4 m VOL. XXVI ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 29, 1921 NO. 4 COUNCIL TO SEEK WAY TO I'Iaiib ltvliiK Considered fur Cut In Home Bnlorle AImo Oompnrl- ton WUh Otlicr Toryns Water Rates to he fitudlisl. Ono now year resolution which 1b . to effect tovoral citizens Is that mailo by tho city administration concern ing tho cost of city govornmont. Tho city dads nro out to roduco tbo cost, and also to so arrango tho financial condition of tho city wntar depart ment that it;wlll bo ablo to pay Its way "and provldo a sinking fund to lay tho obligations out against It. v fc For somo time tho council has been Booking to soco.ro statements from thor communities and Iras "" dono so. Strnngo as It may scorn those statomonts show that Ontario la soiling water chcapor than any of Its neighbors and that' In ffplto of tho fart that Its systom was built when costs woro at thotr hlghost and thnt tl) nystem corors inoro mlloago tbnn any of tho others In proportion to tho number of usors? 80 far tho system has baroly paid Its oporatlng costs and only n portion of tho In terest charges and has not provlvod any sinking fund to rctlra tho bonds. Since llko every othor systom It will wear out and will hnvo to bo replaced In time, tho council has reached tho conclusion thnt some thing must bo dono to provide means for meeting tho bonds, and thus preserving the Interests of tho eltlteas. Ileforo action Is taken a comprehensive study of tho rates of all the cities In this section will bo made. ' 'On Saturday nlgjit tho city goes on tho ono marshal systom, Night Marshal Oordon has boon dismissed under tho oconomy program, and II. 0. Farmer will go on tho night shift, nnd Water Buporlntondont, V. W. Chambers will bo sworn In as a peaco officer to caro for omorgoncy work during tho day tlmo. Just what othor cuts can bo mado will bo determined at a spoclal meet ing of tho cquncll to bo called soon. SERVICE FOR OCTOGENARIAN Mr. Sherwood K. WIiinIoii Brought Hero f or "interment llrslila Bi Who Died In July Lived Here Many Yearn, Fuueral sorvlcos wero hold this afternoon at the funoral chapel of tho Ontario Furniture company for Mrs. Sherwood K. Winston who died Monday at tho home of her daugh ter In nrush Prairie, Washington. Interment was mado In the Ontario cemotery besldo her son, Frank Winston who died last July. Mrs. Winston was 85 years and 3 months old at tho time of her death and had lived In Ontario (ox twenty one years boforo going toTnako her ..'fiomo'ln Brush Pralrlo with hor daughter, Mrs. John Payne-. MAW MUHKAY PLBABE8 Itf HOLE TUB GILDED LILY" Mao Murray Is back In her ever- popuUr role of a dancor In hor latost plctu Ictuw "Tho QlldoU Lily", R nara rnrnnger, which will bo pre sented at the Mojestiq ineaire Sunday and Monday. Miss Berang er wroto tho story especially for the blond star and with her latlraato knowledge of Miss Murray's abilities sho was ablo to create a role that Is ono of tho bost sho over ployed. In many -ways "Tho Glided Lily" recalls Miss Murray's Sonla In "On With tho Dance," one of tho big pictures last year. In her newest nirtura she Is Lillian Drake, hostess of a popular private club In New York, a real Salamander, tho kind that Owen Johnson revealed several years ago In a startling nover as tho wind of a elrl who can take every thing from men and give nothing In retHrn. All Lillian longs for Is lo leave her old life and bo married and her struggle until sho achieves her ambition U Intensely Interest, ing. There t a smashing and sur prising climax. f V, V. Hlckox come to Ontario Tues day to attend the meeting of the Farm Bureau executive committee, of which he was re-elected president for the third term. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dlackaby of Homedate wero holiday visitors In 0trto. 4 FltUIT SHIPMENTS FROM HERE BREAK ALL PREVIOUS RECORDS Moro than 100 car loads of fruit woro billed from tho On- tnrlo freight depot during tho past yoar, breaking alt previous records. Included In tho enr load shlpmontB woro ovor 80 cars ot apples and nearly 20 cars ot prunos. This Is tho first yoar that an approclablo quantity of prunes woro ovor shlppod from this station. -f K. OF P. COMMITTEE IS SANTA CLAUS TO MANY Vflno FamlHea Aided In Making ClirUtmnn Happy ono for Kid did Hcil Cross Nurxo Assist In Distribut ing Fund. C. F. Cox chairman of tho Armojir I.od go ot Knight ot Pythias com mlttoo assisted by Mrs. Henry Grif fin playod tho rola 75f Santa Claus to a number ot Ontario children In tho distribution ot tho fund which was rocolvod from tho ball glvon by tho lodgo. Children In nlno families received various usotul prosontt, Including undorclothlng nnd stockings, somo ot which wero given by Iloyor Ilros, and Ilador Ilros, and R. A. Fraaor. Thoy. also rocolvod Chrlatmns baskots containing elements ot Christmas ehoor In tho form ot candy nnd othor dollcaclos. In all 170 was spont In clothing so that all those who need ed clothing could be cored for. Tho same committee had turnod ovor to It tho balanco ot $40 which wns In the fund ralsod In 1920 by tho combined efforts ot tho Knights of Columbus and Oregon Club. Thus by tho work of tho lodge men this Christmas was mado a merry day for many Ontario chlldron rind tho spirit of tho day manifested by tho wldo distribution. LETTUCE UHOWBHH WILL MEET AT CALDWELL NEXT WEEK Tho Canyon County Farm Huroau has arrangod a two days program on head lottuco growers for Janu ary sixth and sovonth. Prospoctlvo head lottuco growers should attend this meeting as tho program promlsos to bo exceptionally good Sovoral of tho spoakors aro author ities on head lottuco growing and tbo opportunity to hear as many good mon at any ono tlmo Is not llkoly to occur again. . In connection with head lottuco growing tho Malheur County Farm Rureati has for somo tlmo boon plan ning on obtaining ono or moro speakers far tho Farm Bureau short courso which Is tentatively schedul ed for tho week of Fobruary 20, County Agent, Drelthaupt has taken tho matter up both In Idaho and In Oregon and bollevea that ho will be able to stage this feature. EASTERN 8IMNSTrIIA1N Thursday evening, December 22, Star Chapter, No. OB, O. E. 8. held Its annual Installation ot officers for the ensuing year, with Mrs. Minnie O. Letson, Worthy Orand Matron of Oregon, acting as presiding offlcor At tho close ot the Installation, A. 8. Drown, tho retiring Worthy Patron, with an appropriate ad dress, in bohalf of Star Chapter, pre sented Mrs. Myrtle Petorson with a Past Matron's Jewel. Mrs. Letson, Worthy Qrand Mat ron, with a short talk In her usual pleasing manner, then presented Mrs. Peterson with a Grand Officers' Jewel, honoring Mrs, Peterson as Grand Ester ot the Qrand Chapter ot Oregon. Mrs. Petorson in tier response, thanked the Chapter and also Mrs Letson for these tokens ot apprecta' tlons ot her services. Following Is a list ot the newly Installed efficers: Mrs. Luu Drown, worthy matron; Frank Weaver, worthy patron; Mrs. Mamie Springer, asspclate matron; Mrs. Kloe Test, secretary; Mrs. Qrace turner, treasurer;Mlsa Roalna Clement, conductress; Mrs. Bessie Ready; associate conductress; Mrs. Margaret Howe, chaplain; Mrs. Paul lae Piatt, marshal!; Miss Etta Mc Crelght, organist; Mrs. Delta Lin gel, adah; Mrs. Katkflr Anderburg, ruth; Mrs. Wildred Wearer, esther; Miss Majorlo Turner, Martha; Mrs. Edna DuFord, electa; Hugh Allen sBtlnl, HICKOX AGAIN HEADS COUNTY FARM BUREAU Executive Committee liocloc'a Vet eran Head; T. W. Clagett Elect chI Hccrctnry-trrnsurcr and A. A. Heed, Vlco President. Tho now oxocutlva commlttoa of tho county farm bureau hold Its first mooting horo Tuesday. Tho com mlttoo organized by ro-olcctlng V. V. Hlckox, presldont, A. A. Hood, vlco proBldont nnd T. W. Clagott, socro- tary-trcasuror. V. T. Horrott and P. M. Uoals aro tho othor two m um bos ot tho commltteo. Mnttors In oonnoctlon with ndoptlng a program ot work for 1922 and tho reorganiza tion of communities throughout tho county to carry out tho program ot work woro taken up as well as a numbor ot othor matters of Im portance to tho farmora of tho county. Tho projects on which tho ox ocutlva commltteo decided to cantor tho activities of tho bureau for tho next yoar lucludod Marketing; Poul try; Does; Dairy; Horticulture; Farm Hocords; Club Work; Home Uottormont; Rodent Control; Coyote Control; Farm Livestock; Ilanga Snoop; Itango Hoot; Dralnago; Ir rlgatln; Sood and Grain Crops; Po tato Improvement; Truck nnd Oar- den Crops; Pasturo nnd Forago Crops; Crop notation; and Farm Managomont. Tho committee select ed directors for most of thoso do- partmonts nt Its mooting, who will cooporato with tho county agricul tural agent and tho oxecuttvo com mltteo In developing tho dotalls ot each lino ot work In tho various com munities throughout tho county. OREGON CLUB HOSTS FOR INITIAL HOLIDAY DANCE Club Mon Present Ilerlon of "Heal Hefrvulmieiitt" and Novelty In KervlitK Punch From Flowing Htrcam Fifty monitors of tho Oregon Club and their guests Inaugurated the holiday soason at tho club rooms last Friday ovoulng In what was unanimously declared ono of tho very best dancing parties glvon in tho history ot tho club. Tho club rooms woro most artis tically decorated with holiday greens and colors, tho offoct ot which was helghtonod by the brilliancy of the lighted Christmas trees at each end ot tbo danco hall. Out In the game room of tho club was located tho most unique of punch bowls which was the wonder of tho fair guosts ot tho club. With clover artistry tho com mltteo and Jts decorators had re produced In miniature, a snow cap ped, moss-coverod mountain and a yawning canyon down which" flowed a stream of punch Into a sparkling pool, while further down tho canyon bubbled a crystal spring In which tho punch glasses were cleansed by the guests after they drank from tho refreshing stream. In tho middle of tho program bIx wblto clad waiters mado tholr ap pearance and to the surprise of tho women present demonstrated such speed in preparing, sotting and serv ing a bountiful lunch that It was hardly believable, with equal dis patch, too, the floor waB cleared for dancing after the supper. Contributing to the Joy of tho evening was the excellent music of the Entertainers, with, HerscboW Browne .enlivening the program with soIoh and the trio, Messrs, Browne, Turner and Adam, with their vocal offerings. From evory viewpoint the danco was doclared most successful and proof thereof was given by the fact that even after the formal pro gram was completed tho crowd stay ed for more. The committee which had charge and which Is also ar ranging (or the Fecond ot the holi day dances Friday night was; S. F. Taylor, Jr., Arthur Cockrum, Ernest Oramse, and Ray Boyer, whilo Jack Landls assisted the commltteo with the decoratlous. P. J. Gallagher returned today from Salem and Portland where he went on business and to attend the special session of tho legislature. A large number of Ontarlans will go to Caldwell Friday to attend the banquet which Is being held by the Caldwell commercial club and the Canyon county Farm Bureau. NEW YEAR WILL MARK RELIEF FROM TAXES Ouo of Happy Prospccta for Coming ' Tirdva Months is tho Fact that War Tnxca on Kxprem, Freight and Home other Tilings Stops. Evory cloud 'has a nllvor lining, ays tho old saying and ono ot tho bright spots on tho horlson of busi ness Is tho fact that on Sunday tho now government tax bill becomes operative. Among other bonoflts which tho public will rocclvo, and it means thousands of dollars to Ontario folks during tho coming- year, Is tho ces sation ot war taxes on passongor tickets, and on freight and oxprcss hlpmonts, according to tho an nouncomont mado by Express agont F. J, Clomo nnd Agont H. O. Drano. Togothor tho collections mado by tho representatives of tho transportalon companies durLng tho past tow years has reachod vast sums. Li:llON HANOI! PLlHl On Saturday ovoulng tho Amort can Legion stagod Us regular weekly danco which also partook ot tho boll day, spirit In tho number who camo to onjoy a good tlmo. Tho Legion mon will present nnothor danco tlils coming Saturday, ONTARIO HI WINS FIRST GAME OE SEASON 34-19 Vlotors From Crane Handicapped by Slippery Floor nnd l,ack of team Work Fall Before 11 h rops Basket Tostcrs Tuosday ovonlug at tho Legion ball tho Ontario HI basket ball team oponod tbo 1021-22 sdason with an Improsslvo victory over tho Crana HI team which Is spending tho vaca tion on a trip through tho Snako niver Valloy. Tbo boys from Crane, In vlow ot tho tact that they havo only 21 boys In their student body, mado a good showing on a straifgo floor, especial ly ono that was as glassy as tho floor ot tho Legion hall. To this thoy wero not accustomed and thoy displayed this fact often. In tho first halt tho scoro was nip and tuck until tho Lathrop" lessors got to working systematically. Then it was all oft for Crane, tor mo Messeo. Mooro. and Halo combina tion proved a scoring macblno;whlle McCrolght nnd Turner covered tno Crane forwards so effectively that they nover had a chance to get In tbo lend. A fair 'crowd saw tho game. Tho teams lined up as follews: Ontarie: Messeo and Moore, for wards; Halo center, Turner nnd McCrelght, guards. In tho second halt Scott replaced Hale at center. Crane: Drum and Johnson, for wards; Hall, center; Curry and Parker, guards; Buckland nnd Oor don, subs. Messeo was the star point wlnnor for .Ontario with 7 field goals and two froo throws; Moore had 6 goals and Halo three field goals and Mc Crelght .two. Drum was Crane's bost point winner with four goals, while Johnson secured throe and Curry end Hall each one each. B. M. Bouchor was the roferee. Tomorrow nlKht (Friday) Ontario high -meets the Huntington boys on the local floor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Cavlness of Emraett visited In Ontario during the Christmas holidays, the guest ot Mr, Cavlness' mother, Mrs. William Jones. Bob Arnold, a former Ontario boy, now of Twin Falls visited In Ontario, Saturday. The Ontario Women's Club will meet with Mrs. H. B. Cockrum next Thursday, January 6th. Master -Melvln Lakness eutertaln- ed a numbor ot his little friends- Monday evonlng at a Xmas party at the home ot his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lakness. Mrs. D, C. Andorberg left Satur doy evening for Olenns Ferry where sho will visit with her husbond. Prof. J, L. Turnbull left Saturday for Crowley whero ho will spend the holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Pau) Sellgman spent several days In Botee this week. 1X30AL MAN HONORED EVEN IF FAIR 18 NEVER HELD 4 Even though tho Oregon 102G Fair la novor held, yot an Ontarlan was honored by f being named to a placo on tho commloBton which was solectod manago It. Tho man thttB lion- f orod, Is E. C. Van Pottcn, pros ldont of tho Van Petton Lutnb- er company and presldont of tho Commercial club. RELIEF FROM COYOTE IS IOuUlnturo Passes P. J. CJnlIni;lu'r'n Meaurn Wlilrli Will Hnvo Tn- pnyi'rs -Thousands of Hollars So far as tho taxpayors of Malhotir and Harney counties nro concerned tho spoclal sosslon of tho legislature has bcon Justified In tho passago of ono act, that Introduced by Itepro entatlvo P. J. Gallagher ot this city, giving pnrtlal rollof from tho raids ot coyoto scalp hunters who since 1017 havo rocolvod 171,800.00 from Mainour County. Mr. Qntlaghor's original bill pro vided for tho optional paying ot bounties by each county, but tho op position mado by Jay Dobbin, prosl dont ot tho wool growers associa tion, by Rcprosontatlvo, Hyatt of Wallowa nnd Senator Strayor of Baker county, togothor with tho at tltudo on tho part of Qovornor Olcott provontod Its passage In that form. Howovor, It wns ngrood that tho prosont law bo amendod providing that tho bounty can only bo paid to tho man who klllod tho animal, and tho claimant must mnko an. affidavit' that ho or sho klllod tho animal, and to mako a falso affidavit In this connection Is mado a felony. It was ngrood that If this Is not satisfactory that at tho noxt session of tho legislature provision will bo mado for tho hunter systom ot con trolling coyotos nnd tho bounty systom abundonod. Paid $1000 In Ono Day An Idon of what this bounty bill moans to tho taxpayers horo may bo gained from a fow figures glvon by County Judgo E. H. Test who sought for moro than a yoar to havo some action taken In this matter: "From Novombor 1920 to Novom- bor, 4021. Malheur county paid $18 000 In coyoto bounties," said tho Judgo, "In Novombor 1021 wo paid SG402. while on Tuosday ot last week wo paid out $1,000. Slncoi undor a decision ot tho district court, nji wen na nu uiuiiiuu ui mu attorney gonoral tho county tins to Issue the warrants for bountios ro- gnrdless Si whothor or not tbo stato provides Its sharo or whothor tho county funds aro exhausted, this Is a sorlous question nnd moans that unless rollof had been grantod tho troasury of tho county would havo been omptlod by tho coyoto claims, "As soon as we learn that tho Oovornor baa signed, this bill wo wilt call tho budgot committee together and strlko tho appropriation provid ed for In the budgot for tho county's sharo, and on tho first Monday In January tho county court will pass necessary resolution to stop tho pay ment of bounties," L10YDB.TETERSDIESSUDDENLY Illneas Not Thought Kerlous Arises For Drink nnd Then I)row to Bleep Quietly PmikIiik nwny Was old Settler. Lloyd B. Teter who for 30 years was a resident of Malheur county and for ton years a resident and business man In Ontario quietly passed away while asleop last Fri day morning about 6:30, the victim ot a sudden attack of heart trouble. Mr. Teter bad not been well for sovoral days and on Thursday re mained at homo. He was, howovor, not confined to his bed but was ablo to be about the house. During Thursday jilght ho was restless and about 6 o'clock In tho morning rose for a grlnk of water and returnod to his bed. Ills moving about awaken ed his wife and she noted his breathing and watched him Anally drop to sleep, Just a fow minutes later she noticed that his respiration was getting weaker and summoned a physician, before aid came, how ever, he had died peacefully. Funeral services were held Sat urday afternoon from tho Baptist church and Intement was made In the Ontario cemetery Mr. Teter was born In Wheeling, West Virginia in 1861, and thoro grew to manhood. He camo west in the eighties and settled first in (Continued on last pago) T PAY PENALTY Murderer of GcorKo Sweeney, Vnlo Mrrclinnt, Condemned to Din Doclilon Written by Hu premo Justice McBrldo George Howard, convicted ot the murdor ot George R. Sweonoy nt tho January 1921 torm of court, and whoso casa was appealed to tho Supremo Court and argued at Pendleton In Novombor, must pay tho poualty ot doath by hanging, ac cording to tho decision of tho Ru promo Court handed down on Tuos day at Salem. Tho opinion was wrltton by Justice Thomas McBrldo. Tho crlma for which Howard will atono with his Ufa wns ono of tho most brutal In tho nnnnla ot En at om Oregon. It was long a mystery and not until months nftor It was committed was knowlodgo of It ob tained. On Soptombor 14, 1920, Howard, on tho protonso ot desiring to pur chaso a car which Sweonoy owned, had Swoonoy tnko him on a demon stration trip nnd Just a short way from Vnlo, crushod Bwconoy'a skull with n wrench. Ho then covered tho body with a robe, returned to Vale and socurod a trunk Into which ho plncod tho body and drovo south wost ot Vale to tho Owyhee river, whoro ho cast tho trunk Into the waters ot tho stream. Ho stayed thoro for somo tlmo and lator wout to Idaho whoro, whou Bhorlft Loo Noo sought him ho wns found and roturnod to this county for trial. Slnco an effort is bolng mado to tost tho validity ot tho capital pun ishment law In tho caso of Rathlo, ouo ot tho, murdorors o Till Taylor, It Is probablo that tho oxocutlon ot Howard will bo postponod until the Rathlo caso has boon passod upon. MRSJARYAJARNETTPASSES Months of BurrcrliiK Kudu Hntunlny MornliiK Daughter taken Bmty Hack Ui Old Home in ua Was Children's ' Friend Mrs. Mary A. Harnett, agod 70, died at tho homo ot hor daughter, Mrs. E. M. Orolg last Saturday morn ing following an lllnoss ot many moshs which had Its Inception In Inlurlos which sho received by a fall last suramor. Funeral Borvlcoa woro hold at tho Orolg homo Saturday attornoou and ok Sunday morning Mrs. Lucy II. Fox, her dacghtor, who had como from Mason City, lawn,, accompanlod tho body back to Mltcholl, Iowa to bo burlod besldu hor husband, who died thoro In 1906. DosDlto tho short uotlco ' given, many friends of tho boroavod family woro present at tho Impressive sor vico conducted by Rov. atlloudora ot tho Congregutlonal church. Mrs. 11. L. Peterson and MUs Roso Kroussln sang two of Mrs. Burnett's favorite hymns. "Nenror My Qod to Thoe," and "Abldo With Mo." Although Mrs. Barnott had boeu a resident ot Ontario slnco 19H, having mado her homo with hor daughters, Mrs. Grolg and Mrs. Fox. while she lived hero, her acquain tance was, duo to hor falling health, ot uocesslty llmltod. But to that circle ot friends sho was a choorlug Inspiration. Though frail of body jo senuuuuui oqi uiojj 8uJ0jjnB puu ago sho radiated happiness through her choerfulnoss and hor faith that all would bo well. Sho lovod and was beloved by tho children ot nolghbors and frlonds to all of whom she wns, "Grandma Barnett," and In contributing to their happiness sho secured hor greatest pleasures. In tho passing ot Mrs. Rarnett, Ontario losos one of the fow of that dwindling number who linked the nresent with the momentous days of the past during which the nation was wolded into a perfect union. Sho was a daughter of the old South having been born at Olasgow, Ken tucky, Boptombor 19, 1846, tho daughter of Jamea A. and Sarah M. Wilson. As a young woman sho grew up In the scene of the great est conflict and Intlmatoly knew of struggles ot tho border people; their alternating hopea and fears. ' Hor education was rocelved at ueorgo town Acadomy. In Georgetown, Kontucky, and In 1872 she married Thomas Barnett and went as a brldo (Continued ou last page)