The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 10, 1921, Image 8

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Hunters Hosts at Oiiiiiu Dinner
Resident Engineer J. F. Joyco of
tho highway department, and V. C.
Stono, tho contractor woro thu hostH
at a "gooHo" dinner served at the
Moore Cnfo Tuesday ovonlng. Two
big gooso baggod by Mr. Joyce on
n trip to Jordan Valloy with appro
priate trimmings wore sorved to tho
bunch. Messrs. f Joyco and Stono
had for tholr guests: County Judge
E. H. Tost, Muyor W. II. Doollttlo,
P. J. Qallaghcr, W. J. l'inncy, Cap
tain C. AiulerHOn of tho federal bu
reau of roads, D. V. Towers, I 1
Ohco and (Icorgo K. Alkon.
A wedding, which camo us a aur
prlso to many frlonds of both tho
brldu and groom took place last
Saturday morning at 8 o'clock at
tho Church of tho Dlosscd Sacra
ment, when Miss Francis Harring
ton who has boon a student nurso
at tho Holy llosary Hospital for
tho past three years bocamo tho
brldo of Nick Krels of this city. Mr.
and Mrs. Krels following tho wed
ding wont to their now homo which
tho groom recently completed on
ltlchardson strcot at Colorada
Hc." t'Hcn wen N .
At tho homo of Joneph'wKlno In
this city last Thursday Kav. D. J.
uiiiauuors reaa 1110 marringo nor
vice of Miss Vorna Scawoard
William Scott, both of whom
-well known In this county,
Sunday afternoon, at tho Congre
gational parsonago Nujlvln Hanson
of Mainour county wns married to
Philip Craig of Wolsor, Idaho. Tho
ceremony was performed by Ituv. D.
J, aillandors.
Ilonjamln F. Hlnos of Canyon
Couuty, Idaho and Mlnnlo F. Looinls
of Malheur Couny, Oregon were
united In marringo, October 28th,
at tho Cungrogatlonal Parsonage by
Itor. D. J. UHUndors.
Tho Ontario Girls Club mot at
tho homo of Mrs. J. T. McNulty
Tuesday evening. Tho girls took
tholr sowing along and tho evening
was ploasantly spent In suwlng and
reading. About twenty-flvo mo in
born wore present. Tho next moot
ing will bo hold at tho homo of Mrs,
W. W. Wood, Tuesday, November
Last Friday was tho natal day of
P. J. Onllaghor, and u number of
his frlonds, garbod In replicas nud
near replicas of tho garmenU of
tholr "kid" days gathorod to sur
prise him and remind him of tho
day ho was colabratlng. With tho
"regular" duds cust aside, so too
-worn tho formalities of grown-up
parties and regulation oats. In
stead poanut balls, lco cream cones,
etc., camo back to tholr own during
tho enjoyable gathorlng.
Mrs. A. L. Cockrum and Mrs. Leo
II. Cockrum have cards out for an
afternoon of Auction In honor of
Mrs. H. W. Foster of Dovlls Lnko.
North Dakota who Is stopping off
In Ontario for a month's visit with
her sister, Mrs. L. 11. Cockrum,
-whllo onroulo to California for tho
Mrs. It. W. Jonos and Mrs. J. A.
McFull havo Usuod Invitations for
an ovenlng of Auction on Monday,
November 14.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fortlor enter
tained tho regular gathorlng of tho
Imperial Club last Thursday even
ing. Mrs. A. L. Cockrum was tho hos
tess of tho Monday Urldge this
week ,
Tho Carnation Club enjoyod lis
weekly meeting at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Ullllngsley, Tuosday
Having rocently determined to
gather but twlco each month, tho
Tuesday and Wednesday brldgo
clubs did not meet this weok.
Mrs. Stolla Mason Cox has an
nounced that with her pupils she
will present a serlea of recitals dur
ing tho winter. Tho first of those
will bo held at tho Masonic hall on
Saturday, November 12 nt 7 o'clock.
v Seo our Jumper drcsseii before
, buytug. Morrlss Millinery and Nov
elty Shop.
Quality of its Products
or the price at which it is
sold and delivered
Phone 34W2 for Service
Milk delivered day or night
Ontario, Oregon
The Park Improvement Club hold
Its regular meeting Thursday after
noon at tho homo of Mrs. MaBon
Clough with Miss Maude Culp as
sisting. Tho prosldent, Mrs. Tomlln
bo Ing nbsent, Mrs. Jonas Drown,
vice president presided. After o
short business sosslon tho after
noun's program wns in chnrgo of
tho sowing committee. It wns de
cided nt tho meeting to endorse tho
Child Nutrition Conference which
will bo held in December, also tho
millinery work which will bo taken
up In tho spring.
At tho close of tho afternoon ses
sion delicious refreshments wore
sorved by tho hostesses. Tho next
regular mooting of tho club will be
hold at tho homo at Mrs. Wnltor
Davis, Thursday afternoon, Novem
ber 17.
Mrs. Susan Weaver who has been
upending tho summor In Dolso re
turned to tho homo of her daugh
ter, Mrs. John Coates, last weok.
J. L. Drown, I. I. Culbcrtsou, Geo.
Lattlg and John Crelvcs motored to
Caldwell, Sunduy.
Mrs. Mario Frost loft Bunday for
Uolso where sho expects to enter
business college
Kugeno Shea of Ontario spent tho
weak-end ut tho Otto Mlllor ranch.
Mr. Ewliig recently purchased tho
T. M. Northrop ranch and Is taking
possession this week.
15. L. Drown nnd family woro
Sunday dlnuor guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Mahoncy of Washoo.
Mrs. Nltcher of Wolsor spent tho
week end with Mrs. Itobcrt Lin
kons. Mr. mid Mrs. Fred Van rotten
are spending tho weok at Drldgo
port and Drogau.
Oeo. 1'ennlngton nnd family mov
ed to tholr now homo near Ola this
Mrs. Lias, Miss Lias, Mrs. Mason
Clough and Miss Maudo Culp spont
Saturday In Ontario.
Mr. nud Mrs. Oeo. Sullens woro
Ontario visitors, Saturday.
Carroll Attorbury, small son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lawronco Attorbury Is
very III with pneumonia.
Arnur (Jorton has rontod tho Tom
Hoslup ranch and will tako posses
sion this week.
Dean Johnston Js on tho sick Hat
this weok.
Miss Mary Connor spont Thursday
and Friday with Miss Hlldred Fel
lows. Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Vlncont woro
Ontario visitors Monday. '
Mrs. Hoy Cram ontortalnod at
dinner Sunday In honor of tho birth
day anniversary of Mr. Cram. Tho
guests woro Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Miss Mildred Frost had liorlon
slls romovod. ut tho Ontario hospi
tal last weok. Sho was ablo to bo
brought homo Sunday nnd is getting
along nlcoly.
D. Llnkons and family of Wolsor
woro Sunday dinner guests of Hob
art Llnkons and wlfo.
Tho homo of II, V. Caulklns was
burglorlzod one night last week and
several articles of valuo takon In
cluding monoy.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Karat alitor
tallied tho following dinger guosts,
Friday ovenlng: Mr. and Mrs. Wnl
tor Davis and children and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Lattlg.
Mr. and Mrs. Chus. McOreonoy
nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Milt Lauor and
son Ralph were guosts of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Wolchor, Sunday.
Work on tho Snow Moody ditches
Is progressing rapidly under tho
supervision of John Howard.
Miss Maude Culp was a guest at
tho J. D. Conner homo Monday.
One of tho pleasant affairs of the
weak was the party glvon Saturday
ovonlng by Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Carlco
in honor of Harmon and Thoron
Northrop. Games woro played dur
ing tho early part of tho ovonlng
and later dancing was enjoyed. Fol
lowing tho dancing delicious re
freshments were servod by the hos
tess. Those profrnt wero, Misses
Itoso West, No re I Itoso, ltoma Long,
Mario Frost, Loora Hauntz, Prud
onco Huboy, uiid Messrs. Frew Llnd
soy, Jorry Crewso, Dernard Frost,
Harold Orlfflii. Laurence Raboy,
Edgar Carlco, John Carlco, Ruport
llunnock, George Jonos, Harmon and
Theron Northrop,
George Johnston had the misfor
tune of bolng In a runaway Satur
day which rosulted In a badly
sprained anklo.
Tho Ladles Club planned a Uur
priso for the Northrop family which
was successfully carried out on
Thursday evoning, Novomber 3rd at
the Otto Miller home. Music fur
nished by C. O. Wilcox. Fred Llnd
soy and Iloy Ilurrott on the saxo
phones and trombone with Harmon
Northrop at the piano was much
enjoyod. Lco Drown was spokes
man of tho ovenlng In behalf of tho
community. Mr. Drown rolnted tho
history of tho accomplishments of
Mr. Northrop during his residence
on tho Flat and vdlced the sontl
monts of tho entire community when
ho said wo wero to loso one of our
most valuable citizens. In reply
Mr. Northrop thanked the peoplo of
tho community for reception ten
dered to tho Northrop family, At
a late hour refreshments woro serv
ed by tho Indies to about sixty
Mrs. L. It. Drelthaupt of Ontario
entertained a number of Oregon
Slopo peoplo at a dollghtful sur
prise dinner party Saturday evoning
In honor of Mr. Dreithapt's birth
day. Covers woro laid for thlrtocn
tho tablo decorations wero In Hal
loween embloms, a mystcrous packot
was at each plato which on opening
proved to ho n hat of de
sign, the donning of which caused
roars of merriment. After tho
Humptlous dinner, a bonutlful birth
day cake In yellow and whlto was
brought forth at tho close of tho
desert course, and which, mid
glances of sympathy from tho men
and smllos from tho ladles, Mr.
Drelthaupt very skillfully proccodod
to cut. A Jolty ovonlng was spont
lit music nnd fun, Miss Itandnll utul
Mrs. Drelthaupt gavo many beauti
ful violin and piano duots, Mrs.
Davis and Mrs. Karst accompanied
by. Mrs. Lattlg cntortnlned tho crowd
with Bevorut vocal selections, whllo
Mrs. Durrcll gavo somo comic read
ings. At lato hour tho guests,
for moro reasons than ono, wished
Mr, Drolthnupt many happy roturns
of tho day. Thoso prosontj woro,
Messrs. and Mcsdamos, Waller Dav
is, Harry Lattlg, C. A. Karst, Itoy
Durrcll and Mrs. D. H. Davis of tho
Slopo, Mrs. Hood of Drogan, Miss
Itandnll of Ontario, and tho host
and hostess. ,
two hcehi: ni:v knmiits
ma dp. iiy local k. of c.
(Contlnuod From l'ago One)
Honzel of Wolsor. Thoso who re
sponded to toasts wero F. I Hyan,
grand knight, who wolcomed the
visitors. Hov. Hyan of Wolsor re
sponded. Jack I'oarco of La Orando
congratulated tho now knights on
tho fact that they had rocolvod
their degrees on tho samo day that
Marshal Foch of Franco rocolvod
his Initiation in Chicago. Ho then
dwelt at length ontho Inspiration to
bo drawn from tho llto of tho gon
ornllslmo. Ooorgo K. Alkon spoka
on tho progress of tho world slnco
Columbus set out on his voyago of
discovery culminating In tho grow
ing friendships of the nations evi
denced In tho approaching limita
tion of armament conforonco, P. J.
Oallaghor dwelt on tho duty of tho
Knights to uphold tho traditions of
Amorlcan Institutions through thu
protection of tho homo and socloty
from tho vagaries of tho isms which
from tlmo to tlmo obtain a voguo.
A. A. 8mttu of Dakor mado an ap
peal for Christian cltlzonhhlp and
tnloratlon and drow upon tho life
of Marshal Foch as tho Ideal of n
Christian gentleman. Mr. King of
Dolse mado a plea for a fuller know-
ledgo of tho teachings of tho church
by tho laymen. A number of brief
responses woro made by membors of
tho now dais and Hov. Father
Black closed the program with a
splrltod talk on loyalty.
Tho following woro the candi
dates initiated: P. J. Connoloy,
Drewsey; James A. Davis, Payette;
Coleman F. Koaue, Juntura; David
Kent, Ontario; John Molonaar, On
tario; John McAullffe, Welsor; Vin
cent Polchel, Ontario; John Pelchel,
Ontario; Clarence Plats, Now Plym
outh; Domenlco Havenesl, Vale;
Kdwnrd Sodja, Payette; Frank Sod
Ja. Payette; John Sodja, Payette;
Qlon Sullivan, Now Plymouth; Rol
and J. Sullivan, Now Plymouth;
Halnh If. Van Valkenburg, Payette;
Loo Dammotter, Ontario; Henry J.
Elsen, Payette; Chas. W. Wheaton,
New Plymouth; Chas, II. Paul, On
tario; Simon Servatlus, Vale.
The mombers of the Odd Fellows
Lodge this week aro holding a
housecleanlng hoe. They aro hav
ing the walls retlnted, the carpets
Cleaned, the windows washed ondv
In fact everything mat goes wun
housecleanlng. They expect to use
the hall as a sort of club room and
general meeting placo for their
members this winter.
Sabbath School at 10 A M. Supt.
Mrs. Dlngham. Parents come nnd
bring tho children. We want you
and you should want the services of
the Sabbath School.
Preaching at 11 A. M. Subject
of sermou, "Nearlng tho Kingdom
of Clod." Mark 12.34.
A hearty welcome awaits for you.
Come and spend the hour with us.
Francis E. Springer, Minister.
Armistice Day, Friday, Nov. 11,
having heeu proclaimed a holiday by
President Harding will bo observed
accordingly. Tho postofflco will be
open from 8:30 a. m. until 9:30 a.
m. and will then be closed for the
rest of tho day.
Palmyro waists raean Distinction,
Style nnd Quality. Sold only by
Morris "Millinery .and Novelty Shop.
Government to Permit Development
In Harney County Continue
Threatened Hull AKitliint Diver
sion of Water is Averted
Salem, Oro Nov. 0 (Special to
Tho Telegram) Through tho ef
forts of Senator McNary and Hcpro
sentattvo Slnnott threatened litiga
tion by tho government against all
wator users on tho Sllvles and Dllt
zon rivers, tributaries of Malheur
Lake In Harney county has been
avorted. Tho Malheur Lake bird ra
sorvo Is again Involved and tho pur
poso of tho threatened suit would bo
to insure an adoquato fluw In Mal
heur lako nt all times, so tho pres
ent condition of tho lako would be
Percy A. Cuppor, stato engineer,
believing that litigation would In
terfere seriously with tho develop
ment of Harney county, brought tho
subject to tho attention of officials
at Washington. Ho feared particu
larly that action In court would
hamper construction of tho works
proposed by tho Harney Valley Ir
rigation district Involving about
80,000 acres, and tho district re
cently organized on Donnor and
Dlltzon rivers for tho reclamation
of 30,000 or 40,000 acres.
Tho Unltod States attornoy goner.
al has Informed Senator McNary
nnd Hopronentatlvo Slnnott that ho
has dlrcctod tho United States at
torney to suspend action tempornrl
Illril Hcncrvn Involve!
Tho Malheur bird reserve has
Novoral tlmos been a center of at
tention and has occupied much
tlmo at acvoral sessions at tho legls
laturo. Later tho situation led to n
ballot moasuro proposing tho ceding
of tho fake to tho government. This
was defoatod.
"It would scorn that tho stato and
tho federal govormnont In a matter
of this kind, which Involves only
Questions of public Inlorost, should
bo ablo to gat on somo basis of
sottlomont without resorting to tho
uso of litigation." said Mr. Cuppor
"It In hello-rod that litigation
would involve n.nny yoars of uncor-
tnlntv and delay, and would protinb
Iy not result to tho best Interests or
tho public Either tho ntnto or gov
ernment would win In a case of li
tigation, and either tho development
of tho entlro section for commercial
nurnoscs and tho entlro elimination
of tho bird reserve would result, or
in cano tho fodoral government sue
coodod, all wators flowing Into tho
lako would bo used for tho birds
nnd tho futuro dovolopmon of
Harney yalloy, would bo stoppod.
"On tho other hand, thuro seems
no cood reason why that compro-
nilso could not ho made, which
would pormlt tto mnlntonanco or a
substantial purt of tho lako as a
bird rosorvo'and tho control of both
tho Sllvles and Dlltzon rivers by
rosorvolra and tho reclamation of
largo areas of land.
"A bird rcservo should bo main
talnod ond at tho samo tlmo tho de
volopmont of this largo area of land
Ono of the subjects for which tho
state given n credit to High School
pupils Is that oPDIblo Study.
While this Is not taught In all
schools tho credit will bo given to
any passing the required examina
tion. . .
A class will bo organized next
Sabbath morning at tho United
Prcsbytorian church which will tako
up the coursos as outlined by the
state. Rov. Franklin E. Springer
of tho College of Idaho will teach
this class and all desiring to tako
tho courso whether for credit or not
may enroll at that tlmo.
JlUlUUIUUur oauuaiu . -v
o'clock, U. P. Church, nev. Springer
Don't forget the program and box
supper at tho sclioolhouse Saturday
ovenlng of this week. Everybody
come prepared for a good time and
to bid on tho baskets to help buy.
tho new musical Instrument for the
Rnnrinv was nev. Dlom's regular
day to preach and the services were
well attended, Next Buuaay win ue
nev. Young's day.
Ono night last week Mr. Ransome
who Uvea west of the boulevard,
discovered some one had appropri
ated his new Ford for their use but
next morning was pleased to find
It had been only borrowed,
Monday morning the school board
met Mr. Ivan Oaken of Ontario, at
ilia Inrntlnn nf the DrODOSed new
school house and stakes were set for
the buildings ana graue manes lur
leveling the grounds. This puts
the grounds In shape for the con
tractor to begin work at once.
There wero five competitors on
anincr Hin hutldlnes: the first bid
opened was that of W. F. Lyman of
Adrian. It was (or seibu.uu, uui no
certified check accompanied his bid
so It was disqualified. The next
Inuiacl hliiilnr wna Mr. Ileuser of
Cairo which was a flat bid of $7000,
with a final addition ot several in
tie changes which raise it to $7067.
The next was Mr. Klrae ot Ontario
for $7055 but this would requiro
the district to furnish the screen
for windows which made the cost
hitrhnr ihnn Mr. Hauser's bid. The
next lower bid was Mr. Draper of
Ontario for $7150.00 and the high
est tldder was Mr. fry oi rarma
whose hid was 7$3.uu, mo Diq
was awarded to Mi:. Heuser and the
work 'is to commence at once and
be completed by February 1, 1922,
barring bad weather.
1 iiiitiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit iHmimiiwttwwiiiiimiuiikiiiiiK
TT7E wish to announce tha t we have just received
" a large shipment of Infant's wear, including
all the VANTA GARMENTS in knit wool and silk.
& wool Vests, Binders,
See our line of Baby Coafe, Blankets, Dresses, Shoes,
Booties, Silk Comforters', Toys and every necessity.
You can fino) everything for the baby at
What might havo been a serious
nccldont hnppcnod hero Friday at
tornoon, whon tho rear wheel of a
hay wagon passed ovor tho body or
llttlo Harold Long, small son of
Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Long. Dr.
Wcoso of Ontario was called but
luckily no bones wero broken, nnd
tho llttlo fellow soon rocovorcd.
Miss Dortha Dall spent tho week
end with her cousin, Miss Thelma
Thompson of near Nynsa and at
tended tho HI Jonks nt Nyssa High
school Saturday night.
Mr. McCloud passed through hero
Sunday with a small bunch ot bucks.
Ho wan taking thorn to Ontario nnd
from thcro ha was going to ship
them to tha Harper ranch.
John Raoso of Nyssa In pasturing
his sheep on tho Sam Henry ranch.
Mn nud Mrs. Chas, Dullard wore
Nyosa visitors Friday.
Tho Revival meetings which havo
been hold hero for tho past two
weeks will bo contlnuod for unothor
wook. Tho Rov. Kimball ot tho
Salvation Army Is conducting tho
services. Hov. Martin ot tho Naz
nrono church of Ontario conducted
tho sorvlcos Sunday afternoon,
Thorn was not seating capacity for
overyono, qulto a numbor from both
Ontario and Nyssa attending. So
far thcro has been but ono conver
sion. Ira Dall and family attended the
Daptlst church of Ontario Sunday
J. T. Long nnd wlfo took Sunday
dlnnor with their son and daughtor,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thompson.
Mr. Simmons and tho two men
who accompanied him are back from
tho hills and report that they bagged
throe door.
Miss Margarot Kimball of Ontario
is staying with Mrs. O. J. Thorno
and attending tho Revival conducted
by her father.
Friends from Frultland spont Sat
urday with the Wolfe and Qulnloy
Miss Lillian Dall and Philip Dar-
rott were dlnnor guests at tho Jack
Zltterkobe ranch Sunday.
8c Per Quart
All old accounts must be settled to
take advantage of this offer.
Gertrudes, Nighties, etc.
&uie Oj
Clydo Long nnd Dnvo Dugor
mado n trip overland to Huntington
Inst week and brought back soma
calvos and colts from tholr ranch
Harry Nccco of Ontario wbh visit
ing friends nud relatives hern Sun
duy. The Mothodlst minister of Nyssn
nttendod tho Hovlval hero Sunday
aftornnon. '
FOR SALE Small houso, fou,r
rooms and bath, $1200.00. $000,00
cash clown. Also Ford car, In good
running order. '$175.00. Inquire
Argus offlco.
Transfer feed and!
Wcv lire prepared to jtlvc real
Service Prompt Deliveries
Vt (toll nil kind of fi-piln nt
Mooro HulldliiK bark of s
Kroner' Stoitj
' Cull uh for u Trial Phoim tm
Have income property In tho
Willamette Valley to trade for
Improved 40 or SO aero tract
This property In bringing In $120
per month net. If you want to
soil, tell me. It you will trade for
western Oregon property, toll
me. If you want to rout I have
pooplo wanting tq buy, trade and
ront. Also havo u few houses In
Ontario' that aro snaps.'
420 Smith St.
Phono 99-W. Ontario
Off ., '
303 M-
- -