth causo of suit In tho sum ot $276.00 with Intorost at 10 por cont por annum from Octobor 1, 1917 until paid and tho furthor sums of $26.00 as ponalty, and $27.60 as attorney's foos. And tor tho foroclosuro ot assess ment lions by tho said Crystal Dis trict Improvement Company against tho lands described as tho 8HSE ot Section 13, NEUNBK. SEW, ot Soctlon 24, and also a tract ot land doocrlbod as follews: Commencing at tho northwest corner of tho 8WUNBU of Boctlou 24; running thonco east 80 rods; thonco south 80 rods; thonco, west 46 rods; thonco north 34 rods; thonco wost 34 rods; thonco north 46 rods to tho placo ot beginning, all. In Township 16 8 Range 47 BW. M in Malheur Coujity, Oregon, and containing 313 acres, moro or less, In tho following sums and amounts to-wlt: (6) On tho fifth causo ot suit in tho sum of $666.00 with Intorost at 10 por cont por annum from Octobor 1, 1918 until paid, and tho further sums ot $60.60 as ponalty and $66.60 as attorney's fees. (6) On tho sixth cause of suit in tho sum of $1607.49 with Intor ost at 10 por cent por annum from October 1, 1020 until paid, and the furthor sums of $160.74 as ponalty and $100.74 as attorney's fees. (7) On tho seventh causo of suit in tho sum ot $3130.00 with Inter est ut 10 por cent per annum from October 1, 1921 until paid, and tho further sums ot $313.00 as penalty and $313.00 as attorney's ftes. And for docreo of tho abovo on tltlod Court that said assessments constitute lions upon tho said lands, and also that tho asessment as set forth in tho sovonth causo ot suit constitutes a Hen upon tho crop pro duced upon said lands (luring the season ot 1921 and that all said Hens bo foreclosed and that said crop and said real property above des crlbed be sold In satisfaction there of, and that tho procoods ot the sales ot said crop and ot said real property bo applied In satisfaction of said Judgment heroin, and that the Injunction heretoforo granted In this suit bo made perpetual. Service ot this summons is mad upon you by publication thereof In the Ontario Argus, a weekly news paper published In Ontario, In Mal eour County, Oregon for six succes Bho weeks commencing with the 29th day ot December. 1921, by oraer ot tho Honorablo Dalton Dlggs Judge ot said Court made and en tered herein on the 81st day of Octobor, 1921. , DAVIS & KESTER, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Residing at Vale, Oregon. First publication, December 29, 1921 Last publication, February 9, 1922, HZ GARAGE Second door south of the Argus Office NOW OPEN CARS STORED ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING GOOD SERVICE FOR PLUMBING CALL M. StTORD Phone 188J Ontario. Ow, L Professional Cards t4- VU. J. C. HAUTLET PHY8ICIAN & SURQEON Office in Wilson Did. Over Post Office ONTARIO, OREQON HUH. Jt, A. MOON A WM. HALM Chiropractic Physicians Electro-Therapeutists Hplno & Norve Specialist Phono 108 Ontario, 0. DRS WEESE & FORTNER orncE heurs: 9 to It and I to 5. Otflc over First National Dank. feUphono No. JJ J. Ontario, Or. DR. A. B. ROBERTS Dentist Iletweea Ontario Pharmacy aa4 Depot. PHONE Oa-F.1 DR. HARRIET flHAM Osteopathia Phytleiaa WlUou llldg., Orer lladn Phono 40 FOR RENT Throe housekeeping rooms with bath and garago also 1 furnished bedroom. Phone 173-M FOR SALE Standard make vac uum sweeper with all attachments, $16.00. A No. 1 condition. On tario Electric Co. DR. O. M. TYLKR DENTIST Office In Wilson Dldg. Office Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. a. Phon 117 for Appointments. A. A. WELLINGTON Transfer Storage FAIRMONT CREAMBRT CO. Phone 110 EXPRESS 0F7IO Phone 162 PRANK BBITTINQHAM Phone 110-J Ontario, Oregoa Long Hauling a Specialty We Always Deliver the Good ONTAIUO VALE STAGE Leave, Ontario (Moore Hot!) 8:30 A. M. 6:00 P, M. Leave, Vale (Drexel Hotel) 10:00 A. M. 0:30 P, M. Phone, Ontario 87-W Phone Vale 8. l on as the property or tne said above FOR SALE Automobllo, Nash Four, now, W, F, Escue. ;jv.i Xvft..; t-AJfc.-.,lltl,-a. . .w .i..i, .tiifc'V