"Mi County Official Paper An Independent Noh simper m000000000000000000000000000000000 Published Thursdnys at Ontario, Oregon, and cutored at tho Ontario post otflco for distribution as 2nd class mattor. Q. K. Alkon, Managing Editor 0000000 BUIIBaitll'TION Ono Yoar, $2.00 ItKHOI.VK TO 1IU I.OVAI1 With tho coming of tho Now Yoar thero occurs to us that ono resolu tion thut Ontario might mako Is this: "Resolved, that wlionovor It Is posslblo to do so I wilt co-op arnto wltli my follow citizens In every way to promoto tho Interests of this community; that I will buy nil that I can In Ontario; and that when 1 can not Bocuro exactly what I might want that I will accept when possible, reasonable substl tut on ; that I will employ Ontar io in on wlionovor posslblo and ho pluco tho work I hnvo to or der tlint it will glvo employ moiit to mon who llvo hero, that thoy may havo omploymont first, beforo I conBldor send Ing work out of tho city for tho omploymont of mon who do not old In supporting Ontario Institutions." Wo hollovo that this Is u logical resolution, ono that will ho of mu tual aid In strenuous times, and one which la justified. I.vory dollar that Is sent from On tario stays nwny. It Is gono never to roturn. Tho purchasing powor of ovcry dollar that roinnlns In On- Ontario Roller ii LEADER FLOUR $1.15 Per Sack On sale at all Grocers NOTICE TO" Mills .Come in and let us show you our line of Gates Super Tread Tires SPECIAL! '30x3 1-2 GREY TUBES $1.50 Willard all rubber Batteries for Ford Cars for Less SERVICE TIRE & BATTERY CO. At our now location 3 doors north of Carter House BLASER CONCRETE CO. ALL KINDS OF CEMENT WORK ONTARIO, ,YPT 8EU McFALL ! Xrc: CLASSES Ai. AND SEE THC INVISIOIC -' Dr. J. A. BUT Ljeslfiht Specialist ONTAHIO, OREGONrrmiRSDAY, ONTABIO, OREGON, tarlo Is continuing for tho bottor mo nt of Ontario citizens. Jt fludB Us way In and out'of ovory pocket, circulating and strougthonlng ovory storo, ovory homo. Should Ontario follow bucIi a re solution It will bo but following tho oxampla set by other communities which nro striving for preservation and Home ofwhlch aro eudoavorlng to feed on Ontario. For example, not long ago tho representative of a now Industry in Ontario called on tho morcliants of a neighboring town to solid busi ness and received Hits respense: "Wo nro buying only from our own mill und pushing their brands, no will buy nothing out of town that wo can securo horo." If Ontario would but approxi mate such a spirit of co-oporatlon that Institution which is struggling for oxlstonco would bo omploylng moro people, nnd thus furnishing customers for local stores, keoplng tho monoy horo at homo. If Ontario would approximate that spirit It would bo aiding to fur nish a mnrkot for tho products of farms nour Ontario Instead of farms near somo other city, and thus per mit tho farmers near hero to trade with local Institutions. It Ontario would approximate that spirit It would save In freight clmrgos hundreds of dollars and aid In making tho community about It moro self-supporting, happier and moro prosperous. Tho possibilities which tho adop tion and practice) of loyalty to one's homo town, to Ontario, can bring about nro utmost llmltloss. It would appear that this Is self ovldeteu, but upparoutly It Is not. It Ontario Is to grow mid bo prosperous It must cop servo ami presorva Its Institutions, not toar down and destroy them. Tho coming yoar Is to bo ono ot testing, during which tho trials of many wilt bo long and hard. It Is time which calls for tho constructive thought of everyone who Is deeply Interested In tho prosperity of this section nnd of this city. With tho Idea that In pro- sontlng this argument for loyalty to Ontario tho Argus Is performing a service, wQ presont It for tho consid eration ot Its readers. Tin: iwm riAHCo Whatever may bo tho opinions ono may hold concerning tho wisdom of n Pair In I'ortlnud during 102C, ono cannot holp but vlowlng tho situ ation in which that question has re solved Itself, ns anything but a logls lntlvo fiasco. Ily tho division ot tho loglslaturo Orogou Is presontod to tho pooplo of tho nation as a houso dtvldod against Itself nnd as such It cannot sliind. To say tho loasl tho calling of tho legislature Immediately following tho meeting of tho hudgot commit tees In tho various counties und CAR OWNERS OREGON I :ov WH GRIND OUK OWN LENSES PHONE U7-J BIFOCALS MTALL Ontario, Oregon cltlos, and on tho heels of tho offort to forco tho Wnllula cut-off onto tho road map, was bad strategy on the part of tbo proponents of tho Fair, if thoy had any Influonco with tho Governor at all. Added to this, tho fact that tho legislators got togothor Just boforo Christmas when all of thorn wanted' to bo at homo or had business Inter ests that demanded tholr attention mado mnttors vrorso. Then tho Fair lobby had no organization worthy of tho namo. It was no time to .securo maturo deliberation. Whllo tho opponents of tho fair havo won tho first skirmish thero Is ovory likllhood that tho pooplo of Portland will Inltlato a measure to bo placod upon tho ballot cither In May or Novombor und tho question will thus go boforo tho people re gardless of tho act ot tho loglslaturo Whsn it docs It will bo fought and in advanco tho fair will bo hand! cappod. This being so it would seem the imrt of wisdom for tho pooplo of Portland to drop tho matter nt this tlmo nnd wnlt until a moro United stato can bo socurod to assist thorn In tholrcffort, which thoy honctly hollovo will bo of bonoflt to tho en- tiro stato. ACT'S AS Wl'.lili AH WORDS COUNT All of us at this soason, In perfect sincerity, and with tho doslro to nld In making this n tlmo for bouyant optimism wish for our friends and associates, "A happy and prosperous Now Year." It Is a common phrnw), a salutation that falls oaslly from tho lips, too soon bo forgotten, ofton times. Why not, this yonr, whllo expres sing that laudahlo sentiment follow Its plain Implication and proposo to do tho things wo can to mako that a reality for thoso with whom wo como in dally contact. This can oaslly bo dono by giving a little thought to whnt wo can do to nld our neighbor, SYSTEMATIC CAMPAIGN FOR RABBIT POISONING PLANNED Through Co-Oporation Willi Mining!' nil Hurwy Fiiriu llurcuu I'lnns On Neath Dealing Distribu tion of Poison. I. N. Oabrlolson of tho U. 8. Dlo logical Survoy. In chargo ot rodent control work, was presont In tho county oarly in tho wook to consult with County Agent llrolthaupt In rognrd to rabbit poisoning which theso officials havo boon planning tor somo tlmo in cooporntlon with tho county farm bureau. As a re sult it was docldod to conduct a sys tomntlo campaign ovor tho northorn halt ot tho county In all communi ties which aro organlzod for doing cooperntlvo work or which porfect tho essontlal organization. Tho plan which will bo put Into otfoct is Substantially an arrango mont by which tbo Dlologlcnl Survoy will furnish an oxporloncod rabbit poisoner In tho person ot E. I). Sear gont of Mainour, who has worked In Klamath nnd other countlos on rabbit poisoning campaigns, to sup orvlso tho preparation and distribu tion ot tho poison and keop things moving along tho varloua communi ties by moving from ono to tho other durlug tho rabbit poisoning season. Strychnine will ho furnished to tho community farm bureaus on pooled ordors assembled by tho rodent con trol committeemen, at cost through tho operation of tho rodont control revolving fund made available to tbo farm bureau by tho county court nearly two yours ago, by means ot which tho farmers have already boen saved thousands of dollars in the cost ot poisons without auy finan cial loss to the county. , Tho poison will bo handled by the county agent who wilt distribute It to tho farm bureau organizations In lots of ten ounces or more on pooled ordors accompanied by the cash. For each such order tbo Biological Survey will furnish an oqual amount ot poison freo ot cost as long as the supply lasts, provided theorders are from logltlmato organizations cooper atlng In tho organlzod campaign. This will bring tho cost of the poison to well under one dollar por ounco, and at the same tlmo puts Its distri bution on an organized and effec tive basis. Owing to financial strin gency and domand for economy on tho part of tho tax payers, tho cus tom ot furnishing rabbit poison free as practiced by the county the past two years had to bo discontinued, although somo excellent work has been done In keoplng the pest under control at a vory moderato expense!! as compared to the bounty system now In voguo In Homey county, which has cost tho tax payers there In tho neighborhood ot $!00,000 during the past few years, and pro mises to continue the drain Indefi nitely as witness the rabbit bouuty (torn allowod In that county for 1922 THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 29, 1921 ' LOCAL PERSONALS Mrs. Dlnko ot Itndor Bros., Bpont Christmas visiting In Dolso. Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Turemnn spout ChrlstmnB In Ironsldo with Mrs, Turoman's paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Lawroncc. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Quast Bpont Christmas visiting Mr. Quast's par onts In Cnldwoll. Miss Dlancho McDonald formerly with tho Fedornl Ilcservo pooplo of Vale Is tho now stenographer for llrooko & Qallaghor. I.lttlo Miss Molbn McCarthy enter tained n number ot small friends last Saturday afternoon In honor of her sixth birthday nt the homo ot hor grandparents Mr. nnd Mrs. Ja cob Stroup. J. A. Lakness was n Dolso visitor last wook. Clarcnco Wood'wns up from Nam pa last week to visit his wlfo and tholr now daughter who was born in Ontario Dec. C. C. D. Davis roturned Inst Friday from his trip to Spokano. Hay Dorvln returned homo from Hot Springs to spond tho Christmas holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Tloss onlor tnlnod at Christmas dlnnor Sunday nnd had as tholr guests Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crawford and family of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. McOrcgor nnd Joy and Viola Hustod. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Lovelorn! enter tnlnod nt Christmas dlnnor. Those prosont woro, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Chapman and family ot Fruttland, Mr. and Mrs. II. U. Cready, Dwlght Plorco and Mr. Augustus and llttlo son. Mrs. Drodorlck, formerly with tho First National Dank horo, but now ot Dond, Oregon, Is spending tho Christmas holidays with Tboodocln and Hortonso Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Ooo. ailhnm spont Christmas In Daker City with Mrs Qllham'fl slstor, Mrs. Worlcy. Miss Hazel McCulloch who It touching school at tho Whlto Bottle mont, arrived homo this wock to OllUIlll 111 II rfIIIIOlUIUO VUVUUUlIt I k U .1 4lh tfc klftl MM MJA6tftM DIRECTORY OF ONTARIO'S . BUSINESS -FIRMS These Men and Firms will serve your very needs promptly. Call upon or write to any of those who are listed below when in need of anything .in their respective lines. Thoy are reliable: HANKS FII18T NATIONAL DANK Capital and Surplus $100,000 "A Good Dank In A Oood Country" ONTARIO NATIONAL DANK The Oldest Dank in Malheur County "Service that Serves" Capital and Surplus $100,000. DRUGS AND SUNDRIES ONTAIUO PHARMACY O. M. Castleman, Prop. Prescription Specialist Victor Phonographs Ilexall nomedlM Eastman Kodaks Moreland Dairy Phone 208 M THE SUGAR BOWL We Make Our Own Ice Cream KLECT1UO SUPPLIES ONTARIO ELKOTRIO CO. Electrical Appliances and Wiring "OLBANHRS" We will Clean and Dye for Teu at the ONTARIO PRBS8ARY HARDWARE MONULTY HARDWARE CO. Satisfaction Ouaranteed TAOOART HARDWARE CO. Malheur County's Largest Hardware Store TROXELL IMPLEMENT CO. Farm Operating Equipment McCormtck, Peering and P. ft O. II. R, UDICK Plumbing and Heating Domestic Water Systesas IRONSIDE NEWS Quito n heavy snow foil Tuesday, Stolghs havo takon tho placo of cars. Tho Ironsldo school gnvo an ontor tnlnmont nt tho school hoUBe Satur day. Thero wan a Christmas treo for tho chldren. Mrs. Archlo Myers furnished tho muslo for tho ovonlng. Mr. dabrlolson of Portland, and W. Sargent wore In this vicinity tho first ot tho wook trying to get tho poopla interested In eradicating the rabbits nnd saulrroln with poison. Jim Coleman and Mr. Hlskok ot Drogan, woro in this vicinity Friday buying beef cattle. Davo Lawronco nrrlvod horo Tues day from Dolso for a visit with rol attves. " , Jl&. It is no sacrifice to savo when you get a true vision of what it means for the future. After the starting of your account the rest will bo easy. You aro charged witlrhe responsibility of your fu ture support and that of your family. Why not provido it today in an account started hero? HOTELS HOTEL WILSON The "Homey" Hotel of Malheur County. Oood Meals 40c OPTOMCTUlST' DR. J. A. MO FALL Eyesight Specialist Eye Olassea and Spectaoles IflLUNKRlT Distinction In Clothing And Millinery Is the Mark ot Those Who Patronise THE STYLE SHOP MORR'S MII.LTNERY NOVHLTY SHOP Paluyre Waists Women's Suite And Sport Clothes OSBORN MILLINERY Nell O. Bedford, Prop. Tho Only Exclusive Millinery Stare This Side of Salt Lake MRS BLANCHE C. ANDERSON Hemstitching 10e per yard Phone 42-W P. O. Box Sit BAXlKnW PURITY BAKERY Bra est Barons, Proa. All Kinds of Bread. Cakes and Pastry TTOnojwr VARIETY STORE More than a thousand Artieiea for the home "Ttramuwr ONTARIO TRADma CO. Sacceeeore MO DOWBLL FURNITURE CO. A. L, McDowell. Mgr. ft Pre. J. D. Iagrara, Sec'y. ft Trees. R. PARRISH New and Seeoad Hand Furniture Aeroee from Boyer Bros. Store DYRON TURNHl Signs IUlp Dcam went to Daker Wednes day to spond Christmas with friends. Dill Capo brought his cuttlo In to the Walter Duncan placo to food thru tho wlntor. Dill WoBtfall ot Clovor Crcok was a Christmas shopper in Ironsldo last Thursday. F. Smith ot Drogan, vlsltod horo with his parents tho fore part ot the wook, L. Judy was a business visitor in Ironsldo tho first of tho weok Jody Lawronco went to Unity on Thursday of last wcok to attend tho shooting match. O. A. Turemnn wont to Ontario Thursday to bring his family homo' to spond tho holidays. JJI11 Jaralcson of Ontario, and AI. Green of Wostfnll, passed thru Ironsldo on tholr way to Malheur Illver. OARAGES AND AUTO SUPPLIES T5K5CHinir TUB CASH OROCBRY "Oood Thing to Bat" THE INDEPENDENT MARKET Phone 8 and 136 It IU Oood To Eat We Have It if. It's Farm Produce We Duy It ONTARIO MEAT A GROCERY CO. The Home ot Oood Kate and Low Prloea Phoaeo 3 and 131 KikPAflfcUAST HTOKIT Every Day a Bartala Day Dependable MerefcaaOlse "Not tae Cheapest, But Ut Beet" RADBR BROS. THE HUB Ote t 41 Stores Win Save Yea Real Uoaer B, A. PRASBR Hardware and Qroeerie BLAOKABY JEWELRY STORE Home 1 "Otfte that Last" W. L. HAZELTINB Watekasaker, Jewelry All Work Ouaranteed ONTARIO REAL ESTATE CO.' Faro Laads Olty Prefertf iHATaajnarF" V. W. HARSDRW Geaeral Kefr eej Maufctwe Week "V -W Amounting to fSO'QOO. w Vj 3SO