THE ONTARIO ARG,UEI, ONTARIO, OREGON, THUHSDAYtNOVEMBER 17, 1921 m w iiiiitimmmniu WHAT A DOLLAR in CASH WILL BUY $ , iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiuiiiiKii PROGRESS HADE IN SMITIf-liUGHES COURSE IHGRUTIIRE DURING FIRST VEAR HERE SPECIAL VALUES FOR FRIDAYSATURDAY,N0V.I8,I9 at RADERS' 97 PAIRS WOMEN'S HIGH TOP SHOES In Button nml Litre Thin tot contains boiiio goodycar welts, with vnluoi up too $8.00. S Salo Special $1.00 per pair OHALL1E, 5 YDS. $1.00 Good weight full 30 In. wldo, noth ing bottor (or com Tor ta, a very good valuo, $ Sale Special, 5 yds. $1.00 CO PAIRS INFANTS' FIRST-STEP AND SPRING HEEL DRESS SHOES Thin lot Include fancy top buttons nml plain colors, valuos up to f S.4C. $ Salo Spocial $1.00 por pair EXTRA SPECIAL A GOOD WEIGHT CORSET FOR $1.00 This In a very nood vnluo In n Warnors rust mid tear proof corsot, $ Salo Spocial for $1.00 PERCALE, 5 YDS. $1.00 This Is n Reed weight fast color, full 30 In. In dark and light pat terns, $ Sale Spocial, 5 yds. $1.00 CHILDREN'S UNIONS Thin lot lit of n good grndo cotton fleeced union regular $1 35 valuo In all lilies, $ Salo spocial $1.00 por suit OIL CLOTH, 3 YDS. $1.00 Pull width oil cloth In n varloty of light nnd dark patterns, $ Salo Spocial, 3 yds. $1.00 LADIES SKELTON BACK PERCALE AND GINGHAM APRONS In good wash patterns, $ Salo Special $1.00 Each LOT CHILDREN'S HOSE 4 pr. $1.00 A good grndo cotton school bono In black and brown, n limited amount only. $.Salo Special 4, pr. $1,00 FLANNELETTE, 5 YDS. $1.00 Thin Is a very good material for light wolght klmonas and also a good comfort material, $ Salo Spocial, 5 yds, $1.00 JAZZ CAPS Hoys' Jazz caps, regular COc values, Just tho things tho hoys want In a variety of colors, $ Salo Special, 3 for $1.00 LOT LADIES HOSE 5 pr. $1.00 This lot Is a good wolght, flno rib bed hose, regular 30c valuo In black and brown. $ Salo Spocial, 5 pr. $1.00 WOOL SERGE $1.00 YD. A practically full wool sorgo. 30 In. and 40 In. wldo, a vary good valuo, $ Salo Special $1,00 por yd. MEN'S WORK SOX An extra good valuo men's Itockford sox In gray and blue mlxtro, $ Salo Special, 10 prs. $1.00 GOOD WEIGHT OUTING FLANNEL In pink and bluo chooks and stripes, rogular 26o valuo, a very good buy, $ Salo Special, six yds. $1.00 MERCERIZED POPLIN 3 YDS. FOR $1.00 A good wolght morcorlred poplin In light and dark shados, 3- 7ln. wldo. $ Salo Special, 3 yds. $1.00 CANVAS GLOVES A good eight ounce canvas glovo, full size, $ Sale Spocial, 12 prs. $1.00 t LOT COTTON BATTS 8 for $1.00 This a now cotton long flbor, lb. batt, $ Salo Spocial, 8 baits $1.00 BLOOMERS Black Jersey and Sateon Oood wolght jorsoy and sateon, all sizes up to sixteen years, $ Salo Special 2 pr. for $1.00 MEN'S NECK TIES Two of our, oxtrn nlco 7Cc tics for 11.00. These tiro unusual patterns tlfat will ploaso tho most particular, $ Salo Special, 2 for $1.00 LOT COTTON BATTS 4 for $1.00 This Is an extra long fiber, new flrat nunlftv linfl. ramilnr ifln irrnilfv $ Sale Special, 4 for $1.00 TOWELS Two very good valuos $ DAYS' SPECIAL A good weight turklsh, largo slzo, regular COc valuo, $ Salo Spocial, 2 for $1.00 A good wolght buck towel, good slzo, regular 35c valuo, $ Sale Special, 4 for $1.00 . YARN Any of our wool nud silk and wool mixed In nil tho popular shados, $ Salo Spocial, 3 balls $1.00 Tho first year's work In tho Do- partmont of Vocational Agriculture of tho Ontario High School has Just boon complotcd and a final check modo of tho work. Tho Department was opened Octobor 10th, 1920. It was tho first tlmo In tho history that a stato substdtzod dopartmont of Agrlculturo haC ovor been at tempted In this school and was con sidered a long tlmo boforo actually adopted. Tho object of tho department Is to loach tho fundamentals of agrl culturo to thoso students who ex port at somo tlmo to become farmers Twenty boys enrolled for tho work last Octobor, lator flvo of thoso dropped out for various roasous. A check of tho project or oulsldo work dono as n part of tho roqulromonH of tho department shows that 1480 was mado by tho flftcon boys. Tho highest return mado hy any ono student was $180 mado by Joo Mos 8oo on a dairy project. Ono boy, however, lost on somo hogs Pro jects covering most ovory typo of farming woro carrlod on by tho dif ferent boys. A list of somo .of tho projects shows boo keeping, hog raising for pork, puro bred hog raising, dairy cattlo, boot cattle, grain raising, farm management, al falfa production and poultry. In addition to this Individual work tho class as n wholo did work such as constructing poultry houses, pons, foodlng racks, solf readers, farm butchering and a numbor of llko projects. An Important foaturo of tho class work Is stock Judging, last year an attempt was mado to organlzo a stock Judging team, Tho team nol octod wont to Union, Oregon last Juno and won first plnro and had tho high scoring man In tho contost, A largo silver loving cup was tho roward of tho team. By winning nt Union tho team was soloctod to rep resent Eastern Oregon at thS con test to bo held at Portland Live stock Exposition which was hold last week. In this tho team took third place and again furnished tho high man of tho contest. Tho studonts pt tho department woro organized Into an Agrlculturo Club and this club has had charge of tho Farmers fair last spring, tho Huskln' Dee this fall, and tho fathor and son banquet last spring. Tho club .Intends to contlnuo Us work with tho plan of dovoloplng a bolter understanding of tho work of tho dopartmont by tho people. Plans for tho year Include two main community projects. Ono Is tho milk tooting. Whllo It Is Im possible to glvo au official tost be causo of certain requirements which cannot bo fulfilled by a high school studont, tho tosts mado will bo Just as accurate. In each caso tho tost will bo a sovou day one, or In somo cases will bo a continuous test for a porlod of six mouths. No chargo wilt bo made for tho testing. Tho student making tho tost will bo on hand to take Bamplos. Sluco Mai nour county docs uot havo an offic ial testor tho work dono will fill a big gap and will holp tho farm ers to havo a bottor Idea of tho cows which they koop. Tho othor community project Is tho scod corn tooting and tho treat ment of small grain for diseases. In this work tho treating will bo dono In tho seed lubratory and will bo as accuruta as a tost mado by O. A. C. In tho traatmont of seeds tho farmor will supply tho choml- cals, tho students In chargo will do tho mixing and tho troatmont. All of this will bo dono froo. Any tlmo during tho wlntor months tho seed corn testing will bo douo. It Is tho hopo of tho dopartmont that many farmors will tako an In orost in this work nnd allow tho department to do them a roal bit of good. At all times tho practical sldo of tho work Is omphaslzod aud only enough thoory Is addod to comploto tho understanding of tho work bolng dono. Last year only ono class was or ganized. This year throo coursos aro offorod Animal Husbandry, Fnrui Crops, and Farm Manugomont. At prosont thoro ara 44 studonts en rolled, an Increase of 12G9&, HUMMONH IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OHEOON FOR THE COUNTV OF MALHEUR EXTRA SPECIAL A good wolght double cotton lllankot, slzo 45 by 72 In. This Is a roal valuo, only two to a customer, $ Sale Special $1.00 por pr. Ill UUUlill UU1UI fH Ifjmffl ITlfl Wl JHWWrWIHIiTl s WITtWmlWIHlTtl III4JJ14UUWWW Watch our Windows for these Special Values Every Item Listed CASH ONTAHO RADERS' The Store That Saves You Money huhhhiiihiiiid IIIIHHiPtHHH OREGON s UIIIIIHWIUhW JlllllUUIIIUIUttl S3 ?ittllBlmHiBfflWlf MliM OREGON SLOPE Sunday School at 2 p. m. Sunday at Park School House. Preaching service at 3 p. m. There were 40 out to church last Sunday to hear the splendid sermon delivered by Rev. Walker. Mrs. J. L. Rrown called on Mrs. Osborne Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Cruse, Geo. Lattlg and J. L. Drown motored to Melba Tuesday, looking after seed potatoes for the ranchers on the Slopo. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Drown and family were guests of Olive Wlsby and family last week. 1 Charles Skipper and son Oeorgo left Sunday afternoon for Cambridge nnd Indian Valley to see about buy ing cattle. Mr. and Mrs, Oeorgo Sullens and son Harold were guests Sunday of Henry Barker and wife of Frultland. who entertained In honor of the third 1 birthday anniversary of Harold Sul lens, Mrs. Chifrlos Skipper and Mrs. Qeorge Skipper visited relatives In Payette Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Ira Ray and daught er Ooldie spent Sunday evening at the J, Lv Drown hom. Mr. Frost, John Dartche, S. J. Swipson, I. I. Culbertson and Jack Darker made a trip last week to the head of Stacy Creek for poles and wood. They report over 100 loads of wood hauled out of tho forest re servo within the last, three months, many people having put In their winter supply or fuel at a compar atively low cost. E. L. and J. L. Drown havo leased' the north forty acre tract of the Northrup ranch, and expect to put It out to potatoos the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Northrup aud family moved to Payette last week. Mrs. Lias, Miss Lias, Mrs. Mason Clough and Miss Maudo Culp spent Saturday In Ontario where Mrs. Lias and Miss Culp are taking treatments for asthuna. Mesdames Charles Skipper, Mason Clough uud Oeorgo Skipper were the guests of Miss Maudo Culp Monday. J. U. Drown had tbe misfortune to get his foot badly hurt one day last week, when tbq horso be was riding reared and tell catching Mr. Down's foot beneath. Mrs. A. M. Johnstone and children visited relatives In Nyssa Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Mllklu woro Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C A. Karst. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Conner and daughter Pearl visited relatives at Jonatan, Idaho Saturday and Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stonebreaker of New Plymouth and their guests, Mr. aud Mrs. Eschbaugh and Mrs. Stonebrakor of Iowa visited P. M. Doals and family Tuesdayr The Oregon Trail Highway was computed Monday across Dead Ox Flat, which gives tbe peoplo of the Flat tho best road In this section of the country. Work Is bolng started by tbe Houser Construction Company on that section of tho Oregon Trail Highway from the Slide to the Daker line. Tho people of the Slope havo Just cause for rejoicing over the fact that they havo such a splendid road to three good towns. Mrs. Otto C. Miller entertained at six o'clock dinner Thursday even ing In honor of tho birthday anniver sary of Mr. Miller. The guests wore Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Chapman of Pay ette and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vin cent Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carlco nnd Mr. and Mrs, Roy Ourrell visited friends In Ontario Friday evening. Mr, and Mrs. William Howard of Dlrdlngs Island, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vincent and Reva Miller were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Welcher. Edgar Carlco was quite badly hurt In the football gamo Saturday be tween Payette and the Inter-Mount-aln Institute, which caused him to lose several days of school. When Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ira Cul len left the Methodist Church Sun day evening they discovered their car was missing. It was located Mon day north of town on the Idaho high way by Qeorge Sullens. where those who bad taken It bad apparently ran out of gas causing them to abandon tbe car. Gonovu A. Dlbblo, Plaintiff, vs. N Jao V. Dlbblo, Dofoudant. To Jao V. Dlbblo, tho ubovo named Dofeudant: IN THE NAME OF THE 8TATE OF OREOON: You aro hereby roqulrod to ap pear and answor tho complaint fllod agulnst you in tho above entitled suit on or boforo tho oxplratton of six wooks from tho dato of tho first pub- llcutln of this summons, tho samo bolng tho lust day of tho tlmo pro scribed by ordor of tho court direct ing sorvlco of summons In said suit to bo mado upon you by publication; and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for tho rollof domandod in tho said complaint, to-wlt: For a docroe of said court grant ing tho plaintiff an absolute dlvorco from you, and awarding tho plaintiff tho custody of Evorott Nelson Dlbblo and Harold Vornon Dlbblo, tho min or chlldron of plaintiff and dofoud ant, and for all othor rollof demand ed In said complaint. You aro furthr notified that this summons Is sorvod upon you by pub lication under and by vlrtuo of an ordor of tho Hon. E, II. Test, County Judgo of Malheur County, Oregon, which said ordor was mado In suld causo on November 10, 1201, and dlroctod that this summons bo pub lished onco each wook for six succes sive wooks lu tho "Ontario Argus." Tho flrtit publication Is on November 17 1021, nnd tho last publication Is on December 20, 1921. WELLS W. WOOD. Attornoy for Plaintiff. My residence and post office ad dress Is at Ontario, Oregon. CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to oxpross our thanks and gratitude to our many friends who extondod kindness aud sympa thy to us In our groat sorrow, lu tho loss of our dear mothor and grandmother. Mrs. II. W. Clomont nnd family. FOR RENT A now throo-room furulsbod house on tho East side. Inquire C. II. Trousdalo, FOR SALE Sweet Cucumber plc klos. Call 377-F-3 Payette. Tho ranchers In tho Slopo are all busy plowing their land for early seeding of spring wheat. A goodly share of the remaining acreage of alfalfa Is being turned under by the farmers who realize tho necessity of J diversification of crops. A largo acreage of early potatoes will bo planted next spring, estimated at 400 acres. There will be a shadow social at Park school house Wednosday even ing Novoinber 23, A cordial In vitation Is extended to all and un en joyable evening Is promised to all who attend. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sabbath School at 10:00 A. M. Classes for all ages. Parents come with your chlldron. The class tak ing tho stato Bible courso was formed last Sabbath and will be ful ly organized next Sabbath. Enroll ment In this class should be made soon, teacher Francis E. Springer. Special Thanksgiving Service at 11 A. M.,: Opening Sentonco, Invo cation; "Happy is that People' quartette; Song, scrlpturo, Prayer, Song by Congregation; Announce-' ments; Special Music, Thanksgiving ' sermon; Prayer and Song, Congre gation. , 1 OFF 3 ON TRIMMED HATS PATTERN hats below Jl cost. The season's best hats at prices that can not be duplicated when style and quality are considered. Osborn Millinery Ontario, Oregon FkTSPSI