THE ONTARIO ARGUS, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, jDECEMBER 1, 1921 ili "m iirwiMii mhmf ji HT.MVnlTl.l VfijVl I till ,BJn Let Your Photograph ) Pay your Friends a Visit Make the nppointment TODAY big reduction for month only this fRUITLAND BENciTJ" Post cards regular price $ 3.00-$ 2.00 Portraits, 3x4, 7.00- 5.00 Sepia, 3x4 8.00- G'.OO Portraits, regular . . . 9.00- 7.00 Portraits, 4x6 12.00- 9.00 " 4x6 15.00-12.00 " 5x8 20.00-2.7.00 " double 8x10 . . 21.00-18.00 Family group 36.00- 24.00 All couponH from ScliRinan Studio will be accepted without discount. Hrinj? thin ad with you, it in worth $1.00 in trade. Seligman Studio Phono mW Ontario, Oregon NOTICE TO CAR OWNERS Come in and let us show you our line of Gates Super Tread . Tires SPECIAL! 30x3 1-2 GREY' TUBES $1.50 Willard all rubber Batteries for Ford Cars for Less 10000000000 SERVICE TIRE & BATTERY CO. At our new locntion 3 doors north of Carter House Tom Mix in "The Untamed" WIXLIAM FOX PRODUOTIOM Majestic Saturday Only BLASER CONCRETE CO. ALL KINDS OF CEMENT WORK ONTARIO, OREGON Mm. Fnlry Spnlnhowor and tho liouso guestH tho Misses Young nml Wolf nntl Mrs. Torrlll Taylor lind as thotr gucBtn to n Thanksgiving din ner, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Shmld and daughter, llnrbnrn, and Mrs. Young of Parma. Tho guests stnld over until nftor tho show In tho evening. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Illrdsall had as thulr ThankBglvIng guests, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N. Hill nnd family, of Now Plymouth, Mr. nnd Mrs. It. 13. John son nnd It. E., Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hollenbeck nnd Itahert nnd Miss Edna Illomstrom of l'nyotto. Mr. nnd Mrs. J, E. Smith enter talnod Mr. nnd Mrs, J, Logan on Thanksgiving day. Mr. nnd Mrs. I. D. Boson and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stowart and chil dren wero In l'nyotto Thanksgiving day at tho O. F. llosson homo. Mr. nnd Mrs, Oscar Knllman of l'nrmn, and Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Wolls woro also their guests. At tho J. It. Whltsell homo, Mr. and Mrs, ltoy Whltsell lind as tholr din ner guests, Mr. n'nd Mrs. Will Whlt sell and son, Hownrd, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chns. Whltsell and son, Carl, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. James Locko, nil of Kmmott. Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Gnrdncr enter tained Mr. and Mrs. II. II Doomor and family and Mr. and Mrs. It. O. Wilson of l'nyotto, at n Thanksgiving dinner, A very tinlnuo nnd delightful re liant onrly at sunrlso Thanksgiving morn wns hold at tho M. 10. bunga low when tho Junior Endonvor hnd n wafflu breakfast for tholr members and friends. At 7:30 members of tho church gathered for n prnlso nor vlco of song nnd Thnnksglvlng to Clod. It was a splendid meeting and noxt year's plans aro already mado for n community scrvlco, Frultland had n largo representa tion Inst Thursday and Friday of this weok at tho Ilrothorn Stnto Sun day school Convontlon nnd Chris tian Workorn Convention at Nnmpo. Among thoso from Frultland nttond Ing worn tho following! Mr, nnd Mrs. N. F, Carman nnd Mahol, Jnno Bhnmborgor, Hov. nnd Mrs. Ilornchol Shank, John Bchwlndon, Mrs, Per kins, Messrs. nnd Mesdnmos T. J. Ileckwlth, A. II. Mohler, C. II. Sar gent, A. I.. Corhan , A I). Eldrodgo, II Kaufman, Ituby Knuffman, John Mntxgor nnd Mngglo Eldrodgo. This Frtdny ovonlng tho Junior Eiidcovororii will hold a party at tho Harry T Lowls homo. Taffy null games and other good things thnt go with good times will bo Indulged In. Hupt, mid Mrs. Chas. Miller nnd children mid Mr. nnd Mrs, N. 13. Iluugor aro In Ilolso this weok at tainting Tonchors' Instltuto. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoy Whltsell nnd J. II. Whltsell mid Mrs . Fairy Spain howor spout Friday In Ilolso, Mr, and Mrs. C. P. Lnttlg of Pay otto, entortnlnod tho following from Frultland on Thanksgiving day: Mossrs. and McHdnmos II. M. Lowls, N. W. Lowls, II. C. Illnkesloy and family, II. T. Iowls nnd family, L. Z. Taylor and llttln boy, nml E. W. Illnkesloy and It. II. Woods and' fam ily. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Englo had as tholr guests Prof, and Mrs. C. C. Wlso, I.oo Culver and Edward Por ter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis had as tholr Thanksgiving guests, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. A. Stotlor. nnd Holon and Miss Hupp, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. K. Wil son, Mr. nnd Mrs, II. W Thomas and daughter and Miss Thomas, nil of thorn from tho snino community out from Chicago, and a most happy day was spont. Thnnksglvlng day Hov. and Mrs. J. D. Donl, Marjorla and Clifford Shank. Hnrold Lnnfcnr and Edgar Slmmborger of Ilnltlmoro, motored In Wolsor to nttend the sorvlcoa and enjoy n picnic dlnnor, Mr. and Mrs. 10. W. Madson had as tholr Thanksgiving guests Mr. nnd Mrs, Harry Powell and daughters, E. L. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Huff of l'nyotto. Saturday nftornoon of this weok, Mr and Mrs. Chas, Stewart will en tertain nt dlnnor. Mr. andMrs. P. I), llosson nnd children, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. llosson and Wlnnlfrod, of Pay otto. Mr nnd Mrs. J. It. Wells of Now Plymouth, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kallman of Parma. James Itauert, who has boon visit ing for sovoral wooks with his son, William and family, left early this morning for his homo nt Urand la in ml, Nebraska. Hov and Mrs. Cleo. Todd and fam ily wero Sunday dlnnor guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mnktnson. Miss Elizabeth (lllition, who has boon visiting for sovoral weeks with Miss Mnrguorlto Walto, has gono to Long llonch. Calif, for tho winter. Mr and Mrs. H. S, Kutch loft last Thursday for Portland, to visit with tholr daughter, Mrs. Pnthoal and family From thoro they expect to go to Long Poach, Calif, for an ex tended visit with Mr. and Mrs, Peck ford Kutch, a brothor. They woro accompanied to Portland by their son, Hobort, who will enter High school. Mr. and Mrs. D, L. Ingard went to Midway to spend Thanksgiving with i Mr. Ingard's daughter, Mrs, Nellson j and family. Ingard and Robert Nellson retrned with them to spend , tho weok end here. Twenty inon of the Notus Baptist church, representing a chorus so ciety, came to Frultland Sunday to assist In the rooming servlco at the Rrotheren church hore. Dinner wns served them In tho basement of the church by tho nretheren ladles. Iter. Shank has been at Notus for tho past woek assisting In the evnngellcal meetings thoro. Miss Mamie Bayer came down from Bolso to spend Thanksgiving with her parents. She was accom panied from DoUo by Mr. nnd Mrs. L. E. Albert. Miss Elsie Dayor was also a guest at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Coon spent Thanksgiving day at the Graham Park home near Ontario. Mr. and Mrs, C Lackey and daugh ter woro guests at the A. II, McCon nell home on Thanksgiving, Clarenco Miller left Monday morning for Gordon Vnlloy, being assurod by his brothor, a rnngcr, that door woro grating In tho door yard. Harry McConnoll and Otto Mlllor roturned Sunday from Lake Harney and tho Bend after a hunting trip. Miss Alma Ilelns spent a short tlmo nt homo laBt weok. coming ud from Gooding to hnvo her oyos test ed. Misses Daphno, Gladys and Doth Mc Keown, M. W. Hnzoltlno nnd Miss Laura Hnzoltlno wont to Dolso Friday. Tho two formor to nttond Tonchors' convontlon. Misses Mc Keown and Hazcltlno entered tho Idaho Commorclal collcgo. Thirty of tho Baptist young pooplo wont to Now Plymouth Frldny to as sist In tho rovlval meeting being con- uuctcu more. J. II. Whltsoll Is having a comont foundation nut undor his residence. and making othor Improvements. Liza Thomas and Henry Illom strom loft Tuesday via nuto for southern California. Tho Paront-Tcnchors Association moots this Friday afternoon. An Interesting program Is assurod. Tho parents should mnko It n point to nt tond. Tho Queen Esthor Clrclo hold their Novombor mooting Tuosdny with Mrs. Wm. Hollcnbock. Tho young Indies aro planning for tholr bnzaar Dec. 10. Tho members woro sorvod sandwlchos, enke, pineapple whip nnd cocoa. Last Thursday ovonlng Mrs. M. M. Hurst Invited tho mombors of tho Mutual Bonoflt club to help .Mr. Hurst eclebrnto his birthday anniver sary. Thoy camo unnwaros to Mr Hurst and certainly surprlsod him, Hook wns onjoyed after which, tho Hostess sorvod ico cream and cako. Tint THvnraliln nnnitiiiinliw r'l,l. mot this Wednesday nftornoon with ' Mrs, N. A. Peacock. Thoro woro good cats, ncodlowork and pleasant hours togothor. Mrs. W. A. Carmlchcal has n class for six wooks In gonornl dressmak ing, tho mombors numborlng ten. Mrs. W. II. Vostnl who loft early In tho weok for Seattlo was maroon ed at Pendleton becauso of tho snow slide, Tho Francos Willard W. C, T. U. sout flowors and gavo a post card uhowor for Mrs. J, A. Pates who re cently undorwent such n serious oporatlon at St. Luke's Hospital In Ilolso. Mrs. Charlos Hlch has boon 111 this woek bocauso of tho pulling of two loom which proved vary difficult. ARCADIA ITEMS Whnt might hnvo boon a sorloiiH accident happened Thursday nftor noon, when Miss Tcddlo Dullard, who was driving John Vnudorpool's car, put hor foot on rovcrso nnd bnckod off In tho Emorsou wnsto way. Tho car turned over, hut none of tho llvo occupants wero hurt. John Vanderpool and small son Ken neth, Miss Florence Dullard and Mlko Joyco woro tho othoriccupants of tho car. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wolfo nnnounco tho arrival of a 94 pound baby boy nt tholr homo on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Billiard had ns tholr guests for Thanksgiving dinner Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Soloon of Vnlo. Mr. Wolfo nnd Mr. Qulnloy ship ped 40 drossod turkeys t,o Seattlo Inst week for Thanksgiving market and rocolved $233.82 for them. Tho prlco paid was 42c por pound for first grado. Ono two year old turkoy Thoro will bo n plo suppor at tho school liouso Frldny night. The funds will bo used for tho last pay ment on tho piano. Tho Methodist tnlnlstor of Nysnn filled nu appointment lioro Bumlny nftornoon. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Clnggot woro nut from Ontnrlo Thursday nftor noon, to look nftor business matters, Mrs. J. T. Long nnd Mrs, Clydo Long woro visitors nt Mrs, Ed, Wolfo Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Dullard, who has been qtilto 111 Is now getting nlong nicely. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Sundny School, 10:00 n. m. Preaching, 11:00 u. in. Subject, "Can 1 Know That I nm Savod7" Christian Endeavor, 0:30 p. m. Preaching, 7:30 p. m. Subject, "Youth nnd Ago." WIIIIQ HC'llOOl IIIIUSO Sunday School, 2:30 p. m. (Proachlng, 3:30 p. m. Say: wo hnvo n flno endeavor. "Como nnd boo." Wo will expect you noxt Sundny. D. J. GILLANDEHS, Pastor IRONSIDE NEWS Weather much warmer tho past weak. Halnlng In tho vnlloy. snow on tho distant hills. Tho shooting match at Ironstdo Wednesday furnished tho commun ity with n flno big turkoy for Thnnksglvlng dinner. Mr. nnd Mrs. Earnost Locoy and son, Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Halolgh Van Duron , Arthur Van Duron nnd mother wero dlnnor guosU at tho Arthur Nlrklos homo Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Molhau and llttlo son, Mr. and Mrs. Hosco Welch and daughter, nnd'Mr. and Mrs. J. P, Smith woro guests at tho Fred Lawronco homo on Thanks giving day, Mr. aud Mrs. Louis Hlco spont Thanksgiving, day with Mr. and Mrs. O. It. Dickson. Harold Dlmlck of Drogan, came up Tuesday to epond Thanksgiving with Mrs. Hay Wlso, his mother, and llttlo slstor and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elms loft Monday for Olds Ferry whoro Mr. Elms aud Mr. Washington have a contract for grading on tho highway, Bon Hutherfod took his horses through for him. , Charles Soaten returned homo from Vale Wednesday. Mllllus Jody, Elinor Lawronco and G. A. Turoman returned from tho mountains wliero they bad been for a boar hunt Thursday. A snow storm in tho mountains drove them In. Tho Sympson family moved In tho 8. M. Molthan home Tuesday from Clover Creek, for tho winter. Hosco Welch mado a business trip to Malheur Hlver returning Wednes day. Miss Vova Lawronco went out to Baker the Irat of tho weok. D. M. Rlpplo and family havo moved In from Unity on the 8, A. Loftens ranch thoy havo rontod. Miss Hazel Lawronco returned homo to' Prarle City aftor spending tho fall hero with yuiatlvos. Miss Iawrenco stoppod over at Malheur City on her way to tho dnnce at Malheur City hor suit case with all her clothing was taken from tho car during tho night. Mrs. II. C. Elms and daughter, Mrs. G. F. White returned home from Qrand View, Idaho whore they vlsltod Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hlnton. Alva Lawrence has roturned homo from John Day and Burns where ho has been the past month.. Fred Reed attended tho shooting match here from Bonlta. Elms Bros, have Just completed tholr fall threshing at Unity, Iron side, Mainour, Bridgeport and Her ford, having threshed 78 days. Simon Suradlus of Bonlta was an Ironside visitor Friday, Robort and Alford Carpenter camo in torn Vale Friday for lumber. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lawronco and O. A, Tureman left for Ontario Thursday. E. J. Beam purchased 6 head of Jorsoy milch cows from Rutherford Brothers and 4 hoad from Fred El liott at Camp creek. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Rose, Alva Jody and Mllllus Lawrence, Arthur and Ralph Beam, Miss Hazel Lawrence aud Orval Nlcholes attended the dance at Malheur Wednesday ulght. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lawrence aro remodeling and papering their house Fred) and Walter Lawronco re turned trom Flag where they have been rldlug. EvP WiM l.jML r ijHD. ' tt?, ,4v Hk m m y IBronzeBelli 1 Xr H II)' Loul JoM'pli Vniitfl Ev I H Hohelllonl And hordes of India PH m a H rising to crush tholr masters. ,H V JfXL iHI Yot lioro. defiant, in tho mvatlciM '.'.i'S I Oil HTompIo ot tho Hrouzn Bell L.nj I KrfW H young Amorlcan, a boautlful glrlHB W)1 wD .H and lovo. 8oo tho rest In a picture K tSi 50 JHoI n thousand thrills! Blu g H Wjm rfto wui i)ouis mav' hHv I Majestic Sunday & Monday Surprise the family Xmas Morning with a . VICTROL A 0VICTROLAS VICTOR RECORDS KODAKS POST CARD ALBUMS PIANOS OAMES BOOKS XMAS. STATIONERY XMAS, CARDS AND SEALS XMAS. TREE DECORATIONS DOLLS PYRALIN IVORY MANICURE SETS LEATHER GOODS TOILET SETS CELLULOID NOVELTIES TOYS PERFUME SETS FANCY SAFETY RAZOR SETS BOXES OF CIGAnS . t FOUNTAIN PENS , ' EVERSHARP PENCILS . FANCY TIPES TRAVELINO OA8ES ' POKER SETS POCKET BOOKS CARD CASES Other Christmas Articles and Gifts '"too numerous to. mention. ONTARIO PHARMACY Proscriptions our Specialty REXALL EASTMAN VICTOR I X rW fi