ONTARIO, OREOON, 'JHOKBDAT, ONTARIO, OBECION, THUHSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1921 DON'T DELAY SANTA CLAUS IS MESSAGE TO CHILDREN I'ofttimiNlcr fJoncrnl AnI.h Coopi'iii nlliin of I'ulillc In i:xH'lltliiK flip Delivery of Chrlit nm.s Mnll Children Jlnti Lvt- tor Ileml (o Thnn In 11 lottor to (ho chlldron ot tltu ptili llc schools which wns rend on Mon day of Inst weak by all tho tenchors I'ontmtiBtor Genornl Will II. Hays re quested tho chlldron to nBslBt Santa Onus In ninklng his Chrlostmns rounds by mailing tholr packages curly. Wo presume that tho mes srtKo was really Intondod for tholr parents, and Hint being bo, lioro In tlto lotter: Chrlstmns Is nltnoHt here. To tho boys and girls of tho Unit ed States. Your great Post Officii Depart ment has n big job nlitmil and neods your help. Think what It means to bo Santa Clnus to our 100,000,000 pooplo and to deliver Chrlstmns parcels to ovory family In this groat country within tho short spaco of n fow ilnyn nn'il without dlsnppolntmcnt. It enn bo dono, and wo uro going to do It If wo may lmvo your help I want to onllst'tho ncttvu nBslstance ot overy boy and girl In tho schools ot our country In KOttlnc parcols mailed this wook to rollovo tho rush that comes directly boforo Chrlstmns. Will you go homo todny and take this mcBsago to your parents and friends? "Our postmnstor has asked us to malt our Christmas parcols this wook, for, unless wo do Undo Snm's load may bo so heavy tho Inst fow days boforo Chrlstmns that ho wont bo nblu to deliver nil tho prosontn by Christmas ova." Tho parcols must bo woll wrnppod and Mod and addressed plainly In order that thoy may arrlvo In good condition with tholr Chrlslmusy tip- penrnnco unspoiled. You can put on your packages, "Do not opon until Chrlstmns." And, thoro must bo a number on your houso and n mall receptacle, too, for, If thoro Isn't Banln Claus's mossougor, your lettor cnrrlcr, mny not bo nblo to find tho houso whoro tho presents belong. Thoro nro somo other tilings In which you can nil assist In Improv ing tho mall sorvlco and In saving our great government millions of dollars n year that Is now wasted be cause of our carolcssncss yours and mine. Every day thnt you drop n lottor In tho mnll box 40,000,000 othor lottors nro already pushing nnd jamming through tho postnl innchln ory. Ono lottor a day for each fam ily ot flvo porsons In tho United States Is given to Undo Sam to de liver. When you sond a parcel to tho post office for mailing any day thcro aro about 8,000,000 other parcels nhend of yours pnsslng through the postnl hopper. This Is In ordlnnry days; at Christmas tlmo It Is multi plied many times. Ono family In about ovory ton puts n Imdly nddrcssod letter In tho mnll ovory day. This mixes up ovor 2,000,000 hnlf-nddrcssed lottors with tho 40,000,000 fully nddrcBsed letters. That means that tho fully addressed letters must wait on tho slow-moving poorly addressed letters Justllko tho Inrger boys nnd girls nro delayed by a bunch of "bad kids" tagging nlong. ,. You boys nnd girls can help tho Postnl Sorvlco and save your father somo money, bocauso ho has to help pny tho cost of searching nddrcsses on letters nnd parcols sent out by this ono cnrolesB nnd thoughtless family In ovory ten. First find out If your family Is tho cnrelcss ono, then benr In mind thnt your lottors must bo handled by skilled mall distributors stnndlng In post offices and swnylng postnl enrs of mllo-n-mtnuto mnll trains often undor poor light. Tho address on ovory lottor, enrd, or packngo mu,st bo correct, com plete nnd legible, Including tho houso numbor nnd nnmo of streot, nnd tho "From" address should bo In tho uppor left-hand cornor so that the mall will bo rot u mod to you In caso It Is not dollvorcd. Do not nhbrovlnto nnmos of States bocauso so mnny look nllko when so nbbrov Intod. Tut tho proper amount of postngo dii your loiters nnd wrap tho parcels carefully. Avoid fancy writing, which nut bos post office dorks nnd lottor cnrrlorB to stop nnd study, nnd thus lose tlmo. Mnko tho address plnln and easily read, nnd nlwnys uso pen nnd Ink or typewriter and light-colored envelopes so as to snvo tho eyes ot tho post offlco clerks . Do not uso onvolopcs of tin usual slio. Tho llttlo ones thnt nro so frequently used for enrds nnd notes at Chrlstmns or other holiday times cnuso nn untold amount of trouble nnd labor, as thoy will not fit our canceling mnchlnos nnd must NOTICE TO CAR OWNERS Come in and let us show you our line of Gates Super Tread Tires SPECIAL! 30x3 1-2 GREY TUBES $1.50 Willard all rubber Batteries for Ford Cars for Less MWMMMWWWMOMMWMAIM SERVICE TIRE & BATTERY CO. At our new locution 3 doors north of Carter Houso m r r - IHHBuhiLLLLLLh It is no sacrifico to snvo when you got a true vision of what it menus for tho future. t After the stnrting of your account ,tho rest will ho ensy. You nro charged with tho responsibility of your fu turo support nnd that of your family. Why not provide it todny in nn nccount started horo? theroforo bo cancollod by hand. lie causo of their size and tondoncy - to slip out ot n package these small envelopes nro nioro Ilkoly to bo over looked or lost. Mali you lottors and packages early In tho day hecauso this avoids overloading nnd dolnylng mail nt tho end. of tho day. Your local postmaster nnd your tonchors will tell you nioro nbout tho Postnl Service. Do thoso things, and you will win tho grateful appreciation ot tho pooplo In your post offlco and es pecially of your Postmaster General. WILL II., HAYS. P. 8. Don't forget to mail that Christmas packago this wcok. MISCELLANEOUS. During tho porlod of this report approximately TOO porsons called at tho offlco on business; 00 porsonal lottors wore written and thirteen circular lottors of 1762 coplos; 9 demonstration meetings and extension bcIiooIb woro held with n total attendance of 1C1 nnd four other meotlngs at tended with an attondanco of 222. Ono domonstrntlon was- visited; 3 nowBpapor articles written and 0 articles prepared for tho Farm Bur eau Nowsj nbout 11 days woro spent In tho field 2 ot which woro at tho Iutornntlonnl Stock and Land Pro ducts show nnd 12 dnys In tho offlco. WINTIIK LUIHUOATION I'OIl AUTOMOIULKH "Is your cnglno hard to crank theso cold mornings? "Docs Jtho solf-Btortor turn It ovor very slowly and oxhnust your storngo bnttory? "If you hnvo noticed theso condi tions In your cnglno, It Is likely thnt you nro not using tho correct oil tor wlntor lubrication, says O. II. Test, Bpcclal agent of tho Standard oil Co., horo. "In cold wcathor It Is of particu lar Importance that tho oil flows readily, otherwise It will not, lubri cate properly. "As oil becomes cold, It thickens, and ovontunlly congeals, Tho low est tomperature at which tho oil wilt flow Is cnllcd Its "Cold Tost." i "If your englno hns boon standing long enough tho temporaturo ot tho oil In tho onglno will approximate that of tho surrounding-air. It this tompornturo Is bolow tho. cold test of tho oil, tho oil will bo ontlroly congealed. If tho tompornturo Is not much, nbovo tho cold test of tho oil. tho oil will bo so heavy and slug gish that It will hardly flow. The connecting rod nnd crankshaft benr film ot wholly .or partially congealed flm or wholly or pnrtlnlly congenlod oil requiring nn oxtrn strain on your Btorngo battery In operating tho self startor. It Is nblo to crnnk tho en glno only nt n much lowor spcod than usual, and ns n result, your onglno does not stnrt rondlly. "After tho onglno hns boon start od, It Is unnocossnry to run It for somo tlmo boforo tho oil In tho lower ernnkenso hns been sufficiently wnrmod to pormlt It to flow frooly, During this tlmo tho oil pump can not proporly clrculato tho oil, and an Insufficient amount Is thrown upon tho cyllndor wnlls by tho nctlon of tho connecting rods. Until tho oil Is warm enough to flow frooly, tho onglno Is running with Insufficient lubrication. This may causo burned out bearings und scorod cylinders, and will certnlnly result In oxcosslvo wonr and very uotlceablo falling off ot power and responsiveness of the onglno. "To avoid this nnnoyanccs of cold woathor troubles; oxcosslvo wofer on boarings, cylinders and pistons, you should uso an oil having a good cold tost, ono that flows frocly nt low tompornturos. "Zorolono No. 1, No. 3 und No. C nro low cold tost oils, Thoy romnln fluid nnd food proporly ovon whon tho tompornturo Is bolow froozlng. "Tho recommendations for winter lubrication (dally nvorago tompor nturo bolow 46 degroos Fahronholt) nH shown In tho Zorolono Correct Lubrication Chart Indlrato tho par tlculnr grndo of Zorolono to bo used In onch automobllo undor oxtromo cold woathor conditions, If thoso rocommondntlons nro followod cor rect cold woathor lubrication will bo nssurod." MONTHLY REPORT OP TIIK COUNTY AGIUCUIrUltAL AGENT For tho porlod Nov. 7 to Dec. 3 1021 Tho work covorod by this report wns mostly tho dairy Improvement and horticultural projects of tho farm bureau and In connection with getting exhibits together, Tho agon t's. report to tho Extension Sor vlco was propared. DAIRY IMPROVEMENT. Work In this department consisted ot tak ing a survoy to determine tho ap proximate demand for dairy cattle In tho county nnd to find out what need oxlsts for financial assistance In tho purolmao of such stock and tho prohable'support that would, bo accordded It an effort woro nintlo to organUo a company that would tako ndvantngo ot War Finance Corpor ation funds. Sovoral days tlmo wns spent In Investigational nnd organ ization work on this latter proposi tion, In cooperation with representa tives from farm bureaus, commer cial clubs and county agents In tho Snako Illvor oorritory. At the tlmo ot writing this report It nppoars that a farmors livestock 'loan company will bo formod to Import and dis tribute dairy cattlo and to finance dairymen, to servo six counties In Idaho and Mainour county, Oregon. Tho work ot raising $26,000 paid up capital to begin operations Is yqt to be dono. Ot this Malheur county's portion Is supposed to bo $4000. Ap plications have been filed with tho agent for approximately 400 head of dairy stock. HOTICULTURE. Four pruning schools and flvo pruning demonstra tions were hold during tho month with extension specialist Long as leader, Tho attendance at these meetings was good and tho work ap parently much appreciated by the orchardlstB. This project required flvo days tlmo In the field beside that (or making preparations. The farm bureau committeo onthortlcul- turo assisted materially In the local nrraugomouts. OTHER PROJECT WORK. A minor amount ot work was done along pest control, marketing and crop Improvement Hues. Three days wero devoted to securing and shipping exhibits for the State corn nndLand Products show at Port laud, with good results. Twelve ribbons wero won on corn and two on other products, tho exhibitors re ceiving $217.50 In prizes. Approxi mately one week was taken up In making the agent's annual report to tho xeteuslon service. PAID LOCAL ADS Houso or appartments to ront Call 107-J or soo Mrs. A. Jaqutsh. 1-2. FOR SALE llrlck houso, sovon rooms, throo lotB, garago, on main streot. W. F. Escuo. FOR RENT Throo or four room modorn appnrtmont, with garago. Phono 173-M. tf. FOR SALE Automobllo, Nash Four, now. W. F. Escuo. FOR SALE Standard make vac uum swocpor with all attachment, $16.00. A No. 1 condition. On tario Electric Co. FOR RENT Thrco housekeeping rooms with bath and garago also 1 furnished bodroom. Phono 173-M FOR SALE! n now flvo passougor Chlvrolet touring car. Lnto modol. Factory prlco. Box 63 Vale, Oro. 2t. E8TRAY8 Four hond cattlo, two with bollwaddlo brand. Owner mny hnvo nnmo by paying for feed nnd ndvortlslng. F. I). McCarthy, 64 miles South wost'ot Ontario. LOST, STRAYED OR 8TOLEN; a Llowollyn Sotter, from Ontario, No vember 26. Will appreciate infor mation concerning him. Notify L. D, Cockrum. AN OAKLAND TOURINO CAR In oxcollent condition. lino Just boon thoroly ovorhnulod. Will trado for dairy cows, or will sell for cash. A bargain. Phono 107-J or call on Mrs. A Jnquleh. 1-2 WANTED School girl to holp with housework boforo nnd nftor school, for room and board. Phono 63W. FOR SALE Dill plcklos, Call 60-W. Ontnrlo. tt STAGE SET EOR CHRISTMAS In addition to tho usual line ot toys, we havo this year many kinds ot foreign mnko such as could not bo had during tho war, nnd prlcos aro comparatively low. DOLLS, MECHANICAL TOYS, CHILDREN8' DINNER BETS, COOKING SETS, BEWINO BETS, GAMES WAG ONS, SLEDS, VELOCRIPEDES, WHEELBORROWB and HUNDREDS OF PLAY THINGS FOR THE CHILDREN. DECORATED CHINA WARE, PLAIN AND LIGHT OUT GLABBWARB. ALUMINUM AND OLABB OVENWARE, all) asoful and suited as presents. Wo have a largo lino of Christmas decorations Holly boxes, paper, etc. Ml The Variety Store ONTARIO, OREQON To Ford Owners This is the time of the year to have your enr put in running order, for the bnd ronds that are coming We aro making Bpecinl prices on MOTOR OVERHAULS during the winter months, in fact wo aro reducing all labor charges in order to keep our mechanics busy during the quiet season. Our shop is tho most completely equipped Ford shop in Malheur County, and wo can for a very nominal sum mako the old car run like now. Thcro has also been a big reduction in Ford parts. "Wo solicit your business and guarantee satisfaction. FORD GARAGE Ford V. B. STAPLES Fordson DIRECTORY OF ONTARIO'S BUSINESS FIRMS These Men and Firms will servo your very needs promptly. Call upon or write to any of those who aro listed below when in-need of anything in their respective lines. They are reliable: UANKH FinBT NATIONAL DANK Capital, and Surplus $100,000 "A Qood Dank In A Qood Country" ONTARIO NATIONAL DANK Tho Oldest Dank In Malheur County "Sorvlco that Serves" Capital and Surplus $100,000. DRUGS AND SUNDRIES ONTARIO PHARMACY O, M. Castleman, Prop. Prescription Specialist Victor Phonographs Rexall Remedies Eastman' Kodaks Morcland Dairy rfeon. 203 M THE SUGAR BOWL We Mako Our Own Ice Cream HOTELS HOTEL WILSON Tho "Homey" Hotel ot Malheur County. Good Meals 40c OITOMISTUIST7 DR. J. A. MO FALL Eyesight Specialist Eyeglasses and Spectacle Distinction In Clothing And Millinery la the Mark ot Those Who Patronli THE STYLE SHOP M. W. KELLOO Specialist for Rheumatism 1 our whore others fall. P. O. 13ox 669 Ontario, Ore ELECTRIC 8UPPUEH ONTARIO ELECTRIC CO. Electrical Appliances and Wiring OLHANHRS We wlU Clean and Dy for You t tn ONTARIO PRE8SARY IIAIIDWARD MONULTY HARDWARE CO. Satisfaction Guaranteed TAGQARf HARDWARB CO. Malheur County's Largest Hardware Stor TROXELL IMPLEMENT CO. Farm Operating Equipment McCormlck, Deerlng and P. ft O. H. R, UDICK Plumbing and HeatUg Domwtlo Water Systems MORRIS MILLINERY ft NOVELTY SHOP Palmiyre WatiU Women's Suits And Sport Clothe OSDORN MILLINERY Nell O. Bedford, Prop. The Only Exclusive Millinery Store This Side ot Salt Lake OARAGES AND AUTO HUl'PLIICS "-cmTSCEMTS- THB CASH OROCERY "Qood Things to fiat" THE INDEPENDENT MARKET " Phones 6 and 136 If IU Oood To Eat We Havo It If It's Farm Produce We Buy It ONTARIO MEAT ft OROCERY CO. The Home ot Oood EU and Low Prices Phones 3 and 181 DEPARTMENT 8T0Ilsf Every Day a. Bargain Day MRS BLANCHE O. ANDERSON Uenistltealng lOo per yard Phone 42-W P. O. Dox 61 "BXKSRTIS" PURITY BAKERY Braeat Bareus, Prop. All Kinds of Bread. Cake and Pastry jTOTiujnr VARIBTY STORE More than a thousand Artltles for the home Dependable Merchandise "Not the Cheapest, But the Best" RADER BROS. TUB HUB One of 40 Store Will Save You Real Montr B. A. FKAflBR Hardware and Qroearie SEWWEBBSr BLACKABY JBWHLRY BTORB Home of "Gifts that Last" ""HmNrfum- ONTARIO TRADING CO. Successor MO DOWBLL FURNITURE CO. A. L. McDowell, Mgr. ft Free. J D. Ingram, See'y. ft Trea. B. PARRISH New and Seeoad Hand Fnrnttar Aaron from Boyar Broa. Stor BYRON TURNER Signs XV, U HAZELTINK Watchmaker, Jewelry All Work Guaranteed ONTARIO REAL B6TATB CO. Farm Land Otty Property IniwaBca A Keat&l MAOiHJIfiftr V. W. MABSDBN Cieaeral Reptr ad Msfthte Week i