t ? NOTICE IS HEREDY GIVEN, That tho following claims ngalnat wainour county, orogon, for tlio month or Sept., woro considered, or- dorod paid, contlnuod or dlnalluwod as .follews: October flth, 1021 GENERAL FUND Tholmn Drown, Clerk's Stuno. $100. Doselo Poust, Clerk's Stuno., $90.00 W. W. Hlnton, Stock Inspoctor, $33.33. lloys' & airls' Aid Soe Appr. Indl gent $10.00. Mrs. L. A. Merrill, Appr. lndlgont, $15.00. Mrs. Loon Izagulrro, Appr. lndlgont, ' $26.00. Knthorlno dccl, Appr. Ipdlgont, $2S. Mrs. Anna Townscnd, Appr. lndl gont, $25,00. Mrs. Claudo llanos, Appr. Indigent, $25.00. Mrs. Emma Ualrd, Appr, Indigent, J3G.00. C. 1). Tapp, Janitor, $100.00. Mrs. Amanda Hlnohart, Hont of wnrohouso, $25.00. HENTZ MMMMMAMMM GENERAL MOTOR REPAIRING AND STORAGE Automobiles stored by the month or for the night FIRST CLASS MECHANICAL WORK GUARANTEED . HENTZ GARAGE First Door south of Argus Office Nick Hentz, prop. Ontario, Ore. I can furnish you with any amount of Milch Cows at the right terms, Phono 99 W, Ontario, Ore. TO km SPECIAL OFFER V PURE ALUMINUM COOKER E. A. Commissioner's foos, Commissioner's foes, $22.20. F. M. Vinos, Commissioner, Itoad work, $61,86. H. B. Backott, Co. Clork, Offlco ox ponso, $65.34. E. II. Test, Co. Judgo, Miscellan eous oxponso, $14,10 II. Loo Noo, Shorlff, Car mlleago, - $240.80. II. Loo Noo, Sheriff, Special Doputy hlro, $74.36. s II.' Loo Noo, Shorlff, Offlco oxponso, $80.37. II. Loo Noo, Shorlff, Prisoners' moals, $113.26. II. Leo Noo, Shorlff, Transportation of prlsonors, $37.82. II. Loo Noo, Shorlff, Extra help oir tnxos, $125.00. Fred J. Tost, Mlscollnnouos oxponso, $3,01. Mrs. L. II. Schroador, Stono. County ' Judgo, $10.00. Efflo M. Crnll, Sell. Supt., Exponso, $50.14, GARAGE 0. W. Doan, $10.40. F. M. Vinos, price, cash or A. V. WILSON WHEN you have saved sales slips showing total purchase of FIVE packages of Quaker Oats or Mothers Oats, you are entitled to a pure alum inum cooker for $1 We have a fresh supply on hand ERASER THE ONTARIO AKQttft. 6NTAftIO, OREGON, THUK8DAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1921 II. O. lConnard, Wator Master, $214.70. W. W. Vancoy, Deputy Wator Mas tor, $26.31. W. T. Ellcrtson, Doputy Wator Mas ter, $17.87. John Dolan, Doputy Wator Mnstor, $30.23. Dud Anderson, Spoctal Doputy Shor lff, $15.00. Wm. Thomson, Special Doputy unerur, iid.oo. II. Loy, Doputy Assessor, $10.00. Robt. D. Lytln, Exponso, Dlst. Atty. $118.77. A. Qramso, Fruit Inspector, $144.00. Chas. D. Oral, Soalor of W. & M $11.00. II. Tnmblyn, County Survoyor, $281.05. Unncroft-Whttnoy Co., Suppllos, Co. Judgo, $4.26. Dushong & Compnny, Suppllos, Co. Clork, $114.56. Uushong A Company, Suppllos, Co. Clerk, $4.25. Class & Prudhommo Co., Supplies, County Clork, $17.84. Dr. It. O. Payno, Examination In Htino, $6.00. , Jordan Valloy Express, Official ad vertising, $7.00, Malhaur EntorprUo, Official adver tising, $20.00. Mnlliour Entorprtso, Official adver tising A supplies, $31.55. Malheur Entorprlso, Supplies, Sch. supt., $25,00. Data City Journal, Official advertis ing, $24.00. Ontario Argus, Official advertising, $31.15. Vale Trading Company, Supplies, $15.70. A. R McQIUivray, Supplies, Indi gent, $12.35. A. E. McOllllvray, Supplies, Sch. Supt., $4.05. A. E. McOllllvray, Suppllos, Wator Mnstor, $2,00. A. E. McOllllvray, Sorvlcos, criminal Inv., $2.00. Frank J. Drown, Exponso, Co. Phy sician, $10.00. Mrs. Maud Maltby, Caro of lndlgont, $160.50. Juntura Morcantllo Co., Supplies, Indigent, $30.00. Mrs. 0. A. Slayton, Caro of Indigent, $4.60. Vale Drug Btoro, Suppllos, Indigent, $1.25, Ontario Furnlturo Co., Supplies & burial of Indg., $57.60. T. T. Nelson, Ilurlal of lndlgont, $50.00. Holy Ilosary Hospital, Caro of ln dlgont, $213.26. L. C. Wisdom, Caro of lndlgont, $72.00. Ooldon Ruin Storo, Supplies, lndl gont, $100.00. McDowoll & Co., Inc. Ilurlal of lndl gont, $8,00. II. 11. Earp, Caro of lndlgont, $120. H. I), Earp, Moals for Jurors, $13. E. A. Frasor, Suppllos, Indigent, $20.02. O. O. Luohrs, $18.05. II. W. Oould, $30.00. Vale Transfor $1.35. Suppllos, Indigent, Caro of lndlgont, Company, Drayago, r & H., Co., Malheur Home Tolophono Phonos & tolls. 138. fin. It. M. Uoach, Drayago, $1.00. City of Vale, Wator, C. H., $2.15. Standard Oil Company .Suppllos, C. II., $0,78. Ulako-McFall, Company, Suppllos, C. II.. $11.00. Nordalo Furnlturo Co,, Suppllos, C. II., $.40. Wnrrasprlngs Drygoods Btoro, Sup plies, C. II., $2.70., L. S. liogan, Labor and supplies, C. 11., $240.75. P. H. Ennts, Auto hlro, Stato High way, $20.00. P. II. Entile, Auto hlro, Juvonllo Court, $13.00. M. II. Doollttlo, Ilond vlowlng, $20. F. D. Qlonn, Iload vlowlng & labor, $30.00. J. C. Gordon, llotund on taxos $0.26 B. M. Qrolg, Appraising land, $10. A. M. Johnston, Appraising land, $10.00. C. It. Emlson, Apprntslng land, $10. Drexcl Hotel Co., Meals for Jurors, $17.20. V. U. Staples, Dcod, $400.00. Oregon Agricultural Collogo, Ex tension work. $2300.00. IIOAD FUNDS Qenoral Iload Jnmos Molloy, Labor,' $105.00. Uoraldo Bmtth, Labor, $38,50. Concrcto Plpo Company, Supplies, It. D. No. 13 $07.80. McNulty & Co., Labor. $1.07. Taggart Hdw. Co., Suppllos, $0.37. Walter Loonoy, Auto suppllos, $26.06. V, D. Staples, Auto ropalrs, $08,41. J. W. Hank Ins, Labor, II. D. No. 4, $33,50. Frank Johns, Labor, It. D. No. 5, $5.25. Itusfloll Fleetwood, Labor, It. D. No. 5, $7.00. Thos. Wolsh, Labor, II. D. No. 5, $28.00. Standard Oil Company, Supplies, $4,45. J. N. Ilurns, Labor, $20.00. M. D. Koofo, Labor, $85.00. Hon Iloso, Labor, $38.00. Fred J. Tost, Labor, $150.00. J. W. C. Johnson, Labor. $7.00. Ed. Washburn, Labor, $70.00. Ilolso-Payotto Lbr. Co., Supplies, $0.25. E. A. Frasor, Suppllos, $30.00 Carter Oarago, Supplies, $127.00. Home Lbr. & Conl Co., Supplies, $12.40. Orogon Stato Highway Coinni., Sup pllos, $2.10. Orogon Statn Highway Comtn., Ro pnlrs, $184.63. Oregon Stato Highway Comm., Charges on truck, $820.30. Ilrogan Trading Company, Labor and suppllos. It. D. No. 14. $6.06 Rolso-Pnyotto Lbr. Co., Supplies, II. D. N. 14, $17.00. O. W. Doan, Commissioner, Iload work, J. V. Markat rouM. $44.10. U. S. Manufacturing Co., Culvert for J. V. Market Road, $260.10. M; D. Koofo, Truck Driver & ex ponso J. V. Markot road, $8.00. O. W. Lyells, Ulacksmlth, J. V. Markot Itnad, $30.38. Van Potton Lbr. Co., Suppllos, Stato Highway, $320.80. IIBVOLVINO FUND Onto City Journal, Official advortls. Ing, $11.34. ()otolHr Slut, mat QENERAL FUND E. M. Cratl, Sch. Supt. Exponso, instttuto. $51,50. Harold S. Tuttlo, Expunso, Institute $30.75. Stolla N. Inglo, Sorvlcca & oxponso, Institute, $30.54. ROAD FUNDS Jordan Valloy Market Iload Jordan Valloy Morcantllo Co., Sup plies, $424.80. Jordan Valloy Morcantllo Co., Sup pllos, $3.60. II. C. Dunagan, Suppllos, $18.72. John Ycagor, Hont of equipment $30.00. Dank of Jordan Valloy, Suppllos, $73.92. Roy Nichols, Freight, $63.77. . J. V. Auto Co.. Car hire. $108.26. O. C. Wilson, Suppllos, $379.06. J. L. Long, niacksmlthlng, $9.00. Jordan Valloy Moat Markot, Sup plies, $8.33. Jordan Valloy Pharmacy, Suppllos, $6.70. Helm & Yturrl, Suppllos, $106.76. H. F. Funk, Labor, $05.00. E. draniso, Labor, $100.47. Antonio Marqulnn, Labor, $34,07. Frank Carr, Labor, 64.76. R. M. Dinwiddle, Labor, $18.53. C. W. Montgomery, Labor, $96.42. Rob Ilurns, Labor, $03.00. J. Altkins, Labor, $62.67. Chas. nurdscll, Labor, $66,16. J. Yoager. Labor. $423.24. Ora Woods. Labor, $144.14. Ambrose Elorrlaga, Labor, $03.00. Harvey Long, Labor, $80.75, Clyde Stulta, Labor, $75.40. E. Fen wick, Labor, $19.12. E, D. Domrolng, Labor. $00.36. D. D. Joslyn, Labor,, $35.20. V. E, Prater, Labor, $36.00. Marie Howey, Labor, $10.00. Henry Flnke, Labor, $17.92. Antonio Dermlosolo, Labor, $7.50. Dank of Jordan Valley, Tlmo chocks, $641.42, Caldwell Comm'!. Dank, Time checks. $65.15. ,Isldor,a Oolgochea, Labor, $5.40. Sabine Dermiosolo, Labor, $9.09, J. V. Stage, Supplies, $90.84. WANTED At onco, man or wo man to represent us and act as our agent In this community, good pro position to right party, must bo able to give bank reference or put up a cash bond. Lorlmer's City Dye Works, Doise, Idaho. LOST A bay gelding and a black mare with white face and white hind foot. Left my place on Mal heur river near Crystal and Were last seen headed toward Ontario, Finder please notify T. P. Dulmor, Payette R. F. D. No. 8. FOR RENTy-Two bedrooms to let in quiet modern home, heat furnish ed. Mrs, Scholes. 48-49p FOR RENT private home. -Two bedrooms In 7tf. Vale Electric Company, Lights Supplies, C. II., $33.36. Vale Meat Company. Ico, C. $5.20 ONTARIO HIGH SCHOOL WEEKLY NEWS BUDGET Written arid Edited by the News Writing Class of The English Department Wodnosday, Novombor 2, tho stock Judging team, James Mc Creight, Guy Socoy and Ilobort Llnzy loft for Portland to attend tho International Livestock Show whoro they comnotod against fifteen high schools roprosontlng throo stntos, Oregon, Washington and Idaho. In tho judging contest tho toam won third placo and James McCrotght rocolved tho highest Bcoro mndo In tho contest, O. II. S. is Justly proud of tho record mado by tho team. Jamos McCrotght mado tho highest scoro at tho Union Stock Show last Juno, thoroby win ning a scholarship at O. A. C. Dr. Van Wators of tho Episcopal Church gave an Interesting talk to tho student body, Friday, Novombor 4. Ho spoko of a truo o ducatlon as tho assimilating of knowledge and not moroly tho acquisition of a num ber of facts. At nssembly Monday, Novombor 7, liar. John K. Drown, who wns a missionary in Asia Minor boforo tho war, gavo a most Intorostliig account of conditions in that country. Tho spoakor was Introduced by Rov. (inlanders of tho Congregational Church. Tho Junior play, "Lot's All Oct Mnrrlod," will bo presented at tho Majostlo Theater, Novombor 25, Tlckots will bo on snlo at nn early date. Under tho nblo direction of Miss Ruth Cnboen, tho cast has boon working hard for somo tlmo and this assures tho succoss of tho play. An effort Is being mado to got a football gamo with Kunn, Idaho, for noxt Saturday. Howovor If all ef forts fall tho noxt gamo will bo playod on tho homo field against Nnmpa, Novombor 18, Tho total enrollment in tho high KINGMAN KOLONY Thoro was an enthusiastic P. T. A. mooting nt tho Kolony school houso last Friday afternoon. Hurry Wollman gavo a short talk on plans for club work for tho winter. Tho toachors and parents present gnvo their full support to tho work. Two clubs will bo orgaulzod, ono a dairy club, keeping records and milk tests, under tho loadarshlp of Prof. Everett; tho second n homo-making club, the lino of work to bo decided and tho luudor chosou lutor. Prof. Everett gavo a short roport from tho County P. T. A. mooting at Vale. Tho Hoa'lth Crusado was undortakon by tho P. T. A., Mrs. Ueo. Reed to supervise tho work. Mrs. Reed has tho health choro rocord cards uud with tho co-oporutlou of tho parents wo hopo for u flue showing. Mrs. Reed also has tho Rod Cross houlth seals for sale and during tho win ter wo plan to have tho Rod Cross nurso in tho community for lectures and examinations. A groat doal of lutorest Is showu in tho activo mem bership drivo undor tho cuptalns, Mrs. Alvln McOlnnls and Mrs. Wal ter Nichols. Evory porson In tho community will bo glvon an oppor tunity to join in tho evening's outer talumonl at tho close of tho drive in March. Mossra. Frank T. Morgan, A. O. Kingman, W. I Slmffor, It. It. and R. S. Overstreet attondod tho Hay Orowora mooting at Cairo Monday. Harry Powell and family motored to Star, Idaho last Sunday. Mr. Powell will move bis family Into tho C. M. Dcaunfont houso closo to tho school houso for tho winter. Thoro was n largo attondonco at tho sorvlcos Sunday evoning when Rov. Shlolds, -who has served this and adjoining communltlb so faith fully for over throe years, preached his farewell sormou. Rev. aud Mrs, Shlolds have mado a host of frlonds In tho Kolony and will tako with thorn to their now charge at Wal lowa, Oregon tho best wishes of tho whole community. Tho young pooplo of tho high school gave u Halloween party Sat urday evening, gumes and refresh ments were enjoyed by about twenty five young folks. Mrs. W. E, Ed wards and Mrs, fleo. Reed acted us chaperons, Many of the ranchers are putting In full hours behind tho plows, turning under alfalfa fields and pro paring for early planting of g rain. Allen Oreeno is also putting In full time keeping tho plows nnd plow shares In shape for the bent work, at his Kolony ranch. - Tho Kolony school houso was fill ed Monday evoning with both grown ups and children, out for a frolic. Tho building was appropriately doc orated with ghosts, pumpkins and black cats. The entortalument com mittee, supervised by Prof. Evorett. provided a most enjoyable musical program and later games woro play ed after which all onjoyod apples and pumpkin pie. The musical tal ent was ably assisted by tho Misses Llela, Eva and Flora Evorett, who with their school friends, Gladys and Virgil Roeco camo from Ontario for the ovonlng. Mrs. II. R. Otis was the honor guest at an Informal reception Sat urday afternoon, when Mrs. F. T. Morgan and Mrs. R. R. Overstreet entertained at tho homo of the former. A delicious lunchoon was served later in tho afternoon. Mrs, F. D. Hall of Nyssa and Mrs. Maurice L. Judd of Parma, wero the out of Kolony guests. R. R. Overstreet sold his ranch on tho Owyhee last week to Jack Walker of New Plymouth, Idaho. Mr. Wajkor with his wlfo and young son moved to their new homo the last of the week and plans to do fall plowing. Mr.'ond Mrs. W. L. Shafer woro Parma visitors Monday, school now Is 201, Jack Potorson and Jack Taylor registered in tho commercial department this wook. Dottor American Speech wook In bolng colobratod in tho Ontario High School tills wook. Each day a fow minutes of tho nssomhly has been glvon over to qomo phnso of tho movoment. Tuesday Miss Conway gavo a brief talk about tho history and nlms of tho bettor spocch move ment and Hugh Dlggs road n paper on tho pntrlotto anpoctn of tho movoment. Wednesday Roba Reed gavo a short talk about battor speech and its advantages. Tuesdny tho Days' Olco Club sang at nssomhly. Their selections wore: "Tho Armourer's Bong" and "Kentucky Dnbo." Tboy responded to n hearty oncoro with "Tho Quos tlon." About fifty onthunlastlc students and faculty members mot at tho high school Tuesday evening, Novombor 8, to form a "Pop Club". Tho pur poso of tho club Is to back with its spirit and enthusiasm any undertak ing In which tho high school Is ongaged. Tho particular thing which Is interesting tho club at thn proBont tlmo Is tho Nnmpa football game. Tho club feels that tho O. II. S. football toam can win this gnmo, If It has tho loyal support of tho town nnd student body ovory mlnuto of tho gamo. Tho Paront Teachers' Association met In thn high school Monday nf tornoon, Novombor 7, and olected J. O. McCrolght prosldont for tho ro mnlndor of tho yonr. Sovoral com mlttoos nro now nt work nnd thn first program mooting will bo held In tho high school nssomhly room Frldny evening, Novombor 18, at 7! 30 o'clock. Mossrs. Losllo nnd Oscar Shafor havo routed Mrs. Pomoroy'a ranch nt Adrian for noxt season. Joss Thompson and family accom panied by Mrs. Roynolds nnd Mrs. Eliza Jones of NyBsa woro calling upon old frlonds In tho Kolony Sun day. F. Loo Johnson of Parma was a buslnoss visitor In Kingman Kolony Monday. Tho young pooplo of Roswoll High School who gavo two successful ovonlng cntortalnmonta in tho Kol ony last wlntor, nro to glvo tholr first program of tho yoar, a mln strol show, tho ovonlng of Novombor 18 nt 8:16, Parma tlmo. Mossrs. Ilrocklo and Solomon havo loasod a garugo near Emmott. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dee Martin ivoro down from llolio for a visit with homo folks ovor tho wookond. rARH BUREAU WILL STAGE PRUNING SCHOOLS Hortlriilturu Ooiiiinlttro and County Agent ArmngliiK I-Nir Demon- titrations November 14 to 18 Arrangements havo boon made with E. L .Long, Extension Special ist In Horticulture to glvo a series of pruning schools nnd pruning de monstration for tho boneflt of thn orchardlsts In Malheur County on. Novombor 14 to 18, Tho work will begin on Monday, at Ontario tho forenoon bolng ovotod to blackboard Illustrations and lectures on tho principles governing tho pruning of trees to securo maximum fruit pro duction. In tho aftornoon a prun ing demonstration will bo staged In tho T. W. Claggott orchard just West of Ontario. The following 'day a similar course of instruction will bo glvon at Nyssa. On Wednes day Mr. Loug will nsslst tho Orogon Slopo orchardlsts In tholr pruning problems and on Thursday ho will bo at Ilrogan, On Friday, thoro will bo somo work dono on pruning prunes at somo ceutral point whoro all of tho prune growers can attend. This work is consldored of very groat importance by tho members of tho farm bureau horticulture com mittee and promlnont orchardlsts of tho various districts. Thoso who heard Mr. Long locture last winter, are particularly anxious to get in touch with him again. Everyono who attends is expected to bring pruning tools aud do some actual pruning under Mr, Long's Instruc tions, It has been suggestod that all professional primers should bo glvon a apodal and insistent invita tion to attend these mootlugs by all growers who expect to avail thorn solves of such sorvlcos. MAN FROM HUWMRY ASKS FOR OREGON PRUNE DRIER From Hungary has come a ro quost to tho collogo for blua prints of the Oregon Tunnel prurto drlor, designed by E. H. Wiogand, hortl culturallst of the horticultural pro ducts section of tho Orogon experi ment station. P. Wlntorstoln and son of Dudopest, Hungary, aro the men Interested in the now drier, which la said to possess distinct ad vantages over the ordinary typos now in use, Tho blue prints have boon sont as requested. This now drlor is attracting at tention in California as well. Two of tho largo pruno growers of that state, Carl K. Schnavol and Ned Raney of Yubo City, and Live Oaks, respectively, were in Corvallls this wook gathering information and data regarding it with a view to In stalling similar plants In tholr orchards,