tl 'W V' Jl . S THE ONTABIO AKGTJB, ONTARIO, OBEGONTniDgSDAY, JANUARY Mgg McDowell Co., Inc. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Beautiful Homelike Funeral Parlors Lady Assistant HOSPITAL AMBULANCE SERVICE No Distance Too Far OFFICE PHQNE 227 RES. PHONE 227-W2 Annual Clean-up Sale ELEGTRICAL APPLIANCES Many unusual ravings wit) bo offer ed during tlila month on broken Hum of Xloctrlcal Appliance of all kinds. It occrfl nn opportunity (or you to modorntzo your homo with helpful electrical servants at pries you can aally afford. SPECIAL TERMS SPECIAL PRICES A amnll cash payment will put' any article from a toaster to a range or washing machine In your home, and the monthly payments are so small you will hardly miss- tho money. Visit any Eloctrlc Shop of the Idaho Powor Company now and see those offerings. MAKH 10SM AN ELECTRICAL YEAH IN YOUIl HOME ELEQTRIC SHOP Idaho Power Co. AUTO TOP WORK FORD TOPS & BACK CURTAINS COMPLETE FOR $7.50 SEGUINE AUTO COMPANY . , Established 1910 Ontario. Roller Mills LEADER FLOUR $1.15 Per Sack Qn sale at all Qrocers IIENIZ GARAGE Second door south of the Argus Office NOW OPEN CARS STORED ALL KINDS Of REPAIRING GOOD SERYICE NOTICE TO HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES AND PERSONB, And to whom It may Cencern: You and each of you nro horoby notttlod that tho law passod at tho opoclal session of tho Legislature providing for supervision nnd regula tion of transportation of persons ami proporty tor compensation over pub lic highways by motor vohlclos, Is now in forco and offoct, and you nro advlsod to socuro Instructions by communicating with tho Commission Immediately. For your rofcronco and convonlonco a copy of tho law Is now on fllo with tho County Clork. Datod at Snlom. Orogon, this 31st day of December, 1021. PUDLIC SERVICE COMMI88ION OP OIlEdON By Fred A. Williams, Cbalrmnn ATTEST: Wm. P. Ellis, Secretary. It ADMINISTRATORS NOTICK TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is horoby given that tho undorslrnod has been appointed by tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, for Malheur County, as ad mlnlstrator of tho estato of Oscar Merrill, docoasod. All persons hav ing claims against tho ontnto of said deceased, are hereby required to present the same to tho undersigned at tho law office of C. McQonagUl, In Ontario, Oregon, duly Yarified as re qutrod by law, within six months from tho dato of tho first publication of this notice. ROY A. KELLEY, Administrator of tho estato of Oscar Merrill, doccasod. Dato of first publication, Docombor 33, 1031. Dato of last publication, January 30, 1933. SHEEP OUTFIT WANTED Wo havo a cash buyer for thrco to five bands of shoop. Don't want to buy much land. Want a going proposition. Whon you nnsworthls ad, stato number of sheop, prlco por hosd, doedod land, ran'gor facilities, and other Information. Address BEGUIUTY LAND & BAVINOS CO., La Qrando, Orogon. NOTICE OF SALE OF MALHEUR COUNTY PERMANENT ItOAD CONSTRUCTION BONDS ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOH TO CREDITORS Notlco is horoby given that tho undorslgned baa been duly appotntod as Admlnlstator of tho Estato of Honry A. Mlllor, decoasod by the County Court of tho Stato of Oro gon, for Malheur County. All persons having claims against tho estate of said decoasod nro horoby required to present the same duly vrlfWI as requtrod by law, to the undbimcnod, -within six months from the dato of the .first publication of this notlco. Dato of First Publication December 8th, 1911. Dato of Last Publication, January Ith, 1833. O. McOONAOILL, Administrator of Kstate of Henry A, Miller, deceased. FOR SALB Upright piano In the vicinity of Ontario. Rovertod to us through tho Inability of the original purchasor Jo contlnuo payment. Rather than go to tho oxponio of shipping to our headquarters In Dotso we will sell at a bargain. For details write to Sampson Music Co., 1130,000.00 PAR VAULB AND AC CRUED INTEREST Notlco la hereby glvon that soalod bids will bo received by tho County Court of Malheur County, Stato of Orogon, at tho County Court Room In tho County Court-Houso, at Vale, In Malheur County, Oregon, on tho 9th day of January, 1022 up to tho hour of 10:00 a. m. of said day, for tho salo of 1130,000.00 bonds par vnluo of said County, In Sorlos, to wlt: 18000.00 of Series "A" to run And bo payablo 4 years from Doc. 1st, 1919. $5000.00 of Sorlos "D" to run and bo payablo 6 years from Doc. 1st, 1919. 19000.00 of Sorlos "C" to run and bo payablo 8 yoars from Doc. 1st, 1919. $12000.00 of Sorlcs "D" to run and bo payablo 10 years from Dec. 1st, 1919. $13000.00 of Sorlcs "E" to run and bo payablo 12 yoars from Doc. 1st, 1919. $17000.00 of Sorlos "F" t0 run and bo payablo 14 yoars from Dee. 1st, 1919. $19000.00 of Borles "0" to run and bo payable 10 yoars from Doc. 1st 1919 $2300000 of Sorlos "11" to run and bo payablo 18 yoars from Doc. 1st 1919 ' $26000'.00 of Sorlcs "I" to run and bo payable 20 years from Doc. 1st, 1919. All of jjatd bonds aro denomina tions of $1000.00 each and bear In torost at tho rato of 6 per cent por annum, Intorost payablo soml-an-nually on tho first day of Juno and tho first day of Docombor, at tho offlcos of tho County Treasurer of Malheur County, Oregon,' or the fiscal agont of tho Stato of Oregon, In Now York City. Each bid must bo accompanied by a chock, payablo to Malheur County, Orogon, cortlflod to by a roputablo solvont bank, In tho amount oqual to C por cent of tho amount of the par valuo of tho bonds bid In said bid. Such chock to bo roturnod It said bid Is rejected. If tho bid Is ac coptod, such chock will bo roturnod upon payment for and delivery of tho bonds Included In said bid. If said bid Is accoptod and tho amount ot said bid bo not paid with in 30 days after tbo nccoptanco there of, such check shall bo cashed and tho procoods thereof ohall becomo tho proporty of Malheur County, Oro. Dlds will bo rocolvod for any amount of said bonds of tho sovoral series not oxcoodlng $130,000.00, par valuo and accrued IntorosL Tho right to reject any and all bids or to accept part and rojoct part Is ro sorvod by tho County Court. Address bids as follews: II. 8. Sackott, County Clork, Vale, Orogon, and endorso on tho onvo'lopo "Did for Malheur County Road Bonds." Cltlxons of Malheur County will bo glvon a preferred right to purchase said bonds. By order ot tho County Court. Datod Docombor Jth, 1921. H. S. SACKETT, County Clork First publication Dee. IS, 1921. Last publication Jan. E, 1933. Freomnn W. Klrwln to Mrs. Draco H. Dlckoy, SEU Sec. 1C-1S-44. 1 2 1 C 1 2 1 . $10.00. Mnttlo E. Camp et vlr to Samuel Donton ot nl, SEU SWU, Sec. 23-20 41. 122921. $1,000.00. Howard II. Camp ot ux to Samuel Donton ot nl, WNE, NWUBEU NW&flEU, NEV48WU, Sec. 23-20 41. 12129121. $2, COO. 00. U. S. A. to Thott. H. Goodwin, N NWU Sec. 34; E8EU See. 28; WUSWU. SNWU Sec. 27-10-37. 10 1 21. U. S. A. to Thos. H. Goodwin, 814 NEU, WSEU Boa 28-1G-37. 81181 21. Complaints Filed In Court Wm. M. Roso vs. E, U. Kuhn. 122821. Recovery on Note $56. Roso Merc Co. vs. J. R. Athcrton at al. 12 2821. Rocovory ot money . $180.47. Poll I Ions Filed In P"obnto Court Estato ot Josephine Kopp. 12127 21. Quardlanshlp of Luclon J. Trunor ct al. 12129121. Quardlanshlp of Lea Mnrstors. 122921. I IRONSIDE NEWS I A ii i wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJLm Attention ' Ex-Service Men I have ten forty-acre tracts, well improved to let you have under the Bonus Bill. Can take second mort gage and give you five years at a small rato of interest. Easy terms on balance. T. A. Sherman New Molina Tractor, -with attach ments. At a big sacrlflee. O. F. Cox. phone 00 J Ontario, 2-5 Transfer Feed Storage Wo are prepared to giro real Service Prompt DoUvcrlos Wo seU all kinds of feeds at Fair Prices ONTARIO TRANSFER A STORAGE Mooro BaUdlng back of Fnuter'a 8 tore Call as for a Trial Phone 180 MEND THAT RADIATOR Don't endanger your engine by having a leaking radiator. We are experts in the radiator line. All kinds of soldering, and work on stationary gas engines done on your ranch. all on us. Price right, servlee prompt BOOR & KIRK ONTARIO, ORBQON MALHEUR COUNTY HIUL ES TATE THANHFERH ItIXX)lll). DEO. Si TO 1)1X7. 81 O. J3. Ruthorford ot al to J. R. Dlackaby, Trusteo, 8W1-4 NW1-4, NEU8WU. 8EUSWU Soc. 13; EUNEtt Soc. 14-14-41. 13123121. $21,000.00. (Trust). Exlr L. Daltzor ot al to Claronco B. Mulllnlx, SH, NEU Sea 17: and WM Soc. 18.28-40. 12112 21. $10. Claronco B. Mulllnlx to Exlr F. Baltzor, 84, NEK 8oo. 17; and WW Soc. 16-28-40. 121321. $10. Wm. Horbaugh ot ux to Harvey C. Stono, SEU SEU Bee. 3-31-41. 9116121. $1,000.00 Harvoy C. Stono ot ux to Mamlo Allco Qummonmos, SEU SEU Sea 3-31-41. 1217121. $1,000.00. Samuel II. Corliss to Sarah I. Cor liss. SWU NWU. NWU8WU. 8 SWU. 8H8BU Sea 30; NU-BWU, NH8WU, NH8EU Soc. 31-26-41; SEUNWU Boa 25; BEUBBU Boa 28: 8J4NBU Sec. 35; N, NH SWU. NWU SWU Sec. 3 6-2 5-40. 12127121. $1600.00. Qoo. D. England to Eastern Oro gon Land Co.. Lots 3, 4, 6, 0, and 7 SEU NWU. EH SWU Soc. 6-16-42. 11126121. $10.00. Thos. W, Claggett ot ux to David II. nurrows, NBU Sec. 20-18-47. 11122119. $31,000.00. U. S. A. to Donjatnln A. Harris, EBWU, WJ48BW, SEUSBUSoc. 34-16-40; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Soc. 3-16 40. 11 10121. Sam V. Hess et ux to Hazel M. Dlvon, Assessor's Tax No. 6, Sea 20 10-46. 12124121. $100.00. U. 8. A. to Lorenzo L. Bowon, NEUSWU, NtfBBU. 8WUNBU. SEUNWU Sec. 25-20-38: Lots 2 and3. BHSWU. NWU8BU. SWU NWU Sec. 30-20-39. 91321. Myron Patch, Adm. to O. E. Ron yon, Und. Int. In SWU NWU and 'Lot 8. Sec 4-16-47. 1216S1. $1,700.00. , Myron Patch, Adm. to Frank Davis, StfNEU Sec, 6-16-47. 12-16 21. $3,490.10. Don Jonos et u to Eastorn Oregon Land Co., All Soc. 2-15-J9. 1213 21. $10.00. Chas W. Hodson to Eastern Oro gon Land Co., All Sec. 8-15-42. 11I2521. $10.00. Hardy M. England ot ux to East ern Oregon Land Co., Lots 1 and 2. 8V6NEU, SEU Soc. 6-16-42. 'li 21. $10.00. Mary M. Munstermnn et vlr to W. D. Fanning. NWU NWU. SWU, Sec. 34-14-40. 122721. $1,250. Malheur Land Co, to W, B. Eaton, NVaSWUNEU Sec. 23-15-43. 1129 21. $200.00. A. R. White et ux to A. J. Miller et ux, Lots 11, 12 and EH of 13, .Block 6, Terrace Heights Add. to Ontario. 9(19121. $500.00. Reuben Mccreary et u to E. H. Drumback, Lot 9, Block 8, Adrian. 121321. $1.00. Bon Jonos ot Bonttn, has boon hauling bis wlntor wood from Camp Crook via Ironsldo. Mr. Tllonball of Bonltn, was In Ironside Friday getting supllce. Hick Lockot and Jim Cotoman of Brogan, was In this vicinity Fri day trying to buy boot cattlo. Claronco Howard has bcon driving tho Ironsldo-Brognn stage tho past weok. Ralph Harvoy wont to Bolso, to spond tho holidays, Albert Mortltt of tho Ooldon Eaglo mlno hasboon In this vicinity getting his horsos. Mr. nnd Mrs. Floyd Whlto and llttlo daughter and L. Thompson of Unity, spont Xmas at Ironsldo with Mrs. White's parents. , Wm. Turoman and son, Elwood, camo up from Malheur Itlvor Tues day for supllos. ' Orvlllo Nichols nnd Carrol Looey loft Saturday for Bolso, to tako a thrco month's courso iu Buslnoss college Ell Roso wont out to Vale Friday on business. Arthur Beam wont to Caldwoll to visit relatives. Ben Ruthorford and Etton Smith ot Brogan, were Ironsldo visitors Xmas, returning Woduosday with about 60 bond ot cr"' -'onglng to J. P. Smith, to foe o win ter. Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Dickson woro dinner guosts ot Mrs. Lewis Roso Christmas; also tho Roso family and Iko Elun D. M. Rlploy and . ro din nor guosts ot Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lof ton Christmas. beginning, nil In Township 16 8., Range 47 E. W. M., In Malheur County, Oregon, nnd containing 313 acres, moro or less, In tho following sums nnd amounts to-wlti (5) On tho fifth cause ot suit In tho sum of $665.00 with Interest at 10 por cent por annum from October 1, 1918 until paid, and tho further sums of $06.50 ns ponalty and $60. GO as attorney's fees. (6) On tho sixth cnuso ot suit In tho sum of $1607.49 with Inter est at 10 per cent por annum from October 1, 1920 until paid, and the further sums ot $160.74 as ponalty nnd $160.74 as attorney's fees. (7) On tho seventh cnuso of suit in tho sum of $3130.00 with inter est at 10 por cant per annum from Octobor 1, 1921 until paid, nnd the furthor sums of $313.00 as penalty and $313.00 n8 attorney's ties. And for decree of tho nbovo en titled Court that snld assessments constitute lions upon tho said lands, nnd nlso that tho aseisment as set forth In tho sovonth causo of suit constitutes a lion upon tho crop pro duced upon said lands during the sonson of 1921 and that all said lions bo foroclosed and that said crop and said real proporty abovo des crlbod bo sold In satisfaction there of, and that tho procoods ot the sales ot said crop and of said real proporty bo applied In satisfaction ot said Judgmont herein, and that the Injunction herotoforo granted In this suit bo mado porpotual. Sorvtco of this summons Is made upon you by publication thereof in the Ontario Argus, n weekly news paper published la Ontario, In Mal eour County, Orogon for six succee stvo weeks coramonclng with the 29th day ot Docombor, 1931, by order ot tho Honorablo Dalton Biggs Judgo of said Court mado and en tored horoln on the 31st day ot Octobor, 1931. DAV1B & KESTER, Attornoya for Plaintiff, Residing at Vale, Oregon. First publication, Docombor 39, 1911 Last publication, February 9, 1911. Ex-Sorvlro man with stats loaa and othor proporty wants up to 40 acres with fair Improvements and near town. W. M. HOUSTON, Bend, Ore. FOR PLUMBING CALL L M. SEAWARD Phone 188J Ontario. Or, Professional Cards BUMMON8 IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE OF OREGON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY CRYSTAL DIBTRICT IM POVEMENT COMPANY, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. J. W. OALLOWAY, A. J. IIAUNTZ, JOHN HOHRER, DETWEED NORTHWEST ERN AND PACIFIC HYPOT HEEIC BANK, a corporation, and MALHEUR COUNTY, a corporation, Dofondanta. To J. W. Oalloway and John Bohror, ot tho abovo named de fendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you aro horeby commanded to bo and appear In tho above ontltled Court and causo within six weeks nftor tho first publication of this summons, which dato of first publication Is Docombor 29, 1931, then and thoro to nnswor or othorwlao plead to tbo complaint filed horoln. And it you fall so to do, for want thereof plain ttft -will apply to the Court tor tho relief domanded In said complaint, to-wlt: For tho foreclosure ot assessment liens ot Crystal District Improve ment Company against lands des cribed as tho 8HSEU ot Boo 13, and tho EftNBUNBU Boa 24, In Township 16 8., Range 47 B W. M., In the following sums and ameunts: (1) On tho first causo ot suit In tho sum of $326.00 with Interest at 10 Der cent por annum from Octobor 1, 1914 until paid, and tho further sums ot $22.50 as ponalty ana $22,60 as attorney's fees. (2) On tho seond causo of suit In tho sum ot $260.00 with Interest at 10 per cent por annum from October 1, 1916 until paid and tho furthor sums ot $25,00 as penalty and $26.00 as attorney's foes. (3) On the third causo ot suit In tho sum ot $260.00 with Interest at 10 per cent per annum from Octobor 1, 1916 until paid, and the furthor cums of $25.00 as ponalty and $25.00 as attorney's fees. (4) On the fourth cause of suit In the sum ot $276.00 with intorest at 10 per cent per annum from October 1, 1917 until paid and the furthor sums ot $25,00 as penalty, and $27.60 as attorney's foes. And for the foreclosure ot assess ment Hens by tho said Crystal Dis trict Improvement Company against tho lands described as tho 8 SEU ot Section 13, NEUNEU, SEU ot Section 24. and also a tract of land described as follows; Commencing at tho northwest corner or tno SWUNEU of Section 24; running thence east 80 rods; thence south 80 rods; thence west 46 rods; thenco north 34 reds: thence west 14 rods; (hence norta 46 rods to tho place ot V)U J. O. BARTLKT PHtk.CIAN ft SUROl- Office In Wilson Dldg. Over Post Office ONTARIO, ORBQON DRS. IL A. MOON A WM. IIALB Chiropractic Physici&nj ' Electro-Therapeutlste Splno A Norvo SpeclaUsis Phone lOtt OaUrlo, Ore. DRS. WEESE & FORTNER OFFICIO HOURS! 9 to 11 and 1 to I. Office over First Natlosal Bank. Telephone No. 81 J. Ontario, Ore. DR. A. R. ROBERTS Dentist Between Ontario Flianaaey aad Depot. PHONE oa-F-1 DR. HARRIBT SHAM Osteopathic PhyalcUa Wilson Rldff., Over Rdwn Phono 40 DR. a M. TYLKR DENTIST Office la Wilson Bldg. Office Hours a. m. to 4 p. as, Phone 117 for Appointments. A. A. WELLINGTON Transfer - amd Storage 4 FAIRMONT CREAMBRY CO. Phone 119 EXPRESS OFFIO if ' Phone 111 , FRANK BRITTINGHAM Pttoae 110-J OmUrio, Oreffoa Long Hauling a Specialty We Always Deliver tke Oo4 ONTARIO VALB STAGS Leave, Ontario (Moore Hotel) 8:80 A. M. B;00 P. M. Leave, Vale (Drcxel HoUl) 10:00 A.'M. 6:30 P. M. Phone, Ontario 17-W Phone Vale 1. MHIrnillrlTini II uRTulHTTmPRI IwlMMmPMiMBV iiMiin-JstVih: