The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 17, 1921, Image 4

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lp GDutanu Anjttn
County Official Taper
An Independent Newspaper
Published Thursdays at Ontario,
Oregon, and ontorod at tho Ontario
post offlco for distribution as 2nd
class matter.
O. K. Aiken, Managing Editor
8UI18CMPTION Ono Year, $2.00
tiu: nimnKT dilemma
Tho budget comtnltteu nppolntud
by tho County Court under tho
Htatuto panned by tho 1921 leglsln
turo, to assist tho court In prepar
ing tho 1022 budget for submission
to tho mass uieutlng of tho taxpny
urs on December 15 found Itself In
n predlcumont.
First, It found that when all thu
rouucsls wore tabulated that tho
totnl was nearly $100,000 beyond
tho legal limit, Including tho six
per cent Incrcnso allowed by law.
Second, It was faco to faco with
5 I
30x3 1-2
Second door south of the
Argus Office
Auction Sale every
Saturday. Be sure
and list your stuff
early so I can adver
tise it.
tho stubborn fact that there 1 s al
ready a deficit In lax receipts of
$300,000 of 1021, showing that
without a single Incrcnso tho people
aro unoblo ft .pay tho 'bill already
assessed agaltiBt them.
Third, tho budgot makers found
that, under tho existing lnws thero
woro many sums which had to bo
Included regardless of tliolr personal
opinions or Judgment. For cxainplo
tho budget had to provldo for tho
mlllago taxes for common schools
tho high school tax to pay for the
tuition of pupils from districts
whoro no high school Is maintained
to tho districts whoro those pupils
attend; and ulso the mlllago tax for
higher education. Also tho budget
mukors had to Includo tho state tax
for stato government and tho gen-
oral road uiul market road taxes,
When those Items woro all lu
oluded n ml tho sums resulting woro
computed, thero wits not a wldo
margin loft upon which tho budget
committee could uso Its discretion.
Ono of tho most flagrant manda
tory Items, however, was that for
coyote bounties. This source nlono
used $13,000 of county funds this
year, nnd undor tho law must bo
paid, oven If It should bo doublo that
amount, so unjust is that statute.
Of courso tho county officials had
their budget demands adequato, nt
loast, according to tholr vlows of
tho Importauco of tholr particular
offices. With theso thu budget com
mlttco hnd so mo lenwuy In which
to act and thoy will undoubtedly he
Momowhat curtallod, but tho dlffor-
enco botween tho total minimum
with which thoy enn act Is rolatlvo
ly small compared with tho sum to
tal of nil tho budget that tho saving
thus roc ii red furnlshs but slight
relief to tho taxpayer.
ornmoiit aro multiplying, tho ten
dency has been to Iscroaso tho taxa
tion on land, which Is tho ono
form of property most easy to lo
cate. If n list of all tho taxpayers In
Malheur county, for oxamplo could
bo published, and tho public thus bo
mado acquainted with tho values
for taxation purposes Home nion re
turn to tho assessor, It would be an J
Illuminating document. It would bo
filled with surprises for ovoryono.
Somotlmcs ono is compcllod to
bcllovo that tho only way In which
tnx ovnslons enn bo curbed Is to
adopt tho Australian system, where,
If tho authorities hollo vo that prop
erty Is undervalued for taxation
purposes they aro ompowored to
purchase It at tho valuo which tho
owner returned.
It has long been tho theory of
taxntlon that proporty valuos should
bo tho basis upon which tho statu
must dopond to arrive at tho sum
tho Individual ownor should contri
bute as his or her share of thu cost
of government.
Of lato years, howovor, a now
theory has boon advanced; which Is
a variation of tho abovo rulo; and
Is this; that a man should pay in
proportion to his ability that Is by
ascertaining his Incomo and taking
u proper percoutago thoreof.
It Is still u dobatablo quostlon
whothor tho tax Investigators aro
moro Buccosstul In socurlng an nc
curato statement of tho Incomes of
tho rich that thoy woro In locating
tho proporty of tho wealthy.
In Malhuur county, as In ovory
county, In ovory stato In tho Union,
there aro wealthy men who nover
havo had an approclablo porcontogol
of tholr proporty on tho tax rolls,
or It thoy wero represented on tho
roll It was at figures which wore
hut n porcontago of tho truo valuo.
As a going business tho nvoruga
county has two principal functions
which must bo maintained; first to
lovy taxes, nnd second to collect
thorn. In dodging both theso func
tions tho wealthy cltlien Is nblo to
boat tho gamo so often that tho
bunion of government falls uneven
ly upon tho loss fortunuto. As tho
result, bIiicq tho functions of gov-
Two things stand out In a con
sldcratlon of tho differences appar
ent In tho reception of Secretary
Hughes disarmament program, and
tho outline of tho Lcaguo of Nations
set forth at Versailles.
First and foremost, It apparent
that what Secretary Humch propos
ed has boon maturely consldorod by
representatives, not of tho Stato de
partment nlono, but by tho naval ox
ports and by tho senatorial repre
sentatives who will bo called upon
If an agreement Is roachod embody
ing theso proposals, to present thu
troaty to tho sonata for confirma
tion. Then too, tho Hughes proposals
aro vory definite, very upoclflc,
tersoly written and subject to no
apparent ambiguities.
Hut tho greatest dlfforonco Is
maulfost In tho temper of minds of
tho people, shown by tho reception
tho proposals rccolvod.
This Is duo, In part to tho dlffor
onco In time, nnd tho dlfforonco In
placo whoro tho programs woro pro
posed. Tho Vorsalllos treaty was glvon
tho world in Paris, practically on
tho hattlo ground of tho world war.
It was glvon at a time when tho
poignant pains of war woro still
acuto. All tho world was still re
acting to tho horrors of tho conflict,
demanding retribution from tho
porpotrators of tho awful outrages
Echoes of Llslo, I.ouvaln, tho
Sommo and tho Argonno woro still
to bo hoard at tho council chambor
In Versailles. Tho world was In no
mood for Idealistic enterprises.
Today conditions aro dlfforont.
Washington Is far removed from tho
battle fields of Kuropo. Tho bur
dens Of wur taxation, without tho
stlmulous of patriotic forvour for
victory, pross heavily upon tho na
tions. Tho cry for relief from tho
pooplo has been hoard by tho gov
ernments and thoy must bo answer
ed. Secretary Hughos has outlined
tho hopos of tho world. Ho has
declared America's position in no
uncortaln tonus. Loadora of othor
nations must reply In kind or ad
mit tholr Inslncorlty. Hughes has
won for Amorlca a great moral victory.
Itoy Crouch Is shipping out a car
of hay this week.
Pat Couloy, a sheepman, last
wcok bought tho Morgan, Simon
and Martin hay and Is planning to
lamb In tho Kolony. Mr. Conley
has fed in tho Kolony tho past sev
eral years and finds tho hay and
feeding grounds Just right.
Philip Koyno who lambed In the
Kingman ranch Inst year hnB bought
tho Kingman Powell hay again this
Dave Spills and family of Idaho,
moved to tho Polo Chrlstonsen
hoiiflo lai.t week. (
Virgil C. Snow of tho American
Sunday School Union was nailing In
this community Tuesday and Wed
nesday of last wook. Tho object of
tho work Is to establish and main
tain Sunday schools In othorwlse
unserved districts In Mainour Coun
ty nnd In tho counties of R. W
Idaho. The work Is Intor-donionlnn-tlonal.
Thousands of churches of
various denominations havo sprung
from Union Sunday Schools In tho
U. 8. In tho past 100 years. Mr
Snow's address Is Pnvotto. Idaho
and ho will bo glnd to correspond
with anyone Interested In 8 S. work
In theso scutlons.
Messrs. A. J. Urockcr and Mark
Solomon woro down from lCinmott
for the week and with tho Fred
Powell family.
C. C. Cotton and fnmlly of NysHa
took possession of their ranch In tho
Kolony tho past wcok.
Mossrs. Andy Swnn and Oeo.
Hammock of Nyssa spout Sunday at
tho Powoll homo. '
Pupils nolthor nbsqnt nor tardy
In prof. Kvorotts room during the
month of October wore: Huby Heed,
Evelyn Dollord, Florence Hnrh, Jim
nltn Illgolow, Anna Hchwolzcr,
Charloy Ilradford, Avory Chrlston
sen, nnd Thcodoro Oronver,
Pupils neither absent uur Into In
tho grades, Miss Oladys Johnson,
teacher were: Florence Dollord,
Mary Ann Edwards) Orvlllo Me
Ewcn, Uuth Plnkston, James Mo
Ewon, Virginia McOlnnls, Margaret
Morfgan, Vlolol Plnkston, Leonard
Smith, Lloyd McEwen, Agnes Nich
ols, Elln Itced. Christina Christen-,
son, Jcanotto Martin, Kennoth llach,
Oornld Dollord, James McEwen,
und Cora Elliott.
JacotiReu, Payette, Idaho. 1231 1st.
Avo. South. Mall orders promptly
roturned. 60-54p.
Paint Them Yourself, Madam
Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Etc.
WE furnish free detailed
advice on rcfiniliinK
your own furniture, floors,
wnlU, etc. We tell jou what
kind of paint, varnish or enamel
to use. What kind of brush
Where to buy the material.
"Ju$t a can of paint or var
nish and a little work that's
fun," will work wonders in your
home. Try it on furniture now
in your storeroom.
After 72 years of experience
with paints and painting prac
tice, Fuller makes a special line
of paints, varnishes nnd enam
els for just such purposes for
you to use your&elf.
They spread easily, dry per
fectly, and K've every desired
Easy, and rjreat fun to use
them. Economical, too.
Wc arc one of the largest
manufacturers of paints, var
nishes, etc., in the United States
and make the very finest kind of
Let our 72 years' experience
aid you. Follow Fuller Sfeeifi'
rations and you'll get the right
effects depend on that.
-"r ' -
Don't think you can't do
work like this simply because
you haven't ever done it. Try
it, with our help. See how de
lighted you will be.
'Homt Service"Painfs
Varnishes- Enamels
For Furniture and
i'ullci'i Specification
or all-purpoit varnlth.
nr at home (or furni
ture, tablet, chain, lin
oleum, etc, , Dolling
water cannot harm it.
nor rolling fw.mture.
Dries du.t-lrce In (our
houri. Walk on It over
-The All Purpose Varnish
Adapted (or any surface cither Imlde
or outilde. The moat durable vimUh
obtainable. Withstands interior wear
and weather eipoiure. Docs not scratch,
peel, tub ctf or turn white. Pries over
Produces a mlrror-Mre elaitlo floor
finHh. Withitanda the scuffing, heel
marks and hot wster, Holda Its clot.
Cleans cully.
Also makers of Rutibcr-Ccmcnt Floor
Faint. Waihable Wall Finish. Silken
white Enamel, Auto Enamel, Porch and
Step Paint.
W. P. Fuller & Co,
Sept. 20, Sen Francisco
Pioneer Paint Manufacturers (or
U Years
Estsbllihed H9
Branches In It cities In the West
Dcslers Everywhere
tant that you get tho right ma
terial so be sure to go to an
authorised Fuller deafer. Cut
out coupon to tbs right aa a
memo to direct you.
or booklet ol Fuller's
Paints, which nil. von lu.t
what to buy. Describe and get
our (res advice on any kind of
painting job you want to do.
For all exterior Jobs of painting it Is advisable to otUia
the services of Master Painter
(Cut this out and put it In your
pockctbook or handbag as a memo)
Fuller's "Horns Service" Paints
are sold by the following la your
Horbort Hlckox narrowly escaped
serious Injury Monday inoriilnR,
while driving n team homo from
whoro ho had boon working. Tho
team which wus hltcliod to a liny
rnko suddenly hocomo frlRhtonotl
nnd ran away throwing Mr. Hlckox
undor tho rako, and ono of tho
ttnos cut a iloap gaah In his foro
hoatl. Ho Immodlatoly hurried to
Parma whoro u physician took four
stltchos In tho wound.
John Holly, accompanied by Paul
Mllsap and It. McCroary motored to
tho public auction tialo hold near
Wilder Tuesday. Oood sales as wall
as prices woro roportud. Mr. Mill-
sap purchasod fivo cows.
An Incroaso was mado In tho pop
ulation of tho town this wook when
a now family movod Into tho vacant
rosldonco of rotor Chrlstonsen
whero thoy expoct to apoud tho com
ing winter. Thoy will send heir
children to school In tho Kingman
Holly llros. aro running tholr
store on a strictly cash basis now,
which In tho long run will bo of
bonoflt to tho public, bocause of a
reduction In prlcos.
Mr. Eclins may bo listed among
tho luckoy onos, owing to tho fact
that ho bus sold his hay for tho
sum of four dollars and fifty conts
por ton. Mr. Watson of Parma will
balo It out.
Whllo playing with his brother,
Lloyd, Claronco Elliot had tho mis
fortuno to break two or threo small
volus In his oyo. Dr. Numbers was
consulted, who gave treatment to
tho eye and a shade to bo worn un
til complote recovery Is made.
A party of trappers wero soon
this week passing down tho rlvor In
a boat, fully oqulpped with a camp
ing outfit. Thoy stopped on "Dead
Man's Island" whoro thoy seem to
bo rostlng for tho time.
Mrs. Suslo l'omeroy roturned to
hor home In Adrian Saturday, after
a week's visit with tier tiaugnter,
Mrs. Earl Canorhlll of wilder who
has boen on tho sick list for sonio
time but Is said to bo slowly recov
ering. Two loads of sheop wore shipped
from Adrian this weok by Mr. Mon
deola from tho upper Owyhee.
Hob Prlscoll Is reported on the
sick list this weok.
Little Polly Ann Edwards was ab
sent from school this weok owing
to a slight Illness.
Mrs. Earl Canerhlll of Wilder
was a guest of her mother, Mrs
Suslo Pomeroy of Adrian this week
returning to her homo Friday.
Mrs. Clark Inos and children Lois
Ellen nnd Clarence Edwin, were
guests nt the D. T. Holly home Sun
day, A largo crowd appeared at the
masquerade dance given Armistice
night at the Dig Bend park. Donald
McOlnnls took first prlie being
drossed as an Indian chief.
P. D. Andorson shipped a car load
of hogs from Adrian Friday.
Mrs. Susie Pomeroy has rented
her place to tho Schafer Bros, for
the coming year. They expect to be
gin work Monday.
Mr. Zierllen completed a new po
tato cellar on his farm this week.
VIclntI Mendeola made a business
trip to Omaha, Nebraska Monday.
Ho expects to bo gone one or two
Much corn Itf being harvested
throughout tho vicinity at present
nnd a good yield Is reported.
Mrs. Hockls, who has boen stay
ing at tho John Holly homo roturn
ed to hor home In Ontario this
week. The Hollys returned with
her spending the day,
YOU don't use as much
of Calumet as you do of
most other Baking Powders.
It has more than ordinary
leavening strength. You
save about half.
You don't pay a big price for
Calumet. It's sold at a
moderate price that rep
resents another saving.
You don't feel uncertain as
to results. Bakings never
fall because Calumet never falls
below tho proven standard of "Best
by Test."
It possesses the highest qual
ity ever put into a Baking
Powder. Contains only such
ingredients as have been Offi
cially endorsed by United States
Food Authorities.
For weeks, for montlw, it
keeps as fresh and full of
strength ft the day It left the
Calumet Factories, tho World's
Largest, most Sanitary and Modern
Baking Powder plants.
Pound can of Calumet contains full
lOoz. Some baking powdcrscome In
12oz.lnitcndoll0oz.cnne, llasuro
you get n pound when you want It.
Cold Calta
Yolkl of 8 ecus.
H lcupaofgran-
umtcu dukbi, 71
cup of water, H
cup of butter,
2V4 cups pastry
flour, 3 level tea
spoons Calumet
Baking Powder.
1 tablespoon of
vanilla. Then
mix In the rcgu
lor way.
siiiiiHrTTTr Ji i i rrr
mUHi .- PI 1 k. . m
W A?J f W l?l?.
On tho strength of the friendly, helpful und personal
interest that we feel for each of our customers you
will be benefited by a banking connection with us.
We offer you every service known to modern banking.
Your advantage, unquestioned safety of your, funds
and business affairs is our chief aim and the basis of
our claim to your patronage.
Funeral Directors
H. L. Peterson . . 0. E. Augustus
Wo nro the only Official Registered Licensed
Embnlmors in this territory who can hold a funeral
that complies with the Oregon Stato Laws.
jsHtbJRJaVm i!a4a4HuMl
Lady Assistant Ambulance Service
Eflght Specialist Ontario, Oregon