The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 22, 1921, Image 1

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OjlH I n Ml -'. I
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Portland's Fair Committee Hastily
Summoned Changes Rasa and
Gnt Sax m Only Hope
For Fair
It tho Sonata concurs with tho ac
tion taken by tho House at Salem
lata last night (Wodnosday) tho
pooplo of Orogon Will havo an op--.portunlty
of determining whothcr or
not tho Orogon 1025 Fair it to bo
tlna'ncod, as far or tho stato Is con
cerned, by an additional ono cont por
gallon tax on gaiollno.
This doclilon on tho part of tho
Houso was not tnfcon until attor a
bitter fight, during which, at no
tltno, did tho original Portland pro
posal of n general proporty tax
havo a ghpit of a aliow to win, for
38 members of tho Houao from
Eastern and Southern Oregon nnd
from tho coast counties had signed
a 'round robin on Monday declar
ing tholr purpose to dofoat such a
measuro whon introduced.
J .With this prospers boforo thorn
tho Portland Fair lobby sont a hur
ried call to tho metropolis tor aid,
and down to Salem wont Franklin
Griffith, J. 1). Kerr, and other ot tho
constructive loaders ot tho big town.
They took tho matter In hand and
soon after their arrival tho gaso
line tax measure was whipped Into
tentative form and hearings held on
It following tho consideration of
Speaker Louts Dean's income tax
plan. '
" Wodnesday morning 'tho Houbo
whllo considering' neprosantatlvo
Bonnott'a motion to indoflnitoly post
pono, tho Portland gonoral propor
ty tax bill 7ory noarly wrecked tho
entlro plan, but It was saved from
(loath whon tho Portland delegation
woko to tho fact that this action
would precludo tho possibility of
considering any fair moasuro.
After considering tho various fair
bills all aftornoon and lato into
Wednesday night tho Houso passed
the moasuro lovylng an additional
cent por gallon on gasollno, and with
It a corrocttvo constitutional amend
ment validating tho moasuro. What
the Senato will do with this measuro
Is problematical at this time, but
It is bolioved posslhlo to . pass It
there. The voto in tho Houso was
48 to 14.
Ooyoto Bounty 11111
On Tuesday evening at Salem the
ways and moans committoo to which
was given tho power to control leg
islation by previously passing on all
measures permitted to reach tho
floor ot the Houso or Senate, agrood
to pormtt tho coyoto bounty bill In
troduced by Reprosontattvo P. J.
dallagher to, come out for a vote.
Tho committoo action was reached
by an eleven to ono vote, the nega
tive voto coming from Hyatt ot
Walowa county.
This bill makos It optional with
county courts to provldo bounty
funds or not to do so. If It does
not get smothered in tho Fair fight
and road measures, the bill will pass,
for sufficient interest was manifest
ed In the measuro and assurances
given for Its support from all parts
ot the state.
' It appeared too from the temper
of tho Jeglslators that tho bills pro
posed by tho Governor 8 special com
mission for .the protection of the
highways and tho licensing ot trucks
and Jitney's In commercial service
would bo passed, though not with
out a fight bolng made by tho or
ganised outo owners ot Portland,
through their attorney John Logan.
The fight on theso measures was
throe cornered with the representa
tives la favor of good roads, the at
torneys' tor the railroads, and the
jitney men furnishing the tun.
At the regular meetingJaf Acacia
Lodge A. F. & A. M., last Thursday
evening, the following otricers were
elected; Emory Hill. W, M,; John R.
Rasraussen, 8. W.; Irwin Troxell, J,
W.j E. A. Fraser, treasurer; L. D.
Cockrum, secretary.
Tomorrow evening Zadoc Chapter
R. A. M. will Install the offlcero
which were elected two weeks ago. '
Mainour County has secured
tho first paymont from ono ot
tho bonding companies which
socur,od funds on deposit In
both tho U. 8. National and
First National Bank ot Vnlo,
sayn County Judgo E. II. Tost,
to tho Argus.
Domand has beon made on
all of tho bonding companlos
and it Is anticipated that tho
other companlos will pay short-
Two Programs Necessary nt Oongt-c-
Rational Sunday School Png-
cnt nt M. K. Cliurcli
Other Havo Trees
Tho Christmas holidays will bo
crowdod with various entertain
ments and social ovents, and tho
Churches will havo tho usual Christ
mas programs and trees. Tho Con
grogatlonal Church, will present .a
program with only tho small tots
taking part,Frlday aftornoon at
2 o'clock, and In tho evening tho
romalndor ot tho Sunday School will
prosont tholr part ot tho program. A
Christmas troo and small gifts will
bo In ordor. An old fashlonod
Christmas party will tako tho place
of tho usual Christmas onlortain
tnont at tho Unltod Prosbytorlan
Church on Friday evening. A treo
aud troat tor tho children nnd a
short program will bo followed by a
lunch and a social visit. Tho Baptist
Church will colobrato with a troo and
program on Monday night, and on
Sunday night tho choir will glvo a
musical program. Tho M. B. Church
will colobrato on Sunday evening
with a pagent "St. Christophor",
after which tho Sunday Schot-tKclld-ron
will havo tholr Christmas troo.
Tho Naxarono Church will entortaln
tholr pooplo with a Christmas troo
nt tho parsonago, Friday ovonlng,
and on Sunday morning with a
Christmas sorvico In tho church.
wrecked booze oak is
my8tehyou8ly removed
Last Sunday night abqut 9i30 a
red touring car was found on tho
paYomont botwoon tho tracks and
bridge, wrockod against a tolophono
post. Whon Mr. and Mrs. W. A
Cloud, o Frultland, who 'were re
turning homo from tho Thoatro hero
Investigated thoy found the machine
to bo loaded with moonshine. A
bloody handkerchief was found In
the road, but the occupants ot tho
car woro gone. The licence number
was found to bo that of an Idaho car.
Ko Investigation was made, and
the next morning tho car was gono.
The circus which was given by the
gymnasium girls of the Ontario High
School, last Friday ovonlng in the
Legion Hall was a demonstration ot
what physical training for girls will
accomplish. Each and every ono of
tho girls performed In a very cred
Itablo manner, and all working to
gether, made of It a very successful
evont Thero were folk dances,
nestbetlo dances, military drills,
clown exhibitions, Indian club and
wand drills, vaulting and many other
stunts. As the closing event, a
clevor drill was followed out where
by tho girls formed the letters O, H.
S. After the performance, MIbs
Lee, who deserves much credit for
what sho has accomplished, served
the treats for. the girls aud the or
A meeting ot the ministers of the
city was held nt tho homo of Rev.'
J. D. Olllander Monday Dec, 19th.
Four of tho local pastors wero pres
ent ;Ro v. C. H. Dlom of the Baptist
church; Rev, H, Young of the Meth
odist church; Rev. J. O. Glllander ot
the Congregational church, and Rev
E. E. Martin ot the Naxarene church.
A permanent organization was de
cided upon to bo called "The Mints
turlal Association." An election of
officers placed Rev, Biora chairman,
Rev, Martin secrotary. Rev. Blora
and Rev. Young, constitutional com
mittee, to present by-laws at the
next meeting. Meetings will be held
regularly every two weeks, beginning
Monday, January 2, at 10 a. m.
It was felt at this meeting that the
ministerial association would prove
a means of mutual helpfulness and
cooperation in Interests vital tq the
churches la the city,
Taxpayers Consider Budget Jn Honi
ed Session - light on County
Agent Falls -Deputies'
Halftrlc Itcducod.
In a spirited mooting at Valo'last
Thursday tho taxpayers presont-or-dorod
tho elimination ot 120,000
from tho Itom ot 180,000 tor road
work for noxt yoar. Tho fund tor
mnrkot roads was pormlttod to stay
so that tho county can match tho
state and sccuro tho bonolUs of co
Tho groator portion of tho timo
ot tho mooting was spent in con
sidering the itom ot $2000 for co
operation with tho Agrloulturnl Col-
logo and Fodoral govornmont In tho
employment of a county agent. This
matter was dlscussod by W. 12. Lees
and William Jones against tho prop
osition, aud V. V. Hick ox and E. D.
Conklln and othors favoring It. The
opponents of tho appropriation pro
sontod a potltton with 2C3 names
whllo tho men favoring It prosontod
n potttlon with 470 nnmca in favor
ot continuing tho work and endors
ing It. In other words by a two
to ono majority tho pooplo of tho
county oxprossod thcmsolvcs In favor
of tho co-oporatlvo effort and en
dorsed tho work of tho county ngont.
Having spont most of tho timo dis
cussing tho work ot tho county agont
thero was llttio timo for tho con
sideration ot othor mattors and tho
mooting adjournod without material
ly roduclng tho budget. Tho Itom
for mnrkot roads was loft In so that
tho work from Nyssa south and tho
Jordan Valloy Nyssa roads will bo
tho only ono on which work can bo
dono noxt yoar.
0. A. C.
Fifteen Ontario Students nro Taking
Advantage of tho Many Oppor
tunities Offered at
o. a. a
Ontario has sont IS students to the
Oregon Agricultural Collogo this
torm. Tho registration this year Is
3400, taking tho rogular four yoar
courso, with 1020 summer session
.and short courso students.
Nino of tho 15 students from On
tario aro taking commerco. This
school Is organized Into four dis
tinct dopartmonts, business admin
istration, economics nnd sociology,
offlco training, stenography, and po
litical sclonco. Tho prosont staff of
faculty membors numbers 24 as com
pared with four membors in 1808.
Nlnty-soven dltferont courses are of
fered In tho four departments ot
tho school.
Tho now commorco building now
bolng erected Is of the "U" type 184
feot long and 07 foot wide with
wings 28 by 107 feet. Thero are
throo floors above a woll lighted
ground floor. The most approved
methods of heating, lighting and von
tllatlon will bo employod. Tho pros
pects aro 'that It will bo ready tor
occupancy near April 1st.
Dorothy O. Turner, a graduate, ot
the Ontalo High school class ot '18
Is a Junior In commerce, a morabor ot
tho citation committoo ot last year,
president ot tho XI Beta sorority
and a member of this year's Beaver
Joyca Turner also a graduato ot
the Ontario High school class ot '17,
Is a member ot the XI Beta sorority
and a member ot this year's Beaver
Pete T, Beckman, formerly with
the Warm Springs Irrigation DIs
tlct, Is a senior In commerce, a
member of the Commercial club, vice
president of tho Gamma Nu frater
nity, a member ot the 1922 Beaver
staff, and also a member ot last
year's Commercial print.
Charles Christiansen, freshman,
played on the rook football squad,
and hopes to put his training Into
future practice.
L. D. Barrett, freshman In Phar
macy, Is quarter back on the fresh
man class football team. I. P.
Kukebuke, freshman In mechanical
eugneorlng, tried out for rook foot
ball. While not making tho tegular
squad, he received some valuable
training, and la now out for class
football. J. Uryan Neeb, Junior In
chemical engineering, is a member
of tho Alpha Tau Omega fraternity.
Other students from Ontario are,
N. F. Zaller, freshman In electrical
engineering; Rosalie K. Daus, fresh
man In commerce; Earl Griffin,
sopbmore In commerce; Theodore
Hsuser.freshman In commerco; Mrs.
Johnson, home economics; Ceclle
Logan, Junior In commerce. lona
C. Luebrs, freshman in music, and
Helen Dunbar, freshman In com.
merce, aro both members of the
Wauna club.
Miss Helen Dunbar came home
from the O. A. C. to spend the
Christmas week with her parents.
Answers Summons for his Step
Father nud Is lk-nton by Strang
er lit Lonely lUincli Houso
on llctich.
Guy Plorco, ot Frultland, a broth
er ot Dwlght Piorco of this city was
tho victim ot mysterious aBsault lu
tho ranch houso ot his stop fdthor,
E. G. Chapman on tho Frultland
Bonch, Tuosday ovonlng of this
waok. Tho young man was knocked
unconscious by a blow with n pedos
lal which his assailant grabbed In
tho fight, tor young Plorco put up a
scrap In tho dark, and Is unable to
glvo any description of tho man who
hit him.
Thoro Is an air of mystery sur
rounding tho cowardly attack upon
tho young man, and ho apparontly Is
not tho man tor whom the thug was
looking. No cluo has boon found
to tho porpotrator of tho dcod and
tho Chapman family has no Idea ot
an onomy who would thus seek to
Injuro them.
According to tho Information so
curod by tho Argus, young Plorco
on his roturn Tuosday to tho Chap
man homo lu Frultland whoro tho
family Is staying whllo tho boys go
to school, found a nolo addressed to
Mr. Chapman tolling him to go to
tho ranch where something was
wrong. Since his paronts woro In
Ontario shopping tho boys docldod
to 'investigate Immediately, aud on
reaching tho ranch could find
nothing wroug. Ho then went to
tho homo of William Tharp, tho
noarcst neighbor for suppor.
Attor supper ho dotermlnod to
sloop at tho ranch and on reaching
tho houso could not find tho lamp,
So In tho dark ho usod tho tolophono
to call his mothor In Frultland. Ho
had Just socurod tho numbor and had
tho rocolvor down when ho was at
tacked by tho myatorlous stranger.
Who boy had n gun which Mr. Tharp
had glvon him whon ho loft tho
Tiarp placo, and as tho man chokod
him, tried to bring tho wonpon Into
play. Boforo ho could do so, tho
man struck him with tho podostal
and ho foil, but lu falling ho dis
charged tho weapon. Tho report was
heard by nolghbors over tho tolo
phono and aid rushod to tho scone.
Tho boy's assailant had fled bo
foro holp arrived and slnco nothing
was dlsturbod It Is thought revenge,
not robhory was tho causo ot tho
crlmo. Young Piorco did not rogatn
consciousness until early Wodnesday
morning, and was not able to glvo
a description ot bis assailant.
"lUlU" Act lit "Dig Brother 8plrlt''
And Collect Fund With Which
To Spread Christ
mas Cliec-i,
Th,oro will bo Christmas cheer and
happy hours in a number ot Ontario
homos that' otherwise would not
have been particularly happy on
Christmas day, because there are in
Ontario a number of "Bills" who
were willing and ready to contri
bute bills to a fund for Christmas
Led by W. F. Homan, O. M. Castle
man, and other "Bills", the membors
ot tho p. P. O, E. of Ontario secured
a fund which was added to the bal
ance ot that secured last year by tho
Oregon club and Knights ot Colum
bus charity ball and all was turned
over to Mrs. Henry Orlffln, Red
Cross nurso for her distribution.
The Ontario Elks, or "Bills" as
they aro popularly called are, doing
what Elks In ovory town do each
year as their contribution to aid In
making someone happy on Christmas
day, and they did their part goner-
4? The Argus, at this Christmas
time, wishes to extend to every
one ot its readers, Christmas
greetings. In every one of tho
growing number of homes Into
which the Argus goes, we trust
a full measure of Christmas
Jay and happiness will find ro-
Tho Argus has boon asked
by sovoral ot Its roadors wholh-
or or not Monday would ho ob-
sorved as a holiday by Ontario
businoss men. Slnco wo woro
t not nblo to make a canvass of
tho street today, wo can only
say that under tho Orogon Law
whon a legal holiday falls up
on a Sunday tho following
Monday Is doclarcd a legal lioll-
day, and. as such Is tho law It
probably bo obsorvod in On-
Witfthlngton HJn'o Town Pioxpcrlng
off Poultry Products Ontario
Might Do Ltkrulso
By W. H. Doollttlo, Secrotary
Ontario Commercial Club
Fivo years ago, Wlnlock, Washing
ton, was a llttio town ot some COO
pcoplo, mainly ongagod In working
In lumbor mills. Now it Is a town
ot some 1200 Inhabitants. Whon
tho mills shut down duo to poor mar
kots, tho pooplo turnod to poultry,
aud today It Is ono ot tho most thriv
ing towns In Washington and grow
ing steadily. Wlnlock s located In
a logged oft district with very llttio
agricultural land tributary to It, but
In splto of ttiat drawback thoy aro
building a city thero almost entirely
through their poultry production
and shipping tholr eggs through On
tario to Now York. MosUot those
eggs como from pcoplo oti small
tracts ot laud In town or Immodlatoly
adjoining tho town, mnny ot thorn
having only throo to ten lots. Tho
following artlclo will show what tho
town Is doing.
Cuntralla, Wash., Doc. 10, 1921
Egg shipments from Wlnlock Indl
cato that tho business which has
boon dovolopod thoro within rorout
years Is expanding nt a grcator paca
than Its promotors oxopctod whon
It was first started, During the ten
day period from Nov. 20 to Nov. 30,
tho Cowlitz Produce Co. shipped
throo full carloads of "extras" di
rect to New York. Thoro wero 1003
cases ot oggs lu tho shipment aud tho
total valuu was $30,322.40 or $18,
30 por caso. This means an avorago
price of 00 l-2o per dozen for thoso
eggs. In addition to this thoy also
shipped 300 cases ot pullot oggs to
Montana. Tho estlmatod wookly
payroll ot Wlnlock Is $22,200 por
week, or a total for tho year ot $1.-
164,000. This Is equal to a payroll
ot 900 men rocolvlng $100 por
month. lu addition to this $100,-
ooo worm ot poultry is also shipped
from Wlnlock.
Tho abovo statement ot what can
ho done In tho poultry businoss
should bo an Incontlvo to tho pooplo
living In nnd around Ontario to got
Into this businoss. Thoro Is no place
In tho West whoro food Is choapor
or whoro the cllmato Is moro ndaptod
to raising poultry. As a mattor ot
fact eggs could bo producod at Co
por dozen less hero than In Wostorn
Washington, duo to tho dlfforonco
In cost of foods. Now that tho Pa
cific Poultry Association has a
branch lu this section, wo can get
oqually us good a prlco aud probably
bettor than tho Coast, as freight
Is less to New York City. There are
hundrods ot mon raistng from 200 to
COO chickens on C to 10 lots In town,
so that only a small tract ot land la
nocossary, A chicken raiser's timo
Is too valuable to raise his own food
It ho will grow bis greon stuff and
dovoto his timo to keeping his flock
in good condition will find It worth
many tlmos tho cost ot the feed thoy
consumo. Recently a resldeut ot
Homedalo, Idaho, mado tho state
ment that he made moro money this
year from a flock ot chickens he was
keeping In town on loss than an
acre ot ground than any man would
get out of tho best 40 aero tract In
that vicinity.
Tuesday evening tho Ontario Girls
Club entertained with a delightful
Christmas party. Miss Mao Piatt
was tho hostess ot tho evening. Her
home was beautifully decorated, tho
color note being the greon and red
of tho holiday season. A Christmas
troe, shining with candles was tho
center ot attraction, while Mrs. Ivan
Oakes In tho guise ot Santa Clause,
distributed presents among tho girls.
The presents took the form of balls,
rattles, horns, harps, toy dogs, and
all things that make llttio folks
happy. A short program was then
staged, with the singing ot tho
Christmas carols. A huffot luncheon
was served late In the evening.
About forty girls were present to
help mako this unique party a
Noxt week being the holiday sea
son, no party will bo held, and the
noxt mooting place will be announc
ed thru the columns ot the Argus.
Lnrgo Croud Ncccssltntcn Holding
Afternoon Meeting lu Ontario
City Hall l'otiltrynicii
Gain Valuable In
Tho attendance was so good at
tho food mixing demonstration nt
the A. B. Cain poultry demonstration
farm last Weduesday, that plans hud
to bo changed for tho aftornoon
mooting. Instoad ot . holding tho
lecture on principles ot feodlnr for
ogg production In tho houso ut tho
farm, tho poultrymeu voted to go to
tho Ontario City Hall for thu moot-
lug. And it is woll that thoy did
for tho crowd was blggar lu tho
aftornoon and could not possibly
havo gotten Into tho houso. Sxlty per
sons attondod tho morning demon
stration nnd eighty wero prosont In
tho aftornoon.
Bosldos showing thoso In at
tondnnco how to prepare a dry mash
food which would savo a consider
nblo lu cost, from oqual parts of corn
moal, mlllrun, ground oats aud tints
moat, samples ot crackod corn and
wheal wero oxhtbltod for scratch,
food. Also samples ot oastorn oyster
shell and grit woro shown, and ex
hibits of various vegetables and
otbor foods sultnblo for green feed
wero shown. Tho building and equip
ment woro inspoctod and tho various
points ot Importanco polntod but by
specialist Cosby and Mr. Cain. A
vast numbor ot quostlous woro nskod
and it was wltbjsomo difficulty that
tho specialist was oxtractod from tho
scono In timo to got dinner boforo
Hi aftrnoon work to start.
Owing, to tho size ot tho crowd, It
was found nocossary to tako a vote
on the mooting placo for tho after
noon. Tho decision was In favor
of tho City Hall In Onturlo whore
Mr. Cosh bogan his lecture shortly
attor 1:30 with tho room woll filled,
Tho specialist bogan his locturo with
tho statomont that ho had not como
to tell tho poultrymon how they
must food' and caro for tholr poultry
as that was strictly tholr own busi
noss and would not materially affoct
anyono but thoiusolvos. Howevor,
ho said, It any suggestions might bo
loft which would bo ot value to thorn
thoy would bo wolcomo to make uso
of thorn. Ho also rpmarkad that It
would bo woll for thoso who con
template going Into tho poultry
businoss to remember that It Is a
business requiring a high degroo ot
Intelligence and caroful attontlon to
dotal), and is only prolltablo to thosa
who do ovory last thing nocossary
to mako It so. For thoso who con
duct tho business scientifically, poul
try koeplng offers both profllt and
a pleasant occupation.
In going Into tho subject of reed
ing for egg production, Cosby suld:
"Thero aro three things to keep In
mind. First, conditions must bo
right or no amount ot feeding will
got your hens to lay. Second, tho
kind ot feed you uso must ho right
or you will not got results. Third,
tho feed must bo glvon In tho right
way." "Romeraber," ho said "that
no hen ovor laid an ogg because sho
wanted to. She Is Just a mochanlcal
machine which lays oggs whon con
ditions are so sho can't help It."
"It Is up to the poultryman to mako
those conditions. If your lions aro
laying satisfactorily, don't change
conditions bocauso the hen shows
ovory timo a change Is mado by a
slump. In egg production." "But,"
ho said, "it yoU aro not getting oggs
It is because ot one of tho three
things I havo told you, or all ot
them. It Is timo to Investigate."
"Look to seo if tho conditions aro
right. Don't crowd your hens.
They should havo 2 or 3 feet of
floor spaco for each bird. Get your
high production from pullets for fall
and winter laying and havo them
hatched as near tho first of April as
possible. Look out fos roltes and
llco aud diseases. Uso provocations
sanitation, and keep the birds toned
up with a little epsom salts onco
In a while, properly admlnlsterod.
I suggest that you get a copy of the
farmers' bulletin ou mites and lice
(Continued on Page 8)