The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 19, 1922, Image 1

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M" -.i-wT'iiT psmww ' i" ii ' "Twwf
(Nfmtti .Sights.
NO. 7
Moro limn BOO Kntrlc Hmo Already
Jeon Received l'Vom tlio Mnho
Bldo of HIvcr Committee
Now nt Work
Kings nnd quoons ot tho poultry
flocks ot Malheur and Payette
counties will via with each other for
honors nt tho nnuunl Ontario Poultry
show which Is to ho hold hero noxt
wook, starting on Wednesday and
ending on Friday.
Tho show which Is bolng sponsorod
oy tho Commorclal club which Is
financing tho premium list, and tho
nrrangomont and rnnnngomont Is bo
lng carod for by tho Farm Uurcau
poultry comtnlttoo. It will ho hold
In tho building JuBt south of tho
Argus office. '
That tho show noxt wook will bo
tho biggest ovor hold In this soctloa
Is nbsolutoly assurod alroady. It has
boon domonstratod that tho Idaho
functors nro out, to tnko tho major
slinro of tho honors for 600 Idaho
birds havo boen ontorod for tho
show. I
A. 1). Cain, Graham Park and W.
II. Doollttlo havo boon co-operating
In securing facilities, and complet
ing arrangoments County Agent
Drolthaupt has boon assisting thorn,
and 0. E. Dlbblo and .othor Payette
county poultry mon havo boon nt
work on tho othor sldo of tho rlvor
to assuro tho succoss of tho show.
O. II. HnrxcAitt of IVultlnnd Kiwi
Dairy Herd ProflUthln In Mora
Tliiui Ono Ho"prct Bome of
1IU Cow Record
Whllo ranchers aro thlnkfng of
getting Into tho dairy buslnoss for
tho monoy that It will bring from
croam chocks, somo nt. loasthavo not
thought of tho Importance of tho
bUHlnoss as an aid to othor farming
offorts. .Hut 0. 11. Bargoant of
Fruttland, ownor ot tho Ited Applo
ranch, has.
Mr. Sargoaht wan Is Ontario Tues
day, and whllo In tho Argus offlco
told ono Rid that his dairy cattle had
boen that Is significant,
Mr. Snrgoant him a hord ot SO
roglstorod Jorsoys, and' by tho way,
ono of his cows led all tho Jersey's
In 13 states during October, In but
tnrfnt poductlon, and among thoio
states woro both Idaho and Utah;
whllo another cow, Winona's Now
Plymouth Quouu, during Decombor
had a record ot 73.3 pounds ot but
torfat. nut that Is all boaldo the
story wo sturtod to tell.
Hon I do proving money makers
from their milk, thesu cows fur
nlshod 300 loads of manure fertil
iser which was placed In onn'soctlon
of tho Hod Applo ochard, and from
that section Mr, Rargeant declared:
'"Wo picked double tho amount ot
apjiles socured In an equal area ot
thj sarao orchard. This It seems,
should prove to any orchard man
that a bunch ot dairy cows aro es
sential to tho succoss of his orchard,
to say nothing of tho profit which
he receives directly from the milk
they produce."
'Last Friday evening the tables
were turned at the Oregon Club,
when after ,yeara of being tho
recipients of the honors from their
escorts, tho wlvoa and sweethearts,
ot tho club members themselves
staged a protty dance.
To begin with undor the direction
ot a large committee, the ball was
transformed Into a Japaneese garden
and tho dancers tripped undor a
myriad ot festooned butterflies
streamers and Japanese lanterns.
Flowers and clothes covered the pool
and billiard tables In the lounging
room which wus UBed for refresh
ments toward midnight. Tho or
chestra entered the spirit ot the oc
casion and played In silk klmonaa
and cute little Jazz caps.
Mra. II. L. Peterson and Miss
Viola Husted eang vocal soloa and
Miss Helen Hardman presented a
boIo dance while tho Misses David
and Itau gavo a Japanese dance in
costume. From every ttewpolnt tho
entertainment nnd dance was most
successful and was enjoyed by a
largo gathering.
Whllo thoro aro not many
poopla In Ontario who aro roal-
4 ly sufforlng on account of the
Bavoro cold snap tho past woek
still thoro aro somo and a
number of thoso have applied
to tho Itod Cross Shop for
wlntor clothing. If you havo
nny old underclothing, suits,
f coats or othor garments of 4
which you nro not In need either
bring thoso to tho shop or
phono to Mr, lloury Griffin nnd
s ho will bco they nro Bocurcd.
This Is a roal opportunity to 4
4- do a Borvlco to somo of your
4 follow cltlzons.
Report on Chrl"tnnw Soul Snlo Made
White Battlement Bcliol Is
Honor Winner for Schools
Ontario Pharmacy Fr
IlUKlnOgs Finns
Mrs. Irwin Troxoll, chairman of
tho Woman's club commlttoo, which
had charge of tho annual sale ot
Christmas soals was advlsod this
woek Uiat tho Stato Antl-Tuborculos-Is
Society Intondod to Bend to Mai
hour county soon soino ono ot Its
nurses for a season's 'wo-!"
All that tho local offlcors of or
ganizations cooporatlug In this work
Will havo to do Is to furnish trans
portation for tho nurno from ono
community cohtor to anothor.
In tho report ot tho seat salo Mr.
Troxoll roturnod a total ot $100.30
from this soctlon which Includod An
dox, Oregon Slopo, Park, Pioneer,
Ontario, Cairo, Arcadia, Nyssa, King
man Kolony, Dig Uond, Lincoln and
Whlto flottlomont school districts.
Tho banner school room of tho on
tlro.Boctton was tho primary room a
.WhlUi, .Settlement," which sold w
worth ot stamps, whllo tho bannor
business house was tho Ontario
Tho Argus Is Informed that from
Wodnosday, Kobruary 8th to Satur
day,' Fob. lltb, a spoclal doputy ot
tho Intornal Kovenuo Dopartmont
will bo at tho City Hall In Ontario,
to assist tho cltlzons. ot this region
In figuring tholr Income during tho
year 1021. Blnco thoro nro many
now provisions In tho law even thoso
who may not havo nny Incomo tax
to pay will still find tlmo to call up
on Undo Sam's representative.
Ontario basket ball fans aro to
eujoy a double header ot their
favorite wlntor sport, Friday night
at tho Legion Hall, when tho Payette
High School boys and girls teams
coroo to meet tho locals. Last Fri
day night the Nampa high basket
tossers won a decided victory over
tbo locals In the socond halt ot the
struggle when thoy ran tho scoro to
28 to 14.
At tho Masonlo ball on Saturday
evening, January 28, tho music pu
pils taking instruction from Miss
Luella Callln will give a recital.
To this event not only the relatives
and friends of the pupils but the
general public Is Invited.
Howard Evans ot Milton, Oregon,
spent a day or, two In Ontario this
this week. Yeara ago when Ontario
was Just starting to bo more than a
station and a store, Mr. Evans then
a boy, was here. Though ho did not
romaln hero long ho mado several
acquaintances then which he re
newed this week.
The O, B. L. has asked permission
of tho Public Service Commission to
reduce tho train service to Homo
dale from Ontario and to Brogan
from here,' to thrice a week Instead
ot dally. Theso are but two ot a
long list ot such requests made.
A. L. Cockrum left Saturday for
Kansas City to visit bis mother.
Enroute east he stopped at Denver
to take in the Western Koyal Cattlo
show. t I
t Mr. And Mrs. J. D. BUHugsIey .are
spending a few weeks in Portland.
Aftor nearly throa hours ot dis
cussion of ovory phnso of tho pro
posed plan for tho formation of a
loan company through which to bo
euro Bomo ot tho Far Flnanco cor
poration funds to bo usod in this
soctlon for tho purposo of dairy
cow, $1000 or noarly half of On.
tario's quota for tho company was
BUbscrlbod at tho Commorclal Club
last night by olovon business men.
At tho moetlng thoro woro 70
prosont, many of whom enmo from
Nyssa nnd Vale and rcprosontod tbo
buslnoss mon nnd farmers of tholr
sections. Thoro wns a big dologs.
Hon from Doad Ox Flat hoadod by
J. L. Urown, chairman ot tbo com
mlttoo of farmers who asked tho
prlvllodgo of mooting tho business
mon) and then, too, thoro woro many
farmors from about Ontario. On
tario was roprosontatod by approxi
mately half of Its business mon.
Dlcuslon Candid
Prcsldont E. C. Van Potton, presi
dent ot tho club prosldod and first
callod upon Frank Gardner, cashlor
ot tho Fruttland Stato Dank to toll
what had boon dono In Payette
county, This ho did brlofly anil ox
plained tho workings ot tho proposed
plan. Mr. Oardnor said that tho
quota for Payette county had boon
flxod at -3000 and that Mr. Albort
ot Payette doclarod that It tho Fruit
land and Now Plymouth banks would
oach tako 500 worth of Uio stock
that tho Payette banks would tako
$1,000 oach. "This arrangement 4a
satisfactory with us, and wo will
tako that and tho Payette quota will
thu bo rfclsod" ho said.
No Danger of Ovor-Production
Sam Alaxandor of Vale, a dairy
man ot oxporlonco onllvonod tho
mooting with a short but convincing
talk. Ho doclarod that thoro is no
dangor ot overproduction In tho dairy
buslnoss "because thoro Is so much
work conuoctod with it." Ho furthor
doclarod that much In tho dairying
gamo Is llko ovorythlng olso, depend
ent on tho man who goos Into It
Among tho othor ranchers who
spoko brlofly woro J. L. Drown, E.
D, Conklln, I. I. Culbortson and
Soymour Hobs. Tho ranchors gavo
tho business mon something to think
about, and all ot them omphaslzod
tho work that dairying moans. Thoy
doclared It tholr oxporlonco that It
was not a big monoy mnkor, but a
stoady monoy makor, and that so
long as they had cows they had somo
monoy at loast with, which to pay
tholr bills and do business with tho
Prominent Worker in W. H. O.i
Itatern Star nnd Other Pay-
etto Women's ,OrKnnlzaton
Dies Was Well Known
Mrs, William Maule of Payette,
mother of Mrs. It. O. Payno of this
city died at her borne In Payette
last Saturday after an Illness of sev
eral years duration. Funoral nor
vices wore held at Payette Monday
and were attonded by many Ontario
friends ot the family, for she was
well known hero. Interment was
mado In the Riverside cemetery nt
Mra. Maule was one ot tho actlvo
and prominent workers In the Por
tia club ot Payette, the Eastern Star
and In the W. R. C, which organiza
tion also Includes Ontario In Its Jur
isdiction. 8ho likewise was an no
tlvo church worker.
Beside her husband and six chll-
dren, four sons and two daughters
survive her; Dwlgbt of Bolso Albert
ot Nampa, Reuel of Payette, and
Leroy of Moscow, and Mra. R. O.
Payno ot Ontario, and Mra. Patrick
Murphy of Payette
Mrs. Manual Clark ot the Sod
House ranch near Narrows. Ore.,
was In Ontario Monday on hen way
to Iowa ttt visit her son. n
Miss Amelia Plughotf of Hunting
ton, was visiting with her aunt, Mrs.
V. W Brookover, In Ontario last
mon In town. Thoy told tho busl
noss mon plainly that thoy appreciat
ed what they woro undertaking nnd
that thoy and tholr nolghbors In
tondod to go Into tho dairying per
manently. Rov. D. J. Glllandors told ot tho
oxporlonco of tho dairy ranchors In
tho Frnsor rlvor vnlloy whllo County
Agont L. It. Urolthaupt dlecussod
various foatures of tho workings ot
tho law, as did C. R. Emlson and W.
II. Doollttlo.
II. U. Cockrum doclarod that whlto
ho did not dcslro to dtscouago tho
offort.. It was his opinion that with
so many soctlons ot tho country
Booking tho dairy cow as an outlot
for tholr hay crops and a rollof from
Btagnnnt conditions, that tbo prlco
of cows would probably soar, and
thoroforo urged tho purchaBO ot
young Btock. Frank Hall ot Nyssa,
also a banker, took a similar vlow
point, as did ono or two ranchors.
II, C. Doyor, speaking as a bus!
noss man snld that whllo not all ot
tho ranchors would succeed, still
onotlgh would to Justify tho offort
and that ho was roady to procood to
tako ntock. A poll of buslnoss mon
prosont affirmatively answorod tho
quoqllon. Somo, wanted tlmo to con
sider how much thoy would tnko.
Mr Chostor of Vale told tho moot
ing that at Vale thoy havo alroady,
alond, subscribed $5700 worth ot
stook, and woro roady to procood
alono, but thnt thoy woro considering
nt loast somo ot thorn woro, tho ad
visability of Joining tho largor or
ganization which Includos seven
counttou In Idaho nnd Malheur coun
ty In Orogon; which is tho company
thnt tho Ontario Nyssa mon aro
Whllo many ot tho rancho'rs and
buslnoss mon woro enjoying tho
lunch furnished by tho Ontario Holl
er Mills, a numbor ot Initial slg
nnturoa to tho subscription list woro
socurod aH follews: II. L. Potorson,
Harry n. Cockrum, C. H. Emlson, J.
T. MoNulty, E. A. Frasor, II. C.
Doyor and O. M. Castloman, $100
oach; E. C. Van Potton, $1S0; E. M.
Orolg, J. A. Lacknoss and George K.
Aiken, $S0 each.
It Is tho understanding that tho
initial stock takon by tho buslnoss
men will bo sold to tho ranchers as
thoy aubscrlbo for tho ton por cont
of tock nocessary boforo thoy can
make loans on cattlo to bo pur
DrllU Presented by Newly Elected
Official11 EntortulnhiK Program
Presented Dcsptto Storm
The 'snowstorm Monday evening
did not Iceep about sixty of the Roy
al Neighbors and Modorn Woodmen
at home. Only ono officer was un
able to bo present to bo Installed.
The following woro lnstallod In the
Royal Neighbers: by Oraco Turner
as Installing officer and Heryl Stlth
as Ceremonial Marshal:
Oracle, Myrl Dlngham; Past Or
acle, Lulu Drown; Vice Oracle, Ado
line. Haw; Chancellor, Maggie Howe;
Rocorder Mamlo Secoy Marshal,
Dessle Ready; Innor Sentinel, Em
ma, Gramse; Outer Sentinel, Flor
ence Keefef Manager for 3 years,
Lola Seedy.
The following Woodmen officers
were Installed: Consul, A. S. Drown;
P8t Consul R. D. Breckon; Adviser
A. O. Plant; Banker, E. A, Fergu
son; Clerk, C. E. Secoy; Escort, O.
Haw; Watchman, B, Benson; Sen
try, J. II. Howland; Manager for 8
years, R. D, Breckon.
One enjoyable feature of tho eve
ning was a fancy drill put on by the
installing officers and the newly In
stalled officers of both camps.
Refreshments were served and all
present report a very enjoyable
evening. Plans are being made for
another pleasant evening at the next
regular meeting Feb. 6, 1922.
4- 44-4-4-4-4 444
Although tho thormomotor 4-4-
only slid down tho roglstor to 4-
four abovo zoro, tho 30 mtlo 4
broozo which accompanied tho
drop nnd sout tho snow flying
Tuosdny aftornoon and evening
romlnllod many Ontnrlans of
4 similar weather conditions ox- 4
4 porloncod In Mlnnosota and In
4 othor Mlddlo Wostorn Btatos 4
from which thoy enmo.
Starting Sn'turdny night tho
4- Cold snap reached ltn first 4
4 low point Monday morning 4
whon registering thorraomotors
4 rccordod threo abovo. Thon It 4-
4- grow wnrmdr and Monday attor 4
4 noon a beautiful fall ot Btiow
4 blnnkotod tho ontlro valloy. 4
When tho snow ceased tho torn- 4-
4- pcraturo dropped and aldod by 4
4 tho high wind gavo Ontario n
4 mild Imitation of n regular Mid- 4
4- dlo West blizzard nnd tho 4
4- plumbers woro given consider-
nhlo work fixing frozen nnd 4
4 cracked wator plpos. Wodno- 4-
day night tho second cold rnco 4
4- startod and sub-zoro wtoathor
mado now records for this sec-
4 tlon. 4
Delightful Tlmo Furnished Young
Men by Cook Old Tlmo Game
I'lnynl'-Hamo New One Al"
Tho Truo Illuo Cooklqg Club ontor
tnlnod tho Dairy Herd llocord Koon
ing Club member nt tho llartsho
homo on Oregon Slopo last Friday
overling. Many gnmos woro playod
during tho ovontng but probably tho
most popular with tho girls waa that
of "Sowing Machlno."
In this gamo tho girls woro kneel
ing In two rown facing each othor,
oach girl representing a sowing ma
chine. Tho boys woro conductod In
to tho roonui'Yo nt a tlmo'nnd tho
sales lady suggested that thoy walk
down tho Isle botwnon tho two rows
ot girls and pick out tho sowing ma
chlno which thoy liked host. Ot
courso this was agrooablo and Just
at first tho boys woro inclined to
lolsivroly Inspoct tho "machlnos,"
but at tho sound of a cortaln pecul
iar whlstlo tho said boyn always and
without fall mado a wild lunge for
ward, and with tho utmost hasto
travolod tho remaining length of tho
nlslo. Tho selection ot n sowing ma
chlno wus forgottou, tho solo re
maining Idoa soomod to bo that ot
spood, and this speed was nccolor
atod to an unnatural dogroo by tho
Jab of a noedlo as tho boy passod.
Mr. Llndsoy asd County Club Agont
Wollman woro soon rubbing tholr
logs very tondorly somo thirty min
utes attor this gamo was ovor.
The games of "Poor Pussy",
"Bring back what you borrowed, otc.
fully occupied tho tlmo until rotresh
monta, consisting ot sandwltchos and
cocoa woro sorvod. Aftor which
everybody was supplied with a gon
erous holplng of nice, warm, sticky
taffy and Instructed to pull It. It
was really tho only thing left to do
when you onco got in your hands
as you couldn't get rid of It until It
got hard.
Those prosont wero Junoll Coats,
Mary Bartscho, Marlam Davls.Loulso
Davis, Loulso Howard, Nottlo Bart
scho, Alia Osborne Ethelyn Megord
on, Keith Burrell.Curtls Cnrlco Do
ward Graco, Willis Howard Chester
Holloway, Bernard Frost, Miss West
Mr. Llndsoy and Mr. Wollman.
The Oddfellows Initiated their of
flcoro for tho coming yoaf last Fri
day night. Thoso holding offices
for the ensuing year are; O. W. Haw,
n. g.; Jack Dlllard, v. c; C. W.
Piatt, f. s.; Wm, Vlornow, r. c; Vlo
Marsden, trcas.j Al Andrews, chap
lain; O. Scow, r. b. n. g.; Lot. John
son 1, 8. n. g.; Robert Shaffer, I. B.
A. N. Hlckoy, o. s. g.; Mr. Patterson,
r. b. v. g.; Bill Hlckey, 1. s. m,; R
Caryle, r. a, s.; T. Sherman 1. s. s,
There woro a number of visitors
prearnt from Nyssa, Payette and
Mu'.ray, Idaho Several now mem
bers took the second degree. A
banquet was served at the closo.
Miss Mario Fisher returned
week from a six weeks visit to
old homes at St. Paul, Minn.,
Richmond, Wlconsln. Whllo
tnrlans aro shivering with near zero
weather they may gain a little com
fort In tho fact that Miss Fisher re
ports she oncounterod 20 degrees be
low zero during ber stay In the Mid
die west.
J. It. Hlncknby Bunds Check to Com
plete Fund for Improving I)ac-tnenf-Woinans
Club Mado
Up llnlanco
On bolng notified that tho Wo
man's Club had complotod tho num
.loodod to comply with his offor to
furnish halt ot tho estimated cost of
improvomont, J. IL Blaokaby this
wcok sent to tho Library his chock
according to tho agroomont. Anti
cipating Mr. Blackaby'a action how
ovor, tho Library board had previous
ly advortlsod and lot tbo contract
for comont work and carpontor work
and soon tho work, will bo finished
nnd this long noodod Improvomont
will bo In uso.
At a spoclal mooting of tho Wo
man's Club hold last Friday after
noon" nt tho homo ot Mrs. Harry D.
Cockrum, arrangomonta wero mado
for completing tho subscription to
tho fund to which thoy had previous
ly mado a generous subscription.
Tho othor donors woro tho Girls'
Club and tho llttlo girls ot Mrs. W.
L. Tumor's sowing class.
Tho room provided for by tho gen
erosity of Mr Blnckaby and tho Wo
man's Club and tho othor organiza
tions will bo turnlshod and provldo
a homo for tho Woman's Club,
Girls' Club and othor organizations.
After Tho Days .Trial .and .Many
Conflicting Opinions of Wltitcwfto"
Jury Prokcnt IU Ver
dict Court May Appeal
Having epont kll'of Monday and
Tuesday llstnolng to tostlmony In
tho caso ot Malheur county vb. Otis
Thayor Involving tho question ot
damages for tho construction ot tho
Old Orogon Troll through tho Thay
or ranch Just north ot tho Malheur
rlvor, the Jury Wodnosday morning
roturnod Its vodlct.
Undor tho terms of tho jury's
findings tho county will havo to pay
Mr. Thayor $500 for tho land, $750
damages, $200 uttornoya fooa and tho
costs at tho suit.
This Is tho first condemnation suit
of this kind tried in the county, and
troro nro several others ponding. In
vlow of tho damagoa given It Is bo
llovod that tho county will appeal
from tho docUlons of tho Supreme
Court. Whotbor or not to appoal Is
a question that the county court will
detormlno at IU noxt mooting.
According to the pross dlspatchos
from noarby cities and towns In
Eastorn Oregon anl Idaho, tho do
groo ot cold to which Ontario was
subjected was only comparatively
low from Tuosday to Thursday.
Whllo Ontario roglstorod as low as
18, at Vale the mocury climbed
down to 22, at Rlversldo 26 and at
Crana bumpod 30, Ovor In Idaho
ono tow, n Donnolly, on the Payette
Lakes lino reportod 42 below,
which 1b low enough to suit anyone.
Anyway this was not tho banana
belt at all, but It was the plumbora
paradlso, and-noarly every family In
tho city had calls In for tbo ropalr
man. Tho only accident reported
wob at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. J,
(A, Dartlett whoro tho water front In
the kitchen rango burst. No one
waa injured.
B, F. Nott, agod B0, a former
rosldont of Ontario and a plonoer
ot Oregon died Saturday evening nt
tho Mercy Hospital In Nampa. Mr.
Nott was a practicing dentist In
Ontario for many year, and will no
doubt bo remombered by many On
tario peoplo. His death followed an
operation for mastoid. He is sur
vived by his widow and threo child
ren, Mrs, Choxloa Wotherspon ot
Nampa; Ray Nott of Nampa and
Mrs. J. G, Ormo, Bermmerton Wn.
O. A, Kratt tho civil onglnoer
has gono to LaOrando where ho has
acceptod a position with that city.
MrB. Cora Beagle and son, Harvey
arrived from Burns Monday to visit
with their daughter and sister, Mrs.
J, R. Oregg and family for a few
days before leaving for Los Augcles,
where they will reside.
""" ",3J S3&3T7