The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 17, 1921, Image 8

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Miss Joanotto A. IComp, dnufilitor
of Mr. and Mrs. Louts Kamp of
Spokano bocnmo tho brltlo at Waltor
A. Davidson ot Ontario, Ofcgon Inst
Thursday ovonlng, at nlno o'clock,
at tho homo ot Mr. Davidson's
paronts ot W. 1121 Knox Ave.
Spoknno. Tho coromony was per
formed by tho Itor. II. D. Elsworthy
nnd was witnessed by Immadlate
friends of tho young couplo.
Tho homo was simply docorntod
with Autumn flowors for tho oc
caslon and tho service was road bo
foro an Improvised altor ot rosos.
Following tho coromony a wedding
sapper was sorvod. Tho brldo and
groom arrived in Ontario Sunday
and havo taken nppartmonts at tho
Mooro for tho present. Mr. David
son Is now tho manngor of tho
Sugar Dow).
violin solos and duets. Tho follow
ing pupils rondercd selectiens: WIN
Ham Potorson, Lewis Cox, Donald
Wood, Mary McCosh,' Fern Wolls,
Waltor Wood, JosbIo McCrelght, Al
bert Zlmmorman, Mabla Carman,
Barbara Castleman, Eleanor Wood,
Maud Lyle, Clara I. Wood, Donald
Qlllandors, Helen Moss, Erin a Klmo,
Marjorlo Peterson, Dolford Bishop,
Zolda McIIaloy, Mrs. E. C. Van Pet
tun and Iloso Krocssln. Tho con
cluding numbor was a violin quar
totto composed of Mrs. Cox, Miss
Rollins,, Mrs. Qramso and Mrs. Van
Potten. All prcHunt expressed thorn
selves as woll pleasod with tho pro
gram, nnd hopo that furthor recitals
will bo given In tho near tuturo.
Pupl's Plcato Xu Itocluil
Tho first public recital of the
pupils ot Mrs. Stella Mason Cox was
held at tho Masonic Hall Inst Sat
urday evening. A largo and appro
latlvo audlenco was present. Tho
program was mado up of piano and
Rcbeknln Surprlio Old I'elloijn
Friday ovonlng at tho rogular
mooting of tho Independent Ordor
ot Odd Fellows, tho dogroo work
was exemplified to a number of
Payctto and Kyssa visitors. Aftor
tho business session tho Ilebokahs,
who had quietly slipped In and sot
a banquot Invited tho surprised
Odd Fellows to dlno with thorn.
A birthday dinner party in honor
ot A. It. Cockrum gathered nt his
homo Monday ovonlng. Following
tho dinner tlvo hundred was played.
Honoring Mrs. S. W. Foster of
Easier to operate than the
Hot Water Bottle
Connects with light socket
Easy to Regulate
See demonstration at
Dovlls Lake, "NdrthDakotaT "MrsT
A. L. Cockrum and Mrs. Leo U.
Cockrum entertained at Auction last
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. E. A. Fraticr was tho hostess
tor tho Tuesday Bridge club this
Tho Wednesday Urldgo mot this
weok at tho homo of Mrs. J. It.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Drooko entcr
talnod tho Carnation club at Its
wookly gathering Tuesday evening.
Thursday wob tho annual guest
day of the Woman's club at tho homo
of Mrs. E. C. Van Potten.
Tho Fortnightly club met last
Saturday ovonlng at tho home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Eralson.
Arrangoments havo boon com
pleted for the Charity Hall which Is
to bo given Friday ovonlng undor
tho auspices ot Armour Lodge 1C. of
P. An oxcollcnt program has boon
arranged for tho occasion and ovory
Indication Is that tho ovont will bo
one of tho largest of tho season.
In tho Interests of vocal music a
numbor ot Interested porsons havo
called a meeting for Friday avcnlng
to consldor plans for bringing Mrs.
Harrison, of Bolso to Ontario each
weok to glva vocal lessons. Alroady
almost a sufficient number has
boon socured to guarantee tho
courso, und alt othors Interested aro
Invited to attend. Tho meeting will
bo hold at tho High School.
Charles Ilbyston who' has boon" so
111 with pneumonia Is slowly recov
ering. Iter. J. C. Nehr, pastor ot the
Nam pa Urethron Church, occupied
tho pulpit of tho Brethren Church
In Frultland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. KtnBoy will
leave Wednesday of this week to
visit tholr daughter, Mrs. O.
W. Hondrlcks, at Mountain Home.
Ocorgo Chllds camo homo Friday
from Iowa and Nebrasxa where he
had boon disposing ot two cars ot
Mr. and Mrs. L. Fob and family
woro down from Emtnott to spend
Sunday nt tho George Chllds homo.
Mrs. Chllds on Sunday ovonlng ac
companied thorn to Dolso for a short
Mr. nnd Mrs, Melvln Carpenter
leave this Thursday for Iowa to vis
it Mr. and Mrs. Pctxnlck, paronts
of Mrs. Carpenter. Thoy wero ac
companied by llttlo Dorntco Littles.
Mrs. Ocorgo Chllds and llttlo
daughters, Nova and Naomi, loavo
this Saturday for Yakima Valloy to
visit with a sister of Mrs. Chllds.
Mr. and Mrs Qoorgo Stovons aro
Tire Prices .
cords 20 Fabrics 10
HPrllS reduction covers our entire line
Coast Tires and Tubes, Kelly
Springfield, Mason, Goodrich.
A New Tube Fiee With
Every Tire Purchased Until
December 1st
Automotive Supply Co.
Ontario, Oregon
Miss Gortrudo Skow ontortnlncd
tho H. C. C. girls at her homo last
Thursday ovonlng. danics and danc
ing woro enjoyed until a lata hour
aftor which refreshments were
sorvod. A very pleasant ovonlng
was spent by all.
Tho OnUlo Qlrls Club mot at the
homo of Mrs. W. W. Wood Tuos
day ovonlng, with a largo attend
ance as woll as sovoral now mem
bers. As a part of tho evening
ontortalnmont a play was road by
Miss Kathorlno Conway, and Miss
Holon Dunstlno accompanlod by
Miss Wood sang. Aftor rofroshmonts
woro sorvod, a ploasant hour was
spent In dancing. Mrs. S. A. Drown
will bo hostoss to tho club noxt
Tuesday ovcnlng.
Mrs. 1C W. Haw was hostess to
tho Robokah Club, last Wodnosday
aftornoon. Dainty rofroshmonts
woro sorvod and a vory pleasant af
ternoon was spent by tho mombors.
Anyone having farms to rent please
let me know. Have some good rent
ers who are looking for small and
large Farms to rent.
Ontario A. V. WILSON Phono 99W
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jolly loft
Tuosday morning for Tronton, Mis
souri, tholr homo, after spending
sovoral weeks horo holplug market
the fruit on their ranch and visit
ing their paronts, Mr. and Mrs. M.
U. Jolly.
At tho County ministerial meet
Ing Monday In Frultland county At
torney Haynes addressod tho minis
tors, ten of them bolng present.
Ilov. Mowo ot Payette, Is president,
Itov. Walko, Secretary and Rov.
Todd ot tho M. B. Church, Frult
land, Is chairman ot tho program
Tho U. Y. P. U. of the Uaptlst
church will glvo a box social In the
church basement, December 2nd.
Tho people of Frultland and vicin
ity are sorry to learn of tho death
on Saturday of Fern Hands Sandy,
adopted twin daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Sandy, of lloUo Valley,
near Star. Llttlo Fern was six years
old ana had boon In tho Sandy
homo a few months with hor sister
and had beeu adopted by thorn.
She had not been well for ten days
but at no tlnio being confined to
her bod. Saturday she complained
ot not being well and at noon
passed away, death caused by leak
ago ot the heart. Sho leaves her
parents by adoption, Mr. and Mrs.
U. E. Sandy ot Bolaa Valley, two
sisters and threo brothers. Her
father passed away two years ago.
Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
John Hands, ot Frultland, and Mr.
and Mrs. Coon of Frultland, who
are at present In California spend
ing tho winter. Llttlo Fern was
laid to rest lu the cemetary near
Star, the tunoral betug couducted
by Hov. Drubaker ot the Dolso Val
ley Brethren church. Those attond-
lug from here were Mr. and Mrs,
A, l.. uorham, and Karl Hands, a
brother, Mrs. W. A. Cloud and
Edith Rands Cloud, a sister of the
deceased, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Deeh
ler, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Deckwlth,
Mr, and Mrs, toon, grandparents,
Elvin Rands, Harold Vestal, Mar
guerite Walte and Elizabeth Gibbons
and Miss Jane Shamberger.
Some ot those attending the foot
ball game at Dolse from here were
F. M. Gardner, O, I. Hollenbeck,
Ted Meeker, John Heckes, Paul
Gardner, Dernlce Hill, Herbert Bay
er, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Johnson,
Mrs. William Hollenbeck and Rob
ert, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mbhler and
family, Lite and Wendell Drown
and Miss Mildred Flock, Mr, and
Mrs. H. Walte and daughter, Mar
guorlte, Miss Elisabeth Gibbons. El
vin Rands, Harold Vestal and Prof.
Mrs. George Hooker left Thurs
day morning for Mayo Brothers
hospital at Rochester, Minn.
Harry Hart was down from Dolso
Barracks hospital to spend the week
end with his family and to be with
his daughter, Josephine who was so
seriously ill Saturday. He returned
to BoUe Monday
Rev. Herscbel Shank went to No
tus Monday evening to preach at
tho evangelistic meetings held there.
Mr. and Mrs. Hub Ward accom
panlod by Mrs. Flotcher. of Port
land, woro guosts at the Bradley
homo, Sunday ovonlng.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. 8. Plnkston of
Nyssa vlsltod from Friday to Mon
day with tholr children and families
on tho Owyhee.
Tho J. P. McQInnls, Ray Cantrell
and Rob't. Baldwin families, Lu Da
Ooodo, Lynn Kygnr and Archie, nnd
Perry Cantrell visited at tho Uus
Bchwolzor homo Sunday.
Win, Puats attondod a salo at
Wilder Wodnosday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrison
and family woro guosts at tho Kygnr
noma bunuay.
Mr. and Mrs. David Eastman and
"children loft rocontly for an over
land trip to California. Mrs. East
man will bo romemberod hore as
Mrs. Luclnda Grimes.
S. D. Blgolow mado his weekly
trip to Vale, Ontario and Payette
with turnips and head lettuce, Wed
nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Axtel Reed and Miss
Beatrice Baker or Brogan, wero
guosts to dinner at tho C E.
Schwolior homo Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Blgolow and
family, Mrs. Elbert Cnnorton and
son and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish
er called nt tho Kltngback home
Sunday to got a poop at tho now
baby. ,
Tho rogular P. T. A. meeting has
boon postponed from rlday to Mon
day, Nor. 21. Club leader, Well
man, will bo prosont that day and
wlshos to discuss club work for tho
coming yoar with tho parents.
Miss Lilian Davis spont tho weok
end at hor homo In Vale.
Mr. and Mrs. Rlppoy nnd family
ot Cambridge Idaho rocontly mov
ed onto tho Blggs-Dunaway ranch.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Aldredgo ot
Ontario spent the weok-end as tho
guests ot their daughter, Mrs. Chas.
Mr. and Mrs. Wjn. McEwen nnd
family called at tho Kygar homo
Sunday evening.
8. D. Blgolow sold his hay to
Johnny Qordop giving November
1st Measurements.
Louis DoBord who has rented tho
upper Kllngback placo moved on It
Tho J. P. McQInnls and Ray Can
troll families wero guests at the
Puetx homo Sunday.
David Walters came in from the
hills and spent Monday night at the
Cantrell homo. He roports that the
shoop are down as far as Current
Basin and will soon ho brought the
rost ot tho way.
Mrs. Charles Schwelier and
daughtor Delia and Lilian Davis
called at tho Kllngback home Wed
nesday evening,
3llaa Dlgelow receutly sold seven
hundred bushels ot barley to F. S.
Mrs. a us Schwelzer and daughter,
Mrs. F. S. Qlascock, called at the
Blgolow homo Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Smith and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Sllppey and family and Mr. and Mrs.
F. S. Plnkston were guests to din
ner at the Alvln McQInnls homo
We wish to express our thankful
appreciation ot the kladaes ot
many friends In the hour of our
sorrow In the death ot our beloved
wife and mother.
J. R, Burgls and family.
Camo to my placo 2 miles west
of Fair Grounds on Malheur river,
one Holsteln steer and one red
heifer, Holsteln has L S on left rib,
silt on right ear and under slope on
left, both have tag No, 10 oa ear.
Owner may have same by paying
cost ot advertisement and cost ot
keep. Robert Leroy.
Corvallis, Ore., Dec. 26-31, 1921
winter shout courses
Put Science into Farm Practice
Fruit and VtcetabU Couim
Trn'or Mechanic Coun
Dairy Uanufutu-t Court
Agriculture Coun
Dairy llerdun.n's Couim
Grain Cnding Court
Ik j Kwplnjf Couim
IIoaicakr' Coaftrcnc
Jan. J-Har. It, It
Jan. t-JuMlfH
Jan. ML, tt
lu. 30-Feb. ti. tl
Mar. tO-UW
Oregon Agricultural College
Full Information on any Couru by writing
THB UKC1STHAR. 0. A. C, Con alii. Oreroa.
Suits - -'Dresses-
Wool Hose
Jersey Jackets
$15.00 tO $75.00
15.00 to 49.00
15.00 to 45.00
5.00 to 10.00
4.75 to 9.00
1.00 to 15.00
It will surely pay you to grasp this opportunity to .
buy your winter coat, dress, suit, hat, etc.
Sale starts Friday morning Nov. 18
Ends Thanksgiving Day,
The Style Shop
Tur i if in - o
Stores inEiilUD Stores
Men's Mackmaws $13 values now
Men's Mackinaws, $15 values now
Men's Mackinaws, $10,90 values now
Men's Leather Vests
Men's Hats - ,
Men's fine Union Suits
$ 9.50
:. 50
$7.25 to $12.50
1.95 to 3.65
1.50 to
Men's good heavy wool pants
French Flannel shirts with or without collar
Wool Shirts - - 2,50 to 5.00
Boys two pants Suits - , . 9,35
Men's good wool Sox 30c, 36c, 40, 46c, 50c per pair
We have one of the finest line of comforts you
will find anywhere priced at
$2.50, $2.75, $3.25, $3.95, mi $4.25
Radiators $18.50
Pistons - - 1.25
Coil Units - - 1.76
Front Spring - . 2.75.
Timer & roller complete .90
Timer Wires - - .65
Champion X plugs .60
Genuine Ford parts for Jess. Why pay more for
V. B. Staples
FOR TRADE Houta and Mtb
lota (or good Ford Car. Mutt be
In first clasa condition. Inquire at
the Secoad Hand Store. Ontario,
FOR SALE Standard make vac
uum sweeper with all attachments,
$15.00. A No. 1 condition. On
tario Electric Co.